Newspaper Page Text
wm&mm irj- flpg lW,y"'wgijii;niiMiiiiMijiTujM! -.p ' F; fce SKKicfcita gailu gagle:-ffttar8 -rrca.w .vaj ;- " r r UJ F hS : k x ix J i ' - lagle Advertisements In this column will bo charged for at the rate of Five Cent per line per weefc. No ad ertlscments taken for less than 25 cente. and will not be inserted until paid for. WAITED.- TT7" VNTED Hj a miauie ageu gcnueman Having V the highest references as to character, a posl tlon as salesman In a lumber jnrd or a clerkship In in attorney's or a real estate office, In all of which lie has had experience. Address or call on H. Rennie. Hour feed and seod merchant, S19 Douglas ave. SG-Ct XTTAVTED A qirl 12 or 13. oars old Is wanted at V HJf bouth Main street. The right one cuiiliave a good home. dSWit -rTTANTED Girl In a small family. Enquire, at V 30S south Law reucc a e. fcO Ct T 71011 11EKT Two furnished rooms at 402 S Empo ; rlic, 3 blocks south Tremont hotel. iSl-Ct r OH IiENT Furnished room lor reut at .v. soma Topcka ave. usb-or TT7"ANTED Imnn.ditcl Six first class men for V uiulc r ofllce w ork and five men Tor conntrv bus incs iu Kingman, Sedtrnlc-k, Sumner and Hnrptr counties, i:pcriciiccd men preferred. Addrc.svm 31. Cobb, Anthonj, Kan , or V, A. T. Wichita, Kin "VITANT-D IJy September 1st two ii'iftirnlslied rooms suitable lor l!ht houMkt epinu for man and wire, within tn minutes walk of postofflce. Call at No & Law rente .c, or address V. s, Jlcachy. Wichita, Kan. dSoGt YVTANTED Boarders by the d W First bt. jy or -v c-ek at "10 E dS-VCt "VSTANTKD A null house at once. YV Inquire ofCS. Treat, Eai;Ie office. Addrcr- or d-tf TTTANTED A jounc man from the iast wishes V cmplojmentln Wichita: abstrnctlns .and i.sur nnre preferred. Addrct-s E J. H tale cilice. dM tt -TTTASTED-A first clash b lrber. J. T, Hooker. 212 V North Main street. dSI ft -c-jr jrrnD 4. Rood girl to lo dining room work at TV W. C. T. U. rooms at once. Applj to Mrs. J.IIier Superintendent. dS4 Gi "TTTAKTEO Position as cutter, two jears exptrl cncc.sood reference. Address M. 13. Lock rox WANTEDA KCkxI canvasser, fair silnrj . commiss ion if preferred. Call on Drukktr &. Co , i ci 1 -, t.ite agents. dS4 6t ytt ANTED Koom with or without board in pri V Aatc family. Address F. A. Coop r. Manhattan TfTAVlTn-l l.irm? alrv, well furnished room V u'lthln t.o ir three blocks of inu .nan ds; 6t hattan. Address M, Manhattan hotel "VrrAXTED-A lirlclit oRlcc bov at the ras office W lliVall's jeuelrj store, llr North Main st. dS.5-5t -TTTAKTED Vcood wagon maker Immedlitclv at 119 S Market st. " "VXTANTED "i. Aounginan to bur half Interest in TV the druit business with an eierleneed and the onU registered drugcist In the cit; also the best hotisc in the cltj . Cause for selling, Increase ofnrjc tice. Will sell cheap W. II. Kunkelman M. D. Meade Center. Meade county, Kan. I', O. bov jo clsot "VtrN'TED A gorxl sewing lady, one that uuder W stands pants making. So. loO.S Lawrence ave TTT NTED Dry goods partner. An experienced TV do goods merchant, with $10.WJcaplUl,wMics to locate In Wichita, prolded he urn find a suitable inrtuor w 1th same amount of capital and experience In business. Address lock box blU. lchita. ti (. ANIED-One furnished room in private familj for gentleman and children. Call at nillk depot, SUT Douglas a c. tib-bt TVTANTED Man anil wife, without children, to W w ork on f ann Smiles from town; ten men to travel, sn-iarr or commNsion. aqiiiis hb ri;"i. W. U. nattlcld, Wichita. Kan dw et TflT 4NTEI) -EoanUrs at 903 East r irst stiect. 2 blks W cast and one nortii of bauta Fefulglit elejiot. Uoaidandlodsing $J 50 per week. dibt "TrXN 1 ED r carpenters, 1 to go"tn w nrk Monilm, morning, Aus. il, 10 able bodied men for coin mon litor. a. H. Kenworth, TiUS Douglas ae. dSJiit'' TTTNThD HiiKii to work In rocs, qn irrj.w.ics V $1.50 per d i. J. It. Kciiw i.rthj , ftJS ae -1 TAN I ED-4 men and w lies w Ithout hildrcli ti go V on farms mid in tlie terriioo MS Douglas avenue. VlTANILD-'JiiKiiforcuttiiBtorn, free transpor YVtatioito Barber count): wntcs good, work tilentr. Emplo)iuent for co)bo.l that U Idle 'and wnntswi.rk If ) on will cdl at no oRie-cw J. H. Ken w orthy, sOb Douglas a e. os i,t T KTED-AT ONCE-'W) teini-ttrs, shove Icri T V and lockmcn, to won-on iiniinira iviin-ns . .. nift.l smith of New KIuWll. In me inaiaii lernioi... cmid hoard &nd aood wuter. ages 31. 0 1ei nay. hoard S3 5Uicr wick. I'oi further partleulHi-, unl free tninsponatlon applv at mu liotigia- a iui Kan. J. II. llaiiipsou. eimtnicior. U Ich -ST.VNTED TV koimI liable ofilce. -To sella line )oung 1"1 "1 Chi in boar stock and cheap. Inquhe of -.; TT-;Ti:i liooin nml board in private famih lot TV iiifiunnd v.lfe. Hefercnees excliangeil. Addrcj 31. lei k box Eik TTrOTKU-l position bv a practlcil druggist. TV fcglst'i-el: capable of taking cli irgc; present engagement will expire fcept. 1st. Address Druggist, 1 O. Dox 102. Leon. Kan. iTObt -IA7 ANThI)-A girl todogemral housework at 4ii W SI-iw rente. "31 ct WANTED To rent our house furnished, or pnrtlv furuisliod to m-m and wife, and board with them. Pleasant location, near businits. Lnqiilro of A M. Dennv.4jy N Emporia ave. or In Little s loan WANTED A partner In the retail trade with jr. WW. b) an experienced merchant from the tn same amouni oi eiipiuii wuumi. ,'.-" and required. TTT AN TED An experienced girl for general house W work In asm ill fundi) . Mrs II. Comley. 53J S Market st. rti1 bl WANTED-To loan S.V0rtJi) on business blocks or farms In the next slxt) da)8. Ashbel J.le;h. Eagle block. li'iiL. VirVvTTED Toploceshortlomsatlow rates Jloney TV on h imLAshbcl Welch. Eagle block. d TTT ASTED Insuancc of all classes low et rates on Welt) and farm propert). Abhbel 4 clch, Lalo un 11 "WS TANTED-A gooil glil, appl) TAMEIV-At,oodglrl to do gi nenil hou-cwork V in n smKll inmli). Jlrs. I U Jackson. SO. Lrwt. nco. tTtaNTLD-T o s 11 a good bnth house and lixtures V itivliiK Conwa) Siilngs. Apph or ad ilrc-s, .I.. Ho)d, rr-d estate ncnt, Couwnv springs -trANTTT- Am nnhn liit; land lor fnle in eolt eounlv. Kansas, at a bargain for cash, phi-sy i,t niini.m-- tf lind and lovvis,t pi ice to t . . 31) i r, Volt Clt) , h-an. v. "TrANTED ltoan' W 1 hlnl and Lav ltoanlcrs at the northeast comer of :r. tf iWTcnee ave. TX''' ANTED To loan tho cheapest nw ii' cvtrof T f..r.-wt In thr wost. owners of bU'-Im bkeks m ii.i it to tin tr iniirut to call on Llbott .t )ic Nei.. dltotf T XT NTED-To loan $V).X) on business blocks and .j..l. mi.. lf.irr Wlllllll LIIU IIL'-Wi Lillli' dav Kuisii Ijoan and Investment compaii) -.TAVTl-D lvookkcejcrs ind bnIris men to know that the N-itionnI Accountants' Dircau otTcrs unsiirpaits.Hl facilities for the procurement of Jlrst class men ard women for posit ioi. ii boiik kcoocrs and coouitanf liu-lncs men vho want eR.cient help, and exirt bckl eep rs w ho can-'lvi' tlrst diss rtfcreiuc, and want situation-, would do wellbv luldrmsing us. omce for the state of Kansas at the bouhvv ti.urn Uuut College, Khit.v.Knn us. jlus U VtTaNTKD-T o loan at low est nto, f U0,0i on eitv W r.ri form rrnnertv. Monev rtadj aiv nv. ri propertv . 1S7 lust. S. W. Coojier, d.0 if T"ITANTED-Iimel!.itel) . (5(X) worth of -ecoud V hind good, of all kinds, at 21G West Douglas ave. Ilijfhe.teathprkv paid for second hand k.hLs. (loods of all kind, bough, and sold. Call and ee us. W. H. Ski ed Co. c,t-tf FOR RENT. TPOR RFNT t lnrgi handkomely furnUhcd room ov er Bank of v lchita. Orllcc at.sui ougia e. 170R RENT-A nkelv furnNhed upper rcHim well 1 vcutilated: board convenient, price $3 per month. Call at G04 S Law rence av e. dsG-Ct nn.i iikvt-Nl.flv furnlsheil front rooms, larfc X udatry: southern exposure. In s new house. En quiro at 4C2 wesiceniriv T-sor RENT six rooiue.1 house with cellar, on Wa r t. No. 10 A one block from street cars. Will 7 ,nir fnniiihed: one room nerved for two room nerv ed for bosrders. llltke reut iu board Addrtks Cltv dSJ box OS TT .-tj VTito pireiv- lurnuueu iruui renuus 111111 licxid. .Vnrtu bulnesand be.t looalltv. r.uquire at '.SO N". Emporia. ITOR REN1-kicely furnlibed rooms 1 ' k.t. 5 doori north of Ccldental hotel. ct X!2 V Main dsl Cf T70RI1NT At tho Good) ear Houe. corner I05--XA l-s and Fan porin. avenue, a few nifeiv furnlsted rooms, v ouia uxe u in icon; u;k-.i- "" -.- tke da) or wesek. dirS-im X lsrgi-t and uics-t convenient In Wichita, In t. nlpn block, overl'-lace barter hop. next to Commercial hotel, Bu;Iiu av ecue. Appl) to ilr. Gandolfo. room N . 3, up ktalr. tf I?OK ltEXT-trlctl- flnt-clss furnUhed rooms In 1 the lllli.r bulldias, t-'Q Rnd 3.(0 per wwt. tu ulre on the 2d or Id floor or at llain st. - F OH IIBVT Ualf of a itorv rooln at 1S5 Main . uH TTJR RXSTT Large furnished front room with lanfe X1 closet, la tiilrd block from liougia ave. Inaulre 3o J S Law renoe av e. MCt FOR BEKT FarnUied room board, at 425 Emporia ave. with or without ramgp" "TTTANTED -llorrou crs for more) , we place mom) V atthe lowest rates on rll kinds of clialti i e curltv loans, and also on setond inorl-cnKcs out inns. Wichita Hanking Co , and Ir.rmcrs Ikiukinj; Co.No 110 st Douglas ave. ll FOR RENT. "TK)R RENT Rooms up stairs in Hartwl? JD N. F. Niedcrlander. block. d8WSt T7OR RENT-S offlco rooms over No. ljl M5.n,?i Jj Call on Weller & Sillier, No. 2 N 3Ialn st, dSb-6t ITOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms opposite Occl ? dental grocery. 34.1 Main st. dSj tl FOR RENT One new house complete of 13 J0"""' one most complete or 14 rooms for rent on tourtn avenue. Enquire at residence on corner pi rourin ave and English st. Close to business part or town 31. B. Clark. dSM T?OK RENT-Furnlshed rooms by the day or week X Inquire at No Ml Eaa Douglas ave, room No. 1 up stairs, or at 113 West Douglas ave, room No l oxer feme's clothing store. Jirs. a. jh. oiaS'-. FOR SALB. TT"OR SALE: houses and lot for sale on Boss ave Kan For particulars address locc tcr, Kan. dSO-U 12 Clearwater, Kan 1kx. 17, Clearwatc I 70R SALE-A small stock of milllnerv goods In a 1 gool town; all new stock. For particulars art dress lock box 17, Clearwater, Kan. d1'1 T7T0R SALE I hav c lft3 acres of lind to sell or will I1 trade a part tfor cattle or other stock. Hartwcll, Delmonito hotel, Newton, Kan. S. A. V. dSMt "17011 SALE Oldest drug stand in Wellington, stock ' $3,000. frush and clean. 1p in Jnlv S1.2C0 cih. Address A Cheuevveth dSG-Ot 170H SALE Farm 2 milas from GI(Iard, Kuusas ; 1 absolutely the best farm for the monev in the roimtv. Ttiiis to suit purchaser. Well improved. Foster & Sutherland, Goddard. Kan. dsj t 7?0R SALK-HIacksmith and w agon shop with a A1 full set of tools In a live town on tlierort Scott und Wichita railroid; plcntv of v. ork; for particulars enquire of Dean k ilaxv. 1 11. ds5-10l I70R SALE V nite Jlcrino shtop, mostly ewes, 1 )oung and health-.; will sell right, andpive fre use of eorrall and nice range to p isture this vason ir w anted. Addre-s 3Ierino, Eagle ofilce, V lchita, Kan. "ITOR SALE A fine engineers transit with tele V scope level, vertical arc and gradualor. Applv to W. 1. Ulxb) , geuer il ofllce St. L. F. S . W. R) . W Cf TTtOR SALE TRADE-OU RFNT-c )lulvanc I' I'lourMill. For terms, call on or address.!. L Humphrc) & Sou, Wichita, Kans. d5tf 170R SALE Farmers w ive-. look here. A new- 1 f) i? egg Incubator with all appl I meet, and in full working order, has h itched this seasoaH chickens out of 51 fertile eggs, price only Ml, also I Ight Urah ma's, lelehand I'hlllander Willilanis btraius. and White Leghorns. Knapps and Channlng Smiths strain-, Apply to lock Lox W3 Wienlta, Kan. d'Uf I70R SALE One gotnl milch cow, one family horsf 1at41tWElmst near the water w oiks dtl Ct 7OR SALE A No. 1 milk cow " v car ol 1. w 111 bn ficsh again 111 March. Eupliu it No 314 S 1) avenue. We -t WIehit i dSlt IOTt splendid )oung cow and a fine r. I nouire of C. A. Phillips at Jj vcarling heifer. I nouire of C. A. Wells Fargo exprch.oKltv. oSiGt IOR SALE A good pa) lug business, fruit, eonfec 1 tloncrv and icecream, etc, with good ch ince for ov sters, etc. Good room, good locution, vvitli lease Ai'ould trade for rial est ite, as owner don't like night and Sunda.v vv ork. Call 011 or address r. A. Sanford, No 2b0 N". .Main St. Wichita. dSO Ul I 70R SALE Special Bargain rarm near Carden 1 Plain. ltiO acres. Crop of corn goes with property or a liberal cash reduction If corn is not taken. Ashbel Welch, tagle block. 77 tf t-wt? s.T.v7 tlnKi rv- nnd restaurant at Anthony V Kan . doltnr a coinl tiav ing business Reason for selling, poor health. John Ambler. Anthony. Kan. d7S 24t T70R SALE-Spcclal bargain :1G0 acres near Wichita. X1 farming irnplcmemsgo with propertv.ver) low If sold in a few da)s. Ashbel Wclcli. Ligle block. d. tf J70R SALE-177 acres of land on the west bank of tho 1 blgArkansas riv miles northwest of Wichita, acres plowed and a small orchard, no buildings; bal mice fenced w It I) w Ire, w atered by the riv er, all good bottom land; price $35 per acre If sold soon, part cash, balance to suit nt 8 per cent. Inquire b) letter. J. . Brinle). Wlehitn, Kan. dir I70R S LE Four hundred and Uftv five feeding 1 steers for side cheap. 4r miles southwest of thl, pi ice. For further particulars enqulie at this onicc. d79vvJlf i70n SALE-S10 000 will bit) lfO140 ft with house 1 on 4th avenue, just south of William stuct, sulta bfe for wholesale or agrleultural Implement ware house, a side track can le put in ver) cheap. E.C. and L R Cole, Vi3 Douglas av e dG8 tr I70RSVLE ..Hots in liibiiers iiddition. 'Ihese Mots front on Watliliigton avenue and west on Moslev av t uui, are eovcixd with fine fruit nnd shade tries.uiidwill be sol lonoas) terms. Call on Bunnell & ilori house. " 170R SALE- mnil renrrnl Hotel. Geilda Springs. ?: sinniirriniinii. Knns.-s. the irrcat health icioitof sunn) , southern Kansas, uoing a t,oou pa uir uu-. ness ever) thing nice and new; ncvvlv furnMicd this siirinr. n c'CHMl i linucctoi Millie one. reason ior -en ing, uy Call on or address IL C, Love, Spilng. Gleuda dGl tf "C70RSALE G lot on N". Waco avenue, between 1? Fourtci nth and Fifteenth streets, w ill be sold at a bargain. Inquire at 111 N" Main st M)-tr "570R SALE 31 stock of grow rics and queensvvare JJ at Anthon),ka'i twill sell for c ish only, stock w ill Invoice for $4.V 1 w ill rent to the part es buy ing. the building, which Is 120 feet with good cellar. I. ii. rorbes, Anthonv, Kan. 4. tf FOR SALE rO0 town lots in Gmdcn Cit); special bargains, also deeded land adjoining tin cltv. Call .11 01 address E. J. r)le, real estate agent, Oanten Citv, Kan. 4b-&m 170USALE l'JO high grade sheep, or wiU trade for X' Wichita 1 It) promrt) or lor came Enqulro 113 E Douglas av e. A. T. Buckerldge. il'ia ir TTOR OR SALE Lots in Dodge's addition west of the JLJ talr ground, half m'li ii norm or 111c cniversuv crounits 1 nese 10 . Id 1 lino rlll k highest and best In the M those vv lslilug to tiuliu, ir desired. For f urk? Hilars Inquhe nt the gro ceo store olDoulTiughes, 1: v Douglas avenue d-Sl tf FOR SALE or trade Good flouring mill at Albion, Harper count), Kan , on tho S K. railroad. lt miles west of Argonia on the St. Louis, Ft Scott it Wichita railroad. N ill sell on long time r trade for other propert) . Address II W Lew Is, Wichltu dl20tf 70R SALE. Good residence and business propert) i tnun nt rin.-irw .iter, also a cood farm rear tountv sent of Comanche count) ; w ill trade for Wich ita clt) propert) . Inquire 123 N Market street, ll'.tf T7OR SALE II high grndc Hereford bulls one and 1' two) ears old. lnouire at ltoek Creek ranche, 7 mdes west of Andnle. or at Red Front Shoe store Allen Lew is, lchita, Kan. d.'.tf I? acrei good plow land, 40 acres good ha) Innd. 40 acres good pasture. Will give long time on pin nnd vv ill take iu trade horse-" or cattle. Inquire at probate judge's ofllce alljlf n J10R SALE A Mi" breeding jiek, for the sum of JJ $.00. Inquire or wTite to 1'n.k routs. In .L Iv Mf X70R SM.E RrgMired drug s-tore r " monthl) snles average Rl.UX) eiu-li. Call at the .11 tf Ailliihton house, 510 Dough-s uvca'ie. FOR TRADE. T70R TRADE Farms In Butler to trade for eloclis L of roods on advantageous terms. Ahbcl eiiF;, t-sg'.c block. " 17011 TKVDE LHc'r) stable nnd the entire outfit, i coo 1 business, good location, cverj thing lie longing to a first-elrss liverv stable, situated in the eitv of Cleveland, Otilo; will trai e for land in v,cM tniKans-as. tor .-.rticul.u-S address lock box 10. V ic'ilta. Kan. 141 tf J7CR LNCHAM.V c inve a half section or Scdg 1 w iik count) land, parti) improved, wnieh we vv ill excr-atue for Wichit.. prort) upouvti) liberal terms. Puunell 3ior house. rfnf storaui:. STOKAGr-ForhousiholdBwds and merchardlse nt2s6MaInst. Chiai rates, bv Cox AStanlev. MS tf STOlLVelE For household goods or merchandise, boxed or loose. If )ou aaveau) goods to sto.o hrlng them to the Wichita storage Co, No. 11G Us. Douglas ave. tf For Trade. Horses, cows, wagons, buggies, a Norman stallion, stcs-k of gineral merchandLsc. i ti") stock of -tlothlng, one 12 horse power engine ud threshing nuciiic, two valuable r.uui 1 Ights shares In scv ersl good grovrlng tow n iu w est era Kansas, everl good pMsemiitlous and tlmboi culture cUiats in the carden CK) laud dlstrfa. farms audtowu jroiert) m all the cistern and souU.ern states, alo western Kansas land and a pret man) vuc iut lot in wteni Kansas towns all to trade for lots In V. ichiU or improved ftamis In Sedw icx, But ler, Cow le) , Sumner knd Reno counties. Will trade for raorttfveil 1 joihhd . Thieo good improv is1 ftrnis to rent for l"". We Kake a or trading. If )ou hav eau) thing to trade or sell bring the descrip tion to our office, vv e can get v ou a trade. 1 ow n lots for FJde on credit. Ofllce ol9 East Douglas avenue. p ktalrs. front room. RUVlAN" SVBIN. (Vo. S524 ) TREASCHY DKPART3INT. , OFFtCZ OF tOMITKOIU OF CTUIECY, J Wah ington, Jul) 21, lss,. Whereas, satisfactory uotlce ha.s boon tins nittisl to the comptroller of tiie currencv tluit Uie piul stock of the vto Nstional Ik tk of W lUilta. V. ichl:i, Vi;ik.s. hsi. bs-:i ncl-eel In the rin ni of fonv -eight thousand dollars, (JcS.uul) lu accordance vviih kiw- and the provllonb of Uieect of llaj 1, lss5, and that U.c w hole amount ot tudi Increi e hs brtn paid In, and that the paid up capital tvck of said banS now amount to the of ot.e hundred thoH idvioUrs. jSIUUO.) Now it herebv certified that the capital i.toi' of the "btate Vatlocal Bank of Wlihita." Klj-.cs. afore ald, ban been lacrcaed s aforesaid In tc -u. of fort)-th;ht thou Lnd dollars, ivlv1,) that dd lu eree of capitrd has beta paid l tald bautasa paitof tliecupltal ;ix.k ierf. and ta&t the said incre,e of capital Is aprrovid by tl .e comptroller of the t rrencj- Iu wltsr v hereof I hereunto & iry cfflclal &! ; nature i id el of ofli. , . V. V. S YDER, i ii. Doput y snd Acthig Coraj troller . dSJ-tf SANTA FE BAKERY Etab!t6he 1S72, Ig the Place to get Ev;ryth:ni Kept First-Class Bakery. r.CKAKDT & SCOrT, Props., r.iir s73."hi"b,:. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. MARKETS by telegraph. New York MoneyMarirets. . ! ,1 Kew Yokic Auust 26. Jjowmmetit bonds very 'dull and fiteadj; state bondfe entirely neglected; railroad bonds dull and fcs-nefalty heavy; The trading In stocks was of a de clledly retail character throughout the day; most of stocks opened unchanged while the remainder showed slight declines, final changes are In no caie for more than fractional amounts, advances being In tne majority 3Ioney On call easier, ranging from 3 to 4 percent Prime Slercbantile Paper J3 per cent. Sterling Exchange Weak and unsettled: actual rate 4&ijlf for 60 da) bills and 4SS? for demand. Government Bonds Dull and steady. State Bonds Dull and heavy. The total sale of stoctcs today w ere US 003 shares. Xew York Grain. New Touk. August 26. Ungraded red. SS(5a3 No. 2 red, Sa&SSSJS- elev ator. Corn Spot lots, shade hkjher, optlhns lower, clof-1 ing stendv ; Ungraded 51&.4, No 2 OJ; elevator 21sl 51M Oats moderatlve active, mixed western white western, Jijj,4 Barlcv Steady. Butter Unn; western, 1012VJ. Cheese Firm, western. Vi&PA Eggs r Irm; w estern fresh. lo5. Chicago Grain and Produce. CuicbO. August 2C Wheat was unsettled an J Irregular tclay within a narrow range the feclii.g vv as eadei and tne market closcl HjG)s low er than ) csterda) , the cables were less warlike which occasioned free offerings Ve'scl room was engaged for ICOVaM bushels Cornruletl wciker and closed loivor; vessel room w as taken foi 10CO.000 Flour stead) and unchanged. Wheat-Sales ranged- August, TTTT? clo-ed rrk September. 773,, iiTbH.closed ly. October. ',$ G'l'M closed 7', No 2 Spring 7T No. 2 red 73p com, UK, August, 441-..clcsed 41. ?cp tembir. 41JiG4s'' closed a; October, 4r3i$ closed 43 . , Oats Cash, 2C3, August,! SJj: September. CGh, 20'. closed 2JS R) e Stead) . No 2. caf 11. 2 . Ikirlev Wuik; N o. i 50 Flax Seed Strong; No. 1. SI 10. Pork Cash. gJ W Tv 0 5.'2 beptem, 63 WAV- CO cloeilS9 ij'i1. Lard-Flrrii; cash $7 37GT 40U. August, $7 20(27;: closedST S'4. Si-ptenibcr, $7 iWi' 3j closed S7 j, October. $b SIM; Whiskev -Stead) , SI 1" Butter Firm; cicaineJ), KCU'l1, dalrv-, HSi. Lggs-lOJc Hotatoes Firm. SI 02 00 jicr barrel Recclpttt Hour, ,toi., wheat, 77.WJ, corn, oi.COO, oats, 27,0f). rv e, 10.CO, barle) , iJ.dO. Sli.pmi-nts I lour. 7,Mfl, w heat, 1G0.C00 corn, 14-i.OOO oat, WiiJO, r)e, 1000. barley. C.000. t. Louis Grain and Produce. ST. LOUIS. AUgUSt C Flour Quiet, unchanged: xxx $i 202 Si, family S2 112 5... choice. S2 S03 10, fancy. $3 40QJ 50. extra fancy, S3 60&3 Ui, patent, $4 (j04 25. Wheat Receipts, 15,700. shipments, 13,;00, In store, 39,0(0, market weaker No 2 red, cash, 79 Septemlier, 79'79K closed 7UK askeil, Corn No. 2 mixed cash, Sbld. September. CSi Oct 4oU(t40W, . Oats-No. i. cash. 26Jf; Sept 26i, October 27H- Rje No. 2 cash, at .$ Barle) No market; . . , Lead-Dull; relined. $4 00, chemically hard;S4 57J. Butter Quiet; creamer) , 17i!, dairy, 10lb. Eggs-Firm. 9iHe. Whiske) -Stead). 51 10. Pork Stead) ; $10 25. Lard Firm: S W. IelDts FloOur. 0000. wheat. 79,000. corn. 32.0(Xr oats, 77,000, Rye. 2000, barley, 2,000. Shipments Flour, 23 000, vv keat, lSJ.CU), corn, 5,000 oats, 8,000, r)e, none, barle), none. Kansas Clt Grain and Produce. Kvsas City, August 2G. Hour Stead) ; quotations In car lots xx, 7'5c, xxx, S6.Oc, famil) , SI ft"5l 15, choice, $1 301 10, fane), 31 tOGl 70, patent, S2 002 10, r)e "our. $1 451 70. vv heat Receipts 21.G0O, shipments 9.C00, In store, J2"o00. Sales ranged- No 2 red casn, U bid, Sept. sales C5, October UK 3In) 77U bid, .,,,, , , Corn Sales tanged- No, 2 cash, 22 bid. -.if asked Sept STi' Oct yV. bid; Ma) iii bid. 45 asked. No. 2 white, cash. )i bid. ,.., Oats erj dull and easier, cash 2f.,5 October Rye Better. 46' Ha) i inn, fancy small baled, S3 50, 31 ill stufT Quiet. . .. . , Butter Stead v; creamer) fane) , 13, good, h, calr), 13 store packed, 10. common, 6 I ggs Stead) at lie. Corn )Ical cireen. S5, dilrd, 90 Coin Choiv Bulk, 70, sacs.ed, 75. Slii))stuir 17j.'c. Bran Bulk, 47, sicked. 52 Cheese bull cream. 10, flat, 7GS, "ioung America, 10!, Kansas, 57. , , , , . Poultrv Stradv; old hens, $2 2"., old mixed, 81 . spring cfiickci-, large, ii 25. small, ?1 25(3.1 50. Drieii Anples. lfrioc, pechc,,o. Wool -Missouri, unw.vduslheiivv line, 1CS1", light. 1ST. medium eoinbing. 22(24. coarse, JX&il. low and carpet, LVW Kans-cs mid Nebraska heav) Hue. lTu.! light, 192I, medium, S.Ks.2J tub washed choice, JJ.. tine. MGJ5, ding) and low, 27i.9. Broom corn Hurl, 10 self working, w.; commo-i, 5, eriKikcd, .io(.4. Illdes-Dr) flint. No 1, 11, No. 2, 11; bulls and stn;s, S.drv salt, No.l, 10, No 2, b, green salt. No 1. Si, No 2, 7, green uncurcd. No 1.7, No 2, 6, calf, "&, sheep pelts, dr), loivlJ. 'I allow-No 1,3, No 2. 3 Provisions Sugar cured hams, i breakfast bacon. 10, dried beef, 11; di) salt clear rib slde-x, &r n, long clear. &, 05, shouli'ers, $5 DO, short clear. $ W, smoked clear rib sides. $7 00. long clear, 30 WJ, short clt ar, $7 00, mess pork, $10 L), shoulders, $r Z, beef $3 50. Ird Choice tierce. $G 55. Flax sced-UScSl 00 Kansas City L.lvc Stock. K CNSAS ClTT, August 20. n.aftle rtelnts. 129 shlnments. none, fat stuff o-fnea To-rnQ KTP. Ts. "2 40lV.. S5 Hogs Receipts,. l J, shipments 1KU, choice; 11 mi, others steadv, good to choice, $1 554 70 common to medium, $1 104 50, fklps and pigs' ii 35j,4 0) Sheep-Ueeeip'e. 49S : shipments. 202, steady; goodto choice, SJ 40ft.! 00, common to medium, $1 50 St. Iionis Live stoc. Sr. Louis, August iG. Cattle Receipts. 2,)0, shipments, 16 market Urni, good to choieo shlppois, si lOjsl 75, com mon to lair, $iS54 CO, bntcrcrs stccr, $.1 50 1 .0 cows rnd heifers, fi Ktz3 aO, through Tetany, JJ 50 ii 2o, Indians, $1 50AJ 75 Hogs Kecctiits, 2v00, Milpments, JO. me rXet .-ctlve ind strong: butchers arid Iwst henvj, ti sjj i mixed packing, tl S54 7., light. 4 lJTxi V.. j.)leel) Receipt. 10, shlpii.ents. .0CO, market stad) and uuchaiiKCd, J.' ;4SS Clikao Jtc Stock. Cittc eao, August 2f. Cattle Reei ipts, 122i, shipments aX), market strong and active, good to choice bu.cncrs ?.! .5i SS5, stoekcrs s: 2iKci5u bulls ami mlxeil jlJtiif iwi shipping steers,$3 t05 Oir, leHS cattle, ).i,00 Hogs-Rw'elpts. 4.O10, shipments, 3.V. market strong; good butchers to lust Ley) $3M;4 5 picking and shipping, 1 5i.-.05 li,ht, $.? 70 .1 G. s,heei Receipts, 4.0i. suIpniantK,liW. uiarKet stead, natives, S3 0044 00. vvesUrn, ii O04 40, Te aus. $1 75 lambs, $1 lX?: (.). Xcw York Live Stock. New Yokk. August 20 Uecv-cs Receipts 12 car loads all for clt) slatigcter direct, Nomirket, dres-ed beef stcidv at 7(-isc per cw t. mr fair to good active slles and s&4 for rix. Sicet-Recelpts. sAkl; market dull ai.d weak at s.) ii t0ier HO lbs for sheep and $5 Mt 50 for lanbs. , , Hogs Receipts. st7oo, market slow and steady ct 5 00 M-iO Jj txr cw t. Holstein-Friesian Bulls for Sale. it m LoucsK-dr 1SS5. Constant) n 2W0, H. H. B , and out of dams jv the follow ing prlre winners of Hollana, Nicholas H5, Pieter 9. Abeekerk i. Kret 144. and N!co207. Netherlind held book. Prices lo", consld C Irom the nicv-t celebrited milkers iu the world. Prices from t75 to 5190 All aaaned and reg ictcred. Also -Poland-CMna Pigs- In pairs or la herd, not akin: all recorded in A. P. C R and of prize w inning stock. -PRICES REASOVAELE Address, d35-tf E. C. JEWZTT. Cbeaey. Kan. EAGLE CORNICE "WORKS. Ju't north cf the Occidental. CASWEIJ. BUCKXET. Jfanufacttircrs of G.vcired Irci Cornls. Tin. Iron and Mate RocSn? by experienced ori, re palrtn;:, fruttericr aiid fpautlaR Joco ur cei nf-t and dispatch. rrsurrtas ard decls t urUed or than notice Vfot., lwgSg-kfs je;i:si4& msMSfSOEm " The Bacea. Saratoga, Aug. 26. Weather pleasant, attcndancelarge, track fast. First race-Eqity stakes for two-year-olds, tliree-quarterniile: Connermerawon by tAvo lengths, .Lizzie Krepps 2d, Laredo 3d; time 1:16. Iuials paid, $11.20. Second race Purse, non-winners and maiden allowances; 1 mile: Becky B. won bv a length, Carrisamas 2d, Editor 3d; time 1:44 1-2. Mutuals paid, $16:40. Third race -forrisy handicap for all ages, two nines, ine uaiuornni nor&e Lucky B had it all his own way, winning easv,"Birmet2d; time 3:23 1'2. Fourth race Purse, non-winners and maiden allowances, one and one-eighth mile: Una B won, with King Norfolk 2d, 3Iona2d; timel:3S. Mutuals paid $1:40. Fifth race selling purse lor alt ages, one mile and seventy yards: Petticoat won, with Semore 2d, "Sonenica 3d; time 1: IS 4-4. 3Iutuals paid $17:30. New York, Aug. 26. The Brooklyn joe kev club opened its new race track to day. Winners were: Little Clinch, Swift, Baruuni, Dew drop, Ferneiie and Delilah. Albaxy, Au?. 26. First race 2:23, class trottinir: Kate Foot 1st, Eho Chion 2nd, Symba 3rd; best time 2:20 1-4. "Second race 2.25, class trotting: Oliver Klst, Ladv Barefoot 2nd, Spollord 3rd; best time 2:22 1-2. Base Ball. St. Louis, Aug. 26. St. Louis 6, "Wash ington 3. Cincinnati Cincinnati 9, St. Louis 3. Louis', ille Pittsburg 7, Louis ville 3. Philadelphia Athletic- 2, Balti more 0. New York Brookhn 6, Metro politans 2. Chicago Chicago 10, Boston 4. Denver Denver 18, St. Joseph 17. Burlingame, Kan. Bulinganie 13, Scran ton 11." Newton, Kan. Topcka Athletics 15, Newton Reds 3. Leadville Lincoln 7, Leadville 6. Detroit Detroit lost the game and lead today, Philadelphia 11, Detroit 10. The Lawrence Fair. Lvwrencc, Kan., Aujj. 20. The time set-for the entries to the speed rinat the Western National fair expires tomorrow. Several of the best horses in the country have been entered for the trotting races and others will probably be heard from before tomorrow nierht. Rouffhon the Galoot. St. Louis, Aug. 26. Chtis. A. Poskey, manager of the St. Louis branch of the bar liture house of II. Rothchild, Cincinnati, this morninii visited the rooms of his part ner, Dora Marks, and in a fit of jealous rage began smashing the furniture. He wasanested, and son after became vio leutly ill, and was conveyed to the dispens ary where died at 11 o'clock. The Marks woman found an empty "rough on rats" bov, which Poskey had dropped, indicating that he had committed suicide. Tit For Tat. Cincinnati, Aug. 26. At Columbus List night, W. S. Cappellar was arrested on complaint of Allen O. Myers, managing editor of the Enquire, on a charge of brib ery in securing Cappellar's election as a member of the Republican state central committee. Earl' this morning Myers was anet-ted on warrants bwoni out by C.ippel lar for perjury. Vale Squires. Xi:w York, Aug. 26. Commissioner R. M. Squires received formal notice of his removal by the governor this afternoon, and at once made preparations to vacate lii-j otrice. It rumored that his bonds men had decided to surrender him, in view of the possible departure of Squires pend ing trial. Ilu-if to abridges New Ori.e n, Aug. 26. A special to the Picayune from Magnolia says Tuesday night an armed mob broke open the jail, took thciefrom John and Lcander Nelson, colored, charged with the recent murder of a negro named Collins, and htmg them to a bridge near town. Vessels Wrecked Crows Drowned. Jt. John, N. R, Aug. 26. The French ship Le Toile, of the Grand Bank licet, was wiecked at Kalano island and twelve of her crew drowned. Another ilshing vessel w as lost at Port De Grave and Captain Hunter, his son and all hands drowned, A Fellow Feelinjr. New York. Aug. 26. Longshoremen threaten to strike if the striking boatmen's demands are not met on or before Tuesday ne.t. DR WM. HALL, OVER WOODMAN'S rA5. 143 IC MAIN ST , Continues to successfully treat all dlxeaes of women. He does not do general practice, as. be gtts his entire time to t.U iijns.1 dtif-. In the two jars he hs bren in Wichita I e has cui'd hundreds of ladlfs In tnis clt) and adjoining toru., any of whom vtPI 3fM!e ia tho highest terms of his successful cure and nentie nanli tttatineat while uudrr his care. If anv person atllictcd with rt of th follow lus diseases wili con -up him first, th'ie will he gained, nionej S..ved a ad d!sa,,K lntment -verted- INFI.MM.V1 ION. PLCKR VTION, JIIPLAl XMK5T, rr I'rolap'U' of the Womb, and all UTTR1SE TROUPLTA POLTPCS ANI riLUOD TCilORS, ciusing too frequent, vlnful and lrregul ir menstru ations, LECCOI'.RKCIA, etc He al-osuccessfullT treats all kidney r.rd bladder trouble of male and N-ii.nk, uch ae, PAR.VL1SIS NECKAI.GU. foreign B...1I.S4 lu tfce BUdde' and Urethra, causincr tw-o frequent and pa'nful urinatlnif. and all forms of PRIVATE. CHRONIC, and 3iC .L DISBASK?, such as Srermsitorrh-a, Irapotcc). ad all the tin pleasant r sulLs of suec troublefi. SYPHILIS pcsltlTtl) curod and at!ry eradlcatwl from the system. GONORRHOEA cured In from three to eight !ayp or no jkit. GLEET ard STRICTURE cured In p!eU of years standing. PILES and othr dl.eas of the en!to urinary or srsn iiiIc1t cured He ruarantee all eunble cases If he cannot cure you ha will plain!) tell you so. CONSULTATION FRKE Ppmrmhr that hr !. nt Ills old O-JcO at 1 N If -In street, over Weo-ImanN Bnt. or addivs loci, box ; aw JOHN DAVIDSON, Pioneer -:- Lumber -:- Man OY SXDGWICX COUKTY. EBiADlisJied in 1870. A Complete Stool- of Pine Lumbe,f Shingles, Lath, Doors, Sash, etc., always on hand. Offlce and rards oa lUrtet reei betwe: Docs areaue and lint lire i . in aj it nril?lxKK?BIKlK&l!KMEBBEM HPPflHHB2M PfjJwMMiBninnBSBciBHiHlrl LH l-S'l tw2fQtEa i t)jjjJjQjJgj3JpJjjJPy fiHBnBD 1jHi Ii PJ3XjBBKKSmmKfmUS" aP-ljBtt , lE9 J & Ts3fcMC)jttiBMfcBg fifr HEAL ESTATE INVESTMEITS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT THE Old Reliable House N. R NIEDERLANDER, Cor. Douglas and Topeka Aves. VvTIO aiT. K $ - I j? e ,'jt.-t-a" crE"1- v;isrsAS. Plymell & Leighton's Stage Liiw. I p M - m- spr'gfleld ALL ABOARI r!eners for Mead Center. Ratnbelt. Went ri, MertliU. Fartv Sprinfs.!idall pobita la South western . will t ae and money by cot f ! LEir.nTOS PLTK-tX-S UN. He .Inaarterat CImarroa and Gardes City. Bot day and aljat tralaa bow atop ate I of theaa rolaU H. Mc-IM DUIK)IS.- ABSTRACTOR. Ofllce on Main street, np secoad s'a!rway north of te Ito ice. VX:iIIT.. KANS.-U SfFDMAN & CRiNE, FIRE, TORNADO, LIFE AND ACCIDENT. OFKICK 1P0 DOUGLAS AVHNUE. (Over Itarne'4 Orus btore.) Largest Agency in the Valley. WEST WICHITA. For Bargains in Eeal Estate Call on E. H. DEVORE & CO. "r, jj.a.:R suiwe&TriiTim SPECIALTIES: Eyes, Mooo, Throat, Cntarrh, 9J9t 3uryory and Doforniitios. . -r. vc"rNrs33, -vr. dz., Propriotor and Sursocn in Chartro, Korth 1ai StsrW PAUL - JONES, - Druggist Proscriptions Specialty. 222 DouglasiAvenue, Wichita, Kao J. M. ALLEN & CO., ' Wholesale and Retail GROCERS- 112 DOUGLAS AVENUE. OF WICHITA, KANSAS. A Classical and Scientific School for loth Sexe3. rrus. crn ton tot school yzaii- - Il-y, Ssjin-T El, 1386 ros. rji!iTw:xi3 oitUTiyjttK odr: PtoL J. M. Nay'or, 3JJS'7?I- Rey. J. D. Hcvtt. V-;ta. 0. B. JACOBS, -CXil-SK W- REAL ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN KD ISSU0ACE. I Valley Cente, SdgwJcSc County, K Mr t -Ftm t-ajvytr-aja. General : Insurance : Apis ' - . WIS ACADEHT wT W -. - " , . . : -. .. . r- A A . !.ffeV.4s MlSsi . ,g&.& & -:-:!,- . x3..fe!4SA.t - - .. V ilBl-,,-- ra- - yAi BSkiiUStsiSki .' ,i. --.": .- '3f mmswmmgmsmmmamti&&mmammmimMKMBMmeJiib&ja2iZjx