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Image provided by: Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS
Newspaper Page Text
10 or iin i - p a mm n t ; J 1 1 1 1 i ' a I j i I. a.4lfflfl 9U.1 I mi 1 0. BLOOIL A. SL WEST. B. E. TALBOT. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS, focra 338-337 Stock Exchange, . . KANSAS CITY STOCK YARDS. Corieir'OUdence solicited. Advances mad on consignments and f feeders. FRANK HERALD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 114 Kansas Ave., Topeka Kin. J. H. CANNON, M. D., TOPEKA, KANSAS, C3ce 8-3 Kansas are. 'Phone 43C. Office boors 10 to 13, 2 to S. Besldenee 1401 West 6th it. BENKY W. 1XOBY, 31. D., Consulting and Operating SURGEON. Office, 118 W. Stxtli Ave., Topeka, Kas. U. D, MoOURDY, VETEEII7ARY SUEGEON. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Collejp, To ronto, Canada. Burgery a specialty. Treats dis eaws of eomestto animals. Cnaroes reasonable. Proprietor 5tb Avwue Livery Stables, 114 W Fifth 8c, Topeka, Kas. Esferences: W. IL Going, Swe Veterinarian; II. 0. LIndaey. liveryman ; J. R. Mulvane. banker. Calls to any part of the state answered. ASS CHEAPER NOW than they ever will be again. Buy a farm cheap and on hurt txrms and low cnrxBxsr of the LANDS la every TV AMERICAN LAND oouzity in Kansas. m fc IMMIGRA'N CO. Over 2,000 farms at a vast low raioa. It will pay you to write now for ust with full description and num bers of land. J. H. BRADY, Can. Man., TOPEKA KAS. GEO. C. PRITCHARD, (Graduate Ontario Veterinary C"llge.) Tejphons 319 51 S QUUICY ST., TOP EM, K4XSIS. YETERINABIAH. LUKENS BROS. NEW BUGGY STORE, X?OI3TIX TOPEJICA., XCA0., tifart north of Fire 8tatlon.) Jest opened a large room chock full of all styles at lower prices than ever offered before. Lowest rates and every accommodation to borrowers on farms In eastern Kansas. Ppeclal low rates on large loans. No applicant with an accepted application has had to Kilt a day for money, write or see w before making new loan or renewal. W. 33. BOWMAN 2S CO., IIS JVeti t 8L, Tqjwfta, Kansas. JAMES C. SMITH, (jraooessor to Smith, Blgp ft Kooh.) DBALXB Iff -$BIias Vftal-Tallafl, alsa Bstcto Tools mi Suppliss. T.niAPTwn XZOITOI3 XXT XZA2TEXAO. 108 East Third Street Topeka, Kansas. A LARGE, THOROUGH, PROGRESSIVE SCHOOL SUPERIOR INSTRUOTION cat&KJOTe ana Deaaimu hy mentlonLnj this paper. Catalogue and beautiful specimens of penmanship sons free &y menuosujis uus paper. Xoard and room, $aJS0 per wsek. Address, 621 and E3 Qrtncy Street, TOPXXA, KANSAS Our Combined Vertloal En- aDCAZV&SAEI CITY, glne ! Holler. Wo Carry All Sizes Boll era and Engines From 2 to 75 Horse Power in Stock. Boilers and Engines and Creamery Supplies. ' Dona f ur uuuuutfuos 1 hone power engine nl?hont power boiler 1127 Tliaerleeret, , - J1 g r- - i;a m4 ak frr UcwKo.1. Weight, rpibj-SgOS S " "154 selvee. T0 " Xi 1 ISA 1" ' ' ..... ,J i'tai .J-iStol'J F?'P?R J' SJ&F3' 14C0-I482 IHISS AY., r lr.(fcJ Ti'3 11 U te. Alfalfa and Aleike Clovers, Lha lts Timothy, BloeGi m, Orchard Graaa, Red If A 13 Q A C PITY f'fl Top, Onion Sets, Tree Seeds. Cane Seed. tVrtllOHg Ull I ) UiU A. J. GILLESPIE. L J. GILLESPIE. T. E. GILLESPIE. J. F. GILLESPIE. A. J. GILLESPIE &. CO., "VSS&iJSSISg.1 Libera' advances made to parties feeding tH k. Correspondence loilcled. Make a spe-lalty of buying feeding cattle on o'ders. The An ocati sent to our cuitonier free. Telephone Ni 15 .'3, TFM. A. EOGEE3. FRANK B. MITCHKNEK. ROBEBT E. 0O3 mm PMlry, Ens, Iter, file, Veal cries, 7e would can attention to our methods. "WE ARE NOT COMMISSION MEN, but buy from the producer and tell to the consumer, thus saving any middlemen's profits. We have markets In tour of tt best cities of New Knjrland. We respectfully request you to write us for prices. Very truly, ST. JOSEPH POULTRY HOUSE, DT. JOOH3IPII, MO. ROGERS & ROGERS, LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - KANSAS CITY STOCK YARD3 Liberal advances on consignments and to nartles feedlnz. Comsrondncfi aollclted and promptly answered on all matters relative to the live stock trade and shipment Markn reports iree. THIES & PARLIN, (8acoHiaoa to H. Thles.) ' LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Kansas Oity Stook. Yards. Advances mada to thosA teftn . itnolr. Martot promptly answe'ed. Mention A vocatb. V. H. H. LARIMER, ED. M. SMITH. CHURCH . BBIDQtrORp. VnTvTnuu I aj - I 5 . I CATTLE EK y'kSi r a fisiONis 205 2CE Live Stock ExchajjcS. MARKET REPORTS BY MAIL OR TELEGRAPH FURNISHED PROMPTLY ON APPLICATION. ORREPON0ENCI INVITED VEN PROMPT ATTENTION. Kansas City, Mo- HOLCOMB, SNYDER & CO., LIVE STOCK COMSI! IERCHM Room 105 Exchange Building, Kansas City Stock Yards. Correspondcnca Sollclled. Market Reports Furnished Free. REmcaiTNrciCS t Commercial National Bank. Denver. Colo. : Interstate National Bank. Kan sas City; Merchants' National Bank, El Dorado, Kas.; Farmers' National Bank, Arkansas City, Kas. Please mention Tni Advooatb. GEO. B, BABSE, Prest. J. IL WAITS, Bool and Tnaa. GEO. HOLMES, Vice Frest Late of White & Qolmea. Always mtntlon thli paper whan wrlttag idvtrtbsrt. BUSINESS ESTABLISHED 1871. CAPITAL STOOX $250,000.00 PAID UP. THE GEO. E. BAESE commission Essas SO, 91, 92, First FI::r, Stsci Mini Mlthi KA1TBAB OITY, - - - HIBSOUBI Oo Conatynxnents of stock reooive the personal attention of some member of the eompa QT. Parties wanting aaaistaoee in feeding aeoommodaied on reamnable terms. Alllaacj Headquarters for t!u Southwest. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, WICHITA, KAS. J. B. Beth, Proprietor. Best Sl.60 per day hetel In the west. SEf.ll-TROPIC CALIFORNIA. A home seeker's book on seml-trople lands, allmate, soU, Industries, products, homesteads and other claims, etc Invaluable to home seek ers,tourlsti or capitalists. Illustrated. Price, 5c, ooatnald. PieroBJAi Am. PrjB.f)O..Htluls.Mo. rru i t if m r T jFjl y7 Presume You HGBEII VtfiA 7i to, bT yon bewd of th mani flcnl offer mtda by tCi S' VSA GLASCO LACZ THXEAD JCJ . .. umsB Two Thounnnd Pollarn OoW Coin pwraianm for Nrt work m1 from tne to b eibJhitad by them M tb woria s jftur. ISTory penny or it win o promptly pid to tnowt w done won deem most worthy of the award $20001 GOLD COIN In Premiums. 8nnd 10 oenta for Mmi)T DOof of twilMtbraad.frAlTd. illniitratod emehnt bor,k Noa. 1. a and 1 ID eta. Mcb. li nice (Kir patterns,! ota. eacn. bwJ nwead pattxrns. acta. eacn. an ln oald. Either of abore booka tent I rrw w ith aaordwefflcHpattrna. tiUMitf JUL! XlUiUa CO, SlASCO, cosx You have plenty of time to enter the contest for PREMIUMS. Send for circular con taining all necessary In formation.