Newspaper Page Text
SfT KTi? "'" '" 5&tf1"S"irr i " , jnfr-s-g j.,k ' JK"li"SV:r? " ' 'V" gfcs 3&icMIa gailg gagXe: itncTaij Periling, ctoBer 3, 1886. 2 &&, -n Usr1- gaittpSr crTei iWJV M. 21. MUttBOCK, Editor. SUNDAY MORNING. OCT. 3. 1SS0 REPUBLICAN TICKET. STATi: TICKET. AM0Clate "STvALxa.nsB. Franklin county. Kor Governor JOHX A. 3IAIITIN, Atchison county. ror Lieutenant Governor A. P. KIDDLE, for Secretary of State Ottawa county. E. n. ALLEN'. Sodgvrlck county ,or State TreoMffi W. HAMILTON. Surantr county. For Auditor of WggSnr K?CARTnY, Pawnee county. For Attorney OeacrM-j Osago county. For Superintendent of PuWIc Instruction J. H. LAWUEAD, Dourbon county. FOll CONGRESSMEN. First District HON. E. If. MOniULL. Brown county. Second District .. noN. E. H. FUXSTOS, Allen county. Third District IION. B. TV. PEKKIXS. Neosha county. fourth District . HOX. THOMAS RYAN. Shawnee county. Fifth District- ,. ' non. a. s. Tvn-sox, Washington county. Sixth District- IXON'.E. J. TUKNEn, SLerldan county. Seventh District ,.. HON. S. It. PETEKS. Harvcr county. JUDICIAL Forjudge -I8H1 DISTRICT. IIOX. T. B. 17ALL. faedgwlclc County. OOUTY TICKET. For Probate Judge For Clei 1: of DL'trlct Court For County Attorney Tor County Superintendent E. C. JEWETT. A. B. WEIGHT. G. W. C. JOKES. D. S. PENCE. Kor Commissioner Third District T. II. ICA2iDALLi. For Beprcentatlve SM Mrlt HAmELI) For P.eprctatlTO RM Dlstrlc For PprccntatheSlth District- caupenter KEXM'IILICAN SHUTTINGS. The State Ontr-I .ouiiniliLU hao undo the fol low incirijiohi'mcnLs for fcouthwest Kansas up to ate: (.emorJoh:i , Jlartir.LIci.ipmnt Governor A. lKiillU..infl V.. l.C'hml.or tlcoil Stroud Kan pa-.juelrj. i.IllrUilriM. tin. i lirrt the following tlm'cs and'i'l iuft w it: jNiti'idaj.Ortnl cr2, lc-t,S p m. IliitihlciJii, JIoiul i).itoUri, lv". 8;i. in Mcrlliiir, luivbT.'i l-, H 1. m. Judt;-N.(". Jlel ariuid, of Ioka, Judge Iliram Stcv. lis uud otli rs . III addi s the l-eoj le on the h miikoi tlied: .t the foil.n.iiy tine and iili.tts l'.iol.i. Mond i. 0 tilr4. jnw, at 7 J) m Ulti.w.i. Tueiiu, O.Uibir ". lkW., at 7-u I in Iiurlinet'iTi, liiel.ij.Octolr.'i1 . p l.i. Eiin Wu. linn Hlaj. October?, isgn, at 7 'J ji. 1.1. y I Dorwln, I r'll.n , Ot tihi i s. I1'-. at -l p. m, lclilta. hatw.l y. Octo'.ii r . is-i, at 7.1) p l.i. Kliin'intt'i. llituli,Oitobirll. 1K at 7. Op m. Allliij.'oi!.luesdij,0(tiUrl.', 7-)i r.i. Caidwill, W(-Jm-l.,OaolkV H, l-f.,.it (-Ji 1 w Aiithtiij.7l!iirsd.i.Ottolwi 11. lV-fi.iit 7.1);.iii. . .licit f L1-JM-. hrldaj. Oct. F-. 1VM.. at 71 p. in. .Senator John .1 Invalln.uiil otl.i r willaddn-'s tl c ritilillc on t!-e polltha! Iw-sifs of tl o daj, at tho fol Ion lit;; UinMard jtlatei riionia,, October ISP. :-t7Wp. m. Antlioli'V. Wedt isdaj, OlIoIk r-.", '.-ST, at 7 J) p. in. txnal"i Plumb and utf.ers will addreis the people )ii Hie politic il i.suc of tii" d (J at Mol'i.Uhon. Monday, jt. Si. at 7 p n. laical committees .re re H' stcd to make all ncccs ary diri-iiciiients for :dl tioi ii.eotinss. Posters ftuuL-liel h tills coaiinlttio. I y ortii r of the coiinnittee, P. l.UO.M'ltltMCl , HLMlY lntANni.r . Chtinnin Sccietarj. KEITULICAN JiEETIXGS Tor the Soeiilli Co.urcasionr.l Didfitt. Jetmoie. Hedgf m in omintj, Jlondar. Oct. 1, at 7 p in hneaVfts, S It Peter.. T. J", htinle, b. A . Vatiiilviit, J S Painter and J. vr. llusii hi 8 ( Itv, iMjss eotinty, I i.c-li. Octohoi ".at i-ta p m t-;i-..;rn. S li l'eter, V.I. htanlcj, J. b. Painter and J. W.iruth ;.en Kijvk i. Iliiixre unt. Wednesday, Oct. 0, at 7.rti p in. S;j ,.l.i in J. A llaj, V.'. L. I-itlij and C. S DUat'Xi, L-n c m-ity, Wo In-wdnv, Oct. C nt 7 1) p. ii. hpoikvi-i, S It. 1'ottio, .L bfjniiN.J. b l'arit tr t-.lviii. heott Cit.heott count v, fiiur"J. ', Oct, , at (-X) p in FiittJuMsfc H letiiiand T, .Sniltii. lt'.lc Plai'JJ. Mitiiucrcoiin, Tuirwinj, Oct. 7, at 7:1 ii ill spakersfN. h Mori i', V. I.. Lith ai.d 1. 1 1n5or , . ., .-.., Si niui'. Hamilton counts. Triday. OcJ-t", at. fl .. ui. IRae-S. H l'Wii, A. '. S.nltU nnd U . It. inn w- 1) nW C Uv, I oiuc juaty. ii-inmv, uec. v, ai. . p, in. jHMlterj, h. It. 1'oms, J. A. Muuiy and II. Wiiltldf-) Smlii t, itiee coiti'y, futturdar, Oct. f', nt ,Oi)n m. fcjMiken, o.A.t-k taint, A. V,. Smith aad v. E. Ivl isltfr, F.lwjrdi, countt, M n!a. Oct. II, at JO V- m SlieiN, s. B.PiUi. J.l.(r3ihet.ndlle:i ri ii.otn.iM in i .iicc.o-ij. l-ir 13.1. l'limm' anmt. Tue6la '. in, in MKiaker1-. h. it Pitef.M. i..-voiiloc aid J. W. namllton l.ieat Uend, Barton 1 inity. Wednostlav, OeUiber 13 r.t. 7 tin iu MKair i !l.reurs, U. w, B. Hat lii-Ul ami Or tolier 12, at ".V. mutton, J.V. Clement, ia(r H JUlVUrs, fc. , llamiltoi' Cjn e- i tt. I . no u 't,T .u'-iij, Oct. 11, at 2aal7 Wp 10 "-p-tlar ILlMifs J c. Strang, V I.'Jthj, 1 I Ivi Tier . i 1 la s 1. .Whson. ileum lto, , I wlik iiii. I rhlnj. (e. li, at -. u.1.1 N11 Ui ,.!.! .' . ii v 11, 1. f. layhx-aad .A Hun j LtO'lh, I" ip oikrrM, ' .H111IU1. hnrHto J ,i o t 1". at 7 S) p in. SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT. Tlie 3ren Whom the Kcanblicaii Party Ask the People to Endorse. At the time we gttve a report of the Ile publican convention e stated that we would at some future time make personal mention of the candidates, but owing to a press of business and the additional fact that without an exception all of the gentle men nominated arc so well known to the people oQhis count', we have neglected to do so, and even now it seems unneces sary to do so except to be in accord with the usual custom of such matters. The candidates for lepresentatives are well and intimately known in the public and to the social life of this county. All of them are citizens who have been actively engaged for years in building up the ma- 1 teiia! inteiests of the lirot county m the tate. The are men whose capabilities and experience iu the management of their own aHairs have made them successful in their various pursuits in life, and it is con ceded that as legislators they would be in dustrious, tonseratie and bioad-gua-ged; nominated on a platftrm Ihht de clares it to be the judgment of their constitutcnts that there ought to be a constitutional convention called for the pur pose of giving to the people a constitution that would meet the demands of ouri.'pidly growing slate, they will woik and vote for a resolution calling this convention. If elected they w ould be in accoid on all pub lic questions v. ith the majority of the house. Sedgw ick county with her population of ncaily HO, COO people, with the second and soon to be the first city of the state as her capital, with more wealth, more miles of railroads than any county in the state, does not propose to be lepresentcd in the halls of legislation by a bouibon democracy that never mocs except in a circle, that never c 1 cat cs a new idea 1101 forgets an old one: that lives only to imitate. KODOI.PII llATriCLD Ts a I.1W3 er of experience and acknon 1 edged ability. II" saved in the last legisla tuie, and was one of the most prominent and capable niembeis ot that body, and was so recognized by the press and people of the state. The experience he hits ac quit ed will be not nly of great benefit to himself bat to our people. B. E. LAW-BENCH Is one of the early pioneers of this county, being one of the first settles west of the big 1 iver. J le has been for ears a success ful farmer and stock laier. Like 3Ir. Hat field he has had the epuieneo of two cars in the legislature. lie is a man ot libeia! ideas and will take broad iev.s on all pub lic questions. He has been honest and faithful as a public servant and will cer tainly be able to accomplish moie for our county. A. H. C.UU'EXTEB Is emphatically a Sedgwick county boy; coming here in his infancy he has giown to manhood in this county. He is a lepre sentathe of that im and energy that is native and to the manor born, lie has grown and de eloped with our county. lie is a paitandpaicel of our piosj,Ciity, and of our development. The argument about his, being too oung is a cry weak one in a voting slate, settled, dc eloped and in.m- igul largely by joung men. In t state to which oung men , , , ..i ,i .. .,v i come nv nunuieas au-i iiiuuhuiib to gel lid of that competition which wealth, ace nnd social position give in older state. being joung will but iccommend him to a vast majority of his people, lie has been successful as a business man :mh1 has esiab- ished.nicpctalion'B thu diicctioii that is creditable to him. That he v.ul make u eonsei vathv, inlutiimn legislator, none who know him doubt foi a minute, lie is a "voting man of liberal education which was icecived largely in our ov. n public schools. The Republican"? cf this district has invented a series-of blanks and records that have been sought after by judges in all parts of the state ancT by many of the large publishing houses, and he will be elected by a large majority, not withstanding the Democratic leaders have centered their fire on him, and are tramp ling the county, begging Republicans to vote for his opponent, and trading off all the rest of their ticket iu addition. ABE WltlGHT, the candidate for clerk of the district court, has lived in Wichita for ten years, and has always held positions of trust in the largest and most prominent business houses. Occupying for the last three years the responsible position of "deputy county treasurer, he has become extensively and favorably known to the people of this county. Reserved in the army for three years and his record is a clean one. His well known clerical ability will enable him to enter upon the duties of the office fully prepared for its responsibilities. He has clear sailing. O. W. C JONES, the candidate for county attorney, is one of the oldest citizens of the county, coming here when a boy and settling with his pa renst iu Union tow nship, in theeaily his tory of the county, he litis grown up in our midst, and all along the line of his life, from boyhood days to man's estate, he has made a favorable impression on our peo ple. He is a capable lawyer, made so by his ow n efforts, and by attention to busi ness has made a name in this county that he can well be proud of. He will make a safe counsellor for our county. His elec tion by ti cry large majority is conceded. PttOIT.SSOll PLNCE, For county supeiiutendent, has no oppo sition on any regular ticket. lie has been identified w ith our schools for some time, to the entire satisfaction of our public. He is the very cseucj of eneigy and will fill the Sedgwick county schools with life and interest, all of which he will vN'.t the com ing year. mi:. i:.xdall, The candidate for commissioner . of the Third district, has lesided in our county for twelve or fourteen years and has been and is now engaged in merchandising and farming, ne litis been postmaster at 31t. Hope for years and tlie people, without re gaid to party, object to his rcmoal. He is a man of huge business experience aud has the reputation among his neighbors of being careful and conservative. This is a le sponsible ollice and Thomas Randall is the man the people want. He had for his op ponent in the convention some of Sedg wick county's best citizens, men Avhoit was a very high compliment to beat. The entire ticket is unobjectionable. It was nominated in the laigest lepicsented con vention that ever assembled in the county, anil every candidate nominated on the first ballot by a huge majority, and no Republi can can all'oid to or will seiatch it. "whitewash n. Tl" Twenty Lots Will be offered at an Unusual Bargain for a few days at Bar tholomew's Office. Speculators and investors will find it to their interest to see for themselves. G-. W. BARTHOLOMEW. One Uranscombe, who was nominated by the thiid party cranks for governor, litis been openly chaiged with having swindled Ins ow n father-in law, at least his father-in-law chaigcs that BiausCombc has beat him out of ti largo sum of loaned money w hich was secured through false mi-repiescnt-i-tions. The cential committee of the Piohi- ... ... . ,., ,.! tjition paity met last ween ana me lesiut is "'o" '"'"-' . . " ,. ,. ,,. ne fi, 1 J . , . ,.,. , ... not to the fiont, whatever tlie nature ol tlie the most tianspaient 10b of political white- n,nninn v,ori.i SpcakeTOatlisle, who appeared at Wich ita a few days ago for the purpose of mak ing a Demociatic campaign speech, was immediately taken in charge by and ex hibited under the auspices of the inepressi ble Marsh jlurdock. It is an extremely fiigid tvvcntv four houis when Murdoch is ls. inn I'lMM i.k I Is. Kailowpll, (roil. Oillt-tte 1 1 a (-it aad A W. r b,,i;c41p,1 itli Isis ratididafV and have 'so exnicssed themselves to the wntei. There is not u shadow of doubt as to his court. Ti'jiv, OcK li i l H. 1'ttUi.wili. tnu kOIlittt .1 p. in i Fuji U n h 15, linrsrn. Mrlher cotlll nt j ii iu jh,. 7 ti u. m. Surata. Oi i -i.t. V L huiulejr, K. lintfi W Unt. ) l! .A i It'll. AM Ic. Har.-x-i county. Monday, I rt. IS ct yl' i tc. . v tt. retort, W.& Morris J. W .m.i i. ii mr a 1 1 V. t.-ajvllti Uhtih; It riter, -irperounty. "Iucaty. c t 1" i' I ytvuWers, b U. I'WetS, '. A. MtN al, i U . .a'l cLct'.uu, and with all this we know that n.s,-xtujdi ot ii. our frior.dCOl .ohn i3 Gary, will heartily is, s. K. l us u. ' ,,.,.,. as M.W. K. Li'h... j. i eiiieur a he did with another nomm.uio:i u afesp.r tctas.on I he (auantatc lor piobatc judgo E 15. JEWETT, pioccssion. jtinpona iiepi As we squirm under the moie covert in sinuations of your accusation permits us to plead in extenuation that the prominent Democials of Wichita placed us theie. And we might as well acknowledge the truth that it was with no small degree of pride tint -c accepted the honor and privilege! of introducing so distinguished a gentleman as- the lion. John G. Carlisle to J the people w ith whom the best poition of j our life has been identified. Rut the Re ! publican has got h-r or casions mixed. On the occasion of Governor Carlisle's political fiAu.-nnr.Toim A Mnr- spt-eeu tuc wcinui.ia, t,t v-v .-w...w. --. J washinsr that we ever saw. Ihcy don t deny that JDu'iiscombc got the money but s.n that the matter is a purely personal one, and one confined to his own family, and that in pleading tho statue of limita tion Rranscombe was actuated byadeoiie to benefit his own family. Such a leport L an insult to e cry intelligent and honest man. Of course the benefit of his own familv means the benefit of himself. i hi: uaicden c ity i'aii;. Garden Citv i to have a big fair or ex 1 1 managed tlie whole affair and procession. MONEY TO LOAH NO ffUSIfRAKCE. i is ji b thly a, weli and faoraHy knewn as l,"su U1 any i, n in our cofiuty, aud i.o stands . Slrsrtl a in n uu :u iciJicr shares u.-y more P0"3110 ofth c . tnknee thau he does. Xomi- gswtl ' u, aeSicmnt7.r--rrr,Ly( ; uaKd n.m tunes br acclamation in Repub- nUhwest Ivanais. It b w-iy certain , uot ,keto m 5,rkr8,s.H.I'eterJ U I ,ia m 11 rank - th?t the visitors to tllU fair Will be nV.blcJ , in.y,nrr 1, i'. tics. W cicuKsnt, i. w tu.iinui ..nt ltii hcan mwrVms witho-.t op.Ki-:tioi, acu lJ''-L "-i nun i pjnttmg Ji iUlnyAii3-, RsiTtier couaty, V.eiln-fi . ?(,a 1 " i' ia- v jwajtem. S ft Pete s, i. I .i j: s iellli.1, & id TimHtH'arrj. vv ll r, toji M'Siiux ctsuiitj ,1 "i - :ai . . t ' t rtT ip m htvaUr,S K.Vt( W i I n t A.W oilU, W. U-bualir, lte " erf . it A1H i. inir secral davs. tin is to make the opening aud res?, am; Senalois Ingalls and Plum!) areaKo booked , q,,.c 1M)slloastcr at vrashinctou, D. C, is foi speeches. Gai den City i, one of the I a 1?eDubijKU1 of the straightest sect. Bem biightest, most liomishing and pivgr.sshe ' -a-aru lookhtffat theuktce with water- citie, iu Kansas and their fair proi-iin to ' ijg pj mh A good nury of Uiem want j Valley Centre, Sedgwick County, Kas oc a gieat success. ncr protean: mwie ,kofflocuMi want jt bad. . The nAmcofj itian orumaiuy emei prising airi uie.? na the poslnuitcr is (Vuger, a son of Senator! (expense in arranging I or an e- Conner, of Michiiran. Tuc senator is ch-iir hich will be a fair reflex of tho mi .,f ,i1(,M,nTnii,, on nostoiH ISRAEL BROS.; Druggist and Grocers , First Block west of Tmmont House , WICHITA Gonserratory of Music Cor-ier of Emporia Avenue an William Strict, south tf Po.iij Vicnue. Director. CATHERINE RUSSELL. isuccruson to v stackjiak I Mercliant Tailor. I Keeps on hand Fne Goods of the latest styles. The largest stoc if '- ! city Satisfaction guaranteed No trf jble to show goods. Call and - l r F. VV. SWA!,, A door N of County Building ' J." F VFOFKIril' lr.-i OULlM" Tit-.! i,t. 0. B. JACOBS, is REAL ESTATE f ! i i 1 I 8 n jlid w vr EihKWcci, rndrxumisf v. v 1 1 J Kt iAN osas loan and liivcstmciil Co; Capital $100,000. I Money Always on Haad to Loan on Farm and City Proper: 0ice in "Wicbil, Hatlonai Eank Bu210Hig, WJf W t a, Kn 11. I a awll. ruvrr wntv, vr Uv.O t ;i it SneaStr,S.K. lcUf.T5. I. ' llhew 'cNtl V i!aut ill), Ruennt !iih,0f i m h,ln,'.'B.fttf s C . im iih infliuiaiwif. . . . l.i tftw.sUcjatjr Ti (.'. iTt - i. . -'l' e. i,miin ii i is tL . lar. Oo VV. H. STERNBERG, I --..-s;-, -i, ,,i, vll ivi Air ivi .r y: tM . . . ! ' T T "i i i thoillcor .shares L,y myrs pMl,uu HU1UI l"", -- -; nua ot the commiuce on poiomoes auu fnctOT 3nG JDUli'lCr kn thau lis doe. Xomi-' Pwin inm irouucuoiw ui ;m n . uumi rsosrroa ar.ti the presidatt, it is saiu, ao&j j in sor.Unvis-t lvaustis. It is oiv certain , ilt nh-p tn incur hU dknlessiiTe br stis-' .. . 2; 1. AAM 1 T-i-Lrttf rij opiKis-tnon, nou , . i pjinuitij nut awn. j-uu ."''"'" najoiitr iWl0Sclavery "enirne mca m tuc erap.u.ui-, g-jg tlKir teeth :w they glance iMtr- . ppusmon Li a ' tie of western Ivsnsiu,. Itwhirotl ntilwsy ( uatdj ftl th Whj!c jjj. an u,e VOi. con,Vs ntion in 1 1., m.. r , c-naorl or vil- ( falv has beei1 ratigwl tor antl a spee wi , 0 j fctnut.U, M, or thu.. ucA bj Hrnin ill be ninjfwrajhblwin. Asoroi). ' ! the lVir (Sialic party io has yiven inire . 1'eferrin is at T-tl Ihjs ti 1 C b. any n. i'i 'v Jin - a' i -ti ks, s a a l.rrcr X JrLJ-J-i-jJix ', Office and Shop 349 Mam St. T-,sT?'r.As-j, VOHKt LGWSrfT PRICES. FsU ma i fi n.iscil on srt &$. TtTCdUTA. K J. ' rl'Ei. I? i r'aiui , satisfaction in the of his oiJ-t c t From tie Vallej- Owtcr Xew to the Eaoia's. crliicirfu of The Repxibhcan rally last 1 utsday oren- J. P. ALLEN, I Northern I Southern Pine Lumber, 1 , . LATH, SHINGLES, SASK, DOORS AH0 BUHOS. OmcU M4 WHITS It'K TW)"t r-t.1 inmg' ' -bo ACM fTA KM K. L in It S.K'Jl. I 1 . x . I i Ji s, , ,t 1 ll! i i lj r I . i :.jn' s I ' Ki l.Ii T.i f . 1 . 1 .' l 1 Ci . u . 111 H'l. s, J i 1 i I First-Glass! t ruii i. i-i uvt ! T T I.l.... 1. . 1 ... u-. k.-v. .!..,., - 'j-L. I...M. tu.M4 lrl it iA .s. " J--t j- T r in. , T.uTto.ot.At:. Mi anii uibiHis,.i, ..,. ,. , mimii-r of 'nSai inesraiwii y s .,. w . u .. iUf 4 LS1 Z .nt . . e. it.MUsa.1 au.i - K, f ,,-j hc ln luUjl t ariw . f th'w ! ,.. , . ... , , c idetl occ. Uiis bangMJ nrwpoim- . -v... -.?VVVV-M, -utryinrelatioiMooIhccr.cfnJ.uihial 3-- Kefit fo a rt'n v r.t : ohanuiv that the longer lie erv,ev - nc , DaHv 'audience, the enthiii manifesto and OrUJStOre. t- s v . ,vu.ii. wnivwi officer the betlr i quah.u d i lie to H.rfonn . . ,. :. ,. . , . the abk- speeches.. Jlon. Vf. b. STorm, of I V v ,, ,, ,.t, ivt atL . t ;a r m- ,hc duties of the ofioe aad if an ffu cr of d '" . jj" , Tt tmhm of ' AVichita, was the principai tpalax for T-tZZTtr iv.i v, r miwnnadJ u.utisb ,v ,, i i JL . iu ,; .? non.inauim o . .,,! Hn speech "was poinlwl WiGDtta, SAO- k.i ii. w. tv at xhis khnUs hiuci capable, prompt and Col.ToniMoouliuh: hosconmktch-turnot lVfc, VlV "', 2n;lUi,. ,t- s.f ANNESS (A New Town), ji.,i v UiMwiuv in ilv ijer.rn,...c m v-ii- aj,0t s. atT3ii. . . U liiuwu. iifi. ' tho oneMion cf !fn;iii of &eris.-t ii (lutiL-s the heads, ot the J)ei-.oerais of Ivar . ' 1 ne De-mocrhtic papers. ;m. s-t ktT in th of tho acts (f jhe two gnat partx. : . .3 . '1 f-l-tf. X 11 tJ.. n- - lf.lnn.crt ...!. ., ll", lV...-,rl. "Hill rWW.-11-Ulll.l ...JVC.. .... ...v. -..- ..w. .... i . ...-, u.i- - ..... ,i. . v.-.,.. ... .;!... ,--v. linT.. -n.l UH-U'SOU 13H -TJI-li.JI iMHmil ... w. vwn .'.. ii .-.Mijij.ov i pt. i urg'Uaa rea-spn j iuum mi . mrttlmt put down tlw nlKJHon f - - - - ;' 1 , nl" .h;i ! IT I J . , t ,, , wiww , ina.nmineoiirr, - TP. ' -, - -- - --. -; - - hi, Uu wa f. .h to the oM Itepnbli , I 'J "4 H , P A a u i- i ..i.h .in u t'tu iM.t iiaii'iiauiipiwaii.'. ucpii..tiru; -,1cHji,;- ,,,:. rail iKirtv rfitt exbi? ro Itoe nortlwrnruiii oi -"- r V. i rnx Clur i . Tx. ata (iaa. SlierBarv tindeKcJirac itulsivc jiic O j !! cv the 3v ! wr nj l ten ' l1'!' Al . 'i i l.uus. fr i I'll ( .; i' -i ,t vn to .tT Davib" hi rt. si,tlrp and - ': 'lruad ... t tt eliis' 1 'r C'Lius Ys tpl tin . r xA t?o cox ' .. V to the e , id the artUle .ti it if cleeUil thau t p. tf'-r " the di!ie of the j office aswcll and as arf -i t-i!!e as br.4 Ir AM"I-AIO0. The H-an- were pretnt from r. number at ad locat0d on Qie Troy a? Western BaJIroaO, an ext ..niton . ' : Atchison, TopeJ-a di Taota Fe RaUroad- ta ISrto t xnsai . ; Sedgwlcl- comity, l-Iaia--,. own. by tho Ar- 1 kansas TaHey Town Company. -..-. . .. i---. -. - -m-.-.-----. --. M . -..i' --- , --- -rrr- r t.r.'---f -rj CRANE I "i-122 JUUW jsjKiJ "XM&J&a MiMX. T W Jil,V to l ii.r,-3 r .u iiaprovatl farmiag commniiity, !r-st-nggooaBtJi)p'-rr from tise star.. ClII cm ot writ me at oace aiicl secure -ii'- G. A, HATFIELD, Gmera) Agent, VhJaU. Kan Jw.n." arai this vt i -in - nv t a'one con t veilUon w!iich m lineltohi-opsweut, but is nfertMomi by d took advanced nocod iu fnvwrof -a: r-t-wni cooi- r.I l'.tn v.nh U,.:r fte: m fact J ll!alfiirm sisnsovt & f.-" " "5v P : Ciai' v f th 'Ktter Jl f DeriO-! TJA-oTiiime-in iitir'spr.-r.rt lht ll r. ' rt. v- it t v T t s - wii-aip in ihk j rt ' counted npoa to vc an nitpTilv. T ing j ban p:b . o" tbx pr .c i . r.d d ft . ' ... i, ; w r:rt.U t Lwptr Tlta ( h,u.dr- tion ,.'i '. . vtes thisi fHl! fi vho dirT i , t.or1- a i -.I.r n-n oppoent l v :. a cmti v'ou . a fur , o.j. . i H r.,! t t.,ti i r ti! W ' pr of nianlifod. the :. ji.-s t ' rr ;-ii "..! h'l" their ' poluk, and the uo-'ti'.!'f.i . Th- I K t Iv.u. of rina- f 8mwm ad aime, e K-m w -. v ri.;iu- Arjsurfc .itjp fenKs um? saw. L-Tget Agency ir the Vai'cy. ri... .-.-. .l ' ,1' I ... i j nrocbvnif.i, anii whon - Kxjri tbe oracc ' -v uKr jinne- 5 ffra thm boih natri-bm and ih J lr.Jbr ' t i" l Mxra';, bni.una- rcacfi a most strs-t nf.-i uit i ! f ;i i: .,-ts M- Jt'vlu's Lms-vu.j lo rt-s-. t. ti. r:u a '. . i i - f a Iu. lcil un-C i -Hs1-,' .". , t jJ-Jaf fvm.i.f.-aLo rtpr rtc-iiiic i cf p TQBHADO, LIFE ARD AGC1DEN i. , T " r, 7nT..r0 nTrri r - t m' at B.-4. ii. on Wedn.'ir- b. enrv sondaccrnthc RcisulOi , Ai.-'xwJ.J.-.vxAwft.x. . - (Real Estate & Exchange Brokers J . SOLE AGl-2?TSIOR i PrjRTRNTTTATS ADDITION. Drs. M. an H. OhA,huAMiiionisUCAkl tfce north j of th- cny, twtTt. T.'n Brotisers. -&tri3Kr ej-d j&rkeaaMi Atut " " P"1' and Ear Infir7.xy AIO lil THK VAI.M.V I A I.I-S "I-BEE IOVKt." !i i riv!'. Ut -iyrT yc-. r'a Ckil in j tr n f u wru ,: ja'Ci corr n i' "-iw of i. 1 . V i ?.i "i:J Jlarr ji. t?f Valley Fls K n -rr-.Ns" - t. ritkrt sr fv.r fTar, . ,l ci i :' V askrr K th- jfubUser a ? I, farr c'i 1 t t i nu.. cioubt it will ;" iAiiy Ptnaocrat ccmie to tss lTtl. ti larvnient Wf an sn ot probate jud re will lav l' n-ii an of I tiee th eav l:nen ol ensattr tl t u. .t cf tu of judge f ril'i I s. tl nr under the l.. is .:rt la! . ar.d nothirs les -they, we repeat, are now Oar oorrestKHSBt at Sa-a"tr w r" that an injunction ba. b-ji vrrl i t I - t r, -,.. f i n z t .p' , rU" " t'i '-ift bat U;:t , i ' .' '1 " i!i?. !. 1, !,- 1., """ "" ""J" . . ... , p jfcp ei;..r:-i. a "r il annVrs4ra-prrvc n..ntft' ' r r, , f ("r ' , '7,i .. i'.i .i ( G buHdin,! tlmrbn-lgeaeri, '. i .- west niotn la . "s e of Saratogii. Ko paerticalsrs ere j?ven. aa auaxi v i ttea .tad beriflia ! i-sJ3si- ' if 1 1 IHi W UW A.&M-IPW- A - . -- city. W o3r S?a)Cil jj-uemst i tii ux v ce . Ko. 50i,S-SC0EHBRDOUGI-VSAVHHUJIAKD WA-KI i Comanebe, Comanche County, Kansas. I'i.. Vi ei k.r. 1 ikjicc of llie fti v.hof it- lMr; rather tlten j shouting tin uwh liKir a .ewUbe- Tho liaeton AdvertfciT call- ?. of inaterial pivperin Moonlight miht take an drink aud make up a w; lbt of appointments, but aht-, it is not to. However the Eg ix is triad to note even n.akritd pro-jwrity ui the iwrt nf the Dem ocrat aril of onr friend Toinmil-on. ajuse he has hJi an 4nin? lonjrer than his opiauit. been an excuse offered agatot tleweti. Hh j who are paid .$3 j-. r by record is clean (ice has ci en bjif 1 ' v rra-. . i .fhft. .. -- i :ctiLi'Iy an, ' I ., us.1 asJ Ut II , rafen i-i &L4) ui euj-uxij. i tie easf i&s tc-a t T Il VjJ-. fc- . ? j-- . --.. - Su'-gic-ii tn?tit:itc. art j Wfel.??". S.-Muv 7 ; CAKCEB CHTi-D. !-.-., Mt.,nfii dncfi-i.: a ftria "wfttr rowtr a, th. It T .a -.. u'u, -,- rf-ift 4 mrrt!Ml nf fln Tmarmtt msinv ntwlrir i nl - 1 i vEfJon. i. eii&ncs to get in ncsr on tjje grotrml floor. No iou gr. a rcr city on tlie Cizsoarron, at tts junction ?ltb 3! J u. f . . . ! Ci Vctlrv crtelas, offers mots i-ltK-rx:ei to the investor i : . j . ' : - -. r r-.' tfiwn nlatisd ta KACfias iJala ysar. Qrl? tlsrea wiir J; ' :u nuor tv.os tion 'of Democratic reirn.Ts t a ovtrrn- OiaOtre. Hr. i7trmycr. tlKir pt.rra-y, IVreLa.aot meatbiklingJbeiegct.xlwl,re ".even ,-& ,Sa t.i 1 ., - ? Over I 47 r, -j1t1-t. fU-ft -v, . rj-r tt4 ?jt -- LtljU J v-Aiv wWW4.4.tAV j----r rpjnu a, hb management of the of-; .seeing twcatr-tlircc workmen, who receive j i,Va!i him a felate reputation, lie ' just 10 per day ' I vaA VJr- i, Trrt . x"mr 3 tMyrni,. -ii1knras.tMIn-imfln TCS! the rrftht ,. J$ S2!lJrf?'f-irs I -.--- - i wcaz lAimip. ciK inwi s&w. wb4hbh. .- cf a oontrac:. &j r t Se5. fa M4. -MM f Ckrtv i - i u jur frr Jf e "- s-er--.' w- 1 -rnf 4r- A flS!Lirff3 ' Z5ZX3&& fJZrZZ 'lawsv. liHuir brtck aati frame boUdings gotoc P. wrtte lor ruti '.v! 15" "tS L"T! parueui&rs w vnu r - e&i ekfjwt?' it ff izt&tnA r- fs u. - im.. ik&f. '-ar COilAIi CHS TOWN COliPANY. Kew Kiowa, Kansas.