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THE ADVOOATB. NEBSASZA DEM002A0Y, How the Convention wu Made to Bus tain Cleveland's Financial Policy. I presume you have noticed from the associated press dispatches the reuolu tioas passed by the democratic state convention which ml here a few ago, In order that you may know what influences were brought to bear upon the convention, I copy some letters sent out by the secret ry of the state central committee: Omaha, Neb., September 1, 1893. Daab Sib: You were some time njo en dorsed by the state central oommittee for postofflo at . Circumstances may arise which may cause a revision of that aotion. You are earnestly urged to be at the Dimooratio state convention Ootober 4 as a delegate. Be sure and have your dele gation oomposed only of democrats whom you know can be relied upon. Yours truly, J. B. Sheshan, Secretary. Shortly after that the following letter was sent to each of the 2,000 candidates who had applications before the etate central oommittee: Omaha, Neb., September 14, 1893. Dxab Sib: The officers of the state oom mittee desire to communicate with you re epeoting the endorsement which they gave for postmaster. The delay in making the desired changes in this state necessitates vigorous action upon the part of the oom mittee and applicant and you are requested to meet the officers of the oommittee at Linooln on the 3d or 4th of Ootober. The state convention will be held there at that time and you are urged to be present as a delegate from your county. In order that there may be a full repre sentation you are especially requested to be present in person. It is important that you be present representing the best interests of demooraoy and co-operating with the oom mittee for the welfare of the party. Trust ing .that this may receive your serious con sideration, I am, yours respectfully, J. B. Shekhan, Seoretary. The above letters are a sample of the way the democratic convention was packed and the sentiment of nine-tenths of the democratic voters 'Zot the etate were smothered by the votes of 300 ap plicants for poatofficea', who were dele gates to the state convention, and whose instructions were to see to it that the administration was endorsed, that its financial policy was 'endorsed and that the executive branch of the government should use Nebraska as a olub to aid it in coercing a co-ordinate branch of the government into submission to its wishes. Of these applicants who were delegates nearly all were free silver men, but they bad a club held over their heads and were compelled to vote as they did or lose the endorsement of the state committee, which meant the loss of the pcetofficea. I write this in order that you may know what the administration and its representative, the etate central commit tee, is doing in the way of buying and bulldozing with patronage the voters of this state. I know what I am talking about when I say that nine-tenths of the democratic voters of Nebraska are in favor of the free coinage of silver and the expression in the democratic plat form recently adopted in this state does not represent ibe views eld by demo crats here. Yours truly, M. D. Tiffany, Vice President Democratic State League of Clubs, in Rocky Mountain News. Annal Meeting of the Kansas Equal Suffrage - Association. The Kansas Equal Suffrage associ ation moves en in the even tenor of its way to its tenth birthday. We expect that its ten years of labor will be rounded I out by the securing of the object of its organization in the adoption of the pending amendment. Our convention for 1893 will assemble in Holton, in the court house. The court room will be closely seated with chairs; a set of mottoes sent us by our sympathetic South Dakota sisters will be used to decorate the walls. Probate Judge Musgrove and County Superin tendent Ewbanks have very cheerfully promised the use of their offices for com mittee meetings. The executive committee will hold its first meeting in the probate judge's office at 2:30 p. m., November 7. The same room will be used by the suffrage amendment campaign committee at 10 a. m., November 11. Mrs. Carrie Lane Chapman, Mrs. Hen rietta Stoddard Turner, Miss Helen L. Kimber, Mrs. Byron Sherry. Mrs. Annie L. Diggs, Mrs. Sarah L. 8 toner and oth era whose names will be announced later will be among the speakers. Garfield Black, the gifted boy elocu tioniat, will recite. Hon. Case Broderick is expected to address the convention on the last even ing. The afternoon of the 9 h will be de voted to a leoture on the Australian bal lot system. Arrangements have been made to have the booths set up in the oourt house, and the delegates will be drilled in voting under the new system. The name of the lecturer and drill mas ter will be announced shortly. Miss Mabel Wenner, Holton, is chair man of the entertainment committee, and desires that all delegates, state mem bers and visiting friends desiring enter tainment shall communicate with her at an early date. Entertainment will not be furnished to those who fail to write to Miss Wenner before November 5. Let the friends of the pending amend ment rally at this meeting. Plans for the year long campaign will be under discussion. Let each come bringing suggestions, words of warning or advios carefully thought out. Come with the one thought of furthering the movement we are organized to advance. Come with minds set on the work which shall result in tne adoption of the pending amendment. Laura M. Johns, President. Annie L. Diggs, Vice President. Anna O. Wait, Rao. Secretary. Elizabeth F. Hopkins. Corresponding Secretary. Martia L. Berry, Treasurer. May Beleville Brown, Librarian. Ella W. Brown, Attorney and Parliamentarian. The Aetna Loan Company, of Topeka, offers special inducements for invest ment A positively guaranteed earning of over 21 per cent, per annum. Capital stook $2,000,000. Cost of one $500 share $o; monthly payment $2; guaranteed result $500. A saving of less than 14 cents per day will secure $1,000. The average time of the total amount invested is but five years. Write for prospectus and by-laws. Byron Roberts, president and treasurer; A. B Quinton, vice preei- ent and attorney; r. M. Kimball, secre tary. inoRTHAND :fti&rL! s . ftM tt4 tort in, toqnlrW la I bmmIm. IIuuUom tmr4 r tkn pL Iim Oq Wirt id Uatwntg. I imi Uq. M WICHITA, KAS, Send for catalogue. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Telegraphing, Pen manship, Typewriting, and all other business branches thoroughly taught We secure post tions for our graduates through the JS'ationat Accountant? and Stenographer? Bureau, with hich no other college in tne west is con cted. E. H. yaiTCH, Principal. ' (First published October 25, 1893.) PEOPOSALS. Notice to Contractors. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the Board of Public Works of the state of Kansas, at Toreka. Kansas, until 9 r. m. on Monday, November 13, 1893, and opened Immediately thereafter, for all labor and ma terial required in the construction and erec tion of an "additional wing and assembly at Emporia, Kansas, under the provisions mum iu tuo ivausaa state norma schnni oi nouae Din sso. 150, approved March 10, la, iu accordance witn tne drawings and specifications pre Dared therefor hv svmnm. uavia, state arcnuect, copies or which may be seen at the office of the Board of Public worts, state capitol grounds, after October Z.J, IBJ.i. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for a sum not less than 3 per cent, of the amount of the proposal, made payable to S. M. Scott, president of the Board of Public Works, state vi ABusaa, ana to do ioneitea to the State of Kansas as liquidated and assessed damages by the successful bidders If they fail to enter into contract and give the required uunu uu or ueiun, iovemoer 20. lraiS. The right is reserved by the board to reject any or all bids, and to waive any informality In any bid, If it be deemed In the interest 01 me state so to ao. No proposal will be received after the time above designated. Each proposal will be enclosed In an en velope, seaiea, ana marked "Proposals for work and material required In the erection and completion of an additional wing and assem bly room for the State Normal School, Em poria, Kansas," and addressed to Wm. Wykes, secretary of Board of Public Works, Topeka, Companies or firms bidding will give their individual names, as well as the firm name.with their addresses. The attention of all bidders is called to chap ter 114 of the session laws of 1891. which thev are expected to comply with in all state con- tracts. All bidders are Invited to be n resent at thn opening of the bids, either In person or by attorney. 8. M. Scott. President Wm. wykes, Secretary. (First Published October 18, 1893.) Governor's Proclamation. $300 Reward. State of Kansas, Executive Depabtmknt. Topeka. Kansas. October 9. 1893. Whereas. On the dav of October. 1893. at Fort Scott, Kansas, Miss Agnes Barr was as saulted and raped by a colored man unknown. Whereas, The guilty person has thus far evaded the officers and escaped justice. Now. therefore. I. L. D. Lewellinz. governor of the state of Kansas, by virtue of the author ity in me vested, do hereby offer a reward of $300 for the arrest and conviction of such person found guilty of the assault and rape on Miss Agnes Barr. In testimony whereof, I hereunto subscribe my name, and cause to be fixed the great seal of the state. Done in the seal city of Topeka. on the day, month, and year first above written. By the Governor: L. D. Lewellino, R. S. Osborn, Governor. Secretary of State. WORLD'S FAIR. How to economize time and money so as to see the World's Fair to best advantage, is a question mat may nave puzziea you. Avoid mistakes bv getting posted in ad vance. Perhaps the Illustrated folder just issued by Santa Fe Route Is what you need. It contains views of World's Fair buildings, accu rate map of Chicago, and other Information of value to sight-seers. . . w.i5.TT SANTA FE & S.F. kk.Topekas.', T f Jjrp and ask for free copy. J-IL U Jluj, Reliable,' established 1887. All Graduates In positions. Twenty roads represented. Learn here and Learn right and be sure of a position. With Printed Blanks, etc., we teach norm and Actual Basim rs. Mention this paper and will send you a "special offer." Address, V. II. SItKiyr02ST,Mgr.,Box571,SALlNA, KAN. The only large school In the stale devoted exclusively to Shorthand and Typewriting, and their requirements, over One Thousand pupils having received thorough and practical In struction. Its success Is phenomenal. Student can enter at any time. Lessons by mall a "anSoSOKansMAve Topeka, Kaa. MISS ANNIE E. CAN AH, PfOp'r. MS Am Tor Catalo gua and 8pclmni of Paaaanrt1p, iltt jfCfffl, By special arrangement with the publishers of that greatest of all reference libraries, the NEW REVISED ENCYCLOPEDIA BR1TANNICA, we are able to place that great work within easy reach of our readers. The edition we otTer Is not a reprint but a new edition. It Is published In 20 large Octavo Volumes of over 7,000 Sages, H,oo0 columns, and 8,000,000 words. It contains I maps printed in colors, showing every country of the world, and separate maps of every State In thet Union. It contains every topic In the original Edin burgh Edition, and biographies of over 4,000 noted people, living and dead, not contained in any other edition. Without parallel In the history of educational enterprises stands our offer to our thousands of friends and readers. Such on offer should have your careful consideration. Every reader, therefore, la earnestly solicited to give the attention to this offer that its importance and liberality deserves, as it is open for a limited period only. It means that the best and most expensive Encyclopedia is within easy reach of even the boys and girls. Parents, encourage i; fetes your children in habits of economy for that noblest of all purposes economy for the sake of an educa tion. Just think of It. A saving of 10 CENTS A I) for the short period of 90 days, will secure to you t. REVISED ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANN1CA in 20 large octavo rolumes, which covers every department of knowledge known to mankind. No man needs any otner uorary no man can nave a Detter one. Read our proposition: On receipt of only ONE DOLLAR we will forward to you, charges prepaid, the entire set of 20 volumes, the remaining 19.00 to be paid at the rate of 10 CENTS A DAY (to be remitted monthly). A beautiful dime savincrs bank will be sent with the books, in which the dime may be depos ited eacn day. mis edition is printed rrom new. large , each day. This edition is printed from new, large on a fine quality of paper, and is strongly bound leavy mantlla paper covers, which with proper i will last for years. Bear in mind that the entire tvnec in heavy care will lane for ye 20 volumes are delivered to your address, with, ail charges paid to any part of tne united State. Oopy or Cut this Out and Send to Advo cate Publishing Company, Topeka, Kas. Advocatt Publishing Company: Please deliver to me the entire set of twenty volumes of Revised Encyclopedia Britanmca, as above described, together with your Dime Savings Bank, for which I enclose One Dol lar ($1), and further agree to remit 10 cents a day (remitting the same monthly) until the remaining $9 is fully paid. Name. Postoffice. County. State. WANTED to learn Telegraphy and be assisted to positions. Only xclalv and lo-open-tl School in Kansas. The "Old Board and Room $2.50 perweex. QTTJID2B2TQ Constantly Securing Good I'otitionj. Addma U JJ. 8XJ&ICKLZB, XoptkOf Ka