i.-.'LJ.j-im u-'tijuy-'nsggg "75 rAsy A-.-l'T , ,iS 7. . : &s2L&Y . 5T . Uip ' irx ttitchtta WEKXLE NO. 730 VOL.. V. XO. 104. WICHITA, KANSAS, FBIDAY MORNTSTG, SEPTEMBER IT, 1886. itSSWSfovl!xSiS:'9ass c. - - .r 3 x. f t3iA M- - ft V y6 " ' h MUNSON I 123 and 125 NOTION -:Goods at Save Money WE GIVE THE BEST QUALITY FOR LEAST MONEY. 1000 Yards Imported RucMng at 5c per yd. 500 Yards Imported Rucking at 10c per yd. 300 fine Crepe Lesse Ruching at 25c per yd. 600 Dozen new Style Dress Buttons, 15c per doz. 300 Dozen large size to match, 25c per doz. 144 Yards Rosary Bead Trimming, 15c per yd. 600 Ladies Half Linen Collars, 5c each. 600 Little Colored Border Handkerchiefs, lc each. 600 Good Size Colored Border Handkerchiefs, 2 for 5c. 5000 Spools Embroidery Silk- at 1 cent each. It will Pay You, to make a Tour oi inspec tion through our House. Every de partment the Largest and Best. MDNSON A Opposite Philadelphia Store Corner Douglas av. and Market St. The Fastest Electric Prices APPLIED TO' Blankets, Bed Comforts and Domestic Goods. Sheetings, Shirtings, Tickings, Prints, Cheviots, Sateens, Blankets, Bed Comforts, Etc Etc. Par Below What They Cost the Men who Made Them A Windfall For Hotel Keepers; Boarding-House Keepers, Restaurant Keepers, Room Keepers, and others who arc now Refurnishing. Twenty Tons of Above Goods on Sale This Week. A. KATZ. S. W. Corner Douglas Ave. and Main St. MoMMARA. Main Street. STOCK Half Priee: Postomce., On Record, Save Money iljS AiTi AHA- IONAL 1! The Anti-Liquor Republicans Meet in Convention in Chicago. Senator "Windom, of Minnesota, Chosen Chairman by Unan imous Consent. Formally Declnred by Speakers and Resolutions that the Purpose of ihc Movement is Not To Organize a Third Party, but to Demand of the Republican Party that It Shall Champion the Cause of Humanity in in this Instance as It Did So Successfully in 1801. THE GREAT ISSUE. The Anti-Liquor Republicans Hold Their First National Con vention. Chicago, Sept. 16. The first national convention of anti-liquor Republi cans began its session in this city this morninsr. The convention was held in Madison Street theatre. About 300 delegates were on the floor with only a sprinkling of outsiders. The convention was called to order by Albert Grillin, of Kansas, who asked Itcv. Arthur Little, of Chicago to open the proceedings with prayer. Mr. Giiilin suggested the name of U. S. Senator Henry W. 131air, of New Hampshire,- for temporary chairmau; J. Schai'er. of Illinois temporary secretary; L. B. Elliott, of Kair-as, assistant secretary; E. K. Hutchinson, of Des Moines, Iowa, reading clerk. The gentlemen were elected unanimously. In addressing the convention Senator Blair .said: "J feel highly honored in being asked to preside over this great historic convention, which I firmly believe will live in the annals of all time. We arc here for the destruction of the rum traffic through out this country and throughout the world. I think I speak the sentiment of the con vention when I say that as between high li cense and prohibition wc arc in favor of prohibition. (Cheers, great.) Mr. Blair went on to say that they also met as Repub licans; they wen in that party and would not be driven out, and he was one of those who believed that it was only through the RcDiiblican party that the suppression of the Iimior traffic could be secured. The call of the states was men proceoeieu with A oommittc on resolutions was appointed. The committee on credentials reported that 187 accredited delegates were present. as follows: Illinois 40, Iowa 20, Kansa.s 30, Indiana 18, Maine 1, Vermont 9, New lorlco. liiiouc lsianu v, juicuigan o, Wis consin 12, Massachusetts 12, Nevada 1, Minnesota 15, Texas 2, Dakota 1 , Pennsyl vania 1, Ohio 1, New Jersey 7, JNew Hampshire 2. The committee on permanent organiza tion reported the name of ex-Senator Wil liam Windom of Minnesota for permanent chairmau. lie was unanimously elected. The secretary protein was elected per manent secretary. Vice-presidents were named, one for each state. Mr. Windom was loudly cheered as le was escorted to the chair. When the chairman appeared before the convention, he said : I highly appreciate the great honor you have conferee! upon me. "There arc possibly other gentlemen present who could state better than I can precisely the purposes of this convention. Wc arc here under the call of true and loyal Republicans desiring through that party to accomplish what wc believe will be a'great good for the American people. For "myself, I never had the slightest thought of attempting to organize a new political party. 1 think that such thought does not enter the minds of any other dele gate here present. The party that freed the slaves, that dignified human labor, that enacted homestead laws, that suppressed the great rebellion, defended the nation's honor in peace.and advanced it to the front rank of the nations of the earth is good enough for inc. The speaker said the record of the party for twenty years showed a willingness to grapplo this new issue and carry it to vic tory. The issue was as grave a any that Republicans ever had to meet in the past. It resolved itself into tl c question whether the saloon was to dominate the politics of the nalson We do not meet to dictate to the Republican part-, said the speaker; we arc here simply for consultation. We meet to encourage' it and take hold of this ques tion which it surely will have to do. We should look at the question solely from a political standpoint; not from "a moral standpoint The saloon was in politics with its assessments and money. It was the open alley of anarchy. It, today, con trolled the politics of eveiy large city. It electa your mayors, said the speaker. In Minnesota the 'Democratic party had nomi nate J for governor the very incarnation of saloon interests. H then spoke for thirty minutes on general issues: touched on the prohibition ists; said it was his view that they could carry out other purposes in a better way b followinp the lead of the Republican party; would find that party had said that slavery should extend no farther and on that plat form slavery was absolutely abolished. If the Republican party would declare for high license or local "option and recognize the right of the people to vote on the ques tion directly when they wished to do so, all lover of temperance should folio v.- that lead. On the conclusion of Mr. Windouis' ad dress the convention adjourned to 2 o'clock. When the convention reassembled in the afternoon the committee on resolutions was not prepared to report and did not appear before the convention until 5 o'clock. In mean time short speeches were made by a number of delegates on the general temper ance issue in several states of the union. The report of the committee was as fol lows: I The anti-saloon Republicans by their rep , resenlativcs in national conentio:i assem ' bled declare as follows: ' First That the liquor traffic a it v-xisU today in the United States i the 1 enemy of society, a fruitful i source of corruption in politics, the ally of anarchy, a school of crime, and I with its avowed purpose of seeking to cor ruptly control elections and legislation is a menace to the public welfare and deserves 4 the condemnation of all good men. second l iiat we ueciare war agamsi inc saloon and hold it to be the supreme eluty of the government to adopt such measures as shall restrict it and control its influence, and at the earliest possible moment extin guish it altogether. Third We believe the national govern ment should absolutely prohibit the manu facture and sale of intoxicating liquors in the District of Columbia and in all the ter ritories of the United States. Fourth Wc believe that the best practi cal method of dealing with the liquor traf fic in the several states is to let the people t decide whether it shall be prohibited by the submission of constitutional amendments, j and until such amendments arc adopted, by the passage of local option laws. Fifth That as the sal business creates a special burden of taxation upon the people to support courts, jails and alms houses, therefore, a large annual tax should be lev ed upon the saloons so long as the continue to exist,, and they should be made respon ble for all public and private injury result ing from the traffic. Sixth That the Republican party where ever and whenever in power still faithfully enforces whatsoever ordinance, statutes or constitutional amendments that may be cn actcel for the restriction or suppression of the liquor traffic. , Seventh That we approve the action of congress and of those states that have done so, in providing for teaching the phy siological effects of intoxicants in our pub lic schools, and that we earnestly recom mend to every state legislature the enact ment of such laws as shall provide for the thorough teaching of such effects to our children. Eisrlit Wc demand that the Republican party to which wc belong" anel whose wel fare we cherish, snail take a nrm ana de cided stand as the friend of the home and the enemy of the saloon; in favor of this policy and these measures. We pledge our selves to do our best to cause the party to take such a stand and wc call upon all temperance men and all friends of human ity of whatever party or name to join with us in securing these objects, and in support of the Republican party so far as it shall adopt them. The resolutions were adopted as a whole with only three dissenting votes. Speeches were made by liev. . .uitnrop, oi Minne sota, Gen. Nettleton of the same state, Judge S. Tyler, of Indiana, and others, holding to the general view that the practi cal hope of the temperance people rested with the Republican party. The following national committees were appointed, some existing vacancies to be tilled hereafter: Maine, Senator Win. P. Fry; New Hampshire, Senator Henry M. Blair; Vermont, George A. Brown; Massa chusetts, Col. A. E. Haskell; Rhode Is land, Henry B. Metcalf ; New York, Gen eral Thos. Conway; New Jersey, Rev. B. F. Carrol; Pennsylvania, Hon. W. W. Brown; Iowa. Hiram Peck, Minnesota, General A. B. Nettleton; Indiana, cx-Gov-crnorWill Cumback; Wisconsin, E. P. Wheeler; Kansas, Albert Griffin; Illinois, M. A. James; Georgia, Hon. Alfreel K. Buck. The convention tlie adjourned sine die. Missouri Prohibs, Sedalia, Mo., Sept. 10. The state Pro hibition party met in convention this morn ing at Wooels' ball at 10 o'clock. Judge Jas. Bacon of Springfield, was elected chairman, and Wm. C. Wilson of St. Louis, Secretary. The committee on credentials reported the delegated membership present of eighty-eight. The committee on resolu tions is now out making up a report of platform. - ' The convention resumed its worn ai j p. m.. Chairman Baker presiding. Dr. John A. Brooks presentcdthc platform which was unanimously adopted. The resolutions are in substance as follows: First Invoking Divine aid in the tem perance cause. Second DemantUng stats anel national prohibition, Third, Declaring alliance to the national Prohibition party. Fourth Arraigning the Democra'tic and Republican parties as inimical and indiffer ent to the pioliibltion catio, and urging voters to abandon these parties and unite for prohibition. Fifth That both these parties arc under the control of the rum power. Sixth The Prohibition party is the only salvation. Seventh Demanding of congress that the liquor traffic be suppressed wherever it is prohibited by law. Eighth Those who vote in aid of the traffic are responsible for drunkenness. Ninth Invites the co-operation of the laboring man. Tenth Demands that a prohibitory amendment be submit tee! by the next legis lature of Missouri. Eleventh Demands the enforcement of Sunday laws. Twelfth Woman's suffrage. Thirteenth Eulogizes the W. C. T. T. After the adoption of the platform the following officers were elected: For Supreme Judge, I. B. Orr, of Kan sas City. Superintendent of Public Schools, A. J. Emmerson, of Williams college. liailroad Commissioner, J. F. Bruner, of Sedalia. After selecting the following central com iuitee adjourned: At largo, W. II. Crarv, Clara Hoffman. C. A. Clark, A. J. Emmerson, W. H. Ross. First district, J. R. Young. Second district, W. S. Crouch. Third district, Rev. Willis Weaver. Fourth district, D. D. Lam v. Fifth district, Dr. J. A. Brooks Sixth district, Abram Mycr. Seventh district, J. W. Koetgcr.. Eighth elistrict, M. M. Watson, Ninth dL-trict, W. C. Wilson. Tenth district, J. II. Hendricks. Twelfth elistrict. J, M. Vaugn Thirteenth district, . Keystone Tricksters. HAitni'-ncnCr, Pa . Sept. 10. The state Greenback-Labor convention assembled in the court house here toelay; only a few counties represented. There were but one hundred delegates present, A permanent organization was effected by the election of Hon. C. N. Bruin, of Schuylkill, a chair man. After disposing of routine business the convention adjourned until 1:33 p. in. A ticket was nominated including Rob ert Houston, of Lancaster, for governor. It was resolved not to affiliate with any other party. Wisconsin Politics. Milw voces. Wis., Sept. 10. The Re publicans of the Seventh di-trict renomi nated O. B. Thcuia of Prairie Duchcin. for congres.-. Neexah, Wis., Sept. 10. The -tale la bor couvtntisu met hero ttxlav anel norni- , natcd a ticket. Party Polls in Ohic. Cici-:cATi, O., Sept. 10. The Commercial-Gazette's Goshen, Ind . roci;il says the Republicans of the Thirteenth con- uTuSsional district todav nominated Gen. J. -: L. Packard. Dattox, O . Sept. 10. The Democrats j of the Third congressional district today i nominated R. 31. "Murray. Non-Partisan. WoncEsTErt. Sent. 16. In response to a call for a non-partisan temperance conven tion there was a large gathering here today. Among '.nose wno made addresses were Mrs. Mary Lirainore and Mrs. Jellen Foster, of Iowa. The usual reolutioas declaring hostilitv to the liq were passed, together with one with iov lh stpnrlv jmrl stmn the Roman Catholic total absteuence union ' and welcomes the co-laborers. CAPITAL BUDGET. NOTES FItOM COLOMBIA. Wasiosgtox, D. C, Sept. 10. The L'niteel States consul at Barranquilla, Co- J lombia, sent the secretary of state a transla tion of the new tariff schedule of duties for that country, which goes into effect Octo ber 1st. Rates of duty range from one cent to 120 per kilogram" The free list con sist of articles for the use of the govern ment, property of representatives of other governments and natural productions, of such countries as may be entered into re ciprocal treaties. All articles not enumer ated are dutiable at the highest rate named is 125 per kilogram. The importation of money of inferior standard is prohibited, as is also machinery for making money, arras and ammunition of war. GOVEUNMEKT DEBT r:SCIIAHGED. A warrant for $4,500 has been issued to the assigncss ,of John Roach in final pay ment for the Dolphin anel for care of the Monitor Puritan. This was accepted in settlement of all claims of John Roach against the government and the Dolphin be comes in law what she long has been in fact, the property of the government. Army of Tennessee. Rock Island, 111., Sept. 10. At the meeting of the Army of Tennessee this morning the committed reports were made and adopted. The next meeting is to be held in Detroit on the second Wednesday of September, 1837. Officers were elected as follows: President Gen. Willi-un T. Sherman. Vice-presidents Scott J. Howe, St. Louis; Capt. W. D. Leach, Cedar Rapids; Capt. C, E. Lonstrom, Galcsburg; 3Iajor Charles 11. Smith, Cleveland; Major A. V. Bonn, Leadville, Col.; Surgeon S. C. Plummer, Rock Island. Capt. .7. S. Dc Gress, Austin, Tex.; Capt. C. C. Chatl wick, Detroit; Lieut. J. W. Hill, Rejscdale, Kan.; Col. Edward H. Wolf, Rushville, Ind., Capt. Edwarl Spear, Indianapolis; Major George B. Hcgin, Des Moines. Recording Secretary, Col. L. M. Dayton; Corresponding Secretary, Gen. A. Hickcu looper; Treasurer, Gen. M. Force. The matter of having a headqaarters for the seciety anel a permanent place of hold ing the meeting was iaken up, and after a spirited discussion the president was cm powered to appoint a committee of five to report on the matter at the next meeting. The society then formally adjourned. The Northern Pacific People. New York, Sept. 10. President Har ris formally opened the stockholder's an nual meeting of the Northern Pacific rail road in this city at noon today. The ticket for directors for 18S6 is August Belmont, Frederick Billings, John M. Brookman, John C. Bullitt, Benjamin P. Cheney, James C. Fargo, John H. Hale, Robt. Har ris, Brayton Ives, Johnston Livingstone, Thos. F. Oakcs, J. Lewis Stackhol, Chas. B. Wricht. The new names on the list are: John W. Brookman,- Brayton Ives, James C. Fargo, who take the places of Roswell G. Rollston and N. P. Ilollowell. Brayton Ives voted on 25,003 shares, anel John W. Brookman on over 20,000 shares. The election resulted in a complete victory for the Harris ticket. President Harris read the aunual report, a synopsis of which has already been sent in these dispatches, The new board of di rectors met and elected the following of ficers: President, Robert Harris; vice president, T. F. Oakes; treasurer, R. L. Belknap, and secretary, Samuel Will: ison. The new directors Brayton Ives, James C. Fargo, and John M. Brookman. belong to this city, but represent Philadclphi i inter ert3U5v.cH. A City Mourning tho Dead. PiTTsr.URft, l Sept. 10. An Erie, Pa., special says: The city is mourning for the dead of Tuesday's railroad disaster at Silver Creek. To the list of dead re ported last night is added the name of Hen ry Ilouck, of Frauklin township, who died at the Erie union depot on the arrival of the hospital train. E. W. Marble and Louis Lcndse, both wounded, are now at St. Vincent hospital and will doubtless die. There have been so far forty-eight deaths and riaetcen wounded. It is ue licveel several excursionists were ground to shreds by the cars and all marks of identifi cation lost. The two bodies not recognized arc now thought to be those of the two In landers nameel Scholcckwi and Schowes ky, whose families live here. The feeling against Engineer Brewer and Conductor Donalelson is such that it will never Im; safe for them to railroad agaip in this section. Brewer has ileel the country and the conductor is still at hi3 honif. The Old, Original Phone. Ciiicaoo. Sept. 10. The suit pending in the Uniteel States circuit court in this city in which the Boll Telephone company is complainant and the defendant is the American Cushman Telephone company, organizetl for the purpose of manufurttir ing telephones. This e'oinpany antedates all previous claimants to telephone patents, claiming that Cushmau, th-; invt-ntor, con structed and publicly operated a telephone at Ratine, Wi., in 1S51. Tin Cushman patent is claimed to hi i katical with that of Prof. Bell's. For three years' CushmanV telephone was itt public use in Racine. In 1SG7 and '03 Cushmaa fully explained in public his method at Latonia, Malvern, New Lisbon and other p!ace3 in the rtatc of Ohio. In support of thoc claims the at torneys for xhi Cu-hman cornpmy have more'thui twenty-five affidavit by people who saw an I talked over Cishman's tele phone in Ha?.-inc Notes From Charleston. Ciivui.esto.v, S2pt, 10. There ra an earthquake shack yesterday morning about 4 o'clock, unaccompanied by any great rumbling or de'onitirin. It wa only felt by a few persons. Possibly a light hock cccurnrd last nJzht. but this U uncertain as anv vibration cau-i by passing vehicles oi pulling down of walJs.'iswipt to be regarded as an earthquake There has not been a shorK m some eiays wortu rcpornnir. i ne relief committee "issued over a thousand forms of applications for assistance in re- j building and repairing bouse. May Tell Later. , Chicago, S?pt. 10. There wa, a rumor i current in police circles today that the as- archist Rudolph Schnaubef, the alleged bomb thrower, had been loravsl by the! Chicago detective, bat inquiry at polie? j headquarters disclosed the fact thai if the I nolieado knowanvthin' about the man thcr are not willinc to icake the facts pub- lie The rumcr that Pcbsaubcl had been located wa traced this evening to II. F. Sehaucr, conductor on me Jiencan central railroad, wlio arnveu Here lrorn JJeiico a (lav or two since, cccauer ciaims 10 nave seen in the City of Meiico a man corres- j ponding exactly to the published portrsiu Merry Marion, of Schnaubel. "it is supposed the bombi Mauio.v, Kas., Sept. 16. Marion thrte thrower, Schaffcr siya, was working as a I story stone hoU-1 was formerly opened lrt janitor in a shop on the Grand Pbza. j night with a lanrpwrt and a ball. IliFIITHEELBlENTSATWAR Destructive "Wind, Bain and Electrical Storms Sweep Across the Country. Michigan, Illinois and Indiana Scenes of the Worst ' Effects. The Largest Lumber and Boom Mills in the Country Destroyed by a Lightning Strote. In Many Places tho Storm Dcscribeel as the Worst Ever Expericnccil, Doing Great Damage. An Immense Boulder off Bald Hock, W. V., crashes Down Killing People and Stock. Weather Report. 9 WAsnisaTOX, Sept. 17, 1 a. m. Indi cations for Missouri: fair, cooler weather, northwesterly winds, becoming variable. For Nebraska, Kansas and Colorado: fair and slightly cooler weather, variable winds. DISASTROUS STORMS. Michigan, Illinois and Indiana Visited by Winds anel Plooels. Chicago, Sept. 1G. A special dispatch published here says: A terrific wind and rain storm which passed over IudianopolLs this afternoon proved disastrous west of Tndianopolis and throughout a large section of Illinois. The town of Montezuma, 111., is reportcel to have been partially destroyed anel a number of lives are said to have been lost. The Times' Michigan City. Intl., special says: A rain and wind storm which has never been equaled hero befora swept over the lake and city this morning. After a steaely downpour for several hours the winds became stronger and at 10 o'clock attained the velocity of a cy clone and large trees, sheels, outhouses, lumber piles, etc., were leveled. The wind capsized a small fishing smack which was four miles out on the lake and its occu pants, Christopher Kendall and Fred Ad litz. had a narrow cseipe from death. Af- tcr clinging to the bottom of their boat for three hours they were rescued by a tug which went out to search for them. Isihanapolis. Sept. 10. Alwit 11 o'clock this morning a violent wind .storm struck Montezuma, Park county, this state, but did no damage beyond unroofiing a number of houses and uprooting shade trees. Teuui: ILvrn:, Sept. 10 -At 11:30 to dav a cvclone struck this city coming from the southwest. For fifteen minutes the wind blew a hurricane, filling the air with inissiles. The storm was confined to the central portion of the city. Numerous Iarire lmilding3 were unroofed and thf rain which followed did great damage. The canvas of a circus was blow n down ami die large audience left in the storm. Sev eral thousand people were at tne fair grounds. Au eating house was blown down aud the wrcr k caught fire, sovcrcly burning n woman arid a boy. Jft fatauth's occurred. . 1 A Bn.:.. frum Xewnort. Vermillh,:: county, reports six or eight buildingj de s'roye'd, but no lives lost. The damage re ported along tho Wabash valley it great Ciiicaoo, Sept. 10. The Inter Ocean' Shelbyville, Ills., special says: A terrific wind storm passed over this city about 10 o'clock this morning. Reports arc coming in of great injury to hay and wheat from the country Detuoit, Mich., Sept, 10. A terrific wind storm swept over southeastern Michi can, of which but meagre rcjwrLs have been received a3yet. At liowcll the storm came from the cast and extended over a large extent of territory. A hurricane six miles wide corning from the cast Laid low buildings in the cast.- part of that city. John Smith's house was blown down and his son Fred, aged SO, was crusheel to death, being fiattened by falling timber? In several instances barns were totally wrecked pr blown away, while horses and cattle were left uninjured. The storm was the worst ever suffered at Howell. Storm in Michigan. DETROIT, Sept. 1C There was a storm this afternoon extending over most of south eastern Michigan being especially severe at Howell, where one man was killed, and much property damaged. Reports arc to the effect that a large part of the town h.-u been destroyed, but wire arc down and full particulars liave not been rfccived A Gal la Day at the Sn!. KA3 CtTr, Mx, September 1G. The big day of the fair bro'ight out a great number of ixsople despite a rainy morning. The weather cleared off during the day and th.? races catne off in the afternoon, ft was a business holiday in the city and the ftrcet parade and trade procession at nighty was witnessed by an iimmnsC crond. Sum-mar- of races; Three minute Ha SfflJ Nest Egg I I Clifton - 1 Sl&snvDave 3 4 4 2 l 1 2 nnvHtewert... ..2 3 3 dis. Tini3 2:45h. -si'?4f ", 5f, ':w. Gentlemen'.! rovUton, trottiagmileljcafc, 200. Sleepy Bill 1 1 Lady'WoodruS 2 S Lucv If onnpan 3 2 John A H. Time.2:'3, 2:.. j Etania Mauler.' ivaaznn roc?, va:iv ivj cup, uiiikb. Ailee. Cromwell dis. Lady Winfrey U. Time 30. Harry Wiliws, PhiSKp? ual Ubby S will contot to-morrow. : The Races. ! Locisville, SepL !6. One mile and fire hundred vanb, all ages; Warrington j -.von. Taxgallierer 2d. War Sign 5d; time ! 2.15 1-2. I Selling race, nine furlong: Bob Swiram J won. Pat Sbwlv 2d, Jim Nave 3d; time' l-jw 1.2. " Mile and a nuartcr. all ages: Knz llobin won. Punka 2-1, Mountain ' time 1 -."53. Begent 3d; j 3iihj and aslrunsjth. P-inams won. Le&r-i; j 2d. Hambleton :I, lime I . Five furlongs: Jacobin won, uotiuurn t 'zit Aiiegnener ya: time i :vj. Happy Hatchinson. Special DLratch to the Dally Eagle Hctciiixsox; Sept. 10. Our people arc mnch enthused ovcrthe fact that the Wich ita and Colorado railroad is about com pleted, and that the first passenger train reached South Main street yesterday, not in as good shape as they soon will, but it goj. there all the same. We expect good service on this road is a short time, and that H will make things lively and prove tolc a very important one Xor our city. Jolly Jewell. Special DUpateh to the Dally Ealo. Randall, Kan., Sept, 10. Bonili for the Kansas Midland railway have just been voted for in Prairie, Vicksburg, Grand and St. Clair townships, Jewell county, and have all carried by very large majorities. Great enthusiasm all along tho line. Bon fires, fireworks, speeches and music are getting there Eli all the time. A. A A Mountain Horror. I'rmBtmo, Pa, Sept. 10. A Wheel ing. W. Va.. special says: A large rock called Bald Rock overhung the mountain side dwelling of Leslie Cummins, in Jack son county. Last night a stono weighing hundreelsof tons became detached and rolled down the mountain, crushing the barn and killing four or fivo horses and mules. Passing over the stable it struck the two-story frame dwelling, crushing iti largest timbers, killing Frank Cummins anel Edward Jenfc), si hireel man. Mr. Cummin3 and wife, with two small child ren, were thrown from the bed and hurled thirty feet to the right of the track of the stono and badly injured. The children will probably die from their iujuries. Uuinientional(?) Wrong. Milwaukkh, Wis., Sept. 10. Coinp trailer James S. White was sentenced yes terdav to two years and six months in tho Waupun penitentiary at hard labor White's case has been elragging along since January. White was convicted of einbcz. zling seven $1,000 city lwnds."Whito said he took the bonds accidentally; when ho put them up as collateral it was Avith no elcliberato intention of wrong. Synoptical Statemont. PniLADnLiMiiA, Sept. 10. The North crn Pacific railroad company supplies the press with the following synopus of ft annual report. The report covers the year endimr June 510: Total earning, including leawd branch lines, $11,730,527 20. Total Derating expenses and taxes, 0, 150.209 74. Net earnings, $-j, 101,203 -10. Surplus overall fixed charges and ex penses for the year, $111,11)9 75. Amount of elefcrreel paymdnU on bomb, 7 percent interest, A3,070,20t. Cash on hand and other euuh itenu, $3,039,932. Interest on funded elebt. accrued to June 30 and bills payable, $l,9r,-107. Ball and Bat. Kansas Citv, September 10. Chicago 7, Kansas City 2. Baltimore Pittsburg ', Baltimore 0. Philadelphia Athletics B Louisville 0. New York -Washington 1 New York 1. New Yrk Metropolitans 2, St. Louis 1 Brooklyn -Brooklyn 12 Cincinnati 10. Wound Up the Ball. Pini.AiinLiuii.. Pa., Sept. 10. The nj ricultural convention adjourned today after adopting several resolutions regarding mat tcrs of welfare to the order. The Sttlllrfuj- rrrrsBunr,. Pean , I nilelv M)Ulel Ui.U J .'u.i L S iMva i ... 1 Fnn'" l(p-irU nr' x' ' '' - ' " ' ; -tle'diJe rtntv u !"' "''& i,' j , S ' urdav nig'it Th- i-t u u V- '. the Grand (Vntr.il rink j'h.v v J 'wr u r points, five round uh - tt j, under .Marquis of ijuccusbiiry ru. , I Ii.tu will be no police interferctice, as the managers of the affair have been licensed to gire thr entertainment provided the men donot rio! late the laws governing glove exhibition 5 Declared Off. PiTToiruno, Pa., Sept. 10. The pro posed glove fight between Sullivan and Her aid, which was to have taken place in thU city on Saturday night, hrs been declared off. Houndu From Henaea. Sewaca, Ivan.. Sep!cmler 10 A hcrwy thunder shower broke up the races at the Nemaha Countv fair to-day and by a roU' of the directors the fair has been extended over Saturday with thj big race.) of the week Saturday afternoon. rl he city h over llowing with old soldiers to attend the ra union. Governor .Martin and Col Moon light both speak at the fair groind in tiV afternoon. . Forlntf1 AVcatward. Belli: Pi.ai.vk, Kan., Sept. 1C -Thr track of the Denver Memphis & Atlantic railway rcachetl this place today at noon This completes the lin," between Belle Plainc anel Kingman, and will be opened for traffic tomorrow The grade and track are being pushed from Kingmtn to Lamed at the rate f a mile a hiy. Ninety im'w of this road Is now in operation. Lake Schooner Hunk. Milwal'kek, Wis., September 10 A special to the Evening Wfreouishi from Bay ley 'a Harbor, WL.. soys the whooner F.'.J. King, of Morrislown, N Y Jndm with iron ore from K-cnunba to Chicago sprang a leak and eunk in twenty ijV fathoms of water off Cana iknd at 2 o'clock tltU morning. The rr-w jv bed !iore in a yawl. Strtictlr; Lightning Stroke. St. Paul. Minn., Sept. 1C Dwpatchj from Eau Claire, Wk, fay the Chippewa Falls, Lumber ard Boom company'4 taw mill at Chippewa Kails. U? largest in thb country, wa truck by lightning t 2 o'clock ilm moruinsr and complete! de stroved lxs $2.10.0)0. jarUalJy Iniur?d Covered by Hi- Jlond. St. Ljci. Spt 10 Supi Baker of tht I csiera u avin iwajm wiiw, i- ceivci a letter toelay irom J- ji. tiroyro the defaulting manager, ilaled Winder, (ml Brown arkuowfcdge hU shortage b .it doe not esplaln how or why he Ux.l the okksv. nor Mate lU mnouct Mr Baker thicks the managers bond ior 10 000 v-'U over the amount tnkappropriad - Nineteen Killed. lli'ypxtja. N. Y.. nt Is, Tho lt cf ikitled in the Nickc! Plato coIlUioo. wbhh was farther iwdtoi xout&A&rn by ths mJ jng of tbms more bodks, mangled tyumi a-cognilion. U novr nirfti to i cum , plete France. Paei. Sept, 14. The Bepubikju Pr.ri fctaiM the sultan demand tne evacuation of KzTpi by the EnKllih, and j Itawui support? th Turkih demand.