OCR Interpretation

Wichita eagle. [volume] (Wichita, Kan.) 1886-1890, September 04, 1886, Image 1

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85032490/1886-09-04/ed-1/seq-1/

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tPtd)tto '
VOL. Y. KO. 93.
WHOLE XO. 719.;
i i
123 and 125
We will offer
Fine Marseilles Quilts
At the Rediculously Low Price of
$1.17 EACH.
This lot of Quilts we bought Under the
Market Priee, and would be con
sidered eheap at Two Dollars.
Remember We Will Only Sell Them Tomorrow At
117 Cents Each.
C'A T T7P ff TV IT 1 IT T? XTT? A T r ST " T7"
Now you have let an
secure those All Woolen Worsted Suits
io.oo which went like
you a chance
trouble secured the
will soon arrive and be opened on our coun
ters at the price quoted before this week.
Don't let this opportunity slip.
Another .-
visit our
our eieo-ant nne ot Uassimeres. 2s
Mammoth Circus and Menagerie
will arrive next week, and to give everyone an
opportunity to go we will give to very pur
chaser of $10.00 worth of goods one ticket.
Call for particulars at tlie
228 Corner Douglas and Lawrence A. venues.
Main Street.
yll, . 1 O Vj LLvJLJ
opportunity slip
hot cakes. But
we have, after some
same eoods and thev
Pointer ! f
store room ask to be
Hl-Fated Charleston, Phoenix-
Like, Raises Her Head,
and "With
Renewed Energy Deftly Ply
"Willing Hands to the Stu
pendous Work of
Kemovinjr tlie Mountains or" Debris
and Re-opening the Avenues
of Trade and Business.
'Pealing Pen Pictur.es of the Pitiable
Plight of the Poor, Penniless,
but Plucky Plebiscite
Touch of the Responsive Chord
Which Binds Us all Akin
Brings Showersof Help.
A Pen Picture of the Desolation and
Ruin Wrought by the Earthquake.
Charleston, S. C, Sept. 3. There is
no special change in the situation this
morning, but as there were only two
shocks, and very light ones, during the
night, there is a little more confidence than
yesterday. Sympathetic articles in news
papers and oilers of aid from different
quarters aie great encouragement to the
stricken people of Charleston. The most
urgent need now is for the early repair of
injured buildings to make them habitable.
High winds and heavy rains would bring
many buildings to the ground and injure
hundreds of dwellings which have defect
ive roofs.
It would be of great service if a corps of
government engineers could be sent here at
once to examine dwelling houses and other
buildings and determine which of them can
be safely occupied or allowed to stand. Lo
cal architects have their hands more than
The president has authorized the secre
tary of war to send here one hundred
tents, but more are needed. It is reported
there were several shocks at Somrcerville
this morninsr but the report is not vet
authenticated. Many representatives of
leading journals are here to write up and
photograph the city.
The situation is still deplorable. Rudely
improvised tents, constructed principally
of bed clothing, are seen everywhere, But
lew persons have yet slept indoors and
houses are deserted as if plague .stricken.
Thousands have slept with nothing but the
canopy of heaven above them. After the
parks and squares' were tilled lat night
I the inhabitants suspended overcoats,
bed quilts, etc., from fences over the side-
nsiuvnauu inns passuu. mu iiiyiu. jiiiuj
enjoyed repose under open umbrellas, the
handles of which were stuck in the ground.
The more aristocratic people camped in
their own yards. The colored people say
they will not return to their homes till at
least another night has passed, and may be
seen taking their coffee aud eating their
dry bread beside the place where they
On the whole, however, it may be said
confidence is returning, and should there
not be a revisitation of earthquake Charles
ton will be in her usual bustle of business
within forty-eight hours, although incon
venience and delay will be felt for months.
Very little has been accomplished up to
this time to relieve the city of its appear
ance of desolation. As the eye takes in
the length of the street it is met by heaps
of debris of every possible description:
bricks, stone, plastering, lath, shingles,
lumber and household ami office furniture
and all kinds of building material in a
mass. Whole fronts or side.4 of buildings
in some instances intact.
A two-story brick building on State street
between Broad and Chambers presents an
interesting appearance of this description:
the lower lloor is used for merchandise,
the upper floor as a residence. The whole
front fell out leaving the interior exposed
to view. The pictures and mirrors
are on the walls and remain as the' were
left by the fleeing family. The beds are
untouched, the gas turned on and the view
of the store roni is as when the first shock
came. Evidently the owner has not gained
courage to warrant his return.
The most alarming feature of the present
condition f affairs rests in the shaky con
dition of the buildings. Nine-tenths of the
brick structures are cracked through aud
through and threaten to tumble. Chim
nejTs that have not actually fallen arc badly
careened and would fall if touched.
Until some time shall have elapsed and j
confidence shall have been fully restored,
most of the shattered buildings will not be
entered, as a shock at this time would be
more disastrous than all of those already
experienced, and the building could be
easily shaken to atoms. An examination
of the wrecked structures shows them to
have all been frail. The Charleston and
and oue or two other leading hotels have
begun to receive guests, although but a
small portion of other houses are in a con
dition to be occupied.
Inquiries continue to pour in from
friends of Charlcstonians in different parts
of the country concerning the loss of life
The search for the dead is prosrressinsr
but it is bettered all the bodies have been
This morning the employes of the
Southern Telegraph company returned to
the commodious main office on Broad
street, closed up their delayed work and
resumed service.
Washington, Sept. 3. The first pas
sengers coming north from Charleston ar
rived this monu'mr, Thev were unable to
leave Charleston until yesterday morning J
on account of the interruption m railroad
communication. Thomas Folscn of Balti
more gave a rej)ortcr an account of his ex
periences: I was stopped at the Charleston hotel, he
said, and I was in my joom which was on
the third lloor. When I lit my sras I heard
a noise and supposed I had broken some
thing, but could find nothing broken. I
went to place my hat on the "bureau and
just then the shock came. I would have
fallen if I had thrown my hands out and
clung to the window. It seemed as thomrh
the libtel was lifted up and swaying back
wards a distance of fifteen or "twenty
inches at each vibration. At the tirt shock,
the lights in the house all went out: thin
the plastering began to fall. I got
into the coridor and groped my
way in, utter darknes amid
falling nlaster. Other neonle in the house
I wre likewise groping their way out. All
arouna was a terrible rcannir and mosaia?
sound and the din was heightened by fall-
ing timbers. I found the front door of the-j
house closed, a fortunate thinir for me. as
it sa ed my life. It took a moment to trad
the knob and as I was looting for it tons
of brick fell down from the upper part of
the house in front of the door. I ran out
through the heaps of fallen bricks and fell
twice in getting to the middle of the street.
There was not a house in Charleston that
had its chimneys standing."
.Mr. Folson said that he thought the pub
lished estimate of damage was too low and
that three-fourths of the city would have
to be rebuilt. The people killed were
killed while leaving their houses by the
falling debris. All who could leave the
city were leaving yesterday.
Mr. P. T. Bonnel left Charleston yester
day on the first outward train. There were
five cars packed with refugees. For the
first two miles the train moved very slowly;
the rails were twisted. As the train went
along the people in the car noticed another
shock. This further twisted the rails. It
was, however, possible to proceed slowly.
Special performances will be given in all
the Washinston theatres and places of
amusement for the benefit of the sufferers,
In Philadelphia subscriptions amounting
to nearly tj4,uuu were announced. George
W. Childs and A. J. Drexel each cave
New Yokk, Sept. 3. The stock, pro
duce, mining and cotton exchanges, have
appointed committees to solicit subscrip
tions for the relief of Charleston sufferers.
The total contributed in the cotton ex
change today is $3,373. It is announced
that the Southern Express company will
forward contributions for the relief of the
earthquake sufferers free of charge.
The Brooklyn Examiner has received the
following dispatch from Vicar General P.
L. Duff:
Charleston, S. C, Sept. 3.
The Catholic churches, orphanages,
schools and pastoral residences, have been
seriously damaged. Miraculous were the
escapes of priests, sisters and orphans, who
are now camping out. I am erecting a
temporary alter io the cathedral grounds.
Our loss and sufferings are great.
The Examiner has sent an appeal to the
clergy and laity of the New York and
Brooklyn, churches to aid in swelling the
From Washington it is announced the
surgeon general of the marine hospital ser
vice has authorized officers of that bureau
at Charleston to secure tents to replace
temporarily the hospital building rendered
uninhabitable by the earthquake; also that
Ulnei Clerk l oumans of the treasury de
partment, by permission of Acting Secre
tary Fairchild, isSued a circular letter to
day informing employes that the rule pro
hi biting the circulation of subscription pa
pers in the department would be suspended
in the case of the Charleston relief fund,
and heads of bureaus would be designated
to receive subscriptions.
1 he people are at work digging in the
ruins for bodies, and until that work is
completed it will bo impossible to tell, or
even to guess, any way accurately at the
number of casualties.
Have the reports of the disaster been ex
Not a bit of it; it would be impossible to
put into words any description of the dis
aster and its effects. There is not one
house in ten that will not have to be re
built. Augusta, Gv.., Sept. 3, A special to
the Chronicle from Beaufort says that near
the Cossiwa mines there is a crack in the
earth 200 feet long and six inches wide. On
Helena island, oil the Beaufort coast,
several large openings were made and piles
ot mud and sau.l were forced up.
Chaiuxstck iSept. 3. The city coun
cil to-day adopted the following:
Resolved That in response to the num
erous offers of assistance and sympathy
from our sister cities, and from citizens o"f
this and other states, the mayor is author
ized to state that great distress exists among
our citizens in consequence of the earth
quake, and that we greatfuliy accept the
aid thus tendered us.
Washington, D. C, Sept. 3. In the
absence of official information, Gen. Drum
is inclined to disbelieve the report of a fight
between Mexican and our own troops who
arc after Geronimo, und expresses the fer
vent hope that the report is incorrect. Con
ditions render the story improbable 6ince
the utmost cordiality prevails between the
Mexican government and General Miles.
Their forces have been co-operating quite
A dispatch received from Gen. Miles this
morning stated he would start the "Warm
Springs and Charicahua band' east today
not to return to the reservation, but no
mention was made of the capture of Ger
onimo or a conflict with 3Iexicans.
An Ottawa dispatch to the effect that six
imperial war ships are on their way to Hal
ifax to assist in enforcing the" fishery
clauses of the treaty of 1818 is discredited
at the state and navy departments. Such
a forre for such a purpose would be a prod
igal waste of means. Very likely the
British squadron is on its way as usual at
this time of the year to these" waters. For
merly the squadron summered in the West
Indies, but danger from yellow fever led to
the custom of making the summer rendez
vous in northern waters, as is the case with
our own vessels. If such is the feet it is
believed to have no international signifi
cance. Negotiations between this govern
ment and Great Britain respecting the
three mile limit, whether from headland to
headland, or following the sinuosities of
the coast, tnd to other details of the fishing
question are progressing slowly, to be sure,
but with entire cordiality. They hare been
somewhat retarded by changes of govern
ment in Great Britain and the necesitv of
starting in anew with successive trovcrn-
Col. R. M. Batchcldcr, department qucr-
j termaster, has been ordered to Charleston
to isue and distribute tents to the homeless
and to render such aid as it may be within
the power of the department to extend.
The following dispatch was received by
cable today from Queen Victoria:
Balmoral, Sept. 3.
To the rresMent of the Caltel State.
I desire to express my profound sympa-
uiy wiui me suuerers oy tlie Jatc earth
quakes and await with anxiety further in
telligence, which I hope may show the
effects to have been les disastrtus than re
ported. (bigned) The Queen.
A Yljjorous Kick.
New York, Sept. 3. Members of the
Home club assert positivelv that thev have
purchased Pythayoras hafl on Canal street
for district assemblv 4o, Knichts of Labor.
At the meeting of bistrict Assembly Mon
day night the Home club notified each mas
ter workman that every member must pav
10 towards a building fund. This would
bring in G0,030 in short order, but seven-
ty-five of the four hundred local assemblies j
neiu meetings on lueMay nignt anuposi-j
lively reiusea to contribute. Thev said
the Home club might buy its own hall.
District Master "Workman McGuire
promptly suspended the scventv-five local
assemblies Wednesday morning. It was
said vcttcriav the members of 12.7 local
members of
assemblies altogether will kick. The
members are wiiling to do most anything i
iui mt: uumc ciuo, some xvnujnis saiu,
but their generosity stopped short at buv
ing a $70,000 home for the Home club.
The Atlantic Seaboard Visited
by Another Terrific
At 11 O'clock Last Night, Ex
tending From Jacksonville
to "Washington.
A Volcanic Eruption Near Chicago
Produces Consternation Shake
ups in California and Colorado.
A Terrible Plague Depopulating Par-
rottsville, Tennessee People
Dying by Dozens.
Condemned Criminals Expiate Their!
Horrible Offenses Upon the
Scaffold Miscellaneous.
"Weather Report.
Washington, Sept. 4, 1 a. m. Indi
cations for Illinois and Missouri: Gen
erally fair weather; nearly stationary tem
perature; southerly winds.
For Kansas: Fair weather; statiouary
temperature; southerly winds.
New York, Sept. 3, 10:30 p. m. Word
has just been received that a heavy shock
of earthquake has occured at Charleston.
All wires are lost.
Washington, D. C, Sept. 3. At about
11 o'clock tonight another shock of earth
quake was felt all along the southern At
lantic coast. It was not attended by any
damage so far as can be learned, but itwas
strong enough to cause a stampede from
the instruments of the telegraph operators
in Charleston, Augusta and Columbia, and
perhaps other places. They soon returned,
however, and resumed business. The
shake was felt from Jacksonville to Wash
ington. It was perceptible in Washington,
but not so strongly as on Tuesday night.
Charleston,' S. C, Sept. 3. At one
minute to 11 o'clock to-night another ter
rific shock passed over the city. Conster
nation again prevails. People camping in
the public squares are singing and praying.
Raleigh, N. C, Sept. 3. At 11:02 to
night a well defined shock of earthquake
was felt here. It was preceded by a light
rumbling noise. The oscillation of build
ings was marked on the upper floors.
Augusta, Ga., Sept. 3. At 10:40 an
other shock was distinctly felt and the
streets are again filled with people.
Immediately after the first shocks there
was an exhibition of joy, and voices of
congratulation were heard on every side
and all mingled with words of thanksgiv
ing to the Divine Providence. People
clung to each other like brothers aud sis
ters. Tiiere were no strangers there. They
all knew each other as part aud parcel of a
community that has escaped a terrible fate.
Some with tears of repentance and joy in
their eyes embraced each other. Women
fell on each others necks and with hearts
too full to speak rocked to and fro in the
happy embrace, devotely thanking God in
silence for His blessing in the dreadful
Not so with the trembling and demoral
ized colored people. After the hand of
Providence had been apparently removed
they began to prophesy and recall all they
knew in their confused way of bible scenes
and bible history.
"It's the night of Sodom and Gomorrah,"
shouted one in a frenzy of apparent de
light." "The city of St. Michael is down
to the ground," 3-elled another. "I told
you so," cried a third. "Ah, how about
my wife's dream now," said a fourtlL
"Look for the rock of Horeb to split,"
said another, "Pray, my white people;
why don't you pray?" said another.
For five minutes in the fearful excitement
the colored people never ceased to utttr
what might ie considered a torrent of
prophetic interpretations and unintelligible
prayers. In the dismal gloom some lady
crietout: "Get to the green! Get to the
green!" aud almost in the twinkling the
colored people made a rush for that haven
of safety. It seemed as if all Charleston
were alrcadj- there. Women hurried along
dragging their little children in all kind of
night apparel j
It was only, however, when the older class j
of colored people arrived that a characteristic !
scene took place. They ran about in tlie
crowd with cries of down on your face;
uown on your Knees, miserable sinners;
pray to God, my sister, brother; pruy,pray,
pray; don't I tell jou the night is come?"
Prayer meetings were organized and the
singing and screaming w tre kept up all
night. The watchword was passed around
"the kittle is over, but the soldiers must
not rest," and this order was carried out.
On Marion Square the sights and scenes
baffled description. The colored people
were unrestrained and committed all man
ner of riotous and frenzied excesses. A
report of their actions as they took place
would, perhaps, be considered blasphe
mous. The following additional easaulties are
Miss Lucr Elliott, ankle fractured.
Win. Ficfds, knee dislocated.
Jas. Callahan, seriously injured in the
face and jaw.
George Webb, skull fractured.
Fred"Sirnpson, colored, of Xew York,
double fracture of left leg.
Margie Bankers, whiteT amputated feet.
H. 1$. Bullwinkle, Hesd bruised and hip
Harry Aarons and J Jllie Aarons, wnite
children, cut and bruised.
Mosses Brown, colored janitor of the
l Yost building, leg amputated.
Lucy James Gadsden, colored, fractured
Sam Watkins, colored, arm and leg frac
tured. Charles Rivers, colored, amputated leg.
Eliza Flowers, colored, compound frac
ture of leg.
Mary Delanv, colored, amputated leg.
Mrs. Williams, colored, face and head
badlr bruised.
Josephine Campbell, colorcdj scarp
Additional deaths Florence Rector, Sa
rah Glover and Mary Lee.
The total loss at Sunimervillc is estima
ted at $300,000.
Savannah, Ga., Sept. 3. At 10:36
o'clock tonight another shock was felt here.
It was more severe than any save the first
one of Tuesday night, and people were
again thoroughly terrified. All buildings
were deserted and everybody will sleep in
the streets tonight.
Macon, Ga., Sept. 3. Another shock
was felt here at 10:03 tonight. It was dis
tinct and caused some little consternation
among the people, but no damage was done
to property.
Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 3. Another
distinct but not severe eaithquake shock
was felt here at 11 p. m. Much alarm
was created and many people rushed from
their houses to the streets.
Jacksonville. Fla., Sept. 3. At 10:02
tonight a distinct shock of earthquake was
felt here Listing five seconds. It caused
great excitement.
Richmond, Va., Sept. 3. At 11:03 to
dight a shock of earthquake was felt here.
In some places in the upper part of the
city it was as severe as that of Tuesday
night, people in some cases leaving their
homes and rushing into the streets. Tlie
oscillation is said to have been very per
ceptible from southeast to northwest. No
noise accompanied the shock.
San Francisco, Sept. 3. Sharp earth
quake shocks were felt here at 12 o'clock
last night.
Merced, Cal., Sept. 3. Blight earth
quake shocks were experienced here last
Reno, New, Sept. 3. At 1:30 this morn
ing slight earthquake suociis passing trora
south to north, were felt here. Twcnty
seconds later another shock almost imper
ceptible occurred-
'Eruption in Illinois.
Chicago, Sept. 3. The Times' Oakland,
111., special says: Yesterday the citizens of
Bowdric township, north of this city, were
startled by a noise like the explosion of a
steam boiler. On examination it was found
to have been caused by un eruption on the
farm of Christian Limkenbach. That gen
tleman stated today that when the noise oc
curred a cloud of smoke and dust flew in
the air in which were stumps of trees,
stones and roots, aud a deep hole was left
in the ground which has not yet Injen ex
plored. Saratoga With IVlnnescah.
Special Dispatch to the Dally Eagle.
Saratoga, Kan., Sept. 3. A large pro
cession consisting of about forty carriages
loaded with our citizens and headed by the
Saratoga Comet band, is now forming on
the streets, a'ld with flying banners, will
soon be on the road to Ninilescah, where
they go to celebrate with the citizens of
that town over the arrival of the Wichita
and Western railroad. The cars have been
running into Ninnescah since last Monday
and this is the day for a jollification over
the good fortune of this new town. The
following are some among the many of our
people who join the Ninnescah people in
this their first celebration: Mayor Giblions
and family, Mr. Clcinow wife and daugh
ter, H. 1. Cooper wife and daughters,
James Temple and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Carskadon, Mr. and Mrs. Warren, Mr. and
Mrs. Adams, Mr. aud Mrs. Bowman, Mr.
and Mrs. Gondii, Mr. aud Mrs. Rea, Mr.
and Mr. Kibbey, -Mr. and 3Irs. Russell,
Mr. and Mrs. Rofcan, Mr and Mrs. Geo.
Temple, Mr. and Mrs. Jcnkinson, 3Ir. and
Mrs. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Gregory, Mr
and Mrs. Caswell, Mr. and Mrs. Bockoven,
3Ir. and Mrs. Waldoc, and young people
too many to enumerate. A telephone dis
p.Uch just received here states that Ninnes
cah Is covered over with bunting, the
hotels filled, streets crowded, lwnd playing
and even-body enjoying themselves. K.
Fatal Epidemic.
Chattanoooa, Sept. 3. Parrottsville,
in Lake county, is in a wild suite of excite
ment over a frightful epidemic which has
made its appearance there. Tlie disease,
which in every aw proves fatal, resembles
flux, except that the victims are attacked
with severe pains in the head, tumi'tane
ouly with the pain in the abdomen. The
phyuicians are unable to cope with the div
eae, and thos stricken with it succumb in
a short tirnr-. Twenty-seven deaths have
occurred within three days.
A Double Clo-.
Memphis. Tenn.,Sert- 3. James Simp
son and Paltcron Bell were lunged to-day
at Marion, Crittenden, coustr. Ark ,
twelve miles northwest of ilemphi?.
About two thousand people, mostlv col
Sored, witnessed the execution. There
wcre'the usual exercise, which consisted ,
of reading a chapter from the bible, sinking
a hymn and prayer bv two colored tamii
ters". Thev both declared their innocence,
although they had previously confessed.
Tlie drop was was sprang at 1 :20 p. in.
and in twelve minutes both were pro
nounced dead, their necks having been
broken. They were executed for the inur-1
ner o: Lee Goldsmith at bt, Thomas Load
ing, twentv miles north of here, on the
nfehtof Januarv 2nd. Goldsmith
clerking for Peter Ball and the two ncsroes
liad entered the store ostensibly for the
purpose of buying goods. One engaged
him in conversion while tlie other struck
him from behind on the lies' with an axe,
crushing his skull and killing him instantly
They- then robbed the siorc.
Dan'a Report.
New Yonx. Sept. 3. The limine.
failures occurrin" Uirouzbout the country
daring the last syren day?1, a rep'jrted to j
14. G. linn cc Co. number ror
United States 1GS and for Canada 24, a to
tal of 390 as compared with a total of 201
last week and 166 for the week previous to
the last. The western and southern states
furnish nearly half of the casualties re
ported in this country.
Prince Alexander Makes a
umphal Entry Into
Sofia Amid
("Wild Demonstrations of Joy at
His Return and Resumption
of Government.
He Issues an Amnesty Proclamation,
Releasing all Political Prisoners
and Personal Enemies.
Incessant Telegraphing Between the
Powers Relative to the Bul
garian Incident.
The Prince's Humanity-and the Czar's
Brutality Subjects of Gen
eral Criticism.
London, Sept. 2. In the house of com
mons this afternoon Lord Randolph Church
ill moved that precedence be given to the
supply bills.
Mr. Dillon moved Mr. Parnell's amend
ment, urgkurthat theconsidiuntion of the
situation m Ireland admitted of no delay.
Sir Wm. Vernon Harcourt pointed out
that if tho amendment was carried it would
be useless, as the opposition was jJbwerlo.
to compel the government to introduce new
measures now; therefore ho would support
Lord Randolph Churchill's motion.
Sir Michael Hicks-Beech urged that an
end be put to the discussion.
Mr. ramcll said ho did not blame Sir
Win. Vernon Harcourt for the attitude
taken by that gentleman, but it Was only
bv the persistent application of the princi
pie of try, try again, that the ParnoHites
hail ever got anything. He denied that the
Parncllites intended to obstruct the buM
ncss of this session. He himself was drift
ing a measure giving lease-holders leave to
applv to tho courts to fix fair rents, and
would advise the withdrawal of the amend
ment if tlie government would give facili
ties for the introduction of such a bill dur
ing the present session.
Lord Randolph Churchill replied that
the government had already stated its in
tent ions in regard to the land bill. If Mr
Pamell desired to describe in a fuller man
ner the way in which he wished the qutvs
tion to lie dealt with, the government
would to undertnlce to give a social sitting
for that purpose lofore the close of tho
3Ir. John Morely expressed himself a3
entirely satisfied with the government's
Mr. Parnell's amendment was then with
drawn. The house agreed to the report of the
address. Mr. "Purnell h)ies to introduce
his land bill next week.
Count Von Hatzfeldt, the German am
bassador, had an interview today with
Lord Todlesleigh secretary for "foreign
Secret communications are passing be
tween the jiowers relating to the restora
tion of Prince Alexander
Sofia, Sept. 3. The revolutionarv reg
incuts here have surrendeied tiiicotiditiou
ally to Prince Alexander and npjwaletl to
him for clemency. Bulgaria is now tnm
quil. Prince Alexander, when he reached
Bucharest on Ids journey to Sofia, tele
graphed to the sultan assumuee of homage
and devotion
Prince Alexander arrived here thi morn
ing. He made a triumphant eutnuuv into
the city, escorted by the municipal author!
ties of Sofia, who had gone two
kilometres outside the city to await hi nr
rival. Addresses of welcome were pnk
sented to Alexander in the great square hi
front of Hie palace. All then proceeded to
the cathedral where the tedeum mai wa
celebrated. Artillery dilutes weru fired at
the garrison and the troops were reviewed
The ceremonies concluded with a reception
to the foreign diplomatic representatives
Prince Alexander has ordered the release of
all political prisoners. The iiiinittery has
iHJcn reconstructed, .M. btnniutiloirreinniii
ing premier. Rejoicing continues unabated
throughout Bulgaria.
IhmiAS, Sept. 3. Mrs. T. D. Sullivan,
wife of the lord mayor of Dublin, mid a
deputation of Irih will goto Hawanlen
on September 21 to present to Mr. Glad
stone a mammoth declaration in favor of
home rule in Ireland. The document bears
the signature of 500,000 Irishmen.
Pa ins, Sept. y Telfgrnru received
here from Sofia, sinlc that the CJifH reply
to Prince Alexander's letter h;u produced a
profound impression throughout Bulgaria.
The dispatches viy that th' Czar's pro
claimed hostility "ha paralyzed the move
ment in favor o'f Prince Alexander return
to the throne and encouraged f ha rovolu
t:oni-t. It is further Hated that Priiit
Alexander abdication & bdioTwi to r
Rome, S"pt. JJ. Cholera returns for th
whole of Itily for twenty-four hour tnd
Ing yesterday" are Han Marco in Lewi
2." new case and 11 death". Ravonna, 1"
new esse and G death. Rimini, 20 -.
case and 7 dentin; in all the other iafecti
districts numbering in all nine town, fort v
fix new cases and 17 death? are ivtxxivtl
ATirexs, Sept. 3. Tlie liritWi manof
war Againanon, conveying ftrirgaoa?. fowl
and tent. lxa. gone uthe relief of ths uf
ferera by the recent earthquakes in tin
Whoa. Emma.
Ixoiasai'OU, Irwl. Sept. 2. Tho Jour
nal Jymth Ik-nd. Ind., special report :Hal
Mr. Emma Mallor, well-known all orj
the country as a revivrdlsfci ami trBfiuw-
lecturer. attcmttl to commit sC&itU Shi.
afternoon bv drowning. She was roscuui
with great diClculty m he ww pwteotlj
bent on taking her life. Her son Fmnt
was recently drowned &l Imports ami ev-r
iflce that fJtie Kiid h'S life wjij est worth
Hvin?. This afternoon she was suSIoric
from a severe attack of rick-beaiaehe acd
hsd taken a quantity of ether; sudHcnr
she ran from the bouse act! jempesi m ib
river. They Wont Hare It.
LKAVuxwoirrn, Kan., Sept. 3. TJ
barbed wire fence erect! uptin tit north
LsplanaIe was destroyed again hy pert
unknown. Thl U the scond time it Iw
been cut and undcubudly a fence of slw.
kind will never 1 allowed to Unvl a It t.
dangerous and obcoxiouA to the resident
j of that portion of tlie city.
Vi. j "gkj?rW
-Ka fcAateWfr

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