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I 10 THE ADVOCATE. The Amy of the Commonweal. Editor Advocate: Histor ia re peating itself in our age. We have maenad anoiner imuuiuuu. yvtiuu u national life. Old partiea and policies are worn out We have lived without political or state reform for twenty-five years, conservatism nas cnangea to retrogression. The extremes have touched. Radicalism must follow retro gresaion. A new departure, a new align ment of forces must be had. The prea ent conditions mean death to all progress. The old order is dying hard. It assumes the role of a martyr, and will die with out confessing its eins. We are m a period of unprecedented decay. The ad ministration, the congress, the courts, . are devoid of the springs of intelligent action; over all pervades an atmosphere of hypocrisy and imbecility. Like Bel ehazzar, they are feasting while the Meads are approaching. With shame leas disregard of the rights of the people, the theory and traditions of popular government, the rulers of the nation have struck off at one blow mors than half of an already short currency fund. This is the greatest and most unjusti fiable public crime of the century. A gold standard and its incidents, a policy of monarchial government, is adopted without let or laave of the people, and without any modification to meet the altered conditions of a new and free country. A false and unsettled issue over tariff reform is kept up in congress whioh allows a few "home industries" to plunder and throw oat of employment, a patient and long suffering people. Gov eminent is held with its "nozzle against the bank,1' away from the masses, for fear that they will get the benefits of or tne paternalism" that the gold-bugs and home "industries" enjoy. The ma ioritv must DUt UD with "individnaHam" and "competition," while the minority have the harvest fields of "paternalism" and "monopoly." The attitude of gov ernment in this country is no different or better than monarchy. It is em ployed to assist in the discrimination of the few against the many. We have in operation the converse of what popular government should be. These wrongs have not passed unnoticed and without protest. The weak small voice is abroad through the land. The word of warn ing has gone forth. It has been drowned in a confusion of tongues. A few true men have spoken out m the national council, but they have been jeered and mocked. Petitions of grievance have found their way into the waste basket The people, the right, must not be heard. This is a rule that has served absolut ism for centuries, but they must and will be heard. The army of the commonweal is a pe tition "in boots" to congress to correct existing abuses insofar as that body can do so. Nothing is asked but what con gress has both a legal right and moral obligation to do. The opposition to thia army is on line with the opposition and disregard of the people that have actuated the national rulers for years. It differs now only in being direct, instead of in direct, as heretofore. Coxey's army more nearly represents the people in sentiment than the rulers row in power. A Coxeyite who would not make a better legislator than John Shermas, or presi dent than Grover Cleveland, is unworthy of a day's rations. But what is the meaning of all this? The meaning is that the people an goaded to desperation. Wrong has been borne from governmental agencies as long as it can be well secured. The peo ple of the colonies bore with government Injury until it reached a point where j they flew to dangers that they knew not ! of to escape the pressure of known evils. The land is liable to blaze into war at any moment if striking the fiint is kept bo near the tinder. If consrreaa would grant the relief asked, and kings have granted more to their incensed subjects, the army would disband. But should not con- ro33 do that, the army has the oonsti tutional right to assemble and petition it The constitution grants that right. It was bought with the blood of the rev olutionary fathers. If the army ia chafed, it is a menace undoubtedly, but if not chafed, it may be as harmless as a petition from a remote constituency. But though this army pass away, is there not an example left behind for others to follow? If present conditions do not abate, it is liable to happen again, and draw additional force and purpose. Evil deeds bring evil incidents. The army is a natural consequence of legislative evils. As Satan could not conquer sin because derived from him, neither can the pres ent authority conquer the army because derived from it How can the conditions be removed? Legally and constitutionally there ia but one remedy, that ia the ballot The bal lot has not done ita duty. If it had, there would have been different rulers, and juster ones. But a just and patri otic use of the ballot might not always avail to prevent the present conditions. The electoral machinery is defective, and should be amended. It lacks the popular initiative or response in a great many important particulars, and thia lack has partially caused the present conditions, and the muster of the army. If the people had been permitted to take a direct vote on the repeal of the "Sher man law," or the veto of the "seignior- age bill," or the rule for counting a quorum, or the "Wilson bill," far differ ent results would be recorded. The ser vanta would not be above the masters. The masters would not have to assemble at Washington taonfront their recreant servants. Government is carried on in this way in the republic of Switzerland. We might profitably learn a lesson from this little land of patriots and statesmen that would at one and the same time keep down arrogant authority and render assembled democracy unneces sary. As it was said years ago, so it may now be said, "Eternal vigilance is the prioe of liberty." Is there anyone so dull as not to comprehend this? If bo, let him look into the faces of his help less family. Let him in this trial of the passing of the "bitter cup" resolve to stand olooe to the flag, and what it sym bolizes. Lay aside prejudices and party. Come out aa a patriot in times of peace as he would in war, and help save the only fabric of government in the world worth saving. Do justice to the "tramp" and the "millionaire," and see that they do justice. The harvest of many fields will sorn be garnered, or lost in the win now of the threshing floor. D. Madden. Cottonwood Falls, Kaa. From the Wlnfleld Amendment Club. Editor Advocatb: Tuesday even ing, May 1, an equal suffrage contest was held in Manning's opera house under the auspices of the Winfield Amendment club. This club numbers over 300 mem bers. The exercises were ! introduced by singing. The invocation was by Presi dent Phillips of the Southwestern Kan sas college. O. A. Hott a republican real estate agent, spoke on the subject of "Woman and Man." He referred to Columbus. who could not sail on his voyage of dis covery until he applied to and received help from a woman. So it must ever be woman who equips man for all great voyages of life. Dr. W. T. Wright, a physician of re nown, who also ia a republican, spoke upon "The Inalienable Rights of Woman," and why they have bo long been deprived of these rights. He says woman has the same inherent rights as man, and receives them from the same source. The Rev. D. C. Hoover, a noted pro hibitionist, spokj on the "Tyranny of Prejudice." The ravages of prejudice are found everywhere. Every new idea is crucified on the cross of intolerance. This will never be a free nation until all the intelligence and patriotism have a voice at the polls. The Rev. E. P. Hickok, a republican, and one of our best prohibition workers. reoited "Two Stars." This was, in part, original, and spoke very touchingly of the only two stars on the woman's flag. H. T. Trice, a stirring real real estate agent, and a republican, took for his sub ject "Women and Her Political Peers." He illustrated with pictures in a pleas ing manner. The last contestant was a democrat, our ex-mayor, P. H. Albright Kansas has never known a mora thoroughly re liable loan agent than he. Mr. Albright's subject was, "The Indian and the Eggs." The Indian could eat but six of the seven eggs given him, so he gave one to his wife. It is the brute in man that opposes woman's suffrage. The most intelligent men are in favor of it While waiting for the decision of the judges, J. C. Bradshaw, of the People's party, editor of the Free Press, spoke on the subject, "It Is Just, It Ia Right" He gave a beautiful tribute to woman and mother. The Rev. H. T. W. Kuehne, a republi can, with pleasing remarks, presented the prize, a beautiful bouquet tied with yellew ribbon, to the successful contest ant, the Rev. D. E. Hoover. German Baptist Annual Meeting. The annual meetinjr of the German Ban. tist brethren will be held at Meveredale. Pa., on the Pittsburg Division of the Bal timore z Ohio railroad, oommenoinir May 13D4. For this oooasion the B. & 0. Railroad oompany will sell excursion tioketa to Mb ersdale and return from all stations on its system of lines at rate of one first-class fare for the round trip. From points east of and including Pittsburff and Wheelinffth tioketa will be sold from May 22 to 28 inclusive, and will be valid for return pass age within thirty days from date of sale. rom points west of Pittsburff and Wheel ing the tioketa will be sold from 21 to 26 inclusive, and will be valid for return cas. sage within thirty days from date of sale. For time of trains, eto., address nearest agenl of the B. & 0. Railroad oompany, or 0. P. MoCarty, Oen'l Pass. Agent, B, &0. S. W. Railway, St Louis, Mo.; L. S. Allen, Ass't Gen'l Pass. Agent, B. & 0. Railroad, Chicago, 111.; E. D. Smith, Div. Pass. Agent, B. 4 0. Railroad, Pitaaburg, Pa., or B. F. Bond, Dir. Pass. Agent, B. & O. Rail road, Baltimore, MdL; Cbaa. O. Soull, Gen'l PaSfl. AffenL R. Ar. f RailwxaA P.lMmn. Md. ' Vill Plow Anything anywhere "( fr A "Hummer" and No Mistake. Four hundred plows sold the first sea son of ita introduction into Kansas is last season's record of salsa by the Avery Planter company, of Kansas City, on the now-famous, three-wheeled, sulky plow, "The Hummer." 4The Hummer" embodies every con ceivable improvement to make a perfect plow, and is the result of many years of costly experimenting. Durability, light ness of draft, and remarkable ease of management are among some of its ana. oial features.' Once set at the desired depth, it can be raised from the wound any number of times, and will always go to the same depth when again lowered without the use of a ratchet It is the only plow manufactured that does not require to be set every time it is lowered into the ground. By the simple manipulation of a lever, its action is con- trolled. It will turn a BOUara nnrnr in or out of the ground, to the riffhtor left By a lever adjustment, it can be raised or lowered to open a square fur row of any depth. Another feature of "The Hummer" is that it raises ita plow entirely out of ground from four to six inches; it is the only three-wheeled plow that does this. Bafore purchasing your sulky plows, send for our fine descriptive catalogue of thia new wonder among plows. ' How's Thia. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any oase of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. " F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last fiften years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any oouzBuon maze Dy saeir arm. WJWT E XBUAX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Wilding, Kins a k Mabvdt, Wholesale Drugjiats, Toledo, O. Hall'fl Catarrh ChirA ia tnVAn intAvnnliw Rfitinir dirflfltlv nrmn th hlrtrul anA miiMnt surfaces of the system. Prioe 75 oente per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimon ials free. Thfl WisaTltRW Tratt. ifl rtnrtliaViArl quarterly by the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific railway. It tells how ia mfc A farm in th wofli. and it will be sent to you gratis for one year. Send name and address to "Edi tor Western Trail. Chicasro " and receive it one year free. Johx Sebastian, O.P. A. NOXALL INCUBATOR Is the simplest and moat per fect Sdlf.Reaulatina Inruhitnr Ion the market, and we manu facture the only self-regnlat inor Brooder in America. Circulars free. Address GEO. W. UURPHYX CO ' 1J QCTSCT, ILL. doohl. Uy. . - . Tin IowmI prto nnt-clsM hichr Bad. "when writing advertisers mention Advocate Tho UcisslI Wnskr A PERFECT WASHER. Works oa the same prfca ciple aa band-washing; it your hardware dealer does) not keep It, write to as. C!rcuJi testimonials, etc sentFKEE. DIETHER & BARROWS, P FT. "WAYNE, IHD. I tWhen writing advertisers mention Advocate f -V -e3rV' WNy l H.: I !