OCR Interpretation

The advocate. [volume] (Topeka, Kan.) 1894-1897, May 16, 1894, Image 15

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85032018/1894-05-16/ed-1/seq-15/

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(First published, April 4, 1894.)
Proposals for Stationery.
Offick of Sicrstary or 8tati,
Topeka. Kansas March 2S. 1894.
OEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the
office of the secretary of state, until 13
o'clock, m.. Mar 20. 1894, lor the following items
of stationery, fjr the use of state departments
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1805 :
50 reams. 18 pound superfine Hampshire,
Fairfield, Wedgewood or Connecticut valley,
nrinted leeal cap. per ream.
300 pounds pencil scratch paper, No. 1 print,
in tabs, per pound.
300 pounds ink and pencil scratch tablets,
oook paper, per pouna.
4 reams 100 pounds Reliance or Climax blot
ting paper.
10 reams 150 pound 40x48 best Jute manilla
wrapping paper.
25 M best manilla gummed newspaper wrap
pers, per M.
1 gross shorthand note books, size 6x9 Inches
guo pages.
3 dozen record books, per quire, medium
duality, cap size.
12 dozen Chicago copying books No. 608 X
white, with or without extended Index.
12 dozen Shaw copying books 500 page white
witn or wunoui extenaea inaex.
10 reams type writing paper, per ream.
6 dozen boxes carbon paper 8x13 Rogers.
10 reams manifold paper, cap or letter size,
10 doz)U typ -writer ribbons,-Uiider woods oi
Remington. 12 dozen bolts silk ribbon No. 1)4 as per
12 dozen paper weights.
400 congress tie envelopes Nos, VM and K
400 congress tie envelopes Nos. 11 and .
10 M No. 6&XXX No. 1 ragenvelops.
10 M No. 9 XXX No. 1 ragenvelops.
100 gross A. W. Fabes Hexagon gilt pencils
Nos. 1-5, per gross.
2 gross A. W. Fiber's Siberian Nos. 1 H to 6 H
per gross.
12 gross Standard Hexagon Eagle pencils
Nos. 2 to 5.
12 gross Dixon's best Hexagon pencils any
8 gross Dixon's secretary pencils Nos. 2 and 3.
3 gross Dixon's best colored pencils.
5 gross Eagle's ink and pencil erasers per
gross, large or small
12 dozen type writer ink erasers No. 104.
SO dozen quarts Carter's writing fluid.
6 dozen pints CarteVs crimson Ink.
SO dozen quarts Arnold's genuine writing
10 dozen quarts Arnold's blue-black chemi
cal copying ink, per dozen.
50 gross Glllott's No. 303 pens.
50 gross Glllott's No. 404 pens.
50 gross Glllott's No. 604 E. F. pens.
20 gross Esterbrook's No. 048 pens.
20 gross Esterbrook's No. 14 pens.
10 gross Esterbrook's No. 284 tar-coated pens,
id gross Esterbrook's No. 161 pens.
80 gross Spencerlan pens, any number.
10 gross Leon Isaac &;Co.'s Gluclnum pens,
any number.
6 dozen ruling pens.
10 gross anti-nervous pen holders, rubber or
24 dozen No. 3 safety Ink stands, per dozen.
20 dozen No. 60 pressed glass ink wells, per
4 dozen Davis automatic Ink wells.
6 dozen Ivory handled office knives, L X. L.
No. 16584.
10 dozen Miller Bros, or Fiber's office knives,
40 dozen Wostenholm bone or rubber handled
erasers No. 14311, per dozen.
6 dozen 6-inch standard nickel plated scis
sors. 6 dozen 8-inch standard nickel plated scis
sors. 2 dozen 10-inch standard nickel plated'scls
sors. 10 dozen flat hard rubber rulers 12-inch.
10 dozen flat hard rubber rulers 14-inch.
10 dozen flat hard rubber rulers 16-inch.
12 dozen quarts Sanford's Royal Crown
mucilage per dozen.
12 dozen quarts Carter's mucilage per dozen.
10 dozen Fountain Mucilage, Carter's, large,
par dozen.
10 dozen 14-inch Ostrich feather dusters per
10 dozen 18-inch Ostrich feather dusteas per
5 M. No. 1 McGUl's flat head paper fasteners
per M.
6 M. No. 2 McGlll's flat head paper fasteners
per M.
6 M. No. 3 McGlll's flat head paper fasteners
perM. ,
6 M. No. 4 McGlll's flat head paper fasteners
per M. , 4
6 M. No. 1 McGlll's round head paper fasten
ers per M. ... . L
6 M. No. 2 McGiU's round head paper fasten
ers per M. .
6 M. No. 3 McGlll's round head paper fasten-
MMiddleton paper fasteners per hundred.
10 dozen No. 3 Pyramid pins per dozen.
10 dozen No. 4 Pyramid pins per dozen.
10 dozen No. 5 Pyramid pins per dozen.
10 dozen No. 6 Pyramid pins per dozen.
50 pounds 2-ply hemp twine per pound.
50 pounds 8-pfy hemp twine per pound.
1 M. 17 national seals per M. red.
1 M. 17 national seals green per M.
1 M. 17 national seals gilt per M.
1 M. 28 national seals red per M.
1 M. 28 national seals green per M.
1 M. 28 national seals white per M.
1 M. 38 national seals gilt per M.
100 gross rubber bands assorted sizes (Faber)
25 dozen willow waste baskets No. 2.
0 dozen willow waste baskets No. 3.
200 dozen toilet soap assorted.
6 boxes Ivory soap large.
6 cases PearfJne.
20 dozen towels medium quality.
12 cases parlor matches.
10 boxes toilet paper.
10 boxes toilet paper for Equity Fixtures.
20 pounds No. 2 American Express sealing
6 dozen globe transfer cases letter size. ,
12 dozen key rings.
10 dozen sponge cups, size S inch.
12 dozen cup sponges.
15 dozen Leader Flies letter size.
Said proposals to be endorsed "Bids for Sta
tionery." rne oiaaer to w&om ine contract j
may be awarded shall deliver such stationery '
to the Secretary of State, in Topeka, Kansas,
all charges paid. In such quantities and at
such times as may te aesirea oy the executive
council. All stationery goods ordered not
herein itemized, to be furnished at the whole
sale market price. The executive council re
serves the right to reject any or all bids, and
also to take more or less of such articles in the
above estimates as may be ordered, at the
prices designated by the successful bidder.
The proposals will be opened by the execu
tive council at its regular meeting. May SI,
1S4. jk. s. usbuk.n, secretary.
(First published April 4, 1894.)
For Printing and Binding Material
for the State of Kansas.
Officz Secretary of State,)
Topeka, Kau March 28, 1894. j
Cl EALED BIDS for furnishing paner and bind
O ins materials to be used in the public
printing for the year commencing July 1, 1804,
win oe received at mis onice on or Deiore rj
o'clock m.. the 20th day of May. 1894. The fol
lowing is the estimate of the amount of the
same tnatwui prooaoiy oe required, viz :
Strictly first-class, sized and super-calen
dared eastern book, white and tinted, 50, 60
and 70 Dounds. 3.000 reams, more or less.
Best superfi ne flat writing papers, all weights,
300 reams, more or less.
Best fine tub sized and loft dried flat writing
paper, all weights, lflw reams, more or less.
First-class cover papers, all weights and
colors. 250 reams, more or less.
First-class, all jute, manilla wrapping paper,
flat, various weiznts. iuu reams, more or less,
Ledger papers, all weights and sizes, 100
reams, more or less.
Bond papers, all weights and sizes, 100 reams,
more or less.
Linen papers, all weights and sizes, 100 reams,
more or less.
Envelopes, all sizes, XX and XXX quality,
Including linens. No. 1 and No. 2 rag. manilla,
portfolio, catalogue, etc., 500,000, more or less,
in quantities as desired.
Law sheep, No. 13 cover; law sheep No.X
4 cover; law lamp, o,i; taw iamo rno. a law
skivers, XX and XXX ; book leather, various
colors ; American Russia; colored Koans; Eng
lish title leather, various colors; skivers, vari
ous kinds; moroccos, various kinds; book
cloths, common and extra colors; canvas.
white and drab: gray supers: Hayes' thread,
all numbers; soft twine, best; head bands;
gold leaf, various grades: cloth boards Dia
mond u mills or oiner nrst-ciass Drauas as
ordered; straw boards, Sherman mills; tar
boards. W. O. Daveys marble papers. Belgian
and German ; book lining paper, various col
ors: card middles: document manilla: book
binder's glue, best; book-binder's glue, pul
verized; buffed fleshers, all sizes; buf
fings, all colors; parchment or vellum
The bids must be endorsed "Bids For Paper,"
or "Bids For Binding Material," or "Bids For
Paper and Binding Material," In accordance
with the bid enclosed, and addressed to the
Secretary of State, Topeka, Kans., all charges
The executive council reserves the right to
reject any and all bids, and to take more or
less of each article in the above estimate as
may be required for the public printing, at the
prices designated by the successful bidder.
Samples to accompany bids.
The proposals will be opened by the execu
tive council at its regular meeting. May 31,
By order of the executive council.
R. S. OSBORN, Secretary.
First Published April 25, 1894.
Notice by Publication.
NO. 16278.
Mollie E. Wilder:
You are hereby notified that you have been
sued by A. J. wilder in the District Court of
Shawnee county, state of Kansas, in the case
of A. J. Wilder vs. Mollie W ilder, and that you
must answer the petition filed therein on or
before the 6th day of June, 1894. or the petition
will be taken as true, and judgment rendered
granting to the plaintiff a divorce from you
and annulling the marital relations now exist
ing between you and said plaintiff.
Attest: o-vvi,
seal B. F. Baker,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
S. M. Gabdknhi&k, Clerk.
By A. D. Hubbard, Deputy.
Tnrl& til::
cram t
GilM 6 69,
Cillers ta.Tc;:,
Why should you pay $10 to $60 for a Sewing Machine when you can buy one just as good in
every respect for less than half the moneyT We have made arrangements to supply our pat
rons with the machine represented by this cut for
' """" I 1 J
Vi!!:i""r"""1 ;-!.:V"::':;v:;,v..:';i;AV;'V :-::i"';-''''v.
Made on special contract One of the handsomest and most durable machines on the
market. Machines of same pattern have been tested foryears and found to be reliable, there
fore the manufacturers (JI AKANTKK T11KM H)U TUN YKAIIS.
Shipped Snlijm't to Approval and if not as good as represented, may bo re
turned at our exnenso. Freight Prrosld to any railroad station east of
Denver, Colo.
All wearlDg parts are of case-hardened steel possessing great durability, and by the turn
ing of a screw all lost motion, caused by wear, can be taken up. All parts are fitted so accu
rately that these machines are absolutely noiseless and as easy running as fine adjustment
and best mechanical skill is poHslble to produce. No expenso or time is spared to make them
PEKFKl'T IN KVHUV KKSI'rXT, as every machine passes a rigid inspection by competent
men before leaving the factory. M( KKL-ITATKl The balance wheel and many of the fine
parts are nickel-plated, with other parts finely enameled and ornamented, giving it rich ap
pearance. UtrUOVKI) AUTOMATIC IMUUIN WINIIHU-Bo simple that a child can easily oper
ate it, winding the thread automatically on the bobbin as evenly and regularly as the thread
on the spool. This valuable attachment renders possible a perfect control of the shuttle ten
sion, and all annoyance resulting from shuttle-thread breaking while the machine is in mo
tion, which is common to many machines, is entirely obviated. A KeirSetllnir Needle and Keif
Threading Cylinder Shuttle are u-od in the "Advocate" Hewing Machines. They are so simple
that anyone can easily operate them in a few minutes of time, as our instruction book is fully
Illustrated, showing how to do all kinds of fancy work with attachments. Til K SKLF-TIIUKAU-1X1
SIILTTI.K is bo simple that with two motions of the hand backward and forward the shut
tle Is threaded. The wood work furnished on "Advocate" machines is the choicest oak or
walnut. It Is IrnpoHHlble to give a complete idea as to the elegance qf our woodwork by printed
description. The covers are known as the Bent Wood work. The side drawers are in skeleton
cases, center drawers extending the entire length between the stand castings. Side drawers
with elegant nickel-plated ring handles. The entire finish is most elaborate and comparing
favorable with the hlph pollxh found on pianos, organs and the choicest articles of household
furniture. KXTItA ATTACHMENTS in metal lined case, and book of instructions, sent free
with each machine: 1 Tucker, 1 Kulllor with shirringplate, 1 Heminer Set (4 widths) and
Binder, 1 Braider (foot and slide), 1 Thread Cutter. These attachments are furnished free
with each "Advocate" Sewing Machine and should not be compared with those furnished
with other machines. Note that these furnished with the"ADV0CATK"aresteel.8elf-adJustlng,
heavily nickel-plated, In elegant velvet-lined metal boxes. These attachments are the most
complete and expensive ever offered freo. ADDITIONAL ACCESSOHIES Kach machine la sup
plied with the following outfit: 1 Hemmer and Feller (1 piece), 10 needles, 6 Bobblnsa Wrench,
1 Screw Driver, Oil Can filled with oil, Cloth Gague and Thumb-Screw and a book of instruc
tions. The book of Instruction Is profusely illustrated and answers the same purpose of
competent teacher.
If anyone desires a still cheaper machine we will deliver the "New Singer" high arm to
any express office in Kansas, all complete, with attachments and manufacturers' warranty,
for $15, Including a year's subscription to the Advocate.
A Iway tend cah with order. Address,
THE ADVOCATE, Topeka, Kansas,
Under view of the "Ad
vocate." Remember the Machine w
warranted for 10 years
and with good care it
will do the work of a
family for 30 years.

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