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ritiiisin Ffflflsiiii minima uji CJUULLUiawiwu uvui w iuiv nuivu ki," of the finance reports? It must be apparent that a caret uTii booka and accounts of the treasury department from 1833 to 187v been made by one man, or even a dozen men, in four months and a tN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES. STATEMENT RELATING TO DEBT, INTEREST, PRIJMTUMS, AND Among the statements furnished to the committee was the follov office of the secretary of the treasury: i il 28, 1880. Ordered to be printed. December 17, 1880. Ordered to he reprinted. -i TiivTSL of Wfifit Viririnia. from the Select Committee to Investigate the Finance Reports, Books and Accounts of the Treasury Department, submitted the f ol- UVO. v. vunanuea jrw umi wwn.j TIME REQUIRED TO EXAMINE THE DEBT STATEMENT. - MM T. V 'ajor Power testifies (see testimony, pages 72 and 73): By the Chairman: Q. Please state how long it would take to examine carefully the debt and Unohara at. t.Vi nam a tima for a gincrla vear. sav take the year 18C6. so that you jould tell whether or not there were errors in the details. How long would it take Ind how many clerks to go through that year or any year you choose ? A. It would T i i Ml- A f.. IL. ...Ul:. J.U a. n init Jafnnlia vaoii TVia Taall1. Wiiild mnt Via ftAtiafftctarv. I Q. The question is, how long would it take, without regard to results? A. The 'axarnination of the debt for one year might necessitate an examination from the mmmAnnAmnt of th loan ud to that Deriod and even afterwards. It would take 9nm Rita 1a1i nna wool" of laoet. Q. To do what? A. To examine the debt particularly for one year, and for the reason, as l say, tnat tne examination mignt neceieuate gumg uiwn w wm mencement of each loan. Q. Going Into the warrants and transactions of the government to show whether or not there were errors in the accounts? A. To not go beyond the stated accounts as stated and certified by the comptrollers, it would not be a task of much difficulty. It would take four or five years. Q. For how many clerks? A. With a corps of seven or eight clerks. Thus it appears that an officer of the treasury who has served many years in the register's office and in the office of the secretary is satisfied that " it would take four or five clerks one year at least" to carefully examine the publio debt for a .OlUJIlO TCUi i MIU VJ vAdUAlUv wo ntuiauw uu luuuuxvo.vuu - r " ' jlng for errors would take the same force four or five years. And yet it appears (from the testimony of Mr. Bay ley that he alone, with no experience in the treasury department, made an examination into all the transactions of the government from 1833 to in four and a half months. Mr. Bayley testified (see testimony, pages no ana uiy. By the Chairman : X. Did you, in 1870, assist Mr. Saville, chief clerk of the treasury department, Wlrinor n n. ravisorv statement of the accounts in the secretary's office? A. 'Jow long were you at it? A. About four months and a half. J Did you do the entire work yourself ? A. I did; that is to say, I under nn ora man1rinr now nf thA t.ahlft IB the secretary's reDOrt. )The debt tables? A. No, not the debt tables, but the receipts and expendi- yOn account of the publio debt? A. No, sir; the receipts and expenditures government. Tables K and L, I think, in the secretar) 's report of 1870. Of general receipts and expenditures? A. Yes, sir. It appeared there for i time that year. Who was engaged on the debt part of the statement connected with those ? F.Thihitinjy to th witness the reuort of 1870. with the tables K and L.1 -hose the tables? A. The whole of this and the whole of that indicating ,j K and L are my work from beginning to end. i Q. Are these the receipts and expenditures on account of the public debt? A. sir; to a certain extent . Q. State, now, how long you were at it? A. About four months and a half in tring that particular table. , , 'X You did the whole work yourself ? A. Yes, sir; the actual manual labor, 1 Where did you get your data? A. From the printed receipts and expend! n tar- oa -intjrt at time. Down. I think, to 18G6 thev were printed. Where did vou set the other four years from? A. From the book in the division. vf the secretary's office? A. Yes, sir. (shows that Mr. Bayley alone did all the work between August and No 1870 four or five months; that he commenced in 1789 with the receipts and res, examined the accounts of the government from 1789 to 1870, and la statement which caused small and large changes for nearly every year in it3 and expenditures and from 1833 in the publio debt. If, as Major stifles on page 73 of the testimony (and Dr. Guilford, of the register's A page 24 and 25 of the testimony, substantially agrees with him), it would 'ir or five clerks a year to examine carefully as to the debt of one year, and J iiva years to examine it between 18G0 ana 1870, how could Mr. Bayley, with rience, who had just come into the department, have made in four or five J no j f ji ( njj jzU u J vJlU mJ to 00 4 q C M to -O 3 30 -1 w c ' . tflZiF : 9 1 ? i- ZvZn1 : t Ea8s3a83sSSS858lieS: sawuojanoo : S "$58a83k28igSSg8tgj -3 no ppj V . , ,; IsJSjS : tSiiiiii: S::ai:::::. ? gf 2? : i SS; :::::::: eqoisjanoniT g p,Iseo.' : 5 gg; : 8: ' ' ' ' &: : S X, , S5?g I fJ 5 5 ' f :::::::: i3: ::::::::: . S. ! S& 5 : 8 :::::::: :::::::: swmipnad -3 V $ C: :::::: : : : -x9 pepi g J- 1 ? : 8 fe? 8: ::::: : : 3 ill SS88S68ll8Kl2iSsSi8s? JTOiJ0 S - ;3 I "2 SSll!SS839888"8S3"3?i?8 V&i h ill M8Sk8888SSSSSS388 10 xw w ? : ? ii iiiiiii T j 1 '( S? ? i i 88:;sj;:i::;:J8!88toi.Ji S 2 bp is r. : : : asSssssS o : 2 28 11 : : : gS8S , 5 ? 1 : 1 i : : o f j; ?S ! I i : ,2.?:. : i : i& f b : : is : : : i : 'affBSJoop i&x 53 53 : : :1 "888: ::::::: fe3 , i : :j !S888: .i Il j s' pgSgsi .S XT' s i til pi.-;TTTf "T I : aL? : : : : : J j 3 : ) ir-.wr g 2- : jS22Sg2SS- : - 3 ill js8S8S3sSi8i ,0 89in9dxa . 1 B JTi .::::::::: s ' a : yl ::::::::? k t ; Si :::::::::: 'iqappraon f t M :::::::::: bu aaipunj9a If' u www s f ' JJ liiillllii I j Jr 88S8S88: j 3 I i I he only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alnm. in Millions of Homes 40 Tears the Standard. According to 1870 was $107,77' It is a fact th the several Pacifio 1870, which should debt Amount of sin port of 18 laij uuu 11 ecretary, the decrease in the publio debt in debt (bonds issued by the government to Iras dropped from the debt statement in .858,63820 a 5' and the Pacific J furnish no explal By comparing t statement in tlx ment increased j cretary, as stated in finance re furnished committee by secre- 117,740,000 $17678,320 decrease of the publio debt as above stated ig fund is nearly ?7U,UUU,UUU. Tne reports is 870,000,000 or how it is accounted for. no register with the secretary's tabulated it will be seen that the secretary's state- A$j turns th' hat will bring better re- he Advocate.