f-?s?tftsFsgWHi ggg5lt54fe 'Aft &Zgf&tyWtW3T 11 efss y&4Hi"S12?yy&t SI&3 '--- --f.?vwiH--5xsSara fr" -i' it4?-JCi WHOLO.720. WICHITA, KANSAS, SUNDAY MOKNTNX, SEPTEMBEK 5, 1886. VOL. V. NO. 94. WZZFYM r iiMBB-, '2fyO;r&msmmEmE &mmsfmmma:im' . ' wwaBKaBBBBgii . - r -, ,-,, -&r -v- ,,., :BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV--iiBBBMB - r-s &rwf.y ..j?:g.y'' Tr-rv"-" . ; ' --s ,... .'qi ;:ijfl" i" n". - "t rtftivi,.iji ..atBtBtBtBtBtBtBtBtBtBtBtBtBt . jHL.ui? Br--,.- Jraj';r3. wrjjtafr..vt ..-2.w i3r.ov:ij.j-iT-i-s.ir vj . . pnr . -. " ... - amr- rr i . -- ii - - ---. ,snEi -"-s-5 - e - " uKchtfat W"""",BiW"BBjBBlfc - ggijyyg -1, t - -T " . --" 5 T 7 MUNSON & 123 and" 125 "We are Daily receiving Immense Quantities of NEW -:- GOODS In Every Department. Among which ean be found RARE B A RGAINS. Our Dress Goods Department is unusually crowded with new and desirable fabrics that we are now runnin off at Verv Low Priees We are Gut -:- Prices On Linens, Towels, Napkins and all housekeeping goods. Make an examina tion of our immense stock, it will prove to your advantage. MDNSON & Opposite I TOLD Now you have let an opportunity slip to secure those All Woolen Worsted Suits at $10.00 which went like hot cakes. But to give you a chance we have, after some trouble secured the same goods and they will soon arrive and be opened on our coun ters at the price quoted before this week. Don't let this opportunity slip. Another .- When you visit our store room ask to be shown our elegant line of Cassimeres. As Sells Mammoth Circus and Menagerie will arrive next week, and to give everyone an opportunity to go we will give to very pur chaser of $10.00 worth of goods one ticket. Call for particulars at the GOLDEN EAGLE, ONE PRICE 228 Corner Douglas and Lawrence A. venues. McMMARA. Main Street. Making McNAMARA Postoffiee. YOU SO Pointer ! f CLOTHIERS. DREAD SUSPENSE. To the Horrors of the Environ ments Resultant from the Earthquake, Forebodings of the Dreaded Equi- noxial Gales, Now Near at Hand, Weigh. Down tlie Depressed Spirit of the Stricken Charlestonians and Banish Hope. A Shower of Pebbles and Stones Tell of a Volcanic Eruption Somewhere in the South Atlantic. Grave Apprehensions Felt for the Safety of the Bermudas Xo Intel ligence Received Therefrom. The Great Terrorize!- Gave Terra Firma Another Shake-up Last Nitfht Xo One Hurt. Weather Report. Washington, Sept. .", 1 a. in. Iudi Missouri and Kansas: Generally fair weather: slightly cooler; southerly whuR becoming variable. SCENES AND INCIDENTS Of the Charleston Horror a5 Detailed hy Eye-witnesses. Ciiaulestox, Sept. 4. At 9:30 tonight there was another earthquake shock of about five seconds duration, the lirst of the day. and startled the shook-up people. It was not near as severe as the shock of last night. Columiiia, Sept. 4. Another very dis tinct earthquake shock was felt here at 9:29 o'clock, the vibrations continuing about fifteen seconds. Savannah, Ga., Sept. 4. At 9:C0 to night another shock of earthquake was felt here. "While not severe it was everywhere perceptible, and people rushed fiom houses and stores. Hundreds of people aie again spending the night outdoors. Augusta, Ga., Sept. 4. Two slight shocks were felt today, one at G:3U and one at 9 a. m. Another slight shock w a felt here at 9 o'clock tonight. Raleigh, N. C, Sept. 4. A special dis patch to the News and Observer tonight sa's that news has been received at Ash- ville tonight from Mitchell county to the effect that the earthquake phenomena was very startling in the mountains in the vicinity of the pinnacle of the Blackvmoun- tains. Subterranean rumblings were tre mendous and continued fifteen minutes. Immense rocks were moved from their beds and hurled down the mountain ide into the valleys. People fled from their houses into the woods. Nnw York, Sept. 4. A Sun Charles ton special say: As Thursday night ap proached, there was a very general move ment in the diiection of the public squares which have been utilitd by those com pelled to sleep in the city." Improvised tents soon covered each vacant squaie. The tents were all shapes and si.es, con structed of quilts, awnings, comfortables, blankets and whatever else in the way of clothes could be had, petticoats and other articles of wearing apparel being used :us doors and windows. ArtcM'an park was nacked. Two lame ambulances and sev eral ice carts and express wagons sheltered as inanv families: the wheels tied down to stakes and the vehicles were thus prevented from lurching during quakes. Around were hundreds of makeshift tents. At "Washington square, white and blacks mixed up indiscriminately it was a queer and peculiar sight and pitiful withal. The horrible noises and orgies of two negro men. who were preaching and excit ing colored women to frenzy the night be- j fore, w ere still frc-.li in the " minds of af- j frighted and helpless women and children, powerless to help themselves. Many col ored people here regretted and deprecated the terrible scenes enacted. The negroes who took part were of the lowest classes, they had the assurance of numbers and re fused to desist or conduct exercises in mod eration. Thursday the situation promised to be worse; half a hundred negroes, menjind women, began to play balfand took com plete possession of the park. Mayor lluger had the ball playing stopped and forbid the usual religious orgies, and the night passed in peace and quiet. The attempt at repairing caused a terri ble rise in the price of labor. Masons are readily jretting 6 ier day, and other trades in outrageous proportion. The city council appointed a committee to inspect" all buildings and order pulled down any that arc dangerous. Among the buildings condemned must surely be St. Michael's. Diagonally across from St. Michael's is the court house, an antique and handsome structure, which has hardly lot a brick and is yet shattered in every wall. Charleston has a large Catholic popula tion. After the first shock they imme diately rushed for the churches. The priest said that as he felt the shock he rushed for the yard. In the streets were gathered thousands of Catholics who wanted to enter the church. He closed and locked the iron gates, keeping the people from entering. When he opened the church that the multitude might look upon the tabernacle where rests the Holy Ghost, instantly all fell on their knees and began praying." Donning his cassock he went among his people and gave absolution to each, passing among them and hearing as manv individual confessions as possible. Nearly'all the priests of the city did the same. There has beea manv births since the 1 nrst shock; no less then ten are already re : norted. A ladv was taken to "Washington Square in the agonies of motherhood and i soon thereafter there wa a mother of smil ing twins, bhe is resting easy, aiuiougu a hundred people witnessed it. These are earthquake times and social dclicscies are not over observed, although the utmost respect and deference is shown in every in stance. Although impossible to make any sp Droximatelv accurate monev estimate of propertv destroved, it becomes plainer! every day that the blow is one from which the citv will not recover in many years. though but few were absolutely leveled to the ground. Not exaggerated two-thirds of all here will have either to be torn down and entirely rebuilt, or nearly so; the dif ference in the cost wuTbe but trifling. The very heart of the city seems to be utterly shattered and wrecked. It looks as though it had been literally riddled and honey-combed by bombshells from a hun dred batteries. Lofty church spires hang ing in the air by mere shreds of masonry; great, missive porticos with tottering pil lars, broken and all askew and trembling beneath burdens at every jar "Whole blocks with fronts shaved cleanly down and lying sprawling, unsightly heaps of bricks and mortar in the street" below with furnished rooms, which so recently were shelter and home now are bare to the Ifght of day.bent and broken palings and awning rodslamp posts twisted in aL' conceivable shapes and standing at all possible angles, is all that is left of what a week ago was one of the most picauresoue and beautiful of southern cities. Railway trains are all now making regu lar trips. Nnw York, Sept. 4. A special from Charleston to the Times says in addition to material losses there are sentimental losses which are beyond all estimate. Charles tonians set great store by the house in which he was born with all of its associations. An Episcopalian lady whose husband is cer tainly ruined by the catastrophe said: "I could stand it all if St. Michael's had been spared; my grand parents were both bap tised and inarried there, and within its walls I. too, was married." This feeling for old St. Michaels is quite general, even among those not Episconalians. The build ing was part of the family traditions of the state, and as such was claimed by every body. The great dread now is the approach of equinox: in three weeks the equator will balance the sun and will be in the midst of the great storm era. Equinoxial gales have "always Ix-en disastrous m Charleston. In fact last year's disaster was so great as to attract national attention. It is estimated that every house in the city has its founda tion shaken by the earthquake; walls have been rent, chimneys and steeples are oil their square and there is nothing plumb about the city. If an equinoxial gale of usual severity strikes the city before con siderable repairs are made, nearly every house in the city will be blown down. The sale comes some times as late as the first week in October, but last year it came in the last week in August. It will thus be seen the citv is in imminent danger at any moment. This would cause such crashing of timber, brick and mortar as was never heard. The temperature has changed so as to warn people a storm is at blind. The ef fect of a week's storm and pelting rains on the housele-3 women and children would be appalling. Siv ladieT are are ported (1 inar in tents from fright. Efforts made early in the day to clear away the debris have been aban doned aud people are settling back into the melancholy of yesterday. Charleston, S. C, Sept. 4. The eaithquake shock last night caused great ahum on account of the shattered condition of the nerves of people. Those persons who had ventured back under their loofs. hurried into the streets, which presented for a few moments as tragical appearance as on Tuesday night. But little actual harm was done on Thursday night. Two untenanted houses are reported to have fallen,together with part of the coping of the Charleston hotel. The vibration during the sK ck was not especially great, but the mcanin? and howling sounu was sufficient!' alanning. Gradually people had come to the conviction tliat shocks were at an end and the disappointment was agonizing. The sensation today is the falling of showers of pebbles in the lower part ot the city. The first fall was at 7::J0 this morn ing; the second about eleven. They ap peared to fall in a slanting diiection, from south to north. There are morcels of Hint among them aud all are plainly abraided and worn by the action of water. Some few have sharp fractures and evidently have been recently broken. The fact of the fall is vouched" for by several trust worthy persons. The bulk of the pebbles fell infront of and around the Xews and Courier office. "Washing! ox, D. C, Sept. 4. The Ily drographic office received a letter from Capt. Lee Vogel.of .the steamer City of Pa latka, briefiv describing the effects of the earthquake at sea. He had just left Charleston and was about twelve miles off the harbor at Port Royal in eight and one half fathoms. "We experienced a terrible rumbling sensation which la-ted one and one-half minutes. There had been quite a lieavv sea from the southeast, but when the rumbling began the wave motion ceased and the waters remained perfectlv calm un til the rumbling came to an end. "When the swell was again manifest the wind was southeast and light; weather cloudy; bar ometer, 30.01; thermometer SO degrees." The sensation, Capt. Yogel says, resembled that upon a ship scraping pebbled bottoms The ships vibrations we're very great. The lighthouse board received a report from Charleston to the effect that the mam tower of Morris island light is cracked near the third landing from the ground and the floor in the watchroom. utcn which the len?e rests, is somewhat loose. Cape Romain light and tower have been seen since the earthquake and it is supposed to Ikj all right. The lense at Bull's bay lighthou-e has been thrown off its pedestal. A curious effect of the earthquake has been discovered at the signal office. The self-registering wind vane showsahon zontalmark preceding and subsequent to flirt cliol. mrv Mnnrvtirwr i tnilil ctMir1V Ml- most inv.ikble breeze but for"" thirtv or fortv seronds of the most violent shakine the marks indicate that the pencil point ZLT ""Ifr " Sfi. ? "U planation of this phenomenon is difficult to reach, "'his is the onlv instrument at the signal office -which seems to nave oeeu aiiecieu uv iue uuruiqu.-int.-. 5 o,, -;.t- ta f.at W!ti, J,M tn ti. nns.ihlp r.fprt of she earthaua&c at the Bermudas. The Mantis lie in -what is now supposed to have been the patch ot tlie mot violent ajrftation, and their phvsical r ri . - - i features are such as to warrant tear that thev experienced severe disasters. x-v-w-,T- c a a rTo-;t;r, list has !ofcu opened at the Manliattan club in aid oi the Charleston builcrers, i he taiai amount oi me suo-enpuons reccivcu r tho f nttnn !,.mm t ,ii rwwnn MfFf.rot-; ?c -, fio-,. nt .n pf..w..m i.y. change 1,20V. ' siesmologic vl Charleston, Sept. 4. Professor "W. i . -iiv-vjv , ui iuc luucu duns i;.-uiJ.,t urvcy, went to bummerviiie on r nrtay to invetigatif'the immaliate or remote causes oftherer-nt earthquake. He stopped atj Ten Mila hill station, around which tlie ' earthquake was particuiarlv active, and t paid special attention to the matter which was thrown up from the craters which are numerous through the belt of country ex tending from Diibeers, about four miles from Ten Mile bill, north and south, and likewise east and west for an indefinite dis- 1 tino 1rtTi tVi cw wic "Pwf "fr-TliV. ,. b. . -.Wv- collected specimens of the soil and mud which had been thrown up, and samples of the waters which flowed from the fissures, taking particular note of the cavities on the farm of Chas. Lee, the largest of which is about sixteen feet square and sixteen feet deep. At Summerville Prof. McGee contin ued his investigations and talked freely with gentlemen. One of these gives the Xews and Courier a sketch of Prof. McGee's statements. Prof. McGee said that the ornamental work and gingerbread work in Charleston was in many "instance out of proportion to the size of these build ings and these parts would be apt to fall and carry away portions of the general structure. He said that when he left "Washington he thought lie would have little ditiiculty in determining the approxi mate cause ot the earthquake, but con fessed to have been much puzzled by his observations. Contrary to expectations he found that the fissures were not uniform in their direction: some extended from north to south, others from east to west, and on this account he would hesitate to give any scientific declaration, i He had, however, given the opinion that ; the shocks were the results of local laud slides. By the term local he does not mean that the shakes can be traced to any particular place, at Summervilie. Charles ton or elsewhere, and remarks that there was no connection between the shakes and the supposed volcanic action. His impres sion is that the area covered bj the land slide theorv has been from fortv to one hundred miles under the bed of the sea. He was confident, moreover, that the worst was passed. This statement, however, was made prior to the shock at 11 o clock last night. You would be surprised if, when in" sounding the sea, its bottom, off the American coast, should be found to have shifted. This is not at all improbable. He left Summerville this evening for the phos phate district where he will continue his ob vations. Prof, McGee's remarks have had an ex cellent effect. Up to Yesterday about one thousand persons, or one-third of the pop vlation, had left Summerville, but it is ex pected that Prof. McGee's statement will stop any further exodus. Mr. Samuel Hammond, Avho was re potted as dangerously injured aud dying,' is now doing well. His leg, however, is fractured and he has many severe con tusions. The feeling today is decidedly more cheerful and a better tone naturally per vades the community. The workmen are at work upon the in jured buildings putting them in order, and as much as possible is being done to pro tect the interiors from the rain which is ex pected. Another elemeni which increases confi dence is the organization today of a strong committee which will take entire chaige ol the provisions and food, clothing and quar ters as far as necessary for those w ho have suffeied by the earthquake. A consider able nnmber of tents have been received from the government and others are ex pected tomorrow. The orphans' home, alms house and both Catholic orphan asylums have been provided with sullicient shelter. An en campment for other refugees, in military style, is now being formed in the south bat tery. There will be an encampment for colored refugees on Marion square. CiiAitLESTOX, Sept. 4, About S30.0X) in cash has been received for the sufferers, and the indications arc that several times that amount will be forwarded. City As sessor Kelly says that the loss w ill reach 1,000,000; the taxable propertv aggregates $2,000,000. As the greater portion of the property destroyed was inherited by old families who have no stiplus means, it is believed that only a portion w ill be re built. All day there has been a constant rattle and roar'of falling buildings and old mate rial. Scores of buildings are being torn down by the owners as a measure of safety. St. Louis, Sept. 4. Ascalon com mandery Xo. 10, Knights Templar, tonight telegraphed the grand commander- at Savannah to draw on it for $100 to be de voted to the relief of suffering Knights in Charleston. This i3 the firt contribution from MissourL Startling Announcement. "Washington-, D. C, Sept. 4. A gen tleman who isits Bermuda yearly, says Charleston is not the only place over w hich anxiety may be felt. The inland is of coral formation," built on top of a volcanic mountain of great altitude and steepness. Some soundings in the vicinity equal in depth any in the world. The b'ase of the submarine mountain is not much wider than the top, and the existence of great caves through which sea water finds its way to the interior of the island shows its unsubstantial construction. The island is onlv fifteen mi'es long by two or three broad, and no where is its altitude over i three hundred feet. A single severe con vul-ion might throw this little mass of rock into the sea, or a tidal wave sweep over it, and it would never more be heard of. Exceeded the Contract Special DNpatch to the Dally EaIe. Caldwell, Kan. Sept- 4. A test made to-day by the water works erected by me for this city showed four streams of solid water one hundred and eight feet high. The height required by the contract is ninetv feet. "Wingate. Belle lMaiuo Brief. special Dispatch to the naiij- Easie. Belle Pijline, Kan., Sept. 4. Wcuiher cooc h mcrcurv Hnsers in thc si.Uls w - Spencer died in our town this mom- inir. taken sick last niirht about ft o'clock an jj 3uout q o'clock this Appoplexy was the trouble. Cols. St. Clair and Forney, and Thomas Donahoe have returned from their Califor- nja trjp ti. ,i-, i..,;i.i ,,. f fu n At s- The depot builder, of the U. 11. A have arrived and begun the erection of the depot at this place. Petitions are in circulation for another ., , ,.- , ,i.5 rn- .,,. rrr- railroad i c are looKiuir lor .ne ioc&. IiU1JUJU- "- u"- JW Island with a junction and branch to m- rioM ir.r .i hob tail road frm ichita In AVinfield, I am not sure which) to be com pe bv November, 1SST. ,-, , , -it ,,,, . -ktv,.,,!.,.. Our school will commence next Mocua. with Prof Crawforfi at the helm, asai-ied bv Mrs. Mason, 3Iiss Thompson and Mr ! L. G. Miller of California. j Heavy, "dark cloud banks gathering, i ,n th ix-iJ tt nnwvnt nrp infJ:ltinti r! rain, cyclone, tornado or an earthquake looks bad enough for either. Heavy Raind in Harper. Harpeb. Kan.. beoL 4. lieavv rainslVi Tisited this section yesVxday and last nighr.f accompanied ur hail in some localiaes No serious damage except a rzilToadVThejmxjvxL obtehit&Ujc&ti& k-ga&y washout causing delay of trains. This twtsTgrffig WUff$ (fFifif cBmfe&bioneri to send the ground in the best possible condition for fall settling. ?m red s The Bijri:P?ince Qtiits tlie ThjQran JusCountry,. ,iii-wr sto-irc -iSwtf. ?. "ZiZar sza. rrtttir" . In oftedierice..tctfie Czar's De- mawlraaKfef or the Coun- .vt.i ficsSfc-Peace. The qaicers of the Army Protest Asainst trie 'prince's Abdication andSayhe Can't Leave. tjjii11 V ThoJJHstie-iMust be Speedily Settled, Else atup'enaotia "War Will Incv- - irably Ensne. t- v-p v., -, Tho, Poer-Watchin "With ll.iteil Ureath the Trend Affairs Which Tell - vtw.foi'Peacc or "War. , vi'l "OTJ?R'TlLE OCEAN. . 1 ri -H &' ' rl.v vofn .llulgaria, SORi-As,! ant. 4. -Prince Alexander, an address to the arim said: Mv heart will ever 1jc?witlr'mr officer, and 1 shall be fhe" first tb ask trt le admitted among them :is an volunteer in a cnmpnigu for Mace4ua...TMCannot reign m Bulgaria, for tlie czar will not permit me because my pre&nccrisMnimrcnr to tlie interests of the couffrr-C','I,nm,ftwed to quit the throne. M.j PoDC'Crt exclaimed. We have been antybcrbe with you. Courage. Forward f Prince Alfrximdor reuhed: -The mile nefirfnoe3of Bttiaasia require that I leave tllmirtirvi.Uilill nfit 1I1SSL'1 WOllld OC-I enpy it, i w'uL: However, consult with thesupeVibr crtlct-nfand ifonstitute a regen cy vrhftfh VilEHfcator to prbutt. the mter estorfanTxrfoceiS;i.any ce J. rely oh the army. -.-j v vaim. , , . , A .. Pence Alexander nupancu ins imcaaua oPAVnctathiglhc Oenrfh'n ami Russian f A'"rsnid.toncii. amomr- the, member of w-luHnL-MAStatnbuloff, and Karave loff,"isbeing3nel(l'to' arrange for the re gencv. The Prmrtf wilt protwuiy ieae w-jjJbinTOQ3nvs-. The ofi'ictr of the anuy arefeftfviteyawtlk of detaining tlie P-riucv.Ti Jm&r 4.ve resolved in an case to refuse, to receive'ii Russian envoy Th?TVi!iho'a'vnie!tihg'4o decide what course tKftrlopw - The city, is .tranquil. , Au&Tria. ViiiNNU So'ln. 3. The account rtoriv- eHier5Y)fth"e:'Wry' of Prince Alexund-r into 5uitf says, that the populace received him heartily,-, but "Qt- demonstratively. During Jhc. review of (he troops I'rmcc AlexanderJAcasmct- bj' Col. Moulkeroff. the urfiM!'r in Vhlef. "When Col. Moulkcruff-.vwiut to meet Prince. Alexander the ialtcr alujcd, and kissed him The priuce, tjbut' a splendid charger with gold trappings. Mirfttcrorf met the priw-e at the cirvrir!uind addrcswd him with a spocelL of .-welcome called him Bulgaria' pnur-fmUIruj1DECtl uou Ior ats au return to flie"peop!e of whom he w-is the beloved.' A&the conclusion of the address Ale"and;r and Mirikeroff kisxtl each other It is not iK-lieve Aloxauder will alli cate, but will suriimon the Bulgarian as sembly and'Miuntft the qucr-tidn of nlxli catfrrg ot eoiitmtiing'on the throne to that b1drfor.dediion. Powerful infiuence has bc-ea-cxwte'l-from wveral different quar terJo brinicahout the union of Bulgam, Sen n and l?dumania. ". tz ,i . POLITICAL POINTS. . " . l'AW.VED UKrt'llLK ANs, JU.m;m;i, TCaii., Sept. 1 The Republi cans Of Pawnee county met to day in dele gate cenvention, The proceeding-, were liarmonipue and enihusitick aud attend ance fulIAibultiiig in the following nomi natfons. "Representative. W. C Ldwanlg, p'robate jmfge, Vf. P. Peters; wuiity at torfffr, Mlfton Adams; superinteniient of public, instruction, A. P. Lupler. district clerk, D. M, IlosC; - v-JIKf l msTKICT. demp. IJ5A.yKNwoiiTjr, Kan.. Sept. 4. The Democratic , congressional ton vent ton of the First district met in this city to-day and nominated George Beirer, of Hiawatha, for e-on?re.sl. K Indiana Democrats. iNDrVNAroLrs. Tnd . Sent 4 The Dem- ocnfirc'iiominatin-r convention of thU, th''l Tthtlistriet, wasJicld in Jl'iy and resulted in u split-and the nomination of two candi datei, -c$.sll-. Byrum and Bailey and the (lyphtetl'cnndidticy wils referred Ui the -tate ceritrot committee; that Ixxly in turn referred it t?IhG district committee and a nVoniti6n-was-ortlered to aja'ist of the dcleisnc'5'gftscnt at the May conyen tionj, .The- mtefin; was held today rfnd after ajtfrigfhy and tumultuous ccn Br Bum was noiD!natel by a decWve msijority -TIk ojipcaf nts of Byntnn cast their votw for Da.yid ;Tarjie. n"' - ijaii anilll.it. ' 'ICi- Crrr, Sept. 4 PhilailelphLi U, Kana QteeV, Louwvillo St. Jxjuts 11. Lcuwvillui CUiigo C'liicago , YYafl lingtoa.Q. Pittbur Pittsburg 1. Lm cinnAti U. cw nrK jieiropfjani o. BaltlSmn' 2 ' I )envrr Df-nver C, Lvai oln 3 iMQititti St. Joe 12, Lcadrflie 1 St. UiSnis &L- LOULM2, Boston 2. iMmit J)etait.7. JS'ew Yfirk 1. New York Ath letWl CfdoTdyn 2 - t i, sCanoc Ilnee. 2ijff',Yrms. Srept. 4 The fir-t. hert pi" the jutrnatj'inal amoe cun race here Xo dav, was won bv the English canoe Naut u,if.,thc',liisric fxnng coral The eoosd rsce?as-'wojJ'by th1 Lsh-mh, -he banting t35t-iNjruiikLj. Tbt-re were Xour entries. Th4ecjdiag heat will be sailed 3IomIar ''" " -StrimTnins Match. lwjiou, in & 'AVBiiX-itfk&r Powers, I ' Nkw i iftlK, Fept 4. Tlie second, swun-i loot 3fter the proUvtwo of tius wf -- mincactDithctseriej of three between hutd ulery. GuSuafkn-UOEiof this citv, and John .7 " , "-r,TT-.J..- EAw?o the lone dlstaow champion 'U Iajoaet!on.lClidrn. EcgJiadjloiasiirr at Oak Poinv todav 2UarK. kan bpu 4.Tieiojuw, -. InfffiOlliwinfle with fait )&&to W f) SofeTlJ5eCTndrftroni rroiJ tb, Z .h1 " rrt ! n' .. - -. . l m.' -mt.ti Trsr-j if',iii rrivu f M 4 Judge CTmichiH. , J Hoxrttetrir. ,i6rilcrr;td4&ratexl a wrf; 'Ox,ji&g As&. T&b '4?-Inf t ,&2ftfJ&rMkTorf'' T"ttat Ueurl faff?. fnTrsviii'nmfff. astfrtntrUinV or.fClsrt: rrtrM b night lr ct S1 h...tti. tiMxvt J back Mormons a unfit to enter lb coon- j trr. OAJPATALiBUDGET. ALL lUOJlTr Afl J,L' AYasuinoWn. t).' C. Sept. 4. Acting Postmaster GcneaL-S4vJnaa-teccivell a telegram Irata- the- postmaster at Charles ton,S. C., stating that mail connections and delivery kwl been- delayed for" thirty six hours7 on account of" the earthquake, but that now even-thj-j--w-, -workbgun-intarruptetl. HEADY FOlUPIlOrOSAt, The second assistant postmaster general has eompleteOL lis general advertisement invitiu-r pronotaUfiwrciirryiug the mails on all star" and staunboat routes in thc states of Ohio.'IunTaiIlHnois; Iowa, Missouri, 3Iichig:in, Wisconsin and Minnesota from Julvl.lfe87.lo JuncSO. 1S31. The aggregate- number of Lar find steamboat routes hi these states is 8,B7i. CIUT-CUAT KltOM CHKT. In a letter received by a personal friend in this citv Ex-President Anther sUUes in his own handwTtting that his health has Tc-rj- much improvctl during his sojourn in New London, Conn. Up to date thc uncalled bonds presented for redemption under the terms of Acting Secretary Fairchild's hist circular ngcre- gates 775,000. Destructive Tiro in Jersey, JiutsEY Citv, X. J., Sej.t. t. A di-as terous tire broke out at f 10 tliis evening in thi? Pullman Palace Car companv's shett in the Xew York., Lake Erie and Western railroad company's yanl at tht Pnnest street crossim:. "Tht uiv is MippOM.il to have been cauM.il ty tlie explosion i a lur rcl of keroMine. It spread in all directions with f riuhtful rapidity und in los tliau an hour had destroyed a lanre amount of prop crty. There worf curia Pullman sleeping cars in the ihed, two of them wen' hauled out uninjuail and a third partially burned The other live were totally destroyed Thev were alued at alKUil :510Q00 each Bv thlsthne the'' car she! was a imis of flames, wliich envelopttl the twotory brick. building at tlie eastern end This was used by the Pullman company for otflct4 and tore nmvrjurjjfises, it was dc stroycil. Tw5 l)"ilduur4 at tle western end ot the car shed were'' atfo "wiped out, thVvwerea-lwiVstorf f ramo railroad tele graph oflice known. i thti.'UIa" office, ami a OlMi-3U)ry UrjCK. OUl iHls.-. t i uv .mt w:is supposed to be fire proof and was lilleil With cotlr Tailroail 'eriulpineiits, all of whicli werruinaL The rlaine-a xel at tackeelthc freiglit depot uj the Northern railroad of New Jersey and the New " ork milroad. Both eompanio-s occupied a two-ston- frame building" with a farni freight shed nttachx. Tbc0ibuydjtig, with lUirtwn, freight earn ;jnd twy .emjity oil cats were burned. ' Thg W will amount to about' $200,000, met of" t bicll is co orM bV- in-iUKmcf ' ' Nlw Ajouk. Sent 4 A big lire is rx iwatTngTslaaft'CJb. The Dcmarsah and liiriHriaclorj-'aiHl'lfThtHTuc tV tinimi s nl.nninir mills are burned tu the ground I.itp thruL-ston' brick h"teJ owmil 1 Sospph McGee is now In tlrtfncs One t f thc'largest liufiu- Wock in' the city t threatened. CoUsldOrcrt Drtnbtftil. Pirriinto. P. . Sept 4 An evitiiru pjlptT ays a New York telegram ruined in PiUsburg today iK'tiwouul ur httk talk among the Knights, of, UilKjr liere It is stated that General Master "Workman Powdcrly had noltfii-l the Knights of Li bor aiitboritief. that-he will not ac pt un otlicr term of ollice and hi. name is not to used at Bithinoud. ai he-pfoWMjs to lwir the Order The telegram further stntui that Powderh 's declaratlonwus ite'casionci! by hi disgust over recent diffurcucii in tht Order, and tha fv ITUtat lib phyMcal mr nitiofi deuiatuU aift " IrV xtntil ' that Thus, 3lpGuire and Iluren, of distrt't 40, New York who ha.e ken considinil in opposition to Powcrdly had dn 1-inil that neither of thVin wohld 1' n candnliN for the osition. Prominent Knight- 1 r say they know nothing of Mr. Powdm. iutcntious, but are Inelhifl to doul t lis truth of the rej-ort PmLl)Ki.riuv, Sipt. 1 Me.isr Barry and Bailey, themily iiicmlr of tin gin eral executive Iwird of th Knight- of Li lor in this city, ujm-'H Ming shown a pjr of tbi' Pittsburg dispatch stating tint Grand 3Ia-ter Workman - Ppw'di rl u n t'iliphb'd It-ftving tin onUf- pt nc iunt f internal troubles Uii'reln aid that thfn lias never lx'en a time- when the feeling of harmony, loth Vtn-i the mi mlx-m of ihi order at" large nnd lH.twwn himself and tin members of the gaeral executive Ixia'd was stronger or more- sincere than U i .. the pri'cnt time 3liasonri Crop Iteport. Sr In, pt- '1 "' - Snndbfnj u'-eTi'.-in--Of the, tatii board of agrif lt r makes therfollowfng report for Augu-i Com J'.as gone steadily flown for Augunt and Its gonenU orjndition Is now 01 r cent. The drouth ami hiiut Juiye l n pi n eral over the state ami the few short mm inadupiate to break it The crop it i. w made and will not maU rialljr ctmngi All other crops and the pattun Lie suffered from drouth. Tha KidU'.n t tato-r is 73, Korglium 70. uwlw "", U yield er acre 'J, del- 4 WWich. h'-Tn," t.n dition SJ, cattie &0 per cJt. TheyAUOot'L'h!re. Hrrcin.tMf Kan e-pt 4. Tht w ty commit Kiers canvatl tlie vote t l fnr the different lml prticitrtj'i nnd d clarft the. Ft Silth proposition hwl i.ir.t i bv l,wtr majority awl tin J to k IIat.i - r "h2t ilia jorltr. "The Muoirl Pa-ifi t t--ntIon f roov irJuLi carrietl wnd In the townshhvfrorn I titcIiitHon t' tin linf tb cnuntt. Th; Miyoun Pa' extension front suma cnrriul Uit N r kvT-sm and will build 'to HuUl via. luatjVjlnt at orxv confieeting w Widiittt itstjn-ion. Tlie Chicay M & Einjxjrio was fleff-aU-d m Albf n t ship, but carried Fa ove :ind ( &t " r. Tlie Kana ilidbiatl cirricxl by "?t r -jority ' ' Kovr Keen Out, Or. OTTAAtfOnti, Spt- 4 A a rus .i ' the correxpoadirncc kViati the Cana i and nnpcril autlioritiex, onlera havp -? Lwied xo comma zkr of all .Kngluh "wr Vfejeh nor 1mz the Atlantic art r f i coast to report M owv Vt Halifax for d .' . Thev will U' used U help Canadiaa t- rrstnTfTOV-Cimg itr nnTt-- aji a s- j nanr-etbtf -4cntiil 'toprorcJR;, I Ixs-coajKicTxssdocfC - n iacx t 'ikiL . !.Mr j-. -ddorAtrff'lMm TapsmfkfcAht Icdiaa were out of vrarisiiMtfdk'l uromunllioa. were faint aad huncnr and wouli! gire up thdramuand urreodr uacotbueaany. .-ulvance ot -""-" - -' v - r'- " - drc-tertJ-tr --'. 1 Pint? vrfilr: k& ati. tmder war "r ' r f f .' I