OCR Interpretation

The advocate. [volume] (Topeka, Kan.) 1894-1897, March 28, 1894, Image 11

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

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An Open Letter to Mr. Hoch.
Dxak Sir: I read with a great deal
of interest your letter in regard to ac
cepting the Domination for governor on
the republican ticket. I told a friend,
here ia a nice, good, young republican
who has become disgusted with tha
ways of the republican party.
Among other good things you say: "I
am tired of seeing this great office
kicked like a football over the prairies
of Kansas. I am disgusted with the
dispensing of its perquisites in ad
vance and as a means of their attain
ment. From all these things our party
has sufiered sorely in the past."
Now, Brother Hoch, these and worse
doings are just what has driven thou
sands of us from the republican party,
and if you think seriously on that sub
ject, you will conclude that you will do
more good by helping a new party along
(for God knows it is hard enough to keep
even a new party pure) than by under
taking the impossible task of purifying
an old seething, festering mass of cor
ruption like the republican party.
Brother Hoch, you see the stream of
corruption as it flows dark and tarbid
with all manner of tricks, falsehoods,
deceptions and crimes. You are willing
to grasp the flag of purity, and lead an
army on to reform, but your vision is
short; you seem to see only what is di
rectly before your eyes; you do not look
to the source from whence the foul
stream started. Allow me to turn your
attention in that direction.
When the patriotic citizens of this
country were giving wealth, health and
life, to save this nation from disruption,
this foul stream of corruption reached
Washington, and our lawmakers gave
us a financial system that continually
makes paupers and millionaires; they
also gave us a so-called protective sys
tem that protects the rich by taking
from the poor; they gave hundreds of
millions in land and money to railroad
corporations besides the privilege to
charge all the traffic can bear. Govern
ment became a means to rob the many
to enrich the few. From these things
the corruption spread. When corpora
tions and individuals can make millions
through and by special legislation, then
public officers, as their agents, want a
share of the plunder.
After they have a taste once they
want to hang on to the office; others
would like to displace them, and get a
chance themselves, therefore all means
are used to keep, or get office. After
corruption of national politics follows the
corruption of state, county and munici
pal politics, and the purification of poli
tics becomes an "iridescent dream."
Any party that ia instrumental in pass
ing or defending unjust laws, will from
that time on, be controlled by corrupt
means and methods.
Brother Hoch, take an older man's ad
vice; if you are really in earnest about
working for the purification of politics,
leave the old party, if you stay they will
sit down on you so heavy that you may
not be able to recover again.
We give a very cordial invitation to
all real reformers. We started out with
honest heart and pure desires.
We want and sorely need all the help
we can get to accomplish our objects,
that is, equal righta and opportunities to
all, special privileges to none; public
office to be a public trust, not a private
snap; the office to seek the man, not the
man the office. This is the good, old
Alliance teaching. Come and join us.
Fraternally yours, M. Sexx.
Populist Argument From a Gold-Bag Source.
An editorial communication in tha
Bankers' Magazine and Statistical Rg
Jater for March, 189 in diaoussing the
decline in wheat and silver, makes the
following statement:
In this oonneotion there has been muoh
controversy over the cause of the continued
depression in wheat the world over; and the
simultaneous break in the price of silver to
a lower record also, the latter as oause and
the former as effect. Early in the month
the United States was sotting in London 73
cents gold for its No. 2 red winter wheat;
Russia, India, Argentine, and all other
wheat exporting countries were gettinj for
an inferior wheat $1 07 to $1.10 in silver at
the then prices of silver and foreign ex
change between London and the several
oountries from which she was importing
wheat, all of which are on a silver ourrenoy
basis, except this oountry. The above prioes
in silver for wheat were p radically the same
as the silver oountries were getting ten
years ago, or before the great depression in
the prioes of wheat in this oountry and Eu
rope had set in. Yet the purchasing power
of silver in these silver wheat-raising ooun
tries, with few and temporary exceptions,
has been but little ohanged.
Hence, the Russian, India and Argentine
farmer ia getting about old prioes for his
wheat, owing to the decline in silver, caused
largely by overproduction in this oountry,
while the Amerioan farmer is getting only
about two-third the price of ten years ago.
The oonsequence is that wheat pays as well
as formerly, in the silver oountries, with
their improved and increased means of
transportation by rail, with their interior
boundless wheat areas; and they are all
constantly increasing their production,
while the gold countries of Europe and the
United States are being driven out of wheat
culture because they cannot compete with
these silver oountries as long as wheat, or
silver, or both, are so low as now. It is use
less to deny that our egrioultural olasses are
getting poorer and poorer each year, ex-
oepting when other oountries have short
crops; or that our former supremacy in the
wheat markets of the world has been lost
for some cause or oauses, and that the silver
wheat exporting oountries have taken it
away from us, as we are the only wheat-ex
porting oountry of the world that is on a
gold basis.
The Woman's Progressive Political League.
Various subjects of interest were dis
cussed by the women at the regular
meeting of the Topeka Woman's Pro
gressive Political league on Wednesday,
March 21, the principal one being the
"Omaha ordinance." After it was thor
oughly ventilated, the following resolu
tion was unamimousl) adopted:
Whibias, The first great national conven
tion of the People's party did, in its wis
dom, institute the so-called Omaha ordi
nance; and
Whxbkas, The Woman's Progressive Po
litical league, of Topeka, believe this pro
vision to have been made by a foresight,
almost akin to inspiration, that nothing is
more important for the future suoowss of
this new party, or more calculated to insure
its oontinued purity; and
Whibiai), We believe that no man who
loves the reform oause and desires to see it
prosper will object to the provisions of this
ordinance; therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Woman's Political
Progressive league, of Topeka, call upon
the various leagues throughout the state,
and upon all persons interested in a gov
ernment of and by the people, to unite in
demanding that this ordinance be annexed
to every call made for county, state or na
tional People's party conventions.
Arrangements were made to give an
entertainment on the evening of
Wednesday, March 28. There will be
some refreshments in addition to a short
program of music and recitations. An
enjoyable time is expected, and all are
invited to come and participate.
Exchanges are requested to copy reso
lutions. United States Finance gjitem.
Editor Advocate: For the first time
since the "best banking system the world
ever saw" went forth as law, I read on
pago 3072, Ccxyrtsaiosal Record, tha
whole act crammed into a nut shell and
stated by Senator Stewart in the senate
of the United States. Here : it is, let all
read it, and then inquire of any ordinary
lunatic if he don't know himself what
caused the present panio: "We have a
law upon our statute book which the
people do net appear to understand. It,
in effect, compels the government to
borrow money, pay interest on it, and
loan it to corporations. The govern
ment haa to pay from 3 to 5 per cent,
and must loan to corporations at 1 per
Corporations in Kansas loan at from
10 to 40 per e'eat,
Average of produc&cn tor the l&at 400
years, 3 per cent.
Let all the "intelligent people" get
their 10 year old daughters and sons to
strike a balance sheet from the above,
reckoning the volume of currency at
$2,000,000,000 and to run for thirty years,
and see "whew we are at." Exak.
Current History for the fourth quarter of
1893 sums up in a nutshell both eidea of the
Hawaiian question; gives an elaborate re
view of the situation in the United States
as regards the tariff, and the general inter
ests of business and industry, with statistics
for the year; traces the oauses and signifl
oanoe of the trouble in Brazil; discusses
with great clearness the international prob
lem of the balance of power in the Medi
terranean; reviews the political situation in
the United. States, the Qravesend affair, the
working of the liquor dispensary law in
South Carolina, the prohinition movement
acd the growth of new political forces in
Canada; discusses the facts and tendencies
of the growth of socialism and anarohy in
Europe; sums up what has been done to the
end of 1893 in the way of Australasian fed
eratioo; chronioles the events of the Mata
bale war; treats of the anti-foreign senti
ment in China and Japan; gives a resume
of progress in scientific research, as
tronomioal and arob a; logical discovery.
photography in natural colors, etc.; reviews
over 100 of the new books; sketches the
oareers of the eminent dead; outlines the
life and work of Franols Parkman; and con
tains a fund of valuable information on
a host of other timely topics. Portraits of
many prominent personages, as well as use
ful maps, etc, adorn the pages. Editor
ially and typographically the work shows
the greatest care. No addition to the fam
ily library oould bo more useful, or possess
a more general interest than a bound vol
ume of this unique publication, which, with
the current number, completes the fourth
year of its historical record. An elaborate
itemized index for the volume is given with
the present number. It covers twenty-six
closely printed pages, and adds greatly
to the value of the book as a reference
work. Garretson, Cox & Co., Buffalo, N. Y.:
$1.50 a year, single oopies 40 cents; sample
!5 oents; speoimen pages sent on applica
If this copy ia addressed to you it's
youra; at least it belongs to some
one of your name.
We do not send the paper on
credit, because we cannot afford to
do bo. But we sometimes give away
sample copies.
Then again, there are people who
pay for a paper and have it sent to a
friend or neighbor. Perhaps you
are the fortunate friend or neighbor
in this case. Or perhaps you have
received a sample copy.
At any rate you should keep the
paper and read it and don't annoy
your postmaster by kicking about
giving it to you.
King's great pamphlet, "Bondholders
and Breadwinners," Norton's "Ten Men
of Money Island" or "The Illative
Conspiracy" any ons of them frt1 to
dollar ADY0CATH suwcrUtfrj,
OjiootMCUSATOR sndr
. EuCCDtH comoinea. ,
p r mni 4 mtuta map t
ReiiaMaincu onrorji n go roog g r yy. y j , .;
M 2T
X W ii
When writing advertisers mention Advocate
9 Wrt O and 11 No. 14 WlTOS
60 In. high. Make It your-
eelt for 100 per Hon
Uorso high, bull etrouf.
tiaht. Miikaltvourself
ifor !i Cents Fer Had.
fntatnirna fpna. AfltlrCSl
IzKld Seville, Iudiantu
When wrltlnjr advertisers mentlonAdTocto
hoxall incuomon
I jfl Wmnufrtur '
8 oithor tlnglo or
S donhU trtv.
Is the simplest and most per
iod Sslf-Regulatlna Incubator
on the market, ana we manu
facture the only slf-reffulat
ioar Brooder in America.
Circulars free. Address
guiNov. its.
Th lowttl ptlco fint-cUw hlch
When writing advertisers mentlonAdTocaTr"
ia "-jV7 .-i....,... 'JET
n ' r I I
' 1i
ft!!--'"'. v:'n
Oflflfl Maehinm SOLD in ths
xUUU yr 1HU3, anil every i
tron Mtinned. (vM 4 CM. IA
tamps for Ho tftt ctl.Ku to
Bucifpva Incubator Cij.
tj When wrItlntfiadvertlsersJmentloa'Advooat
mihi vci
A Works on the same prin
I clple as hand-washln sr.
U your naruwn u
not keep It, wrl U to us. Circulars,
tMtlmonlals. eta sent FREE.
Hal JUanhcUrcra,
When writing alrerttiors mention Advocate
iiMibod mum it to drop
OOt In feW day-wy vMtlg roaUd oat tb,
blood purldd, car pOTmm.nl. No knife Uor
faaatlo. No o r CcUd thU bttvr:
luhttt Mtiial Initltute, &' LuSalle A v., Chicago.
Writ for totllmoalsl alio for In "UiW" to
When writing advertisers tnoatloa Advocate
Ot Vlavl the great home treatment for
women? Probably you have.
Oar Health Book for mothers and daaga
ters tells all It about It. Mailed free.
Columbian Building,
Wbenwrltlnir advertisers mention Advocate
When writing advertisers mention Advocate
NIAAITnllln rlnal p
A $90 Top Bugxy and Harness g g g
A lug fwo-5prlnn Phaeton OKfl
and Harness for OUw
A$i5oLeatherQuarterExt.Top f7K
Surrey and Harness for. ...Of 0
A $45 Open Road Wazon. thor- Of A
oughly well made, for KjjLf
A II ffooda warranted at repretenled.
WrIU for our iiumomoCoUlofu toot FREE.
People's Carriage A Harness Co.
RUrra, HuBlltoa Okla,
When writing advertlseri mention Advocate
ran $iam
" Si Will mafat Pirn Minn.
V Grinds more grain to any
; deKre of nneriewt than any
-. - ouier mi u, urinua ear-corn,
0ftt,, fine euouKh for
to choke. We warrant the PKKiirrvH to iwth
ill. Kudo orlf bv tho

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