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2 TIZH ADVOCATE. COPYRIGHT.1 By GIDEON CHAPTER XXX. A DISTURBING DISCOVERY A WORK INGMAN MAY BE A HUMAN BEING ! "Though authority be a stubborn bear, Vet he is oft led by the nose with gold." Shakespeare. "Cursed be the social wants that sin against the strength of youth! Cursed be the social lies that warp us from the living truth 1 "Cursed be the sickly forms that err from honest nature's rule I Cursed be the gold that gilds the straighten'd forehead of the fool I" Tknnybon. John had prepared a surprise for the members of the Church of the Millen nium. He and Mrs. Delorme had per suaded Mason to consent to come to Graham quietly, appear unexpectedly at the hall Sunday afternoon, and preach, Rut how destiny mocks menl On that Saturday evening, at the very time when, at one extremity of the city, Mrs. Delorme was driving home from the railway station with Mason in her carriage, and while they were discus sing John's plans and she was telling how delighted he would be at the preacher coming, comrade hands were bearing to a workingman's humble home at the opposite extremity of the city John Cotterell's bleeding body. At the very moment when aunt and nephew were exchanging at the rail way station their lirst happy greetings, a policeman's bullet tore its murderous way through the blacksmith's body close to his noble heart, and he fell. But the half of the world which had its home at Mrs. Delorme's end of the town knew no more of the other half where the useful folk dwelt than of the inhabitants of any other foreign coun try. Polite society does not deem it well bred to mention disagreeable themes; besides, although he had heard of it, the shooting of John Cotterell had mauo but a very trilling impression upon Mr. Graham s mind a very agree able impression, it is true, for the inci dent had ended the stirke and all the "hands" except John and Ruble had returned to work by the company's kind permission, some of them claim ing that they had been virtually forced by Cotterell to engage in the strike alter they had done all they could to oppose him; still, the occur rence was not in itself sutlieiently im portant to make any deep impression on the general manager's mind. Of what consequence was the shooting, even were it the killing of one common clod of a shop hand, if thereby the company had got rid of a troublesome strike? The matter troubled Major Delorme still less, lie saw in it noth ing but one more much needed lesson to these troublesome people as to the ne cessity of avoiding collisions with sacred "law and order;" he thought nothing at all about the man who was shot or as to what might become of him. Does any reader feel disposed to ask "law and order" what it has to say about the conduct of the policeman who had at tacked John Cotterell without a shadow of legal right, and had then shot him for exercising an American citizen's right of self -defense ? Why, as to that that was different. The officer was protecting property rights, in compari son with wnich a mere laborer's right to his liberty or his life is not to be considered. The policeman may have been "a little hasty," it is true, but some discretion must be allowed in such cases, and to condemn his con duct in this respect would have a tend ency to make other policemen "timid" when called upon to commit murder in behalf of the sacred rights of property, and thus cause hesitation when the timely butchering of a common la borer would effectually put an end to a pestiferous strike. So, not only from motives of politeness, but because of the trifling character of the incident Itself, nothing was said that evening in Major Delorme's gay parlors concern ing the trivial occurrence in conse quence of which the angel of death was that night hovering undecided over the 11 IT LAIN3, D. D. bed where John Cotterell lay. Major and Mrs. Delorme, General Manager Graham and the Rev. Marshall Mason spent a very agreeable evening, and all slept peacefully at last; two of them in ignorance, the other two in forgetf ul ness, of the condition of the humble blacksmith whose soul was hesitating upon the brink of eternity. Ah, Major DelormelGeneralManager Graham! Ha3 it never occurred to you that the coarsely clad laborer whose life your cherished "law and order" values so lightly is always somebody's son? is somebody's brother? that a fond, old mother that a loving wife may wait his coming? that there may be children who run to meet him in the evening? That common clod that son of poverty and of toil that mere "hand" you slay with such reckless celerity; have you never reflected that he may have human ties ? that there are hearts as human as yours, perhaps, that love that poor bit of clay with a soul in it? Ah, General Manager Graham! To-morrow you may perceive very clearly that shooting one of your shop hands may be a very serious affair after all ecen to you! Perhaps it may turn out that this particular murderous assault made by "law and order" in your mighty behalf, shall cling to your memory as if the victim had been rich enough to make him a human being in your purse-proud estimation. Not a brother, of course, for you believe in "business is business," and "competi tion is the life of trade," and the bal ance of that creed, and men engaged in universal throat cutting can have no brothers, but certain discoveries may impress it upon you, arrogant general manager though you be, that the wounded blacksmith in yonder workmgman s poor home was human. Perhaps the discovery may end in mak ing you human, too. As to Major De lorme, not in this life, save by a miracle, can his sordid nature ever be human ized. Let him go his way. which is Satan's way perhaps, God s way, too, lor such as he. During the evening Mrs. Delorme had apologized for Lena's non-appear ance by stating that she had gone out to visit a poor lamily who had been wards of hers belore her departure for Europe; but next morning she was not at breakfast, she was not in her room, and investigation made it certain that she had not yet returned; and Mr. Gra ham was uneasy, Such an occurrence was so unusual, so unlike Lena, that there must be something wrong. She was all the general manager had left him in this world. Her mother had come back from Europe only to die at home; and Lena was wearing black for her now. Mason was up early, and be fore breakfast had read in the morning paper a two-column account of the shooting of his friend of younger days. Major Delorme had given the account a perfunctory reading, as became so thorough a "business man;" but Gra ham had, for a reason which will be apparent presently, read it with the greatest earnestness. The account stated, among other things, that, at Ruble s house where John had been taken, was a young woman, a "Miss Chipperwell," who seemed, from her appearance, to belong to a very differ ent social sphere, and that it was whis pered that she was the wounded man's sweetheart. Mason was greatly per turbed, and at breakfast spoke with much feeling of his acquaintance with John; said he was a remarkable man a f;enius, in fact who could have been a awyer or preacher had he desired, but had become a workingman from delib erate choice, prompted by conscien tious convictions; and declared they two had loved each other as brothers; and much more in the same strain. Delorme was bored by so much "gush" from a man of Mason's class over a common groundling, and dismissed the whole matter with the highly original observation that "law and order must be preserved at any cost." Graham was siient ana tnougntiui. Airs. De lorme. who had not read the amount. was aun'tated hv what, cho gleaned from Mason's talk; and could scarce reiram irom netraying her ac quaintance with the blacksmith and her warm friendshiD for him. fin a thought monopolized Graham's mind vnat naa nappenea to .Lena? bud denlv he looked up. and asked! "Ry the wav. Hallie. what is the name of the family Lena went to see? and where do they live? I must make some inquiry alter ner at once." "Their name is Ruble. The man works in the railway shops in some capacity, and their home is somewhere m me vicinity oi tne snops. "Ruble? Works in the shops?" shouted Graham. "My God, Hallie! What if it should but, oh, no; it can't be Lena." Mason started, for the truth flashed upon mm. "Whv." asked Mrs. Delorme. inno cently. "What about Lena? I do not unuerstana. "Lena went there she has not come home. Have you not read? Look at this!" and he nervously thrust into her hands the crumpled morning paper, with his finger on the passage referring to "Miss Chipperwell." Mro. Delorme read it, and understood it penectiy; ana her changing color be trayed her perturbation as she read. Rut she resolved to screen Lena, what ever might be the truth; and so with assumea composure remarked: "What has this to do with Lena? T am quite sure she has no voiine- ladv acquaintance here of that name. Miss unipperweii? jno, l nave never heard of such a person, and Lena tells me evervthinsr." "Rut do you not see?" demanded Graham almost fiercely. "Miss Chip perwell may she not be may not juena nave triven tnat name to conceal her own?" "That looks to me like a very far fetched surmise. Lena's chief charac teristic is her absolute candor. She cannot be induced to act, much less to utter, an untruth tor any purpose, however good or desirable. Resides. this Miss Chipperwell is the wounded man's sweetheart. How could Lena Graham be in love with a shop black smith? The idea is preposterous. You are excited, or such a thought would not nave occurreu to you." "Rlacksmith?" exclaimed Graham. "Does the paper sav he is a blank- smith? I didn't notice that. I thought n caueu mm an agitator. "The paper says nothing about his being a blacksmith." said Mainr De lorme, as he frowned and looked ratner sharply at his wife, juason saw Airs. Delorme s predica ment, and in order to extricate her. ventured the remark: "No. it was I who spoke of him as a blacksmith." Perhaps a preacher ought to adhere to the truth with more tenacious pre cision than Mason did on this occasion; but Mrs. Delorme, at least, was not disposed to criticise the clerical lapse. Major Delorme had been too much bored, and Mr. Graham too much dis turbed to remember precisely what Ma son reallv had said about his friend. and so the explanation proved entirely satisfactory. "There is some mystery here," said Graham presently. "The sweetheart story may be the reporter's invention; but I am convinced that Miss Chipper- wen is j,ena. i must go there at once. I cannot rest till 1 know what this con duct means. Such intimacy with such people is a little too much democracy for my daughter to indulge in. I shall see about it at once." And he rose from the table. "X O. do not iro there. Your nresence might cause a scandal. Should vour notion prove correct, your recognition wouia at once reveal Lena s identity, which, if she be Miss Chipperwell, I am Sure she is concealing for some ner- fectly worthy reason. Let me drive there. I am frequently seen visiting the poor, which, pardon me, I fear you are not: and mv Dresence there would excite little remark. Resides, I am a woman, and 1 can ascertain the real truth, which, being a man, you never could." "You are right. Hallie. We men are liable to make great fools of ourselves if left alone. When can you go ?" 'At once. 1 shall meet you at din ner, till which time rest content, for I shall do whatever ought to be done. J bear some relationship to Lena, you know." "True, true, Hallie. I know you will do what is for the best. Rut I am quite nervous; Lena is all I have left." "If you have no serious objection, Aunt Hallie, I would like to go with you," said Mason. "As I used to know Mr. Cotterell, I might be of some ser vice, perhaps." "Certainly," said the Major. "The very thing," said Graham, who had not the slightest suspicion that Mason might view favorably Lena's scandalous impropriety in "mixing up" with poor people who had got into the reprehensible habit of working for a living. "I am sure I shall be delighted to have you go, Marshall," said Mrs. De lorme, who alone understood Mason's views. "I know nothing of the local ity, and it might be very desirable to have a man around. Then, too, you are a stranger, and vour relatinnshin will excite no comment. Let us go to- getner, ny an means." At Mrs. Delorme's suggestion, the carriage and driver were dispensed with, and Mason and she took an un ostentatious phaeton instead.' They arrived at Ruble's about 11 o'clock, it was Sunday, and people who were Cot- tereu s inenas, or wno were merely Clirions. were COnstnntlv nnminer onA going, or collecting in little prnnns in the scanty front yard, at the dilapi- aatea ience, or in tne road, or m the 2T0Ve Onnosite. The "rlirinriiichod. looking" man and the handsome woman, so unmistaKauiy belonging to the upper world, attracted much atten tion as thev alighted at the tiimhlo. down gate. They were observed from tne nouse, aiso; ana as JNirs. Delorme stood waiting for Mason, who was seeking some object to which to hitch me norse, .Lena nastenea aown tne walk and greeted her aunt. This inci dent raised the eurinsitv nf observers to an almost unendurable height; but it was not appeased by any remark the people couiu overhear with even hair triggered ears. Mason soon came nn and Mrs. Delorme, speaking in a well- oreu low tone, saiu: "Lena, mv neohew and vour cousin. the Rev. Marshall Mason, of whose ex pected coming 1 told you yesterday." -Ana .air. uottereirs inenu, added Lena, as she gave Mason her hand. "Yes. and Mr. Cotterell found-him for me," said Mrs. Delorme. "How is Mr. Cotterell? Marshall and I were entirely ignorant of the dreadful affair unui we iearnea oi it irom the morn ing paper an hour ago." "The Paper? I have not seen it nnr thought of it. They do not get it here; uiey are very poor, you Know, nut how good these poor people are!" Then, with a look of sincere aston ishment: "Can it he nnssihle Aunt ITaltio that it was onlv vesterdav von were expecting Cousin Mason ? and that it wasoniy last evening that why, . it seems to me to have been weeks ago." "Yes. it was onlv vesterdav. (!an we see Mr. Cotterell if we go in ?" "His physicians gave very strict Orders that he must not see anvnne nnr attempt to talk; that he must not be cAiiu&eu iu iub uuiiger oi any kiiiu or. excitement. Thev have not nermit.ted me to see him since last evening when tney naa just Drought him here. Uh, it was so awful! He is sleeping now under the influence nf snme nni.ire " "The physician's orders must be obeyed," said Mason. "I would not for the world endanger my friend's recov ery. Wre can see him another time." "Did vou lodge here last nio-htV" in quired Mrs. Delorme. "The house is so small I do not see how thev cnuM en tertain an extra lodger." ".No. A young woman who teaches in the public schools and lives a few doors from here took me to stav with her; Mrs. Ruble promising to send for ma i n saca tf onv o n ' "How is Mr. Cotterell ? You did not answer me awhile ago." "The physician says Mr. Cotterell is in a very critical condition. Oh, it is so dreadful! And how cruel it was!" And Lena, though she tried hard to avoid it, burst into tears. Mason made excuse that he wisher! to mingle with some shopmen who were tailing a snort aistance away, and left Lena and her aunt alone. They crossed the road to where there