Newspaper Page Text
Site !(Miclxxtii gailtj gatfle: gitescfcty gaming, (Djctofcer 5, 1886. s .. JI. 3IUKDOCK, KJitor. "TUESDAY MORX1XG. OCT. 5 leW. REPUBLICAN TICKET. STATE TICKET. Pr Associate Jijki too D.ILVALEMIXE. Fran Win county. Pot Qoremor JOn A.13JVn. Atclilson county. Ifor Lieutenant Governor A. 1'. KIDDLE, Ottawa county. Hir Secretary of Stale E.B. ALLEN. , , Sclgwlek county "or State TmkM-.t- - JAMES W. HAMILTON, Sumutr county. Kor Auditor of "nto TIMOTHY JIcCARTnY. Pawnee county. For Attorney General T S. B. BRADFORD. Omgo county. For Superintendent of Pnbl Wnstructlon J. II. LA WIILA-D, Bourbon county. roit CONGKESSMEN. First Dbtric-nos E M0IUULL. brown county. Second District .T HON. E. n. FUX3TON, Allen county. Third District HON. B. TV. PERKINS, Xeosha county, fourtb District HON. THOMAS RYAN. fehan-nee county. Fifth District- HON. A. E. TTILSOX, "Washington county. Sixth Dlstrict- nON.E. J. TURNER. fahcrldcn county. Seventh District HON. S. R. PETERS. Harrev county. JUDICIAL -IMh DISTRICT. Cor Judge EON. T. B. WALT,. Sedgwick County. COUM'V TICKET, for Probate Judge E. B. JEWETT. A. B. WRIGHT. G.W.C. JONES. Tor Clerk of District Court For County Attorney For County Superintendent- D. S. PENCE. For Commissioner TUrd District . T. II. RANDALL. For Re, rcccutatlve EM DWrlrt- nATTim) For Represents S3d Dhtrlct-& LAKENCE. For RerrcrentatKc 54th District- CAUpENTn i:i:rr!L7CAN 311:1: tings. The State Central coi.inuttce hive made the- fol low, i appointments for southwest Kansas up to ntc: O icrjitr.Io'm A. I'artln.Llcui' Hint Go-ernor A. P. Rihlif.aud W. l.Cluud.of t ic old Stoixl Kan KVtcAtli. will .iddresb ttie people :.l the lollowing Ihiit-'i ; t to v. It: Marlon. hati.i.l.i.t.O t .1 ei 2, lRRfi.8 in. Hutf lu-m Honl.u.Ottoler l'i'i, " p. m. :! rlin,:. Tui vlav.Orloler n ISSi.Sp 1 1. JuileJ.C. airJ.irl.ind, of lopoka, Jwlse Hiram Ftouis. end otlnr-iwilliiddr-'sil-c cople u (lie is Mlfortheo.ij at ilie follow liu tinii-.ind pliuCM P.oI. M iiidJ. Octolir r 4, IV. .it 7-A) p. in Otlaw.i. 1 m.d i, Uetobei 5. 1 '"', .it ',,0 p. m. HurliDijton, V. iilncMlay. 'kuiln rr, lvn,al7Jup.n. KuhU n..itMl.i,Octour7, ltfK, nt 7. t) p. ni. I"l Iiorido. 1 1 ldn , In ; 1a i s, 1 . .it 7,') p. in, 'loMta, HaMirda . (VtoUr'J, 1 . at 7: ' p. in. Kln.:mni. Uni.d-jx.Ot'obcrll, I' 'top. m. Wtllin,:io:. It. -(!. Oitnlui iil-Wi, at 7 "Op.i.i.!. W .IiicmLi. Oi tohei 1 1. I'-' T-SJ p. in. Anthony. Tlmiviny. OetoW 14. P-v,, at 1,v p. ni. Ki-dl.-Int' Loilc. I'ridpy, Oct. 15, lt,. at T-l p m. Senator John .1 IncaKsand others, will addicts the nul lie on lie; Is uo-of t.'io tliu fol loirlni; liiiH'i a:.d places- 1-ri'doiii-i, S ni! il iv. Octolx r 6. l.Sfi, at 7-'Jl p. in. Anthonj. OUobor'.v, lstB, at 7JU p. m. be'iator I'luiiiiiond utlii rs will audieAsthe ptople on tin political Nstic's or the da .it Mi PI rrboii. Jli-xiday. ciX. '17. at 70 p. in. luteal conm.ittffs are roijUi'itt.d to iiiaUei.ll nect's hiry n.-iiiKiie:itt for nil tlivt iiieilngs. Posters fuinbl ni liv tlili'oiniiiittce. Hj ordirol the central loiiimttee, P. I. BONLIiRAK' . HKMtl BRANDLEY. Ch lirmin. '. Secretary. kkpuihjIcan mi:i:tings For Hie Neentli i. oniesslonal DIbtriit. KoiwClty, Vescmiuj. iiuda. October 5. at 7.M p. 1M. SpraLitv. i II. Peter.-, W. E. i.tai.!u J. fc. Painter and J. W. Rush. No Ki.ia, INrlnTi unty, Wcdnesdij. 1'A p. m. by-ifc-rs, J. V. 1U, W. E. l.ati.j and C. b l'ln li. lM,htoa, Lv.-ouily. V.'rlurslJj.Oct. r. at 7.1) p ni. jpeLeiN ." K. l'etcr., . E. btankj, J & Paint r and .. huu c. St tt tttj.Nott (nunty. Ti.ursx'aj. Oct, 7. nt 7.'0 Ji I-. bKtker-, S it Pcicri A. W. biitith. Hsi e i'lkiii". siimiiT c ity, Umislny, ot. 7, at 7 301 in., VV. .S. -lords W. E. lathv ajid T. T. Taj lor. jjr.ct.-', II.THlitiii county. Frld iv. Oct.?, at 77) p in. "p-wcr-, vj. R. Peteis, A. W. i.ii'tn and W. R. Brow . I) hUe Citr, F r.l eoimf-, Siturdy, Oct. , at 7J11 p, in. bpeikcis. b. R. IVeis J. a. iluiray and II. Whltiides. Sterling Rite cninly, Fatmday, Oi t. . at 7:71 n ii. SiK-akrr-., .. W . tluaeat, A. . bmitU anil W. E. 1-itliy. K1.i-,Ict. Ed-rarHc .unty. MomHy. Oct 11, at 7 W p.M. b,raier, S R I'iUtm, J. F.Uieenlecaml Hen ry Booth .' 1 run Met arty. ieJ. P ivraee count , Tawliv. Octolx':- 12, at 7- 4 . Pi. bpcaUi r-. s. R i'( ten, 31. V. . Mitton. J. K. (JT.n't. aiIJ W. llaiiiiltim. l wt l! Paricn etumtv. edrp's. Oi tidier 1J at ; "U p i.t -.1..iis. s. It l'rtc-, ji. i . CIniL-it, R. lUt.leld and .'. V. llji.ilton. C.r !e i t'l ., I mile imt'ily, Tnur--dn;. , Oct. li. at 2aad7 W ; in. si-tkor. b. It. Peters, .I.e. titraiig. W laithy. II. I' k-lle.? an I 1 ho-...! .I.tckMin. II' uni flop... '-ci!,'-v,ii.'ioi)Uiit. Iridaj. CHt. lr, at -"" i . in. Sinat.el ,.T. R. Hallow ell, I. 1.1 a lor and . A. Murr. I.joiih, Riccc i.ntv, Iiid.iv. Oi t. -, ut 7J0 p. m. Sp-k.T, S. It. Piti'ii,. O. W. and A. W. .Sunn. bai..tog. Pratt co.ii . lhurIy, Oit. 11. at 7.T.0 p. i s,i iksra. .!. R. lUlowill. 1 rank Olih tie ai d C S. Finch. I'ijv., I'ritt cmritv. 1 rUay, Oi I. at 7ai p. in. ?r0'.er. J. It. Halloncll. I raiiiv (.llltttc a.ulL. b. Eioon. lie!" lersou, JlePherson lountj, Saturda, Oct. 11. t J p. in. and i ' p. in. bpeaKeii-. b. R Peters G. W Clivn'iit, V i. btanlcy, R. Hattleld. W. E. Latin, J. V. 'Wlilti'. I R tliu. UIia. Jlaip-reimiit. Hominy, Oct. IS, at 7..M p m. SwVcrs,.s. iv. Peters W.S. 3IouK J. W. llaughj snd E. H. Allen. Ilar, r, Harper eountv, Oil. 19. at 3.' p. in. s.xar.rrs, b It Piters, 1. A., It. Hatlielil raid J V.. Hamilton. .Medli lue UkIc, llrlM'r county. Wcducday, Oct. 31. at 7.-J p. in. bpoikera. b. R. Petiis. J. A. Raj, G. R. bnollliu aad Tun MilUrtj. V. 'lln;xl.i:i, Siiiiim r niuiitv.Tlir.i-.lo v. OitoliorSI, at 7 0 p. in. bM'ak. i-s. b It. f'elcrv. (. W. element!.. A. V. bmlth, W. F btanie, 'litn MoCaitj and K. 11. Allen. Wlehltn, Scd,;T!c count. Friday. Vf. S. .t 7: p in. b,ieakis. b It. Foti-s. .1. It. Hallow ell, 1 rink illicit... o. W. eieinoni, J. . Hamlltou and Tim MeC-rt. Caldwell, Su;nnr comr.j, Sattiid'i. Oit.2t. at 7i 1. m. !ifVdAl! lVicrs. .1, It. Hallow dl and 1. A McNesl. Walnut C itj . Hil!i county. Holiday. Oct il. nt 7 Ik in. Sio-ike-sH. R. 1-ctoiN I.. . Mmoek.sS. A. )t and Tim l Oarl Ii eniri. H i a e .u'.tv. lUMl-y, evt. Ci. at 7.'J) p. ni. b)i'r. . It FetiM, R llrown, E L. Chapman and I'rni MiV.iity. MeLttsoii. Renoeouut. Tue-d.n. Oct 35, at7JX p. in. SpenWcrs, Frank (.illctle. luni. 1). Orner anl J. W. Wulte t. Johu, Stafford iMiinty. TlmrsiWj , Oct 'Zi. at 7 TH p. in. Si. ikirs. S. R Piters It. O. IMIdou mid It I.. Chapniiu luia, Pntt countj. Fiid.iy. Oct 2l. at 7J) p.m. SMHken. S R Pcfcrb, It O. Davld-on, Frmk Gil k'tte audit Hatlleld. 1 lllnwo vd, p.ati.n euiutj. FMdnj, Oct. i". at SX) p. in. bpoakir., .1. R Hi.llowull, 11. V hittblde and Ileurv Hi th. Iaiklu. Finite e.'iint. lVIdav, Oit. ft), at 7-ip-m bjxinlcj'r-.. II. II K.'.Ict. WH llrown ainlJ W.Riish. Iviliguinii. KlBk,nian count. :suirihi. (ct. :ii. at 7J0 p in. bivaker. S U. l"ctii. i! . DaifdMin, T. 1 TaIor. R HaUeld and J W HjuRhey. F ntoi.unr. balindu. iet :W, nt 7.30.JI. m. bpojikers. II II Kelle. . it Etown, Hei.r W Ru-'i Newrton. Haru e nut. Ionda. "o . at7X) p m. b;eikcr, i'iui(i W Ihinent, Jaini-. 1-iwivniv. T. l.lalov. II hltcldc M-.d W L Stanlev. A full ittendinee i njinst.J at all these meet lnc. The Kiiii. of tin Ik i r will l? abi and thor oilffhlv dlM'U-.-.l W. :. I 11I. EI CHAP3I.N b.s retai . Ohr'ni. Kx. I'om KAliI-V, N. O. McFarhmd. of Topeka, Hiram Steven,, of "Wv.iudotte, and others will ad- dress the people of this city at the G. A. H. j hall on next Saturday evening. October j 9th, at 7 p. m.. aho at Kiiicmnii on Slou- j day, October It th. at 7 p. m. The local j Kipub.icanc.-ntrilcommitU-eare rvpected ; to make ail the n- cousin arniugpuie-nls for these meetings anl giro this uo:ice an ex tended and wide 'iroulatirn in the v.iti-rs may have an opportunit of hearing the iv-a.'S of the dav ciigcustflsl. Tlie rnited 1'r.slnterian bynoJ of Kan sas mee's . O'stho ihis week. Miv.vell, th.' murderer of Proller. Itfts bjen granted a. stay of eiemlion for sity da. Seeret-iry of St-re McGrath cf Missouri has a let. i"-in which hcdcdaies that the nuhoad assosnie;n in that state is higher than any olh. r state in the count rv. Quite a heavy frost was visible this (Fri day) morning. "Wednesday and Thursday inoriiings of Ihis week slight frosts fell iu ditTerent places in the lowlands. Fredonia Citizen. --SSi gaihfT fgagXie According to a new method of book keeping inaugurated in tl:c national tieas ury th e imlilic debt v. as reduced in Septem ber to the extent of $10,627,013. This is on the ' 'less cash in the treasury" plan, which has been in vogue for many years. The total bonded debt of the nation, in cluding accrued interest, now is $1,123, 091.123. It amounted to .$1,223,493,12G at the close of the fiscal year three months ago, show ing a reduction of $30,201,003 in the quarter just ended. The "cash available for reduction of the public debt" aeeorJing to the method of com putation introduced by Secretary Manning, now amounts to $200,224,043, as compared with $205,202,247 on June 30, an increase of $1,721,790 in the three months. Gold ceitilicatcs outstanding have inciea'td over $8 0C0.000 inthaltimc, and .silver tertifitater, over $7,000,000, the former item now being $85,C9l,&07 and the latter $93,3S7,112. The non-intercbt bear- jng indebtness of the nation has increased $1."3,000,CC0 in these items in the quarter. Tiieie has been a i eduction, however, in other items of this portion of the debt, principally on greenbacks, which bungs this increase down to about $.3,000,000. The condition of the treasury appears to be satKfactorv. Tlie most noticeable and at the same time the most jrratifjing feature, to Kan sas at least, in Uiadstrcets" last statement of business conditions of the couutiy, is the announcement that the movement of sta ple goods is ineieasing in the southwest aid wet, wliile in Kansas the demand is better than in a ccn esponding period in any preceding j'car. This condition, de spite the M'licus drawback occasioned by the seveie drouth in some portions of the state in tiie eaily summer, speaks -olumes for the material growth and prosperity of thebaic. Such conditions may bo a sur prise to Gov. Carli-le and his political fol lowers, but so long as such conditions con tinue should Kansas throw off thci'-e and beneficent rule that tiie Republican party has nipintained in the .state, under which this tin precedent ed and matchless prosperity has been attained, and place the state or any portion of it under the ban of of bourbonism? Thero need be no appre hension of Mich surpiise occuning. Said that piohibition is about to become the great issue in Tennes-ee and the chances are that the slate vull 30m the dry' pro cession. In other southern .states also the sentiment has taken decj root, notably in Texas and Georgia, in each of -which state practical prohibition is now enforced by counties in thiee-fouiths. of the state. The same conditio! , strange as it may seem, exists in Kentucky, the home of our mash and bourbon. The mode of proceedure in the last named btate is to tett the sense of a county, or district, or city, and if a major ity f.nor prohibition the state legi-J.iture is petitioned to pas an act prohibiting the sile of intoxicating liquors a itliiu the limits named which is done. The senti ment of the community being thus in ac coid with the law theie L no trouble in en forcing it, and under such ciicumstances prohibition prohibits. "We notice that D. Kirkling has been nominated for county attorney of Reno county. Mr. Kirkling lesided here for some time, ptn suing the .stuto of his pro fession in the ofiiie of Stanli t'c "Wall. He was re pected by all who km; .v him as a studious and worthy oui.g lawyer, and we have no hesitancy in easing that he will faithfully discharge hi& duties tis piostcu tor hen elected, as he undoubted!' v. ill be. The New Yoik Times says: "3Ir. Doody, vi ho is ciiaiiman of the 'ITemy George labor party in tiie Third assembly di-liict, is repotted to h.v.e .said: 'It won't be haul to keep the union men fiom 'scab bing' il on election day. Our books show where they lie, and am one "who "votes with the old parties will be spotted, and we'll make it hot for him after election is over. A man's no good in the union who woa'i ". ote lit'iit.' The Santa Fc milro.H is crowding through the Indian Territory at a rapid pace. They have about j.,000 laborers a! work, and the lino is completed to a jniut about forty miles south ol Ai kansas City. Old soldiers who lost limbs, and who -jto entitled to an increase of pension under the rcrenily passed act, nceei not employ the services of a lawyer. The matter can be adjusted directly with the department. fkei: tkau;: vagauiiis. Writfo.i for ttie Enlp. Mk. Editor After carefully reading Carlisle's speech, delivered at "Wichita, in tlu last issue of the weekly Eac.i.k, 1 came to the conclusion ihat even members of coniriess aio not infallable, when they dis cuss economic questions. He assures us that the cause of the hard times we have had for the hist few years is the vicious system of levenue lived during the war. I5y means of thi system we cannot com pete with Enjrlami in the markets of the world. As a Kansas farmer, permit mo to enter my protest against the doctrine of j free trade; or so-called revenue reform. cmuciutcl bv Carlisle and others. I nnke the assertion, without fonr of contra- diction, that we ml no foreigc markets for our surplus product. With evir American, man. woman ami child, well fH, wd! clothed and well hobal, the surplus 0f our -products would vanish like mist Iwfore lite risiair s-na. Free trade i the outgrowth ot England - scifisjineso. She dasirc; to obtnin from us our m.v material, j in cschsuco f"r htr wviUer.tcl and shoddy ! products, therel.v wbwns ir own fact-! ! rics of their lesritiiaato uiarkets. The op-r t f .. . . . , , , :itioxs2 of these factones v,-ohl ibc he redceed Ja ia.euesp, work- ing "on naif time, or forced ! to comjicie with the paaper Ir.bor of Hag- ! 1.....1 ms. , ,-v i ,- m. ,.-xi ! ,, , . , . . , , ., . . . I ""' :"- ".."0 ..w. w.v, . i thiu-s may l intelH-ent. but he is not a pitriot. Fa rmcrs cannot comiwte wfth thc j Rots of India who work for six cents a dav, coasaqucntlr we want a home market , r.i. ,i...., ... r..... i ,h.n , ,,i. . , . 1 cm oyiam a price sor our nwai m uropsr- tton to tlie pnee pani me consumer zor 1115 1 labor. This is, or should be, the American policy of protection protecting all alike. As an illustration take one article of manu facture linen. An American traveling in Irelandjclls us tjiat in some of the rooms of these great factories men and women work week after week in a dust that is enough to choke a person unaccustomed to it. In otiier rooms you find poor, wretch ed little girls and women standing all day, barefooted, on a stone floor, with hardly rags enough to cover their nakedness, in rooms, the atmosphere of which is more like that of a Russian bath than anything I can think of. Their gowns clinc tightly to their forms, and arc literally wet ; the steam drips fiom their hair, and huge drops of ion ooze from the face and neck. IIow human beings manage to exist in these mills it is difficult lp say. I was told that many ol taem eue vnung, and that a In ief period of work in some of these departments made perma- nent invalids of the operatives. Still thousands clamor for this work, although the average pay for it, including the most skilled, is, for female Workers, thirty-seven cents per day, and for male workers seventy-three cents per day. There arc plcnty of young girls working in these mills in the way I have described for twenty-live conts per day and even less. The average pay of GOO female adult woikcrs for 302 days was thiity-scven cents a day. As it is in linen cloth jo is it in the manufactories, of other textile fabrics. Do -w e wish that ounefined, graceful and intelligent girls should bo brought down to the level of these poor girls, -w ho through no fault of their own, are placed as a sacrifice on the altar of free trade? No; God forbid! Pro tection to American labor and no competi tion with the pauper labor of Euiope, is the motto inscribed on our banners, and which will elevate the great American race to that lofty position which nature's God intended we should occupy. Free trade means cheap labor. Thcpaity that advocates cheap labor, is an exponent of the doctrines of hell. Establish, by mean? of protection, manufactories in Kansas and who ill consume our Hour, poik, beef, lard, etc.. and prohibit the importation of all nianufactuied goods which can be supplied by our own skilled mechanics at home; then peace and pros perity will bless our land, redeomcel and icgeneiated from the blighting eiTccts of English free tiade. Yours resp't, On'e of the I.cs. W. C. JONES. Geo. "W. C. Jones, the candidate for county attorney, v. as nominated over two able and strong competitors by a majority that attested his popularity with the dele gates composing the convention, and every thiii" indicates that he will be as popular befoie the people as he -was before the con vention. 3Ir. Jones came to the county when he was sixteen years of age, woiked on hij fathers farm, in Union township, until lie was twenty-four, farmed for him self two years, when he left the farm and eateiedthe law department of Chaddock college, where he graduated with class honors and was select ed to deliver the valedictory on commencement day. He opened an office iu "Wichita in 1SS2, and has since continued hero in the practice of Jaw. Mr. Jonesha3 built up a good law prac tice, and since the first year his practice has been self-sustaining. There is not a particle of selfishness in his make-up, and fev young men in the county have warmer friends or more of them than Mr. Jones. The fact that none of the strong attorneys of the Democratic paity sought tiie nomination against the Republican candidate is a concession that his election is a foregone conclusion, and leading Democrats admit that his election will not be seriously contested. New Yoik Tribune: This is the pledge which the thir.l party politicians lequire of their abstaining follow civ. "1 hereby promise to smash the Republican paity and not to drink cider." Cedan ille btar. The l.ial remnant of the Sac and To tribe of Indian-, is being re moved fiom the reservation they have oc cupied in Osage county, Kansas, fcr nearly fifty ;. cars, to the Indian Territory. They aie partialis' civilized, and by no means bid Indhns. We remember when, thirty yeai ago, in making their annual visit to the tribes noith of the Ivaisos river, a num ber stopped at our house and were fed, for which thev seemed mateful. SinKWICK. AHMAD. r.-om the Se iv.-Ick Cou'ity IVuitagrnph. , Atithe Arkansas Valley fair last week Sodgwiek City contributed her share, and was liberally rewarded; no town of its sie in Kansas can boast of a better class of brood horses, anon which is LeIJon. Jr., owned by Wm. Iltittield, who carried oil the blue 'ribbon; Johnny Peak, owned by Snyder fc Richardson, also brought home the blue. Snyder's yiiarliug took red rib bon; tiie Iinnorted Maid, be!on:rinr to ?.Ir. i Snyder, carrictlotr the blue in sweepstakes, aiso ocst imporic'l mares. E. rJ. lJoilari, the roo-ter and chicken man of Sedgwiek, dine in for a larirc 5harc, hc coop"ed 'em all iu bringing home fourteen premiums tied to his coop, -which is a daisy. Mr. V. deserves much credit, and no 'doubt feels proud of his- pi izes. Tlie fair was a grand s cxss and the managers deserve "irrcat cxdit for the manner in which the program o: each dav was carried out. PA KM NOTn. Onion seed sown now, and protected with litter during the winter, will give early onions ue.t spring. If a pure male is bred to raised females the issue i tow anl the type of the pure breed so long tis such male is tised. Those who have practiced soiling: sfii- cienilv to test it know it to be a most valu- able aid in the ecauomv of dwrying. Extra feetling should no; consis; so much a incix'ftsiag the qitaatitv as in bettering ,c u,Uii-v of the foo1' if s,:ch a thin- aax l)C flOIIC , , , . , , A soon as : ho esirs iiaTleen taken from Ute yfXt corn thc 5tn!k$ fhmld te cut np and fed to ihe cows in as trrecu cortdiuoa as" possible. A w calving: in the fall, if property fed aud cnreil for. will briajr mors nrullt in a year tuiiu if she catves la Alar, if inslk or -Hitter is to be sold. To k5n moIes mmis tanner pets Strychnine in pieces of liver thc s hickory mu, placing the pieces at izc of a diiTercnt Voiats 'm lhcir runs- One the sheep a infos of crcund oats every evening from now until the kmbmc j jyeriod. As soon as the grass fail? give I uieni an tiw nay tiiey can cat. - 4ft . t . j. - $;- OLIVER BROS., Lumber Dealers Wichita, Kansas. YARDS AT Wichita, Mayfield, Wellington, Harper, Attica, Garden Plain, Anthony, Arkansas City, An dale and Haven. HACKER d JACKSON V.'hclcsa'c and Retail Kcslcr? Is Colorado &. Pennsylvania Anthracite And all Mails of Canon City, Trinidad and Osage City, Blossburg, Pa., Piedmont, VV. Va. McAllister, Fort Scott, Cherokee, Rich Hill and Pittsburg Coal. Lime, Plaster, Cement, Brick, Side walk and Building Stone. Omc?s. nu i: s-iet p no?its avp. s sMe ITT W ati r strut. U t. Loupa t anil I irit Plymeil & Leighton's Stage Line. Spr'gfiel s Farjo Sprirjs. ALL ABOARD V&stptzi-rUT-'lnA O-ntf-. Ralnll:. Wl Plalas. Jlitilla. l-arcoprtnjjad.,,! pojnjg jn sottlh- rtst.rn KnJisa. vVl fart time &nS raonj ty gols; Tla IXIGHTOX rLYXELL'S U.E. Hea.louorlr ax Clnwr-rti tort Ganli Cllr. Hay oa niglit ttaltis uo i.. at each of ;hse jia'.s WEST WICHITA. For Bargains in Eeal Estate Call on E. H. DEVORE & CO. 1 MS-! 0r.isr ... Twenty Lots Will be offered at an Unusual Bargain for -a few days at Bar tholomew's Office. Speculators and investors will find it to their interest to see for themselves. G-. W.BARTHOLOMEW. '$$ ISRAEL BROS., Druggist and Grocers First Block west nf Trpmont House H 1 0 1 F ' (jonsemtoij ol Music ComsT of Eaiporla Aenup an William Mrrct. ?outli of Douglas Ai'iiui". Director: CATHERINE RUSSELL. 0. B. JACOBS, deaixi: IX REAL ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN ND INSURANCE. Valiey Centre, Sedgwick County, Kas VV. H. STERNBERG, Contractor and Builder Office and Shop 349 Main St. KIIIST CLASS WORK at I.OWF..ST PRICES. Itl mates furnuhcJ on short r.oUtx'- WICIIII'A. KAN. J. P. ALLEN, :DRi:OGIST: Everything Kept in a First-Class Drugstore. "Wichita. Kan. STEDMAN & CRANE- General : Insurance : Apis FIRE, TORNADO, LIFE AND ACCIDENT. OFFICE 10) DOCCJ.AS AVE-CE. (Over ltame'i Drog Wore.) Largest Agency in the Valley. Drs. M. and H. BRAN DOM, Twin Brothers. sSgJS and Ear Infirmary Si ta,' J5 Sursica! ln'tfiUite.ii:roIn te sx&vt. Cailonor-omtB f JL.. "-.- G. A. HATFIELD, Vormc ot ticz&U IK. .. f Et- r srtaum, WleJrtlE. ZMUtCA.'ZZ CANCER CURED. 1 ri-ftiAi waij iu 1 w fiwKt f jumyy, fcfc'Un,- WisJ a iiire MraT nw3 iutrrH wr ceai-. I fw!J! jbj nits? j u to itcw rtSmsj; Hk l&el!dls.otr,l tertvarr ttai I mm -otk vxa. ii zA t&a tar rnie. CH tsrltn b- rjiV-ci tcsa. fceruYSTumsl wna tke aer rirmi. A lrlilnrJT run w4 JV ta tSfjAsn1 cariMi Henaia Fnofc. WicMta. Kao Artbcr X AkVooa. Kon-Kaa-j Eaia 'KVUlrtu Kas K3X& ACaza . TV Al -a. tSCCCEIJSOIl TO F STACK2IAS ) Mercliant Tailor. Keeps on hand Fne Go -s - ods of the eed. No x. r. xirri ui . xi 1 1'. iTr&titer.t. A. W. OI.IV tit. V I e I'r.J."it. W. W. Kansas Loan aid Investment Co. Capital. $iOO,OCO. Money Always on Hand to Loan on Farm and City Property Office In "Wichita National Bank Building, WlcHlta, Kan. HOTGHKINS REAL ESTATE SOLE AG-ENTS FOR ROSENTHAL'S ADDITION. This Addition is located in the north part of tho city, between Fairview and Arkansas Avenuee and is in the hirjheot part of city. Wo offer Special Inducements for tho next 30 day. No. 201, S-E CORNER DOUGLAS AVENUE AND MASKET foT. A N N E S S Located on the Leroy & Western Railroad, aa eztea&oa of thcr Atchison, Topeka & Tanta Fe Raiiroswt la Btf towmsMp, SedgwicJc county, Kansas, ov,aed try tba Ar kansas VallDy Town Company PRICES LOW ANT) TSB3SS EAST. TWELVE Mlhm FROM 4lK Y I?ailroad To-srn, In a well settled ami improred farmhig community, insuring good snuport S. D. PALLETT, ;i Northern I Southern Pine Lumber, I UTHS SHIKGLES, SASH, BOOBS AND BLIHDS. OmMiri1STJli1S&r WICHITA, KAN. . A A T v l. jaji r , latest styles The largest stock in trc trouble to show pods. Call and see n c F. W. SWAL i t door N of County Building. KI..i:WOCl IJiail Examlcr. JI. W I KW, Tf Mi,ri. J C. HITN. hni arr & WHEELER, EXCHANGE BROKKRS (A New Town), once ana sacore cbotco '.. Gc-erai Agrt Wiehfta. Km. ttxixit rx -