TSOSH ADVOCATE is 705a Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis Railroad Company vs, aevaaa iierry. Error from Crawford County. Stllabus. REVERSED. By the Court. Allen, J L The rule a8 sometimes announced by this court that a verdict must be supported oy sufficient evidence does not apDly that the court will veinh conflicting testimony, but only that there must have been competent evidence upon every material matter to up hold the verdict 2. A railroad company does not owe to a person riding on one of its trains without payment of any fare, merely by sufferance of the conductor in charge of the train, that high and extraordinary degree of care for his per sonal safety that is due to an ordinary passen ger paying tne customary rare, oui is name only In such case for injuries occasioned by tne ordinary negligence oi us employees. All the justices concurring. A true copy. Attest: V C J. BROWN, seal Clerk Supreme Court 7007. The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad company vs. ueorge v. lucnarason, e ax. Error from Sedgwick County. REVERSED. SYLLABUS. By the Court. Allen, J. L Where a shipper sues a railroad company for damages to perishable freight, and alleges In his petition that such shipment was made to a point which is in fact beyond the line of defendant's road, under a written contract, by the terms of which it is expressly provided, that the defendant snail not ne responsiDie as a common carrier beyond its line of road. It is error to render judgment against the defend ant because of delays occuring beyond the line of its road, where there Is no showing of negligence on the part of the defendant, or of any injury to the freight while in its posses sion. 2. The annual report of the board of ra'l road commissioners made to the governor is not of Itself evidence of the facts therein stated with reference to the ownership and operation of a line of railroad, but the official reports made by the railroad companies under oath to the board of railroad commissioners, and required by law to be filed with them, or copies thereof duly certified by the secretaiy of the board, are competent evidence against the company making them. All the justices concurring. A true copy. Attest: C. J. BROWN, seal Clerk Supreme Court 7039. Thomas M. Adams vs. W. II. Glllam. Error from Sumner County. REVERSED. Syllabus. By the Court. Allen, J 1. In an action to recover damages from a sheriff for a wrongful seizure of plaintiff's goods under writs of attachment Issued in suits against his son, where on motion of the plaintiff made in such actions the attached property has been restored by order of the court to him, it is error to award exemplary damages, attorney's fee and other expenses attending the hearing of such motion, in the absence of any showing of fraud, malice or oppression. 2. Held, That in such an action the same rule obtains concerning the measure of dam ages as in an action of replevin to recover the goods and damages for their unlawful deten tion. All the justices concurring. A true copy. Attest: C. J. BROWN, seal Clerk Supreme Court 7033. James B. Franklin vs. Clara A. Franklin. Error from Brown County. Syllabus. AFFIRMED. By the Court. Allen, J L, To reverse the judgment of a district court refusing a divorce on the ground of i abandonment, the evidence showing an inten tional desertion for at least one year, must! be clear, convincing and uncontradicted, and it must also appear that such abandonment was not the result of the plaintiff's own wrong doing. 2. The case of a wife who has been afflicted I with temporary insanity will be viewed with 1 especial care and consideration, and all her actions will be weighed In the light other physical and mental infirmities. All the justices concurring. A true copy. Attest: C. J. BROWN, sxal Clerk Supreme Court First Published March 14, 1S&.. Governor's Proclamation. $3 CO Reward. State of Kansas,) Executive Department. Topeka, Kansas, March 3, 1894. ) Whereas, On the 27th day of February, 1894, In the city of Wichita, Setlgwick county, Kas., one James Dow was found in a building dead, having been beaten to death with a railway coupling pin; and Whereas One John Webber, an unknown person. Is charged with the murder of said James dow; ana Whereas. The said John Webbar evaded the officers of the law and is now at large. Now, therefore, I, L. D. Lewelling, governor of the state of Kansas, by virtue of the author ity In me vested, do hereby offer a reward of 1300 for the arrest and conviction of said John Webber for the murder of James Dow. In testimony whereof, I hereunto subscribe my name and cause to be affixed the r i great seal of the state. Done at the i baal, j City of Topeka, on the day, month, and year nrst above written. By the Governor: L. D. Lewelling, R. S. Osborn, Governor. Secretary of State, First Published March 14, 1S94. Notice. Penitentiary Coal. SEALED BIDS will be received by the Board of Directors of the Kansas State Peniten tiary, at the office of the Warden until 12 o'clock noon, of Wednesday, May 9.1S94, for the surplus output of coal of the penitentiary mine for one year commencing June 1, 1894. The successful bidder to take not less than 50.000 bushels during each of the months of April, May, June and July; not less than 75,000 bushels for the month of AugusW and the en tire output or coal during tne remainder of the year, excepting the wagon tride at the mine, and the supply of state institutions, which is reserved. All bids to be accompanied by a certified check of $1,000. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of Board of Directors. S. W. Chase, Warden. J. W. Yarroll, Chief Clerk. First published February 14, 1894. Legal Notice. Ofeice of tee City Treasurer, ) ' Lawrence Kas., February 7, 1894. To Whom it May Concern: You are hereby notified that the following named bonds of the city of Lawrence, Kansas, will ne paid at tne national Bank Republic at tne Fiscal Agency or tne state or Kansas, in the city of New York, N. Y., within thirty days from this date, viz., No.'s 1, 2 and 3, funding bonds, series "B," amount $500 each, Issue of January 1,1883. v. v. Duncan, City Treasurer. In the Supreme Court or the State or Kansas. I, C. J. Brown, clerk of the supreme court of the state of Kansas, do hereby certify that the foregoing are true and correct copies of the syllabi of the decisions in the above entitled cases as the same appear on file In my office. Witness my hand and the seal of the supreme court, this 12th day of March, 1894. SEAL C. J. BROWN, Clerk Supreme Court Apply at onoe to the Advocate for special clnb terms. THE MARKETS- Chicago, March 12, 1894. Wheat No. 2 cash. 66lAc: No. 2 hard. 56c No. 3 hard, 53c Corn No. 2 cash. 8Sc; No.S,87c Oats No. 2 cash, 81c. Timothy Seed Cash contract, $4.15 per 100 lbs. Mess Pork Cash, $11.00. Lard Cash, $7.02 to 7.40. Ribs $6.15. live stock. Kansas City, March 12. 1894. Cattle Texas cows. S1.50(aH0: shipping steers. $3.50('44.H0: Texas and native cows. $1.50 $310; butchers' stock, $3.154.00; stockers and feeders, $2.80&40. HOGS Market 5 to l(e lower. Bulk or sales. $4.55(4.60; all grades, $4.10(44.70. HORSES. W. S. Tough A Son, managers of the Kansas City Stock Yards Uorse and Mule department ' report the market as opening up strong, and prices remained firm until the last day of salo, and as most of the shippers had filled out the trading was a little slack and prices dropped off a shade. The majority of the buyers were ' from the south. A great many came from Ar-; kansas. They bought a little better quality -than usual. There was a good eastern de mand, but the supply of this kind was not very great It is difficult to predict the future during the coming season, and at best the prospects are not very flattering, especially when the southern trade lets up, which it will do soon. Extra-draft, 4 to 7 years $100 00 $125 00 Good draft, " " 60 00 " 80 00 Extra drivers " 100 00 " 175 00 Good drivers " " 6500" 9000 Saddle good to extra 75 00 " 175 00 Southern mares and geldings.. 25 00 M 75 00 Western range, unbroken, 20 00" 50 00 Western ponies 12 60 " 20 00 MULES. 14, 4 to 7 years, extra $ 45 00 I 60 00 " good 85 00 " 50 00 15 hands 4 to 7 years, extra 75 00 " 90 00 15 " " " good 70 00 " 80 00 15 " " " extra 100 00 120 00 h u m good...... 90 00" 100 00 16 to 16$, good to extra 100 00 " 135 00 She Reads and Thiols. To the Women TFfto Read the Advocate: I waa wondering to-day how raaay woman are interested in the Advocate, and thinking how nice it wonld be if I could sea thrm all, for I amsuisona would not find them dnll company. I can not tell the sister in this great reform cause how much I would like to take acme active part in the great work which is to be done, but here, and now, there eeema to be no opportunity, bo I must remain aa quiet aa one can who could not and would not check the flow of thoughts, hopes and wishes which ever throng the active mind of progress. There may be others who, like myself, are shut in or shut out from taking active part until they too have come to regret that they can do so little where there is so much to be done. But let us not be discouraged. There is a time when the prophet's hands need to be stayed, so while there remains ft wrong to be redressed, even until right is enthroned, the cause will need stay, the stay of honest prayer, and surely there is no higher prayer than honest hopes and earnest desires of a geod woman's heart. I am only a woman whe cannot vote, but sisters, if I could vote, the burning desires which 1 cherish would be less burning. Did you ever think of that? And after all the eilent inflaences are the moat powerful. So if we can only think and hope, faith ful to the end, we shall not only recieve the crown (the right to vote some day) but we shall have the satisfaction of seeing established the condition of things for which we bo earnestly prayed, but could not vote. I have a scientific knowledge of the fact that a thocght is a something of power and it is well for us to be careful not only of the charao ter of the thoughts we entertain, but be sure we do entertain some good ones. I know you will all say with me, Ood bless our Annie L. Diggs, and surely we must make mention of our Linn County Farmer and all the rest of our able writers. I have most loving regard for them all. I think there ought to be a woman's column in the Advocatx. I have always thought so, not that the columns are not all good, and I consider them all mine too. The other day I heard the remark, "Oh, I wish I had been here in the time of Jesui;" and I thought, well, perhaps you would have said amen, crucify Him, he is an odd stick, a crank. Surely he is blind who can not see that the ever present now is the time for us to work; and there is work to do, even though amid scoffs and jeers the workers must toil on until all eetabliahed wronga are righted; for just so surely aa the light disperses darkness, so surely must all greed and selfishness be driven from the earth, and mankind know and practice understanding the teachings of the Christ, the fatherhood of Ood, and the brotherhood of the race. And then in that better time it will be eeen that politics and religion are one in the light rays of the sunshine of broth erly love. Msny questions and vexing problems cf political and local differ ences will be answered and solved read ily, lih n ever will fled as he ever has found that for which he earnestly searches. AH conceived gcod must and will find and an expression; the princi ple of good can not die, it is too red. It has a baokar, inasmuch as it can not be separated from its source, which is God. Lot us then cherish the high&ft hopes and loftiest idala for all human ity and its future condition. I am read ing "The Dad Line," and last week's was so good that I eaid, "hurrah for Slink Blackburn.' " Nellk L. Hall. BosBville, Kas. BEEHIVES very cheap. Embbso.v Abbott, St. Joseph, Mo. TRAVPI ffitiL W NTED Faithful gen tleman or lady to travel representing established house. aUry $780 and expenses, with Increase. Enclose refer ence and self addressed stamped enveloDO. THE DOMINION CO., Chicago. cm Arc CUT THIS OUTandiend lttoua with yonrnarne mlAddreM, and wt will nnd you this elegant watch by exprexa (or examination. You examine It and if you oonitiler It a bargain pay the expnm airent SI M and xprrmielvtrirraand it is your. Fine gold plate Cbala aai I'kani FRKK with each watch, also our written Uaar. aat. far i y.ara. Write to-dx y,t tils mar not a ppear again, THE NATIONAL MFC. A IMPORTING CO., 334 Dearborn Street, Chlcaao. III. S No. 9 and 11 No. U wires Win. blh. Waxe it your self for 180 per Koa. mmm (XXXXXXXXl Horse high, bull strong-, pig tight. Make It yrmrjelt for Hi Cents Ter Hod. Catalntnie free. Addresa KITSELfilAM En25. 3UdgevUlea Indiana. POPULIST Papers all need K. N. C. Voters BEAD their matter. Editors endorse E. N. U. Furnished by E. N. U. Which g-ive satisfaction Containing doctiuie and newi K. II. IJ. Sheets will help make vote. Patent will gala rabeoribem Always please patrons. Talk or correspond wits cur patrons of your political faith and they will recommend our auxiliary sheet. Then fire your order to KANSAS NEWSPAPER UNION, Topeka, Kansas. 9 Lovely Complexion. If I fir b ! ea .. i r v . ! P lift H9 ? 4 Pure. Soft. White kin.S a ra Have you freckles, moth, black-heads, a) e) blotches, ujly or muddy 6kln, eczema, ( ( tetter, or any other cutaneous blemish? ) (e solutely Infallible cure, FREE OFCOST (e mild and so harmless a child can use or ) (e your full Post-office address to V HIM HA343IK V- Mlt FTrr 5 11 Tine Street. Cinelanmtl, Ohio) (mA. AOENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. 0 &&C&0&DOy2Ooo3$ j a .tat mnri ran A t al ftlCKR PDFfT lor Bale Cheap. An excellent newspaper and job office, good aa new, or will take partner to establish s paper where needed. Addrees W. H. T. Wakifleld, Lawrence, Kansas. Consignment Solicited. Beit market price secured prompt return. liktral adiaana Maaa utoa tmlni. Established 1800 m V I aw a to Shippers. ' We here eTerr fa elllty neeeasBrv for eetarine; best re- alts to shippers. Oar references are1 any responsible oaiineii noase or, bank In Chlcsgo. ilberrnan Brothcro! 212-214 Michigan 8t.f ChlcagOt Illinois o Dattoa HouTopeiA, 1a4U4LM df O 9 SKCCDCXOCDfCCX)X))XKK 3 O