Newspaper Page Text
-" - -JR. gfae ictota gailajga&te: tBtotaesamj Staniiug, Jiterofor 22, 1886. M ks F -w, jaam r rat R. R. TIME TABLES. st. i.., rt. s. a. vr. k. k. EAST BOUND TRAINS. Depart St. Louis Day Express and Mall 9.l0a. m. St. Louis Night Express and Mail Sffl p. m. Kansas City Dav Express and Mall 9.10 a. m. vansas City Night Express and Hall 80U p. m. freight and Accommodation U-O0 m. WST EOU.ND TRAINS. Depart St. Louis Day Express and Mall 753 p.m. St. Louis Night Express and Mall "8.33 a. m. Kansas City Day Express and Mall 72j p. m. Kansas City Night Express and Mall S.35 a. m. Freight and Accommodation 12 43 p.m. Dally, t Dally except Sunday. "Wichita A. Colorado. Depart Mt. Iiope Accommodation fl-OOp. m. Arrive Sit. Hope Accommodation S 13a.m. tDally except Sunday. A., T. A, S. T. K. K. Arrives. Solng North, Passenger 7 40 p.m. yoing rsorm, Accommodation " " " Joins South. Passenger S,11" ni" Going South, Passenger i5 m' Going South, Accommodation ?' '' m' Lcaes. Going North, Passenger f2 p" JiJ" Going North, Accommodation tii-1 " Going South, Passenger S , Going South, Accommodation '"?,,,, Going North, Passenger 2-rf ,!, Going South, Passenger. wp.m. IVldilta A "Western. Arrh es. No. 2. 5IaII and Express -?,'m' No. 4, Express i2 0?nm Way Freight "SiRS No. 1 Mall and Express 8 15a.m. No.:!, Express oSj-K'' Way Freight 2 p.m. St. Louis A San Tranclsco. Leases. Going West. Passenger CM a. in. Going West, Passenger 5.50 p.m. Going West. Freight liiS p.m. Going East, Passenger 925 a.m. Going East, Passenger 9-20 p.m. Going East, Frtlght lOJOp.m. Going East, Ireight 8-OUa.m. ATTORTEYS-AT-LAW. V . P. C VMl EEIi. J VS. L. DM It. CAMPBELL &. DYER, Attornej sat I-avr, Wichita. Kan. ICO tf J. M. BALDERSON. Attorney at Law. Wichita, Sedgwick county, Kan. Office In Centennial Mock. dlftttf J. R. SITES. Attornev at I-iw. Office 117 E Douglas awMiuc. with Angfo Aniirican Loan and Imc&tinunt Co. JONES & MONTAGUE. Attornej s at Law. Office In the Eagle Mock. o cr Ilmej it Co's Dp Goois store. 72 .-Otf. SMYTH & BROOKS, Attorney s at I.w, No. 121 N. Main st . opposite Bostoffiee. collections a speeiultj. Will practice in state and 1 ederal courts. A. T. CARPENTER. Attornej at Law. Office. No. 121 N Main street, tip 3tal rs. next to jiostoflltf . Wichita. Kansas. dJ)w U'tf :i. C. SLUSS. W. E. 6TAMJ.Y. SLUSS&. STANLEY. Attornet at Law. Wichita. Kansas. J. F. LAUCK. Attorney at Law. Office first door north of U. S. Land office In Commercial Block, Wichita, Kans.cs. Special ottentlon given to all kinds of business con nected w Ith the United States I,and office. HATTON-&RUGGLES. Attorney sat tor. Eagle- Block. Wichita. Knnsas. C. KCGQLES. R. 11. 1.01 S. RUGGLES&.ROYS. Attornej s at-Law. Office oer No. 13S Main street, Wichita. Kansas. JAMES. F. MAJOR. Attorney at-Law. Will practlco in all Kansas courts. Collections a sieclalty. Office ocr Smith & piomth, uuuki a'cuuu. iuim.. m" D. A. MITCHELL. Attornej- at Law and collection agent, street. Wichita. Kansas No. 14 Main E. D. PARSONS. Attorney at I.w- and Real Estate Agent. Office opjyoslte Manhattan hotel, room 9. H. E. CORN. Attorncv. at Law. Office oi er 122 Douglas avenue. F. P. MARTIN. Attni-ioy at Law Onlco over Hyde ft Humlilc's Bookstore. Ill Main street, upstairs, Wichita, Kan. J. M. HUMPHREY. Attorroj at L w . Woodman's Bank building, 113 Main strect. 0. W . COLLING. H0111 UT 51. I LATT. COLLI NGS&. PLATT. Attornejsat Liw. Will practice in state and fed eral courts. Office in Temple block. Main street, sec ond stairv.aj noi til of post office, Wichita, Kansas. b. W . AUAMs. 'tO. W. ADAMS. ADAMS & ADAMS. Attornejsat Law. Wl'.I practice In state and fed cral courts. Office In Eagle block, Wichita, Kansas. HARRIS, HARRIS & VERMILLION. Attornejsat Law, Commercial block, Wichita, Kansas. 0. D. KIRK. Attorney at Law. Room No 3, U. S. Land Office building. Wichita. Kan. W. S. MORRIS. Attornej at Law. Office In Temple Block, Wichita, Kansas. r. t.sii, I. . i. r. c MrnniJ.. SANKEY& CAMPBELL. Lawjers. Wichita, Knnsis. Offico southwest cor ncr Market street and Douglas ave. GEO. W. CLEMENT, JR. . Attornov at Liw. Office l"t Main street. Kansas National It ink building, Wichita, Kan. PHYSICIANS. W. M.JOHNSON, Homu'cpithNt. General practice, chronic diseases, and diseases ot females Telephone No 10b. Office and residence over Steel .t Soil's hardware htore, 117 N Main street, Wichita. Kan. Office hours, b to 10 a. m to 1 n. m , and at night. dVtf W. H WELLS. Plivsiclan anil Surgeon. Offlce-Cor. Lawrence .and Dougliisaves. Elliott block, room S. " 111 beat .office night and d.ij Wichita Kansas. W P. D. St. JOHN, M. D. Office 217 E ist Douglas av e. Residence- ail Noi th .Main street. J. M. H0SKINS, M. D Phj stclan and surgeon. Office In Hartwln block, -corner Fourth nnd Dotiglvs avenue over Saw drug store. Office hours. C to 11 a. m , 1 to 4 p. m., and at night. dTti-lm G. M. BIBBEE, M. D Office nnd residence. "Ill Douglas avenue, south side. Bitrnes' block, ov er Dcrbj "s Implement store, Wichita. W. A. MINNICK, M. D. Homopathlst. Office w Ith Dr. R. Mathew s. Main -street, second stalrwaj north of iwsiofflee. Retl deniv. 1017 North 1-ourth street, near Union depot, AYichita, Kansas. Telephone No. ill. DR. J. J. STONER. IIoinercjwtliM. Ofllce opposite iKKtofllec. dence, G23 Nortli Slain btreet. Wichita, Kansas, phono lit. . llosl Tele- DR. B. A. GUYTON & SON. Vh siclans and Surceons-. Ofllce Dcam block, oppo slto "Occidental hotel. Residence. 737 Water Mreet, corner Oak btreet. DR. C. C. ALLEN. Musician and huixcoa. Ofllce and residence 4M Douilas sitcuuo. New and effectual treatment of hemorrhoids, and dkeae of w omau a specialtj . DRS. McCOY&PURDY. Office 147 Main street, oer Recht & Sons' store. Wichita. Kan. lelephone at residence. E. B. RENTS, M. D. ri siciiu .nnd Surgeon. Ofllce o er Fuller & Son G roccr . . J. MILTON KI.C1I. JI D. T. E- WELCH. M. D DRS. WELCH & WELCH. Office 2M 1ourUs aenue. Wichita. Kansas, where they maj be found at all hours. RUSSELL & JORDAN. Pin biclins and Surpeons. Offico on weft side of Slain street, first stjina south of ila-sonlc building. Telephone to A. L. T. PALMER C. JAY. Phj siclan .md Surceon. Office at D. G. Tirrj 's drug fitorc, 'Us Douglas aenue. I. H. MATTING LY. Physician. Officejocr London Tailors, No. 153 N Iain street. L. S. 0RDWAY, M. D. Homorepithist. Oil ice corner Douglas and Law rence aeuues, rooms 1 and 5, telephono 133. MRS. SELINA H. MILLER. " ITomocepathlc Phjsiclan, corner Rh er street and Central aeuue. PHYSICIANS. E. E. HAMILTON, M. D. Specialties: Diseases of the Eye, Far, Nose and Throat, Catarrh and fitting glasses. Office southwest corner Douglas and Market, up stairs, Wichita, Kans. J. H. TILDEN, M. D. Special attention gh en to Surgery and Gynaecol ogy. Residence iH S. Market. Office 223 N. Main, V ill visit any part of the state In consultation or to penorm surgical operations. DR. CHARLES A. WILSON, Physician and Surgeon. Will continue his profes Klnn In nil lf hKinnhixi. Consultation free. Office and residence at 151 N. Main St., oer Wilier & Jill; ler s paint onlce. ICO DENTISTS. D. W. SMITH Dentist. Eagle building, Douglas avenue. Wichita, Kansas. McKEE & PATTEN. Surgeon Dentists. Teeth extracted without pain. Best set artillclal teeth, $i.50. Office 217 East Douglas avenue. Wichita, Kan. DR J. C. DEAN. Dentist. Opposite the postofflcc. Teeth extracted without pain. DRS W. L DOYLE &. WILSON. Dentists. Offlce oter Barnes & Son's drugstore. Centennial Block, Wichita. MUSIC TEACHERS. MRS. S T. HENDRICKSON. Teacher of Piano. Organ and Theorv, 422 North Mar ket street. GEO. T. THOMPSON. Professional Piano Tuner and P.epairer. Refer ences, Cathei Ine Russell and Thomas Shaw & Co. All pianos tunee by the wae sj stem the only method that will tune j our piano perfect and make It sound charming. Work guaranteed. Leave orders with Thomas Shaw & Co , music dealers, Main street. ARCHITECTS. AnciirrrcT. SUI'ERIVTL-NDEhT. G. A- MASTERS, Formcrb cf Boston and Chicago, has opened an office in the Opera House, corner of Market and First street". 97 2m A. W.KUCH. RUSH & GILES. Architects and- Superintendents. Offlce in Grecii & Hi 's building, o cr 123 West Douglas a e. C. W. KELLOGG. Architect and superintendent. Plans and speillca tions for all classes of buildings. Office oicr Hde's look store. TERRY & DUMONT. Architects and Superintendents. Office in Roys' blck. Wichita. Kan. w. t. i-KounrooT. o. i. num. PR0UDF00T&. BIRD. Architects and Superintendents. Office In Eagle block. MISCELLANEOUS. Dr. D. T. SNOKE iterinarj Surgeon; gruluite of Philadelphia Vet erinarv College of '71. Proprietor of Horses Home, opposite (!. A. II. building. 1st, st. Telephone 172. dM RODGERS, The Pliototrrapher. Pictures in all sizes and stjles. He alo carries the linest assortment of picture frames In the citj-. Gie him a friendly call and ex nnilne samples. B. S. GARRISON. Justice of the Peace. Office with Woodcock & Dorsej, in Dorsey building. MRS. ELLEN DEVOL, Professional Nurse. Oo. 207 Ohio ave, cor. E First fctrect 'and Ohio ae. References given. 94 lm Dr. E. M. Conklin, OFFICE Coi . Main and Second Sts. "Wichita. - - Kansas. Does general family practice, giving particular at tention to Obstetrics and Diseases of women and children Mj treatment of INFLAMMATION, ULCERATION, DISPLACEMENTS AND TUMORS OF THE WOMB, Lucorrhca, Painful and Irregular Menstruation, etc. is mild, not unpleasant, and Is verj successful. Piles, Fistula and other Rectal troubles speedlij cure d. Veneriilnnd Private diseases quickly cuicd and their bad fleets removed from the svstem without the use of Men urv or other Injurious h ug. I TREAT CANCrit by the most approved methods of eminent specialists, without using the knife, and can guarantee a cure in most cases. Mj experience in the treitmcntof Nervous Heas cs,Mich as El'ILKPSV, St. VII US DANCE. HYSTERIA NLUR VLGIA, RHEUMATISM, NLRVOUS PROSTRA TION f rom ov ervv ork nnd abuses of vaiious kinds, and numirous obscure and obstinate conditions, en ables me to relieve nearlj everj ease. Bv aiding n iture's (Torts towards recoverj, and avoiding all harsh and injurious drugs, I never in Jure the most delicate jk rson. Office hours y to 1J.S0 a. m.. 1 to 5 and G.30 to S p. m. diOlm MONEY At Lowest Rates and Ready for Borrowers AT oisrcE 8. W. COOPER, -SFkan. JONES, - Druggist Prescriptions Specialty. 222 Douglas Avenue, Wichita, Kan J. M. ALLEN & CO., GROCERS. 112 DOUGLAS AVENUE. ....our. WICHITA. KANSAS. A Classical and Scientific School lor Both Sexes. WILL OPEN FOn THE SCHOOL EAP.--- ' Monday, Sulfite 6th, 1886 FOR PAUTICL'LAUS OK CATALOGUE ADDRESS Prof. J. M. Naylor, PRINCIPAL. OR Rev. J. D. Hewitt, SUPERINTENDENT. -rtfch.w -Wichita. Kans. PAUL- Wholesale and Retail LEWS II COMPENSATION. In that new world toward which our feet ore jet Ehall we find aught to make our hearts forget Earth's homely joys and her bright hours of bliss? Has heaven a spell divine enough for this? For who the pleasure of the spring shall tell. When on the leafless stock the brown buds swell. When the grass brightens and the days grow long, And little birds break out in rippling song? O sweet the drooping eve, the blush of morn, The starlit sky, the rustling fields of corn, The soft airs blowing from the fresh'nlng seas, The sun flecked shadow of the stately trees, The mellow thunder and the lulling rain, The warm, delicious, happy summer rain, "When the grass brightens and the days grow long, And little birds break out in rippling song! O beauty manifold, from morn till night, Dawn's flush, noon's blaze and sunset's tender light! . O fair, familiar features, changes sweet Of her revolving seasons, storm and sleet, And golden calm, as slow she wheeb through space From snow to roses; and how dear her face. When the grass brightens, when the days grow long, And little birds break out in rippling song! O happy earth ! O home so well beloved ! What recompense have we, from thee removed? One hope we have that overtops the whole; The hope of finding every vanished soul We love and long for daily, and for thi3 Gladly i e turn from thee, and all thy bliss. Even at thy loveliest, when the days are long, And little birds break out in rippling song. Celia Thaxter in The Century. BATHERS OF THE SOUTH SEA. Some Women "Who Can Swim tike Mer maids and Dire Like Frogs. Tlio women of Samoa arc not so pretty, but far more virtuous, than those of the Society islands, and possess traits peculiarly their own. Their only clothing is tho lava-lava, frequently made of grass, -which covers them from tho hips to the thighs, the field for adorn ment being tho head, around which wreaths of orange blossoms and of red flowers aro worn. They uro naturally endowed with a profusion of black hair, but, being cnainoied of tho crushed strawberry color, they coat tho head with slaked coral lime, a few appli cations of which give to tho hair tho desired hue. Thej' are very expert in the management of canoes, and swarm abojt the ship from early morn till closoof eve, beseeching ofliccrs and men to bo their "iliend," and when one assents to do tho friendly act, tho object of his friendship comes on board and showers upon him gifts of cocoanuts, seashells, fruit, eggs and an occasional chicken, for w hich, in return, hois expected to givo monov, or, preferably, such articles as soap, needles and thread, tobacco and writing paper. This act of friendly barter completed, tho lady stands, not upon the manner of her going, but, taking advantage of tho fact that there are no skirts to impede her flight, dives headlong out of agunport, swims to her canoo and paddles off to make another "fliend." Tho cxliibition wound up with a grand siva, which is tho name for the native dance. This brought into prominence tho loveliest of Samoa's maids, in tho person of Faapio, tho daughter jf Asi, Malietoa's great war chief. Wearing a tiara of glistening bo hall3 and a grass of bj ight colors in hor hair, a neck lace of red berries, and around her hips a Lava-lava of tho most expensivo character, her faultless figure was sot off to advantago, and as she danced with her father and two other chiefs, her smiles, gestures and contor tions of body were amusing, and despite tho fact that her body glistened in tho sun from a coating of cocoanut oil, her graceful bear ing commanded admiration. Other girls and chiefs danced in turn, but tho siva, with its singing, waving of arms and other varia tions beggars description, and must bo seen to bo appreciated. Samoa Cor. Baltimore Sun. I'riiato Drinking: lasses. "Heah, bahkeeper, this is not my glass," said an eighteen carat dudo in a fashionable Sixth street restaurant the other afternoon, petulantly pushing back tho diluted julep be fore him and stroking his little nioustacho w ith an aggi ieved look. 'Beg pardon, fair, beg paidon," said tho bar keeper, as h hastily withdrew tho offending gloss. Opening a little cabinet in tho side board he brought out a pretty cut goblet, in which he carefully mixed tho dude's '"pizen," saj ing apologetically as ho pushed it across the maible: ' So manj- people coming m hero I clean forgot it." Tho dude felt too much hurt to reply, but sipped his beverage and then faded away. ''That's the last fool notion of them duelis," said the drink dbpenser, with a backw ai d jei k of the thumb toward tho retreating young man. "What's that?" 'Why, each of them has to havo his own glass now. You soo this case? Well, I've got eighteen sets of pi ivato glasses m there, live different kinds of glasses in a set, and when one of them comes in I'vo got to get his own little cup to mix the liquor in. They ai e good trade, though, and I can't afford to object." The glasses w cro very pretty, of fino cut Avaro and shaped like those used for ordi nary every day customers. Tho sots, the barkeeper said, cost $o and can le pui chased at only one or two places in tho city. 'They pretend," continued the man of mixed drinl;s, ' that they're afraid of drink ing out of tho same glasses as the mob, as they might get some disease. They've been going it about two months now and they'll go clear across the city v. ithout a drink le- fore they'll take a drop out of am thing bul their own glasses. I hear they're got the same w rinkle at ono or two of the clubs here. They're daisies" Pittsburg Chr sni "le. A Cruel ,Toko of the War. Col. Jobn R. Towers, principal keeper" of the penitentiary, aided and abetted in one of the most cruel jokes of tho war. The Federals were leisurely firing shells into some Confed erate works, and the bombs were falling and bursting in such uncomfortable nearness that the soldiers had dug hole in the ground and were hiding as best they could. Tho colonel nnd some f i ionds got hold of an unerploded sl-cll and stuffed it full of Uiv. When tho next report was heard, the fuse was touched off, and after a moment the bomb was drop ped into tho mouth of ono of tho "gopher'' holes w here soldiers were sheltered. 'Zip-zip-zip-z--zip-zip-zip!'' went the fuse for several minutes. How 1 after howl w cut up as the soldiers expected to be blown into atoms. After a time the spluttering fusv burned out and things quieted down. Atlanta Consti tution. It is estimated that the wine crop of Cali fornia will reach o,000,000 gallons, an in creaso of 10,00i,000 over the crop of 1SS5. Tho Killing; l'asMoii. The latest story told to illustrate the "rul ing passion strong in death" is to tho effrct that Solomon Isaac?, who had long carried on a three-ball business, was at last gathered to his fathers. He approached the gates of heaven and called vehemently for admittance. St. Peter threw open the portals and held out his golden wand to the deceased Israelite. ''Say, Peter, he remarked, giving the rod a critical inspection, "I can't give you inon than $2 en that.r Saturdav Herald. Queen Victoria Pure Life. Gen. Adam Badean, whoso acquaintance with English society is as close a that of any American, writes of Queen Victoria, who, ho thinks, has lived a sad life: -Tho queen of England exhibits, in her exalted sphere virtues which the humblest man or woman in her realm might imitate, virtues which endear her personally to her subjects, and certainly make them unwilling, in her time, to disturb her throne. Pnnty, honor, truth, religion, tidelitj in all the" family relations. cojstanc to friends, sympathy with all forms of hu man suffering in whatever class these are traiti on account of which the English people of to-day are content to Iiavo a queen." Ex-ohnnjw. BARM FOR IS II. Lots in McCormlcks addition are now on sale. This property in first hands, lies near the street railway, and is convenient to schools and churches. There is Four lots on North Topeka avenue at $100, less than market values. Twenty lots in Orme & Phillips addition at a special bargain. Lots of almost every dimentionon College Hill. The material is ordered for street railway to that suburb. This property will double in value. Acres in all directions, suitable for subdividing. House and lot on South Market street, rented for $10. Price $1,000, Business lot on North Main street, very cheap at $5,600. Lot centrally located on Douglas avenue, $12,500. Fifty feet on Lawrence near Douglas avenue, $1200, very cheap. Fine business lot on Main street between First and Second, old buil ding rented at $50 per month. $12,500. Large lot and six new houses on South Emporia ave. all under rent; pays a good interest on the investment. $10,000. 112 1-2 feet on South Emporia ave. near Douglas. Two good houses, rented at $20 each, east front. Price $10,000. 8 lots in Orme & Philips' addiiton, will sell for ten days at $2500. 10 lots in Richland addition, $150 each, must be sold this week. 19 lots in Chatauqua addition, $175 each. Lots in Maple Grove addition east of the city. These lots are selling rapidly at popular prices. THE BEST OK ALL. I have the exclusive sale of a sub-division of the Moser Home stead on College Hill. These are certainly the best lots in ,tne mar ket for parties intending to build. Prices range from $1600 to $2,000 each, part.time. Call early and make a selection. FaRMS. Farms and vacant lands in all parts of the county. Abstracts of title furnished free of charge. N. R NIEDERLANDER, Cor. Douglas and Topeka Aves. WICHITA nothing better in the market. KANSAS. Removal ! ! Having removed oar fine stock of "Wall Paper. "Window Shades, Paints, Glass and brushes to No. 151 IT. Main st. we are now pre pared to fill all orders and execute all work entrusted to us neatly and satisfactorily. We employ none but the best workmen and all work is under our direct supervision. special attention given to all work E. PHILLIPS. mm 4- POSTOFFICE BOXNo.-S. GUNS; JOHN C. HALL & CO. GENERAL INSURANCE :-: AGENTS 218 DOUGLAS AVENUE, WICHITA, ELAN. Only the best ?om pantos represented. Losses adjtuteil and iald at the offlce. rroaip and. careful attention to all business entrusted to ua. IUks in surrounding country and towns accepted. $ WICHITA CRACKER COMPANY OLVNL'K.VCTUnERS OF- FINE CRACKERS and PURE CANDIES. Jobbers in Fruits, Nuts, Etc., Etc. Agents for "Good Faith", "Scout" and "Success" brands of Cigars GOODS SOLD TO DEALERS ONLY MAIL OHDKltS SOLICITED Wichita City Roller Mills aud Elevator. ESTAIiUSITED 1371. IXCOIilSDH VTKD i5T$. Manufacture tho Follow InR Ccltbratol Uraml' IMPERIAL, Roller Patent; WHITE ROSE, Extra Fancy; X. L. C. R., Fancy. Theclranilsliaol)ecn on the market east, w,t. north nail muth for t'ii j can. ami they lw won an enviable reputation whercterlntroJuctd. To try them Is to nay with them. We an ahvnj s lu tncmarfctt for w heat at highest j ash price.- OLIVER, LMBODEN & CO. FRANCIS TIERNAN & CO., CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS OF Water and Gas Works PARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO CITIES IN KANSAS. OFFICE 2J-W COR. 5TIT and JIA WCKT STS. ST. LOL'IS. UIPUITA U"AM OFFICE N-W COK MAIN and DOUGLAS AVENUE. V IUn I I rt, rAN. Correspondence Solicited. C, O. DAVIDSON. President. IL S CATES, Examiner. II. W. OILMAN. Vleo-I"!- . Nashua. X. 11 The Davidson Loan Company PAID-UP CAPrrAL, 800,000. Money Always on Hand to Loan on Improved Farm and City Property. Have Loaned More Money in Southern Kansas than any Company in tho State OFFICE WITH CITI7ENS HANK. Northwest Corner Main Strtet and Douglas A enue. 15. D. ALLEN. Notary Public ALLEN, GRAHAM I CO., (Surveyors to 'tVIcJ.lta Land and Loan Compan.) Negotiate Loans, Sell Lands, Place Insur ance and Make Collections. TAXES PAID FOR NON-RESIDENTSzz: ZZZCORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED J 30031 1-OVEIl ISUAEL UI'.OS. DKUC. STOItE, "ITT If tfl irp I!" VC 1 DOUnLAS At ENl'E. IV I 1 L 1 iV, I.,. 0. B. STOCKER, C P Mantels, E I Fire Clay, N E T C E E Grates, R S Fire Brick, MARBLE: DUST, : WHITE : SAXD,S LATH Lime, Hair, New York and Michigan Plaster. Louisville and Portland Cement. Y AMD and 0?TIC On Vdtor Strwt. between and Firt St-t. 4gSX f vAk---'"'i' FOR SALE ' ! Moneyed Men Read This ! Ve are se'nnglots in Carey ParV at the extreme lowpnces oi $225. $250, $275 and $300 each, the latter are corners The above pnees include sde waiks all laid Terms easy It has been reported that we were getting $400 and $500 per lot It is not so. Ever lot in Carey Parif will bring that by nct , spring. Remember that Carey Park is from 12 to 14 feet higher than Doug. J las avenue Street cars run the entire to call and see a plot of Carey Park and gfii full particulars of E. & and-L. E, COLE. . r 329 Douglas avenue. Opposite Manhattan Hotel 79-tf HENBX feCH'WErrXK. WICHITA ICE Will deliver ICE to Order by mail or give orders Jdnas or Fancy Glass ana sign MILLER & WELLER, 151 North Main Street. n. J. CRAMS. Main 149St.. WICHITA, Kan. WICHITA, KANSAS, (5 V. OllAHAJI Douhvt Atiiu Wichita, Kansas GLOBE -:- IRON -:- WORKS, Founders and Machinists, JlMiufactureni of STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS Iron and Era Catlnu n1 IuSy sd Ktiltlnz Hoot' caula? In any design to fitilr. As-nt tur th l!Ulwly r-an.Un I'umt .ill kind tt rrpMr la; done on hort R&tlei and mMartiou euaranuJ A. FLAGO. VntriUtr lencrth of Carey Park You are irmted aw, nurr D I any part of the City. to drivers of our waugoaa Real Estate. fiHH-PI99l IIH9K-I M