Newspaper Page Text
feje WMtKite gailg Qlz: $nnfci Sdxiruitr J-jeptemliet 5, 1886. 3 I R. It. TIME TABLES. st. i.., rt. sC a. "w. u. k. UAST liOUNB TRAINS. Depart St. Louts Day Express and Mall a. m. .St. Louis Night Express and Mall S-Ot) p. m. Kansas City Day Express and Mall 0:0 a. m. Kansas City Night Express and Mail r.S.flO p. m. -Freight and Accommodation tl2O0 m. WEST EOUND TKALSS. Depart St. Louis Day Express and Mall 7.2j p. m. St. Louis Night Express and Mail S.33a.m. Kansas City Day Express and Mall -7:25 p.m. Kansas City Night Exprts and Mall 8.3r a. m. Freight and Accommodation 12 15 p. in. Dally. Dally except Sunday. "Wichita X Colorado. Depart Mt. Hope Accommodation tl.-OOp. m. Arrive Mt. llopc Accommodation S -15a.m. tPaily except Sunday. A., T. A S. r. It. It. Arrhes. Going North, Passenger ,?-5?I),n Going North, Accommodation ll-Jr' a. m. joing South. Passenger. Sir , Going South, Passenger A'.m ,' Going South, Accommodation - Leases' Going North. Passenger ,Jlj!J:,n" Going North, Accommodation n V. Going South, Passenger.... owfirlU" Going South. Accommodation Going North. Passenger. Going South, Passenger. i.'jp. m. Wichita A Western. Arrli cs. No. 2. Mail and Express No. 4, Exprcvj 4 40 p.m. Way Freight HAia. in. Leaves. No. 1 Kail and Express 955 a. in. No. 3, Express 6.10 p.m. Way Freight 2.10 p.m. St. Louis A San Francisco. leaves. Going West. Passenger CO) a. m. Going West, Passenger 350 p.m. Going West. Freight Going East, Passenger 9-i"ia.m. Going East, Passenger 9.20 p.m. Going East, Freight 102D p. m. Going East, Freight 8-00 a.m. ATTORNEYS-AT-LA1T. SMYTH & BROOKS, Attornejs at Latv, No. 123 N. Main St., opposite o-toflice. Commercial collections a speclaltj. will practice in state and Federal courts. J. M. BALDERSON. Attorney at-Lau Wichita, Sedgwick county. Kan. Office In Centennial Mock. dl'Jltf J. R. SITES. Attorney at-Latv. Olllce 117 E Douglas aenue with Anglo American Loan and Iuestment Co. JONES & MONTAGUE. Attomesat Law. Office in the Eagle lilock, o er IIoey ft C'o's Dry Gofxls htore. 72 3)tf. A. T. CARPENTER. Attorney-at Law. Office. No. 124 N Main street, up talrs. next to .stoffice. Wichita. Kaasas. dJOwUtf H. C. SLUiS. W. E. ST M E V. SLUSS&. STANLEY. Attorney s at-Law. Wichita. Kansas. J. F. LAUCK. Attorney at-Law. Offieo first door north of U. S. Land office in Commercial lilock, Wichita, Kansas. Special ottention given to all kinds or busiuess con nected with the Unltid States Land office. HATTON & RUGGLES. Attorneys at tor. Eagle lilock. Wichita. Kansas. c. nuncLEs. n. w. novs. RUGGLES & ROYS. Attorney s at-Law. Office oer No. 13S Main street, Wichita. Kansas. JAMES. F. MAJOR. Attorney at Lam. Will practice in all Kansas court. Collections a specialty, orace over Smith & Sto'cr's, Douglas avenue. Wichita. Kan. D. A. MITCHELL. Attorney at Law and collect' urgent. No. 1 1 Main street. Wichita. Kansas. E. D. PARSONS. Attorney at Law and ileal Estate Agent. Office opposite Manhattan hotel, room 9. H E. CORN. Attorney st Law. Office oier 1 J2 Douglas nenuo. F. P. MARTIN. Attorney at-L.iw. Office over Hjde & Humble. Hook store. 114 Main street, up stairs, Wichita. Kan. J. M. HUMPHREY. Attorney at Law, Woodmau's Bank building. Hi Main street. O. W. COLIJNOS. 1101.1 IIT M. I'LATT. C0LLINGS&. PLATT. Altornej s .U Law. Will practice in state and fed eral courts. Office In Temple block. Main street, sec ond stairway north of po-t office, Wichita, Kansas. -A. W. ADAMS. OLO. . AD VM-. ADAMS & ADAMS. Attorneys at Law. Will practice In state and fed cral courts. Office i'l lljglo block. Wichita, Kansas. HARRIS, HARRIS & VERMILLION. Attorney s at Law, Commercial block, Wichita, Kansas. 0. D. KIRK. Attorney at Lam, ltoom No. 3, U. S. Land Office butlilim. Wlclii!.i. Uau. W. S. MORRIS. Attorney at Law. Office in Temple lilock, Wichita. Kansas. !t. A. s VM1.Y. I. '. CVKl'lUUX- SANKEY&. CAMPBELL. Law .-.. Wichita, Kansas. Office southwest cor ner Market street and Douglas a e. A. R. MUSELLER. Attorney at-I-aw. Office over Shaw's Music store, opiioilte potolllce, German spoken. Wichita, Kan. GEO. W. CLEMENT, JR. Attoniev at Law. Office 151 Main street, Kansas .National building. Wichita, Kan. PHYSICIANS. W. H WELLS, Phvslclnn and Surgeon. Oltlco Cor. Lawrence nd Douglas .i us Elliott block, room 3. Will be ut 'oflluc ulglit and day . Wichita Kansas. W) P. D. St. JOHN, M. D. Office 217 East Douglas a- e. Kc!denco-5Uioith Main street. J. M. HOSKINS, M. D. Phvslelan aud Mirgeou. Office in Hart win block, corner Fourth and Doiul?s avenue over s drug store. Office hours. 0 to 11 a. in., lto4p. m.. .nd at night. dTUlrn G. M. BIBBEE, M. D Office and residence, 311 Douglas avenue, touth side, liuiics' block, ov er Derby " Implement store, Wichita. W. A. MINNICK, M. D. Homa-nathM. Office with Dr. P.. Mathews, Main street, second st.ilrvv.iv north of iostoniee. liesl tlencv. 1017 North Fourth stnvt. near Union depot, Wichita, Kansas. Telephone No. 111. DR. J. J. STONER. Homett-'iat!tist. Office opposite io-tofllee. He-t -dence.tiii North Main street, Wichita. Kans.u. Tele phoim 11 i. , DR. B. A. GUYTON & SON. Fhv slclans and Surgeo'is. Office Dcam block, oppo site Occidental hotel. Ui'loneo, 737 Water street, corner Oak street. DR. C. C. ALLEN. Phvslciau and Surgeon. Office anil residence 0 DouiKis avenue. New and effectual treatment of hemorrhoids, and diseases of woman a s-wclalty. DRS. McCOYcSt PURDY. Office 117 Main street, over Hecht & Sous' store. Wichita. Kan. Telephouo at residence. E. B. RENTS, M. D. rhyslclan and Surgeon. Office over Fuller & Son's Grocery. j. Milton wrxcii. m. n. T. E. WELCH. JI. D DRS. WELCH &. WELCH. Office 224 Douglas avenue, Wichita. Kansas, where they may be found at all hours. RUSSELL 8l JORDAN. Physicians aud Surgeons. Office on et side of Main street, first stairway south of Masonic building. Telephone to A. D. T. PAI MFR P. JAY Phvslelan and Surgeon. Office at D. G. Terry s drug :ore". 91S Eat Douglas av enue. store H. MATTING LY. Phjsiclaa. Office over London Tailors, So. IV Main street. L. S. ORDWAY, M. D. Honioa"pathlst. OfthH! corner Douglas and Law rence avenues, rooms 1 and S; telephone 133. MRS. SELINA H. MILLER. Homooepathlc Physician, corner River street and Central avenue. E. E. HAMILTON, M. D. SpecUlUea: DIwmm of V. . Km aU Throat. Catarrh and IKtng (Usee. Offlca MUtkwwt ctwer DoagUi and Karlwt.spttalra.WleMU.KaBa. PHYSICIANS. W. M.JOHNSON, Homoeopathist. General practice, chronic diseases, and diseases of females. Telephone No. 106. Office and residence over Steel & Son's hardware store, 117 N Main street, Wichita, Kan. ...... Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m to 4 . m., and at "-J-"- DR. CHARLES A. WILSON, Physician and Surgeon. Will .c,on"u?Js Pi sionlnnll Its branches. Consultation tree. Office hours-8 a. m.. 2 to 4 and 7 to S p. m. Offlce-Douglaa Avenue house. DENTISTS. D. W. SMITH. Dentist. Eagle building. Douglas avenue. Wichita, Kansas. McKEE &. PATTEN. Surgeon Dentists. Teeth extracted without pain. lest set artificial teeth, 350. Office 217 East Douglaa av enue. Wichita. Kan TtKt DR J. C. DEAN. Dentist. Opposite the postoftlee. Teeth extracted without pain. DRS W. L DOYLE &. WILSON. Dentists. Office over Barneo & Son's drug store, Centennial lilock, Wichita. MUSIC TEACHERS. MRS. S T. HENDRICKSON. Teacher of Piano, Organ and Theory, 422 North Mar ket street. GEO. T. THOMPSON. Professional Piano Tuner and Repairer. Refer ences, Catherine Kussell ana Thomas isnaw it uo. All pianos tunee by the wave system the only method that will tune your piano perfect and make It sound charming. Work guaranteed. Leave orders with Thomas Shaw &. Co., rmulc dealers, Malivstreet. ARCHITECTS. A. W. RUSH. J. M. GILES RUSH &. GILES. Architects and Superintendents. Office In Green & Hay '.s building, over l jo west uougias av e. C. W. KELLOGG. Architect and superintendent. Plans and sp ciflca tions for all classc s of buildings. Office ov er Hy de's book store. TERRY &. DUMONT. Architects and Superintendents. Office in Roys' block, Wichita, Kan. V .'. T. mOUDKOOT. O. W. BIRO. PR0UDF00T& BIRD. Architects aud Supeiiutendei.ts. Office In Eagle block. MISCELLANEOUS. RODGERS, The Photographer. Pictures In all sizes and styles. He al-o carries the finest assortment of picture frames in tlie city. Give him a friendly call and ex amino s imples. B. S. GARRISON. Justice cX the Peace. Office with Woodcock & Dorsey, in Dorsey building. MRS. ELLEN DEVOL, Professional Nurc. On. 207 Ohio ave, cor. E First itivot and Ohio ave. References given. 911m ITIC-ni JT.0TLr.?.T VSY. A Mlt'.nlsLt Sccno in Or- 1 1. -.11 f.v.-.!-, lo .1: "iy p.ymp f:oi tin:-. Verx" in r-o J I r::. . th-a. 1 -j'siJ '- r -in i iV. cru -.' :-..- T : - ro.. ! it,l-.:k :1 "-- -.: " I .at .iou'i v n. 1i.-' :; Hall a ! :-H t'-- - ? -'- : un::u- :.) :r.a. J . ").-- "- .ra-i one i:eir in . Then . - ;-r-.v :au Who i I f.:ii rc; -Ii.e . :'.". --:-- I loan 1 that :::y ::t-.v J'"i"' y i'.ad L--f:. Ink-": this i:at ' iiol !. . r: h;j a weath-r !. -.t.::i, f-noo.v.:i,-li i-I::-ull article, "Lad been left in ts plajo b tho thiuf. "Pivlty ecit of business to be going on within a few of a police station and with park policemen supposed to watch it. You havo not seen the thief? Well, good-night, ' and the stianger, very angry bin. still clinging to the bat tered ha . passod out of view. Then-poi!-r cro sed to tho City Hall, scaled himself on the top stop, and pre tending to bo one of tl.e sloe-, erd .hero we.o half a dozen wilhn: tt. lew feet of him waited lor somcth ng to turn up. Ho had not long to wmi. A paik po licemai cameby and disapp -ued around tlie ea stern end of tit - building. In about a miuuto afterward throe young men crested tho park from Broadway. When hey were lialf way across they stopped, l ked cautiously around, whis pered and 1 1 en suddenly separated. Ono walked over to tho wide stone plaza in Iront of the City Hall and then quickly seating himself Lesido a sleep ing individual pretended himself to bo asleep. A lew seconds later ho bent quietly over toward tho man and seemed to be assuring himself that ho was asleep. Then lie resumed his former attitude. Seeing that his would bo victim did not stir, he leaned over toward him again and began to gently feel his pock ets to seo if they were worth picking. His touch was not as cunning as It might havo been, for tho man awoke, got quickly upon his feot, muttered some thing in an angry tone and walked away. The frustrated thief kept perfectly quiet a minuto longer, pretending to be still asleep, then aroso and walked over toward tho shaded walks of tho park, where tho benches wero filled with som nolent persons. Thither his two con federates had preceded him. The elec tric lights mode their movements pretty observable One went to ono bench and another to another, each apparently selecting a seat next to the soundest sleeper thoy could find. Thoy sat there like statues. Tho reporter tried to keep their hands in view, but tho light was not strong enough to do so. He c .uld seo that tho thieves sat bolt upright. If they were examining the clothing of tho persons next theni It was so cau tiously carried on that it could not be seen from that distance. Several times the confederates changed places. Then, as if by one impulse, they all met in front of tho City Hall again and held another whispered conference. Then they looked toward the steps of tho building and advanced slowly toward : 11 J! . . . i u. Ml i .:r .ii- . g r.gnt a; .' r ' it. he i i ;. o tir 2d ' it ija t.y s.w v n r of : . 1 . - t-t. b-it i ' ', ; lx.p .i i'li. '. r huli-l'i: t n th ' Sc-l.-li t on" l .-- t . . . - M.t i j. , t.. .--nri -i t eji e.-05 a.,id-3 of :h2 eip -rs j ... j- i!;iir";,wi rv-r and pa 5 1 1-v U: -;..' r- -n-: '. ".- -i-'y. T.-sit---. ' !l -'- ' . -vriiA ..--, lv. ' co'.'i ' '" ''ij.1 y'tii - ' wa ua i iinif. ii-i tr.-.d u :i d u.o -a:.: p I: v ui-n i-i : whs.: '. -----S---. ---d:i.:v -,-..! A- l." ii3 prn-,-"'',u!"si: r.!s r.o-"- h uri p::--:-o ".: s- .-4 -i . i - sf .vr.vju-i t '.It-' !". bt ' " i ; i.rr- ibg toward Hv ' - - t - - ".- - '- out, 'ot si-;!:- as t::o - - oi tuo .iy Hah desk marie J the arm'-i. of yiid- Hint to Marriageable Girl. He: "Miss Elsa, do you play on the piano?" She: " No, sir; I can't play ft single note. He: " Elaa, I lore you." THE TRUE IJFE. The working life is the life of peace,1 The words of the wise are golden; And down the lino of three hundred years Comes the truth of these -words grown olden. Not the daj-s that are passed amid song3 and ilowers In dreamy, inactive leisure, But the days that are ttrong with tho stress of toil Are those of the truest pleasure. Tho eyes that look straight toward God and heaven, Nor turn from tho path of duty, Are the eyes that see, in this changeful world, The sights of tho truest beauty. Who lives for earth and for self alono Must find his enjoyments shallow, While ho who lives but for God and right Finds something each day to hallow. Ho who is bound by the yoke of love, And regains his freedom never, Has his perfect liberty here on earth, And lie shall be free forever. O, life is short, and its skies sometimes Are darkened with care and sorrow, But tho loyal-hearted, the brave of soul, Has always a glad to-morrow. Then let us patiently bear the cross, Our service and love confessing ; For the life of labor and faith and love Is the only lifo of blessing. Sailor's Magazine. A Remedy for Hydrophobia. There is a remedy for hydrophobia which is not generally known. Tho treatment consists of vapor baths, washing the wound witha solution of ammonia, and warm drinks to cause free perspiration. Tho originator of this remedy, Dr. Buisson, is said to have cured himself and nearly a hundred other people suf fering from tho bites of mad dogs. When tho malady is fully developed, the patient remains in a bath till he is cured. Fast-Walking Horses. An old farmer observes that "a fast walking hcrse is of much greater value practically to every farmer and to every man who has much use for a horse than a fast trotter." It is strange that there are not premi ums offered for fast walkers. Chicago Inter-Ocean. " ATrETIZEU Dn.i -x tin- Itir. In tho toww o. Ltlank, It ! , !" i dudssh little dapper tc.iow, .1. . - hini-elf M.D.. ::.! li- i " she." - .1 . ' w ,i? o 111:1, ,r !.i- o mi 1 ke -in ! i-.-tiirg. gotte 1 up b eit, a- d oain to live ye;ij.V pr.ctice ajcoiding to Indiana, law. 2.0" long ngoii wat? met the young doc tor, -.ho Is al. t.ilk. or 11 i-ter, -ui'l cheek eqn il on '-im niorice , , n.. :.i..n: up tiie yj.i'.-'tc-l'Ji'i- medici'if e.u-e, pl.t. it und-'r ' .- .ti :: f.'id s'rutt d, tin -gobbler -s- iu , :.s the young "Jil.i." was wont o no. (J .' i. ) th'it ined'ciii'- ease, sir," liaugti' '. iieuri'-did 1 he doctor; "there is ila.i'.oi'DH-. iiudiuine 1 ' it. ' - "That'o what. I've licard from tho neighborhood hero you get your prac tice," was the wags reply. . ... Jloro than Matched. John T. Kavivond is fond t f ' match ing."' Ono d.iy 1:1 New York li" v.i-s in troduced to .l polite young i: -ti'-man named Uiown, whom he rather t.k o. A.ier an hours .u-quiiiulatie.- U.O'---u-suggeted that they m. ich" lu.llars. Tlio 1 oiite young neutlemau agreid, and the tourmnient ln-gan. At the end of another hour K.iyinond was o-.t ; H the ur.mey he had with him. He had no won due. " V,"!i 11 Ll.w.x i , 1 hn' " a--kort he if a byst.'.nd'T as the ..l te jiinm- nan bo.- e i him - -1' m with -ti'idtj : iiet. "Tint ih.ip' V'liy. he-. U: '.-.., tho mind-read r," lepli d t! e y -tamler with Uiucli courtesy. Hatchet. A Modest Dude. """.! " Fino girl. Miss Moneybagge." -Vewy." " Got a pot of money." "Yin,." - V! hv don't you try a shy at her?' "Shall, when she gets tued of ail you fellaws." - iut suppose she fancier oi-e of us? ' "She cawn't, dear chiij), .-he -awn't. She's been pwetented to ilo." Town Topics. o- TTorkiiig- oftliu Tiliml. Employer: "Did you gH thoso 0 '."oJ'.oy: "' "re. sir an' I fr-.-i- it, tir, an' i.i " ' uuht .: v.-rlo. it 'i:l I saw the po&ih 'ih. ' 1 Lin lner: " - II. wit. .! :. t y v. get .h'-:-i til' n.-" U:1m-5 Doy : " Shure, an' I n'vor .ho1 ght iv tlm, air." Of Ct.i-.L-fH l":it:il. "!. Sehlie-r'-'i sa'$ iho w men of pre ' 'one Gice-'o uiH.u'tMe'ily wore eor- !-. ' ' Yuj, my dear, and it ought to teach you a lesson." "h'o. sjO, hu'-bj'?" " Why, eveiy last. 0:10 of 'era is" "Ti ats so. J hai.n't (.houi.-ol iliat."' Chicago Iv.i. h Some aiio-H Art- Sinnll People. Littl-i bright eyes said to her father the o.ho. e oning: - Papa, 01 must be very small people.-' Why. mv d-ar?' " Vi r.V, I lioar oi one who was flogged for sj 1:1 his watch." Pittsburgh Gaze to. 0. Wlio "tlie Lady" Was. The-o is nothirg like l-a.irg things cleat ly imder-tood. A Western paper rcm.-t J;-: .)! S'ls-th "'vl "ad; are registered at the Hi.-i 1 tie 3rone!io. Web-l.eo lliat wi u 1 it" n eo fi'tenco when we ttato th.a ue l..dy' is h.s wife." Chi cago Tribune. Sage Advice. "Shay, Misthur Druggist, what's good ter sober upon :" Druggist . " I don't know of anything betterthan to stand on your own dcor step and hear your wife's foctsieps." .ludge. Far Better. It is better to be nione in the wor'd than to 1 ring up a boy o play on tho accordion. Tesas Sifiir.cs The Certain Winner. Impudence may -win in a trial heat, but when the bona fide race is run ability is pretty certain to pocket the gate money. Chicago Ledger. Her Weddiu Motto. A pious old lady recently sent ai wedding presents a pair of flatirons, ft rolling pin, and a motto worked on cardboard reading: 'ht On." Bangor (He.) Corn ell 01 (I WESTERN MORTGAGE Al TRUST CO CAPITAL, $100,000. Farm Mortgages, No Delays. Interest at Lowest Rates. ACT AS THUSTEES FOE CORPORATIONS, CO-PARTNERSHIPS. ESTATES AND INDrVTDUALS. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. DAVID ROBISON, JR, Pbesidest, Toledo, Oliio. JAMES J. ROBISOX, Secretary. OFFICE, 127 2&JL.THT STESET- ROBISON BROS., BANKERS. Government, Municipal and County Bonis Bong lit and Sold CORRESPONDENCE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. ROBISON BROS,, 127 MAIN ST. The Nicest Lots in the City are in HIBARGER'S -:-ADDITION, Eetween Park and Tenth "Streets, west of Washington Avenue Prices Low and Terms Easy. BUNNELL a MOREHOUSE, SOLE ZIMMERLY'S ADDITION. Now is the time to buy lots in this addition while they are cheap. ONE MILE SOUTH ON LAWRENCE AVE. Street cars and large brick School house in connection. For further in formation call at 6 1 1 S Market st. MONEY TO LOAN ON City Property, Chattel Mortgages AND PERSONAL SECURITY. LOWEST -.--RATES! V NO-:-DELAYS! L. B. BUNNELL & CO. MONEY On Chattel Mortgages IN SMALL OR LARGE AMOUNTS. SHORT TIME AT THE LOWEST RATES Wichita Banking Company and Farmers Banking Co, 116 WEST DOUG-LAS AVENUE. SHi I : WShb Eh 9 fl B B'K?jKR-9B iSt i ii n in, i TI J. P.. nOLUDAY. J. R. HOLLIDAY 1 CO., Wicliita Grocery, Successor, to iLVJOR 4 nOLLIDAY, Dealers In STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. No. 227 E. Douglas Ave.. Wicliita, Kan. E.JFHILLirS. PHILLIPS - k CRANE. - Real - Estate. posrroFFicE box.o.: JOHN C. HALL & CO. GENERAL INSURANCE :-: AGENTS 91 R TM-HTaT.AR AVENTTE. WinHiTA. KAN. 218 DOUGLAS AVENUE, WICHITA, KAN. Only U bo cowi-irilf icpraMUed. UmmWH ad jJ4 t U- X'?!aA MtMttoe to all trwtff ntl to m. Elite ta fjrroamOlat myaztrr a& zavrm wxe-ad. AGENTS. TO LOAN and C. KTLEITK. IL 3. CRAN'E. Main l-19St., WICHITA, Kan. life Property, WICHITA CRACKER COMPANY -JtAXUFACTUKERS OF- FINE CRACKERS and PURE CANDIES. Jobbers in Fruits, Nuts, Etc., Eta Agents for "Good Faith", "Scout" and "Success" brands of Cigars GOODS SOLD TO DEALERS OXLY XA1L ORDERS SOLICITED. FRANCIS TIERNAN & CO., CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS OF Water and Gas Works PARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO CITIES IN KANSAS. OFFICE !T-W COR. 5TH ami SIARKET STS. ST. LOUIS. IWirUITl LC A M OFFICE X-W COR MAIN and DOUGLAS AVENUE, W I O I I A, t A Vi . Correspondence Solicited. WICHITA NURSERY. C. H.TIXK & SOXS, of the old established and reliable nurseries at Lamar, Mo., would rcrwctfttnj Inform the public that they haTo made arnuiRcmcnU ami will start a branch nurerr In Wichlu. Also that they are now taking orders for nursery stock to be Mipplied frem their nurseries at Lamar, Mc until they can grow the stock In thrlr braach nur sery at Wichita, and hope to recel e tho patronaRe of the rltlzcru of Wichita and Setlf-w lclc county. Mr. F. M. Miller, General Agent, will represent the firm at this place. Office at Commercial Hotel. C, O. DAVIDSON. President. U. S. CATES. Exwnlaer H. W. GILM.VX. Vlce-Pn. Nashua, X. .1 The Davidson Loan Company PAID-UP CAPITA h. S60.000. Money Always on Hand to Loan on Improved Farm and City Property. Have Loaned More Monev in Southern Kansas than any Company in the State. OFFICE WITH CITIZENS BANK. Northwest 1 Corner Main street and Douglas Avenue, j B. D. ALLEN. Notary Public. ALLEN, GRAHAM 1 CO., (Successors to Wichita Land ami Loan Company. Negotiate Loans, Sell Lands, Place Insur ance and Make Collections. TAXES PAID FOR NON-RESIDENTS ZTZCORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED EOOM 1-OVEIt ISRAEL BEOS. DRUG STOKE. "117T1TT I TT A IT Cl DOUGL.VS AVEXUE. VXlJlll-i, JViYk5. FINE CARRIAGES. "We carry a full line of Spring "Work consisting of Carriages, Phaetons, Jump-Seats, Surrys, PABK "WAGONS, BUGGIES and ROAD-CARTS. We have a great variety of styles and will make prices to suit tho times. KELLY, ALEXANDER I RAHN, 123 MARKET STREET. 0. B. STOCKER, -DEALER IN C P E I Fire Clay, N E T C E E R S Fire Brick, Mantels, Grates, AIAKBLEsa)lJST,s'W"JTITK : SAXJ),: LATH Lime, Hair, New York and Michigan Plaster. Louisville and Y ARDand OFFICE On .Vat'ribtr.--t, Iwtv- ecu unci i-irst atr.l. --?- ?-?v-15 5r:S-MBfc r f3'' J. P, Reese & McBee, Real Estate Loans j&.rn j-0'Vvr:EST bates: Money Always Ready as Soon as Papers are Perfected. Call on us and get rates at 218 E Douglas Avenue, "Wichita, Kansas. dijwtl FOR SALE ' ! Moneyed Men Read This! Ve are selling lots in Carey Park at the extreme lowpnces of $225, $250, $275 and $300 each, the latter are corners The above prices include side walks all laid. Terms easy It hasbeen reported that vevere gettma $400 and $500 per lot. It is not so. Every lot m Carey Park wjll bring that by net spring. Remember that Carey Park is from 12 to 14 feet higher than Doug las avenue Streetcars run the entire leigth of Carey Park You are invited to calf and see a plot of Carey Park and aet full oarttculars of B. & and L. B. COLE. 329 Douglas avenue, Opposite Manhattan Hotel 79-1 m HENUT SCU'-VKI-EE. CHITA Mt wm deliver ICE to Older by mail or give orders WICHITA, KANSAS. G. W. OrtAHAM. Portland Cement. Doui - laa Arenuj Wichita. Kansas GLOBE -:- IRON -:- WORKS, Founders and Machinists. llwiufactttrcr iT STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS Iron nnd Bravf Ciulln-c'and J-oIlnj and ShaXtlns. Hotiw ctwttnz Id any 5ln to onlrr Arnt tor th lilak-l-7 4 l-iin fctin lanp AH Llwl rf repair In done era short notice anl aUaf.-utia sttarant-4 A. IT-IOO. lrovf!tcr. OIAX IKT rt of the Cit J V J to drirers of cmr M I. sssuf9f!! r m gfi'wyT-i