Newspaper Page Text
10 THE ADVOCATE. TJEEHIVES very cheap. Ekibsox Abbott, AJ St. Joseph, Mo. POLANDCHINA PIG3 AND SHORT horns, bred by J. H. Taylor, Pearl, Kas. t FOE ALL. fli month salary and ex. paid. If yon waot employment writ ODse to V. 0. V ICKEKi, Augusta, woe. A a mAM Dm. It BrtUr Uiu adW mi tbrad' HOT lllwli MeuJIng Uuum for maodlrm tllk, mtiiu tlMA. kid tflortf, a ckintoli., umtirellnJ. Hunpl. for ill 2-ont tumpc WS. liAVWAKl), 446 Bumiw Ureal, Ihleafo, III. WANTED Agent In ench place to show samples of shoes, clothing and leave price llHts. tjend stamp for jealed answer to UIkksA Co.. Louisville, Ky., Jiox 645. M EGG INCUBATORS OfllYj; in F.M.CUEtlA,Boxl51,Lincoln,NebV I U Permanently Cured ! ! ! ! Koine treatment. til) to 35. Bend stump for hook. ' ISO. B. HiKKis, Port Payne, Ala When writing advertisers mention Aavoo&te FRANK HERALD, TTORNEiY AT LAW. 413 Kansas Ave., Topekai Kan, J.CHcCLIHTOCK, A. r.!., n.JD., 0I7ZGr2ZO2T. 80 Kansas Avenue, - Topcka, Kansas Office hours, 3 to 4 p. m. BKLLEFONT NURSERY Honey and black locust for timber claim planting In west ern Kansas. Prices: 6 to 10 Inches, $101,000: 13 to 18 inches, $2.25f 1,000; 20 to 80 inches, $3$ 1,000. We are prompt and will ship with the greatest care. Address J. E.Mellecker, Belle font, Ford county, Kansas. SHIP roar Bstttr, Eras, Fruit, Poultry, Hldst, Prodsce Many kind to the VILLUA!1 UEECA3ITILE CO. ST. J0p L39. 'I Berry Crates, Boxes and Baskets. "7" Best prices and prompt sales and returns. SEND U3YGUB 0F.DER3 FOB APPLES. Bel er to any bank In the city. CARRIACESS?.W. anywhere to anyune at wholsate fries, without Day- in, one oent ID advanoe. w pay iroigni. nu j worn faotorr. Hare deal-1 SI H.SO Carriage for !. em' profits. Large II .00 .. illuaUatl catalog S4.00 " " . ftm. Minu Cash Buyera Union., 144 ff eet Taa Bursa Street, B Til CaiH U, When writing advertisers mention Advocate Y """j A Double Acting V , , JV Jk J Eioelulor Spray- X J A Y 1 1 11 tag OuttiU prTnt X., J A ' T I iLBJJfhtAWonM X, Id X r ; J J Fruit. Lisujrf a hvrfr j A I . 'yield of all Fruit ki4' 1 0 If Vefetab! crop fboafi I I O ' 7 andstntuM. 8ood9otfor L -. Jir X , t V. ' catalogue and fall toatle f A 0 A, ; ioaeprayiaf. Cirest&srrA fV X J WX.STAHlQjincy.lll. L J When vritiog advertisers mention Advocate DUEBER. SOLID S1LVERINE WARRANTED. Full gents size, nrade ttronfc and heavy, and euaranteed to wear a lifetime; movements warranted J years, btem. wind and stem-set, Bal ance jeweled top and bottom, finely temper. ed main and hair spring, hard enam- cieuuiai. senaus your address and we win snip tnis watch by express with 'written guarantee, and allow you to fully examine It, and if you ara satisfied the watch is well worth the money, pay the express agent $3.45 -ud express charges and it is yours: other wise you pay nothing and the watch will be returned at our ex. nense. If vou send Cash in full with order wewilleive a suitabel vest chain, free Prices always the lowest. 17. 0. MOKiil. Wholesale watches and f aweiery 273 E Madison St Chicago, 1JJ When writing advertlosrs mention Advocate m 4 1 "V ..... x 2 ' OB AGAINST POOLS AND COMBINATIONS, J. c. watson & co.,ipDinpr Ilarion, 2Ians. IDillUllL Itate Agents for Bucha lshed on application. State Agents for Buchanan Bridge Co., of Bellefontaine, Ohio. Plans and Specifications fnrn- 4. j. nAiaua, manager. 22 FAEMEFS ALLIANCE INSUKANCE CO. Of MoPhereon, Kansas. J. W. YOWELL, President. a. F. WAUQH, Secretary Risks, $5,800,000. Loesea paid, $180,000. Besourees, $90,000. Insures property 8aainst Fire, Dahtnina and Wind, and Growing Crops aaainst Hail, from one-third to one-half cheaper than any old line company. All losses promptly ad justed and paid without discount. Give us a trial and be convinced. When writing advertisers mention Advocate First published April 18, 1894. Notice by Publication. NO. 16270. W. C. Wheeler is herebv notified that he has been sued by Mary M. Wheeler In the District Court 01 Shawnee county, state 01 Kansas, in the case of Mary M. Wheeler vs. W. C. Wheeler numbered 1G270, and that you must answer the petition filed herein on or before the 31st day of May,1894,or the petition will betaken as true and iudjrment rendered urantintr to the plaintiff a divorce from you and annulling ine maruai relation now existing between you and the plaintiff and granting the plaintiff the custody and control of your minor chil dren. II. C. Root, Attorney for plaintiff. Attest: S, M. Gardknhike, skal Clerk District Court. HWE YOU Of Vlavi the great home treatment for womenr rrooaoiy you nave. Oar Health Book for mothers and daugh ters tens aii 11 acout is. Mauea iree. KANSAS VIAVI COMPANY, Columbian Building, TOPEKA, - - KANSAS. YORK HORSE FOOT LINIMENT will euro your horses feet. Try It. Costa only l.oo for u quart bottle. Ask your uriieKiNi mr 11. uircniara free. AOureHa, YORK BOUSE FOOT LINIMENT CO.. 1231 MASONIC TEMPLE, CHICAGO. HAS no fy Snperlorry ea Wvw Wingers Royal Crown V STEEL WIND MILL. f - -zs: ; r E. B. W'INQER, 531 Kenwood Terrace, Chicago. One man with helper can erect in i day on either wood, cable and pipe or steel tower K x Ago 0 5 ae M in Ytl tv Vill Plow Anything anywhere, ' 7MA " .w"E9ummer"Sul!:yorang DON'T BUT UNTIL TOU SEE IT OR "WRITE. AVERY PLANTER COMPANY, J-T' When writing advertlners mention Advocate GOLD AT AUCTION, on Tiesaay, Wednesday, and Thuradav each week. Private sales every day, At the At 0 Kaiisas City STocit Yards, HORSE D MULE DEPT. THE LARGEST ft FINEST INSTITUTION OP THE KIND IN THE UNITED STATES. 8510T head handled darlngr 1893. All stock sold direct from the fanner, free from disease, and tnturt be at ESBSSZ 17. S. T0U011 & SOJI, frs., Kansas When writing advertisen. mention Advocate W. H. H. Larimer. Id M. Smith. Church 6. Brldgeford. LARIMER, SMITH BRIDGEFORD, LIVE STOCK S2" ILA.27SAS CITY, MO. i hi I (Pn ANGER CUBED 1) With Soothing Balmy Oils. Cancer, Tumor, Catarrh, Piles, Fistula, Eczema and all Skin and Womb Diseases, CANCER of the Nose, Eye, Lip, Ear, Nook, Breast, Stomach, Womb in fact, all internal or external organs or tissues cured without the knife or burning plasters, but with soothing aromatio Oils. Beware of frauds and imitators, as there are others who hope to profit by adver tisinsrto cure these diseases with an oil. CTJT THIS OUT and send it for illustrated book on the above diseases. Mailed free. Address DR. D. M. BYE COMBINATION OIL CT7SX. Portsmouth Bldj., Kansas City, Kas. e in it S tt ft UJlhsi amis Are the most complete and commodieos la ft wtot aai second largest in the world, rices are realized here than farther at. TStn la dn a th 1iit that itook markataA In better condition and has less shrlakaft, havlnf been shipped a shorter distance and alas to there being located at these yards elati p&aklai honjea.wlth an aggregate daily capacity of 1,000 cattle, iOfiOQ hogt and 4,000 aheep. There axe Is nroiar attendance sharp, eompeUtlvc buyers for the packing houses of Chioajro, Osaaha. 81 Ionia, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Nai York and Boston and the Export trade to Xarep. All the eighteen railroads running late Kansas City have direct connection with la yank Cjy'l I ttH Jfi., Cars. Oflolal Receipts for 1893... I,745.t2t 1,948,373 869.51 7 35,097 99,758 Blaaghtered in Kansas City tta,m li37J63 rSSS Sold to Feeder tW WU 714 Sold to Shippers 810,40 U.9C0 Total told In Kanm Olty... 1 1,888,048 1,948,357 458,889 22,522 O. W. 1XORS2, Urea. Uaaagtr. B. XL BIOHAlUSOr lecaavlXxau B. T. CHILD, a. ETJST, HOME INVESTMENTS. The Topeta Co-operative Building and Loan Association. JOHN GUTHRIE, Ex Judge Third Judicial District, - - - President P. O. NOEL, President First National Bank, - - - Treasurer L. T. YOUNT, - - ... - - - Secretary What Savings Will Do in Installment Shares : The ooet of one share In Class "A" is: Membership fee, which carries the share one month 8 SCO 119 addiaional payments of $2X0 each 238 CO The investor receives 1500 in cash and only investa 8213 00 (An investment of over 21 per cent.) Agents wanted In every township and city In Kansas. Address L. T. YOUirr, COO Kanaaa Ave., TOPEKA, ILAS.