vo, , . -ri,?r
j1- m
VOL. V. STO. 119.
WHOIiE NO. 745.
"" tr
123 and 125
Our special drive this week is a lot
of Colored Satin Rhadames iii thc
ucwest shades, and a good quality,
that we can recommend to wear well,
at only $1 per yard.
We have the exclusive control o:
two makes of silk tor this market, and
we guarantee every yard. We are
making a rua. on one number that
usually sells for $1.50 at 1.23: color
black. Call for it at the silk counter.
This is a season for pluhes. "We
show the newest colorings in several
qualities sad the prices will surprise
you. The closest buyers will admit
they are cheaper than ever seen be
This is important as there is a rago
on stripo'velvets thh season. They!
are n very desirable trimming for all
kinds of wool dress goods. They arc
in two. three and- four tones, and
some of the line goods arc perfect
works of art. Prices from $1.20 to
$7.50 per yard. Au idea of our as
bortment eau be had from the fact
thai we show sixty-eight different
stvles and combinations of colors.
We have shewn handsome dres1
trimmings before, but never did we
display anything to compare in ele
gance to those we have opened this
Philadelphia Store
Corner Douglas av. and Market St.
200 Pair
Scarlet Blankets at
$3. SO Per Pair.
. Wortli Fully $5.
For This Week Only.
S. W Corner Douglas Ave. and Market St.
Main Street.
season.- We earnestly invite you to
examine our dress trimmings.
One case Ladies Vests and Pants at
35c each, worth 40 per cent more.
One case Ladie- all wool Scarlet
vests and pants at S3c each, worth 40
per cent more.
Another lot of fine imported Euch
ing at 5 and 10 per yard.
One case Ladies all wool, regular
made Hose at 25c per pair.
One of our best bargains in IJose is
a case of fine wool IIoso at 50c per
pair, usually sold at 75c.
Ladies. Misses and Childrens Sax
ony underwear in cream, pink, blue,
and cardinal. Lovely goods. Call
and examiup tnem.
25 dozen ladie Cashmere G-loves at
25c per pair: very fine and worthoO
t Sexoiiy, Spanish, German, Sheliaud
Floss, Fairy Floss, Zephyrs.
We ere opening new lines of Xov
eliies now.
We show choice and pretty Knit
goods for the iafants.
1 h!- season our Dress Goods stock
could truthfully bo called mammoth:
with an endless variety oJ plain fab
rics; with au endks variety of novel
ties.: with an endless variety of combi
nation suits of the latest productions.
We fairly eclipse all previous ellorts.
all Wool
The Tenth Annual Session
the Knights of Labor
of .America
Convened in Bichmond, Va., at
10:15 O'clock Yester
day Morning.
The Convention Called to Order
Grand Master Workman Pow
derly of Pennsylvania.
Gcn.FitzhngliI.ee, Governor of Vir
ginia, Welcomed the Delegates
in a Logical Address.
Mi". Fowderly Responded for
Knights, Ilia Speech Outlining
Plans and Purposes.
One Thousand Delegates Present
from All Parts of the Country.
llrciiiioxD, Va., Oct. 4. The rapping
of .Master Workman Powderly's gavel at
10:13 this morning gave the signal for the
opening of the first session of the tenth an
nual convention of Knights of Labor in the
armory of the First Virginia regiment, in
this citv. He stood alone upon a small.
sentatives of millions ot men ana women
The 'essiou was to be open, and iu addition
to the large body of delegates, there were
as many of others, not of the order, to thid
seats or standing room.
The room looked like an immense ban
qutting hail, with tables formed of plain
pine boards nearly the length of the room,
m rows as close together as possible of
moving between them wonid permit. On
either side of these tables were seated del
egates. ""While the sound of the master work
man's gavel stiil re echoed. General Fitz
hugh Lee, go ernor of Virginia, entered,
escorted by William S. Mullen, master
workman of the Virginia district, and Tom
O'Reilly, of Telegraphers' assembly, of
Xcw jfork city. Mr. Powderly introduced
him to the delegates. When "the applause
that again broke forth at the mention of
his name permitted him to do so, Governor
Lee said:
One of Virginia's greatest statesmen has
said, "We are told, gentlemen, the organi
zation you represent is formed to protect
the rights ot the working class." Why,
who are interfering with your rights, who
tramples upon your privileges as American
citizens? Organized capital, do I hear?
Against that fs war declared? Will it be
war to the knife, and knife to the hilt, or
will there be peaceful issues to conflict?
Which, in your opinion, is neces-ary to
promote the interests of both, and man the
helm of the ship of this republic, con
structed by men of different and apparently
irreconcilable views? The constitution
was onlv framed by a compromise of all
conflicting opinions. Compromise, then,
cave u? our constitution, and comprom
ise will solve the difficult prob
lem of the honr which you
have assembled hero to grapple with. The
battle, we are told, is cue of labor against
capital, but what class of capitalists are op
pressing you? whose course is injurious "to
the lines "marked out by the founders of the
I will divide capital, etc., into two kinds,
and will go v. ith you acd give the com
mand "forward" "and fight by your side
against one of these classes. Make war
against iucoqwrated rascality, and we will
help you to ride it down. Combat the
great'monied corporations that seek to con
trol your legislatures, federal and state, by
bribery and corruption, in order that ihey
may get votes in the federal halls of legis
lation to perfect ami fasten upon the whole
country legislation for their benefit and uot
for the" benefit of the people at large. We
will march shoulder to shoulder with you
iu that. Organize against capitalists
furuish money to carry elections,
claim as their reward the selection of
upon whose shoulders shall be throw
generous donations and noble deed., u hose4
monev is emplovcd to whiten the ocean
ise "5 harves to Ik laden
right to exercise their just jiwlgment as to
what fair dealing and justice demand, and
what tliey wouhi Le willing to give for
work they want, and afterwards if sustain
ing loss, to say that they would not be able
to gh'e so much.
ISor can it lie admitted on your -:d that
you have the right by combination or oth
erwise lo prevent others working upon
of action is conceded to all.
1 The tere audience listenai with close '
tion, and frequent applause markei
approval of the principal points mace.
j their
i When Governor Lee had taken hi seat
' on tiie piatform Frank
member of the delegation
i whose associates re
quarters 111 uie hotel m w
I fused adml-Nsion oti au
! eendetl the platform, and
j beside the presiding officer
I His ExosIIeccr. Ui GoTtrsrsr
l ticnitfn ol ti eoETMjrion-
I it ;; nrith rr.i.r.T, r?-.i-o .? -.,:t-.;:r.
f.l?.r T ?nrriVI.io. in mn fr T V TTx-rlT-t-.-
'- thi .rtfr. nf Vn,-r!r,nfc. 'trKn .fi
1 r,J" to tho J,in n; ..in..! nf r'.
' or Le of thL tate, wmch l one of
, oldest states in tiie arena cf Doiitica!
! - -
tnee ot our countrv
wai received with loud applause. The J
E General Master V.orkman erprcst-i great'
fgraUucauon at the welcome which has been-
.; given Uie Knights by the perple nf Vir
1 ginia; more eicciaHy the ptvpl. of xiK - h -
mocu. .ur. rowueny, commumg, iki:
5 r 1 5, r ?. -.
JIen who owe allegiance to the Salgets
of Labor are engaged m a connJct; but it is
a war of truth against crmr Ii is not, as
! maav nouestiy uet:ev, ana many more ok-
honestiv asser;
ital." It is a w
1 the Amerlcrm
1 V03: .
j Jn tmswar it man be determined wbidi
-w --
plain, pine platform at the lurther end ot Uirough the land. It, it alone, is responsi
ble spacious room, and looked out upon j i,. f.r CVery manifestation of anarchy that
the faces of the thousand delegates assem-' oi:r COuutry has witnessed. All men may
bled from every part of this country, n.pre-1 n, he Willis" to admit this statement true.
wiui commerce, .employers, as uu utxu rousmg cueerb iur tuuuus ueiu.. ; r -,,. ;- r. .ni1iifw,'l;h.'
well aid, have no right to lock out a whole AU but delegate? then left the hall and the ; nnL-rW f"2?? V:'th
shop full of hands tobring a few unwilling convention "settled down to the practical i ? l h.e Tl'J!,:1! XL
ones to ter.ms: nor have Thev. in mv o:.in work that had called them to-rth-r. iukI in git app;! iu-c by t; coj ittoe, and a
; !. :.,i.f . m, r,-i:'ntLar r;minT-. .i,:i. t,- ivwi f ,:- tn i nn t.i tu n.t ! ciHucr.imented to the great c.owu wm n ;
r: tofixT KJIoI two weeper more: In seesn 11 flowed fJ-ff Jt
i!T rniiiviii n?m fmii i ii-x, r i .nv iMiiniK : tit utr'iic. 1 i-iii urii iti .t t , ------- --
shall rule, monopoly or the American peo
ple; gold or manhood. Our battles are not
fought for the purpose of determinining
whether one individual shall rule the states
or empire, but to decide whether the peo
ple, who are entitled to life, liberty and
happlnes?, shall live in the full enjoyment
of their rights and liberties as becomes
citizens of a republic. 2b member must
feel as he turns away from the city of
Richmond after our work here is done.that
he can safely or conscicntiouly thrust
aside the grave, responsible duties of our
American citizenship. Popular disregard
of political duty and talerated, continued
political corruption will weaken our gov
ernment, destroy our liberties, for the
worm can eat its way through an oak
which neither storm nor tempect can bend.
Political dishonesty will strike -where
lightning could never reach. If the land
was worthy that brave men should die for
it, it is at least worthy that unselfish,
thoughtful men should live and work in
grand devotion to ideas of real, true Dem
ocracy. We come here not aione to settle
a question of dispute in regard to wages cr
hours of labor, we come" here partly to
study and learn lesions of hand and heart
in practical eitizeu-hip. We are engaged
in a work which to thoughtful observers
meats more than child's "play more than
regulations of trade matters: our work will
not end today, nor will the youngest among
us live to see it completed.
The lash was stricken from the hand of
the slave owners of twenty years ago and
it must be taken from the hand of the new
slave owner as well. The monopolists cf
today are more dangerous than the slave
owner of the nast. ifonoDoly takes the
land from the people iu million-acre plts; f
'eml agents abroad ana brings noraes of
uneducated, desperate men to this country;
iniyorts ignorance and scatters it broadcast
But when monopoly dies no more an
arehists will be born into this country, for
anarchy, is the legitimate child of monop
oly. While I condemn end denounce ihe
deeds of violence committed in the name of
labor during the present year, I am proud
to say the Knights of Labor, as an organi
zation, is in no" way responsible for such
conduct. He is a" true Knight of Labor
who, with one hand clutches anarchy by
the throat and with the other strangles mo
nopoly. We" are told that it is because of the im
portation of so many ignorant foreigners
that anarchy I... hown its head in our
country. Hatha -j it true that because of
the importation of foreign air-, manners
and graces by the wealthy.
V. e have lorgotlea what it is tuat coii-t:-
tutcs the true citizen of the republic. The
men who still believe in the "little old
school house on the hill" should take one
holiday; visit the mine, coal breaker and
mill. "There, doing the work of men, will
be found future citizens of the republic,
breathing the atmosphere of ignorance and
of rice. ThehNtory of our county is not
taught, wi-.hin these walls. the struggle
forlndepenhence and the causes leading to
that struggle, are not spoken of to them,
the name of Washington is unknown, and
the words that rang" out trumpet tongued
from the lips of Patrick Henry, are never
mentioned. y
Our country's history, her laws, here in
stitutions arc unknown to these poor child
ren. How. then, can the child of a for
eigner learn to appreciate the freedom that
tliev have never l-ec-n told about much less
;-i...:-f ,.--- -,- i.rt-.-j (1f j.i'vr
-i. .V;; ?..-,.V ti.m- -..it.r m
ckuea rupture there between "workmen
on.i tw Lnlnv,r hut thpv ran readilv
Tr"t" ic Avor
He thanketl the goveraorof Virginia and
MiA,rft!,P m.mhi.K of n visitinn- del -
egatioa who were of .darker hue than their
brothers could not find pL-.ce in some of
the hotels. This was in accordance with
. : . .. .1 ,
what has ion g oeen tiie custom ncre. uiu:
.... nfi Wfinihwdnnoi adilv vin
bh itoff Srttaib? minttaa
. ,1,. n' nro fn.' ntv y a del- 'tion
lhL?Vl:: Stt.run .'rr
ln-l membe-'amoii"- them " He was re-
futT aSSs li ?&z Si .vtiere he
moved a vote of thanks to Governor Lee,
and after this was heartHv and unanimous-
lv given, it
.RM iUllUi.Wl U Ji UiikSc Uk
... ,, , .'
he app?
a committee of uiiic on creflentiab. !
Adjournmeut was then teken to & a. rt.
The comnuttcs on- credcaiia U f d !--gates
will probahJy work till c&rly mom
ing. Contests are not Buakrroa. the pria-cip-l
being that of Brooklyn Montebunk
Protective" asaocttilsQa, which claims t j
be entitled o a chftiltr for ils lxal asm-
rstrate from dlsiriv-t 43.
Lee, Mrs. Lee and Mis la'i-.
daughter of JeScrsm Davs, occupied a
box at the ilk-hinoud thears Usnht. I a
thp onnostte box s lr. t owcenv u3i
. itessrs Ileres and BaJer, of the e?cfj:;v,
I committee " -
.grain dealers, furaiture
V--S- i Ee Saif WOUUd Up
' pKUJC 3t HomeV.TXl park. It CStfe&U!
tist at least 4.01 stranger? are ;a the eity
f ,.A Mt V2 1lt. i. ..K nn-cmn-
" "- " '""-, "i "." t.tOTa
Pn l x, aay nrevajasiT h,l
Infractors iincd.
Ctyt ts-ATr. Oct. 7. Jao. G GigEan.
' tood enmnassioner for the saaihera di-
? -jrrt,- ... -,.. .
nrt oi uuio, rccenuy cansec use erreA oi
. four grocers of
ihi?, siv
for ?k.-IatiBg the
rarUerlce law.
5ar tbrr r-fesd gni&- ia
the police crt as-I wre ccd - earb.
! t ne judge prvsirctt uk
I new iaw reouinag u:e piling cf the sign
"mutatica buttjr sold here.
settle it if mutual tolentioa and common mun w iv..v., v,.t. ..-.- t----. ( mwi, m.. h u.u ro ,.iCK , .. iv, (!oltar fllTer cmuiaties mgu 1
erse are broti"h; into controversr, and irnpo-sioie. aatl then, despite trie pro 01 ,n iwr wiu continue uatil th.- d iit!.n!ii
onix- ett!ed they should be alloweJ to rest. When the crovrA had ceascu s.ioutmg rUt,rS) proeeedlto call a witnc-v. here- Ls ?reftt bv fa.- j. ,op., .
f ..: 1 -.;,i r ,,1- i-.mt1i1w , General Mvauloars leciare'l aui iiie c i.nx un0n th-? barriA'ra nreaen row and kft r, .,,,- -r,. n,.. i-mr,ir.:,; , ? fis. r
often create new ones. To those . ho have would retu-e, unless the election was post- lhe courtroom. One sdifl : T fe- i rh rr , of mi) m n ,by Thi. $li A . v 1 j, ,
fallen into sudi habits I would recommend poaed. to recogme the grea,. sooranji ia not useti lo sucu tr&Umcnt. er vruamt ill M b- -'.' r
thea.'vKc you so apiu-opriatelv gave to a olcctol to t-hoose a succcssqr to 1 nnce . The raenibers of the lar i N-qnro !y , for ,wu ffp k. j t
critic not lon -u-- "Stop iMiling when Altndcr The audience again became ! returne1 10 the coJrt r.w3l sad iWamt.il a ,
' t HililUiHW - -- - IJ1 lbVl 4 T T- -- V " --..- (
I. Farrell, colored, ' Pitksburs's .JoUUlcntion. ' pcaLr w.ta anottiaioih petalonia .av-K-,. smoiL. and iheeoesjwia ,iabera tl- a-jmeru drJ- mtay, ' -V
ion of District 49, n p " Q. 4The v-i fcs ot" L--s.-nl-. The peifciuB has the aigna- w,jr ewnfavhwr Oie S,10 raffla it thai the acv.-ui v4J rid he wiried
j to take up their LsJatlou tndaV wSthc fer-efct ' aai , ' Irfsh vmmi . Gvf cztf :&in's oh : It i said taat tic Kni&u . sn. otvla- J U. !W4 inr-. irv
which he was re- j SSSTof Iu kiadlver wid fa '- thidter all day ia vkrstf the - cwac , f ljT who bftW j mpptiei00 f i in dmi; a ynr Tu ti '
coual footing, as-1 ?:?p: VrJ the deputation of InAi u, ir t thirwr . of On IRacfc arpaamt -iwl
takin? his feuid , -' j .'Z.& ,i,. ,. 3 J J,:.. 1 bdies were deiKitotioas repreJUiog the ' . naL -t-Mjirarf ft w &,, ttstel t.V dafea tfeai th- 'x-.irt rr i .3 rf -
s tabte, said: ' - - t T. .. .,dft I faaj '. ranaicipal coaBfe of York. Limenck. j fmBatm iim &tmatmw ha a ht , fc rsat mra tria a. ra, - ; on
or virsteu. s , f boig aaj n! racers, fiour aa3 . 'eteriort aad Cterrearf I J Pf ' , of aaaho partieipld in ha por of f 5erlt
the: tlw-u" "'.'V. w tT-nrr,, .iBrcsds'j eoo-tokv-, r?
.in .1. l - .. . rt 1 li'."t,.-JTH.t s& 1UK3 IJi5WHt, ,1. " ,kinr. Arfn hiWMM ' Brl -3TJHT k-3IICi V- tw' -.i--. -.
iaiia.:Army ot tne iwpcouc wiu mace. awi i;v-"T- - .H .j. the ,.
A Great Throng of Bulgarians
Assemble atSof la to
Hear the
Report of the Bulgariam Em
bassy on the Result of
Their BussianMission.
The Sudden Appearance of the Itns-
sfan Minister at the Meeting
Creates a Sensation.
His Announcement of the Czar'n
Wishes Received with Deris
ion and Defiance.
Mr. Gladstone Receives a Deputation
of Irish Women and Replies
to Their Petition.
Sofia, Oct. 4. All but ssvesi of the
officers who were under arrest for complic
ity in the deposition of Prince Alexander,
have bceu released.
Five thousand persons attended the meet
ing held yesterday to hear from Dr. Voult
choft his report" of the conference last
Thursday between Ueneral Kauioars and
iii rsuiganan noiauies ueaueu u me uw
, who called upon tfte Kussian agent to ,.,,,1, ,-, mrroorlv anaheti in the ease.
iuesTmodincationsin Russia's demand?. rh nrnruotorof the bill never thought of
he audience cheered Dr. Voultchoff -aur- ption. Wc courted a careful com -g
Sis u.irrative and uttered groans for prison of Gnittaa's mrliameat with the
usia. Dr. Voultchoff proposed and the ! arijnent the bill proposed. The sphere
n:r a-tonted resolutions uecianng cor.-, ,,..-,,: ,r!,;Pi, Trn.! iWns free action.
fidencc in the government and assurance to s v,-,jci j3 specially the sphere of loenl gnv
it of moral and national support as long a- ,.,.,nent would have been attained under
it contmuea to maintain me muepenuensv 0 Ir l)eUer fnr tima ,t wa, possible un
of Bulgaria and the constitution and laws : di.r the Gnil.rta parliament. The present
of the countrv.
During the proceedings a Russian arose
and shouted; "Long live the czar, down
1 with the govermnent.'
He was at once set upon by the audience
and roughly bandied and would probably
have been killed if the police had not res
cuM him and conducted him to a place of
While the proceeding? were iu progress
General Kaulbars suddenly and unexpect
culv appeared and mounted the tribune,
flis appearance created a sensation.
Ihe audience became quiet and respect-
ful. He addressed them and said he was ; m.mcC3 :ira qS known than hh pa-rtuVr
there to express the czar's desire. He was 1 jt woujti ptlii be wise to recuu-Uer the pe
at once loudly interrupted by shout., of j runjarv ternI3 Xhe late gentleman' lull pro
"We want no djsire?. We will listen to posetj ' Yx& justice to Ireland requires
advicis if it is good." careful investigation of her tinanees before-
Gen. Kaulbirs when order had been re- j v.e rc.lcj, ;i eoufinsfon as to what should he
stored, continued, saying: "I have heard :lccori& KnK I hope titnt Irelmulo tri
that a Kusian has been beat because he llmph wjj m,. . prou,ptitnde. with
cheered for the czar." cheerfulness ami witii joy, and I liope that
Here there was fresh interruption and th(,re ji u2 n0 intervening period of
shouts of "The man was not beaten for Lj,
cheering for the czar, !ut bec:iuse he cried '
'I'm with Bulgaria.' The same fate will! Ireland.
befall all saying the same tiling." ( IJelkacT, Oct 4. The commission ap
fj.-m ir?nilh:ir then attemnted to explain t intrwi t, ?nT.M.ttr-ii itn Wmiirntrtnei
the three points in the Russian demands,
They eneil out that they would receive no-
orders. Among the shouts were: "The
state 01 seme iias iuicuu. m. '-t", ,uv-
1 . . . 1 1 1 : ..i .1..1
nolitiad prisoners will not be released, the
people will stone the: n j lliey Xr
elections will not be adjournd; die law
j Kaulbars:
We don'c care; we will stcn
whoever vitiates tn constitmion. uencrux
! Kanlkir, p.itien-e finally became ex
f hwstei and ma uieincmg .one dircv. ta
, responsibility for refusing to listen to low-
j saduw on tuewuntry
i T,n Tin twining : - n.ltmil he Said, ill
"- .""" TT. " r,.i.. -.,.;
-. m- tn "ujn',inr-k.i nTfiirivi rini" ws 1 1 . ..wMk u..t).i ik n tiicta t t v t . .. i . .
not acire a cousutuuon. my ic up-j, it trans-pins tnas Memr-,. rrena m. 1
. the country want it. The g" Adam,, SU members f U o.
' becjtm-' violent and general. Kaulbars wa.snpparteii th? rapes; fwr ftdjourarr it.
I comnelled to withdraw from the tribune vrhTc Messrs BoW ami Cherly -:
f A popular orator immediately ascended it
. Ltad the .people thej deaid to
j aooun tne coaiivuu"". i"t"',u ""
, f& to" r' ' ' v, .1 -. MH-thi 'k1'
ITe declared he - o .- w. "0;; e'The
' r-j - - - f t?i
rtrviiTT iui rii nrr.
tain lie laws anu c u z. wij ui uij:
cl ia up-m 31. Ridavo3 an 1 carried him
!K,:,t fit iViraray. cheering wOdty and
-inging the natioral snihem. il. eklin -
jfl tJt 1-..7 Riissian dipkmatlc agent at
So5. axo'utaksl Gen. rCanihars "to the
- ..'", r-tri.f;i
Gn Kjl'i t Cif jre leavenj; Sj2.i 0.1 a
irirof Ejlg.iru no:i5ai the g3venm-m
r .-. !' --a r- 1 r.r: ct.rtsiArr "the ?h-cwn
'x-iji -grJ.
Jet. i.jlr.
il .mjus.
Gbdst.i aiHl
hl wifc ' v rvceivtrl Mrs. T. S b.ih
ti, w j i t's- aiayor rt FhtUliQ, an.i a
duMii-iU of Irish Liikti ao&raU?I by
, - Wba GfcdsfelBR 5-
; vcfrc Ks5Cewhst fansky. H; aid he
t-lLvctiAe defWtalfeja aI natioaaHn ,
0113 of the hotwe of c.-sa tmlyi
i n-ortseatfrl iM hitta a a peiae- At asy
f z .. .. v.s .
jw JjowTcr, Utecsarae aaiti m rwcscsicc
. it ren-aest s&rt he rial
w a t irkvru laA
jralasd. the
. (nwwin f rajtig Ireiia
iresiasi uesc.
rmrcrLu&ra. Whaver
taav 1 rar
-- -
. - th w. Ttrti of ireteofi to prcseat tne !- i the vwrh" cwtttn, on the is:i xi,0ft3e .r. ! - . '
ueaiers arai cwxa- f r . '-; ; ' , r .- i a,, . t ." "; .w.'- 1-"- -T'i ir ""'. . r;. ." ' i .. .,-.- rt
n .1 . n-jKjTrr fiirvi iui bJbuji9 t., . t ,i.. .t - ? ?-rt -bjpiit rjar air rrETnrifj i' erui. -
with a paad corUeiI ,fi irsuUr,a w"" arork tly aretoW iarrareo eeaau. 1 ; wctbiw. wt r '7a-v ' 7: 77. ,
formal cerecaesuei. a naxiriz ukrr. Air. Dernme aeavxx argSKH laat ?- w----
n:,?iw.. Mrs Gidsuce. Herbr. . . , - ..jj. -Tiin, i mp rwrt the ia-iktoaai. rfrr t ,V slate Wl 5
- . r: V..t!.iu.M-lrf- ,rl v '-"v""JSs "- ...-. . r- r .,., , ,4... . .r,- tffrfl.
y Gbdst a added that us rait dear $ r 5TV "i . , jfoj t ferer.
the statemeat that he had renoucced hisI-:iv'lw- " ""
former attitude bv supporting the proposal
to restore the Irish parliament. He said
also that he was thankful for the share he
took in passing such Irish measures as had
been made laws during his public career.
He continued : The whole character of the
Irish controversy has altered. We do not
now contemplate the drerdful alternative
our fathers faced a century ago; nor the al
ternative Wellington faced when lie said he
proposed Catholic emancipation as the al
ternative to civil war.
It was necessary thai the late govern
ment's Irish proposals should have been
put forward in accordance with the desires
oF the Irish nation and a1 to make it clear
tin the proposal stood wtth i the limits of
imperial honor, sa'ety anu welfare. These
aims were completely attained, and they
have been sustained by the singular mild
ness and temperance of expressions which
have so far characterized the conduct of
Irishmen at every state of the agitation,
until now. (Oncers.) The cause repre
sented bv these honorable deputations is
the cause of order, of peace, of legality. It
is the hope of conducing to the settlement
of this great qeestion in political affair?.
I am quite prepared to withdraw from
public life if I could believe it wa better far
Ireland; but I am unwilling to arrive at
this conclusion. England's interest is as.
much involved as Ireland's. On the low
est ground of civil and military economy it
is England's interest to change in some
way the present civil government iu Ire
land which cons the British taxpayer yur
iv 2G shillings per head of the population,
while in England and Scotland it costs but
eight shilling yearly per capita. On far
higher grounds England oucht to concede
Ireland's request. England's clraracter N
concerned. There is a stain upon Englan 1
ia resoect of her relations toward Ireland.
I deny that the term "?erar.ition, which our
j oppouems unscrupulously u-e
iscrupmousty u-e to unue.
of th' late government's pro-
i -rje nieania
rentsemaa encourages lrisu iauii wi:iiv-i
to believe that the judicial reat5 will be re
duced. That w embodied ia the appoint
ment of the present land commission; ulw
ia the jrarouis of Salisbury's speech at tin
commeacement of the parliamentary
session, in what he said ccneeratag j.idkJd
rents. I do not accept his statement Many
great extent regnrding the legNlfttion which
he said his gentleman proposed for the
next session.
I reserve judgment also on the wonder
ful enryclop.dia diverted on Saturday k
r nnl RftVufalnh f!hnrnhlH. whnsc nerfor
j causing and attending- the recent riots met
today. AU the barristers engagetl toatf:i.l
I tiie investigation excepting two infU'd on
an at 10 irnmcni ior a lew miiiines, uirtu
.. - . .. w . . ....
.,. wr a order to decide on what courw
' to -P1-
, Justice Da j
reiuae-i vogfniuMieaiijiuurn-
nrnfjJ: :
slon oppose 1 to
th ' luk?r"4 of thvir
H.r.t noti t
th- public Tlxe utilv 11
1 a. namiatrf by lhe inaiilmi was
. tor Carr. ,,,,-,,
Screr meeUngs w.re heiJ tomght t
j draw up mthgnaat protests iainst Judgr
M,m ' tmtm.inr nf tn tnh !ir
'"-f" ". v"": .. ' .L . .
pi .j,c cli-iirmaa. It k ramorrl in 1
, Mr. Ailams wiil reUn, fr
tne C3EJimtson. iss-jtc 1 m.ur.i
L'tStKs, rt. 4. Advices fr vi Alferij
report that f ry Arab have be si dro vn d
by liooti a ia-iut
.I11.V. in McCarth, M. I'.
Xkw Youk, ().--t.4 Trt-nin )-m":. nt
thai Jt4in MCarthv. 1I i' i U '., ak
' ttmtjht 1-r Uif l nefll ot f aZfren nr tae
' Charts.-ai eartliqiirte, dvvr an rrL'-ir.
' f Ma3iae Ur t the Acsut' .ny of Mu 1
' T1i( enpakir ra3 failrodiKXi bv ils"
i Grace, wl kfrlK-dia ae'j nraad b
; way the pretent p- I&irat ituiti"rt h
bwd. trchiag tV ttianrrnt - '
rroroBsent nii .a both sule
am ( rf-wg
xx Tie v,!i
ja erne.
Frteh Troa&l Brew ii;.
Cii'-Aco. Oct. 4 Tbr- a prospt
f tr jalnc bPCtiag i th I rinij lis.-..-
tir vttA-i. IW? lauam' wts
eapto iraie of the hk who worked
-.t j -- 4 iAura h laeauvT
JjjT I PfKr yr.7haf
, ,. f tbg ' ot
" tet tfca ao: a iSkek Ia.
,, rw ar4l tfasMt wss
t -"!.;' .r, i, i-- ufe. acM rr
. u.,.uuuuua iw.a - y
Texas Ferer in Tlrginfe-
IUeiosm;ft. -- u -" J' l-
sUle dealer of i xki j.
I NA(VI OM Ttl.1
T --TT3 ,.W ' . l.fc- "iJ .OrM i.. " ' .
.1 . !- Wi.-,i- u r iv rm;
Experiments in Sugar Stating
at Ottawa and Fort
Scott by the
Department of Agriculture, Prove
Highly Successful and
ev.- One-Dollar Silver CertiM
cates Ready to Deliver
to Applicants.
Statement Just Issued from tie
Treasury Department Showa a
Gratifying Increase in
Population, and Corresponding
crease in JJevcnne n.n& Induc
tion in Expenditures.
Waiut3Tos, D. C . Oct. 4 The pre?
ident toslav appoiateJ J:iv 1- ILinloa. of
Jiledma, X'. V., cuHeclor of tDtonial reve
nue for tiie 2SUi district of Xw V.jri,
wliicli iachnles BuJlalo and Iloehecrf vi.v
H. L. Pierce, sucndctl.
Attora.7 Giaersl GarLiad. who reura?d
to the city Situr.Lir night, rjmuwu h
duties at thed.'ptrtawnt of jintfce toHyr
and he says hj never felt beUer in hH lif '
He had along and pfcwvwt iiiVrriew with
the presidentlhis inommg.
The president resume.t his aferatKa n
cetzons totlay, and received Jibout two
huudnxl callefi.
Lat yearlhe deparwneat cf agrlcuUar
bcgiin "to experinuwiS in a tmall way at
Ottawa, Ivan., with the dlffusslon sur .
making process as npplted to aorg.tum
cnu. Instead of crushio tiie c&or. as i.
the augnr cane proevs, itvret shaveil i
minnle slices, and the surruw or sugar
vL'Miug sup extracted by streams of w:it r
tlus results ootaiiHit wen? w simple inat
the Held of opratioas were removed t Ft
Scott this year, and Willi a largily m
creased plant oxixsriment". are nov in pr
sess on a ii'nv scale of mn
maguitud, and Uxlay a telfgnim
wa.T received from lrjf. Vifcy. the i tit i
ist: of the department. wh it in eiiargj f
the works, announcing the rompiktf sin
cess of the eriinenU. Thi ttlcnini
hUiUs that syrup lias been obuunnl tr'U
the sorghum case, of light, clear, gvod-ti-ii
or "awl crytal:tel wrll. There w s
complete extraction of sucrose in six of
the cells of the littery. The common er
i vrry m-idt elated a't the result of tii4 1 X
periniIiL-', and n!grd thTn iw of gri a',
vuiite f ram au economical p-iiaiofvaA
lu the process now ined In tr.. soutli t'tere
13 a los of nearly fifty per cent of -accha
rine matter contninii in the cniic. while
the evperinient at Ft. Scott show an v!r
lute extraction of all the sugr.
The president to day dlrtclail tii 1
pension of IJorthoM Greiliutt'i, Uititnl
States consul U Apia. San" ami will
probably appoint hi a?-- 11 n
nis yirw :i.tbr caurin vtr.
The ecnersl dWribsitioT I t.. jw
tv (, I
i 1 h treasury tcpir.3-TH t- r 1 -,t.
'tataeat - ing e p-j 11 m . . r
l;jUJ aiMl u r . : ili'ir- "i 1 '"
ni'.itfortli 1 it .sd ymr, , th.- ,-1
ci'iitft of Ptven-i-- itfhi etp- ' ' r. i
population is gir-n at .V, tl-' ' nd 1 1
nei revenue t ?:?-ro. lay. . - t- ij
.-.i. t ?:? .,! -t. r !.. .t th
w.iw "-" "r-
tfVg '
t T-J-.. UV enptutoj .iout i j.
! Hum that of the previous yenr.
The Storc-Ordor Srtjin ". U.
1 PiTTMKTito. Ia . Oct. 4, Iji the 1
i supreme coort, whirh met here dy J
tier Gordeo orfeli that th 'or- .
system under tho acl ot J.tnf ?J l'I
' uaconstltHiionftl and voal ms,tn. wh -
it p- rrms are preTcaied frui tntkiag f '.
' 011 cofttrart Ia hi rrpint n J wig- 'J
dwi aT?. Th ci i. a 1. frmguti
aliw 0 tbr riL' f tb 'u.i- 'r '
pi .;,, sad i: ia iaa!tin r y pt : .
tlifiiijwr und- r Vgfaia-'r'. 1 . - -r
t fi'.tooly kgrAlifif fc hi -r v'f
n.ih.prsi- t.j 1U n'iltJi !'' i
L m:ed Stat"
Tiie deckioc f rendercfl i ''
G A. Chili &f w Frv.r '" iVi,.-.,
t'l N'orthamlj rfcu. I ---:au i ' ,
n'.n- jfvlht Ir r iri - rsr, . -tM-v
iraii ix-Vr-x Th -ri"' ni-rr-at
4wl of rmni.ent t.i ? irk
Sv Thi A 'nmtr'f, Ik I
Tr. ';, dfcrf . -try lv r .r-.aa
th Vit' ! I,'' k" r. t'-. r- . -J f
3;; ..si ! t-' rr , ! - a f
i. pt"Llit i rIM i' i Mi
j:-ktiT. iT P-"t r-mn
C.. 'Zrli?r
.r.ntt tiv ; '
The Anarekiai C
( itKA. O : i Th t..
r ia was r- t I 'jW v, .
m ntsostV to t& '
e"!i ewk-sOiii iwnbi" .
J f '
Vx'Hki i&ar r i etp
,jnfe JKUpdrJC'V-1 lo j'l
crf3y. rtw lfiLr.T-
rnoargin r i -.. -v
! ifflcJ. S?. Sa!wii Jl rswft hi
1 gu scae twaonanv kwtiIo
Jlta lfei Klotra OS.
, Kasma Crrr. Oct. L A t-oeiiU -
..--.. - - .
Sata&iiBf ta bM I-"
!atk3 y4ewy a yx3r r
irBaffcn hl - to rf bhi fct J
! h 'dfes aA!eatel dVefearga f k -
a. r tiiui. a" .- - -