Newspaper Page Text
10 dov to 1m Cealtiy aad JJapfy. Dca't irori 8S3 days la the year. Gatoui j hto the Buasbise. Tele a vacation once in a wblle. If too busy c " lay off " last Bummer, bay to exoaraiofl ticket at oaoe, via Santa Fe route, to Las Vegas Hji Springs, New Mex- ico, and stop a week or more a Montezuma V ' ioicL fiot baths, burro ridinj, eunabiny Gays, and hunting in the mountains. Sep tember climate lasts all winter. For oopy of illustrated pamphlet, address ' V G. T. Nicholson, O. P. 4 T. A., A., T. 4 S. V. B. B., Topeka, Has. ' "Among the Ofcarks." j the Land of Big Bed Apples" ia the ' tlile of an attractive and highly interesting ' book reoently issued. It is handsomely ) illustrated with views of south Missouri f ecenery, ino'udinj the famous Olden fruit 1 farm of 3,000 acres in Howell county. It Y pertains entirely to fruit-raising in that great fruit belt of America, the southern slope of the Osarks, and will prore of great talue, not only to fruit-growers, but to ; every farmer and home-seeker in other states looking for a farm and a home. Mailed free. Address, J. E. Lookwood, .,: Xanaaa City, Mo. Personally Conducted Excursion to Call 'i fond. Jack Frost stimulates trarel. When he think about settinff I PainraiA hna th Idas! winter 1 climate just far enough south to be sun shiny and frostleas, and yet with sufficient 1'tonie in the air. Santa Fe route takes Jack Frost's hint, and has arranged a aeries of personally-oon- UlMIvOU WOVU UUIUWVU9 W vmviMi Pullman tourist sleepers, furnished with bedding, toilet articles, eto., leave Chicago and St. Louis every Saturday evening, and leave Kansas City every Sunday morning, ia A,, T. ft S. F. and A. & P. line, for Los Angeles and San Franoisoo, on fast express trains. Special agents and porters in attendance. Seoond-olass tickets honored. A small charge for use of tourist sleeper. Everything neat, clean and oomfortabie. Inquire of nearest tioket agent, or write to O. T. Nicholson, O. P. & T. A, Santa Fe route, Topeka, Eas., for a oopy of folder describing these excursions. NSW SEATICB TO NEW YORK. The Memphis to Pat on a Fast Train From th South to Gotham. The Memphis road has completed all arrangements for a fast vestibule train ser vice between Memphis and New York by way of Atlanta and Washington. The ser vice will be -inaugurated next Sunday, the 20th, The east-bound train will leave Memphis at 9:30 o'clock eaoh night, reach ing Atlanta at 11 o'clock the next morning and arriving in New ,York at noon of the following day. The run from Memphis to Atlanta will be made in fourteen hours, which is a pretty lively gait, and the reoord from Memphis to New York will be broken by about three hours. The trains to be used In this service are as fine as anything in the country, and are fully equipped with the neoessary conveniences of a modern railway train. To the business men of the southwest, and to patriots enroute to Wash ington about the 4th of March, Presi dent NeUleton's improved service on the Kansas City, Memphis & Birmingham line will prove of much benefit. TO LEGISLATORS S3i THEIR FEESD3 The COIloERCUL MOTEL and RESTAURANT, Between 6th and eta Ste, tarnishes the best and most convenient doom In the elty. Central location. Dav Bord the bet; In the state foi tee price-13 75. Boom a d Board, 15 per week U iwo ooeupy the room The Commercial has larger patronage than any other hotel of its phot In Topeka. Write us for assignments togooc rooms. FBANK LONG, 636 and 628 Kansas Ave., 1 opeka, Xas. 1 m QA3 AND GASOLINE EHUINE Braplert and most economical engines on earth. Fally Gaaraateei. I A boy fUrti tt, rtrn1rea only few mlnatea attention a day Goanmtoed cent of rumrtflf 1 u. xt D WHt. fra I catalogue. .A4iree Dnw 9 o CAX3JU3 CTTT, CO. 4 VA - v ' " "Tho Best Poultry Paper." gent on Trial WT R( "ffil"' ONLY A CENTS, tS . , AND FOREST TREES. MS Tot Wind-breaks, Ornament, eta, mil J '4. Hardlnit Vartetlea bunary trowa eeotcn Pine, 1 to S feet, 110 pet i 109. Scotch and Austrian Pins Med- Ungs, IS to 15 tncbee. 10 per 100a K, Otber aUwn and varletlet to pro "porSon. Over 10 million for aat ., J ood local Asmm Wiimn, L. I B. E1IL, BvarfTsea CptclAilri Daadaa UUaoia nnicxcns by steal: . WITH THE IMPROVED EXCELSIOR lnCUBATQR Simpla, Perfect, land Self' IHegulatina J i i ii ii H Ltrrnt frtoed rwlu I J it Hioharmd. II Lowml frtoed tm-elui Hitohar md. Smd lc lot Ctloroe. Glnaiwi free FUB Ml n.4Thoasnnl ' ilin aooeawfali (1 QuarmtttdUA prrtentag of , A lew cot tnuti jv nr otner UMoner, 60. H, STAHU Qulncyf ill. IF YOU WANT AMYTHIMQ IH TNI UNI r PRINTING, BINDING, STATIONERY, PLANKS, T.n:Lfj, S:i::I C!j'1:t cr Cltj Sz;;!3, KANSAS UVT BOtXS, ET.. WBITS T Geo.W,Giian&Go. (12 An., Tijsii, Ka BA ter OataltM If titcrnxtoia. Each Bottle Sold Makes Many Friend. r sp?oiF,c LA GRIPPE A Remarkable Medicine. Guaranteed. If It falls to give Satisfaction the dnijrelat In authorized to rr fond purchase money. Price &O Cent. Woodward, Faxon Se Co.. Kansas Cltj Wholesale Agents. fl BOOK FOR EVERY M C.-lj $1.00. Strati! Vitality! 7T11YSELR Or 8ELF-PRES E R VATTON. A new snd only Gold Medal PKIZK ESSAY on NEKVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY, ERRORS of TfOUTH, EXHAUSTED VITALITY, PRE MATURE DECLINE, and all DISEASES and WEAKNESSES of MAN. 800 pacr", cloth, ilt; 125 Invaluable pretwriptions. Only $1.00 y mail, doable sealed. Descriptive Proflpectns, with endorsements of rnrr I crwn the Press and TolunUrr L1IL L I ptNU testimonials of the cared, I IILjLI NOW. Consnl tation hi person or oy mail. Expert treat ment. INVIOLABLE SECRECY and CER TAIN CUKE. Address Dr. W. II. Paiker.or The Peabody Medical Institute, Ho, 4 Bulflnch St, txxum, Mass. The Science of Life, or 8elf-preservatlon. Is a treasure more vainaDie man gold. Xiemx it now, every AVE AK and N ERVOUri man, and learn to (UNGSLAND & DOUGLAS OT. IOXJIa, IMO -rrV'. jT" fxs ti I0W ii tentl for Catatom- Station this Papsr FOTJIt 6IZX3, rOIt STEAM or HOUSE r6lfX& They are now and always have bee it a only Shellers on the market tbit Buccessfully shell corn with, or wltii ut the ahuck. Clean perfectly, do not waste or Crack fraii, And coba are left in good condlttoiu l jtiiiT.iji j.n.miiip nnisMisiii jiiiiiianii ii 1 1 i p nmf" 1 i irr ( i r " iiOM''iliitfiiiii.a'liiiiiiltiiilirtiwi,ii'iiiii rmmitiu . Vn, , , . mi h ml Will i"" '''fTV S6"'''""" " ' 'V. :: ;T- ii, ,i i.,,- i ii. ,.i I, mi.. p. ii ,m,,,m,,mff ' . . DR. A. RUPIN, I OS EAST SIXTH ST, TOPEKA, KAC THE NOTED GERMAN PIlYSICIAir. Eat a profetaional reoord of 80 years. Carta all Chronlo Diseases of long itandlajr, EpUf7i Dropsy, Rheumatism, Gastritis, and Catarrhal affecUona,eto. Send descrlpd'nof your lymptoiaa. Diseases treated by mall and at offlce. Bend fee testimonials of hundreds of wonderful cure. c Kb Citi ft! In Are the most commodious and best appointed in the Missouri Taney. The fact that higher prtowi are realized here than in the east Is due to the location si these yards of eight packing houses, wl2t an segregate dally capacity of 8,M cattle and hecs, end the regular sndceof ajar?. eompetiUve buyers for toe packing houses ol Omaha, Cbicgo,8t, Louis. IndiarpoUs. Cladnr. New York and Boston, lis elwcn railroads rxmnlug lsio Eacas C hare olrect coccexlsa with the yards. cSt e audgea. Oobl receipts for 1691 .. 1,847, 487 2,599,109 889,780 81,740 ,81,433 Slaughtered In Kansas City 670.761 1W& W9,?J Boldto feeders 17,873 I7,8 bold to shippers 8HMEB lt&m am Total sold la Santas City la 1881.. 1.1S3.K U38,gg4 tsm C. F. BOUSE, 8. 8. RlCHAKSSOa, H. P. CHILD, 8. KUST, flinsral Msnsger. fearetary anl Troassrsr. Asst. 8 sn. Mgr. lastrir.taflfitf.t Topok&i Ean The Leading Western ImportorCa&d Breeders cl GlydODdalo, Ferchoron, Olovoland Bay AS9 Frcncli Coach Horssx s AJio Lsportiin and Ereetos el aW' f 1 i'W- terms to eurr purxiusin. Bendfcr Cmtiatelsa&ilccne. Btablea miowu. s. nmm a boh mil;- Wi!. IISTll, EMPORIA, flWOEQSOB TO AUSTIN & CRAY 01,08., - KANSAS, Iraportor and Droodor of Siili Faneli, Mi tell Eoilisl Shire, CiyHale, Pciclifiioii Mi Standard Bred State aad Haras. My horses 'were selected direct from the breeders of Eurcr. and are descendants of tlie siost noted prize winners of the eld world. I paid spot cash for all my stock and got the best at neat bargains and was not obliged to take the refuse from dealers at exorbitant Azures In order to obtain credit, thereby enabling me to sell better animals at better prices, longer time and a lower rate of Interest than almost any other dealer In America. I hare also the most superior system of organizing companies and stock syndicates ts ttlj totmtry, and Insure satisfaction. I call especial attention to my references. By thwe tt will be seen that I am not handling on commission the refuse horses of dealers In Kurope. With me jv ret a square transaction, a good animal, a valid guarantee, and will eoaoeete wlSi any Ira ta Lmerlca on prtess and terms besides. ajr-Wrlt me for desnrlntlTe eataloffue and mention Tn AxmxuTm ftita eerrtsseadlftf vita advertisers alwtyt l foi ta Uslr dvtrUsiaest la "Tie AifSSsSa."