Newspaper Page Text
&e icltita pttt&gaIe:rubsas laformtig, eptemfcer I4,,i866. 9 Tr rtrtTV Goln M gaitipaXe Advertisements In thU column wSm h fhnMtMi At the rate of Five Cente per lineper week. No ad vertlsements taken for less ha 25 cents, and will not De inserted until pair. M j .lable nurse can te secured for j- - ri " , ririrftawwutp iuith. u i:ikx iu -v'V"" ?rthe.r8: Inaulre at 618 N Tonelta. avi s, B. lock box 17, Wichita, Kan. dl01-Gt WANTED A graduate of a New England College. A. B. '77. A. m. W. and of Iowa State University. . -m-m. is. nz. wan is iu leacn a winter scnooi. uas lausni ur r wntedTT a en; ceaj, '"rm8, and holds first grade certificate. Address Depart t- Stamwood. Garden City, Kan. 101-j Arrlvo- ''ANTED All ambitious ladles and gentlemen to Mt. Hope attend the night school which opens at the ill western Business college Oct. 4th. 1S8C. dlOl-lm tfTANTED A full and complete list of raw and fV improved farming land for sale. Farnum. imms & George, 110 Main st. 10MW 11 W; ANTED All persons having city property for sale to leavu the Mine with us. Farnuni.fcimnis Go!" & G001' n0 Maln st lUilllll GolL. -TfJ-ANTED-Every farm in Sedgwick county for Goto Noi OI.-Acl-omiuu:-.c-Famum biinms & decree. Going South, Passenger. ...... - Jut'"' Going South. Accommodate ; rrrT GolneNortXV.r -- ,.2on by a pracjleal druggist. Go . -"able of taklngclmrgc; no olfaction togolng -u country; registered. Address J)rugglbt, care or ' Eagle. ltu'cl XfJANTED-Good cook, man or woman; 1 ght v- o work and good wage-; 1C miles from city on No. 2. HtR. K. bj . l. Wood. lul"6t W, N'TED-A hri to feed Job presses; steady em J, wjtf 'J.I at 1 his ofllec Immediately. W ANTED Two dining room oo; ea u tvr week,atLcIand hotel today, Caldwell, Kan. WANTED 8 cookR. 2 dishwashers, 3 men for din ing room, 5 girls for dining room. 7 girls for tirivate families, . housekeepers. K) seamstresses, 5 larmlmndh. Call on Will U. Hatfield, 114 N JIatn iltrc-et. 101 W "TTTANTED A Mranger wishes to form the ac VV juaintanee of a housekeeper aged 25 to 35, ref erence exchanged. Address. L. Otis, Eagle office, Wichita, Kan. 101-2t w ANTED A cook. Apply at W. C. T, U. rooms Immediately. 10l-ct WANTED Investors and speculators to know all about the Wichita. Garden.. Enquire of Ahbcl Welch Eagle block. 10U-12t WANTED We want you to know that jour own interest requires you to invest in the Wichita Gardens before the pr goes up. Afchlel Welch. Eagle block. 1W 1-it w ANTED-A clrl to do general housework, No. 1(W S Lawrence, up stairs. lU)-6t w ANTED Houses to reut. Drukker & Hoge, 151 Main street. imHt XITANTED Two or three furnished rooms, with or Y w itliout prlv ilege of light housekeeping, by man and wife. Call on or address J. It. Kilgour, 113 North Main street. imu WANTED Two rooms, one or loth furnished, for light housekeeping; must Ki In gofxl locali ty, within fle or ten ininutes walk of P.O. Ad dress B. W., care of the Eagle. 1U0 tit WANTED To place loans on long time on farms or business blocks or on short time or chattel or real estate security; rates low and prompt attention. Ashbel Welch, Eagle block. 100 12t w 'ANTED Three good carpenters at once. F. C. Winant, 14:5, Waco st. W-Ct XITANTED A stock of dry goods in the live town W of Sharon. Barber county; a splendid ojK'ning for business. Enquire of I. P. Campbell, cor. Doug las and Market. W 61 WANTED A good honest, ediitatod, single woman, bctw ien the ages of 23 and 35 ears, to takechargeof a smull family. Reference required, AuplvatDr Wendel's oflke, over Citizen's bank. wTchlta, Kan. '- "VHTTANTED-A woman to work forenoons, take TT care or suite of furnished rooms.! Call at 311 N Slain st, opjioslte Occidental. 93-t W AVTETl Insurance of all classes. I can cho you the Itest nites in the most reliable conipan A8hlel Welch. Eoglo block. 100 12t w x-rrn a iionriln In VrtWh Tnr If mill. Wn have n buj er. Drukker & Iloge, 151 Main st. W ANTED A gootl girl at W. F. Recce's 223 north Ktniioria ave. Immediately. 10J-Ct TTTANTED A gentleman contemplating a perma- YV nent residence in Wichita, wants good room aurt board with private family, where he can have the comforts of home. Address A. W. M., this oltice. TTTANTED An experienced, well acquainted, W lively groecrv solieltcr, not afraid to work. Ref erence required. A. J. Hirsh, 400 E Douglas av e. w ANTED Tho'e having real estate to sell to leave It w itli Drukker & Hoge, 151 Main St. UO (it "VTTANTED Tvv o good messeiigcr bojs at A. D. T. V office. Rtfereneerequired. WU TTjXTni A good Brunswick SHalfce pool table V cl lap for cash. Addieis ham Woodson, Leland liotil,Caldweli:an. 9 W WANTED A goo.1 girl for ginerul housework. Good wagis paid. Apply at 4.U N Main. 97 (it WANTED The Wichita Guldens are booming, and we don't want you to get lift. Enqulieof tlie principal leal c-tate lealei-s or ot Alhbel Welch, Kagle block. 1"0 l-'t w ivrvn T11 KkiieiMilicies on buildings, stocks. tuilfiiiis and their contents. Only first class c-aninanies repr sented in our office. 1 elephone No. CL Apply to John C. Hall & Co.. 213 Douglas av. 97 0 TXT" ANTED A loom, or room and board In a pri VY vato family. Address A. B. C. E.igle office. I'd Ct TaTANTED Partner with S-',(XX)to engage in the W stove tin and hardware business In est ich Ita. by a practical tinner and hanlware man. Best of reference as 1 egards ability. Prank Rogers. V. est Wichita. d6 6t WANrED-Atonii', good set of tinner's tools and machines. Send invoice and price to Frvtnk Bo'cr8. West Wichita. d9G-U XITANTED Teams aud men to work on I), M. & W A, R. H, at hlatTord, Kan. Good wages and ntcaly work. Apply at bt&fford, on the work. Wm, O'larv. rnntnietor. dlW-lm Wi '"ANTED Man anil w ifc; man fo tako care of TT Iiorscs ami cow unu iniu.v mureii m.u". useful; w oinnn to lo general housework. Enquire at . M. Boyd's office uuilcr county building. dati-dt XITANTED Girl for general housework, faniilv of Y two; no w ashing. Call at Stewart's drug store. dnc-t.t w ANTED A girl for general housework at boarding house N 1: cor. Tliira anu utwrence. ui 11 WANTED Woman to do washing at house one day each wiek. Mrs, II. Blackwelder, 347 N Km 1 101 ia ave. 9 T TANTED To buv stock cattle of all kinds. l' .. 1 ... 11 .......1 XI..1A f..L-.kt J. A. dU isennrr, at uuii: .nm .uuiu jiaiAci. w r ANTED Ladies to w 01k for me, local or trav--11 l.l..ntUilp i.i.u. ftw lnild.4 lllllv- S4 dallv easily made: no photo, no painting: particu lars free. Mrs.T. X. 415, Chicago. IU. !lm WNTED A situation by a comiietcnt book keeper of six v ears exierlence; w iiolesalc. bank or real estate; loan "and Insurance business preferred. Cau give bank reference. Address R. K C. Eagle WVNTED AT ONCE 3(0 teamstcrc, shovelers and roekmen, to work on Southern Kansas rail road south of New Kiowa, in the Indian territory. Good board and good water. Wages $1.M ier day, board $3.50 per week. For further particulars and free traiiMiortatlon apply at r Douglas, av e. Wich .fu v-il J. H. Hanioson. contractor. dS5J WANTED Borrowers for money; we place money at the low est rates on all kinds of chattel se curity loans, and also on second mortgages on farms. Wichita Banking Co- and Farmers Banking Co.,No. 1 11: W.Hit nouirla-s av 0. 37-tf w ANTED Boanlers at the northeast corner of Thini nnn iiwrncti oe. 1 WANTED To loan tW.otO on business DIocks ana residence property, within the next thirty days Kansas Loan and Investment company lilii -wrrrANTED Bookkeepers and wislness men to YV know that the National Accountants' Bureau offers ucsuriassed facllitlis for the procurement of first-class men and women for jiositlonsas book keepers and accountants. Business men who want efficient help, and expert bookkeepers who canglvo references, and want situations, would do w?llbv1drisTlngus: Office for the state of Kansas IT.VLPJ.h'LVi. liudncss College. Wichita, Kan- zr " XTTANTED-To loan at lowest rates, iw.uuu on cuy Wf . rar nmirtr. llouev ready any day. S. W. Cooper. 137 Main st. "lf FOR RENT. T7OR RENT-For cash rent for the year s. or ij longer, a first-class liottom farm on Hlckorv creek. In Butler county. Kan. Address W m. MorM. T7V)R RENT House, fix rooms and Jiantry. Kasi 1" uougias ave; ciose u uhsiiicss. i.u" ."-, room 10, Hartw Ig block, cor Fourth and Douguu aves. w-ct KR RENT Rooms nlcelv f urnishetl with or with in board, in Rovs building. Office 3U1 Douglas avenue. w" I7OR RENT A first-class hotel, new, S2 rooms, in Tribune. Greeley countv; good town, good water. IU u wn and Market st. ft W X7K)R RENT-A light, well ventiiateii. furnUhod I' room, one block from Douglas ave, suitablu tor - , lfVA...K IwnH ..ll Hb.ltll.L.1 Cft quire at No. 207, S. Lawrence ave. 93 it FOR RENT Brick store w itu sneiving suitable ror dry goods. Addres Holdrldg & Gosn, Anthony Kan. uw-i.1- "TTvOR RKNT Newlv- furnished rooms 011 Main strtH2t J private house; opposite tho Occidental GrocerT. 343 Main st. "-"' FOR RFNT eslrable office or sleejiing rooms in Hartwig block, cor. Douglas and Fourth avenues. N. . NIederlauuor. '-w FOR RENT Strictly first-class furnishetl rooms. laifrmst nnd most convenient in Wichita, in Union block, over Palace barber shop, next to Commerlal aotel, Douglas av enuc. Apply to Mrs. Gandolfo. room So. S. up stairs. dsS-tf 4jKR REST Furnished rooms at ISO X Topeka U avenue. d6-6t FOR RENT. ihju kemt one rurnished room between oaK ana I J Pine on Fourth, 713; $10 per month. Mrs. B. Mur- T? lOR REST-TTnlf nt a lin mnm ttt 138 N Main St. in the best location in the city... itoom -weu ltedand nlnfp.gli tnrtnwK.J ' ' " aZ lighted and plate. tliwwhid(Tws.J T7KR RENT-rJIIcely furnished front rooms; large J? and airy; sMthern exposure; In a new house. En quire at 422 west Central ave. K-K FOR RENT-For this week only, a t-Ja8.5!T eight room house. aU modem conveenw situa ted on the best street In the y. ""SHS." walk of the post office. Address lock box.WlsSKv FOR KENT-Furnibhcd bed room wiasltttog room cd Joining. large closet, porch, and entrance to ward i strett. One bedroom with porch and entrajice towards street; new house; referencesjtiven a"de!ulred. Tnguire at ail w Centralavenue. dOMt . ......-. . i-. wutmsltvthfl Hjiv nr wjt1r Inauire at No. 15 East Douglas ave. room No. 1 up stairs or at 113 West Douglas ave, room No. 1 over Petrie's clothing store. 3Ire. J. M. Slager, dS4-lm FOR SALE. ITIOR SALE call at once wmie me prices are low; ' no better bargains can bo had than In the Wich ita garden. AMibel Welch, Eagle block. 100-12t Kit SALE Very cheap. One good cook stove and no extension dining table S it. new; a bargain for cash, at No. luO b Lawrence. SiU-6t I7TOR SALE A nice easy business; suite furnished ? rooms on Main street; will invoice $3C3 and clear etcry month above expenses 133, Enquire of W.E. Hec cs, 320 E Douglas a e. 9S 6t FOR SALE Saddle ponies; some broke to drive. S. T. Major, cor. Topeka ave and Tenth st. 98-tf 1710R SALE Choice business property on E Doug J las ave. Call on Parker S. Smith, at office of Harris, Harris & Vermillion. 98-12t FOR SALE Will sell with lease and furniture 10 rooms at Union block over Palace barber shop. Apply to Mrs, Gandolfo, at Union block. y?-tf I7OR SALE The Wichita Gardens. The biggest . thing now offered In the market. Enquire of principle real estate dealers or of Ashbel WelchEagle block. 100-12t IOR SALE My half luterest in the estate of the 7 late J. H. Mennich, consisting of farm adjoining the town of El Paso, with implements appertaining to the said farm. Also town lots and shares in the town of El Paso, Sedgwick county. Louisa Walker (late Mennich.) Apply at Anglo Am. Loan and In- est men t Co. 97 bt FOR SALE A horse and buggy, part cash balance in payments. For particulars call at.223 N Fourth ivenue, 97 Ct ITOR SALK Good family cow, fresh; small ' be removed; fencing pickets and boards. Address W. E. Hutchinson. 237 W Williams st. s-Ct IJlORSALE-FIre insurance iiollclesln verj' best com- panles nt adejuatc rates t merchants and citi zens of Wichita. Apply to John C. Hall & Co., 218 Douglas ave. Telephone No G3. 97 Ct ITOR SALE Barber shop and fixtures. Apply at " 713EDovglasave. dWCt FOR SALE The garden sjiot of the world, other wise known as the Wichita gardens. For infor mation apply to the principal real estate dealers or to Ashbel Welch, Eagle block. 100-12t J7OR SALE 20 head of 3 and 4 year-old steers: good ' grade. InquIreofG. Edward Roembaeh. 4 miles southw est of Garden Plain. dU5 12t w25 2t I710R SALE I have some special bargains in farms " from two to three miles from Cheney; 160 acres three miles from Cheney, 90 acres In cultivation; 50 acres in corn; one acre in potatoes; house, orchard, stable and well, nice grove, small fruits, etc., all for S2,:W. Also l.lOOacres, two miles from Cheney; 400 acres under fence; throe housas; orchard, grove, liv ing water all bottom, $19,000. These are two speci mens of thousands of acres for sale by me. Inquire of John Coffey, Cheney, Sedgwick county, Kansas. d93-lm FOR SALE The finest land to be found, In "2i, S and 10 acre lots on Washington ave. There is big money ini t if v ou buy now. Ashbel Welch, Eagle block. 1C0 ISt FOR SALE Old papers at this offico at 25 cents a hundred. E lOR SALE A fine breeding jack, for tho sura of 8100. Inquire or write to Pink Foutfe. 3Stf F OR SALE-TRADE OR RENT The Mulvane Flour Mill. For terms, call on or address J. E. Humphrey & Sou, Wichita. Kans. dS-Jtf TOR SALE VA or 10 acre lots in the Wichita Gar 2 dens on Washington ave. north of the city, by tne principal real estate dealers or ,shuel welsn, 100 12c iagie diock. T7OR SALE Bakery and restaurant at Anthony JL; Kan., doing a good juj ing business. Reason for silling, poor health. John Ambler, Anthony, Kan. 176 2Jt ITIOR SALE $10.X) will buy KHxI40 ft with house ? on 4th avenue, Just south of William street, suita ble for w holesale or agricultural Implement ware house; a side track can be put hi very cheap. E. C. audL. R. Cole, 329 Douglas ave. dC3tf I710R SALE-3) lots in Hibarger's addition. These lots front on Washington avenue and west on Mosley avenue, are covered vvltli fine fruit and shade trees, and w ill be sold on easy terms. Call on Bunnell & Morehouse. 50-tf "1710R SALE Grand Central Hotel, Geuda Springs, JD Sumner countv, Kansas, the great health resort of sunny, southern Kansas; doing a good pajing busi ness: ev irj tiling nice and new; newly furnished this spring; a good chance for some one; reason for sell ing, age. Call on or address R. C; Love, Glcuda Spring. Kansas. (1C1 tf "JTTOR.SALE i lots on N. Waco avenue, between JL Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets; w ill be sold at abaigaln. Inquire nt 151 N Main St. 50-tf IT'OR SALE Mrjstoek of groceries and queenswarc : at Anthonv, Kan.; will sell lor cash onlj; stock w ill inv olci' for $i,W. 1 v.ill rent to the parties buy ing, the building, which is 120 feet with good cellar. 1. B. Forbes, Anthony, Kan. 47-tf IT'OR SALE I have some very choice bargains In ' city property and fauns. Call and get the prices before they are gone. Ashbel Y.'tlch, Eagle blk. 100-12 ITOR SALE OR EXCHANGH-A 10-horte jKivver ' flirnuliln nififhlnn j.ll iimiTiffir wnil-ivf.;i Kir- gain. Address Win. Morti, Leon, Kan. 100-ct I710R SALE 500 town lots In Garden City; special : bargains; also deeded laud adjoining tlie city. Call on or address K. J. Pyle, real estato agent. Garden City, Kan. 46-5m I710R SALE 190 high grade sheep, or will trade for : Wichita city projierty or for cattle. Enquire IIS K Douglas av e. A. T. Buckeridgc. d58-tf I710R SALE-177 acres of land on the west bank of the ' blgArkansas river.G miles northwest of Wlchlta;56 acres plowed and a small orchard; no buildings; bal ance lenced with wire, watered by the river; all good bottom land; price $.53 per acre If sold soon; part cash, balance to suit at 8 ier cent. Inquire by letter. J. B. lirlnley. Wichita, Kan. dJ5-wl5tf JORSALE Lots in Dodge's addition west of the J Fair ground, half miles north ot the University grounds. These lots are the highest ami best in tho eitv. 'lime will lie given to those wishing to build. If desired. For further particulars inquire at the gro cery store o 1 Dodge & Hughes, 122 W Douglas avenue. dil-tf IT'OR SALE or trade Good flouring mill at Albion, " Harjier countv, Kan., on the S. K. railroad, iy. miles west of Argonia on tho St. Louts, Ft Scott & Wichita railroad. Will sell ou long time t trade for other property. Address II W Lewis. Wichita dlSt'tf IT'OR SALE. Good residence and business property In town of Clearwater; also a gootl farm near countv seat of Comanche county: will trade for Wich ita city property. Inquire 1J3 N Market street. 115tf IT'OR SALE 15 high grade Hereford bulls, one and " two 3 ears old. Inquire at Rock Creek ranche. 7 miles west of Andale, or at Red Front Shoe store. Allen & Lew Is. Wichita. Kan. dotf FOR SALE Fine farm near Mt. Hope, im roved, P0 acres good plow land, 40 acres good hay land. 40 acres good pasture. Will give long time on part and w 111 take in trade horses or cattle. Inquire at probate Judge's office. dll3tf FOR TRADE. TOR TRADE Farms, town property, stores and .J stocks of eoods to trade for teams, cattle, goods: city propcrt , etc. Ashbel Welch, Eagle block. 100-12 IT'OR TRADE FOR STOCK A first class bottom farm in Butler county. Kan., consisting of 3a acres situated on Hickory cri-ck. Address Wm. Morti. Leon. Kan. 10iV6t IT'OR TRA V have 1C0 acres woll Improved Jj land to trade for Wichita prierty. Porter, Dut ton & Noble. 19 Main it, up stair. 97 bt TiOR TRADE 100 acre farm in Butler county, Kan to exchange for murchandlse. El Dorato, Kan. Address look box d984t IT'OR TRADE Livery stablo and the entire outfit; ; good business, good location: everything tie longing to a first-class livery stable; situated in the city of Cleveland. Ohio; will trade for land in west ern Kansas. For particulars address lock box 1"9. Wichita, Kan. 141-tf ITCm EXCHANGE W have a half section of Sedg j? wick county land, partly improved, which we w ill exchange for Wichita property upon very liberal terms. Bunnell & Morehouse. 50 tf STORAGE. STORAGE-For household goods and merchandise at 238 Main st. Cheap rates, by Cox & Stanley. "dl2T,tf LOST. LOST One lap rolf wl h Slower m center. Finder v ill bo libiraUy rewarded on return to 103 Main streit. O. . snermsa. s-M STORAGE For household goods or merchandise, boxed or loose if jou hav e any- goods to store bring them to the Wichita Storage Ctu. No. 116 West Douglas av e. f5-tf Quick Sale llarjrant.. 5 lots on North Tbika, between 13th aa 1 l$lh; 4 'lots. cor. Washington ave and nh;rerlo:s; 4 lots ou North Mf-in, per lot. SwaI. 2 corner lots In Alien Ssmltii s adult.0,1; ler C east fronts on Allen Allen add: por lot. You w ill nev er get left on any of the aocv e , are by all odds 0110 lot. 275. rhey Bargains in Real Estate. A fine agricultural and stock farm, throe and one half miles from city, about 123 acres broke, one quar ter section fenced for paturo. plenty of water and a BnAIso3UOUlo in city finely located d In sood neijhborhood. SjiecuU tem-jt to those wjantas to maV.ebo.m rs., eHr trrimlni soo ChrU. T. Pearws agent for Wm. GrelffenstNn. at ciW omoe- FINANCE AND COMMERCE. i MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. - iiia itew York Money Markets. New York. September 13. Money On call easier, ranging from 5 to 7 per cent Prime Merchantlle Paper 45 per cent. Sterling Exchange Weak and unsettled; actual rate4S25 for 60 day bills and 4S4J for demand. Government Bonds Dull and steady. State Bond Dull and heavy. 3-per-cente -..100?g 4-per-eente 126 4-per -cents HOJs 6-per-cents of M 126 State Bonds Very dull and steady. Missouri 6s 10G The stock market was stronger and showed more Ufe than on any previous day for some weeks; the bears seemed damorallzed and the bulls for the time; being had complete control. The course of prices with the exception of a slight reaction in the early trading and another in tho last hour, was al most steadily upward. The total sale of stocks today were 237.937 shares. Chicago & Alton 111 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy lacjf Lacawana usk Erie 33H Lake Shore 88 Missouri Pacific 112J6 Northwestern 116Jf New YorklCentral H2j Reading 2w Rock Island 127 , Union Pacific 57J Wabash 21?g Western Union 69 AT & SF lst7's 123 DoRR 90J4 New York Grain. New York. September 13. Ungraded red, 83QS1 No. 2 red, EGJf elevator, 6SJ4 delivered. Corn Spot lots shade higher: options lower, clos ing stendy;Ungraded 49a5l& No 2 50; elevator Sitf Oats moderative active, mixed western Si&U white western, 35&40. Barley Steady. Butter Firm; western, 1012J. Cheese Firm, western, 1515& Eggs Firm; western fresh, 15(. Chicago Grain and Produce. Chicago. September 13. Tne wheat market started off a little easier today at 77c for Oct., dropped to Gyg but from that point rallied on fair buying to 7714, on the regular session receded and closed at 77 1-16 at one o'clock. In the afternoon strong bujlng assisted by the unusuul strength of pork tlie market rallied and closed for day at 77 9 19. The estimates of receipts of corn w ere smaller than usual; the market declined H early ral lied & and closed stead'. Flour steady and unchanged. Wheat Sales ranged: September, 75X76, dosed 73J& October. 7CJS 77 closed 77; No. 2 Spring Si No. 2 red 70?;. Corn, :-H; September, ia339JS, closed 3T6; October, 40-jt41closed 41K Oats Cash, and August. 23;1 September. 25 Rye-Steady, No. 2, cash, 4 Barley Weak; No. 2, 5!. Flax Seed Strong; No. 1. 81 10. Pork Cash, $! U) 9 32. Septem, 89 52HS9 W closed&9 57J& Lard-Firm; cash 87 377 40J; August, 7 207e.'H, closedgT 32: sjeptcmoer, 9, JKi. &. ciosea . m; October. 86 3 Whiskey Steady, 81 15. Butter Firm; creamery, 15&22J& dairy. 142J. Eggs-lOJjgc. Hotatoes Firm. $1 602 00 per barrel. Receipts Flour, 9,000; wheat, 77.000; corn, 34,000; oats. 27.UW; rj'e, 40,000; barley, 64,000. Shipments Flour, 7,000; wheat, 160,000 corn.144,000 oats, &9,(X)0; rye, 1000: barley, 6,000. Kansas City Grain and Produce. Kansas City, September 13, Flour Steady: quotations In car lots: xx, 75c: xxx, 8595c; family, 81 051 15; choice. 81 301 40; fancy, 81 601 70; patent, 82 00i.J 10; rye flour. 81 451 70. wheat Receipts 13,000; shipments 19,600; in stoi-e, 3r,rt)0. Sales ranged: No. 2 red cash, C2f bid; October WA May 75 bid, No. 2 soft, cash 63H bid. Corn Sales ranged: No, 2 cash, 31Jtf bid, S3 asked Oct 33; May 40J4 bid. 42 asked. No. 2 white, cash 34 bid. Oats Very dull and easier; cash 2 Octolwr 27J. Rye Better. 11. Hav Firm; fancy small baled, $S 50, Mill stuff Quiet. Butter Steady: creamery fancy, IS; good, 13; dairy, 13: store packed, 10; common, 6. , Eggs Steady at 13c. Corn Meal Green. 85; dried, 90. Corn Chop Bulk, 70; sacked. 75. Shipstuff 1752c. Bran-Bulk, 47; sacked. 52. Cheese Full cream. 10; flat, 7SS; Young America. 10; Kansas, 57. Poultry Steady; old hens, $2 50; old mixed, 81 73; spring chickens, large, $3 23, small, 81 25(3; 1 50. Dried Apples, l3c; peaches, 23c. Wool Missouri, unwashed heavy fine, 1618; light, 16CJ22; medium combing, 2224; coarse. 2021; low and carpet, 1517: Kansas and Nebraska heavy fine, 15(5,18; light, 1921; medium. 20(523; tub washed choice, 3435; fine, 3433; dingy and low, 2729. Broom corn Hurl, 10 self working, 6G7; common, 5; crooked, 34. Hides Dry Hint. No. 1, 13; No. 2; 11; bulls and stags, 8; dry salt, No.l, 10, No. 2, S: green suit, No. 1, 8-H, No. 2, 7; green uncured. No. 1. 7, No. 2, l; calf, 7J; sheep pelts, dry, 10Q12. Tallow No. 1, 34; No. 2, 3. Provisions Sugar cured hams. 13,breakfast bacon, 10; dried beef, 11; dry salt clear rib sides, SO 15; long clear. $0 03; shoulders, $5 0); short clear, SG 50; smoked clear rib side, 87 ); long clear, $S 00: short clear, S7 00; mess pork, S10 V); shoulders, $6 25; beef $8 ,Vi. Lard Choice tierce. $6 55- Flax seeil-UScSl 00. St. Louis Grain and Produce. St. Loow. t-eptimber 13. Flour Quiet, unchanged: xxx S-! 20.3,2 CO, family $2 4(Ka2 55; choice, $2 'M&S 10; fancy, $J 40(2-3 50; eitra fancy, 83 .0ii3 85: patent, SI O0Q.1 SI. Wheat Receipts, 15,Ttsi; shipments. 17(0; in store, 39,000; market weaker No. 2 red, cash, 7t October 77?irti775R Corn No. 2 mixed cash. S3 bid: Oct 26J:5ri. Oats No. 2, cash, 23t&. Sept 24JiJ, October 2.?. Rye No. 2 cash. 50 Barley No market; Lead Dull; refined. SI 60; chemically hard;$157J-i. Butter Quiet; creamerj', 172:1; dairy, 10Q1S. Eggs Firm. llWt12c. Whiskey-Steacly; $1 10. Pork Steady; 810 23. Lard Firm; 86 50. Receipts FloOur. 6000; wheat, 79,000; corn, 22.00 oats, 77,000; Rye.20UO; barley, '2,iW. Shipments Flour, 20.000: wheat. 133,000; com, 3,000 oats, 8,000; rj'e, none; barley, none. Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City, September 13. Cattle Receipts, 2511 shipments. 1CS1: fat stuff strong and a shade higher: grass range of good quali ty stead ; common dull; choice. 84 oo4 SO; com mon to medium. 8- 30fi3 90; stockers, S-! :3 2 73: feeders, 2 SOiaa 30: cows, 81 50G2 CO; grass Texas steers, 82 30iii3 23. Hogs Receipts, 2S50;. shipments CSS: choice; firm, others steady; good to choice, $4 S0&3 W common to medium, 81 2CGi 75; skips and pigs, s2 754 10 " Sheep-Receipts. 493 ; shipments. 202; steadv; goodto choice. $2 50(53. 00, common to medium. 81 50 Qi 23. St. Louis Live Stock. St. Lons, September 13. Cattle Receipts. 14); "shlpmenui, fW-.t market firm; good to choice shippers, $4 304 S3; com mon to fair, $3 C04 20: butchers steers. 83 5004 U) cows and heifers, $2 23 SO; through Texans, 82 25 &3 rfl:Iudlans, S-? 'iVl 60. Hogs Receipts, 1VW; slilitmcnts, ttO: market active and strong: butchers and best heavv, e 9G5 1W mixed packing, :l UVti SO; light. 84 10O4 TO. Sheep Receipts, Zlh shipment, 7'J; market steady and unchanged; 82 23(j4 0. Chicago Litc Stock. CuiCAGO. RcpteiuL-er 13. Cattle Market steady: shipping steers 83 4C3 53; stockers and feeders S2 H.t-?tO,eows, bulls an mlxd 81 25(;4 Mr, bulk 82 (0(i2 P0; through texas 82 C0&3 10; cow s 82 (Xa3 50; wintered Texans 82 73(3 4.1. Hogs Receipts. 15.51V; shipments, 3W1: market strong; gonl butchers to best heavy 8415(4190, packing and shipping, 3 U3S$5 30; light, 8!lO5O0. Sheep Receipts, 4MV. shipments, 5uh market itrl- nntlm.. J rtWlnh western. S3 73A350: Tex ans, 81 x32 fi lambs, 53 50G4 75. New York Lire Stock. Nkw York, September 13. Beev es-Reoeipts Including 30 cars Tor export 4240; 9s50 for the webfc. Market dull and lower; native steers, 8 1085 TO; Texas and Colorado 83 SXZt 33 Sheep Receipts, 1410U; market dull and weak at 83 35.31 62 per 100 lbs for sheep and 84 756 10 for lambs. Hogs Receipts. 12.700; market slow and steady at 4 AXS86 10 per cwt. For Trade ! ! Horse, stock of general merchandise, ne 12 horse power engine and threshing maclne. two valuable patent rights" shares in several good growing town in western Kansas, several good pre-emptions and timber culture claims in the Gar den :Citv land district, farms and town property In all the eastern and southern state also western Kansas laud and a great many vacant lots in west ern Kansas towns all to trade for lots in Wichita or improved farms In Sedgw ick. Butler.Cowley, Sum ner and Reno counties. Three good improved farms torcatforlsS7. We make a siecialty of trading. If vou have anj thing to trade or sell brag the descrip tion to our office: we can eetvou a trade. TOwnlots for sale on credit. Office S19 Ecst Douglas avenue, up stairs, front room. REIMAN & SABIN. A. SMITH, CONTRACTOR, CARPENTER -AND- JOIN13B. Will do all kinds of carpenter and joiner work on short notlc. Stairs. Stair Railings. Sash Doors, Blinds. Door and Window Frames and Screens. EF"Sbop. 138 Main street. Residecce on Lawrence aveaae near CentraL Postofflce box 347. A HAMMOCK SONG. Straying, swaying, wfcaf&kjk t& weed scented tawte; sTi - GfmngatttosonligbMlingttg golden glenoa through the'tzvep, .-1 ui 1 Listening to the drowsy droning of the'nerreV- nroauecs. There'3 como magic in tke notion, some itrange spell we do not know, A weird power it has to conjecture visions up from long ago. By its swinging cradle motion, slowly, softly to and fro. All the world of work and wisdom tW, be hind us, it is naught, Clear before our charmed vision, Spanish castles rise unsought, And the shadow land is round us, and the realm of dreamy thought What is this strange power that holds us! Tis some silent, subtle spell, Born of swaying, ever swaying, like tho toll- icg of a bell, Or tho rocking of the ocean, and tho salty seaweed smell. Lying lazily, wo linger in the land of day dreams bright, PrinJjing deep from fancy's fountain, draughts of quiet, calm delight, Till the eastward lengthening shadows warn us of tho coming night Still wo linger, scarcely heeding how the- happy moments go, What caro fe for time that passes? YTc are ewinging to and fro, With that magic cradlo motion, swaying, swaying soft and slow. -K. if. 11.," in N. Y. Mail andExpress. Pen Picture of Loalso BlicboL finally wo reath the top. For a moment we pause. It seems a rude break on our reveries of cleanliness, sweetness and pret tiness to meet this woman. For all people have told us she is such a. dreadful person, so unkempt and uncanny. However, we ore 1:1 for it now. So wo give a sniff at our roses, nnd, falteringly, knock. At once tho door is opened, and we see this troublesome person, who replies to cur query: "Yes, I cm Loubo Michel, pray enter." Then we present the roses, bho is overjoyed, her face lights up, her voice grows softer, and beforo she will say one word more sho fetches a jug of water for tho roses. During this time wo photo graph her on our mental camera. A tall woman with a slight stoop. Feet encased in coarse wool plaited slippers. The whitest stockings possible, a black alpaca skirt to her ankles. A piquet dressing jacket of dark spotted pattern, made very large, indeed slouchy, yet clean, shining from recent ironing. Black hair with a few white threads, cut short, lying in loose waves to the neck; a pale, oval faco, strong, decided features; in tho throat that painful swelling a curse to France, in the way of national diseases, known as tho "goitre," and above all the most marvelous eyes I've ever soon keen, oxpressive, deep, gray-black, veritable windows of the grand soul looking defiantly through them. Not a feminine, yet not a masculine woman. A lioness, yet as often a lamb. The former nature showing itself in her firm handling of subjects to be canvassed, her hatred of oppression, her fanaticism, if youwilL The latter nature seen immediately in the affectionate way she takes to arrange the posies effectively, and, as sho seats her self, in the trick she has of placing one of her long, firm hands restfully within the other, iu an attitude of gentle listening, in congruously, perhaps, reminding one of somo student at a college class. A voice which fills your cars with harmonious inflections and has a magnetic power, also, of filling "tho soul within tho sense" of whoever is addressed. This is Louise Michel. Paris Cor. Boston Herald. Our Congressmen and Their Salaries, When a member dies his pay ceases on tho day of his death. The salary of the successor commences the day after the decease of tho former member, though the election may not occur for several montha. The now member, in other words, draws pay for time ho never served. A member is allowed twenty cents mileage each way, or forty cents a mile one way, and he can chock for tho full amount of both trips when ho takes his seat. He is al lowed $125 a yecr for stationery. The most of this sum is pocketed. Tho members draw their niwiiey in different ways. There are probably twenty of the present house who let their salaries run into nest eggs. There are a coupls of dozen members who always over draw, or rather, borrow from the head of the bank. They borrow or get in advance sums ranging from $10 to $300, and at the end of the month they have nothing. Tho great majority of tho members draw all that is coming to them at the end of each month, particularly tho?o who have their families with il :.i. Some of them never seo an out side !.. -, Lut Ioj their monthly salaries re main, aud draw it out in small sums. Others tako out their salaries and place them in other banks. But this is not done as much as formerly. A number of them got caught in tho Middlcton bank that broko some time ago. Most of tho members do all their finan cial business over tho counters of the Con gressional bank, and some of them pile checks up as high as 560,000 in a single ses sion. Boston Transcript. German Societies Opposed to Usury. To a number of societies formed in various large towns in Germany for the suppression of usury, may now be added another one about to form in Berlin. These societies have for object to becomo a neutral rallying point for persons of all parties and confes sions, and to collect material for the exposure f usurious establishments, on the supposition that in most cases a falsa shame prevents the ruined victinn from holding their sordid plunderers responsible. Boston Budget. The other day a Herald man got into a Madron street car, and three young ladies who sat opposite where he took his seat sud denly ceased their chatter and began to look in the most ludicrously introspective way. Their big eyes stared straight ahead; they looked hard at The Herald man, yet with not a gleam of intelligence. Puppies of eight weeks, children of three months and semi daft folks often have that kind of stare. The Herald man got nervous, and, when he de cently could, pulled a cigar from his pocket and went to tho rear scats. "What is that?' he asked of an acquaintance, in petulance, as be flashed a match. "That,"" said the fly young man, "is what the girls call the 'baby stare,' Haven't you seen it yet? It is the latest 'fad' out. It takes nerve to do it, but the average girl is schooling herself. Her idea is to open her eyes wide, direct them straight at you, and then look just as unre ceptivcof outward impressions as babies do. It's a great snap, but I dont think it will last. Mighty few glfls can continue long enough the look of idiocy known as tho 'baby stare." "Chicago Herald. Circuses and Their Popularity. Circuses have their friends, admirers and patrons in certain localities the same as wholesale houses and other business enter prises. This fact is strongly illustrated in the case of P. T. Bamum. This great showman can fill his canvas in tho north and east, but whenever ho attempts to show in cities south of Mason and Dixon's line he exhibits to empty seats. He has made several efforts to obtain popularity in the south, but has never yet appeared in a town in that section with out losing money. He has frequently given the southerners the best entertainments that any show in the world could present, but ia every ixstance failed to draw half as larg a crowd as inferior circuses do in the same ter ritory. This year he tried Nashville, Tenn., and Richmond, Va., as a feeler, to sot what could b done in the south, bmt ks) lost saoaey and gave up the idea of iacladne: lit soata cm cities ia his roata. " " - -v J.BBOABBCB, rvTJi Mf4 bKUAUUUb, i' r' AND CIVIL EHGiNEERS. OFFICE Southeast corner Douglas and Topeka area, la Kansas Furniture Cos bnkllnjr. TRIQyfCfAretne Original and Only Genu inriQIVO ine. Take no Otter Brand. THASK FISH COHPA2TX BT. XOTJIS. MO, tlSeotl w-34-t flMER t JACKSON Who:cale ai,! Retell DeaUrs 1: -C:0:A:L- Colorado & Pennsylvania Anthracite And all kinds of Canon City, Trinidad and Osage City, Blossburg, . Pa Piedmont, W. Va. McAllister, Fort Scott, Cherokee, Rich Hill and Pittsburg Coal. also Lime, Piaster, Cement, Brick, Side walk and Building Stone. OFFICES. BIr Red Scale, u Douglas aTe. S side: K7 Wnter street, bet. Dcucaveami First ....OF-. WICHITA, KANSAS. A Classical and Scientific School lor Both Sexes. WILL OPEN FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR Monday, Septembsr ;h, 1886 FOR PARTICULARS OR CATALOGUE ADDRESS: Prof. J. M. Naylor, PRINCIPAL. OR Rev. J. D. Hewitt, SUPERINTENDENT. dw Cw Wichita, Kans. ASPHALTDM Roofing Paint. GRAVEL ROOFS AND PAVEMENTS ror. Walks, Drives, Cellars and Cis terns, i ALSO AS AK- Application to Iron, Wood and Stone -For Further Particulars Apply RIZER & HUMPHREY, OFFICE: Corner JIarkct and William Strecu. Or address Lock Box M2. Wichita. Kansas. VTH, HALL.K.D. J. E. BHX.VETT, M. D. Drs. Hall & Bennett OVER WOODJLOTS BAXK. 1 MAI ST DR. HALL Continues to succwf ully treat all d La.v of womf a. lie doe not do central practice, a he glvw hi entire time to his vpfJaltie. ln lnc year he ha been In Wichita he has cured hundreds of ladta In this city and adjoining totrns. any of whom will r peak In the highest terms of his succf-vfu! cure and gentle manly treatment while under hi care. If any twnon afflicted with any of the following dbeaM will con sult him flrst. time will be gained, money saved and disappointment averted. INFLAMMATIOy, CLCEPwlTIOX. MISPLACEMENT, or Prolapsus of the Womb, and aU UTERLVE TROUBLES, POLTPUS AND FIBROD TTMORS. cauIa? too frequent, painful and Irregular menttrs aUoas. LECCORRnCE-t. etc He aUo ?acifnlly treats alt kidney and bl&Uct trouble of male and female, such a. PARALYSIS. NEURALGIA. Foreign Bodies la the Bladder and Urethra, causing two frequent and painful urinating, and all forms of PRIVATE. CHRONIC, ami SEXUAL DISEASES, nch as Spermatorrhea. Impcteccy. aad all the uo pleasant results of tach troubles. SYPHILIS Toltlrely cured txA entirely tradiot'd from the system. GONORRHdA cured Iu from lire W clhi iiy or no py. GLEET and STRICTURE cured ta fciSeat ri years stand las. PILES and other dbes of the Kealto-uricary er cans colckly csred. He sxarcw sJl cermfale car. tf be cannot cure yoa te will plainJy tell you so. DR. BENVETT devot er"cl2l attjtVa to th tren7of EVaey or ?ute; nthk h trW br the latest tad not apjTOwl met! 1p w-hlcb fie KBarante a cure tn U crabi s. He Biorfvercialcrtotia: creof tbfje rpa wbolr Cfctl wttis the oaium or morphine habtt C&ss of witototsi atvaded promptly, carefully Patnu tn ceaeral practice reio proaspt aad careful attentioa. CONSULTATION TTJ3L Reosemberttatketoathisold Se at 5-lsTKah. isr. Mate -:- Amis SElCTEQ iVs H 0 R E m. a ill J. A. TALMAME!. WholesaleHS 230 North Main Street. We are Now Open "With the Jjargest Stock: of Crockery, China Glassware, Lamp Goods and Rieh Fancy Goods. To be Found West of the Missouri River. We respectfully solicit an inspection of our stock: and guaran tee as low prices as can be found in the state for the same money. JOHN S. COZINE. COZINE & e,:eix, estate A.a-Eifr'zTs. City Proyerty and Farms forSa!e-.-Rents Collected and Taxes Paid, Correspondence Solicited. Business Promptly Attendedto. 156 N. MAIN ST. - WICHITA. KANSAS. MONEY TO LOAN On Chattel Mortgages and City pFopecbjrj IN SMALL OR URGE AMOUNTS. SHORT TIME AT THE LOWEST RATES Wichita Ming Company and Farm Bankiug Co., . 116 WEST- DOTJG&AS AVENUE TVTOTVFTP'V" f At Lowest Rates and Ready-for t Borrowers '- ATvdTCE S. W. COOPER, "SKETftA 'Come let us live with tbe children." TjrovbcJ., W.CT.U.i Will Open a Monday, Sep. 6, 1886, On Second Street. ljctwe-n LauTcnee and Totekn avenues, conducted by Jtl Ills'y, a Kraduntu of the Chicago Klndersarten Xornial. tor terms apply to JINs Maley at school room or Mrs. 3!lller at V.' C. T. u. rooniff, EAGLE CORNICE WORKS. Just north or the Occidental. vV '!V CASWELL & BUCKLEY. Manufacturers of Galvnnlied Iron Cornicni, Tin, Irrjn nnd felatc Hooting by ex w-rienctd viorl.mi'3, re pairing, guttering onii Rjoutfi;g done witn ncatnew and dNpatch. ar-Estlmates and dtiI?n.s lurnLhed oc e ort notice The People's Line. The Great Free Pahce Reclinin:! Cluir Car fiotle. St: Loois, Ft. Scott I ficlita, In conc't'n with Mo. Pac. Ry. Is now running morning and evenln;; trains dally. Including Sundajs, to SIAIIWIT LIOIUIIIS Without Change. PqIum hku Sicepicf Can os ltwz Traai 48 MILES The Shortest Route to St Louis. The Only Short, Direct Route to TEXAS AND SOUTHERN POINTS By which tfce rauweffer avoids estra travsL depot tnuwfer and vtxatJom deiys. All Texas Points Local to this System W.TLNEWICAX. Gnerarjrra2!" JUnr. fA. I-ouls Xo. H. a TOWysESD. Ges.PaM.aBd Ticket Ant. t Louis, X. C P RECTOP TXvtasoB Pasaeoeer aa-1 Tlck jLceot. WlchKa. Caa. Drs. M. and H. BRAND0M, Twin Brothers. and Ear Infirmary AND Surgical Institute. Ferewriysf Direatsr HL NcSS Eaj Ix.C!;Ii vccae. WSeiiUa, Cancc CANCER CURED. Dr H. Rnuviocs. eoe ft tie Twtn l!rcir. tar riiiUX attixitlos to tfc trratins:t vt Ct--err. ltej M!! Urpe nim!i"-r t-t ra with utxTerl w o-m. I feH It my duty ir, y m tVe MiSrtnar wWS the dre4 dlwTL- Cacc-r.ttat I f-I m- ihAt I ru lire yoc if cot Vx tr gvnc Call tf rv " T11 br3ta Jmpecaett witii t&e eatarrr ulnu. No symr rers:rel until cncer W reroored. I win Ker vrti to a few caw uatl BJ entm Hermiti Fas. fctf-a. Kas.; Arthur J. AJ4wo. Bosje.Kan-: rxioa Whlttt; Yrtam. Kjus.- Adaas Waf Oatrflie, g.3.; Uary m&n, OflUrfll. Eaa. K1ERGAMN y' .s&S mt9 ""JSS rROU x"" ,yr v." tet - Retail Dealers W. O. WDDKLX. RIDDELL i Plyme k'teitffim'i tagcliw' Sa epr'gfield Frjo Spring. ALL AHOAKD Paiiwrs for Mind Ccntrr. lUtnticlt. Wnt Plaint, !; r KtrtUla, Tarso JprtiiKH,mtiU polnU til South western Kmm.Lt. will nave time and tnonry by golni; ia LEiairrox rLYMKiXT link. nrtwMnnrtrr nt Cimarron and Canton ,"lty. En ny ami nlcht train now tt atanck of thmto pvlsta BTT2i;, BAB a 8UH6ICALNBTITITE. SPKCIALTIES: Eyas, Nev, Throat, Catarrh, tara. Surgery and Deformities. E. "5T. JwaTOTNTSEXlI,, 2wT. x., Proprietor and Surgeon in Charge, Xorth Vain Sfareef PAUL - JONES, - Druggist Prescriptions i a i. C;W iir7Nv,,-r I jT mmm ff V i amiw Specialty.- P'Jv.r 222 Douglas Avenue, Wichita, Kan- WEST. WICHI-'p. Por Bargalns.iu.r-, rt Eeal.Estate Call on E. H. DEVORE&CO. H. McKIM DU BOIS Abstracts I hav an aaeara et of li"A asul am prepar4 tm wkc full a&d Complete Abstracts of Title To any t-ruprtylnSlfflcs: Conty. Offlo Oisr 11 Mala UC Wichita, - Kan. STEDMAN & CRANE, General : Insurance : Agents FIRE, TORNADO, UFE AND ACCIDENT. mCE if DOUGLAS AVK.VCE. Largest Agency in the Valley. Dr. E. M. Conklin, OFTICE-Cor. Jtala and Znwt4 nu. Wichita. - - Kansas. jy wtbt1 f anjlly prtrtl Jvlas ptr-S-Ur U Lratkm to 0jrtts ad Ina-s 4 wocwffl sjwl e&ifeirec My trralot ut OIXIT.ACEHENTS ANO TCXOIiS OF THE wOM. JjorrxTi. Patnf al and Irrrctilw raUfH. eles. 1 mild, tA oapaSSt. arj t trrj arfst PJJ, ntal zsvl oihT lires&I Xttnhfa 4lt7 Vcftrrial an4 PrJrat- (ISmwh nxMcij trsrtA ! t&rir fjul riM rmwr'i Intra thf y'jtt? wltAos; Ut ef 4 Ximnrr er uOiz lo;tra Jny. lThKATCANCitl"- Wt mpunfrei joetJx.J cf rviorBl jKikSit. JsiBt uMz-t U tnif. l ciij ff3raatj a rar" la mtt ta. r. a a Kftixys r. c rive vxsrt.nt ' m KlKAl.Li. IUIECXATWS. SKHTUV nvnTHX TION frp cmrrw? t w ft rVw M&U. asal8saare'iiicssre zatltmvt eoodltfa. r atW toe to rrtSrrr &-rly r-ry -. Br k:ttx salsr' eff.Jrt tuwxfU Trcntxy, aI ArvMazU faaMlj b4 lstarfcva dn. I zxt la Jurr U rnjt Alicai pra 0ea faow- to IJiaf a. I&. 1 to 5 aad 30 ! p. . i tftt ! til m .