Newspaper Page Text
i?&V SfsssF, JW9W' s -llm'' Otafc5 - i HS-V 5j t V. ? ag'-" 5 t NS? &3t fe&W irUSWKi.?3SriiViS-"33iK?5-l7-- ?."',..&''; "? aS.1iV W -COW? i ;?.. ',?, , W5K?MniflS-C ap-tf .f r r? ,4C 3 ,rt r 7r SaP isiik-r-V A ' 'i yts&sS- '" . t "?'yi'drsa&u.-z- v., ' - - ' : .. ' .. . av - fsm;xiri jt- s ; -: 1 1 -M'-P PERSONAL mtjw- &agit M. M. HUKDOCK IIKO., Proprietors. BEAti ESTATE TKANSFUS. The following are the real estate transfers recorded in the oflice of resistor of rfoeds yes terday: -T W Ttn.vU to Howard M Davis, lot 5. . hlk 7. Collesra Hill add WOO rnins T Kmilli ui Alfred Threlkeld. lots 0. 11. blk Allen and Smith's add. . 330 Samuel Botts to VT II Yaivell, lots 45, 47. Waterman's add to Waterman's add 1000 Ij G IVooil to Elineda Johnson, lots 15, 17. 19. 21. Aiken's add to Clearwater 200 Leonard Field to Win B Baker, lots 1, U. 5, 7, Field and Carmichael's subdi vision of lot 5. Butler and Fisher's addof out lots 930 L J Field to Theo D Craren, lots 21, 23, 25, 27, Field and Carnicheat's subdiv of lot 5 Butler and Fishers add of out lots 000 Robt C Cutler et al to Simon Letrecht lot CO Baltimore are El Paso 1000 Lafayette Simpson to W 1$ J'endryx, lots 53. 57. .V.. 01. University place add.. 300 Moses Gluick to Berthold Bettlehiem, lot 10 blk 8 Perrv's add 1000 Wm W Lvnch to J M Monroe, s hf lot 4blkS Kinkaids add 4C0 Jacob Endicott to Ella M Woif, lot 4 blk 4 town of Cheney 200 Total $10400 Finest liue of willow ware iu the city. Children's rockers, swings, etc. dl01-2t The Fair. A Card. We take pleasure in announcing to our numerous patrons and the public generally tnat our dress making-department win ue re opened the 20th of this month. Ladies desiring to have good work done in this departmep.tare advised to place their orders as early as possible. We are better prepared than ever to do first-class work, and will guarantee to our patrons satisfaction in every respect. Our-dress goods stock will be complete in the assortments of new and desirable fabrics. All the latest novelties in silks and woolens, velvets and plushes, varying from the com monest grades up to fine and elegant goods never shown in this market before. Our stock of buttons and trimmings will comprise all that can be desired. No one can go away dissappointed who in spects our superb assortment of all that enters into the "make up"' of an elegant cos tume. Marvels-of beaut in design and colors are many of the fabrics in our new showing. Call and see them at the Whito house of 100-3t Lxscs & Ross. IVursrt. Parties wi-liiug to procure fresh Knoblauch wurst call at '.Hi, Ea-t Douglas meat mar ket. dlOl-Ct S. S. H, Fine Eine of new baby carriages just re ceived at The Fair. Come aud !-ee them. Good goods and low price-. dl01-3t Will sell milk al 4 cents per quart at the milk depot 307 East Douglas avenue. d58-tf Excursion. Partieo contemplating attending the va rious excursions" will do well to call at the Wichita Trunk Factory, No. 1 25 West Doug las avenue, and provide themselves with a substantial truuk, valise, satchel or hand basket. d'JO-lm Doll cabs of all kinds, styles and prices. Come and see. dl01-3t The Fair. For your traveling equipments call at the Wichita Trunk Factory, No. 125 West Doug las avenue, and you can procure anything you need at very reasonable price. d!J9-lm For fine frames aud moldings, mats aud art goods, we can show you the best line iu the city. Come and see us. No trouble to show goods. dl01-2t The Fair. Anyone wishing bargains should not fail to call on Coine & Kiddcll. See ad in an other column. d'.)S-!5l Something Special In Norwich, the young railroad center- cuoice business lots troni one hundred and thirty dollars upwards. Terms, half down, balance on time. Two railroads already there, a third pro jected. Great demand for buildings. For particulars call upon, or write to F. W. Hawkes. d97-12t Norwich Hotel, Norwich. Boys, if you want the bast velocipede ever made, come and see us. Wo havo lots of them, and cheap, at The Fair. dl01-5t Kcduced Excursion Kates. The St. Louis, Fort Scott and Wichita in connection w ith the Missouri Pacific railway will sell round trip excursion tickets as fol lows: To Kansas City Sept, 13th to 18th, at $0.35 with 50 cents additional for admission ticket to fair grounds. The Fort Scott train for Kaucas City leaves Wichita S:00 p. m. Three hours later thau the Sauta Fo train and ar rives at Kansas City 0:15 a. m. Making the run two hours and forty minutes quicker than the Sauta Fe. Has au elegant through free reclining chair car, also Pullman sleeper. To Knights Templar triennial conclave at St Louis September 18th to 20th at rates as low as the lowest. Iu this connection it should boj'ememberedthat the Wichita com maudry Knights Templar have contracted to go in a. body to St. Louis over the Fort Scott and Missouri Pacific roads. Join the procession aud go with the Knights. lo bt. Louis lair, October 2nd to Sth, at Indiana. inville or Indianapolis, Indiana, Sept. 0th, 7th, 10th and 11th at $21.00. To Quaker meeting at Richmond, Indiana, September 10th, 11th, 17th and ISth $23.00. lor tickets aud other information apply to EASmith, commercial agent, 109 Main street, or at depot oflice, First and Wichita streets. C. P. Rector, D. F. & P. Agent, dW-tf Tor Sale. Ouepau bay marcs, 100 graded merino sheep, 1 sulky, steering plow, 1 riding corn cultivator; will sell or trade for city prop erty. Inquiieat 1(13 North Lawrence ave, or at my house throe miles east of the city. J. C. Kinkead. d.)G-7t Madame Sarteile from Kansas Cit3, has located at No. US We-t Douglas avenue, room 17. The Madame is a miud reader, re vealing the past an I future. She invites all to call aud see her. dlOO-Ot Kansas CH J Inter-State Fair. The Fort Scott road will sell round trip tickets to Inter-Stato Fair at Kansas City, September 13th to 18th, tickets good to re turn until September 10th, at one fare for round trip. Elegant reclining chair cars free, and Pullman Sleeper, leaving Wichita at 8 p. m. arriving at Kansas City 0:10 a. m. without change of cars. Train returning leaving Kansas City 1:20 p. in. arriving in Wichita 8:15 a. m. Tickets on sale at 109 Main street aud depot at Second aud Wichi ta streets. d9G-tf Fort Scott Railroad. On Sept 10th and 11th, the Fort Scott railroad will sell round trip tickets to In dianapolis at rate of $21.00. And on Sept 10th, 11th, 17th and ISth to Richmond, Ind., at if-V5.uu. iegnnt reclining cnair cars through to Kansas City and St. Louis with out change. Elegant rullman sleeper on evening train to Kansas City. Choice of lines from Kansas City and St. Louis and close connections made with all trains Tickets on sale and information regarding routes and accommodations cheerfully given at city ticket office, 109 Main street, and depot ticket oflice, Second, and Wichita treet. d90tf Money to Loan at Sight. I can close a good city loan at lowest rates in three hours any day in the week. S. W. Cooper, 137 Main street d-SO-tf Proposals for Music. Proposals will bo received by the Arkan sas Valley Agricultural society from brass bands to furnish music during four "days, of our fair. Sept 21, 22, 23 and 24. Address proposals to the undersigned up to 1 o'clock p. m. Sept 11, 18S( U. A. aUTCHELL, avo-u. Secretaiy. Elmer Ingnls-vvenbto Wellington yester Uay. True Richardson' BeliePiainoVouly mil ler, was in the city yesterday. Dr. G. W." Wire and P. J. Lacy, ol Wil mington, O., are in the city on a prospecting tour. Robt. J.McKim, of the Tremont, left last evening tor a visit to ins son m meaae county. Lee Clark, representative of Patterson, Thomas & Co., went with his family to take in the Kansas City fair this week. Miss Grace Bidwell returned yesterday from Goddard, w here she had spent Satur day and Sunday with her friend, Mrs. Harry Allen. Mr. Jas. Brown who has baau rusticating in the Rockies for the past few months, re turned this evening looking much unproved by his trio. Rev. Noah Aiher, of Belle Plaine, was in tho city yesterday and left with Rev. Har mon last evening for Goddard to conduct a Sunday school celebration at that place today and tomorrow. The j'oung people of the Baptist congrega gation will hold a lawn social at Mr. E. J. Fosters residence, G3S North Lawrence ave nue this evening. All cordially invited. Yesterday, as the superintendent of schools in making Ins rounds, was crossing Douglas ave bridge in his buggy, a horse hitched to a spring wagon, without a driver, came rushing up behind him. When the animal reached him ho waived his hat and the horse rushed past him and striking a farm wagon became detached from tho vehicle and ran out West Douglas. I Articles of incorporation will be filed to day by a company for the construction of several lines of railway called the Kansas Southwestern railway company. Th8 incor porators for the first year are C C. Black of Winfield, J. J. Burrus of Bell Plaine, L. D. Skiner of Wichita, D. J. Thayer of Kingman, T. S. Stuart of Sharidan, Iowa. The place of business is Wichita, Kansas. Capital stock $12,000,000. Number of miles proposed to be built GOO. Dr. Mathews informs us that a man by the name of Edward Wiuton from Tennessee, aud who was euroute for Wichita fell ou" the cars at Topeka Saturday night, and although ho did not see him personally a gentleman who did gave him tho facts. Several cars passed over the man horribly mangling him to such an extent that he couldn't possibly live. The man said he had relations living in Wichita. It was thought that he fell be tween the cars of a freight train twelve or fifteen of which ran over him. To the Editor of the Eagle. Tho members of tho Hypatia are preparing to give a grand concert consisting of the na tional odes aud shining war songs, of both federal and confederate armies. Two of the bravest foes that ever met in the shock of battle. The proceeds of this unique enter tainment to be given to the Charleston suf ferers, "that doomed city by the seaf ' And wo who once listened with bated breath to hear tho notes of victory mingle with the roll of union guns, now stretch forth hands of helping, and hearts of sympathy to our sister city in the dread visitation that has fallen upon her. A full program will soon appear. M. E. Lease, Pres. Hypatia. Judge Foster, of tho United States court, houored us with a pleasant call yesterday af ternoon in which tho fraction of an hour was consumed in a pleasant entcrchange of opin ions on railroads and other matters pertain ing to our city's future. The judge is a very observant man, few things escape his atten tion. As for tho present term of court he says he has little idea as yet of its duration. There are many important as well as many frivolous cases, besides several very grave ones. While there are a host of witnesses in the city, consisting of full-bood and half- blood Indians, cowboys, colored man, soldiers and military officers, all from the Indian territory, still there will be many more wit nesses who will have to bo sent for in tho event of certain of the more serious cases be ing brought to trial. LADIES' BENEVOLENT HOME. Annual meeting ou Wednesday at 3 o'clock p. m. for tuo election of four directors whoso term of oflice expires. A full attendance of members desirable. SCIIUISEUT QUAUTETTE. Tue Buffalo, .(N. Y.) Times, in speaking of tho SchubertQuartetto says: "Tho quar tette were nearly all encored, giving the ben efit of a double program. Wo are sorry for all lovers of music who did not have the pleasure of hearing them. All hail to the lasting success of the ShubertQartette. AT THE Ol'EUA HOUSE. Thojcntertainuient given by Pof. Granger. last evening for tho benefit of tho K. of P. band, increased in interest aud amusement from the first, until the end, when he re ceived almost au ovation. He successfully produced tho Davenport i ope trick, slate writing, spirit writing and other features promised. But the moat heartily enjoyed part of the performance the fiuab, "the mesmerism. our persons were completely under the influence fishing, duueiug, swimming, partly undress ing, looking for bumblebees, washing clothes, marching to music and other antics at the order of tho profossor. To-night the performance will be repeated and there is no doubt but that the eminent success of last evening will draw a large house. Special Notice. Miss Burroughs wishes to announce to her pupils that owing to tho opening of the city schools she finds it necessary to rearrange her art classes. Hereafter the children's classes in both oil painting and drawing will meet at her studio at tt o'clock Saturday mornings. dl01-3t For Sale. A good card cutter in first-lass order. Will sell cheap. Euquire at this office. dS9-tf Hydraulic Press Brick. We have the agency for the above named press brick and can furnish them on short no tice to any contractor or builder. The best brick in the market for nice fronts of build ings. Call on Hacker & Jackson, corner of Fourth and Douglas avenues, or 117 Water stn- d35tf PUno Tuning. T L. Sheldon, from Topeka, will tune for al who order per postal card or leave orders a Thos. Shaw s music store, Main st 23-tf Notice to Carpenters and Builders. 100,000 pounds sash weights from 4 1-2 lbs. to 10 lbs. at $1.75. at Globe Iron Works. dS5-tf Wanted. Every ladv and gent in Wichita to know that J. T. Holmes nas tie finest Berlin coach and team in the city, especially adapted for ladies calling. It is supplied with bell, speak ing tube, card case, hand mirror, etc, in fact everything that goes to make up a first class carriage. Telephone; Office No. 115 South Main street; residence 503 South Water street. d-107-tf J. T. Holmes. -f Grand Opening. Grand opening of River View hotel, Sep tember 14th; dinner served the 14th; dance and supper on the evening of the 14, 1886; Everybody cordially invited. dlOl-lt Telephone your orders to Freeman for hack or livery. d70-tf. Choice residence lots in Hinton's addition. Large fruit and shade trees. Only three blocks from Douglas avenue. One and a half blocks from the Third ward school house. For sale cheap, one-third cash, balance on time at 8 per cent interest Apply soon as they will not be long on the market. P. V Healy. d30-tf Baby carriages, baby carriages, yes, lots of them. Don't cry for them any more, but come and get them cheap at The Fair. dlOl-St i Dr. C. C. Farley. Contintues in the regular practice of medicine I uuu surgery. Office in Furley building, opposite the 3Ian hattan. Residenoe, 1014 North Lawrence avenue. Telephone No. 116. d52-eod-2in Owing to the protracted illness of A. A. Hyde he has employed H. J. Harding to look after the interests of Merriman Park. He will be found at Mr. Hyde's desk in Hydes & Humble's stationery store. Parties who have been waiting for the past month to select their lots in this most delightful part of Col lege Hill can now call on Mr. Harding. d80-tf I have returned from my trip to Minnesota, and am ready to resume my business. 101-6t R. Matthews. Special Bargains In choice residence and business lots for a few days. Two Go-foot east fronts on Waco avenue between Pine and Oak streets, running back to the Little .Arkansas ri ver, opposite Riv erside Park. Five 30-foot west fronts no Waco avenue corner of Pine. One 50-foot east f rout on Wichita street, nedr the Wichita and Colorado depot. A splendid location for a wholesale house. One 25-foot front on Water streetj near Douglas avenue, running back to railroad switch. A number one business location. Fifty-foot front on Main street, just north of Elm street. This is choice property. Prices low- terms easy. Also a No. 1 quarter section of land, im proved, within 1 1-2 miles of Frisco heights; price .$11,000, easy terms. Call on dOS Ot E. P. Ford, At Office of Co. Clerk. All kinds of boys' w agons, carts, wood axels, iron axels, wood beds -with iron wheels, and the famous Gendron, all iron. The Fair. dl01-2t The Frisco line will sell round trip excur sion tickets from Wichita to Danville, In dianapolis and Plainfield, Indiana, Septem Gth, 7th, 10th and 11th, good to return until September 30th, at the low rate of 21, and to Richmond, Indiana, round trip tickets for 2J, tickets on sale September 10th, 11th, 17th and ISth, limited to September 30, 1880. This is a rare opportunity for our people to visit their friends east at little expense. Pull man palace sleeping cars an trams leaving hero at 0:25 a. m., and free chair cars on trains leaving here at 9:20 p. m. daily. Tick et office at 110 N. Main st and at Union de pot. d94-tf Dancing Academy. Lessons for ladies and gentlemen Tuesday evening; for children Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Scholars will be received any time at Beacon hall. Office hours at 10, 12 and 2 o'clock, at Shaw's music store.- dl00-2t PBOf . tAFlSCHER. Publication Notice. Notice is hereby given that my wife has left my bed and board without cause, there fore all persons dealing with her are hereby notified that I will not be responsible for any contracts made by her. H. T. Sheiuian. dl00-3t Grand opening of a new jewelry store in Wichita, Saturday Sept. 4th, at 126 North Main st, first door north of postofficc. All tho latest novelties at lowest prices. All goods sold engraved free of charge. Fine watch repairing a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. R. Allen Hall. d2-tf Hydraulic Pressed Brick. The finest brick in the country for fronts of buildings and residences. Also best qualities common brick. Call at the Wichita Coal and Fuel Co., 618 East Douglas avenue. Tele phono 99. d-70-tf 6100 Howard. Stolen from Wichita, Sunday morning, September 5th, 18S0, one light sorrel horse, sixteen hands high, several barbed wire cuts on breast, bald faced, a little thick winded, eight years old, shod all round. One light bay horse, eight years old, about sixteen hands high, star in forehead, one white hind foot, fistula mark, weighs about 1,100 pounds, trots in harness and paces under saddle, shod all round. $25 dollars each for return of horses, or $100 for horses and thief. Address City Marshal, Wichita, Kansas. d96-tf Feeding Steers for Sale. Two hundred head of 3-year-old grade short-horn steers, good stylo and colors; will weigh eleven hundred or more. Address Geo. E. Rhodes, Anthony, Kan. d78w22tf Notice to Contractors. Proposals will bo received up to tho 10th inst. for the erection and completion of a two-story frame residence building for L. P. Douglas, on lot 72, Waco avenue. Plans and specifications can be seen at tho office of Rush & Gile, architects, at 125 East Douglas ave nue. dl)2-tf Loan Keglstcr. Philadelphia, July 28, 1SS0. Wichita Eagle, Wichita, Kansas. Gentlemen: We have seen one of your Mortgago Loan Registers at the office of the Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co., this city, and shall bo obliged if you will send this company one similar in all respects at your earliest convenience, and remain Respectfully yours, Theodoke Frothixgh.vm, dOS-tf x Secretary. Acre Lots. Acre lots for sale in Stewart's subdivision one and a half miles west of Arkansas river bridge, near Garfield University, the cheapest aud most desirable residence property in Seds-wick county, terms easy. Enquire of A. T. Owen, at llatton& Ruggles, office over Wichita Natiaual bank, or Bavley, Bros. & Co., 116 North Market street dGO-tf Druggists Statements. Druggists' liquor statements can be pro cured at this office at $1 per thousand, post age extra. d95-tf Notice Heal Estate. Agents: My OJ.f acres, Tarleton's second addition, and lots 40, 51, 53, 54, Ford's addi tion, are taken out of the market d 10!-3t F. W. Wibkixg. FRISCO LINE. St. Louis and Sji Francisco Railway Free Chair Car Service Between Wichita and St. Louis. Commencing Monday, August 23rd the Frisco lino will run elegant new reclining chair cars on their trains, one and two, be tween St Louis and Halstcad, daily without change. No charge for seats in chair cars will be made for passengers holding tickets from Wichita to Carthage for St Louis and be yond, or vice versa. Train No. 1 arrives at Wichita daily at 6:30 a. m. Train No. 2 leaves Wichita daily at 9:20 p. m. The Frisco line offer this unsurpassed ser vice in addition to the Pullman Palace cars which will be run daily on their trains, three and four, No. 3 leaving St Louis at S:25 p. m., and arriving at Wichita 5-50 p.m. No. 4 leaving Wichita 9:25 a. m., arriving at St Louis next morning at 6:45. D. Wishart, G. P. A. F- D. Russell, St Louis, Mo. G. W. A., Wichita. Sl-tf The Eye, Ear and Throat. Dr. BREEN-Ocuiist and Aurist I hare ere faJUrr that can be had In our. J&rge cities and any -ums mm (weaves c the eye. ear or throai wiu find me at 110 uousias avenue. Glasses Fitted at Short I.'oUcc. 'I - -J3-1 1 t 14 nd Soop . WAIT FOE THEM. -:-Dress Goods JDireet from Paris-:- -:-0pera Goods Direet fromBerliii-:- Ladies Wraps Direet from Paris -:-and Berlin,--:-- And Much the Largest Line of American --:-- Novelties In Dress Goods Ever Offered by o This House o ' We have searched the markets for NEW -;-:- PATTEENS In Carpets and Curtains. Brussels Point Curtains, Silk Curtains, and all the new Novelties in Curtains. in Stylish CARP ETS New Effects That Are Very Nobby. No pains have been spared by us in securing Every Department. .NEW ST9RE -BOSTON- ST0R Ready for the Fall Trade Bargains for To prove that our buyers have spent their time judiciously among the mills and importing houses the past 60 days, we offer the following bargains: "We have secured 3 lots of Black Silk which has been retailed at $1.50, $1.75 and $2.25, we place the en tire shipment on sale, Choice for 98 cents. Don't fail to see this extraordi nary purchase whether you buy or not. Largestline of Plushes, Velvets Velveteens, Astracans and Dress Trimmings in every design at prices that defy competition. Thursday, Sep. 9, We place on our counters 96 dozen Ladies Kid Gloves, rang ing in price from $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.25, in Blacks, Tansj and Operas, all sizes and styles, Tour choico, that day only, 49cJ Tnis sale has never been equalled. In our next advertisement we will quote prices that will astonish the closest buyer. WALLENSTEIN & COHN, Tireless and Restless Workers for Trade. OK Ti '- f 'If ft H I'll H iflf H 1 A I I I I i c to Arrive. Patterns Latest Styles in TOEK STOEE, KOHN & CO., the Millions. On same day and date we offer you 75 dozen Gents Colored Bor ders, Hemstitched Linen Hand kerchiefs, the cheapest has never been offered for less than 50c, we give you choice of selection for 23 cents. A f ull line of Sehool Supplies always on hand at the Boston Store, One Slate and ten Slate pencils for 5c. A Scholar's Com panion 3c. Tablets 4c upward. Boots and Shoes. Our new department which is full and replete with all styles at j prices in proportion to our other lines Our blankets, Flannels, Ladies, gents and childrens underwear, Men's overshirts, shawls, hosiery and cloaks are arriving daily. -little FOR WIC THErlTERPRIsSfe For the nextTwo Weeks will place such a Low Figure on all remaining Summer Goods. That every Customer taking advantage of this Sale "Will Speak of t:-THE :-: ENTERPRISE-:- For Many Days to Come, NOT AN SUMMER MUST I need all the Fall Goods and Novelties for Fair Week, Which I purchased while in New York and which are arriving daily by the car load. -' " '. n 109 DOUGLAS AVENUE. Grand Of cases of New Clothing, Hats and nishings every day in UNAPPROACHABLE bargains in odd suits and boys and children s clothing. Come and see us. BITTING BROS., Temporary Quarters 216 Douglas Avenue. N. B. Keceived twelve cases of Stylish Stiff Hats at $1 each Regular price everywhere double that amount. OHIO I WESTERN MORTGAGE Al TRUST CO., CAPITAL, $100,000. Farm Mortgages, No Delays- Interest at J-owest Rates. ACT AS TRUSTEES FOIt COIURATKNS. CO PARTNEIISUIM. ESTATES AND INDITII)AI. INTEREST PAID DAVID ROBISON. JR., PncsiDEKT, Toledo, Ohio. OPPIC2, 12V ROBISON BROS., BANKERS. Government, Municipal and Comity Bonds Bought and Sold CORRESPONDENCE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. The Nicest Lots in the City are in HIBARGER'S -:-ADDITION, Eetween Park and Tenth Streets, west of "Washington Avenue Prices Low and Terms Easy. BUNNELL 61 MOREHOUSE, SOLE ZIMMERLY'S ADDITION. Now is the time to buy lots in this addition while they are cheap. ONE MILE SOUTH ON LAWRENCE AVE. Street cars and large brick School house in connection. For further in formation call at 6 1 1 S Market st. - .AVI I III lil Nil mm IV 1 1 I'll " gffpfr. OUNCE OF . - . GOODS BE LEFT. room I can get for G-LUICK FANCY GOODS t Opening Fur- the week. We have ON DEPOSITS. JAMES J. ROBIiiO;.', SBr-iurTAJiy, - MLJlLlSr ST3EET- ROBISON BROS,, 127 MAIN ST- AGENTS. I