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Image provided by: Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS
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2d Opa letter to hoi Tm& W. Blacjcnaf , engine was voted the perfection Kansas City. Kas.. Deo. 18. 1S92. I steam engine because all unnecessary .feia-ta you lecture delivered last Motion was eliminated. Tbe Elgin night before the University Extension I watch 'or the 8ame reason ia voteJ the Society in Kansas City, Mo., and in which you ' assume tbe role of an in itractor on the subject of "Money," you Trill pardon me for suggesting that on ca or two points you need to be in atructed yourself before being qualified to taaoh others. when you fiay that ''gold and silver hits a tdarket valae just as potatoes or anything else in the market," you must confine that idea to those metals in the light of bullion alone and light of money. The idea of money must be kept en tirely separate and apart from the idea of bullion. Intrinsic value in the ma- 1 teri&l upon which the government stamps nearest perfection of any watch now manufactured. The great simplicity in its works constitutes its chief virtue. So it should be with our money. The Utmost simplicity should exist. Then the most ignorant would have faith that the dollar in his pocketbook when he re tired at night would also be a dollar when he awakes the next morning. And it would be so whether gold, silver or silk paper material were used on which tt, i to Btamp it; provided aiwavs tnac eacn is made by law a fall legal tender for all liiiUi oJxo payments. To sum up this argument logically, the inevitable conclusion follows that tbe idea of money must be remorselessly r .J. . .jW 0" id MM MB top- Wormy Fro it and LmX Blight of ADOlea. fears. Cbem8v and Flame prevented; alio Grape and Potato Rot br snravnurmtatalira Double Acting Excelsior , Spraying Outfit. Best & ; in tne market. inouBanair; in use. Catalogue, dsacnb-1 . ' inff ill inMcf ininrions ti L fruit, mailed Free. Addjwa f JWU.STAHL,(!2!2IJ,IIl1 Y CITY T7AKBRWOBE8 FOB COUNTRY H01IE3. material on which money is stamped. Hence the only idea connected with money should be power to pay which is created by the term legal tender. And legal tender is the result of legislative the lecal tender power to pay does not separated from the idea of value in the increase that power to pay a single iota. A United States treasury note stamped os the fine silk paper used for that pur pose of the denomination of 3100 issued Under the fall laral tender law will nav that sum anywhere in this renublio. fust Pwer of 811 governments. tS Hm Ainrtat.omTuui rvir fr. TTiMti I Daniel B. IIadlev. States on gold and silver will pay that I conanmption Cured. came nun. I An old physician, retired from practice, had 1 TTannA H I Placed in ms bands oy an East India missionary . iience It follows tnat the power to pay I foe formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the foonnected with the idea of money is !aPd-l2?n.Liu" J?i SM!"! ml Ife ' I ,1 j I 5; city punp CO Manufacturers and Jobbers of Iron and Wood Pumps, Iron Pipe, Stock Tanks, and a complete Water Supply for Farm and Ranch. Get our prices on BUCKETS DOUBLE - ACTING FORCE and LIFT PUMPS, TSAHEBN IRON PUMPS and CYLINDERS, Wood Pumps and Water Purifiers, The best on earth. Address KANSAS CITY PUMP CO. Station A, Eansaa City, Mo. YOUR PROPERTY IN THE I A I 11 in I speedy and permanent cure of consumotlon. I li'l. II IV , '7" r, TT Iv bronchitis, catarrh, asthma and all throat and II I U m 1 1 i mmuics mvivaaou uw lumuiuuieu uy moiiuugauwuuuB, aiaua irwmyb rauiou cure rori w w r i:i . i nervous aeDincy ana an nervous complaints, jariat value of the material on which Having tested lis wonderful curative powers in rinifcTnf). IIIIIMOr Itiniinilinr aueait. who wish It, this recipe In German, French or wwihihws, In other worda. OTflflnharik monv of a J?guia. wiia iuu. airecuons iqr preparmg ana given denomination will pay just ' as readily and completely either for pur chase of property or on debts as gold Rad diver money will pay for the same S j m i it ., uuuoinaiioa. xo maze mis so piam ; that a wayfaring man, though a fool, "&ed not err therein," suppose I further lustrate by a parable: ( A retail merchant owes three whole- HAnf. h matt hv aittruilno vrlfh arotnn Iff thlH nUIWr W. A. Nnvn cl Pnmva' ri, i. V . . t 1 - - tiUKK, aoonesier, xv. x. using, namln The Sixth Arena IIoteL When in the city of Topeka, atop at the Sixth Avenue hotel, 107 East Sixth avenue. W. M. Speck, the proprietor, is an aooom- modating gentleman, and will make your stay a pleasant one. Meals first-class, nice rooms and good beds. This hotel is Alii- anoe headquarters, where you will see state COMPANY OF KANSAS. It COStS but little. &nd In cam nf Inai vnn fin nnt have to wait six months for your pay. I Va are carrying $2,709,000 oa oar Mt. We pay losses nearly every week, and are dolna It on leas than agents of old stock companies re ceive for their pay. Farmer Who Want Inroranoe, Writ FRED JACKSON, Secretary, NeS'a Patent. Compressed air for elevating water and gWn it pressure. At small expense you can secure water from your well or cistern for every room, ready to flow when the faucet la turned. The pressure la such as will throw water from a hose to the helghth of the ordinary house in case ot fire. Your lawns can be beautllled with foun tains. The grass and garden can be watered by means of a bote attached to lawn sprlnxler or hydrant. Will be glad to mall you circular and appUcatwn?1 Eec6Mary Information, upon KIKTLEY BROS., 1813 Walnut St. KANSAS CITY, MO Smck-Lotdoi $7.60. RIFLES 15 WATCHES how at ' 'I BICYCLES 913 All kind. oaetpw Uwt if where. Befora jou bay. end iump for esUlofM to ThePowell4ClementCo. MSaalaSU.ClB.Uuuti.a ala merchanta each a note for purchase Alliance offldala and prominent Alliance -1 TTT1 I 11 I ltmmKT XTrMTQTTi of gooda for $1,000, When his note to wen. UAN M.W V; JU " " wr mvKia an liMitt, 1 03 IKS, HtHSlS M. H. DUTTON. 3?rorrleto. 91X0 per flay. BpecUl rates to ASlanoe. MmtianTir.iT.1. it. A falls due he tenders in payment )1,000 in money stamped on gold bullion. Ala fully satisfied with hia motey, in asra-sch aa the law makes it a full legal tauzht, Graduates assisted to positions. Only exclu sive School In Kansas. Only Co-OTrntf3va School In tha A ... ., . , ".IWorld. The wst on earth. More advantages tencer, which means that he can pay it than is offered by all other Schools combined. oo pays ror -average course," including tuition. rag wis "M," write at once. For past year we have been unable to flu orders for our graduates. AUUXOM W. a. BKILTON, MgT., "Lock Box 770," Sauna, Kas. to til othara for the same amount of pay imsat mad) to him. As his note toB falli due he tenders B 1,000 silver dol ihx and B accepts them without a word. A2d that, too, not for only $700 on the Usa that they are 70-cent dollars, but for I full $1,000 because the law makes them S full legal tender for 100 cents to the lar. Lastly, aa his note falls due to . P' 'or board, famished room and tuition j i-r V i. j r . , , 'or ten weeks. Good accommodations and the U, be tenaera O 11,000 in greenbacks best of instruction given. Students of any grade 1 v wWrtH h onffl wif mnM in tv, on t r, f?' l n7 time and be sure to And class to , , suit mem. Actual Duainesa in Buslneas Depart- jether two, for the reason in addition that 1 2ent' ACatalogus and samples of penmanship Vi . , , , ., . i urn, jmmeoa wiu.Dir lovereign law manes mem a f f I 1 1 CENTRAL NORMAL COLLEGE AND BUSINESS INSTTTCTK. PflHrilFPQ Can the market value of their horses and save the U BAM mktMdlitmUll Orofits of mAtmrTi ho STRAW STACKER IE FARMERS FHIfifl full al tender for all payments, that they rta moat beautiful pioture and are lore easily concealed about the person id more easily carried than money lamped in gold and silver bullion. Value material cuts no figure. ( Again, ao long aa they are equally by WM. STRYKBh. Pres.. Great Bend, Kas. WICHITA. KANSAS. SEN0 FOR CATAL08UE. Book-keet)lnK. Shorthand. Teleamohlnir. Pen V fS!ll A, . u ""P. iTPewnong, na ay ocner Dusmess 'iMnntt son;VM-i: V I SOOd DdltlOns. BOiBB. Sl.fiO PI WEEK. HAnd r , "7 yj fordfculars. Mendon AbvooaTa. vaiuaDie ana more in demand for I0 DUST I Stacks with the blast of a fan. and th straw seepa Detcer. in use in nine different states in 1892. Attached to nineteen dif ferent maEfia or Sanfl.rn.tnra A om- Z B- plete success on all. Built by the CatAiomia nd fMrGre- r r tesumoiuais ana " ust or Threshing; Machine manufactur ers who build the Parmer's Friend. THE INDIANA leading Separator builders. 3nnapo)!sl!nlU.S.A. quired on this Stack. DO NOT GO TO SCHOOL until yon have written to the ymenta than the other two, and hence nnotby any earthly power depreciate , low the others. 1 But so far as the power to pay is con rned, these three shall be one, and no u W money will be needed or demanded 1 V! VI!- 1 I i fcui repuouo, Decause iney are a I Canity, each of which is money, and is a c;":;lament of the others. I It is an axiom that the fewer wheels, p, journau and springs there are in a XDMTOIXA, - 1CA2TOAO la machine, the lesa friction there I and received an elegant dntrated cataiogua I W nd lr loss finn 4va u lit U we of the finest, and la M of facts pertain VDa.and the less friction the lesa lnsr to this live, progressive aud prosperouT matt , -.requlrea to run the machine, and tuiion. No school u more thorough and none so ;sa power it takes to run it the less tS' J?JZJSJ3 C,leDU . ther id!' U. . Pence the Cot-,&.c&.h?T ml Sci3il cf Shorllianl, Typevrlila; asJ ( s UPTU PERMANENTLY CURED OR NO PAY No detention from business. We refer you to 2.500 patients. Financial reference. First National Bank. Topeka. Kas. Investigate oar method. Written Guarantee to. Absolutely Cure all kinds of RUPTURE of botaaezea, ithoat the use of KNIFE OB STRINGS, no matter of how long standing. EXAMINATION FRXE. THE 0. L L1ILLER C0OT1Y. Ki W, giirth iwns, ooriM Ta Barm Stteew 'A? r, i