Newspaper Page Text
3E5 i JVJM-!- P M. M. MUKDOCK, Kdltor. SUNDAY MORNING, SEPT. 5, 18SG. REPUBLICAN TICKET. STATE TICKET. For Associate Justice D.M.VALEMINE, Franklin county. For Governor JOHIf A. MABTIIT, Atchison county. For lieutenant Governor A. P. KIDDLE, Ottawa county. .For Fscrctary of Stat P, B. ALLEX. ertjpvjck cour.iy For&!iietroas'l-r- .. ,.., -., JAMES VT. HaMILTu.Sj Suriilif r county. For Auditor of State ..,. TiiioTirr McCAimrr. Pawnee county. For Attorney General .. S. B. BRADFORD. Osage county. For Superintendent of Public Instruction J. II. LAWHEAD, . Bonrbon county. FOIt CONGRESSMEN, nm Ditriot- R N M0RmLL. Brown county. Second District n Allen county. Third District HOX. II. V PERKINS. Neosha county. Fourth District HON. THOJIAS RV.VN. Shawnee county. FlfUi District '.VINSON, - Washington county. SUtli Dlsttict HOX.E. J. TURNER. couuty. Seventh district H05 PETERS. Harvey county. JUDIOIAIj-ISUi DISTKICT. HON. T. B. WAEE. feetlswlcJc Count COUNTV TICKET. For lrobate Judge E. If. JEWETT. A. II. WRIGHT. For Clerk of DMrlct Court- For County Attorney G. VT. C. JONES. For County Superintendent .. For Comnili-Rloner Third EI"trict Tn,IT For Rcprcactatlve Hd W"W3D0Lpn HATFIELD. For Kcprcsentathe KM 1"- laW1,exci:. ForReprcscntatHe B4th District A. II. CARPENTER. THE INDIAN TERRITORY. Mr. Lafe Merritt, editor of the Cheyenne Transporter, at Darlington, Indian Terri tory, arrived in the city from Fort Sill yes terday. Mr. M. says that there has been no rain in the Oklahoma district ;ind coun try west since April, and that the range grass has been burned off. Cattle, how ever, never were in better condition than this fall, the beeves being very fine. Col. Sumner, the commander of the military at Fort Sill, is keeping a very watchful eye on Oklahoma and no man has been able to make a lodgment in that district this sum mer. BAKER'S NEW PRESIDENT. The trustees of Baker University, on the l.rth inst., elected Kcv. A. II. Goban. D. D., of Greencastle, Ind., president. Dr. Goban lias been connected with De Pau University for a number of years, and stands among the leading educators of our country. lie is an excellent organizer and is an orator of no little ability. lie leaves Greencastle with the regrets of the its citi zens, the students of the university and its friends. Dr. llidpath, the historian, wrote to a friend at Baldwin, "Our loss is your gain." The fall term of Baker opens on the Sth inst., with most Haltering pros pects. wichitaToTcolorado r. r. Judge Amos Harris returned yesterday from accomplishing a very successful work of carrying bonds for the extension of the the Wichita and Colorado in the western townships of Reno county. He scooped the whole platter. The Hutchinson News says: Judge Amos Harris, of Wichita, return ed this" afternoon from Hayes township, where he represented the Missouri Pacilic extension west, in the light at the polls. The judge feels awful good and woll he may, as he had to light the Wichita and Colorado light all by himself, as far as the company was concerned. All of the rest of the company were in Harper county at an election. In Col. Rickseker and Hon 11. F. Bond, of Sterling, were also present, rcproentiuir the Abilene and Sterling pio jeet. They worked hard all day but Judge Harris downed them, lie s-ays the road will be built wcM, immediately. "ZENXIS OF THE ORIENT." J. W. Craven, in a letter to the Bloom ington, Ind., Telephone, in which he gives his impressions of the west enthusiastically remarks of Wichita and the Arkansas val ley as follows: "For fear of beimr called an over-enthusiast I will not give my entire opinion of this country. There is no us-e beating around the stump this land has been iustlv named a irarden spot. It is related of Zenxis of the Orient, that he painted grapes so natural that the bird"? were deceived thereby, so Nature has made this country in such a manner that we can without vivid imagination say that it ceases to be a realitv and fades away into the dreamy distance of a picture. Its crops are good, and every where we see the result of thrift and pro gress. - The people believe in the future of Kansas and are driving w ith Spartan cour age to develop her inexhaustible resources. We are now located in Wichita, which is justly called the "City of Wonders." and which will be treated by your humble ser vant in a separate article in your next is sue." The Harper Daily Graphic has suspended publication, the patronage of the city not warranting its continuance. This is fight. There are too u-any newspaper men in this state working for irlory. Even as cnter pribing a town as Wichita did not have a daily until it numbered ten thousand in habitants. Wellington Press. The proprietors of the Eagle refused to issue a daily when Wichita had reached ten thousand, they waiting until the census showed nearly fourteen thousand. The average town of fifteen thousand would signally fail iu sustaining such dailies as are published in Wichita. Three or four years hence there will be a less number of both daily and weekly papers in tho state or Kansas, even if the price of composition and paper should drop one-half. The Leavenworth National bank has been designated by the authorities at Wash ington -as a United States depository. The following charters were tiled yester day: The Memphis, Garden City and Col orado Railroad company; the S'ort Scott Episcopal church, and the Woman's Re lief corps, of Rice post G. A. R.. of Tope ka, Kansas. K'n'MimiW? K.r4tt4i4vBm Written for the Eagle. EVENING THOUGHTS. Swing wide the moonlit gate of dreams; Whi e soft the wet winds blow. Away with dailv cares, end tnemes; My torn wonld float on Vcaiory 'a stream To years ol long go. I moarn no more my vsnlshc ! yeais, Life's msytlme lone gone by. An April rain of smiles and tears My life has more or hopes than fears r"uir mirrored .'n the sky. Blow! Wfcst winds blow! my heart Bings low. Through memoir's sunset sir Lira's cares and trials seen at last Like mount Jin rangts fading last In purple distance fair. And all the jarring notes o: life Iu rynithic measures flow. And all the angles of its strife, Where doubt and fear and ueath are life, WitU lightsome heart I throw. tJ 6'n'the One who watchful heeda-, Who gives and will withhold. Who liuoweth all my daily needs, Whojudg-th thoughts, not oatward dceda With mercy manifold. M. E. Lkasi. OUR TICKET. The Eagle places the Republican tick ets nominated yesterday and the day before at its mast head. The Eagle, while always faithful to its party, either in convention or before the people, finds, in this instance, its duty to be its pleasure also. The primaries were unusually numer ously attended throughout the county, un der the late call, and the conventions of yesterday and of day before were, there fore, presumably strictly representative and the action of the conventions the will of the party's majority. Wc entertain not the least doubt upon that point. The Eagle has been more than ordinar ily careful this summer that nothing should be admitted to its columns which would prejudice any candidates claims or bolster up any candidates chances. What has been done, therefore, is the result of the individual choice and work of Republicans and of those asking their suffrages in the absence of any undue pressure or influence for or against anyone, which fact will all the more sure render the ticket that much more acceptable to the Republican party of Sedgwick county as a whole. Now let the Democratic party, the Independents and the Third party proceed to make pub lic their cut and dried 1kss and caucus work, for wc are read for them. We have neither time nor space to go in to the special fitness of each nominee to night, but will do so at the earliest oppor tunity. In the meantime let all differences be adjusted and all personal feelings for gotten to the cud of a grand and triumphant victory in November. GARFIELD UNIVERSITY. The foundations are in for the largest and most imposing educational edifice to be found anywhere in the west, not excepting any of the state colleges or universities. This institution is the Garfield university located by the Christian church at Wichita. A train load of stone for its walls is being received daily. A thousand barrels of ce ment have so far been employed in render ing the foundation immovable and inde structable. The treasurer is not nor has not been embarrassed for funds, :is proba bly the greatest source of income has come from the sale of lots adjoining the institu tion, and as the trustees withhold from one thousand to twelve hundred lots which they are at present refusing to sell, and which lots are worth from two to three hundred dollars each, the Eagle would beg leave to make this suggestion to the trustess: In view of the fact of the great interest which will be taken in the laying of the corner stone, and of the prominent persons of this country who will be present, including Hon. James G. Blaine, members of Garfield family and a host of eminent divines from all over the country; and, in view of tho further undisputed fact that the property held for sale will be immensely enhanced in value when the institution shall have been completed in all its grand proportions, wouldn't it be a wise plan to inaugurate or put forth a general and systematic effort throughout the church all over the land to raise by donation and subscription sulli cient funds to complete the edifice, reserv ing the lots to be converted into monies for an endowment fund some time in the fu ture, or at such time as they shall become far more valuable. Of course this is but a suggestion, but in view of the fact that the endowments of all our state institutions have been crippled because the lands owned by them have been sold at minimum, rather than at the maximum and the other fact that a building fund is more cnththusiasti cally, more casilyy raised than a perma nent endowment, therefore the suggestion. WILDER'S ANNALS OF KANSAS. To the Editor or the Eaglu 1 am in receipt of a letter from Col. S. S. Prouty, general agent of Web Wilder's Annals of Kansas hi which he says: "You are right in saying that the "Annals" can be obtained only by subscription. It will not be for sale at .1113- bookstore or else where. When the present edition of 3,000 copies is exhausted, that will be the last of the book, for it is not being elcctrotypcd, and the work is too expensive for any publisher to reprint. It will contain over 1,200 pages. Your people cannot obtaiu the book unless they leave their names with you. Five years hence the book will bring ten dollars. It will be ready for delivery by the 15th of Septem ber. In the time allowed for making the canvass for the "Annals," it will be diffi cult to see everybody in the county who might desire to secure a copy of this valua ble work, therefore those who may fail to receive a vKit from the undersigned, can leave an order at Woodcock fc Dorsey's otlice, corner Main and First street, or drop me a petal card in their care. Yours, W. B. nuTcmsox. "WHAT CONSTITUTES A NIGGER. From the Kansas Chlof. Correct You Are. The Toiwka Dcmo ojrat, thinking to paralyze the Chief, launches out the following: "Sol Miller refers to the Democratic nominee for state auditor as 'Coon Kelley.' It makes all the differences which foot the boot is on. When the negro is a Republi can he is called a colored brother and a fel low citizen. But if he is a Democrat he is denominated as a coon' or a 'damned nig ger. The Democrat has hit the the nail on the head. That is the size of it. "Coon" is a a sportive nick-name applied to colored peo ple. But "nigger is regarded by them as a disgraceful epithet. To call one of them a "niggerr" is equivalent to calling him a low down beast. The Democratic party made war upon this government, and almost destroyed if, in the attempt to keep the colored people in slavery. In the south, where that party has control of everything, the colored peo ple have no political rights, and in othor respects their condition is worse than when they were in slavery. Everywhere they despise colored men. They placed one on their state ticket in Kansas for the express purpose of catching colored votes, but everywhere in their party the nomination is received with contempt and disgust, and a large portion of the party will not vote for him. A colored man who affiliates with that party, is an enemy to his race. He politically disgraces himself by the act. Indeed, when you find a colored man act ing with the Democratic party, he is al most universally one in whom his peo ple have no confidence, who has no in fluence with them, and whom they re gard as a scalawag. Thus it is. that when a colored man is found in the Demo cratic ranks, he is not merely a "Coon' but a "Nigger." KANSAS BY COMPARISON. From the Kansas City Times. The vast immigration which is now and for several years past has been flowing into wester Kansas is something unheard of in the development of a new and unin viting country. Never before has such a change been wrought in so short a time. A territory that but five years ago was a barren and desolate waste, inhabited only by the cowboy and his accompanying herds, is now the peaceful homes of thou sands and tens of thousands of contented and happy farmers, who, resting in the bosom of their families, can look acout and see a land of plenty. But do the many settlers who have re cently honored the soil of our fair sister state with their presence realize what a vast empire they have placed under their feet, in immensity and in the wonderful fertility of its soil? There are but few people in Kansas who know that within its borders can be placed the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Ver mont, 3Iassachusetts, Rhode Island, Con necticut, Deleware and Maryland, and still there would be a very considerable area left. Sumner county alone can contain the state of Deleware and its 150,000 people, and have 130 square miies left. The new influx of inhabitants has more room than it realizes in which to grow. OTHER FOOLS. The Harper Graphic announces that hereafter that paper will cease its daily and continue its weekly only, employing the following language: "With this issue the Graphic ceases to publish a daily paper, and the Grrphic edi tor withdraws from the congregation of fools. Our reasons for this action are sim ple. There is too muah work on the daily for the present force of the office and not enough money in it to justify the employ ment of more help. Besides this there is no possible excuse for the cxitance of three dalies here. The Graphic, it is true, has the right of property, but since the other fools seem to remain fools, we feel justified in withdrawing from the ancient and illus trious order and taking down our emblem of the cap and bells. KANSAS KINKS. Fort Scott will havt a new opera house open in a short time. The Salvation army at Leavenworth is having good success. Lawrence professes to be enjoying a big fall trade "already." The millet crop Is large and selling for good prices in the Kansas market. There is still a furious fight going on in Gove county for the county seat. Captain Houston, of Topcka, has started a newspaper, the Journal, at Grinell. Atchison takes pride in her horso flesh and sent several to the fair at St. Joseph. Three towns in the new county of Sher man aspire for the honor of the county scat. Topeka has a case of bigamy and embez zlement. Gossips are doing a big business. There is a great demand for buildings in East Atchison and rents have advanced there. Senator Ingalls offers his Atchion home stead for sale. He will build a larger man sion. The third party folks of Lawrence have an organ of their own. It is for prohibi tion on principle. The people of Topeka were amused not alarmed over the disappearance of Sam Wood. William Grorer, of Ottawa, took some "Rongh on Rats" last night. He wanted to be an angel. Dr. S. A. Speeney and a woman by the name of Kuoffjhavc started scandal of adul tery for Lamed. Real estate trade was reported good in To pek lat week. The old capital seems to be moving forward. The Wellington News calls for a new jail, alleging that the present one is dirty, unhealthy and out of repair. El Dorado is trying to get rid of her roughs and toughs. 'They are regarded as unproductive and a menace to good order. The mayor of Leavenworth has officially announced that the saloons of that place must be kept closed on Sunday. The Topeka free library has about 7.000 books, with an average of 129 books taken out per day. The library will be kept open on Sundays in the future. The veterans reunion at Abilene was not very largely attended, but the boys "whooped up" the enthusiasm and had a good time. Professor Shelton, of the Kansas Agri cultural college, says in his last report that the time to sow grass seed in Kansas is, without exception, in the spring. The topographical work of the national geological survey has been finished for southeastern Kansas, and Is now proceed up the Kaw valley, where tho surveyors have reached Shawnee county. Ellsworth, Ellsworth county, is to have gas and electric lights in a short time. The council of that city have already granted a franchise for this purpose for twenty-five 3'ears to a number of capitalists. OLIVER BROS., Lumber Dealers Wichita, Kansas. "Wichita, Mayfield, Wellington, Harper, Attica, Garden Plain, Anthony, Arkansas City, An dale and Haras. k-j, . f ii REAL ESTATE! G. W. Wichita, LOOK V . The Boom THE Wichita '.' 2 1-2, 5 and ON WASHINGTON AVENUE, NORTH OF THE CITY- They will open at a low price, and then go up fast. You cannot afford to lose this opportunity. For information apply to the principal real estate dealers or to 86-1 s, k' W ,s --.-. -THE LATEST IS CAPITAL -.- HILL -:- ADDITION, Situated between Second street and Central avenue. There are only eight lots, containing about two and a half acres each. This tract is as fine as any on the Hill just east of the city. For prices and terms call at my office. Vacant Lots in every part of the city, and don't forget we can give you some fine bargains. BUSINESS -- PROPERTY. We have three lots on "Water street. "We have twenty-five lots on Main street. "We have several on Market street. "We have twelve lots on Lawrence avenue. "We have six lots on Topeka avenue. "We have six lots on Emporia avenue and several on Fourth ave nue. These are all close to Douglas avenue, and if you want a bar gain in Business Lots do not fail to see me and get prices. "We have twelve lots on Douglas avenue. RESIDENCE -:- PROPERTY, s In endless profusion in every part of the city. ACRE PROPERTY: "We have a number of fine pieces of land in tracts of from five to forty acres. "We have several of these tracts at such prices that a fine profit could be realized at once. FARMS AND STOCK RANCHES Of every description!! over Kansas. Ranches of from onp t.hrms- ana xo inree tnousana acres line .1 j. j- - - . acre up. Come and see me and be STRANGERS .'. ALWAYS .'. WELCOME. Correspondence promptly attended to. Money invested for non-residents when desired. Please remember that I have no other business but Real Estate. II you want Real Estate come and see me or write. BARTHOLOMEW, - Kansas. OUT! Is Coming. vr Gardens 10 Acre Lots. ASHBEL WELCH, EJl&LB BLOCK, WICHITA, TAX. VWTB REAL . Z ' - w w land. and Pjj.rmcj at. -frr-nn Bm nop convinced. F. W. (SUCCKLSOK TO Merchant Tailor. Keeps on hand Fne Goods of the latest styles. The largest stock in thu city. Satisfaction guaranteed. No trouble to show goods. Call and sec me F. W. SWAB, 1st door N of County Building. X. F. MnDF.TU,ANDEK, Prrciilr nt. W. W. KIP.KWOOD, LamI Iarnlncr. 31. W. I.KVY, Tr-aunr A. W. OLIVin:, Vlce-rreskleut. J. c. IIUTA.N. frvrWary Kansas Loan and Investment Co, Capital, $100,000. Money Always on Hand to Loan on Farm and City Property Office in "Wichita National Bank Building, "Wichita, Kan. S. D. PALLBTT, DKAIXIi Northern I Southern Pine Lumber, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH, O FFICK and TVniTK PI.VE YARD Wett r.tid or YEI.UJW 1'LNK YAI'.D A N N E S S (A New Town), Located on the Leroy & Western Railroad, an extension or tbo Atchison, Topeka & Tanta Fe Railroad, in Erie township, Sedgwick county, Kansas, owned by the Ar kansas Valley Town Company. PRICES LO"W AND TERMS EAST. TWELVE MILES PROM A2T Y Railroad Town, in a well settled and improved farming community, insuring good support from the start. Call on or write me at once and secure choice o J Iota. G. A. HATFIELD, General Acent, Wichita, Kan. HOTGHKINS & WHEELER, Real Estate & Exchange Brokers. SOLE AGENTS FOR. " ROSENTHAL'S ADDITION. This Addition is located in tho north part of the city, between Fairviow aid Arkansaa AvemueH and is in the hitfht part of city. We offer Special Inducement for the next 30 days. No. 201. S-B CORNBR DOUGLAS AVBNUB AND MARKET BT. Comanehe, Comanche County, Kansas. A new city on the Cimmarronf at Its Junction with BU? Eluf f and Cavalry creeks, of fera more inducements to the investor than any other new town platted in Kansas this year. Only three miles from the great natural salt deposit; a fine watar power at tho root of Cavalry Valley, with its hundreds of fln farms, many under culti vation. A chance to get in now on th ground floor. No lots given away. Many brick and frame buildings going up. Write Tor full particulars to th oouAxemm towjt compact, , ir, ill riTiJft " ' 3c , ESTATE! SWAB, F. STACKMAX ) IV- DOORS AND BLINDS. IxmslM Arrnue. WICHITA, KAN. Anon tb Sifwt IivKion "KseSS??9c9rr- r "BWW$ VkA tf , SrH 'ft&'fl.VlSPft'&Z KZ9eTV1&r-'&!;:&i C