- Woe Unto You Perthes and Pharisees, Hypo
crites," Etc.
Editor Advocate: Is it cot a liitlt
straogs that such unusual interest
should be taken in tha temperance cause
by the church people at the present time?
The preacher waxes warm, hia fingers
tremulously working while pawing the
air with his hands, with quivering voice
and tears rolling down his cheek, he
pleads for the poor drunkard, reeites
the divorce, crime and suicide record
and refers to the impoverishment of the
people by the great rum power; then
blunders on about English diotation in
our governmental affairs'sustaining this
by mere referencejto the fact that four
of the five directors of the "whisky
trusts" are subject! of Great Britain,
saying nothing about the foreign owner
ship of our flour mills, our factories, our
land, etc., but stopping merely to catch
a breath. On, on he goes about the
danger of King Rim (nothing about the
power behind the throne, the money
power) to the fireside, to our public
schools and the perpetuity of our repub
lic. It is a fact susceptible to the
clearest proof that the economio condi
tion, the worldly prosperity of the peo
ple is the great murcury, the rise or fall
of which during the heat and struggle of
industrial life indicates and registers the
decrease and increase of crime, immor
ality and vice.
It is well known among itudenta of
social economics that a shrinking vol
ume of money is the most insidious foe
with which the great masses of a nation
have to contend. Ample testimony
from partisan and non-partisan and
scientific sources proves that "the con
traotion of the volume of money has
produced more misery than war, pes
tilence and famine." That the contrac
tion of the volume of currency in the
United States has more than doubled
our debts, stagnated industry, is ad
mitted by all except those who have Ma
piece of the pork in them." The church
should be tha bold champion and
staunch defender of the rights and lib
erties of the masses against all oppress
ion and oppressors since she aspires to
be "orowned queen of the souls of men,"
and to attain this ajperation she should
merit it.
In view of the above facts and many,
very many others similar, the question
seriously presents itself to my mind, are
theae reverend gentlemen honest in
their claim that they desire to save the
drunkard, home and nation, and espe
cially to increase morality and virtue and
to decrease crime and immorality. If
they are, I do not see why they do cot
advocate such economio pleasures as
will increase the material prosperity of
the great masses. Such measures are
found in the Omaha platform. It cer
tainly does not speak well of the educa
tional attainments or researches of one
whose possessed mission is to induoe
men to be moral, upright and just; to
plead ignorance of the principles above
stated. It they are neither honest nor
dishonest they certainly are misled, and
their efforts at this time to arouse the
people on a side issue must be consid
ered, aa an effort to keep the people
from discovering the trae cause of the
increase of crime, poverty, etc., and to
hinder those who are endeavoring to get
the people to apply tha proper remedy.
True, the prohibitory law is cot en
forced in this state under the Populist
administration. Was it under prohibi
tion, republican or democratic rule? I
do cot propose to give the facts cow that
TrtviB tbat the republican party is cot
-In $:.7$t c.f prohibition, but rccrsly rj.k if
i. -vlj ii it that tt-7, fa Hcsidpsl 1
elections, elect a mayor and council
anti-prohibition, even when it is knswn
beforehand what is to be done, aa was
the case right here in Tonganoxte? Four
joints are licensed here (under the
monthly fine system) at $25 each per
month. The republicans have abso
lutely an overwhelming majority in tbe
city, and what was to be done was well
known. Was there cot a purpose in this?
Is it cot singular that a republican poli
tician, one who was raised by Seward,
long held office under republican rule,
who would have been a chaplain in the
United States army but from the neces
sity of passing a special law to make him
elligible (the place was given to his son),
one who mildly waves the bloody shirt
and upholds Harrison's Hiawaii policy,
one who "longs to see the temperance
cause triumph in Kansas again," should
be sent to Kansas for a solid year's work
in organizing Good Templar lodges? Is
Kansas so intemperate that the grand
chief lactam of the Good Templars
lodge of the world, Major Bateman,must
be held in Kansas for a long, hard, weary
year to labor among a people mostly ag
ricultural, and who consume compara
tively little spirituous liquors, while the
great cities of other states containing
each from five to twenty aores of wide
open saloons are left to care for themselves?
Just honestly make a few comparisons
in your own mind of Kansas with other
states, then consider that Major Bate-
man spent nearly a week in Tonganoxie,
a place of lees than 1,000 inhabitants.
with but four joints, while thirty miles
east Is Kansas City, Mo., where hundreds
of saloons run wide open, dealing out
hell and damnation by the barrel, a bar
rel to every glass at Tonganoxie, then
ask yourself is there any politics in it?
If you say no solemnly before a tobacco
sign Indian, he would laugh at you
and tell you to gst out of the sun or you
would get wilted, "you are too green,
my friend, for this age." I am cot con
tending that any considerable number
of republicans in any locality join in
this movement, excepting to make it a
tail to fly the republican kite. That was
tried on the Alliance movement, but the
tail struck a Bnag a burnt child dreads
the fire.
I am cot writing to discourage anyone
in the cause of temperance or to prevent
anyone who sees fit from becoming
Good Templar I happen to be a Good
Templar myself but to call attention
to the faot that an effort is being made
to attraot the attention of the people
from the true causes of their poverty.
and the increase of crime, vice, and im
morality by an undue and unnatural
effort to arouse their feelings and set
their prejudices on a side issue in hope
that the ministers who are honestly
striving to ameliorate human conditions,
will, if cot now doing so, give due atten
tion to the most effective means of ac
complishing the end. Increasing the
prosperity of the people and establish
ing an equitable system of distribution
of wealth will do more to make people
moral, just, upright, honest and patriotic
citizens than any other method. 1 hope
that someone who has more time than I
have will write fully on this line.
Tonganoxie, Kas. J. Lba Simpson.
That Coming JIan.
Editor Advocatk: There seems to
be in the minds of Populists a very gen
era impression that prior to, and as an
essential means of success as a national
party, there must appear upon there-
form stage, some mighty leader, some
giant intellect, to champion and lead on
to victory, the heats cow rallying to the
n ctndsxd. This yiaw may be
very consoling to thooe so believing, but
is there really any ground for this be
lief? Is there any necessity that we look
for men to lead us who possess qualities
differing either in kind or degree from
scores and hundreds already marshalled
under our banner? I think cot There
is, however, a vary grave necessity that
we make co mistake in finding and
bringing to the front the men already in
our ranks who are to make true and effi
cient leaders. One great lesson taught
ua by the Infinite, both in nature and the
Book, is that God does nothing for men
which they are able to do for themselves.
God is the author of the mineral, the
vegetable and the animal kingdom, but
a knowledge of these kingdoms and the
laws of each, is not inborn or infused
in man. Persevering, patient and
thorough study are absolutely essential
to a knowledge of the same. So, also, of
every department of human progress. In
every domain of human effort, and ad
vancement, God provides the necessary
facilities for man's improvement and
happiness, but the utilizing of these is
left entirely with men. And now in
compliance with a universal law of
nature God is inviting the millions of
our race suffering th most calamitous
effects of class laws, to identify and re
move, in an orderly way, these bad laws.
If we wait for Him to do these things
for us they will never be done. If we sit
supinely and expect Him to thrust upon
us unbidden, unclaimed and uncalled by
ourselves, some man towering above all
other men, to lead us, we shall remain
in bondage. But it is asked, "Why is it
then that we have so often been betrayed,
after we have done the best we could in
selecting men to important offices?"
Be not too fast, if you please, but let
us examine your statement. Have you
really "done the best you could" in
these selections? As aa illustration, let
us refer to the arguments used in the
selection of John Martin to his present
seat in the United States senate. "He,"
you argued, "was the most available
man, under all the circumstances. He
was the only man we could elect, and
we didn't wish the republicans to name
that officer." I am not sure you oould
not have elected in his stead a man who
stood with both feet on the Omaha
platform a man who would not to-day
be making of himself a ridiculous spec
tacle of toadism to the chief tool of the
money power, namely, Grover Cleveland.
But let us grant that but for the choice
of Mr. Martin, the republicans would
have 'elected the man. In that event
Populism would not to-day be made
to blush for the shameless surren
der to the golden calf of a senator of
their choice. What I am saying is not
so much to the discredit of Senator Mar
tin, as it is to those Populists who were
hoodwinked into his support; for while
it is true that he did encourage the
belief that Populism had nothing to fear
at his hands, he nevertheless always re
fused to stand squarely on our platform.
And right here let me meet powerfully
emphasize the faot that, until our own
people learn to put no men on guard but
a full-fledged Populist, they will still be
calling in vain for "giants to lead them
to viotory." I must confess to the ut
most amazement at this spirit of sui
cidal compromise with the enemy in
order to get votes; because every vote
so obtained is itself a curse rather a
blessing. And again I ask, who are
they who advocate these complications, :
but office seekers? If you really wish 1
for great men as leaders, then put to the
front only those who have proven them-
selves true men to our principles.
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