Newspaper Page Text
.. . . .- -a . ii i ti i n ii iiihi-Hi i'Ti iimiiiiii i. i i i-i i i hkiiiiUhii i irrnr -irn T i ' ' " f i y -y ,.. i. II I I aT" fl M"fc" I.I i 'T"""""'"1''."'.'"'. ' .!$ .rU( . ""MV-airP, farXv-tS jja.irfii atanwww rmteatiaft , --,"- -r --- w--iz-ij:r te2 Ws v 2 gfce WLichitK Sailu vlqz : gussctaij foraing, gnwjitst 24, 1886. ,W..t ft-.-- -..,- '"MWPWBWM . lf aJr paitajr xjgfle M. M. MUUDOCK, Kdltor. TUESDAY MORNING, AUG. 24, 1SSC. REPUBLICAN TICKET. STATE TICKET. For Associate Justice 1. M. VALENTINE. Franklin county. For Governor JOHN A. SIAKTIN, Atchison county. For Lieutenant Governor A. 1 31IDDLH. Ottawa county. For Secretary of State E. B. ALLEN, Sedgw Ick county For State Treasurtr JAMES V. HAMILTON. Suinuer county. For Auditor of State timothy McCarthy. Pawnee county. For Attorney General S. Ii. BRADFORD. Osage county. For Superintendent of Public Instruction J. H. LAWHEAD, Bourbon county. FOU CONGRESSMEN. First District E. N. MORRILL Brown county. Second District HON. E. H. l'UNSTON. Allen county. Third Dktrlct- PERKINS, Neosha county. Fourth District HON. THOMAS RYAN. Shan nee county. Fifth District HON. A. S. WILSON, Washington county. Sixth District HON.E. J. TURNER. Sheridan county. Seventh District HON. S. R. PETElt-S. JIaney county. JUDICIAL -18th DISTRICT. For Judge HON. T. B. WALL. .Scdgw ick County. REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION. Tho Republican County Convention for tho purposo of nominating candidates for tho following officers, Probate Judge. Count' Attorney, District Clerk, Superiutendont of Public Instruction and Coroner, will bo held in tho city of "Wichita on tho 4th day of Sep tember, 18M), at 1 1 o'clock a. m. at the oicra house. There will also be held at the same time and place, and after the adjournment of said county convention, a conveutiou to nominate a candidate for repi eheutative for the Ei2ht3T-secoud Representative district. There will abo bo held on the same day and after the adjournment of said county conven tion, a convention in the First ward of the city of Wichita, for the purjosc of nominat ing a candidate for representative for tho Eighty-fourth Representative district. On Friday, the third day of September, 18S0, at 12 o'clock nir of said day, at the city of Goddard, there will bo held a convention for the purposo of nominating a candidate for Representative for the Eighty-third Rep resentative district and for tho purpose of nominating a candidate for the office ot comi ty commissioner for tho Third Conunissioner district. Said conventions arc called by order of the Republican Central Committee, and the townships and wards will bo entitled to tho following number of delegates: First ward 15 Second Ward 10 Third Ward !) Fourth Ward 13 Fifth Watd 4 Lincoln township 4 Payne township 3 Mneha township .'I Grant township 7 Kechi t wnshlp i Wichita township 9 Gypsum towiihlitp '! Kockford tnwnehlii flipper precinct) :i Rockfonl towiBlil ' Jower precinct). It Park township (wvat of Bitf river)..' 4 Parktownunip (east or Big river) 8 Greeley township f Sherman town-hip :i Union tow nthip f Delano township . A tticii township .r Garden Plain township (upper precinct), ... 2 Garden Plain township (lower precinct) ." Grand lliv r township - Wacotownshlo " Illinois town-hip 2 Alton tounbhip 2 Morton township 7 balem township 4 Ohio township 2 Nincscah towuahip " Vlolo township 2 Erie township 2 Vall'-y Center tow '-ship (eiBtof river) 4 Valley Ctrr township (w s' ol river,) 2 Eagle towhhip -t The primaries to elect said delegate w ill be held on Thursday, September 2ml, 1SS0, at the usual voting places. In the country the polls will bo opened from 2 o'clock to 4 o'clock p. ni., and in the city fiom 2 o'clo-k until 0:00 p. in. E. 15. Jkwktt, Chaiiman. M. S. Rociiellk Secroturv Col. Xorman Column, U. S. Commis sioner of agriculture, has piomiscd to be at the Coffc--co. fair, if possible, and deliver an address on agricultural matters. The Twenty-first Illinois, General Grant's old regiment, will hold its reunion at Mat ,t)ou, September 25. On Monday follow ing, the regiment will dedicate a monument at Irontou, Missouri, its fust battlefield. And now our Democratic friends in some of the rural counties are taking steps to have the colored man taken off their ticket. The colored brother is pien to the average Democrat and as a joker is not a w inning card. Senator Voorhecs. :s pi'dent of the Indiana Democratic com cation, cougiatu-1 latcd his hearers that the fust Democratic' administration for many years 1ms been ' pure and honest "with no scandals " Sou-, ator Voorhecs docs not regard the Pan lilcctric business and the appointment of 1 jail birds to office as scandalous. ' There :ire being constructed at the Bald win locomotive woiks, in Philadelphia, four locomotives which ate to be run by soda, which takes the place of tir i'..i lias much the same power ;is coal without any of the offensive gaes. The cunoi are nearly finished, and are to lie !i rd to ,. " ... , , Minneapolis, Minn., and run m tuc .streets of that city where steam bidden. enjrines arc for- Thc Newton Republican comes out in expressions of sorrow that Judge Peters re election is a foregone eonclu-h.u. it seems that Xew ton has had some trouble over its postoffice. The Republican puts the matter in this way: "Sorry for lorn George, very sorry sorry. Nice man and ;ill that. Sorrv, very sorry, sad indeed, very sad. But then Sam R. Peters will get there without ua.. trouble.- Sorry. ery sorry, Tom. Nice man, very nice, a cry sorry. ery sad. The Watson and Dightou trcvl rai'w.iv company, of Lane county. The officer-, ot the company :ire X. B. Saw t. pre-uli nt . J. D. Jonc3, vice-president; A. J. Fi rgu json, treasurer: C. D. Pillslnir , sot renin . T. J. Smith, director, and II. O. Stump, director. Capital stock $40,000. The above shows that Watson, a neat little village and an addition to Dighlon, is not going to be left out in the cold, :is they are preparing to annex themselves to the metropolis of Lane counay (Dighton) with street car advantages. Go ahead boys the Beit thing you want is an electric light. ALWAYS CONSISTENT. The Democratic party of Kansas in their platform demand a resubmission of the prohibition amendment, and the Prohibi tionists, as a party in Kansas, are doing all that lias in their power to put the Demo cratic party and its platform to the front. This is a simple truth. BONDS CARRIED. The bonds for the Kansas, Colorado and railroad the road from Kansas City to Wichita carried in the townships in Osage in which propositions were submit ted, and the people of Burlingame indulg ed in a big jollification and night demon stration There is no longer any doubt, in fact we have it from a most reliable source, that the Kansas, Colorado and Texas is to be simply an extension into and through Kansas of one of the great trunk lines. BIG ROADS. The Mead Center Press-Democrat is off on its criticism of the St. Louis, Kansas City & Colorado project, in so far :is it says that under the terms of the charter it couldn't be built. It will be built. There is little or no doubt of it. One of the greatest corporations in this or any other country is at the back of it. The reason so many different counties are named is that the road may take its choice of route. Within a few weeks the whole state of Kansas will be surprised by a railway an nouncement of which no one or at least very few outside of present railway man agements even dream, and that St. Louis, Kansas City and Colorado will figure in that announcement. O. A. AND W. From the Council Grot e Cosmos. Mr. D. W. Kider, of Parkerville, a mem ber of the Hock Island surveying corps, made the Cosmos an agreeable call Satur da. Mr. Rider says he has tramped over GOO miles the past four months, mostly in Dickinson, Marion and Morris counties, running new lines and re-suryeyiu!r old ones. "lie says the Rock Island is now busy locating the O. A. & W. road, which will be built this fall from Wichita through llerington to Abilene, and the line through Morris county will no doubt go by the way of White City. The above information is correct as far as the work of the engineers is concerned, but that the Rock Island is to run through llerington is a surprise. The Santa Fc has also completed the survey of a line from Marion county to Abilene almost exactly on the line as located by the Omaha, Abi line and Wichita company. HOW THEY LOOK AT IT. The Xew York Tribune in summariz ing southern sentiment on the Mexican question :is manifested in the press of that region, says the newspapers convey the idea that there is in the south a consider able number of turbulent and lawless per sons, who do not contribute greatly to the welfare of society in a civilized state. But it is urged that in the conquest and occu pation of new tcrritor', in ousting Mexi cans and Indians, opening mines, develop ing resources, and establishing towns and states, these turbulent characters would be found useful citizens, as they are not and would not be in peace and an orderly con dition of things. Hence, it is reasoned, a foreign war and the annexation of teiri tory to the southward would bless the country, removing a great body of lawless and tuibulcnt persons from states whcic they do mischief only and turning them to some use. THE CHICAGO ANARCHISTS. Now that seven of the leading and most dangerous spirits anions the anarchists have been accorded a fair and impartial trial, found guilty and sentenced to hang, and all this dispassionately and with full warrant of existing laws, we believe the proposition to hunt up and try fifty or one hundred more to be a mistake. There are none so ignorant as not now to fully comprehend and understand the temper of the Ameri can people touching the whole matter, and the damnable doctrine so repugnant and so abhorrent to every true American citien, wi'l be just as effectually wiped out by the hanging of the six as by hanging sixty or six huudred. If their female accomplices, being more greatly frenzied, should persist iu their determination to still piomulgatc their belief in murder and robbery it might be well to give them such a term iu the penitentiary as would afford them time to learn that iife is sacred in this country, but further prosccuitons of the mere tools of the principals will result in no greater good than that already secured. Senator Plumb and wife will spend sev eral weeks at various Xew Euglaud sum mer resorts, lie will visit Senator Morrill at the l.ittirs home in Stafford, Vermont, and U-turn to Kansas in September. A KANSAN'S MEASURE OF THE MAN. rrrri (lie VtchLon Champion. The St. Joseph Herald gives :i lengthy interview by it.s Topeka correspondent with Congressman E. N. Morrill. Of course. like all of Mr. A imire's newspaper work. the inte'wew is well done: our ComrresS- man's ide:is Jire ct out clearly and at length T'. writer had an interview with Major ' "1on:m.'.K otlcr KV' bit,tin!X ."ndcr. a shsde ,(ri in 'Imvatha, but that interview was J m,t iilU lal for neppaper use. and was not tarried on oy either party in newspaper language In that interview M:ijor Morrill's idea of the duet magistrate of this grcit and glorious republic was, briefly, that he was an opinionated chump, whose mind was such :is might be expected in a m:in who had never been farther west than Buf falo. farther east than Albany, or farther south than Washington. He was described as a msiu who never 1 ead anvthimr. and who had no associate except Dan Lamont. aud v hoe mind was consequently locked n Hitiut new impressions. lie enter- i tainrxi no douot mat lie Knew :is much jis both Louso of congress and all the com-mittce-s of congress. He was a big, stolid, conceited man. whose intentions were prob ably srood enough, but whose knowledge whs Mi'i .' to the guidance of his inten-fifti- Mrs t. Jevebud, M:ijor Morrill des- Uisi.i is no as remilarlv handsome as her :! u..-, a more dunning in manners !" -iTv jii. Lire could indicate, Frank, heai ty, winning and lovable, was the m:i jor'a verdict as to Mrs. Cleveland, :iud the congressman from the First district of Kjinsjis knows. Champion. A Democratic organ, speaking of a man whose nomination was rejected by the sen ate, says "Democracy was his only enmc. Isn't that enough? Would you have him rob a bank and murder his grandmother in addition? Ex. CRISFIELD ITEMS. Ckisfield, Kan,, Aug. 23, 188G. To the Editor of the Eagle. Once more we appear before you with a few items from our town and surrounding country. We are on the eve of en joying a very suc cessful boom. Land buyers from the eas tern states are now on tiie road by the hun dreds, bound for Harper county, and there is no doubt we will get our share of them. Wherever there is a good agricultural country there is where the eastern farmers, who have means, are going to locate, and as we have one of the finest farming coun tries in the state we are bound to have some wealthy farmers before very lonjr. On next Tuesday the 31st, wilt be the day for voting aid to the Border road. Our farmers are till jubilant over their flattering prospects for defeating their bonds and we sincerely hope they may do so. We noticed Mr. Steinhauser, of the Steinhauser wholesale house, of Wichita, on our streets last week. Our merchants trade exclusively with the Wichita wholesale houses, and aie well satisfied with them. The weather at the present writing is very dry, but the heavens are commencing to look more rainy even- minute and the chances sire it will rain before morning. Our ball club have pliiyed two match games since our last, one w ith the Myo club, which resulted in :i grand victor' for the Crisficld nine, beating them 5 to 1. An other game with the II;izelton nine, result ed in a defeat for the Crisficld club by a score of 3 to 1. Our boys pl:iy the Attica nine on next Friday. After the game they will give a grand ball for the benefit of the club. Everybody is invited. School commences on the 13th of next month, and will be an eight month's term. Our school enrolls about seventy-live scholars. The corn crop is now an assurity of an immense yield, and the farmers have com menced to break the ground for wheat. Quite an acreage will be planted in this part of the country. Mr. Henry Wagner, one of our blinkers, is attending the commercial college at Wichita. The Daily Eagle is our most welcome visitor, but it seems as though there must be a deficiency somewhere along the nnil route, that causes our Eagle to be delayed some times for two or three days. Hope to see it rectified before long, as we would sooner miss a meal than miss your paper. Our town is receiving a vjist amount of trade that formerly belonged to Ilaelton and Attica, all on account of our live and let live prices. Our merchants are com peting with Harper and Anthony prices. The G. A. R. post are making prcpera tions to have a camp fire and grand ball sometime next month. The post now num bers Jibout twenty-live members. The chances are very favorable for a great amount of real estate and city prop erty to change hands during the next month. The Farmers Alliance are still holding indignation meetings, and it commences to have the appearance of war to the knife should the railroad bonds carry. We will have to say adieu, for this time, or else we may make our correspondence so long that you might throw it into the w ate basket. More anon. Choctaw. LARNED LACONICS Lvi::;i:i), Kan., Amr. 21 1SSG. To the Editor of tho Eagle. We are obliged to your correspondent for his handsome notice of our city in a recent copy of your paper Our townsite is uni versally acknow ledged to be the best of iin' town in this part of the state, because of its undulating surface, College hill is be coming noted for its handsome residences and will evcntinilly become the aristocratic part of our city. In the absence of a de cided boom, there has during the past three 3'ears, been a steady growth in building jmd population here and a good future seems to be assured. The Phoenix bank building and the Palace clothing store building are under construction, while eight two story brick business buildings, with an opera house Jiuditorium 80x100 feet have just been contracted for. The corn crop is especially good in Paw nee, Edwards and Stafford counties.. Pawnee county is strongly republican in politics, :md having among her citizens Judge J. C. Strong, Senator J. W. Rush, Hon. W. C. Edwards and Sergt. Tim Mc Carthy (lately nominated for state auditor.) Among our citizens Larnod is an acknowl edged f:ictor in political warfare. The school bond election just held pro vides for the erection of a $4,000 building iu the Fourth ward. Indications are that Hon. W. C. Edwards will be returned to the legislature for an other tenn as a recognition of his faithful ness and ability during the past two years, :is a memlwr of that body. We dory in Wichita's prosperity and ex pect to see her the great metropolis of Kan r.s. Doc. WHAT THE INTER OCEAN SAID. The Chicago Inter Ocean had jin able editorial on the morning of the day on which the verdict of the jury on the an archists was rendered, written and pub lished of course liefore the verdict. We re publish the closing portions of it and corn mend it to certain men and officers iu To peka and in fact in about every city of the country. Pjirticularly do we call the at tention of the city officers of Topeka to this sentence. "Xb Mayor Harrison or any other mavor in Chicago will again tolerate such seditious utterances and demonstra tions as frequently disgust our city." We have not censured our city authori ties in the past, but they must put a stop to many things w hich have heretofore taken place in this city, or the people will, but hero is the article: There is sudi a thing as trial by news pjiper; that is, a trial of great causes before the bar of the public, wlien, by means of the pres, the facts in the case and the reasons jwrtaining thereto are ct forth in the hearing of the people sometimes, as in this instance, of jdl the world. Xor, on the whole, is there any adjudication of grejit causes that is more real or more effi cacious than this. It is safe to sav the I American people understand some things a good deal better than they did three months ago. They understand beTcr than they did the penis to our civili7Ation; perils not all of -which are jertcd yet. They understand better the limitations of free dom of speech. They will understand REAL ESTATE! G. W. Wichita, more distinctly than heretofore the respon sibility of men for the consequences of what they say and do, and especially lor the deeds of outlawry and treason against government, on the pait of every one who, whether singly or iu conspiracy with oth ers, incites others to the commission of such crimes. Since May 4 airirchism in America has been on trial. Whether these :inarchist conspiiators and murderers are hanged, or imprisoned, or let loose to run the gauntlet of increasing public disfavor, anarchism has had its trial, and been condemned. And there is no mistake about the. popular ver dict. Xo Mayor Harrison or any other mayor in Cicago, will again tolerate such seditious utterances and demonstrations jis formerly disgraced our city. Moreover, let us hope, the disaffected, the wronged it may be, among the tailoring classes, have from this trial learned a useful jind timely lesson, namely, that whatev er their wiongo and complaints through treason and dynamite is no way to seek their redress. All crimi nals, jis Mr. Grinnell so forcibly declared, aie fools. As such they may deserve our pity. We have no disposition to anticipate the verdict of the jury. Let us hope their decision will be a just one, and that the effect of the entire trial ended at last! may be to disillusion all anarchist dreamers who fancy that society can be saved from its burdens, wrongs and sorrows by any scheme that would begin by attempts to de stroy the very basis of the social order and well being. "And may God have mercy on the souls" of the guilty wretches. UP TO DIGHTON. From the DiRhton Journal. As will bo seen by the notice taken from the Eaoi.k, the excursion from Wichita to Dighton has been arranged for August 2.3rd. The special car chartered b-the Dighton Town company will leave there at .") p. m. under the sut-rvision of II. L. Hill, who will piovide st;.n. uuthes for the ex cursionists at Garden City. This will be a splendid opportunity to visit this section of the tate. W e have here a beauti ful country, rich in its oil of untold depth. The success attend ing the 'cllons of our farmers this season proves beyond question the adapt ibihty of this section to profitable ag riculture. " The town of Dighton also proves what men of wealth, intelligence and manhood may accomplish on these prairies lift' mils from railroads. We have here tine hotels, splendid business houses and nic1 residences Business in Dighton is good and daily growing in value. This is a good county to see and a booming town to visit. Lit us all give the visitors "a hearty welcome General Johnston's story of the last days of the wir is not ery pleasant reading for those who are disposed to glorify Jeff Davis as a patriot and martyr. It i shown that he orders! sh" 30.000 remaining in the Confederate trts.--iry sent to him, evi dently for the purpose of taking it with him on Lis projected Sight into" Mexico while the troops nho had home the heat and burden of X" c jliict w ere without money, or een s,ifftrint food General John-ton very ; psrh disobeyed the order, and diva led ia" funds among the troops in opal K p rtkros. without regard to rank, and Davis. l,a forgivenhim for it. Public Land Strip. SUBJECT TO SETTLEMENT. Oaty oc vnd t " nl froa tk 5XU TSAX. f- -IP LUi&I. j Take thi E3ecI Smjw as Oodc CV, Hmm4sMj. -THE LATEST IS CAPITAL -:- HILL -:- ADDITION, Situated between Second street and Central avenue. There are only eight lots, containing about two and a half acres each. This tract is as fine as any on the Hill just east of the city. For prices and terms call at my office. Vacant Lots in every part of the city, and don't forget we can give you some fine bargains. BUSINESS -:- PROPERTY. "We have three lots on Water street. We have twenty-five lots on Main street. We have several on Market street. We have twelve lots on Lawrence avenue. We have six lots on Topeka avenue. We have six lots on Emporia avenue and several on Fourth ave nue. These are all close to Douglas avenue, and if you want a bar gain in Business Lots do not fail to see me and get prices. We have twelve lots on Douglas avenue. RESIDENCE -:- PROPERTY. In endless profusion in every part of the city. ACRE PROPERTY": We have a number of fine pieces of land in tracts of from five to forty acres. We have several of these tracts at such prices that a fine profit could be realized at once. FARMS AND STOCK RANCHES Of every description'all over Kansas. Ranches of from one thous and to three thousand acres fine land, and farms at from $10 per acre up. Come and see me and be convinced. STRANGERS .'. ALWAYS .'. WELCOME. Correspondence promptly attended to. Money invested for non-residents when desired. Please remember that I have no other business but Real Estate. If you want Real Estate come and see me or write. BARTHOLOMEW, E. C. & L R. COLE, Real Estate Dealers, 329 Douglas av., E. Wichita. OPPOSITE MANHATTAN IIOTHI-. Also the oiTlco of the Carey Park Land Company. Now U tho timo to buy lots In Carey Park tjtfore the., are ud anted. E. C. & L. R. COLE, AS DouglTS aienue, Wichita. JOHN DAVIDSON, Pioneer -:- Lumber -:- Man OF SEDGWICK COUNTY. Established in 1870. A Complete Stock of Pine Lumbe.r Shingles, Lath, Doors, Sash, etc., always on hand. Ofllct? and yard on Market street between Doajlaa avenue and First street. THE REVOLUTION Clothing House! 102 DOUGLAS AVE. ON CITIZKN3 BAK IJCILDING.) SACRIFICE SALE Clothing, Hats, Gents Furnishing Goods NOW GOING ON. MONEY At Lowest Rates and Ready for Borrowers AT ONCE S. W. COOPER, KAI.V STREET. TTiCHITA. KXS. M KS. ilARY KLESTZ, Wholesale asd Retail DaJer 1 MILLINERY, HUMAN HAIR, ADIES FURNISHING GOODS, FULL STOCK OK BASD, REAL THE COLLEGE I EMPORIA, KANSAS. UNDER - THE .. CARE,-. OF.. THE V PRESBYTERIAN r ?n?mamvum jpkjtw f - l. lbivjp-2'' ;?zi$a&2tttft& j-i'i ri aw -iv-iMmmm, C i.,! LJ.ik tm 1 Vr-nHrTlT i tit iIB &WttSKHiJ3Mmi. I i iir rWifr'n J-f.y yyFWK gl F. W. SWAB, avccKinon to r. htackman ) Merchant Tailor. Keeps on hand Fne Goos of the latest styles The largest stock in the city. Satisfaction guaranteed fio trouble to shov goods. Call and see me. F. W. SWAB, 1st door N of County Building. A. V OLIVER, uoFrttbiwit. ivansas Loan ana Capital, $100,000. Money Always on Hand to Loan on Farm and City Property Office in Wichita National Eanl: Building, "Wichita, Kan. b. -L. PA IJKM.EH Northern I Southern Pine Lumber, LATH, SHIHGLES, SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS. 0nV'.mfti.'iZtiiZ3: WICHITA, KAN. THE ARCHER ELECTRIC MANUFACTURING CO. -A.TSC i r;i5 I'-luHSCT-IEaXC 2SL7. Incandescent Hiectrtc lights. HIectric Bells and Annunciators. a icel andSiiver P?u.2jg. Ail fclns of Batteries, Electrical Supplies OFFICE:-!!? SOUTH LAWRENCE AVENUE. B. K. BROWN, Furniture i Jewelry.' DOUGLAS AVENUE, WICHITA, KANS. ESTATE! Kansas . OF EMPORIA, CHURCH 01'E.V TO IIOTI! 3J-.XKS. THREE COURSES OK STCDY -THE CI.ASMCA!.. THE PHILOSOPHICAL AN1 THE MTKRAP.Y. E.xjtI'Ic-1 ami t'omftnt Tcicbrrr; Thorough nes in worn, curriculum a nigh tv m boit ftuttorn ClUt-!. SPECIAL ADVANTOEH In ART, MUSIC anil tho MODERN IjANGUAOKS. EXPENSES VERY REA.SONAI1LE Th licvt rMoii o;n on Wnlnwlny, iM plem bT 8th. 15-4. Full jmrtlcnlar and ratalr-iniM may lxj ! talned by auMrtMtiig the iircnl-k'Ut. Rev. John F. Hendy, D. D., draim KMI'OKIA. KANSAS. vIRK'.W It, Ind Ex-mlnu- 11. W I.KVT. Tr-rr J ( Uf-TA S. ttkmj m 1 iTi Hi' I "ly LV -. DR. MORGAN. Gynaecologist and Obstetrician. TwAtsr Co, lzU21at ) ooa. rocoLjj TonucA atr wicmrx. km. ZUrw itetarf wiwrl ita a of . estmoot Co. X c J - , il -&M- I - & jWwsvjSV-.. - . - jOs&yihs.. -g? - vyfi . . SSfc .