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12 Published May 9, 1894. Sup! Will 7117. "c H.Mabry vs, Thos. Harp, Administrator o! the Estate of Joel Stewart, Deceased. Error from Cowley County. REVERSED. Syllabus. Bt the Coubt. Hobton. C. J L Annual crops, like wheat, which are the product of Industry and care, sown by the owner of the soil, or his tenant, while growing and immatured, are personal property, a. Where a person In good faith purchases of a tenant, having a term less than two years, an interest In his lease without the assent of the landlord, such contract is voidable only, not absolutely void. Such contract with the subsequent assent of the landlord is valid. II he refuses to assent, the sub-tenant cannot, as against his objection, take possession of the premises, or any of the growing crop under All thejustices concurring. Attest: ' C. J. BROWN, seal Clerk Supreme Court 9503. The State of Kansas on the Relation of John T. Little, Attorney General vs. The Dodge City.MontezumaA Trinidad Railway Com pany, et aL Original Proceeding In Mandamus. PEREMPTORY WRIT DENIED. Syllabus. By the Court. Hobton, C. J Where a. railway company owning a short line of railroad of twenty-alz miles only, is whnllv insolvent, and such company has no cars or engines with which to operate It, and no funds or property to be applied for the payment of the expenses of the company or the road, and the use of the road has been abandoned for several months, and the road cannot be operated, except at a great loss, by any corporation or person, not iaklng Into ac count the repairs of the road and the taxes thereon, the supreme court, having some dis cretion in the granting of a writ of mandamus will not comnel. bv a peremptory writ, the railway company to replace or put into repair its track, a part of which has been torn up, as such an order would be useless or futile and of no public benefit All the justices concurring. A true copy. Attest: C. J. BROWN, (seal) Clerk Supreme Court 812a The City of ElDorado vs. C. 0. Beardaley. Appeal from Butler County. AFFIRMED. Syllabus. By the Couet. Hobtok, C. J L An ordinance of a city prohibiting the saleof lntoxicatlngliquors within the limits of such city, except by persons having a per sell, as provided for by the laws of laws of the state, is not an ordinance to regu late the sale of intoxicating liquors, but to prohibit the sale thereof. 3, Where a police court of acity has jurisdic tion to try and punish a party for the violation of a city ordinance, when the prosecution Is for that violation alone, the court has also the power to try and punish a party for the commission of several violations of the same ordinance if united in the same complaint In such case, punishment for the different violations cf the same ordinance is not to be aggregated so as to make a single or entire punishment for all the violations, but the sentence for each violation is to be Imposed separately and as for a separate offense. All the justices concurring. A true copy. Attest: C J. BROWN, seal Clerk Suprome Court 7111 John P. Freese vs. Edward Scouten, et aL Error from Kiowa County. REVERSED. Syllabus. By the Coubt. Hobton, C. J L All that is required of an applicant to make an entry and a purchase of a tract of the Osage Indian trust and diminished reserved lands is that he shall have all the qualifica tions of a pre-emptor; that he shall be an actual settler on the land at the date of his entry, and that he shall make full payment therefor. 2. A mortgagee from an entry man of a , tract of Osage Indian trust and diminished reserved lands after final receipt is given, and before the issuance of the patent, takes his mortgage subject to the supervisory power of the coTrimlaaionnr of the irnnorsvl lanil nffi.A n the United States. 8. If the applicant or entryman having all the qualifications of a pre-emptor and being an actual settler on the land at the date of his entry, purchases and pays for a tract of the Osage Indian trust and diminished reserved lands, and after obtaining his final receipt, executes a mortgage to another party upon the land, and then for the express purpose of defrauding the mortgagee, enters into a col- inrf Innitllllnt lamnnant Bilfl. m I mA person to have his Uwlul entry cancelled and In pursuance thereof a collusive contest Is commenced bv BUCh Other nerann acralnat tVia entryman, ana by the collusion and fraud of the parties, the United State land officers are imposed npon and a cancellation of the entry title and Interest of the entryman to such other person; Meld, That as to the mortgagee, having no notice of the contest or of any of the proceedings, such cancellation, having been obtained by collusion and fraud of the Sartlea thereto, does not bind or conclude im. All the Justices concurring. A true copy. . Attest: C. J. BROWN, seal Clerk Supreme Court 9506. E.S. Ralston, Trustee, Ed. F. Barrell, Clerk, and 11. J. uyies, .treasurer, at at. vo. iuo Dodge City, Montezuma, & Trinidad Rail way Company, B. F. Kellogg. Harry Benja min, et al, Error from Ford County. AFFIRMED. Syllabus. BytheCoubt. Hobton.CJ !? nV nmmyyirart ffturnafilrk In thla a tut a Is a body politic and corporate, and Its proper name may sue and be sued. a. A township may bring an action In its own proper name, but the trustee or other officers of the township are not the proper piainucs in an kuuu uniiuju w uo ihju by the township, or for the benefit of the township, or in the interest of the people of the township. All tne justices concurring. A true copy. n , Attest: M C. J. BROWN, seal. Clerk Supreme Court 7034. i t lfolltr and W. V, TTaIItt. Copartners aa rne rrairie Liumoer vwyauj vs. ueujaiuau v. martin. Error from Finney County. REVERSED. Syllabus. By the Coubt. Hobton, C. J wIiam HittinM-a tn IaV a dennnltlon aneft. ifloa th.t. the taVlnir will he Adjourned from day to day," It is not error for the notary, be fore whom the deposition Is taken, to adjourn ine taxing OI vne UBpoainj u irum uay v ujr, at th na.anio of the attorney for the TartV giving the notice, where neither the opposing tarty, nor ma attorney appear aujr uuo .ofnra nnh nnttra nnhlin. and therein no P.nn- tantlnn that tha .HlmirnTnanti were taken for the purpose ox annoying tne opposing party, or preventing croBa-exainiuauon, ur causiug any unneceBHary expeiise ur ueiajr. All the justices concurring. A true copy. Attest C. J.BROWN, seal Clerk Supreme Court 6816. The Orchard Place Land Company vs. Eugenia A. Brady and the uny oi Kansas uuy. Error from Wyandotte County. AFFIRMED. Syllabus. BytheCoubt. Hobton.CJ Where a city, In grading one of its streets, filled nn a natural water course, ana as a bud- atltuta for the water course or channel constructed a small sewer or culvert under the grading or embankment on the street and with the consent of . land romnanv extended the same sev eral feet upon its private property, and the land nnmnanf .rradad ud its lots and contin ued the city sewer or culvert through its own rtronertv bv loinlnir its sewer or culvert with the city sewer, and subsequently the sewer or culvert 01 tne lana company, on account vi ua negligent construction and maintenance, fell in and obstructed the sewer or culvert built by the city, and thereby caused the overflow of the waters formerly carried off by the natural water course, Held, That the land company Is liable for the damages caused by sucn ODSirucilon Oi vne sewer anu tne overuow of the waters resulting thereirom. All the justices concurring. A true copy. , , Attest: C. J. BROWN, seal Clerk Supreme Court 963L George D. Hale vs. Oscar Bisohoff. Proceedings In Quo Warranto. JUDGMENT FOR PLAINTIFF. Syllabus. Bt the Coubt. Hobton. C. J L Where a statute authorizes the appoint ment of an official and declares the tenure of the office, and is silent on the point as to the beginning of the first appointee's term, the commencement of the official term begins to ran from the data of the appointment i, The office of city assessor of the city of Topeka, under the statute ana tne nrst ap pointment made by the mayor and city coun cil on February 6, 1882, commeuced to run from that date. Each succeeding term of two years followed each otherin regular order, the one commencing where the other ended. 3. Where the term of a city official Is fixed at two years and a person is appointed to the office for one year only, the appointment Is valid lor tne lull statutory perioa. 4. Where an appointment to an office Is made during a vacancy for a full term, this Is m legal effect an appointment to nu tne vac ancv onlr. 5. An officer whose official term has expired but who remains In possession of the office, having full control thereof and exercising the functions of the same, Is an officer de Jocto, ana au oi ms acts, within the limits or nis official power, are valid as respects the public J ana tnira persons. Ail tne justices concurring. A true copy. Attest: C. J. BROWN, seal Clerk Supreme Court 9564. The State of Kansas vs. John Sutton. Appeal from Reno County, REVERSED. Syllabus. BytheCoubt. Hobton.CJ Under section 3, chapter 121, sees, laws of 1871, (parg. 2213, gen. stat 188B) and section 92 of the act relating to crimes and punishments parg. rats, gen. stat lasy) a person wno unlaw ully and feloniously receives any goods or property stolen, taken and carried away from a railroad depot station house, passenger coach, express or freight car, knowing the same to have been s feloniously stolen from such a place, is guilty of a leiony without re gard to the value of the goods or property so stolen. Johnston, J concurring. Allen, J., dissenting. A true copy. Attest: C. J. BROWN, beal Clerk Supreme Court 706L Boston Loan and Trust Company vs. W. M Organ, A. u. Wharton ana John . Kenyon. Error from Lyon County. AFFIRMED. Syllabus. By the Coubt. Johnston, J L Mere Irregularities In the method of ob talnlng the vacation of a judgment wrong fully obtained and to which no objections were made will not defeat the order vacating such judgment; nor can the omission of a verincation to a pleading do regaraea as a ratal aerect, wnere tne parties proceeaeato trial on the merits, without objection, as though the pleading was verified and the issues properly loineo. 2. Pleadlnirs examined, and held, to be suffi cient to authorize the trial of the questions submitted to the court and the evidence found to be sufficient to sustain the decision vaoatlng the Judgment and permitting the garnishee to come in and defend against the claim of the plaintiff. 3. The garnishee in the action answered and showed that the land which had been at tached as the property of the defendant had been conveyed to the garnishee In payment of a just debt owing to him by the defendant ana mat tne iana wnen iairiy vaiuea was wholly inadequate to discharge the indebted ness. There was an understanding between the garnishee and defendant that if at any time the former could obtain more for the property than the amount of the Indebtedness the surplus should be paid to the defendant Upon the trial It was shown that the debt of tne garnishee was oona nae ana mat tne trans fer of the real estate In satisfaction of the debt was made In good faith, and the undisputed testimony was mat no interest remainea in the property beyond what was necessary to satisfy the demand of the garnishee. Held, mat as a sale oi me property unaer plain tiffs attachment would yield nothing and serve no beneficial purpose, the ruling of the court discharging the garnishee and dissolv ing tne attachment was not error. All the justices concurring. A true copy. Attest: C J. BROWN, seal Clerk Supreme Court 7057. E, S. Robinson vs. R. J. Waddell & Company. Error from Franklin County. AFFIRMED. Syllabus. BytheCoubt. Johnston, J. In the absence of an agreement or counter vailing equity the proceeds of a mortgage Sven to secure several notes maturing at dif rent times should be applied to the pay ment of the notes In the order of their maturity: but where the payee of the notes, who was the mortgagee, sells the notes to another and Indorses the two notes first ma turing as an additional security and to Induce the assignee of the notes and mortgage to purchase them. It was proper for the court In order to give effect to the purpose of the par ties, to decree that the unindorsed notes should have precedence In payment out of tha fund derived from the foreclosure and sale of the mortgaged property. All the justices concurring. A true copy. Attest: C J. BROWN, seal Clerk Supreme Court 7097. Joseph T. Patterson vs. Benjamin C. Galusha. Error from Republic County. REVERSED. Syllabus. By the Coubt. Johnston, J. G- who owned a quarter section of land, con veyed 140 acres of the same to P. In considera tion that P. would assume and nay a mortgage Indebtedness which existed against the land. Afterward, G. brought an action to recover from P. ten acres of the land or the value of the same, alleging that P. had misrepresented the nature and amount of the indebtedness. and that 130 acres was sufficient consideration for the debt assumed. Toon tha testimony in the record it is Held, That the parties stood upon an equal looting; mat tne nature ana amount of the debt assumed and the material facts In the transaction were equally within the knowledge ox both; ana mat mere was no such deception and fraud on the part 9? V- M will defeat the conveyance of the land or justify a recovery in favor of G. au tne justices concurring. A true copy. Attest: C. J. BROWN, seal Clerk Supreme Court 7iia Clara N. Sellers, et al vs. Henry Gay, et aL Error from Wyandotte County. AFFIRMED. Syllabus. By the Coubt. Johnston, J The facts in the present case are found to fall within the decision of Sellers vs. Crossan, recently aeciaea, ana following that case It is held that the acts and conduct of the com plaining parties estop them from disputing the validity of tha mortgages foreclosed In favor of the defendants in error. Sellers vs. Grossan, 52 Kas., ; 35 Pac Rep. 205. All the Justices concurring. A true copy. Attest: C.J.BROWN, seal Clerk Supreme Court 9516. The State of Kansas vs. Morgan A.Stlckney. Error from Nemaha County. AFFIRMED. Syllabus. By the Coubt. Johnston, J L Where a person breaks into a building Intending to commit larceny and does every act essential to a burglarious breaking, the mere fact that there was a detective with and apparently assisting him in the commission of the crime will not constitute a defense. State vs. Jansen, 22 Kas., 498. J. ii tne entrance to tne bunding was made by the procurement and with the consent of the owner, or by a person acting in his em ployment the breaking could not be regarded as burglarious, but the fact that the owner was willing to assist in and facilitate the de tection and arrest of the criminal is itself no consent to the commission of the crime. 3. The appellant was arrested and his pre liminary examination was held eight days Deiore tne trial, two days neiore tne tnai counsel was assigned to him, and on the day preceding the trial he filed an affidavit for a continuance, stating that he had not had suffi cient time In which to prepare for trial and setting forth the testimony of an absent wit ness whose testimony he desired. The state consented that the affidavit for continuance should be read as the deposition of the absent witness, and the court denied the continu ance. Held. That the denial of the motion was not error. 4. Newly discovered evidence that dis credits a witness or which is merely cumula tive is not sufficient cause for a new triaL All the justices concurring. A true copy. Attest: C J. BROWN, seal Clerk Supreme Court 7053. The City of Kansas City vs. Emma C. Slang strom. Error from Wyandotte County. AFFIRMED. Syllabus. By the Coubt. Johnston, J 1. While a city has power where it is deemed necessary to divert a stream passing through its limits from Its natural course ana to confine it to a narrower channel, In doing so it must use reasonable care to prevent in jury to others, and If damage results to the owners of private property from its negligence or wrong-doing In this respect It will be Cable for the loss. 2. Where two or more parties by their con current wrong-doing cause Injury to a third person, they are jointly and severally liable, and the injured party may at his option insti tute an action and recover against one or all of those contributing to the Injury. 8. Special findings returned by the jury are to be considered together and If possible are to be so construed as to harmonize them and to uphold the general verdict 4. The findings examined and held to show that the damages recovered were the result of the concurrent wrong-doing; of the city, and another party, for the whole of which either was liable, and that the findings are sufficient to sustain the general verdict and the judg ment All the Justices concurring. A true copy. n , Attest: C J. BROWN, beal Clerk Supreme Court 7111 The Gregory Grocery Company vs. Young A Conboy. Error from Johnson County. AFFIRMED. Syllabus. Bt the Coubt. Johnston, J Failing debtors gave preference to several of their creditors over others by executing mortgages upon thsir property to satisfy what were shown to be bona fide debts. An unse cured creditor caused an attachment to be levied upon some of the property npon the alleged grounds that the debtors had and were about to dispose of their property for the pur pose of defrauding, hindering and delaying their creditors. The district court upon a hearing dissolved the attachment and it is held npon a review of the testimony that the ruling of the court was not erroneous. All the judges concurring. A true copy. Attest: C J. BROWN, seal Clerk Supreme Court