(Continued from page S.)
heah wiv a yaller collery mobbus badge
, stuck to him, an' yellin' 'Stan' up fo'
Kansas' de fool niggah! He hain't got
money 'nuff to buy salt to pickle a jay
bird, an' he's gwine to vote f o' dese
heah millium mares. Done come 'roun'
heah an' say we all People's party 's
tryin' to fi out money, an' stuff like
dat de goo' fo' ;nuflin' republican
"Well, never mind the 'fire out'
money now, Slick. Discuss it with him
some other time. We wish to get
"All right, Miss Kate. 'I 'ten' to him
next time."
And although the colored gentleman
with the "collery mobbus badge" yelled
after Slick "Stan' up fo' Kansas!"
Slick only shook his head and his fist.
The carriage proceeded on its way.
(To be concluded.)
, S. Tlie.SuUan.3nj8 a Stader..'
Ilia Most Gracious Majesty, tha Sal
tan, Abdul Hamid Khan Gazi II, Sultan
of the Ottoman Empire, succesaor to Mo
hammed the Prophet, and ruler of the
unspeakable Turk, has bought a Deer
ing twine binder for use on his imperial
domain. The purchase was the direct
result of the World's Fair, and a direct
result of this purchase may be the uni
versal adoption of Deertag binders in
every wheat field of the vast Ottoman
Empire. A machine that is good enough
for the Sultan will, of course, be the one
used by every faithful subject.
Hon. A. G. Asdikian, the Sultan's ag
ricultural commissioner at the Fair, as a
member of the famous harvest excursion
to North Dakota, watched a thousand
acres of wheat on the Elk Valley farm
at Larimore, melt away in a tingle day
before a cavalcade of forty-three Deer
ing binders. He was deeply impreteed,
and after examining all other makes of
machines, reported to the Sultan that
the Deericg binder was the best made
in America, His August Majesty there
upon signified that it was bis wish to
possess one of these machine?, and the
wires were straightway laden with mes
sages to that effect. As no ordinary
adornmeat was deemed auitable for the
Royal gaze, the Deeiiug people at once
prepared a birder tmbellished with gilt
and silver, gorgeous in bard-painted
deeign, snd inscribed on its deck-cover
with a suitable dedication to his Im
perial Majesty.
No correspondence can reach the eyes
of his August Majesty, the Sultan, that
Ls sot pen-written in black ink, on a big,
square sheet cf perfectly whits paper of
a certain quality and weight, folded in a
certain way and enclosed in a certain
riza and shape cf envelope properly ad
After the binder was packed and
chipped the Sultan was apprised of the
shipment by means of the following lat
ter, which religiously complied with all
of the formalities just spoken of.
Chicago, III., December 29, 1893.
To Bit Mott Gracious Mojesty, the Sultan.
Abdul 1! amid Khan Gazi II, Yttdiz Palace,
- lonaiammopie, j-ixruty:
Yous August Majisty We wish to ex
press our sincere thanks for the high honor
tl&fcyoor Majesty has conferred upon us
by ordering the purchase of one of our Self
Bin dors for nee on ycur Majesty's domains.
We have this day ehipjed to your Majesty's
First Secretary, Sure j a Pasha, the ma
chine in question.
We feel highly complimented to learn
that your Majesty's Agricultural Represen
tetne at the World's Columbian Exposition,
Mr. A. O. Asdikian, who has carefully
studied throughout the World's Fair all the
eihifcitJ of agricultural implements, has
come to tha oonoluaion that our Self
Binders are the best and of the highest
srads in the United States, and that ha has
oo reported to your Msjesty's Comnsis-ri'-ner
General, Hakky Bey.
Ye trust that ycu will Late such success
in your harvest ss will oonvinoe your Im
perial Majesty that your representative here
was not mistaken in his judgment.
In behalf of my oompany I sign myself as
Tour Msjesty's Most Obedient Servant,
Wiujam Dzibino, President.
This was not all. Formal and care
fully-prepared letters were addressed to
"His Enoellency, Hakky Bey, Imperial
Qttoman Commissioner General of the
World's Columbian Exposition," and to
"Hia Excellency, Sureya Pasha, First
Secretary to His Imperial Majesty, tha
Sultan' both being addressed to Yildiz
Palace, Constantinople, Turkey.
The present Sultan is energetic and
progressive m his ideas, and is laboring
strenuously to advance his people in
every way. His use of the Deering
binder on hia own farm will probably
bring about a great and beneficent revo
lution in agriculture that will before
long effect the entire convalesce ice" of o
nation that is sometimes spoken of as
The sick man of Europe."
One of the "Bedeemers."
Old Fletcher Meridrth has been nom-
inated as the republican standard
bearer and candidate for representative
for Reno county. This is the old pol
luted reprobate who spread broadcast
that falsa resolution about the reform
press meeting at Hutchinson a few
years ago. And he is the emblem of in
iquity and true exponent of modern re
publicanism who roomed with another
man's wife in the Grand Pacific hotel of
this city, and registered as "Burton
Moon and wife."
Talk about redeeming Kansas with
such pollution as this! It is enough to
maka the curbstones blush with shame
Barton Beacon, May 3.
There are longer but no better roads
n this or any other country tfcsn the
Chicago & Alton railroad. This line
makes a peimanent patron of every
traveler who once gives it a trial Its
tracks are of the heaviest steel and as
smooth as glass. Its road bed Is stone
ballasted throughout. Its epuipment is
superb. It was the first line on which
a Pullman Bleeping car was ever run,
the first line to adopt dining cars and
the first line to run free reclining chair
cars, and to-day its solid vestibuled
trains, containing all of these modern
luxuries, are running through on fast
time to and from Union Depots in Kan
saa City, St. Louis and Chicago with
astonishing regularity and with exceed
ing comfort to its ever increasing pat
rons. If you ever make a trip in any di
reotion between Kansas City and Chi
oago, or Kansas City and St. Louis, or
St. Louis and Chicago, and fail to pat
ronize the Chicago & Alton, you may be
sure that you have missed at least one
opportunity for increasing your happi
nesa in this life.
On Monday, April 23, when millions
of men were tramping homeless and
hungry, congress passed an act "to pro
tect the animals and birds of Yellowstone
Park." Was it paternalism. Indus
trial Free Prees.
Bunker building, Kansas City, Ma, the well
known specialists in the treatment of all
rectal troubles, have established a principle
in connection with their ever-inoreasing
clients! that is well calculated to inspire
confidence in their integrity and ability to
perform to the laat degree that which they
promise when assuming to oure their pa
tients, and that is, they decline to accept a
fee until they have clearly demonstrated
that a cure has been accomplished. Thou
sands testify to the efficiency of their treat
ment. Another specialty of theirs is dis
eases of women, and of the sxin. Beware
of quacks. Ask for their droluara, giving
testimonials of leading business men and
hish officials they contain special informa
tion for the afflicted. Address,
Iras. Thobhtox K muor.
Bunker Building, Kansas City, 11 o.
Those of our readers who improved the opportunity of attending the
will always remember it as one of the
grandest privileges of their lives.
Tha Peristyle
Thd Court cf Honor.
Tl3 6old2ii Status of the Republic.
Administration's Boautoous TempSa.
Ths Coilossal manufactures Building.
Transportation's Golden Doorway.
"Midway's" Wealth of Orientalism.
Or who can ever forget the proud
distinction achieved by McCormick
Binders and Mowers ? Who can ever
forget that the McCormick received
the highest awards given for any
make of Binders and Mowers, and
that in the regular field trials they
earned the only honorable mention
for grain and grass cutting machinery?
Write to the
Mccormick harvesting machine co., Chicago; or,
better yet, call on your nearest McCormick Agent.
When writing advertisers mention Advocate
It contains some things you ought to
know You ought to know that the World's
Fair Management asked all manufactur
ers of Binders and Mowers to take their
machines Into the grain and grass fields,
and by their work prove theirclalms. You
ought to know that the manufacturers
of McCormick Binders and Mowers
promptly notified the World's Fair Com
mittee that they would comply with this
reasonable request. You ought to know
that various other manufacturersof Bind
ers and Mowers sent representatives to ex
amine the grain and grass fields specified,
and that these representatives reported
to their respective companies that tho
condition of tho crops to Se cut was- such
that ordinary machines could not handle
them. You ought to know that none of
thoso manufacturers allowed their ma
chines to go into these tests where they
knew the McCormick Binders and Mowers
would be at work. You ought to know
that the World's Fair Judges said of
McCormick Binders that they were simple
and easily operated, and that their per
formance was in all respects thoroughly
satisfactory. You ought to know that they
said of McCormick Mowers that their
draft ls at leant 20 lbs. lighter than the
draft of ordinary mowers. You ought to
know theso things because you don't
want to make a mistake when It comes to
buying so important a farm implement as
a Binder or a iviower. you want tne Dest.
fiist irt demand a national eumney.safs,
road end flexible, issued by (SwnaiTil gov
ernment only. a fall legal tndr far all debts,
pablls and private, and that without the use
of bunking corporations. a Jut, Mailable tad
efficient means of distribution direol to the
people at a Uz not to exoeed S. per ont par
annuo, to be provided m set forth In tha sub
traaanry plan of tha Farmers' Alliance, or a
battar system; also by payments la discharge
of lta obligation for public improvements.
Wa demand free and unlimited oolnag of
liver and gold at tha prevent legal ratio of U
Wa demand that the amount of etroulatlng
medium be speedily inoreaaed to not 18 than
der capita,
we demand a graduated lnome tax
We believe that the money of the country
should be kept aa mnoh as possible In the
hands of the people, and hence we demand
that all atate and national ravenns should be
limited to the necessary expenses of the gov
ernment economically and honestly admin
istered. we demand that the postal savings bank be
established by the government for the aafe de
posit of ths earnings of the people and tofaoll
Itate ezohange.
Second Transportation being a means of ex
change and a public necessity, the government
shooli own and operate the railroads in the
interest of the people.
Third The land, including all the material
resources of wealth, la the heritage of the peo
ple, and should not be monopolised for specu
lative purposes, and alien ownership of land
should be prohibited. And lands now held by
railroads and other corporations in excess of
their actual needs, and ail lands now owned by
aliens should be reclaimed by the government
er Mtual settlers only.
; yjaoie lor eitner sex, made or beat ma-
ttU 1 -XtoHdl Dlivinit iiiKt.tor.tlnl a.iiro.oltf
idjusted and lully warranted.' Write to-day for our
large complete catalogue of bicycles, parts, repairs, eta,
833 y Wabash Avenue, - CHICAGO, ILL,
Texas Wsnfs You.
'.lr Gull Crsft (f Ti 3 8? J? a (banning
root Kr iMalids vlo ?nt like zeio
Hvitfr. Big attirctJoif aire
la 1 ir e-f tie'?; twenty acies
jlfEKd in I(8Jf Eft? tbtCHSH
3ar alter cxrsid is stab
ttuvltnff? tid gisje? she
laJnd. Kcrulai win-
tkiet? (nlbcvfbt
t tHtetf(n HLccfbt
7 xu)fkiJ8 will be
1uedy of tech
ihd kintoy to all
of 1 ere
$6,000 (8(b
11 sh ed.
ter tCDikt
any day. let trial
r u n tbe tec end
month iuw a l)m
p oints in 1 isF.
TbefxcuifhnfaifV n Iff cheap
encrjpfc a little cur a (rt fi a mile;
tickft? rrrd thiitj ?)?, with L tUjcveis
1 8)k ii c I v Jib ?r i rt F tnta jj ft
Fe fitnte.rrf fdim G.T.Mib- f
olfcn, G. J A..A..1. i h.T.K Jt., Tcrtls, III
K?.. ard (tk Id )i(f myd illusnatcd
rirrihlft (kfciilhg Tut (rs?t c(untiy.
ltccft8(B)y a (rji to tl, ard it may J
rrean a lotcre icr j(u.
You Want Texas.
(Jj In horses, sheep
IS and dogs safely
and quickly cured by us
PHpa M rernta And SI &t
1 druggists, or sent prepaid
f L on receipt of price.
39 S. Sd, Lafayette, Ind.
writing advertisers mention Advocate
Double Aotinar
ing OitliU pre rent
Frnll. lama a bsT -
' rtald of sil Fruit
VMWable crop
1 anJstaoaa. Send Seta. fo L- i,
eaulocve and foil treaties-" i .
J W3t.STANUQwncfMl h
When anting advertisers mention Advocate
St. Louis, Chicago, Omaha,
Peoria, St. Paul & Minneapolis
With THnhig Cars, Vestibuled Drawing
Boom Sleeping Can, Bcoliaicg Chair Can
(seats free).
- - I IM BEST IJJra FOB' r i
New York, Boston, Baltimore, Wathlng-
ton, Philadelphia, Circlnnatl,
V Niagara Falls, Pittsburg
For fall inioraatlon addxesa
II. c. OXUl,
Geae inl FaiitEstr laect, Esmas City, Mo