VOL,. V. NO. 86. WICHITA, KANSAS, FBIDAY MOBNTNTG, AUGUST 27, 1886. WHOLE NO. 703. l a J- : i r I t I "V ' XA rU i ! t ' Ur E,i-. K tr MUNSON A McNAMARA. CASES! 47 CASES! New Goods just opened and others Constantly arriving. NOVELTIES In dress goods for early fall wear which are the latest productions of foreign looms and the correct styles. Immense Lines Of Knickerbocker Suitings, Homespun Serges, Blondine Suitings. Effinornam Tritot and an Endless variety of other New Dress Goods at Popular Prices. MUST GO, We will close our White Suits this week at just half price: $10.50 White Suits at $5.25. $10.00 White Suits at $5.00. $ 7.50 White Suits at $3.75. $ 6.00 White Suits at $3.00. $ 5.00 White Suits at $2.50. $ 4.00 White Suits at $2.00. Our great sale at cost still con tinues. We will name you lower prices than any other house. MPNS0N & Main NOTHING Succeeds -AND GOLDEN Has, for their Opening Week Scored a Victory over High :-: Pricks And any article of Wearing Apparel can "be secured from 12 to 25 per cent less than can be offered in this city as can he vouched for by rapid increasing trade. $10 Will Secure You a Genuine all wool Worsted sack or frock suit. $3.00 to $7.00 Will Secure You a good Business Suit, $3.00 Will Secure You our Splendid Boy's School Suit. $1.50 tO $2.00 WILL BUY You a Child's Suit you would be compelled to pay $2.25 and $3.50 for before now. -45 Cents will buy You a Fine Unlaundried Shirt, Retailed in this City from 75c to$l -45 CEiNTTS WILL BUY You a Fine Hemstitched Silk Handkerchief retailed regular at; $1. So on through our Stock, and almost any article you may desire you will find it at the same discount beiow - regular prices. We are daily receiving our fall goods and mvite your early call to see the mammoth stock and compare prices before buying and be convinced that you can save money BY DEALING AT THE GOLDEN ONE PRICE 228 Corner Douglas and Lawrence Avenues. McMMARA. Street. uUCLuobl THE- EAG-LE EAGLE CLOTHIERS. WT IIUJ In Session at St. Paul, Minne sota, Make Strong De mands Upon the National and State Legislatures for the Enactment of Belief Measures In. the Interest of Agriculture in its Varied Departments, and the People in General. The President Responds to an Inter view and Throws out Some Party Pulse Feelers. More Mexican Meanness evr Pas senger Pool Plans Kansas Fairs Sporting. Kingman Dits. Special Dispatch to the Dallr Eagle. Kingman, Kan., Aug. 20. A return game between the Pratt Center and Iving mnn nines was played at the fair grounds this afternoon, resulting in a score of 10 to 13 in favor of the visiting club. Consider able money changed hands and much inter est was taken in the game. A very serious accident occurred this morning to James Troutnian, a contractor, working on the new Presbyterian church, who fell from the top of the building to the ground. He is badly hurt, but hopes are entertained for his recovery. The houses of several leading citi.ens were entered by thieves last night who got safely away with a small amount of plunder. E. II. IS'othing Small About Pratt. Special DNpatch to the Daily EaIe. Saratoga, Kan., Aug. 2o. At a public meeting held here yesteiday it was decided to give a celebration on the arrival of the "Wichita and Western railroad sit Saratoga. Xccessarr committees to arrange for the meeting were appointed, and a subscription started to wise a thousand dollars for ex pense money. It is expected that the road will be completed to this point on or before October 1st, at which time the largest cele bration will be given ever had in Pratt county. E. "Weather Report. "Washington, August 27, 1 p. m. Indi cations for "Wisconsin, Iowa and Missouri: Fair weather, southerly winds; slightly cooler. For Kansas: Fair weather; southerly winds, no decided change in temperature. Grangers' Congress. St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 26. At the Farmers' congress this morning T. S. Cof fin, of Fort Dodge, la., read an interesting paper on the great government power in aiding in freight rates on railroads in America. He closed by urging the appoint ment of a national railroad commissioner. At the close of the address the commit tee on resolutions presented a report which was read by the secretary. These resolu tions were adopted, asking congress to create the office of secretary of agriculture and to make this officer a member ot the cabinet. They also ask the extension of the signal service to all places reached by telegraph. They request congress to regu late interttate commerce in such manner as to protect the productive industries of the country. They also recommend aa appropriation of $30,000,000 to .stamp out contagious diseases among domestic animals and requests the secretary of state to instruct the ministers to Germany and France to use all proper means to prevent restrictions upon American farm products properly inspected and shipped, and urge upon congress the necessity of a speed' development of the sj'stcm of water ways, including the Mississippi river. The resolutions also recommend the restoration of the wool tariff of 18G7, and the maintenace of the tariff on rice and sugar; that state legislatures be earnestly requested to pass laws to prevent what is known as dealing in futures; approves of the oleomargarine law ami recommends its strict enforcement. The final resolution provides for the in corporation, under the laws of the Uuited States, the fanners' congress in the United States, requesting the farmers of each state to organize, all assemblies of which shall be entitled to send representatives to the farmers' national congress in proportion to one delegate for eaclTUnited btates senator and representative in comrress from that state. Three propositions, one to adopt the Collum interstate bill, and the other to adopt the Regin bill, were post poned. During the discussion of the tariff reso lutions the siceches took a wide range and it was treated as a question of protection against free trade. The protection senti ment was decidedly in the ascendency and when the vote was announced in favor of the resolution as amended, there was much applause. At the afternoon session a lively discus sion took place on a resolution recommend ing the restoration of the wool tariff of 1SS7, amended to include sugar and rice. The vote was yeas 1.18 34, nays 110 1-4, southern delegates voting solidly no. The congress endorsed the oleomargarine bill and urged that gluco-c be placed on the same footing. It also favored the creation of a new" cabinet position with the department of agriculture. It wa decided to "hold the next meeting at Chicago on the first Tuesday before the opening of the fat stock show in 1SS7. Capital Budget. "Washington, D. C, Avg. 26. General ZSewton, chief of engineer-:, who arrived in "Washington last evening, ay3 he has not definitely decided to sco.pt the position of commissioner of public works of New York, but there is a probability tliat he will do so. I: is liktly that Colonel .Tame C. Dunn, president of the board of en gineer officers on fortifications, stationed at Tew York, will be -elected to succeed General Xewton a chief of engineers. About a Woman. McPhekson. Kas., Ang. 26. A shoot ing scrape occurred at Marquette, in this county, on Tuesday evening, between $. Baeher. of Glenwood, Iowa, and 3Ir. Baird, of M&ruuv'ltc. Mrs. B.ird, a sister, had been seduced by Bacher La Iowa, a year or two sines, and a judgment of $7,00 had been rendered in favor of Mr. Bafrd. Baeher came to Harquetie, where Mrs. Baird lived, to get testimony against her character and on seeing her brother opened fire which was returned by Baird, bis shots taking effect.produceing three flash wounds Both parties were arrested. The President's Tiew. Xew York. Aug. 20. The Herald publishes an interview with President Cleveland in regard to the appointment of Recorder Mathews, to succeed Frederick Douglass. The president said: I had only one object in appointing Mr. Mathews, namely, to put tha best man I could find, that is, the best colored man, in the posi tion. The last thirty years has wrought great changes in this country. Old rela tions are broken up and old times can never return. The north and south are equally gratified for this fact. You cannot apply the rules which obtained to yesterday to things of today. "We are a new nation. "Oc currences of twenty-five years ago belong to ancient history. Xow we haTe two great parties that is our salvation. Every few years these parties hare a wrestling match. It is a hot fight throughout the campaign, but when the fight is over we forget the fight and settle down .good naturediy to support the administration in every honest effort toward good government. , The colored people of the south are just like all the rest of us. The moment they begin to recognize the duty of citizenship", that moment they will begin to form con victions and to be governed by them. Does any reasonable man suppose when the white people of the country divide them selves between the Republican and Demo cratic psrties, colored people will all think alike, and join the Republican party? This is an insult to the colored man's brains. It is nonsense, and more, it would be a great political calamity. Difference of opinion is not only the charm of the republic, but also its safety, and I have no doubt, neither has any thoughtful man,- that when educa tion does its effective work, the colored race of the south will partly wheel into line w ith the Republican party and partly in line with the Democratic party. It cannot be otherwise so long as human nature is what it now is. I have great respect for the colored peo ple. Again and again I have told delega tions which visited me fhey must havecon victions of their own and act on them; they must choose their politics with thoughtful care and personal independence. In that way alone can the- become worthy citizens of the best government in the world. I appointed Mr. Matthews solely because I belieed him to be the right man for the place, and I feel ceitain the people will come to see I am right. State M ethodist Assembly. Toi'EK, Kan., Aug. 26. The execu tive committee of the Methodist Sunday school assembly met in this city last night and located their assembly in Topeka for the next ten years. A tabernacle, two two story normal halls, two boarding halls, secretary's office, baggage room, etc., are to be built in Garfield Park. The park is to be improved and the nef assemblv is to be held July 2G. Rev. J B. Young, of Pennsylvania, was re elected superintend ent of instruction; II. C. Dcmotte, L. L. D., and Mrs. Demotte were also re-elected to their positions. A school of theology was credited, and the following faculty electcd: James Marvin, D. D.,L. L. D., dean and professor of mental and moral science. Rev. J. E. Eary, D. D., Ph. D.. profes sor of Biblical history ned literature. Rev. "W. L. Swahlon, A. M., Ph. D., professor of biblical andsyh;.:matical the ology. Rev. II. A. Geboa, D. D., professor of church doctrines and polity. J. C. Ridpath, Ph. D., professor of his torv. Rev. J. C. Hall. D. D., professor of Greek. O. W. Ilass, L. L. D., professor of rhet oric. A. Schuyler, Ph. D., professor of logic. The following class lecturers were elect ed: On baptism Rev. Thos. Scott. Lord's supper Rev. Morco Spencer. Marriage Rev. A. A. Caruthers, D. D. Orders in the ministerv Rev. II. "W. Chafte. Polity of the M. E. church Rev. A. P. George. The committee resolved to publish the Chautauquan quarterly, and Revs. L. A. Rudisill, S. E. Pendleton and D. D. Camp bell, were appointed the committee. Evangelical. Bctkalo, X. Y., Aug. 26. The second day's session of the German Evangelical synod was well attended. Rev. C. L. Scliild read the report of the seminary committee. An additional theological pro fessor is urged for the St. Louis seminary. A change in the seminary course is alo suggested, requiring a five year's course in the seminary at Chicago before the gradu ate can teach, and three years more at the St. Louis seminary before he can preach. The treasurer's report gives a flattering ac count of the condition of the finances. . Y. Street Car Troubles. Xevt Youk, Aug. 28. Two cars started out early on the Broadway line. They had strong police protection. " No crowd is tol erated anywhere which might by any pos sibility obtruct speedy transit. BULLETIN. Police Iaspector Steers has just tele graphed Police Superintendent ifurray that a riotous mob of strikers collected in upper Broadway and started down town. The reserves hae been ordered to the scene. "When car Xo. 290, Broadway line, got to Forty fourth street about 10 o'clock it was attacked by a mob of roughs and strikers and thrown from the track. The cracks of policemen's ciuba upon the heads of the roughs could lw heard above the veils and cur-os of the mob. It took but "a few moments of vigorous work by the police to clear Broadway and send the striker flying down side streets. A num ber of cars are being run, each carrying sir policemen. The streets arc filled "with blue coats. It is feared unless a settlement it effected tonight, all cars will be tied up tomorrow. There was a plot on foot to blow up the Third avenue stable-, but all precautions are being taken. Several mobs have been dispersed bv policemen. In a conference this afternoon between j the Broadway railroad authorities and the strikers, the latter received a renewal of the I proposition to try the nw schedule of six trips per day. with a promise that after a faithful trial of four days if it as not sat isfactory the old one would v be restored. This proposition was considered until after midnight by the men and w&i accepted. Theywili return to work tomorrow. This afternoon it was given out that the Broadway car troubles were over; that the company and the strikers had agreed, and that the cars would be running in two hours At midnight there were no signs of cap, and it is understood th, secret meeting which is trying to solve the muddle is still fn session. "Was Xot Ividnappod. XawTo.v, Kan., Aug. 26. G. W. McClin- tock. editor of thp TTnmtnn IJVrmM WMtn town today. He publishes a card in the Evening Itepublican. in which he says the CoL S. X. "Wood was not kidnapped, but was arrested for criminal libeL Mr. Mc Clintock has not been at Hurotnn for ser- era! days, but says that he knew Woods' nw was k hu puce. By the Grace of tbe Czar, to be Granted His Personal liberty Upon Condition That He Volun tarily Abdicate the Bulgarian Throne. The Prince Enronte Home, Bat Has Hot Announced His Decision Upon The Czar's Terms. The English, Parliament Still "Worry ing Over the Address in Reply to the Queen's Speech. More Serious Disorders and Increased Bloodshed in Belfast Predicted by a Prophetical Prelate. OYER THE OCEAN. England. London, August 26. The queen tele graphed to Bucharest for news of Alexan der. Conflicts have taken place in the streets of Sophia between the followers of Alexander and those of Zankoff. Alexan der's adherents are still in prison. Carna- j roff, the Russian commander of Alexan der's yacht, telegraphed that the prince was handed over to The Russian authorities. It is the general opinion that Russia will not permit Alexander to re-ascend the throne. Russia's statement that Alexander has been released is not credited in Vienna. The Daily Xcws says England can worthily ap ply herself diplomatically to promote the progress of the people who have so admira blo come" out of the Zankoff affair. The foreign office is informed that Alex ander is safe, free and en route home. He was set free at Reni. It is believed his re turn will restore quiet in Bulgaria, Sir J. Furgeson, under secretary, stated in the house of commons that loyal troops entered Sofia Tuesday with the consent of the powers. The exact whereabouts of Prince Alex ander, the secretary said, is unknown to the British government, but telegrams have been forwarded him inviting him to return and resume bis rule in Bulgaria. At the York August meeting today the race for the great Yorkshire stakes for three-year oldsione and three-quarter miles, was won by Gay Hermit by half a length, Springfield second, Lord Lumley third;livc starters. The Bank of England advanced the rate of discount from 2 1-2 to 3 1-2 per cent. A whip has been issued urging the Tory members to attend the meeting of the house of commons tonight and defeat Mr. Par nell's amendment to the address in reply to the queen's speech in relation to the Irish land question. Thomas Sexton, a Parnellite, gave notice to the house of commons this evening of his intention to move the following amend ment to the Queen's speech: "We humbly represent to your majesty that the circum stances unaccountable for the recent riots in Belfast indicate the necessity for special measures to maintain order there, the most urgent of these measures being the re es tablishmcnt of your majesty's authority in the district where-from the police have been expelled by the increase of local con stabulary to such strength as will enable it to deal With any probable contiuguency. Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, chief secretary of Irerand, declared that General Bullcr was not sent to Ireland to establish martial law, nor to strain the ordinary law, but merely to assist the civil authorities in the work of preserving social order. This reply was not deemed satisfactory by the opposition, and Mr. Russel moved the ad journment of the houe. The opposition, consisting of the w hole Giadstonian and Parnellite members, are here in supjiort of the motion and Mr. Russel contended that the nolicv of the government was to de grade Ireland to the level of a savage and barbarous country. The Right Hon. Edward Stanhope, col onial secretary, announced that the govern ment hoped to open an emigration bureau during neit October. They did not, he said, intend to promote emigration, but simply to ireulate information of the kind most desirable, for poor people thinking of going abroad, to know Lord Churchill said that 3Ir. Russel had made an earnest and exhaustive speech. I le (Rusel) held strong opinion-, and uxtl strong language. He had warned them that the appointment of Sir General Butler would imperil civil and religious liberty, the freedom of the press and administra tion of justice, and would cause a con flagration over the whole of Ireland (Laughter ) Supposing that Mr. Ilus-cl's motion was carried, what would be the ef feet? "Why absolutely nothing. The house would adjourn and a day be lost, and when the members met again General Buller would be on his way to Kerry (Laughter). Mr. Russel wished to raise a question: he should have moved an amend ment to the address. ' If then the amend ment liad Iv.-en carried it would have put an end to General Iiuller's mission, and would also have ended the present govern ment, which was more to Mr Rua-eM pur pose Con-ervative cheers I am told that this motion was introduced in order to interrupt the regular proceedings of the house (cheers; and intervene between the house and the speech of Mr. Ciiamberlain (cheers, crie? of no. and a general uproar). It seem? ctranire that the strong feeling just shown did not explode on preious nights, bu; lias Iven enraully pent up un tiC he occasion hen Mr Chamberlain in tended to resume the debate (cheers and laughter in which Mr. Chamberlain joined). It is a great compliment to Mr. Chamber lain, ixleame it shows the opposition fear the effects of his argument.-. In conclu sion Mr Churchill said. The motion "aill not have a pralical issue. The government refuses to discus the merits' of Gen. Bullcr s appointment and will have nothing more to do with ihz discussion. Cheers; Sir "William Vernon Harcourt strongly objected to the tone and spirit in which the ! aopomtmeut had been announce!, it wa.- apparently meant that General Buikrr was cumg to 'Jeal with armed rebels and Xo shoot them without a trial even- If the moonlighter? were rnurdexws such action vr& unjustifiable. Continuing he suit! tht house oujrht to know whether or not Gen eral Bailer was independent of the chief inspertf r of constabulary. If the goTera msni assured the house that the appaint nieni .a note purely military one the opiniorw of the 6ppQiiknx would !? ma ieriaily modified. He deprecated the pro- j vocative attitude of the Government on ihi question, but he hoped Mr. Ruel would withdraw hm motion. Sir Michael Hicks-Bach, chief cretary for Ireland, said he would cot have takm part in the discussion, but for the outrageous attacks upon the chancier of an officer as humane as he was brave General Buller was selected because the government belier that he would act uprightly, co&stitutfonal ly, jostlj and hamaaaly. (Cbeeza). The appointment was a civil one and not a mili tary one. General Buller would possess the" powers of a divisional magistrate, en- ablimrhimto do all necessary to repress crime and outraccs. The inspector genenu of the constabulary had telegraphed that he would give General Bnller his heartiest supportT General Buller would report onlv to the chief secretary for Ireland. Mr. Russell's motion was finally rejected by a vote of 243 to 146. lfr. Sexton moved to adjourn debate, Lord Churchill asked for a promise that the debate should terminate tomorrow, otherwise, he said, he would oppose ad journment. Sir "William Vernon llarcourt and Mr. Sejcton agreed to this and debate adiourned. The Russian charge d' affairs had an in terview with the foreism secretary. He pro tested against the insulting language of the English press, and said that the Czar had no knowledge of the Bulgarian conspiracy. "Wh en Alexander received the news of the success of his friends in Bulgaria, he was deeply moved. He telegraphed his father that he would visit Darmstadt before return ing to Bulgaria. The Russians at Rent treated him and his brother with indignity. They ref uset o allow even a servant to go with" him. Ireland. Belfast, Aug. 26. Everything is quiet here today. Huge paving stones and broken glass mark the scene of last night's riot. Rev. Dr. Kane, Protestant clergy man, who declared that unless the police were immediately disarmed 200,000 armed Orangemen would relieve them of their weapons, is again out with a declaration charging the magistrates of Belfast with criminal parleying with lawlessness. The Orangemen of Belfast have called a meeting of their fraternity tonight to con sider and adopt the best means of helping to restor order in their city. The Rev Hugh Hanna, D. D.,of St Enoch's church, this'city has published a letter in reference to the noting of yesterday evening on the Shank Hill road Dr. 11 anna advises all respectable residents of Belfast to remain at their homes :is closely as possible for some (lavs to come. lie savs lie fears the Belfast disorders are to lie revived in a worse form than ever, and that in the future lossof life in riots throughout the city will be much more dreadful than it has been hitherto. The soldiers, the doctor says, will be obliged to fire upon the citi zens. Thirty men who had been convicted of an active part in the recent riots were sen tenced today to various terms of imprison ment; one of them to thirteen months. Kussia. Ren j, Aug. 26. The cir ha ordered Prince Alexander to be forwarded to Kis senoff if he refuses to accept his alRlication as an accomplished fact. The towns of Bulgaria are decked with flags and there is general rejoicing at the overthrow of the rebels. Upon hearing of the arrival at Reni of the yacht bearing Prince Alexander the czar personally ordered that Alexander be landed and allowed to go where he pleased. Austria. VirNNA, Aug. 26. The Czar has per mitted Alexander to depart for Germany via Odessa. Peuto, Aug. 2(J. It is ositively stated that Prince Alexander, on learning of the result of the loyalist movement, resolved to return to Bulgaria. He is expected to ar rive tomorrow at Rustchuk, whence an army will conduct him in triumph to Sofia. lloumauin. BuciiAiinsT, Aug. 26. Prince Alex ander crossed the Austro-liussian frontier at Wolotchista today. The yacht which conveyed Alexander to Reni Ills returned to Rahova in charge of the mate, the cap tain having decamped. The crew is made up mostly of boys from the Sofia military school. Turkey. Const vntinoi'lb, 'Aug. 26. Welidoff, Russian cm'Kissador, informed hi colicgues that in the event of serious disorders in Bulgaria, Russia would invite the other powers to consider neces-arr mcasurr for interfering. Prussia. Beumn, Aug. 26. The Prussian gov ernment repudiates complicity in the i5ol garian coup de etal, New Pool Arrangement. Chicago, August 26. It ia understood this evening that the Mib-comniittee at work ujkhi an agreement to govern west ern passenger traffic, have deciled upon the adoption of a new plan, tt'milnr to the one created for the Texas pool. The aver age of tiic past three yar buainrss will be need as the basis of tin proportion of the traffic to be guaranteed each association line, for the next year, and at the rwl of that time the average of four years' ljst- ness 13 to Ixj taken lor a new division, and so on as long in the pool lasts. AH revenues from passenger traffic are put into a coin mon pool and after each road receives from this the amount guaranteed any exec-?? will be divided among thm in the aam? propor tion. This is stated to be the pkwi sub stantially agreed upon, although not re wrted, as the sub-cmnniKtee is still at work perfecting the numerous dt"h. if adopted by the main coimniUe1 thfa yn tem will control all peaeengvr Ixixinem to St. Paul. Council Btafi. bt. Ioai and Kansas City i jre a Dodjre. Dodoe City, Ivan., Au 26 At tie hour ot 4 o'clock this morauig a Un brokf out in one of tht wooden nieturf- actuated in the Dodge hote block, whk-h soon spread to adjoining buildings aad wipr-d out a half dozen oW kind mark situated be tween the bank of Dodr ami Hoover brick, ooropied 1" Geo. &. Esmtkio, the grocer. Both tin- bask building ami Hoov er s brick were on fire, bat through the heroic efforts of our citien lUi were fcav ed. The buildings, burnwl -sers SiumV vant'ji drug Urte,"lI. J. Danish's jemdtr store, Hart & Haynes' saloon. TBghinaa & Co'. auction house, loth oil butcher hoj, Mose "Water building, making a ctertn sweep of thy old rookerie between the two brick building nanv-d. Tnichrai &, Co Ion the mot of their -lock- The bahwo? of the occupants jwjved a goodh- portion of j their rood. Lm e-Jonatod at S36.0C9, j partially covered uy insurance. Mexican Outrage?. GAL--BmrJ. Tex.. Aa&. 98. A pdal U) ilie 2eTvs front Pgfc Pai it Rotxrrt I B. Alien. wiprKintrtidst of tlw? Coaiin mines syndicate, mafc eozsptahfi to 0n- j sul Lynn of eon.-tant and pcrsiceat aasor J aneo ieSietad on th lahusg etjmpcny by , Mexifiin ofhYer st Cuatrr, Cteevo and ; san Pablo, impeding aoju-t fin toe nVting reinstated on coadhsoo that Uy t, 1 & tin American Sag on American property cinfta aad aaardnV. The unSi r wiihotit nrt obtaminff peRsiasfin from the I rr-rard the rcta,-taUTaK as s rktery Tha authorities at San PabJo, for winch offecoe sisllts dxicounca Powdsrir nsl dl . the compan v was fintd, and stopping siia- pse hi re-elertJca at the Ricaisecl vn ine operaifoni on nr-'end rsoas forlrention. Failing Ui defeat his Uarj .r trivial causes. 3fr, Allen atea tliat 5dsce j the vrfli impeach him fordi4doiS ttrxtu the Cauinir and ILasurfe affaira the annor-1 anceahajbeen been more coastaat aai the ifi- j OKxtlngr lat aihl looking to ihrf nfts& of Anjerieana in this loolitr tka of a workintsaan' con&n ikktl th trcalimmtr xnorepenastenu ilbjaterncnu are corrob- orated by Ave otter American. POLITICAL FOKNT3.' MICHIGAN KErUEUCANS. GB.cn Rapids. 31ich., Aur 2a.--Tl f Republican convention this morninsr nom inated Lyras U. Luce lor governor aaa - J James A. Donald of Lscainoia lor iicutca- -n ant governor, by acclammation. The ticket was completed as followsr J il R, Oslaa, secretary of stale; George L. Jiaiiz. treasurer: iienrv iu Appun, auui- ton Moses Taggert, attorney general; Ilo- 1 coe L. Dix, commissioner ot tne tana office: John S. Estabrook, supcruUendcat of public instruction: S. S. Babcock. mem ber board of education. The committee on resolutions will report the usual platform this afternoon. It will Qall for the submission of a prohibition amendment. The minority report favoring prohibition was overwhelmingly defeated. IUJNOIS DEMOCRATS. ' Si'kingfield, August 26. The Demo cratic state convention met at uoen Jas. V. Duncan was made temporary chairman. Adjourned to 2 o'clock. The convention met at 3 p. m. The com mittee on permanent organization present ed a report recommending that the tempor ary organization be made permanent.wHIch was agrtetl to unanimously. Nomination being next in order Hon. G. C Anderson, of Ojuiney, was placed in nomination for state treasurer by Hon. J, F. Kicker, of Quiucy, There "being no furtlur names propo-ed the nomination was made hv ac clamation Gen. Jesse Phelps, of Mont gomery countv, presented the name of lrof. F. J. 6ldt, of Lanark, for superintendent of public instruction, and ho wiw nomi nated unanimously. The platform 'which was unanimously adopted, warmly approves President Cleve land's administrrtion, commend it action in demanding Cutting's release favors the reduction ofthe tarilf to a nncnue basis; opposes alien ownership of land, favors the application of the treasury Mirplus to the public debt, demands the prohibition of importation of foreigu pauper labor, de mands equal legislation for capital mid la bor and laws for the safety of employes, al-o requiring employers to make prompt payment of wages; approves exclusion of children from mimy and facto ries in the stole, and general incisures for the benefit of labor, ami the promotion of harmony between capital and labor by ar bitration ami otherwise, faor the sup pression of convict labor competition, de clares that all conspiracies against the con stitutional authority should Imj promptly Mippre&scd by the government, affirms that liquor prohibition would violate iH.r-oual liberty, expresses svmp.uny with Irish home" rule; favors iilwral pensions to dis abled soldiers and iilors, and deplored the death of McClellau, Hancock, Seymour, Hendricks and Tilden. Adjourned. PENNSYLVANIA KEPITHMCAXS. IIap.uisucug, Aug. 26. In the conven tion, after the reading of the platform. General Wolfe was nominated for gover nor by acclamation A A. Barker wm nominated lieutenant-governor by acclama tion. Charles L Hnmley, of Lackawanna, was nominated for auditor, Gen. John N. Emery, of Lawrence, for secretary of in ternal" affairi, and Kev. .1. M. Palmer (co! ored) for congress at large. KANSAS IlEPt'llLICNs Topeka, Kan , Aug. 26. The executive committee of the Republican fitate central committee today prepared for the ojH'uing of the campaign by providing for one grand m.uss meeting iit Topeka September IS, one at Columbus Septcinlicr 'Si, ami one at "Washington Octolwr 6. Other meetings will be announced mxhi penna Pitomiw. IlARKisniruo, Pa., Aug 26. The Pro hibition convention reassembled at 10 o'clock. The platform adopted demands state and national prohibition, iirrnigns the Republican and Democratic parties f r hos tility towards prohibition, demands that congress forbid the Issue of liquor tax re ceipts in states. dMrir M or rountn-s where the liquor tralhV is prohibited b law, ie notincen the so--n!!wI submission n solution of the late Republican state convtutif a n !nare to catch vot. .- The platform also contains on expf vdo 4 of views upon matters.nf general p lilk ijt ami government iJluo Valley Fair. .Mashattav Kan., Aujr. 26 The &r- J euteenth annual fair of the Il'ue and Kan 4f ais Valley Agricultural nycfcly 1 lining Iieki here this Week Owing to the ex ceeding dry weather and the fuct that Mm fair coniea'in onrly In the uxuan, the dis play of agricultural product it r:iall, Tte stock Jmw i good, alo the exhibit In the art hall Promiiwnt breeders and stoST- awn are here to -examine the fine h"rds of thoroiiihlrsd r.'iltK of which th" Hlurf rilloa county makes a jetkdty Great intero ia taken In the pced ring a thii i the titfA meeting in a writ's of x of the Gulden Belt trotting circuit of lmi tral ICaiKw, w ith $I0.0O01n purws A num 1er of nii horv and lioremn are h?ri and some fast goers will appxir in th (zv fit all rare tomorrow. Hon. John A.Anderson will arrr.e n the ritv tomorrow. The 31anhaltan band and a deputation of cieijens will meet him at the depot ami escort hlin to b nid In the evening il-j will teiwirr him a re ceptfon. Anti-Convict-Lalwr Loacn. CtHCAxr, Aug. 20 At a nvting of about twenty-five maTiufat-Pinra trout dif ferent parts of the oonntry, held here to day, the National A nti Convict (ontrart a-ccaiio!i wa forwd and neeeary com iniUees appoint! The object of the asso ciation wa denned to be the thorrngh in rfnigatka of the :bjert of convict Isbor for the pnrpow; of divovrriog and c"uring Uk- adoption of tlwt ntethtd of ttnoloyinx prvoncn in the varfou states whw J ai be ka-t lmrde;sotce and oppressive to t r labor, end thy manufortariag Interest of he country WIerr IxcerpU. St. Locis. Aug 2S. The morning v& ?sn of the nntioBi! Baptist convetiUcra vri occuufed fn th reading and diiousfca of a pajyjr oa B&ptist ?ta&A, fry llrr U, DeBapt&e of Eto0n, H. A roMfepjuch "p-ckl fra I Ark, Arkofsw. aay ( "of ton I J Br kwridge wa noatkanied for rooreasby arrinatitn by the Democrats of Um eond dstrf- A. Bcseh Xrnsn Cnattaeacz a new4 ha. bflen xweirixi td a ssitinoi tauvU: in Osxwx countr. John I!am5ja aad Janus G CffiineshtsTa fasts nmrme oat- of Uw most, feanttifnl ladles of lit? county A tr?r dtxta saw they act sX tkts teAr' hrw and jrrece Gmius. hot sAs. rival dl It. of J. Tn Anarchists. Cnw; wjo. Awr 2C The resorted -u raUati s-s3ii' nsizbte of Lnlftr T ef liiC orutr. JiStfrict a.3aWy 14 tzi fall. Xo deddtdi acti w taUs ad tins laMrcalfit jnnUcxra not referred to, nsii $ifa$4 t:Mi&mm. T$&zto&3. -... i i? jf $&& Lfls.-faaga ,S2Si. .SSSS&S '. jf -f . S &&?, SS . iO',""' ,?? r-ttir't t-s .f-s.-ivTw1 a r'.f.r &h. x&MmMs&Ziik