Newspaper Page Text
- "T"8? -"-Vrv 2 gfte 90licMta kihj gag!: Wfedtrefldas Scorning, O&ctnfcer 6, 1886. ?-$.'! M. M. MCKDOCK, Editor. WEDNESDAY MORNING. OCT. 6, 1886. REPUBLICAN TICKET. STATB TICKET. tog JLMOCifcte Jwirlc D.H. VALES nNE, FnakllaeoBBtr. Per Governor JOHN A. MARTIN. Atchltoa county. WarUMtowBt Governor A. P. RIDDLE. Ottawa county. tar Secretary of State K.B. ALLEN. Sedgwick coantr "orBUipTimmti - JAMES W. HAMILTON. SamBcr county. FerAmdkorof Bute- . . timothy McCarthy. Pawnee county. Per Attorney General 8. B. BRADFORD. Ouge county. For SaperlnteBdent of Pnbllc iMtorncUon J. H. LA WHEADf Bourbon county. m FOR COXGUESSXEN. ffeat District f-v-H0X R N KORRILL. Brown county. eoond Dtotrlct- w HON. B. H. FUN3TON, Allen county. IftMDIttrlct- HON. B. W. PERKINS, Neoaha county, raarth Dlatrlcfr- HON. THOMAS RYAN. Shawnee county. Fifth District- HON. A. S. WILSON, Washington county. Mxth Dlctrlct- HON.E. J. TURNER, Sheridan county. Seventh District HON. B. R. PETERS, Harrer county. JUDICIAL 18th DISTRICT. forjudge HON. T. a WALL. Sedgwick County. m COUNTY TICKET. For Probate Judge E. B. JEWETT. For Clerk of District Court A. B. WRIGHT. For County Attorney G.W.C. JONES. For County Superintendent D. S. PENCE. Fen- Commissioner Third District T.H. RANDALL. For Representative 82d District RODOLP&HATFTELD For Representative 83d District It. E. LAWRENCE. For Representative 81th District A. H. CARPENTER. A TIMELY SUGGESTION. That was a trite suggestion of Gov. Lee's, in Lis address of welcome to the Knights of Labor at their Richmond meeting Monday, when he said, let us make no war with cap ital that whitens the seas with sails; that is engaged to furnish employment to the thousands of laboring people of the land and alleviate the sufferings of the distressed. The trouble with labor organizations"hitl erto has been lack of discrimination in their warfare against capital; not stopping to in quire whether it i s employed in legitimate and commendable purposes, and to regard its rights as well as their own, but treating all alike, as if It all was the instrument of rascality, especially organized to defraud, and rob and oppress the defenceless poor. It is to be sincerely hoped that the great labor organization of the country will heed Gov. Lee's timely suggestions and so shape their deliberations as to make their power and influence felt throughout the land for good. PUNGENT POINTS. The result of experiments made by the agricultural department in the sugar pro ducing qualities of sorghum, as announced in the dispatches yesterday morning, fore shadows a new and most important era for matchless Kansas. The experiments show that while but 50 per- cent, of the sucrose substance is extracted from the southern riblwn canj;, the whole of it is obtained from the soghum by the process em ployed. No state or section surpasses, if equals, Kansas in the production of the sorghum crop, in quantity, and in quality our product is far superior in sugar making as well as in syrup. The sugar crop will no doubt rapidly grow into rank with the leading crops of the state. There is no more profitable crop grown. KEPUllLICAN MEETINGS. The State Central committee have made the fol low ns appointments for southwest Kansas up to ate: Utivernor John A, Martin, Lieutenant Governor A. P. Kiddle, and W. V. Cloud, of the old Second Kan sas cavelrj .will address the people at the follow ing times and places to wit: Marion. Saturday, Octolxr 2, 1R86, 8 p. m. Hutchinson, Holiday. October 4. ISSfi. t p. m. Sterllnc. Tuesday, October fl. ISSfi, 8 p. m. Judge N. C. McKariand, of Topcka, Judge Hiram Stcicm. and others will nddrrss the people on the is sues of the day at the follow Uk time and places: Paola, Monday, October 4, lfwi. at 7-W p. m. Ottawa. Tuesday, Octobers. 1S8C. at uV p. m. IlurlliiRton, Wednesday, October D, lSfi, at "i-M p. m, Eureka. Thuisday. Octoiier 7, ltW. at 7iSU p. in. El Dorado, Friday. Octoiier 8. lKWi. at 7ii p. m. Wichita. Saturday. Octobers. ISSfi, af!i p. in. Kinsman. JIoimIiiv, Octoiier 11, ISfifi, at ? p. m. Wellington. Tun-day. October 12. IK;, at 7:3) p.m. Caldwell. Wednesday. October 11, lbtG.at7.aj p.m. Anthony. Thursday. Octoiier 14. 1MC. at 7.3) p. m. Medicine Lodirc. Friday. Oct. 15. lbb. at 7:31 D. in. Senator John J. inalln and others will address the Mr. Powderly did hini'clf and his order high credit in his response to Gov. Leo's address at Richmond Monday, when he emphatically denounced anarchism and called upen his brethren to throttle it. The impression has gotten hold of many peo ple that the Knights of Labor endorse, in some measure at least, the purposes of the anarchists, and the unqualified condemna tion by the head of the labor order will dis abuse many biased minds as to the attitude of the organization towards this most dan gerous and damnable heresy. public on the political issues of the day, at the fol lowing limes ana iiiacrs: Fredonla. Saturday, October 9. ISSfi, at 7i p. m. Anthony. Wednesday. Octoiier Sal, ISSfi. at ,M p. m. Senator Plumb and others w 111 address the people on the political Issues of the day at McPlicrson, Monday. icpt, 37, at "M p. m. Local committees are requested to make all neces sary arrangements for all these meetings. Posters furnished by this committee. By order of the central committee. P. I. BONEIIRAKK, HE.MIV BRANDLEV. Chairman. Secretary. REPUBLICAN MEETINGS For the Seventh CongrcHsIonal District. Ness City, Ness couinj. lueMiay, October 5, at 7:30 P..m. Shakers. S. K. Peters, W. E. Stanley, J. S. alnter and J. W. Hash. New Kiowa, llarlier county, Wednesday, Oct. fi, at "JO p. m. Speakers, J. A. Ray, W. K. Lathy and C. S Finch. Dighton, Lano county, Weducsday, Oct. 6. at 7rtJ p. m. ipeakers, S. It. PeUrs. W. E. Stanley. J. S. Paint er and ti. Kinney. Scott City. Scott county, Thursday. Oct, 7, at 7.30 p. m. Sim akers, S. It. Peters and A. W, Smith. Belle Plain?. Sumner county, Thursday. Oct. 7, at 7:30n in. Speakers, W. 8. SIorrK W. P.. I.athy and T. T. fa) lor. Syracuse, Hamilton county, Friday. Oct. 8, at 7-TO : p. m. opeaKert.n. it. reiere, a. w. &mitn ana v. 11. urow John Peter Mill tries to make the impres sion that he is in co-partnership with God. It has been the impression generally, and was so announced bv Key. B. Kelly that the co-partnership has been dissolved, since John Peter had joined the Democratic party and was engaged in making free- trade speeches. THE COWLEY COUNTY CONVENTION. "WlXFIELD, Oct. 4. To the Editor of tho Eagle. At the Republican county convention held here Saturday the following nomina tions were made: For county attorney Cal. Swartz. Probate judge "W. E. Tansy. Clerk of district court Ed. Pate. Superintendent of public instruction S. P. Overman. Representative Fifty-ninth district J. F. 3Iarlin. C. Dode City, Ford county, Saturday, Oct. 9, at 7-10 p. l. aueaKers. s. u. x-cters. J. A. Jiurrav and il WlilU-sldes. Sterling. Rice county. Saturday. Oct. P. at 7.30 1 in. Speakers. G. W. Clement. A. W. Smith and W. E. Lathy. Kinsley, Edwards county, Mondav, Oct. 11, at 7J10 p. in. Speakers, S. It. Peters, J. F. UYecnlce and Hen ry Booth and Tim McCarty. Lorned, Pawnee count v, Tuesday, Octoiier 12, at 1M p. in. Siienkers. S. 11. Peters, Jl. W. Sutton, J.F. Greenlee anl J. W. Hamilton. (Jreat Bend, Barton county. Wednesday, October 13 at 7-SO p.m. Speakeis. S. It. Peters, O. W. Clement. R. Hatlleld and J. S. Hamilton. Garden City, Finney count v, Tnursdav, Oct. 14, at 2 and 7-W p. in. Speakers, S. R. Peters. "J. C. StraTi j, W. Lathy. H. B Kelley and Thos. J. Jackson. Mount Hope. Sedgw lck county, lrldav, Oct. IS, at iU ii. in. bK-aLerw, J. U. llallowell, T. T. Taj Icr u:id . A. Murray. Lyons, Rice county, Friday, Oct. ir, at 7-S0 p. m. Speakers, S. R. Peters, G. . Clement nnd A. W. Smith. Saratoga, l'ratt county. n " sivakers. J. U. llallowell, 1 lank Gillette and Thun-day, Oct. 14, at 7..T0 tt county. Friday, Oct. 15, at 7-10 p. in. R. Hallow ell, trank Gillette and C. S. C 8. Finch. 1'1'tl, i iutt Speakers, J Finch. McPherson, MePlierson counjv, Satnrday, Oct. 1C, at 3 p. in. and 7uXl p, in. Speakers, S. It. Peters, O, W Clement, W. K. Stanley, It. Hatfield. W. F.. Ijithj-. J. W. White. E. II. Allen. J Attica, HariH-r county. Mondav, Oct. 13. at 7.S) p. m. Speakers, S. R. l'ctcrs, W.S.MoriLs, J. W. Uaiuliv and K. B. Allen. Jlarer, Hariier county, Tuesday, Oct. 19. at 7..T) p in. Speakers. S. 11. l'eters, T. A. JlcNeal, It. Hatlielil and J. W. Hamilton. Medicine Lodge, Barber countv. Wednesdav, Oct . at 7..T0 p. m. Siieakers, S. R. PUtrs. J. A. Ray. U. K. Hnelling und Tim McCartv. Wellington. Sumner countv, Thursilav. Octoiier 21, at7:Wp. in. Sjie.ikers. S. R. Peters. G. W. Clements, A. W. Smith, W. E. Stanley. Tim McCartv and E. B. Allen. Wichita, Pcdgw lck county, Frldav. Oct. JJ, at 7-"H p. m. Sieakers. S. R. IVti n, J. R. H-illowell, Fnink Gillette,. G. . Clement, J. W. Hamilton and Tim McCarty. Caldwell. Sumner county. Saturdav. Oct. 2:1, at 7.") p. in. Speaker. S.R. Peters. J, R. Hullonelliuid T. A. JIcNeal. Walnut City, Rush countv. Mondav, Oct. 2?. nt 7ii) fi. m. SiK-akers. S. R. Peters. G. W. Muuick, b. A. lay and Tint McCarty. LaCrosw, Rush countv, Tu"sdav, Oct. 26, at 7-W p m. Speakers. S R. Peters. W. "it. Drown, i:. I." Chapman and Tim McCarty. Nlckersou. Reno countv. Tuesdiv )ct. ,'G. at7Al y. in. Speakers, Frank Glllttle. Gisi. 1). Corner ami . W. White. St. John, Stafford county. Thu rsJyy. Oct. 2. at 7.33 p. ru. Speakers. S. R. Peters; 11. O I)jlou and K. L. Chapman. luka, Pratt count-. Fridav. Oct. t"9, at 7.3) p.m. Srakerv. S. U. IVters.Il. 0 Patidnou, lYauk Gil tetteandR. Hatfleld. Kllluwouil, Barton cctinty, Frldav, Oct. 29. r.t 7-JJ -. in. SiK-akers, J. R. Hallow elt. fl. hitetdde and emy lUotli. Lakln, Finney county. Frldav, Oct. 23. Ht 7p. m. ounniLcni, ii. h. Keuey. :.n. ltniwii and J. W.Kush OVERTOPS ALL OTJIEK INTERESTS. Leavenworth Times. A railroad is a pretty familiar object to tliose who frequently travel over it, but it is doubtful if the value and extent of the railroad business are at all familiar to the people cf the country generally. L is not commonly understood that, in the magnitude ot capital invested, reve nues and expenditures, the railroad inter est overtops every other in the "United States. Poor's Manual, which is recognized as the highest authority on all niilioad mat ters, presents some figures which, to most perons, will be startling. For instance, there were 127,720 miles of railroad in this country at the close of lat year. Dur ing the same twelve months there were 1151,427,098 passengers carried by the roads a total distance of y,l33,G73,.55 miles. The freight traffic done bj' the roads in 1885 amounted to -137,040,090 tons. The companies gross earnings were $782,303,- 8o3; the net earnings 209,493,031. The interest paid to security holders was $183, 420,035: the dividends77,G72,103. And yet there are people who contend that this is not a gieat country. Our rail roads alone prove it great in the energy, enterprise and wealth of the people. All these qualities must be combined in a na tion that builds and uses railroads as this nation does. To the Editor of the Eagle. Clear Water, Kan., Oct. 4. Dear Sir: Your ever welcome paper is received as usual. The past week we received the Weekly Nation, which, by the way, has had a very liberal circulation of the "last issue in this vicinity; evidently for a purpose, and that purpose is not hard to. discern. We might safely say that "he who runs may read," and as it truly says the fall campaign is upon us, and it might have added that the kickers, likewise arc with us in the role of an "independant," who admits that he was a delegate in the late Republican state convention, and as we are informed, also a delegate in the late Re publican county convention, and of course participated in the selection of a state and county ticket, yet he says that from princi ple he is opposed to a portion of the ticket, the nominees of the party he represented evidently because he didn't get his choice. A fair sample of the late presidental mugwamps, and I have n doubt but that he .will fare about as well as they. But should his favorite succeed, of course, the Democrats will not claim the victory it will all be his. Then again his anti-third term principles are so consistent, especially when we con sider that his pet candidate, Judge W W. Thomis, has only held a good fat office, for the past six years, and that he proposes to hold the same until he is installed into the office of judge of the probate court (in his mind). Why, friend Nation,,keep Wm. T. in office perpetually if you are opposed to third term, from Republican principles? Why not be a "jewell" and oppose Democratic and Republican candi dates alike if you are so independent, and trot out a candidate that has not held office six years out of the eight that he has been in Kansas, just for the exclusive benefit of anti-third term men, and the kickers gen erally, on candidates for judicial porposes. At or us we are from Republican princi pies opposed to applying the anti-third term rule to any judicial or legislative officer, as we are not aware of any slate that by law limits the term of a judicial or legislative officer. Neither are we aware of any written or un written law of the Republican party that limits the term of either officer, but as we understand true Republicanism it has al ways been the unwritten law of the "grand old party" that just so long as a judicial or legislative officer proves himself to be com petent, faithful and of acknowledged in tegrity, as the present incumbents have un questionably been, and then receive tho nomination fairly,' as the present ones cer tainly did do, then from true Republican principles they have a right to expect the support of every man who is a Republican from principle. As to the action taken by the Sedgwick county delegates in the state convention on the anti-third term question, or on any county officer except the judicial and legis lative officers, we have no objections. Most states have been limiting the terms of all state and county officers ex cept those. The Nation says that the Sedgwick county delegates promised to carry the anti-third term prin ciple "home with them and nsc it in the county." Don't blame all for not doing so, some of them didn't get there. But if they desire revenge by following the advice of the "motion" they have the glorious privelege of doing so. I as a "Republican from principle" having full confidence in the integrity, ability, fidelity a:id Republicanism of Mr. Jewett and R. E. Lawrence, believe them entitled to the support of ail true Republicans, and am confident that the Republicans of Nin ncscah township know their duty, and that they are ready and willing to do it. Republican. 4r. JA "' c Twenty Lots Will be offered at an Unusual Bargain for a few days at Bar tholomew's Offlca Speculators and investors will find it to their interest to see for themselves. G. "W.BAKTHOLOMEW. - t Wholesale and Retail Dealers In -C:0:A:L- Colorado &. Pennsylvania Anthracite -And all kinds of- Va. FAUX NOTES. A VI KASANT SOCIETY" EVENT. To the Fxlltoi of tho Eagle. Coi.wiCH, Sept. 30, 1SSG. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Stecn rod were made the tubjocts of a complete surprise on Wednesday evening last by some of their many friends. So complete, was the surprise that they mul gone out to spend the evening. The surprUUts all met and took Dosesion of the hmisp. then snt n Kliurnian. Kiiikinah county. Saturday. Oct. :. nt , , ,. , . , ,.T , , ?sn.n- splits. s. r. lyter. . o. ia Mon. delegation to lnfoim Geo. W. that he and i. i. mjHr. it. iiaintiaamiJ. w. HailKhev. I ., Cimarron. Ford countv. Satnnla . ivt. :avi 7 si t. m. speakers. II It. Kello. W. It. ttumu. Henry Booth and J. . ltuh. Sew ton. Hhrv m. .sj-vnki uiwr.Mice A rufl attendance in requoti-tl at all tlicre tmvl Inijs The N,uc of Urn l.i.urwili 1 abiv and thor oughly dUcuoMtt. W. ft. LATHY. -K. L. CHAPMAN. Secretary. Chr'in. F.x. f-ori X l!fre county. Mouda. Nov. LatTsaip ikern. S.R. 1Vui. . W." Clement. Jamia e. T. T.'Jalor. H. Whltrxlde-i nnd W. K. From peut appearances the Demo crats will elect congressmen from several districts of the state" Ev. Appearances arc cfScn deceptive, and he is not wive who suffers him-elt to be misled thereby. Our guess is that the ddeation will remain unbroken. wife were wanted at once. They were eb- corted home, little dreaming that their house was filled with guests who came loaded dow n with fcood wishes aud baskets of provisions. After a season of games and govl, old-time talks supper was served, hiul such a supper! It has never been our lot to look nt, let :done sit down to, such a supper before cake, pie?, meats, sauces, pickles, test and coffee in fact everything that an epicurean could wish for wsw there. The joke? that were driven across the table An Indiana farmer advocates cutting off part of the tops of potato vines when they grow too rank, and states that he has in creased the yield by so doing. All thinirs considered, the largest flow of milk is the most profitable, unless it is se cured at too great expence. Reason must be used as iu other things. One of the greatest drawbacks that new beginners in poultry raising have is the de sire to crowd more fowls into the space that nail mat number .should occupy. San Diego county, Cal., boasts a tree that grows nowhere'clse in the world. It is called the Pinus Torreyaua, aud is is found only within a very limited in the county. The current worm should be destroyed while small with dust of hellebore or pyre thrum. The latter, being perfectly harm less, is to be more highly recommended. Destroying a beetle is equal to killing fifty grubs. When meadows become in fested it i3 well to turn injjhogs and let them root. They will destroy thousands of grubs. To protect watermelon plants from bugs, a South Carolina grower recommends charcoal dust, or coal-kiln dirt, dusting about a pint over each hill when the plants arc young. It is now generally believed that a solu tion of coperas is the best remedy known for grape-rot. It is sprinkled freely on the ground around the vines and on the leaves. Only a knowledge of bees, faithful at tention to the apiary, and a thorough and timely preparation for the honey flow, swarming and wintering, -will make a sue- . cesstul bte-keeper. Canon City, Trinidad and Osage City, Blossburg, Pa., Piedmont, W McAllister, Fort Scott, Cherokee, Rich Hill and Pittsburg Coa ISRAEL BROS., Druggist and Grocers First Block west of Tramont House WICHITA uonse rvatory of Music Corner of Emporia Avenue nn William Street, south of Douglas Avenue. Director: CATHERINE RUSSELL. Lime, Plaster, Cement, Brick, Side walk and Building Stone. 0. B. JACOBS, DEALEIt IS REAL ESTATE F. W. SWAB, (SUCCESSOR TO Y. STACKMAN) Merchant T-ailor. Keeps on hand Fne Goods of the latest styles. The largest stock in tho city. Satisfaction guaranteed. No trouble to show goods. Call and see me F. W. SWAG, ht door N of County Building. X. I'. XIEnrnLANPFR, Iref Went. A. W. OUVKK, Wf rntlcluil. W. W. KII'KWOOD, Ijin.l Einmimr. y. W. LEVY, Trrn.ur. J. C. ItUTAN, hnirtar; MONEY TO LOAN KD INSURANCE. "VFFICES. BteRed Seale, 609 DourIm ave. S side: V-f 177 va i'ater streit, bet. bougave nnd 1-irst One right action before Uk young ib worth a whole library full of pucopts. Ob ject teaching is the inrst forcible ami la-ting; therefore parent-, teachers :nd nil who have the control and management of children an J 3 oung porons cannot be too circumspect iu their every d.iy life. Carpenter reminded George that there was uioro'on that table than tlicre w.; on iheirs fourteen years ago. Hiifcrrohn thought lie could make out a meal there a hen he usod to fan, sumptu ously on corn bread and bufTalo meat. Mrs. S. wab presented v,hh a fine willow rocker. A sunflower only three and a half feet high, with 5.610 souare inches exnoed tn were many aud neh. I nc'.o Hoi-jet!! the air. "ives offevcrv twlvp lmnr urmtr to thirty ounces avoirdupois of water in presptrauon. Ilumus is partially decayed organic mat ter. When organic matter reaches a certain period of deer.- it forms a dark colored mass, and decomposition proceeds slowly. This dark mass is humus. OLIVER BROS., Lumber Dealers Wichita, Kansas. Wichita, Maytield, Wellington, Harper, Attica, Garden Plain, Antnonv, Arkansas City, An dale and Haven. Plymell & Leighton's Stage Line. tfHyfftiNiiiiihrmH Inwlill I BW 1 JI x .. fix-. . c Valley Centre, Sedgwick County, Kas W. H. STERNBERG, Contractorand Builder Office and Shop 349 Main St. Kansas Loan and Investment Co. Capital, $1G0,000. Money Always on Hand to Loan on Farm and City Property Office in Wichita National Bank: Building, Wichita, Kan. HOTGHKINS & WHEELER, FII'JST CLASS WOP.K at LOWEST PRICES. Esti mates furnished on short notice WICIIITA. KAS. J. P. ALLEN, DBTTGGIST Everything Kept in a First-Class Drugstore. Wichita, Kan. REAL ESTATE I EXCHANGE BRIER S SOLE AGENTS FOR A few years agt a great many of the older sealers will nauemhjr that Mr. St. Jblm was in our rity ami irade a speech ia tho old Eagle hall, and aiong the xasxvy declarations made nyon that occasion was: "may my tongue .cleave to th roof of my mouth and may my right hand forget its cunning should I ever be so ungrateful as to turn my hack upon the Republican party, the grand old party that rescued our country from the hands of the bloody jMMfein!" Amon t!"' guests verc Phil Brown a:.d ; Harper, took a large dosco ife, Mr? and Mr. II. 1). Histcruua, Mr. ! rati." and died iu "twenty 7 wu aud Mrs. Stov c, Mr aad Mr. Rice, Mr Stewait and Dr. and Mrs. Dumn, all of Wichita; Mr. and Mr-: J. A. Row, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Carpenter. .Mr. and Mr. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. O. Ii. Siison, Mr. week a woman bv the unmnf FisTi- ' bvjch, who lived four miles northeast of of "rouirh on minuUa. Her husband bring jealous of her and making things unpleasant around the house was the cause of her uKUh. Democrat. The subscription fuud for Mrs. General Hancock now amounts to ioO.000. The and Mr;. W. L. 3IcDovell, all of Col- wiow of General Custer has fold 60,000 W-Kju j copies, of her book "Boots and Saddles." Altogether it was a success and left two , The bond election at Sedgwick Citv yes warm, generous hearts glowing with grat- terday resulted in a practically unanimous itudeforthe high persons.! regard shown vote In faror of the Chicago, Ft. Worth & them by the act. A Guest. J St. Joe railroad. SPr'ffleld Firjo Springtv ALL A BO AUD Pas jonwrs Tor Meal Center. Puilnbolt. Wet Plain. J.crtilla, rnrgpSprlmcsandaH points Jn South western kansa. will & time end monejr by going vl LEIGKTOXi PLYXELL-S LLVZ. .tIn37if7.t ,cimam,n nd GanJ-n City. Both day and night train now tot at rach of Oo joint STEDMA'N & CRANE, General : Insurance : Asrents FIRE, TORNADO, LIFE AND ACCIDENT. OmCE !! DOUGLAS AVE.VCTL lOr Itime' Irus Store) Largest Agency in the Vailey, ROSENTHAL'S ADDITION. This Addition is located in the north part of the city, between Fairview and Arkansas Avenues and is In the higheet part of city. W offer Special Inducements for tho next 30 days. No. 201, S-E CORNER DOUGLAS AVENUE AND MAREST GT. A N N E S S (A New Town), Drs. M. and H. BRAND0M. Twin Brothers. and Ear Infirmary I tho WEST WICHITA. For Bargains In Eeal Estate mm 1 Surgical Institute. Vsiijf Fcnsfly cf Icatur 12. Xo. 513 Eat DonjU aresu, Wichita. KiSMU.'ZZ Call on E. H. DEVORE & CO. CANCER CURED. Dr. H. Brandon, oce ot ti Twin BrrtT. jvcji fj-TCial atlrstiua lo tte tit-aZrnrl uf Canorr, tariojr treail a larsre nomtr-r cf can-a with uclvtnai uc ctm. I ttrl tt ciy duty to aay to Ukac wsSrrtng wjto UsdlYad(iteaeCascer.tbat I ftlrtrrr ttai Iran core you. If sot too far (ooe. Can trf tt rrum btaxam Ua;vcxuti with tike cancer rlrzx. So sooer rrasircd uatll cascer U rrjeorrd. I will refer yoo to a frw mil treated acjl csrei Herman Fcnk. Wlctlta. gan ; Antnr 1. Ai&enam. Borne, Kan.; Carton ivtitu-n; Hoow. Kaa Aaa Wolf OatvOi. Kas.; Eesry RfcJcaa. OatTtUe, aa. Located on the Loroy & Western Railroad, an extension oT Atcnison, Topelia & Tanta Fe Railroad, In Srle township. Sedgwick: county, Kansas, ovzned hy the Ar kansas Valley Town Company. PRICES LOW AND TERMS EASY. TWELVE TITLES FROM MTY Railroad Town, In a well settled and improved fanning community, insuring good support from the start. Call on or write me at once and secure choice o lots. G. A. HATFIELD, General Agent, Wichita, Kan. S. D. PALLETT, -DEALW. IX- Northern I Southern Pine Lumber, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS. Qmc. whitx s&Sff9SnSi1SSSiSS WICHITA, KAN.