Newspaper Page Text
.; "- "- H5PS IS . gfoe mtcltita aity WuU : ffriflas tornitx xujust 26, 1886. V "" ' v ' , A ' C t w "" a-v:f J ? c " . (p"r V "" ? - Jr A . "" v ' - I k A J f V 8 -sses'" M. X. ursnorKXllRO.. Proprietors. nuAL estatk traxsixjcs. The following are the real estate transfers recorded in the oflico of register of deeds yes terday: W M Leinmon to R H Seal, s hf of so qr 12-20-1 e J W "VVhitaker to J "Wakon, lots -11, 4:J, Topeka ave add J Bissautz to F M Haudley, lot 07 Cov- 100 700 S7O0 J B Blakemore to M Hummulke, lots 336, o3S, S40, "Az, 'Mi, Emporia ave TerreirbiMadd 2500 J J Fegthy to J B Blakemore, undiv hf oflots :4. :20, :J2S, JWO, :?2, :wi, Emporia ave, Terrell's 2d add 250 D E Boone to J B Allison, lots .OS, GO, 02, 04, 0t), bb, 1'attie ave, J-incom street add A W Wassain to J Morse, lot 1.72 Main st J W Hiuton to A It Miller, lot 2o, Hin ton ave, Hinlons add G lY Clement Jr to A Caldwell, lots 5 " 57, 5'.), 01, 03, Go Water st, Perry's add S L Tarr to "V A Frasen, ne ir 7-2(KJ 1120 4000 1.000 4300 Eagle Towusite Co to S Dudley, lot 18, blk4, MtHope 2o S Dudley to A B "Walker, lot IS, hlk 4, Mt Hope 7o O L Rouse to M V Weathers, lots 17, ID, hlk 4. Washington ave add " SO Carey Park Laud Co to E Phillips, lots 57, ,VJ, 01, 03, blk o, also lots SO, !)1, iW, St.), llk 0 2407 J K Phillips to J F Stiles, lots 84, HT. 107, Church st 2000 C A Parker to H L Tillin'hast, lots 2, 4, 0, H, Estelle ave, FireLaujrh's add. . .00 W Watsod to G Orborn univ hf lots It, 10, blk 12, Cheney 2500 J Blakeslcy to S E McCoy the follovr ing: Commencing JJ10 ft s of ne cor of nw or 21-27-le, thence v 157 ft, n 125 ft, e 27 ft, n 5 ft, e 132 ft s 1!J0 ft 2000 S Griber to E 1) re vis ne qr & e hf 13-25-2xr ! 15000 J W Rice to M H Frost reserve A Law rence aae Ford's add 1000 J Moran to Jodgwick county 20 ft oil' intide of se qr 20-27-4 rr 00 Total .$4:5,S2-: Uonry Rhodes returned home last night from his Minnesota trip. Dr. McKclloE is building u fine now house on North Fourth avenue. F. R. Ludley, of Belle Plaine, was promi nent in the 1Z. of P. band concert Rev. D. AS'. Downey, of Westcrville, O., will preach at the United Brethren church tonight. The evening train on the Fort Scott was several hours late Wednj-day, owing, it is said, to a broken truck. Funeral services were held yesterday at the Catholic church over the remains of a child brought hi from Clearwater. The Sons of Herman held a meeting last evening in the Herald ollice. There was a good attendance end an interesting meeting. J. D. Ilutehings yesterday abandoned the use of cigars and donned a bran new pair of spectacles all to celebrate his 43d birthday. The work on the street car bridge is being rushed rapidly along. More than half of the required number of wooden piers have been driven. Mrs. J. 1L Mead entertained a party of lady friends at tea yesterday evening. It was an occasion long to be remembered by the delighted guests. A bucking mustang" and a rider who was trying to manage him gave a matinee yester day to a large crowcl of spectator on a side street in West Wichita. Tom McNamara took in one of the inmates of the notorious Red Light last evening as sue was parading aown street trsseu as an innocent young school girl. The police have given orders for all the "tin horn" gamblers to leave the city, and if they don't sluike the dust of this placo from their feel, they may live to repent it. 'The nmtterings of a coming storm are already heard from the east a perfect shower of people with millions of capital for invest ment." So say the real estate dealers'. Hon. W. W. Scott, of Emporia, one of Kansas1 most brilliant lawyers, spent the day in the city yesterday. Mr. S says Wichita takes his breath away and he does not won der that our people put on airs. W. A. Plummer loft on Wednesday even ing for his old home in Athens, Pa. It is rumored that he engaged board for two from and after November 1st. at which time ho will return for permanent residence. Mr. Nelson George w ho was called to the bedside of his dying brother at LaPorte, In diana, leturned yesterday, bringing with him the only child a little girl of the dead brother whoso wife had died some time since. The Ladies Missionary society of the Pres byterian church will hold its regular monthly meeting in the lecture room of tho church this (Friday) afternoon at 3 o'clock. A cor dial invitation is extended to all tha ladies of tlit congregation to be present. Notwithstanding the threatening weather a large number of ladies called at tho Bagi.e press rooms during tho afternoon yesterday. As Thursday afternoon in tho only tune dur ing daylight that tho fast pres is running, and as many ladies got in too late, the same invitation is. extended for next Thursday from 3 to 5 o'clock p. m. Captain Patten, treasurer of the new but splendid county of Kiowa and which county is bound to be a gem among tho rich counties of the southwest, was in the city yesterday. Captain Patten is always a welcome visitor to tho Haglb otlice, not because he is so popular at home which ho is, but because he is so very pleasant, genial a gentleman be cause he is Captain Patten himself. W. B. Hutchinson has got the agency for Gen. Web Wilder's Annals of Kaunas, the most valuable book ever printed in Kansas, especially for Kausans. No public man, in fact no man who desires to be posted can af ford to be without this volume. There is only a limited number of copies published, 50 the first como tho .first served. Mr. Hutchinson was assistant on the old Sacramento Conserv ative w hen General Wilder was its editor. Tho book contains a steel engraving of Gen eral Wilder, and is full of Kansas. A reporter was shown by Messrs. Rush & Gilo tho plans for the new barn of William Greiffensteiu to build uixm the grounds of his now residence. It will bo built upon the same plan as his house, will bo 30x50 and havo a tower V feet in height over tho car riage drivo. Thoiuterior arrangement will bo complete and have all tho modern im provements for the comfort and convenience ' the noblest of man's dumb servants. There I will be an office for whips and rugs, and quarters for driver and hostlr. When com-1 pierea it wiu uv uiu uuw uura wei oi uie Missouri. PKRSONAIj. O. J. Guest, of Emporia, was in the city yesterday. R. R. Phelps, of Burden, was in the city yesterday. D. E. Morris came up from Medicine Lodge yesterday. -C. W. Myers, Scott City, was among yesterday's arrivals. --J. W. Barny, Quincy, 111., was among yesterday's arrivals. Frank Willard and wife, of Winfield, were in town yesterday. W. L. Kisler came over from Kingman ysterday to see the metropolis. J. L. Moon, the West side grocer, went to Kiowa yesterday, on business. C. J. Cockerill, of Nevada City, was reg istered at the Tremont yesterday. -M. S. Iujrall and wife, of Halstead. were autographed at the Tremont yesterday. -C. B. Bckett, of Salt Valley ranch, Ster ling, was autographed at tho Manhattan. -J. N. Kellioa, the veteran real estate dealer of the "West side, is down in bed with rheumatism. Mr. and Mrs. Clinscales, who have been visiting in tho city, the guests of Robt. Mc Kim, will return to their homo in Missouri today. E. S. Bowers, the expert press reporter at the Western Union telegraph company's office, has returned from a pleasant month's visit to his home in Indianapolis. His many friends all say welcome. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Stites have gone to their claim in Wichita county, to remain till November. Messrs. Rush and Gile have gotten out the plans for another fine residence to be built by William Greiffiusteiu upon tho river bank. It will cost about $1,000, have four large rooms on the first floor and as many on the second. And will be built on the American ized gothic style of architecture. Sl'KCIALi NOTICK. Company A, Second regiment, K. N. G., are hereby notified to meet at their armory at 7;30 p. m. sharp, Friday, August 27, for special business. Every member is expected to be present. By order of W. A. Richey, Capt. mouu or IT. Mr. AV. C. McCuno arrived yesterday from a visit of some weelL? to his old home in Clin ton county, Ohio. He like all our people who return from a vacation visit, brings good news for AArichita and Kansas. He reports finding people wherever he went earnest in their inquiries and eager to loam all they could of the so much talked of western city AVichita. Ho found no one but who had heard many tiinej of the city, and were not slow in saying "you havo quite a booming city out there, I hear." He heard many say the' were coming out here this fall and take a peep at the country and city. ursirr, i:tc. Yesterday near noon a gray team belong ing to Mr. AV. P. Piper, and in charge of his sou, becamo frightenod at the corner of Cen tral avenue and AVaco street. They took east on the avenue and many unsuccessful at tempts were made to stop them. On arriv ing at Lawrence avenue they executed a column-right and their speed was so great that the wagon to which they were attached upset in lino shape. The lines becamo fast ened in the debris and tho horses could not go farther without breaking them, which taskwas greater than they could accomplish. They were soon unhitched and the wagon "placed on its wheels." A gentleman in a carriage camo near being run into as they turned the corner. no moki: oi,n-Tiiu: stokms. A lino shower of rain fell at Valley Center yesterday and a very little here. How quiet the rains of late come. Haven't the old Kansans noticed it' How tho old-time sum mer storms ued to rush down upon us, the wind tearing up the earth and the lightning tearing up tho heavens, with flying dust below and rolling blackness above, 'mid crashingsof thunders the water came down in a deluge. Witlfin twenty minutes the conllict had ceased, the sun broke forth just before finally ilisappeariug for the night and there was a great cooling calm. 'Taint so any more, at least it hasn't been so for a couple of years. Till! 1UGGKST Mi:i,ON IX KAXSAS. Two or threo years since tho Eaglu chal lenged tho state on a sixty-one pound water melon, but yesterday, Mr. James S. AVaggen ncr rolled into our sanctum, a Cuban Queen, raised on his place, five miles south of tow n on the west side, which tipped the beam at seventy-two pounds. He would have shipped it east to some friends, but he couldn't get it into tho barrel he had provided, tho melon measuring four feet, nine inches ouo way and four feet, two inches tho other in circumfer ence. He had another of about the same weight, but of a longer shape, which just fits a Hour barrel, and that ho will ship on Sat day, when ho brings in another wagon load. Such a growth would be pheuominal in any other country oxcept in California or the Arkansas vallev. POLICE COUKT. But one case was on the docket for his hon or's adjudication yesterday. The offender was John Brown, "the same man or another one by tho tome name," his honor explained, "as was up yesterday." John had been sail ing around on West Douglas, in the vicinity of tho Douglas Avenue hotel, trying to pilot a considerable quantity of bug juice that he had on deck. Some one coming in the way ofyhe unsteady craft rose the wind and it was pretty squally in that section for a time. Policeman Clark came to the ir assistance however, and Brown was navigated towards the city prison. WTien he appeared in court ho found out that the fine imposed for such expeditions was $10. Here, again, John was left: for as it had taken all his money to get the cargo, he had nothing with which to jviy his revenue. So he put up liis chronometer for the amount and left to find smoother NKWART STOICK. Mr. Blackburn, of Detroit, who with Mr. VanDoni of the same citv came here to look at the prospects for starting an art store have readied the same opinion as uianv other prospectors, that AA'ichita is the pl'ace for tuem. After a long search for suitable quar ters they finally succeeding in securing tho room in the AVerner block recently vacated by the City Drag store. Thev will receive in a few days a large stock of oil lustre are- cine, mole-skin, and the new style Kensington paintings, also all kinds of nrtist's paints and materials, which they intend arranging in tho most attractive and artistic mannor nn thrown open to the inspection of all lovers of une arts ana tho public in ccneral at a rrand opening reception. THAT HIGHWAT ROBBEKV. The highway robbery which was reported to have taken place on the public street near the Santa Fo depot last night and whereby a man held up and compelled to fork over $500 does not, upon close investigation, appear to pan out well. Several of our shrewdest police officers have given tho day to this investiga tion, and the longer it continued the less plausible appears the story of the robbery. They state that they believe tho man had all of his money invested in his business, and that as he sold it for $05, receiving at the time but $27.50, they don't see how ho conld have been robbed of $500, AX IMPORTANT VISITOR. Hon. Henry Apthorp, commissioner of rail-1 roads and telegraphs, of Columbus, Ohio, who has been spending some days in going over our Kansas roads and studying the op perations of the traffic system from a western basis, made us a call yesterday in company J with Hon. G. W. Clement. Mr. Apthorp's opinion of the railway center of Kansas as expressed to us was a very flattering one. He said that he agreed with tho Eagle fully in its position that AVichita is undoubted a com ming comercial city of great importance, and that with the completion of the railroads al ready arranged for, there would bo nothing farther needed in tho way of transportation facilities to insure the lowest possible rates that the liveliest competition could afTord, while all the territory in any way tributary to this center will have been reached. AVhen we told him that AVichita was not only the greatest business emporium in the state today but that her people had every confidence that within five years her population would be from fifty to ono hundred thousand he an swered that he hadn't been in the town but a few hours before he felt impressed with the possibilities and wonderful spirit of the place. Commissioner A. went to Topeka yesterday to meet the Kansas board of railway com missioners. SERIOUS ACCIDENT. A serious accident happened yesterday about 1 o'clock near the union depot. Mr. J. F. Fordyce, a young farmer living several miles east of the city, was with his wife returning home from attendance upon the Teachers' institute- He was driving a spirited young horse to a single, covered buggy. Although ho was exercising the greatest care in tho management of the ani mal, yet when about to turn from Fifth avenue to Oak street and cross the railroad track his horse became frightened at an en gine passing, commenced backing, then started plunging and kicking toward tho de pot, but meeting some obstruction turned quickly to the riglt, upsetting the buggy and throwing out Mr. and Mrs. Fordyce. They were dragged for some distance, but fortunately the shaft broke and the horse freed from tho buggy started for home but was captured several blocks east. A number of persons witnessed the runaway and expected to see both occupants of tho carriage killed They ran immediately to tho rescue, and it was found that while Mr. Fordyce escaped almost uninjured, his wife was badly hurt. She was carried to the residence of Dr. Bain, on Fifth avenue. Dr. McCormick was called in consultation and it was seen that she had received some injuries of the spino which will compel her to keep her bed for some time, and may, it is feared, result still more serious. INSTITUTE NOTES. Thursday closed the normal institute at Wichita; the exercises consisted of reviews of tho principal studies that have been fol lowed for the term. The classes were found to be very profici ent in all cases, showing that a large amount of work has been done by all connected with the institute; and it will be found that those that are employed at the same place as last year, will be greatly improved by attending tho institute; and better results can be look ed for. There is a great deal of expenso connected with the institute when wo count up the board and other expense, and somo one should reap the advantages; that the teacher does not is evident to any observing person, as there are a larjjc number of teachers that do not attend, yet tbej' get about tho same wages as thos that do. Still there are quite a number of school boards that visit the institute to see what is being done to im prove tho teachers. This has been a very successful term. AA'hilo the members do not equal last year, 3et there has been us much earnest hard work done as at any institute ever held in Sedgwick comity, perhaps more; all tending to mako this the most profitable session. There is a reason for this. In tho first place tho success depends largely on tho coun ty superintendent, as all matters portainiug to the employment of instructors depends on him, in fact all tho business matters nre in trusted to him, and unless a man is eminently qualified for his position it would be a great detriment to the success of tno Insti tute, but Mr. Hammond has always proved equal to every emergency, as a teacher or as superintendent. Mr. Jay as conductor has but few equals in the state. He not only has the knowledge of books but ho has the faculty of impartin information. That is the great reason for his success as a teacher. He is a very pleasant gentleman yet has the dignity that always commands respect Mr. Shull, although a stranger to us at the commencement, yet he has gained the respect and good will of all, as he has shown himself to be master of all he undertakes, so that while he had friends at the beginning hi has certainly two hundred more at the close of the institute that will remember him for what he has done for them. Mr. Pence has been with us before and is well-known and his classes will show the ef forts he has made for their advancement, and he will long be remembered as one of the teachers of the most successful! institutes ever held in this country. Mr. Hammond as a teacher is so well known that it is useless to say anything about him in this connection. All are pleased with the manner in which the institute has been conducted, there has not lxx-u so much bickering and little petty annoyances as in years past, but there has been an era of good feeling throughout: without the usual soft nonsense: we hear of some cases, but the first frost will obliterate all the ideas of soft nonsense that they might have caught here so that when tho teachers of this institute commence work they will be able to satisfy the people with whom they come in contact that the Sedgwick county normal institute has been of great advantage to the children of Sedgwick county. Jotter. Look oat for our prioa list on groceries. Stoinhanser-Merkle Supply company. Xoticc. I hereby give notice that I havo withdrawn my interest in the partnership existing be tween myself and James Hahn. under the firm name af Smyth & Hahn, and will not be responsioie ior any contracts or aeox con tracted for by the aaid James Hahn dS$-H Calvct 1 Shtth. Bomb No. 2 The Famous is selling fine black worsted and cassimere trousers worth $0 for $3.50. S. Goldstein & Co. dS6-tf Don't fail to secure one pair of those fine black worsted trousers worth $6 that the Famous sell for $3.50. S. Goldstein & Co. Dissolution Notice. The firm of Arn, Billman & Meyer have this day dissolved partnership, heretofore ex isting between them under the above firm nam, by mutual consent, Mr. H. L. Billman retiring. The business of the firm will here after be conducted at the old stand, at No. 107 East Douglas avenue, under the firm name of Arp & Meyer. The new firm will pay all claims again3t the old firm, and will collect all bills due the some. dSG-3t Arp & Meyer. Hyaramlic Framed Bride The finest brick in the country for fronts of build imp aid residence?. Abo beat qualities common brick. Call at the Wichita Coal and Fuel Co., CIS East Douglas avenue. Tele- j pnone vj. awu-tx Money to Ln at Sight. I can close a cood citv loan at lowest ratea in threo hours any day in tho week. S. AV. Cooper, 137 Main street. d-SO-tf Lok Here. ATe have just received the best "odorless excavator" in the state, and are now pre pared to clean vaults, cess pools, etc.j remove aeaa ammais, ana everyuung pertaining to a first-class scavenger business. Parties need ing their spring work done can drop a portal to Burton & Foster, Box 179, City. Tele phone No. i). dGl-tf Look out for our price list on groceries. Steinhauser-Merkle Supply company. IlTdramllc Prow Brick. We have the asrency for the above namod press brick and can furnish them on short no tice to any contractor or builder. The best brick in tha market for nice fronts of build ings. Call on Hacker & Jackson, corner of Fourth and Douglas avenues, or 117 AVater street. doou Leave your address and wo will call for your orders. Steinhauser-Merkle Supply company. Piano Tuning. 1 L. Sheldon, from Topeka, will tune for al w ho order xr jostal card or leave orders a Thos. Shaw's music store. Main st 2:tf Special Notice. The Mammoth livery stables have added to their already larre stock of livery an elerant five glass landau. This carriage is especially adapted for ladies calling, shopping and plea sure riding. It will not be used as a street hack. It is equipped with a hand mirror. card case, and bell. It is in every way the unest carnaze in the city. Telephone orders No. 74. Stables No. 114 South Main street. d50-tf S. AV. Ford, Prop'r. Bargains iu Real Estate. A fine agricultural and stock farm, three and ono half mile from cltT, about lis acrta broke, ooe quar ter afcuoa rencea ror patnre, plenty or water ana a kmall houae. Ab aai lota in citv ftnelr located and iu cood nclrhbarhaed. Special terms to those wishing to mute name. Also mburban property. Tor further particular ! Caas. T. rearce. auent ror Wm. ureinenatrin. s ciry afflce. dl7-tf Leave your address and we will call for yom orders. Steinhauser-Merklo Supply company. Call on G. A. Hatfield for cheap lots in Anness. d4-2n 4(51 pairs of cassimero trousers just receiv- 1 A- - 1 .L lit 1.- 11 c f-n !. c eu w orm 90 uus wiu ue som ior j;.ju ah o, Goldstein & Co.'s Famous. d83-tf To keen un our reputation as leaders of J low prices wo are soiling cassimere trousers wortn o ror f .w. d83-tf "Famous," S. Goldsteix & Co. Leave your address and we will call for your orders. oteinliauser-Merkleoupplycom pany. Acre Ixts. Acre lots for sale in Stewart's subdivision one and a half miles west of Arkansas river bridge, near Garfield University, the cheapest and most desirable residence property in Sedgwick county, terms easy. Enquire of A. T. Owen, at Hattou cfc Ruggles, office over vvjchita fiatianal bank, or uayley, .Bros, a; Co., US North Market street. dW-tf "Wanted. Every lady .and gent in Wichita to know thnt J. T. Holmes has the finest Uerlin coach and team in the city, especially adapted for ladies calling. It is supplied with bell, speak- lmr tube, card case, hand mirror, etc.. in fact everything that goes to make up a first- class carriage. lelepuono; Uthce JNo. llo South Main street; residence 503 South AVater street. d-107-tf J. T. Holmes. Private families who mav have rooms for rent or who are willing to board either young gentlemen or ladies will please leave word at 211) Eat od st, or address box 400. J. M. Nnylor. dSIJ-Ot Two cars of Early Kose, Beauty of Hebron, Early Ohio, Peerless and Peachblow j)otatoes at J. M. Allen K Co.'s. AA'o are giving lower prices than anyone on srroceries of all kinds. Steinhauser-Merkle Supply company. We are giving lower prices than am'one on groceries of all kinds. Steinhauser-Merkle Supply company. I'or Kale. At Dr. Snooks livery stable know 11 as the old skating rink, you will find some good road horses very cheap, also a very fine tam of fomr-jear-olds, clo&ely mached gray mares. luese horses are sound and will be sold with gauranteo. d35-2t Notice to Carpenters and Uullder.. 100,000 pounds taah weight, from 4 1-2 lbs. to 10 lhe. at, at Ulofte Iron Works. dS5-tf Irtea. The time has come when thinking people are ready to drop old ideas and grasp some thing now and practical, io illustrate the inventive genius of the world has loen cm ployed for tho last ten yeara to find a new idea in tho sewing machine department, an; success has been attained only in tho Stand ard sewing machine, manufactured in Cleve land, Ohio. I he principal or. the old shuttle haa been overcome and a perfect rotary shut tle, wluch Is durable, quiet, rapid and jier fect in all its parts, has been put in success ful operation. Tho company wish to estal- lish a reneral agency m the city. Thoe in terested are invited to call at llobinson Bros. Main stroct,and examine the machine and at tachments and you will be convinced that we donotclaiai to much, standard fee wing Machine Co., 1. u. ierry, general agent for jvansas ami .missuui u uwr The weather is too warm to work to make sales, hence we lot you help yourself for one week to a pair of $5 cassimere trousers for $2.50. S. Goldstbi & Co.'s, Famous. dS3-tf For cheap business lots in Aimers call on G. A. Hatfield, Wichita, Kan. Going, but nevor to be forgotten, our $5 cassimere trousers 3.50. One week only. famous. o. LfOLMTmijr ,5: i;o. dSS-tf Telephone your orders to Freeman for hack or livery. d70-tf TUB EYK, KAK AND T1IEOAT. Dr. Brwn, Ocalirt and Aarist. II have every facility tha can be had in our 'r 1 :.U .1: m .T-- iarse Ciuen tuiu iui;die "iiu uioama ut m eye, oar or throat will find rae at 1 10 Douglas avenue. Glaeu fitted at hort notice. d72-lm Tho Thomas-Houston Ugh; will bo fnraLb cd to anyone desirmj is for 3 per raonth. Send ordera by maQ or call on general man ager. P. Bauer. 150-tf reedloff Swrs for Sale. Two hundred head of S-year-old grada short-horn steers, good style and colon; will weifh eleven hundred or more. Addrea Geo. H. Rhode, Anthony, Kan. d7Sw22tf Socrates talked until he was voted a bore, hnt rair talk is heard with htmas. eanxvciallv when it concern $5 cassimere troutars that f I we sell for $AM. dSS-ef Famous, 5. goucki Co. Choice residence lots in Hiuton's addition. Large fruit and shade trees. Only three blocks front Douglas avenue. One and a half blocks from the Third ward school house. For sale cheap, one-third cash, balance on time at 8 per cent interest. Apply soon as they will not be long on the market. P. V Healy. d30-tf Lieave your address and we will call for your orders. Steinhauser-Merkle Supply company. Leave your address and wo will call for your orders. istemhauser-Merkle bupply company. Dr. C. C. Farley. Contintues in the regular practice of medicine and surgery. Office in "Furley building, opposite the Man hattan. Residenoe, 1014 North Lawrence avenue. TelephoneNo.HO. d52-2m Owing to the pretracted illness of A. A. Hyde ho has employed H. J. Harding to look after the interests of Merriman Park. He will be found at Mr. Hyde's desk in Hydes & Humble's stationery store. Parties who havo been waiting for the past month to select their lota in this most delhrhtf ul nort of Col lege Hill can now call on Mr. Harding. iisu-tr ruisco LINE. st, Louis and San Francisco Railway Free Chair Car Service Between AVichita and St. Louis. Commencing Monday, August 23rd. tho Frisco line will run elegant new reclining chair cars on their trains, ono and two, be tween St Louis and Halstead, daily without change. No charge for seats m chair cars will be made for passensrers holdiuir tickets from AVichita to Carthago for St. Louis and be yond, or vice versa. Train No. 1 arrives at Wichita daily at 0:30 a. m. Train No. 2 leaves AVichita daily at9:20p. m. The Frisco lino offer this unsurpassed ser vice in addition to the Pullman Palace cars which will be run daily on their trains, threo and four, No. 8 leaving St. Louis at Q. n ,v nrl oi-iriTifT nt Wiliifn -rrt T w No. 4 leaving AVichita 0:25 a. m., arriving at St. Ljuis next morning as o:-u. D. Wishabt, G. P. A. F D. Russell. St. Louis, Mo, G. AV. A., AVichita. Sl-tf Pupils desiring to enter Lewis Academy will please call at 213 East 3d st. to enroll their names, or address J. M. Na3"lor. box 4(50, AVichita. dSJ-Ut Loan Kesistcr. Philadelphia, July 2S, 1SSG. Wichita Eagle, Wichita, Kansas. Gentlemen: n e havo seen ono of your Mortgage Loan Registers at the office of the Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co., this city, and shall le obliged if you will scud this company ono similar iu all respects at your earnest convenience, tiuu remain Respectfully yours, dG5-tf- Secretary. Ben Franklin's discovery and Prof. Morse's invention were both wonderful, and so are the bargains we are giving in ?5 cassimero trousers for .$2.0. dS3-tf S. GoLESTEirt & Co.'s Famous. New Goods Just Received -A HAXDSC3IE LINE OF- Eseurial and Oriental Laees In Flouncing and all Overwidtns, -ALSO A NICE UNE OF- Crinkle : Seersucker Suitings HANDSOME PATTERNS. We are not selling goods at cost, however you will find our prices as reasonable as anywhere in the city. CALL AND SEE US. LARIMER & STINSON'S, 132 MAIN STREET. C. A. GATES, Real Estate Agent, Anl dtaicr la CHOICE IMPROVED AND (JNIMPOVED LANDS And City Property of all kinds for sale or rent. Office n north fckU of DoorIas arccoe, fajcotai !co cast t iiartt .trnrt. orr Fuller' Grocery, tfcird iyr l tb left, up lairs. WICHITA, KAN J. xzoxsvzs. KIP &. BROADDUa -:- Estate -:- teats AND CIVIL ENGINEERS. o F7IC3 Sojc.i canter DoajtsJ a4 7epfc at, la hatm -rc:tur Co tawicg. ISRAEL BROS., Druggist and Groeers First Block west of Tremont House ll M1MT TO BE FOR 30 We will offer our Entire Stock at a Sacrifice. ATTEND OUR SALE. KETW TOEK STOEE, M. KOHN & CO. THE $2.50 It Will Pay You Gentlemen toCall at C. E. Lewis & Cos., No. 110 Main Street,. And see this Elegant Mikado shoe. It is just the shoe for this hot weather. We place on sale today ioo pairs of them in Button, Lace and Congress at Only $2.50 Per Pair, Which is less than Manufacturers prices. C. B. LEWIS & CO., 110 Main Street. ONE PRICE CASH ON DELIVERY BOOT and SHOt HOUSE. CLOSING DET GOODS at COST Having decided to retire from business, I offer at coat whole eaia or retail zay entire utock of New Dry G oods, No tions, etc Or will trade e&xne for City Property r good fanning- land will oUer special inducements to any person wiahin to sags; io businesa, with lease on the bast store in the city. JOHN Gh AT.T.-BTKT STOCK CLOSED. DAYS MIKADO SALE! Nx, if $. - y . , 1 SlM :'M.Bz- AXWz&.&'&frr&rv -A LMM: