Newspaper Page Text
TSWWssfyraw'sarwH'KvS r ., ,-r. ufT3kitf5K6- "" ' k, v " f ",rT3- mi ;', i ?iWL.-ic rj-i-r -. Tit-tr --jtjl-z .f f rs'TV - vvjww-n- . .v l - j j t-ju. : itffrrW IfeiitHiJy 14: la v vi'Mwr j, Tjf-L,tri &&z&$& r" - ? G , '" ,' . ' 'Tv. - 7SbTJ&-.7rr1:' 'STE (,T 4i"TjH?i -- - -3?.Sscv' ;sw - Ttj-w..jf - rv- i j-e S,vWt2--J--S .- ' j"--", ....... - Saittj R. B. TIME TABLES. St. L., Ft. S. A. "W. K. R. EAST BOUND TttAINS, IVnarf St. Louis Day Express and Mall ....Y 0.10 a.m. St Louis Night Express and Mall.-. "8-OOD.m. Kansas City Day Express and Haw 9 10 a. m. Kansas City Night Express anJf, && p. m. iTelght and Accommoday(55 12300 m. VfESTJBoVXD TRAINS. ncpartr --t' St. LoMT--nK and Mall 7J25D.m. onto Night Express and Mall IIJB a. m. .r-ifr Hit Emmis una Mall .7iSD. m. Kansas City Night Express and Mall S.35 a. m. Freight and Accommodation 12 45 p.m. r rensui, u Dally. Dally exceot Sunday. Wichita Colorado. ("Accommodation tlflOp. m. .Accommodation S 13a.m. tualiy except annaaj. A., T. A. S. T. It. R. Arrives. t North, Passenger 455 p.m. 'Knrlh Atvrnnmmlutinil 11.15 a. ta. r South, Passenger S1 m- South, Passenger ii5pal- South, Accommodation 2)p.m. North, Passenger ?35p-m ........ ... LZJJ III. 9.35a.m. 230 p.m. 8:25a.m. , Passenger - 715 p.m. Wichita A Western. Arrives. land Express 55; m- cess 2??-m- tht uam. 8n Leaves. Va 1 V.n .nil Crnnw 9:55 a.m. JfoiExprcss S1SS-SI- wayireigni vp... St. Iiouls A. San Francisco. "" Leaves. Going West, Passenger. 6.30 a.m. Jolng West, Passenger. 5:50p.m. Oolng West. Freight Us05 p. m. Going East, Passenger 925 a.m. Going East, Passenger 9:20 p.m. 'Going East, Freight 1020p.m. Going East, Freight )a.m. ATTORNEYS-AT-LA.W. J. M. BALDERSON. Attorney at Law. Wichita, Sedgwick county. Kan. Omoe in Centennial Dloclc. dl90tf J. R. SITES. Attorney at-Law. Offlco 117 E Douglas avenue, Ith Anglo American Loau and In estment Co. JONES & MONTAGUE. Attornevs at-Law. Offlco in the Eagle Block, over 'ovcy & Co's Dry Goods btorc. 71XHI. Hovcy SMYTH & BROOKS, AttorneiS-at-Law, No. 123 N. Main st. postofllce. Commercial collections a Will practice In state and Federal courts , opposite specialty. A. T. CARPENTER. Attorney -at-Law. Office. No. 124 N Main street, up -stairs, next to pestofflcc. Wichita. Kansas dJOwUtf tt r rt nss. W. E. STAXtKV. SLUSS& STANLEY. Attorneys at Law. Wichita. Kansas J. F. LAUCK. Attorney at-Law. Office first door north of IT. S. Land office in Commercial Block, Wichita. Kansas. Special ottcntlongU en to all kinds of business con nect . HATTON & RUGGLES. Attorneys at Law. Eagle Block. Wichita. Kansas. CBCOGLES. E.H.nOY3. RUGGLES & ROYS. Attornevs at-Law. Office over No. 138 Main street, Wichita. Kansas. . , JAMES. F. MAJOR. Attorney at Law. Will practice in all Kansas courts. Collections a specialty. Offlco over Smith & -Stover's. Douglas avenue. Wichita, Kan. D. A. MITCHELL. Attorney-at Law and collection agent, street. Wichita. Kansas. No. 14 Main E. D. PARSONS. Attorney at-Law and Ileal Estate Agent. Office opposite Manhattan hotel, room 9 H. E. CORN. Attorney at Law. Offlco ov er 122 Douglas avenue. F. P. MARTIN. Attorney at Law. omce oer Hjcle & Rumble's Bookstore. 114 Main street, up stairs A Iclilta, Kan. J. M HUMPHREY. Woodman's Bank building, 113 Attorney at-Law , Main street. O. COUJNH rto nOIHltT M. MATT. COLLINGS&. PLATT. . AttornejsatLaw. Will practice In state and f ed cril courts. Ollice In Templo block. Main street, sec ond stairway north of post office, Wl Jilta, Kanias S. W. ADASIS. . . . WO- . AD VMS. ADAMS &. ADAMS. Attornevs at-Law. Will practlco In state and fed ral courts. Office In Eagle block. Wichita, Kansas. HARRIS. HARRIS & VERMILLION. Attorneys at-Law, Commercial block, Wichita, Kansas. p 0. D. KIRK. Attimnv At Law. Room No. 3, U. S. Laud Office .building. Wichita. Kan. W. S. MORRIS. Office In Templo Block. Wichita. Attorne -at-Law. Kansas. n. A. SAKKKY. . f. CAMPBKLi. SAN KEY &. CAMPBELL. Ijiwvers. Wichita. Kansas Offlco southwest cor ner Market street and Douglas ave. GEO. W.CLEMENT, JR. Attornev at Law. Offlco 134 Main street, Kansas National Bank building, Wichita, Kan. PHYSICIANS. "wTmjohIIsw Uomoeopathlst. General practice, chronic diseases, and dKjases of fmalw. Telephone No. 106. Office and residence over bteel & Son's hardware tore, 117 N Main stn-ct, Wichita, Kan. Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m to 4 j. m , and at night. W. H WELLS, I'hvslcian and SuKCon Offlco-Cor. lavvrenco an 1 bougl vsaves. Elliott block, room h. v ill be at office night and d ij . Wichita Kansas 90 P. D. St. JOHN, M. D. " Office 217 East Douglas av e. Konidenco- o.V o Ui Maiustret. . J. M. H0SK1NS, M. D. Plivsiclan and surgi-on. Ofdce In llrtvvin block, corner Fourth and Doul-vsavi nuo over Saui s drug ctnrt min iinups. ii lo ii ;u in . iiui' m . i. . night. ilTvlm G. M. B1BBEE, M. D Offlco and residence. Sll Dougl is av enue. south Ide, Barnes" block, over Derby's implement store, w Ichita W. A MINNICK, M. D. Homcepithist. Office with Dr. B. Mithews Jl-vin reet. second stalrvv.iv north of jwstofflce. llesl ence. 1017 North Fourth street, near Union deiwt, street, denco Wichita, Kansas, Telephone No 141. DR. J. J. STONER. Homeoepvhlst. Offlco opposite rKWtofflce. P.esl dence, C23 North Main street, Wichita, Kansas. Ttle phone 113. DR. B. A. GUYTON & SON. Phvsicians and Surgeons Office Deam b'ock. oppo talto "Occidental hotel llc-ddcncv. 737 Water street, -corner Oak street. DR. C. C. ALLEN. Phvslcian and Surgeon. Office and residence 4J0 Douglas avenue. Now and effectual treatment of hemorrhoids, and diseases of woman a specialty. DRS. McCOY&PURDY. Office 147 Main street, over Becht & Sous storo. Wichita, Kan. Telephone at residence. E. B. RENTS, M. D. Phjsiclan and Surgeon. Offlco over Fuller & Son': Groccr. J. MTLTON W IXCII. M. V. T. K. W HtCH. SI. D DRS. WELCH &. WELCH. Office 221 Douglxs avenue. Wichita. Kans. where they maj be foutui at all hours. RUSSELL & JORDAN. Physicians and Surceons. Office on west side of -Main street, first itairwav south of Masonic building. Telephone to A. D. T. PALMER C. JAY. Physician ami Surgeon. Office at D. G. Tero ' 6tore, Q1S East Douglas avenue drug I. H. MATTINGLY. Office over London Tailors, No. 155 N rhyslcian. Main street. L. S. ORDWAY, M. D. nomooepathist. Office corner Douglas and Lnw rence av enucs, rooms 1 and 5. telephone 133. MRS. SELINA H. MILLER. " Homooenathlc Physician, corner River street and Central aven te. E. E. HAMILTON, M. D. Specialties: Diseases of the Rye, Kar. Km and Throat. Catarrh and fitting glasses. Offle Mnthwcst corner Douglas and Market, up stairs. Wlchka, Kans W'laaJfc PHYSICIANS. DR. CHARLES A. WILSON, Physician and Surgeon. Will continue his profes sion in all its branches. Consultation free. Offlco and residence at 151 N. Main St., over Weller & Mil ler's paint office. 100 DENTISTS. D. W. SMITH. Eagle building, Douglas avenue, Wichita, Dentist. Kansas. McKEE & PATTEk Surgeon Dentists. Teeth extracted without pain. Best set artificial teeth, $3.50. Offlco 217 East Douglas avenue. Wichita. Kan. DR J. C. DEAN. Dentist. Opposite the potofl0ce. Teeth extracted without pain. DRS W. L DOYLE & WILSON. Dentists Office over Barnes & Son's drug store, Centennial Block. Wichita. MUSIC TEACHERS. MRS. S T. HENDRICKSON. Teacher of Piano, Organ and Theory, 422 North Mar ket street. GEO. T.THOMPSON. Professional Piano Tuner and Repairer. Refer ences, Catherine Russell and Thomas Shaw & Co. AH ? ilanos tunee by the waie system tho only method hat will tune) our piano perfect and mako it sound charming. Work guaranteed. Leave orders with Thomas Shaw & Co , music dealers, Malastreet. ARCHITECTS. ArX.HTECT. SUrmiSTE-NDEST. G. A- MASTERS, Formerly of "Boston and Chicago, has opened an office in the Oiera House, corner of Market- and First streets 97 2m A. W. ItLSH. J. M. QILE3. RUSH & GILES. Architects and Superintendents. Office in Green & Hay's building, over 125 West Douglas ave. C. W. KELLOGG. Architect and superintendent. Plans and specifica tions for all classes of buildings. Office over Hyde's book store. TERRY & DUMONT. Architects and SupcrintcnJents. Office In Roys' block, Wichita. Kan. W . T. r&OXi DFOOT. O. W. BIIJD. PR0UDF00T&.BIRD. Architects and Superintendents. Office In Eagle block. MISCELLANEOUS. i Dr. D. T. SNOKE feveterinary Surgeon, graduate of Philadelphia Vet erinary Collego of 'Ti Proprietor of Horses Home, opposite G. A. It. building. 1st. st. Telephone 172. d93 RODGERS, The Photographer. Pictures in all sizes and styles. He also carries the finest assortment of picture frames in the city. Give him a friendly call and ex amine samples. B. S. GARRISON. Justice of the Poate. Office wltiu Woodcock & Dorsey, In Dorsey building. MRS. ELLEN DEVOL, Professional Nurse. Oo 207 Ohio ave. cor. E 1 irst street and Ohio ave. References given. 941m BEAE YE ONE ANOTHER'S BUEDENS. A Beautlftil Story Showlnc th Self-Dc-mal of President Lincoln (or the Advan tage or Another. Abraham Lincoln," said Judgo Keilcy, of Peimsj lv.mia, who is tho father of tho House ot ltt'p. esentativos, was (he most j).itient mii'i in the de tails of life I oci s.i. Ho was tho only President we have ever had. and probably ever will have, who knew nothing of the common utoci.ity ot public l:fo. II was tho o dy man we over tii 1 ut ti e White House who would go bick of tiic wishes ot persons ami ex amine their ical wants. " I remember an incident in connec tion with the war which illustrates what I am trying to say. It is not proper for mo to use names, but the stoiy goes: "It was at that early period in tho rebellion when suspects and conspira tors being ariostod and imprisoned by the wholesale. A letter written on a printoJ sheet, ol paper, giving tho busi ness of a prominent: Him if merchants in New York and containing incendiary language towards the Union found its way into tho hands of a Government official m the outh. " The declarations wero penned by a travelling ti an, who represented tho firm mentioned i'i tho letter head. "The lesult was the anest of the principal member of tint firm on the chargo of conspiracy against tho Gov ernment. loiter was signed in such a way as to not mako it perfectly clear who tho author was, and, of course, sus picion bore heavily on tho firm men tioned. He is a man well known m Now York to-day. " Men wero held in prison at that time on tho slightest suspicion sus picion, in fact, more slight than this one. " Tho wife of tho merchant camo to a friend of mine m New Yoi .c im mediately after tho arrest of the husband anJ re quested him to communicate with tho President, tolling him tiiat the man under an est was not guilty of t'io misdemeanor even in a collateral or tho most remote way. " Thowifo camo hero ;it was 11 o'clock at night when she ai rived. At tho depot she told tho cabman to drive to tho Wuito House. The driver expos tulated with her, and told her that it was of no use to call at tlu "White House at such a lato hour of the night. She baid it made no difference, she wanted to see Mr. Line lln, and that he must drho her immediately to the Ex ecutive Mansion. When sho picsented herself at the entrance to tho White Hou-o it was mid night. Everything was quiet. Tho cordon of police, very stormy at that timo, turned out m full force. They would not listen at ihot to her en treaties to bo admitted to tho Whito House. " Fnmlly, sho provailod on one of tho officers to tako tho letter of introduction sho had to President Lincoln, who was then asleep. " A minuto after tho President had been awakened his voico was heard in tho corridor on tho upper floor. Ho held tho letter in his hand, and the tremor upon it indicated his feeling. Mrs. , this case demands im mediate action,' said Mr. Lint oln. ' If you will take my arm, wo will go im mediately to Secretary Stanton.' Across the lots at a rapid pace went tho Presi dent and tho lady. ' Stauton was aroused from his slum bers, shown tho letter by the President, and requested to release tho prisoner. Ho wr t a dispatch and l.anuK.i u to Mr. Li.icoln, a d aid he would at end to the mat cr funhcr In the tnoini j "Like a lackey boy, tin Pio-ident, with tho lad j, started towaid ihe down town hotels. "It vr b 1 o'clock in tho morning. Washington was fided w.tlf revolution ists ni.d vn.l 1-bo assa sins, yet Mr. Line 1 i'tvr inhered, and seamed not to coiiq rslu:i his danger. ' Wlion 1st: arrived at tho hotel, with tv.f arm, ho told her to go to her i om. sleep soundly, return to New luri.. in the morning, and ih t her hus b md wonl I meet her on i h ock. Tho lady cou. I not b heve it, but Mr. Lin coln assured her that such would bo tho c- e. " The President then went to tho tclc;rapi onic?. filed the message, wh'cti dem-uuied tho unconditional re lea o oltit prison r, and returned to the V!..e Hoiuo alone. Sre enoush, who me n. j alighted from the ferryat Ne.v York then -xtday her hu&band was there 10 :n race her. I am it.cunid to boUeve tho mil lennium will come before wo shall havo another President w ho would do such an act as this." BaHimore American. II B0BB0WED PLUMAGE. An Agency for Fitting O-t Women la Hired Finery. There Is a curious br kerago business carried on in a suite of well-furnished rooms in a prominent ofiice budding on Walnut street. There is no out and no display mado, but t' ero is .i frequo'it coming and going ot well-diessed ladi s, and every indication of a flourishing busi ness. A brisk littlo man, with an oiT-hand manner and a profusion rf jewelry, is tho manager of the est tLlisnuf ::t. His assistants are all wmn. f i'Jhi placo is tho agency of a New Yoi.. huu e which makes a lusines of hiring out costly dresses fi summer, so sii. i.r moun tain wear,aud ecn to pa. cie who aio making a .lip to Europe. Euuallr as common a thing is ti.0 renting fiom evening to evening of ballroom cos tumes for ladies who can't afford to bay expensive dresses for one or two v cc -sions. They can hire a ballroom dr ss, shoes, stockings and lace shawl, which wouid cost $200, for from $5 to $23 a night. If they arc known they are not required to leac a'dtposit; o herwise the rte-- of the outfit is left with the costumer to b j returned when the dress comes back. One costumer in tho city, who doo5 a very largo business ia a quiet way for the fashionable people, has in his'pos eession $23,000 worth of dresi''-, robes, shawls, and other female lnnry which has come to h m in various way. Many rich people, ho sajs. sell their bull-room dresses at the end oZa s ason. They will not use them a second sea son, and get back a part of the cot in this way. These dresses are hired out to less particular people, who are thus on special occasions able to appear in finery as elaborate and ricii as taat of the most elegant ladies. " How do you manage it!" the dapper little broker was asked. Vcrv easily. Wo ! ave ia New York hundrtds of dresses which are psacti call new. Some of them are entirely new. A lady ustomer who wants to spend two months at tho seasiue comes in and tells us what -ho wants. Peilupa it is four fine dresses. Ordinary walk ing and -lounging dresses she lu. Wo don't hire such. It would not pay. "Wo tnke her measure, and, if we can fit her, even by altering tho di esses wo havo on hand, wo fix her up with one or two olaborato ballroom outfits, a dinner dress, and so on, as fche may desire. If sho should attempt to pur chase such an outtit as we could furnish her it would cost her not less than S1.500. Wo chargo her 300. " She don't wear the dio-ses often cuorghto do them ser.ous inj .ty. and at the end of two months sho has had her full of finery and would not wear them a second season if she o .v nod them, while we havo our $500 and our outfit, damaged probably $250 worth. Sho has saved $1,000; we have had a profit of $250. Ain't that all right? " Now hero is another instance which actually occurred in Philadelphia not very long ago. "A lady who has a very fair fortune was about to take a trip to Europe. She propo-od to travel on t' e continent, to do it in good stylo, but as cheaply as pociblo. But the cost of a war .robe of lino ireses, which sho thong t noces &ar in do her hesitate. The outfit she t'-jiii'l would cost her, in addit. on 10 ih eei day dresses heeded, at out Sfi.000. "ih'j up Lot of thomatter was that wo furnished her with the outfit, 1 ew, made to her older, h irse I her $3,200 f r the uso of them for I'urtcen u eks o-nd irofc the drtsses b ick almost .i-. good as new. Since then those dio-ses n tUd us nioro than they cost, and we cold them to a customer recently for $500." Phila delphia liecord. Divorce and Marriage. My ma: riago was a very romantic one, said a Chicago gentleman at tho Palace Hotel, San Francisco, who is on his biidal tout. Tho lady's former husband was an in timate ft tend of mine. Ho is a good fel low, but bo did i't use her well. Although a gentleman in most respects, lie was so unfortuiia'e as to havo tho drinking habi , and occasionally while in hquor he iised the douce in the do mestic e i h Loth he and the lady were accustomed to come to mo for advice after these af fairs. " Get a divorce," says I at last. " Agreed," says they, and shook hands on it. Then they separated, pending the re sult of tho legal proceedings. I i-ited tho lady in her retirement several times. "Frank said tho husband to mo, " don't j'ou think you had better not call on Lizzie while this divorco business i3 in pi ogress?" "Why, Bob,"' says I, "what the mis chief ha 0 you to do with the matter?" "I don't like it," says he. "But," says I, " as sho's getting a di vorce from you, and you are consenting, w hat diffrrenco can it mako to you who calls on her?" " Fiank," says ho, looking mo straight in tho eye, " d j you mean to marry Liz zie? ' "Wei, Jlob,' says I, "tho idea nover oeeur.v 1 to me before, but now that you s ; s' it, I don t know but what I will. Do on thi k she'll be likely to favor the hU'.x her-eli.'" I m blessed, continued tho Cnicago man, if tho follow didn't begin to fight the dhoice fiom that minuto. We downed him, of course, but he's sti 1 cool, and e en refused to attend tho we uuiig. when we get homo my wifo w il manage o smooth him down. Sho Luovi his vriiis, jou unders.and. Tlieic's lutning so painful to mo as a bieak 111 an old friendship, and we both really like Bob vory well, in spito of his faults. San Frincibco Post. To Mako Girls Tel. Their Ago. G rls of a marriageable aco do no llho to tdl how old they are, but you can f'nd out by following tho subjoined In st, notions, tho young lady doing tho fig utrnc. Tell her to put down the number of the mo th in w hich she was bom ; then to Multiply it by two; then to aid flo; then to multiply by fifty; then to add her age: t en to subtract 365; then to add 115; thei 'ell her to tell you the amount she ha-; Wt. Tho two fi ires to tho right will denoto her age, and the remainder the mouth of h. r birth. For example, tho amount is t22, sho is twenty-tw o years old, and was born in the eighth month (August). Tiy it. Bo.'o 1 Budget The Uiffgeit Gum ISoll. The bigge-t gum boil 1 .1 record has been .iseoere 1 in a nruci ag f ictory. 'Once I saw a diver remain under water for half an hoar." "Pshaw ! I saw a man dire once and ho never camo up." i The Height of Insurance. " How high do yoa want to Insure your house V "About up to the chimney." It Would Shock the Grand OldSUzu Suppose Dr. Johnson, tho lexicog rapher, heard somebody yell : "Boycott f- '"fSpr'ncfield Union. t!'P'SSwBnBuSRflBH88iBCfflBHIIRC REAL ESTATE IIVESTMENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT THE Old Eeliable House N. F. NIEDERLANDER, Cor. Douglas and Topeka Aves. W O-HIT-A., 0"F- rsr.AJsrs.vS. TLVKOXtn. PHUUPS - it - CRANE POSTOmCE BOX No. i JOHN C. HALL & CO. GENERAL INSURANCE :: AGENTS 218 DOUGLAS AVENUE, "WICHITA, KAN. Only- the best coajsuUes raprawmtwl. Vomea adj tiaatoUbe9B-tt4te m. Bi-ta la WICHITA CRACKER COMPANY XAXUFACTUT-ms Of PINE CRACKERS and PURE CANDIES. Jobbers In Fruits, Nuts, Etc., Eta Agents for "Good Faith", "Scout" GOODS SOLD TO DEALERS ONLY Wichita City Rotter ESTABLISHED 1974. Manufacture th Fallowing Celebrated IMPERIAL, Roller Patent; X. L. C. These brands have bn on tho market east. west, north and outa for ton ypar. and they 1 won enviable reputation wherever Introduced. To try them to to tay wlsii them. We am alway Inthoniarkrt for wheat at highest cash price. OLIVER, IMBODEN & CO. FRANCIS TIERNAN & CO., CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS OF Water and Gas Works PARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO CITIES IN KANSAS. 0FncEwcon.mandc: WICHITA, KAN. Correspondence Solicited. C, O. DAVIDSOJf. President. R. S. CATES, Examiner. The Davidson Loan Company PAID-UP CAPITAL., 60,000. Money Always on Hand to Loan on Improved Farm and City Property. Have Loaned More Money in Southern Kansas than any Company in the State. OFFICE WITH CITIZENS BANK. Xorthwast J Corner Main Street and Douglas Avenue, i B. D. ALLEN. Votary Public ALLEN, GRAHAM I CO., SuocfKsors to Wichita Land nnd Loan Company.) Negotiate Loans, Sell Lands, Place Insur ance and Make Collections. TAXES PAID FOR NON-RESIDENTSz: .CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED J)Ooji i-ovKR iskael DItUO STOHE. TfTFI"1 TT TT A TC A Q 0. B. ST0CKER, DEALER IK C P Mantels, E I Fire Clay, N E T C E E Grates, - E. S Fire Brick, MAHBLE: DUST,-WHITE - SAND,- LATH Lime, Hair, New York and Michigan Plaster. Louisville and Portland Cement. "VTAP.D aid OFFICE On WatorStrwt. between Doajjla ATenue Virhita Kansas Sras!Si $55 ea&sisS S&rtSJXV&g3Mmp 3ttS&sgSHmrZmm -. J. -Xt&i&e' J. F. Reese & McBee, Real .Estate . Loans A.T LOWEST BATES! Morey Always Ready as Soon as Papers are Perfected. Call on us and get rates at 218 E Douglas Avenue, Wichita, Kiinsas. FOR SALE ! ! Moneyed Men Read This ! Ve are selling lots in Ca'ey Park at the extreme low prices of $225, $250, $275 and $300 each, the latter are corners The above prices include side walks al! laid Terms easy It has been reported that ve were getting $400 and $500 per lot. It is not so. Every tot in Carey Park vill bring that by nct spring. Remember that Carey Park Is from 12 to 14 feet higher than Doug las avenue Street cars run the entire length of Carey Park You are invited to call and see a plot of Carey Park and get full particulars of E.C.andL.R.COLR 329 Douglas avenue, Opposite Manhattan HoteL 79-1 m H2ET SCTTWXrTKR. WICHITA ICE Will deliver ICE to any part of the Cjty. Order by ipi or give orders to drivers of our wagoafi. H.J.CXSS- , - Real - Estate. Main 149St., WICHITA, Kan. - iud and paid t tk o iumudJB aeaatry a tiia ofle. Prowpt aad cararal and "Success" brands of Cigars MAIL ORDXKS SOLICITED Ills and Elevator. , INCOIlFORttKD IS. WHITE ROSE, R., Fancy. Extra Fancy : H. VT. OILXAX. VIco-IYeL, Xahua. X.H WICHITA, KANSAS. O W. OKAITAX. GLOBE -:- IRON -:- WORKS, Founders and Machinists. -JIinafacurrr or- STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS Iro anil Ilna CaMiatf and Polt-y Snui SaftSiut. IIuw rAttln? In any tlnlu tr urAi-r Ant t'r lit Klafcmlc It Dfinhtrim I'umjrt, All kitvl ot rrpatr ttiit done on nhort nolle and MiMArtton jruvanUd A. FIGO,JTf;iirlWr. CHA&. ort I COMPANY rHK v 1 ramfg 'wwygs.