Newspaper Page Text
., I,. n . , rTwrrmiiiiiwiiiiiiLTm $toe aictttta ailu laflle : $ftHtat fPorainfl, (QfAobfx 7, 1886. tiilrj&git M. M. MURDOCH, Baiter. THURSDAY MORNING. OCT. 7, 1886. REPUBLICAN TICKET. 6TATB TICKET. D. X. TALES rUn. u. ml. y iin county. Coc Lieutenant OoYeroor- A. r. UVUUI Ottawa eonnty. Fr Sacntuy of Bute K.RAIJJUC. Sedgwick cenntr fur State Treasurer-, B;Siiw w.Vlt.TO. - "" sumtiwoouBty. Par Attorney Oeneral a B. BRADFOItD. Ooaire ounty. for superintendent of Pnbltc Instruction- J. H. LAWHKaB. Bourbon county. FOB OOXGUE8SMEN rs Btatrlct nn n W. MORRILL, Brown ooanty. Second Dtatric- FOS-TCW. Allen county. Third Dl-W PEKKIXS. u Neoeha county, ourth District- TnoMAS RYAJf Sliawnee county. Fifth District HON. A. 8. WILSON. Washington county. eixth District HON'.E. J. TUBNEK. Sheridan county. SeTenth D'y B. PETERS, HarrcT county. JUDICIAL-18tU DISTKICT. Forjudge- ., ' ' Sedgwick County. COUNTY TICKET. tor Probate Judge- D JEWETT For aerk of strict Court- For County Attorney- aw.c. jokes. For County Superintendent- g For Commissioner Third Distotf. RANDALL. For Representative 82d Otlct- nATFIEU, For Representative 83d DWrlct- LAWRENCB For Representative 84th District- CARpESTER IMU'CHLICAN MEETINGS. Ttie .State Central committor nave made the fol lowing appointments for southwest Kansas up to ate: Governor John A. .Martin, Lieutenant Governor A. 1" lil.MlV' .ni.l U'.K.C'lou.l, of the old Second Kan iMc'iielrj. will address the lcopleat the follow mK tiiii"i antf i1kv to w It: "Xurloii. Ratlin! .j.OcioIh rj. lSSH 8 P. ill. lHitchluMii. Jlond iy. October 4. ISM",, 8 p. m. Kt.TlliiS. Tin --l.n. October .. lbol'. S p in. Judi-.VC I-K.IrUnd. of 'lopeWn. Judge Hiram St"eiiOinl oth. rRAv ill .i.luuh lie jx-ople on the lb kU.M .r thedaj at the follow Ins time .ind pact: Paola. O- tolx-rt. !".. at : J)p. ni. Ottawn. ThomI i. October... IsSh. at - p. in. Hiirlincton, WViImmI.iv. October's. IvV. at .-X) p.m. Iiurel.a. Tlimsd.1, October T. lfc.. at l P- " Kl Dorado. Filduj. OctoUrS. 1,. at .:. p. in, Wichita. Kilurd.i. Octob. rl, !. at .:) 11. in. Kli'Kinan. iloml.n, OUolif r 11. ISM'. :tt .wO p. m. WcllWtoii. 1 ucsdaj. (Mokr W ISsfi. at ,.jl p. n. Cililncll. WtdiusdJ.Octobci U, i . l ni. Anthonv. Thui-Mln. October II. 1S. at , p.m. Sledlcllie I ti !ge. Friday. Oct. 15. lbSfi. at 7.K p. in. Kw John J. Invito and other, w III address the j.uhllconthej)lltk.l lss,ucsof the un,t the fol lowing time ami place- .-.., FnMWnUSatunla. October U, IsW, at 7M) 1J. m. Anth!"": Wedm-K-laj . 0 lolx-r Jo. 1M, at 7.S p. in. SciiatorVlumti ai.d others will addrei! the lnople on the olltlc.d issue-, of the day at JJcI'liernon, Monday. N'pt. 'it. at .-TO p. m. laical eoniniltt are re(tiested lo m ike all noces s.n arnuiKementB for all tiit-MS mettlngs. 1 osiers lurnlshed 1) this commit tee. Ity ord. r 6t the central comniitteo P.LUONEimAKK. HLMti Bi:NILETr. Ciialrmau. hecretarj . KKPUIJLICAN MEirTlNGS Tor the Seventh Coujin ssional District. Scott City. Scott county, Tlnirday , Oit. .. at p. in. hix.iKtis.S It. 1 itLiham I A. W , Smith. Belle PUine. Sunnier county. Thursilaj, O. t. 7.)n m. hiitaLecs. W.S Morris tt.i:. lj.thy r JO 7, at aim T Tailor. Sracu-.c, Hamilton county. Krlda. Oct. 3. at ..jD ji. in. peaUra.S 11 Peter!.. A. W. Smith and . K. ltrow n. . . ,. ,. Dodce CItv, rord-ount. S umd iy, O.-t. !. at .-; p. m. .speakers. S. IU Pettrs, J. A. -Murraj and II. Sterling. Pico county . Patuidaj , Oi t. !, tt t "JO p ni. Spo.ikers, G W. Clement, A. W. Sn.ith ami . L. Latliy. .. , ... . -.. Khislcv, P.dwai lseountv, .loin! n. Oct. 11. at .-)! p. in. Speaker., S. It. I'ettr, J. P.Grti nice and Hen ry Itooth and 'lim Jlet'arl j. Iii'ied. Pinni-e eoiinty, Tuesij ir. October 12, at 7.3! '. in. Sptakers. S. K. Pcte, M. W. Sutton. J.K. orttiihs-aidJ. W. Hamilton. ureat lieiwl, Hai ton count v. odncsda), 0( tober 1 1 ut7.JJt. m. Sinakeis. s It. Peter-, O. W. Clement. It. Jlntih Id am! J. W. Hamilton. -..,. . OanlenCiH. rinne count. Oct. 14, nt J and 7. p. ni. Spe.ktr..S. It IVteis, J. C. Strang. W Jlh. H. HKelle andThos.J. Jae-ksou. Mount JIoik', Si'dKwkkcouiiii. I ridai. Get. 1"., at W n. m. frKuUrs. J. It. Hallow ell. T. r. Iaj lor anil . A. .lnrra. d ... Lons llloo cc unty, Frldaj.Oet. I . at . M p. in. Spakei. h. It. Peters O. W. C lenient and A. . Smith. ,, , -.....-.., Siratogii. Pratt couiit. Tlilir-i'aj, Oil. 11. at . JO i. in. Speakers. J. It. Hallow ell. linuic dilate, and "Pi'at t, Print county, l"rlda, Oet. 1 at 7:3) p. in. .Speakers. J. It. Hallow ell. I-rank Gillette and C. S. Mi'Pherson, McPherson count. Saturday, Oct. Ifi, at '' p. m. and 7- p. in. Sl akei-s, s. r. P tor. C, V Clcmi-nt, W. i:.Stanle,U. Hatlleld.W. E. Lath, J. W. White. P.. II. Allen. Attica, Harper count v. Monday, Oct. In nt ..TBI p. in. Speikers, ,. IL Pet rs W.S. Morris, J. W. Hau-;li and E. II. Allen. IlariH'i, Harjiei county, Tucday, Oct. 13. at . X)p. ni. Six-akt rs, S It. l'etors, 'I. A. Mceal, IS. HatlklU .ml J. W. Hamilton. 31e.lleineljo.tge, Harbor county. WislneMlai, O. t. 7)) p in. Sieakers. S It. Pete'4, J. A. Hay, O. H Sm lliiu audi nil McC art. Wellington, fcuinner counts. Thuida. October 21. at 7 SiJ ji m. siieaki rs. s. K Peters, (5. W. Olcnu nts, . t. C....t,l. - 1' s-r itil.. T fin Ni. '.irt nml I It A'l-ll. , ' Wlehitn. SSedgw l"k cmi'itj . frldaj.Oct. '.'.,, ot -jO i pm. Sptakir- S. It. Peters. J. H. Hultow til. t'rank Gillette. (,. W.C'h nu lit, J. . H.iliiiltoil and lim M'-farl. , . . . Caldwell. J-unnu r oitinlj , Saturd iv, Oet 2:!. at p. m. Sue ikt"-i. S. It i'eters, j. i;. ami i. MtN.Nd Walnut Cltr. Ilu-lt c.uut. "londnj. Oct. .".. at .-a p.m. Sj-.ikers, s IS. Pcleri. t! W. Mmudi.S V !a i.siil H.n VieTart. La ' t Hie. Itudi eounty. Tuesday. Oct. 20. at 7) p. m SjK.Tktrs, s H lMei. W It Univ.u. 1. L Cnpoisn and Tim Jlci art . Moieison. Henoei'Uiil. Tues.ii. Oet 2C, at . ' p m sjNUtrh, Frank Gillotte. G -o I). Orner ami i W Wnlte . , St Joliu. eoiriti. Thufcdn,Oct. 2s, at . Jl i in .siKMkert., S. It Peters. H O I.i idhoa and I5. L. C h ipm in ...... , luk-i. Pratt ouaty. tnony. .vt. nai .a ii i'i Speakers, ,s K IVl rs. . O .IMihfcoi.. Prank C.U Ueie ind It. il , mil it. iitinoiti. -, tttdil 11 .'" it!"""1'11' 1",111 Wc" U mthlu n"d liiktn riime eounty. KMiiny. Cct w. at 7- p. in SiHMkeisj II H Kellei K Urow a aim J v, iui.u Stvr.l I-nwn-nei., T. btai.I.' A full attendance is requotrtl r.t nil tlie-e lueot-liu-v 11,-. or tfce 1 eiir will be aliij njul thoi otLIt l lllfVlS'sscl W r: UVTUY. K. 1.. CHAl'MAX. beoreta:;.'m 11. Com 0. Wnnjl Pi vis I olographs fioui Xt'v York that tJia work of construction on the Chiftigo, Si Joseph .t Ft Worth railroad will lwgir. imaictliniely after the bcni.l' mc votl in Hiirvt'V uui Dickinson coantie? With ail hi .-ngunos an 1 idioevneracies tnr IIonorjLle .Tohn .PeUr .Joins now tnv riie, atui -, .r.u. ..i..,. -.- .v .i 3 ? Tv- . vi-?!l1' tic - .......-......... i It - said thai when ihicvas fall out lion- ( -ntnaoitHtfirUue. a to to oe iiopcft . . . t . t th- saving will rove xjually true astol nieU.'roloit. "War ha- 'jrokci out t.frosh bPl"-: Wiasdd aud Proctor and now th-itthev are addressing themselves strictly to caok other in a personal sort of way. we T.i-iv lioiv fur a reJOito. for a time at least, froin earthquakes, bli7.::rils, etc.. and cu Khi'!iini. KiiimaiiCMitil, Snuirtl.., e'Ci. ., vi i ......v...o vi ...... . ..... ..... .... ..v-.. ... , lu.jmUiiuiiis iuiut iu.w n iu tcs1i.-i u, eiu- 7 w , in . sihm rs. s 11. p t. is., ii o . Havidsan. laiho:id. In Missouri, like m other states , ,.r. ,,, .iui,.., rr,, ,., f T T lajliir. it JiaUlHMmlJ. w l.aiwiu'y. r..fnrrrl in llif iwssiiipnt nf r-iilrnqi's fnr ' J " ...vv- w ri.i.uio i.irdtount satutd.i,Ht.a.ai7sa)ii. relerrrtl to, tiieasstJssmenioi ranroaus ior . . .,,,,.,.. it sucker h ii Keltex. w It ltiowu. Htiir taxable piirpoes and bv the state boards , this organized ettort, is m my judgment, ii.nui .vui .1 w sub . , r-.ii..i ..ThI t'io -.-illiniT ctn-h nvorss than no eliort at all. i wtcu. Hr e tountv Mo: .lav, o 1. at 7.30 Ii is lipQIl tllC rOatlUCtl tlUU 1. 1C .Oiling SlOtlv . ... .vVi v u w ( lenient, lamrs i lA, ' ' 1 he foregoing reasons, added to the fact laviut. 11 Wl )lu!.v.ul.d W. 1. "" J t. .ml tli. lets slin a nlain. Uomt, blunt or S " " " " want homfe,tea(I? in Ui? oeouuiui land uow T, . . , . . -i .- 1 : ,..i. ins;minv miles ul treeless pkuns. wood :imt pnncioallv inliabitcrt oy l . fc. troops ana f.ut. J-oniutrt-t-e, he 4atca in IH5pJC"Ji 1 - , - . trvirnt; "Th men nr "Jiuii lt this . . . f m 1 .. 1 wstor in uleatv tor lu tusm. coyote, iiies. mm . re .ituLK si uii . the olht r 'lay that tne caase 01 Cicvflaml 1 f "-.,, , ,. . , tcrriton- will eventually be opened u them, d H-ti m va' tiit ki nrntrv Rcmliicau, lh !lm of U loa ra!1 hardl-v te -vet and theV are patiently' waiting for perrns- j thron away their vote,. Thfc b lnila- imaU? ' ,M,t Sf h w11 be ! - P Jf ,$. ? , joy, a stationary weather.' tciaparature and fair The famous Gen. Casstis M. Clay, of Kentucky, who hus at one time or another belonged to almost every politicel party which has nourished in this country for fifty years, announces that he has de termined to re-enter politics. He has not nude up his mind whether to run for con gress or for governor, and he does not say what his platform of principles will be. He is 77 yeara of age, but is as hearty and vigorous as ever. An unknown man recently entered the offiee of the receivers of the Texas and Pacific, and placed upon Colonel Noble's desk a voluminous manuscript which, upon examination, prove to be an argu ment against pools, bearing the title, "Which is most harmful to a city a rail way pool or an earthquake?" The argu ment was to the effect that pools were the moht harmful, and Agent Noble indorsed upon the papers, "Author respectfully re ferred to Charleston." Recently a steamboat was loaded at Ar kinsas City with a cargofo'heat, corn and other produce and shipped for Fort Smith. The trip was successfully male and pro-.ed a profitable one to the owners of the boat and cargo. We men tion this to call attention to the great Ar kansas as a channel of commerce, which it will le when opened properly for naviga tion. Little or no money has been appro pr ated for or expended upon the river in the way of opening it for navigation. When this is done by appropriations from the government commensurate with the importance of the stream and interests of the country, the growth and development of the commercial and agricultural inter ests Aill be proportionately enhanced. fiHXIUS IN msuuiSE. The professional tramp is something of a gcuiusf'ntopicablc as is his profession. B-ing otherwise disengaged his inventive powers have full play, and if he would but apply them in a different direction than devising a scheme to procure a meal with out giving a quid pro quo, he might and doubtless would-accomplish something for hib own betterment and that of his fellow men. The novelty, not to say originality, of his devices usually brings its reward at least to the extent of his ambition, i. e. filling for an empty stomach. Occasional ly he i i above the commonplace aspira tion, that move him and performs an ex traordinary feat. For instance, a few nights ago he placed an obstruction on a railroad, and assuming the ioIc of a farmer, took his stand en the track in the direction of an approaching passenger train signalled it down and reported the obstruc tion. The grateful passengers made' up a purse on the spot and rewarded him for his noble act of rescuing them, as it were, from certain destruction. His object was accomplished; the obstructions were re moved fiom the track and the train moved . Likewise our hero. HOB TAYLOK'S l'lGUKATlVK KEPLY. -roni the Atlanta Constitution. Speaking of the Taylor brothers and their remarkable campaign in Tennessee, the follow ing good story comes from that direction: During the session of the Democialic comention in Nashville, Bob Ta lor's name was befoie the convention :s it cjindidiite. Bob was in Knowille. A repoit was jmt in circulation that Bob only doiied the Jiouor of a nomination, and Ins ambition being gratified, he would decline to run. One of his ardent friends, becom ing excited, telegraphed: "Say positively whether you will accept the nomination il tendered you." Bob was a little puzzled how to answer such an inquiiy, but ra tied the following answer over the wire.: "A poor old man once dragged himself twenty miles to see my mother. When he got ready to leave he said: "3Iadam, if you don't belice 1 can tote a ham home just trv me!" comparison or AsyusMi:Nr. Secretary of State McGrath gives the as sessment upon the railroads of Missouri by the State board of coualization at its session this M'-ar at lo,y22,295. Adding to tliis the S'S.OOO.OOO of local assessments the total 1 caches above 50,000,000. The following comparison by states is made: Iowa, 7,4.)0 miles; alu:Uiou, $&,:216,G88, en- $4,435 per mile. Kansas, 4,517 mile; valuation, 32.134.936, or 7. 171 per mile. Illinois, s,U25 miles; valuation, $G0,9S7, 317, or $7,!00 per mile. Aikansa'?, 1,745 miles; valuation. 13 704,93'j, or $7,!5o2 ivr mile. Jlissoun, 4,().il miles; valuation s.j.,,-,'j:.,, or ili.biu per mile. i The gross earnings of the railroads ot i Iowa in 18Ki weie 35,492,423 and the net j ) I earnings 1 t.OUl.O'JO. The gross earn- ings ot the railroads in .Missouri in lbbo j):irtv declares in her conventions iu favor )1!7. of prohibition, that she don't belie her 0L4.)2. 1 he Missouri PacilP raihoad in l . . thi, state is asssed this year at lS,70fl.- principles by electing to ofiice men whom 42 a mile'. This is the highest assessment she don't expect will, nor intend shall en on any railroad. The highest assessment i force tIie .uv i desre a 0 sav that had on a laiircad in Kansas is S13.300.4S; in . . . . ., ,' , Iowa, 14,300, ond in Illinois S13 375 a your p-irty organized early, and gone to mile. The Illinois Central railroad navs In , work in a systematic and e.irnct manner its corporate capacity direct to the state an ,mllHjtT 0f 7 pu. oent. 0ll its gro dining. ;... 11 1 ? - : I by it when charteicd, and paying no other ' ta., i5 not included among the assessed .Mi:niCINE LODGE T the Uditor oi the Kale Pirfcht little -Jlotlicinc it may well be calletl, as the town is ibclf a revelation of beauty, with its rolling landscape and cir clets of nicely wooded stud dainty streams. ii . umiMiuj wllVu-.u i.. juuuHiu of three pretty water cour, the .Medicine ,. . .... ...... ,1 .i i. ;.......:..' , liver. Elm ami Snrintr creeks. In the earlv settlement of the county thU sot was . s onA$, i iHjrft'ct haven for the ne weu. Immer . , . ,..-,.. ' was ueeieo, wnicn win a?o inume iecome my at eomuiavati lmportaae?. t l.HiAiitn I r4rr- 1. itt.n fiiA rtr i ...- --fe- . - " i- it'll nf tl.irtier. one of lar'twt tvuin- J ties in V western Kansas. The j bad in the county i5 perhaps the most roll- i vz of any in the -western part of the'state. but the tilable land is extremely fertile and win prouuet: ui nv:ivio.-i tioj-3 mwhu .:i - . the Male. It is also the beat watered coun tv m the state, its numerous streams mas ing stock raising a profitable and pleasant 1-nlrr.i.1c .f t!ijt vtiitn nrr 1 it ntcnssrrt nj Tn...l.i:.r. ...:.!.. 1. ..... nnr...nn. il,.-. An I . TiUUU Ctt -V. 7 -J UUV -0 IIIHI .? WU l-V. -.V.VM-i . - x .- a-v,--v- r pursuit. With the.coming of the railroad this city has taken a new start and its show ing of handsome brick buildings including one of the finest hotels in the state, is very large. Its class of business and profes sional men are of the very best, full of energy and enterprise for their beautiful town. The improvements this year are as fol lows; The Thompson block corner of Main and First street is a large and hand some brick and stone building 75x100 feet, with an opera house up stairs. The busi ness portion will be occupied by the McNeal, Little & Thompson Banking Co., Ramsey & Shelden, general merchants, and the Cressett printing office. The total cost of this block will be over $15,000; Hig gins & Byerly block on Main street, 50x100 feet, and cost fully 8.000. This will be oc cupied as a furniture and dry goods store. T. A. McNeal ,on Kansas avenue, 25x40, a handsome brick building for offices only. Wood & Vincent, on 3Iain street, a two story brick, 25x60, cost about $3,500 and will be occupied as a boot and shoe store. The most important building, however, is the new court house. This is a beauti ful and ornamental brick structure, with two stories and basement. MR. CAMPBELL DECLINES. To the County Central Committee of Sedgwick County, Kansas: Gentlemen: After due consideration, I hereby decline to be a candidate for county attorney on the Prohibition ticket. Please accept my thanks for the honor your convention conferred on me, and the confidence in me you manifested by giving me the nomination. It is due to you and the party who nom inated me, in explanation of my course, to say I knew nothing of a convention of the Prohibition party in this county until il o'clock a. m. of the day it was held. I did uot attend the convention. I was not a candidate before the convention. I said to a committee who called on me after the convention to notify mc of my nomination, and to ascertain if I would accept the same, that I would take the same under advise ment, but in my judgement the party had made a mistake, and that it would probably result in electing the person least desira ble. I am of the opinion that we must con tinue to look to the Republican party for the success of constitutional prohibition. I am disposed to try it a little longer, at least. lam not opposed to prohibition; our constitution provides for it, and we ought to be in harmony with our organic law. Nor am I opposed to the Prohibition party; nor to its organizing, and, if it see fit, placing a ticket in the field. Men cer tainly have this political right. As I un derstand them, they only propose to make effectual what the Republican party has undertaken, and what it continually piom iscsthe voter it will do, viz. : enact laws which will prohibit, and then enforce them. ' I am a Republican; and while I am far from believing that the Republican party has done its whole duty, yet it is trne that what has been gained in the direction of temperance, has been very largely accom plished by the advocates of temperance, working through the Republican party. Shall we desert her because she has not ac complished more? Let us "dig about her" and givo her to feel more than ever before, that the advo cates of temperance and prohibition expect great things"of her, and if disappointed we will surely launch out in our own ship. The Democracy have shown their hand in this county in a manly way; no one need be deceived as to their position on prohibi tion. No Prohibitionist can consistently vote with this part- now. Democracy promises nothing but opposition to this principle. The Republican party reso lutes grandly, and if she will live up to her resolutions and promises, she will inake prohibition as grandly successful as it is possible for any Prohibition party to make it. This the Republican party must do or die. I believe she will eventually do it. There is no middle ground on this question politically. Prohibition is spreading. It will soon be a national isuc. The Tie publican party dare not shirk it. I don't believe she will. L?t the prohibi- Ho!1 ,.. S! to it lht nrohibition is made l , n. , , , ., . . a succ&ss by the oiheers whose duty it is to enforce it, and that wmlc the Republican to canvas the county, 1 should have been senousiv iiiciiueu iu iihu a ikiuu T. !.- : ! .1 ... 1 I ..!..... . f..,..rl Wlth -vou not th:lt I wou!d 1,ave pectcd to be elected, but that both Democrats and that I am a comparative stramrer in this county lead me to decline vour nomination. I Thankinc von for the honor. I am with re-pect. J. P. Campbell, i AJ. .......fcl. va jiupt .. uj 11,1 . v up their residence in Sumner, Harper, Cowley and other counties, solely for the rPl.r. iHTmlwir rtT .!. 1a.. . ..!-... Oklahoma countn-, reaches up in the thou-, Everv dav manv such men ran w ' I""!'"' " .nm.nii uit 7iuuiui; ul liiu j met iith in NVellinijtou, Caldwell, llarner. ' aa',nd 5 eery town and pillage in the border j mcil 0f uot very lluh circumit&nct. who, i he Uilk of councils of war m tlic cast is 1 an evil foreboding. It is about time for I the periodic dLsturbancc of the peace of the ' Rakan nrinwrmlitles tnocir .and the ton. i ..-. . . . .' l)er of the Bulgarian- seems to be just ridit for it. Diplomacy i5y avert the pcC'Hag ( 1 clash for a season, but it is coming. ' The report of the Utah commission to th .-retary oi me mienor, as ii apjJtara m - j this morning's dispatches, make an encour-j - j aging ihowmg of work done in that diree-1 hion. I Wholesale and ltctall Dealers In -C:0:A:L- Colorado & Pennsylvania Anthracite And all kinds of Canon City, Trinidad and Osage City, Blossburg, Pa., Piedmont, W. Va. McAllister, Fort Scott, Cherokee, Rich Hill and Pittsburg Coal. Lime, Plaster, Cement, Brick, Side walk and Buifding Stone. OFFICES. Bip P.ed Seale, 07) Douglas nve, S side: 177 Water street. Let. Douk.'im and First I OLIVER BROS., Lumber Dealers i Wichita. Kansas. Wichita, Mayfield. Wellington, Harper, Attica, Garden Plain, Anthonv. Arkansas City, An dale and Haven. Plymell & Leighton's Stage Line. ?' e.ue "- c K".....!!'"' Ccr.t ra-3oprr5i. ALL ABO.. KD j ,v ., MreaI CoBtw ?,Aah wtPUn,! wt awt. v.m hv m od t UHCKTOaf & VX.T2I.LS LIKE. Ilf(!.liwrterat Cimfcrreri ttml Oanteit City. IVMh -or -a-lsrfg-t trati oir stop at eac ti h-p jxrtai WEST WICHITA. For Bargains in .- tv 4t.T.oe J !&n , tb Center 5 c 9V rcil1er b, ril ,os City -yijf v&av 1 S y Jt ait if J a- I Eeal Estate., Call on E. H. DEVORE & CO. ' - ; i ' i Alfawn .i. Twenty Lots Will be offered at an Unusual Bargain for a few days at Bar tholomew's Office. Speculators and investors will find it to their interest to see for themselves. G-. W.BARTHOLOMEW. ISRAEL BROS., Druggist and Groeers First Block west of Tremont House WICHITA HT SIC Corner or Kmporla Aienuo an William Strict, south or Douglas Avenue. Director: CATHERINE RUSSELL. 0. B. JACOBS, RE ALES TATE MONEY TO LOAN ND IfiSURAKCE, Valley Centre, Sedgwick County, Kas W. H.STERNBERG, Contractorand Builder Office and Shop 349 Main St. FIIiST CLASS WORK at IjOWKST V1UCF-S. KMI , I mates ftiniihiil nu short notice. WICHITA. KAN. , J. P. ALLENS Everything Kept in a First-Glass t . Urugstore. Wichita. Kan. S,,j:Dn:aN & CRANE. 'Oeud: Insurance :knls: FIRE, TORNADO, LIFE AND ACCIDENT, OITOCB 1 DOCOI-AS ATttNUE. 10 x IsaneS nc trtj Lxrg. st Agency in the VaJley Drs. Mi 'and H. BRANDOM, Twin Brothers. &lix3& and Ear Irirms .sfJZ2g& 5 - ferSurcicat fnstrtuie. Kesji' a T?t i t;?S ctfW. & Uu-V Z CANCER CTJHBD. t- ir !i-iwVjn ecu. t tit Tr-fe Brv 'tut sar . ..ui fstof. !JtrteHrt Ouacrt. htc trK-fi - ktrs tea i I tft -rjs eeJrrt . t tn 1 rT tSEi tc SA t0 tV-wS!MM -WJT I ti-u.3l8cCk-Vil :;insr ti t a t ... v- ? tfJ ZBtT f CI j ,. ..-. . - r r-.- .( lap i--- -Jrtib jnourr ctar i sa'a ctso r U re t.fllW.rrffiMJ ffirKf C 1 trten-1 r.'r c-r - Jm. i reniorJ. ex trKiMrl sari Er. nmaiL -. WUfclia. K Vntar -. M-r'!. ? woutuV,--.i:tryii-J4.c:tirin. innSATTOTArl 01 MO! &- m. 1 $m&0 ' --. tl"3t . v x-rB . i-rr r.Jir Vi If $i$ i F. W. (SUCCKI-SOR TO Merchant Tailor. Keeps on hand Fne Goods of the latest styles. The largest stock in the citv batistaction pruaranteed. No F. W. X. r. MnEKINDrjr, Pr.wl.. i.t. A. V.'. OLfX'KU. Vic-I'rti.i.ont. Kansas Loan and APITAL, Money Always on Hand to Loan on Farm and City Property Office in Wichita National Bank Building, Wichita, Kan. HOTGHKINS REAL ESTATE I SOLE AGD3NTS FOR ROSENTHAL'S ADDITIOIT. Thic Addition i3 located in tho north part of tho cit7, between Fairview and Arkaneas Avenuea and ia in tho highest part of city. Wo offer Special Inducements for the next 30 dayo. i 'no. 201, s-b corner douglas avejiue and marj.t st. A N N E S S Locatod on tho Lerov & Western Railroad, an lento ft Atchison, Topcka & Tanta Fe Eallroad. la Srie lonwhlp. SSdgwick county, Kansas, ovme oy the Ar- iiaimas Vaiiay To-a Coaiptuiy. PP.X03S T.OW AND THESIS SASY. TVrznSTB MILES FSOM 6.2TY Bailroa3 Town, in a well sf tUetl and Improved farming cora-nanitj', ix-surtog good wpport frod tle start. CuV on or write me at once and secure choice o vr G A. HATFIELD, Gencii Aget, Wichita, Kt S. D. PALLETT, i Northern I Southern Pine Lumber, LATH, SHSSGLES, SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS. I Qro rjxii r vatj SWAB, F. STACK-AJf ) trcobie to show goods ,atl and see mc SWAL, Ht door N of County Building. W. W. ICH'KWOOIi, IjiihI Examiner. M. W.I.KVY,Tn ! J.C laTA.s M-cr.tnrr Investment Co. $100,000. & WHEELER, EXCILANG - BROKERS (A New Town), Tho -. a -wn!. Wlunt I A, rAN