Newspaper Page Text
OAUHW -tokhite wpm i fftfl. ;l - r VOL. V. XO. 122. WICHITA, KANSAS, FRIDAY MOBNING, OCTOBER 8, 1886. MUN80N I MoNAMARA. 123 and 125 Main Street. SiLKS. SILKS. SILkS. Our special drive this week is a lot of Colored Satin in the newest shades, aud a gooi quality, that vo can recommend to wear well, at on' $1 per yard. " "siLKS. SILKS. SiLKS. We have the exclusive control of two makes of silk for this market, aud k,i rii.irantco cverv vara. i are '. ik-hi" a rnu 011 one number that usually selis for $1.50 at 123: color; bl 10k Call for it at the silk counter.! PLUSHES. PLUSHES. PLUSHES. This is a season for plushes. We -how the newest coloring in several qualities and the prices will surprise 50U. The closest buyers will admit te are cheaper than ever seen be f. re. season. We earnestly invite you to examine our dress trimmings. A NEW TRIAL DENIED. Judge Gary, in the Criminal Court in unioago Yesterday, Overruled the Motion for a New Trial in the Anarch ist Case, After Reviewing the Points of Argu ments in that Behalf and Objec tions to Conrt'sBulings. STRIPED VELVETS. UNDERWEAR. One case Ladies Vests aud Pants at 35c each, worth 40 per cent more. One case Ladies all wool Scarlet vests and pants at S3c each, worth 40 per cent more. Another lot of fine imported Ruch ing at 5 aud 10 z par yard. One case Ladies all wool, regular made Hose at 25c per pair. One of our best bargains in Hose is a case of fine wool Hose at 50c per pair, usually sold at 75c. Ladies. Misses and Child reus Sax ony underwear in cream, pink, blue, aud cardinal. Lovely iroods. Call and examine tnem. 25 dozen ladies Cashmere Gloves at '25c per pair: very iiue and worth'50 cents. The Condemned. Men Called -Severally to Answer Why Sentence 1 Should "ot Pass. They Respond in Vindictive Ilar lJZ?Iangiic3, Denouncing: the Court and Their Accusers. THE DOOMED ME: Their Last Appearance before the liar of Just ice. the slightest evidence was ever produced iu Mid tv ui;;k J. uau iuijriuiu iu uu uw miu the throwing 01 tne nnssiie, unless you oe lievc the testi mony of the accomplices of .1..-. 4nc .4ts-.wn. nnrl HrtnTiififtfrt tho toe iuc arnica auiuucj ouu -uuiiuiut-iu, mv. -j- timony of Thompson and Gilmer. If there was no evidence to show that I was responsible for it, then my execution of the verdict is nothing but willful, mali cious and deliberate murder; as foul a murder as may be found in the annals of religious, political or any other sort of per secution. Judicial murders have in many cases been committed where the rep reseutatives of the state -were acting in good faith, believing their victims to be guilty of the charge they were accused of. la this case the representatives of the state cannot shield themselves with similar ex- l lation of capital and the unjustness of the reunions ueiwwui uuptucis uuucAupiucv. He said: "I lived among, the toilers. I was one of them. I slept in their garrets and cellers; saw 'the prostitu tion of female virtue which had no honest means of support, and strong men starve and die. That was in Europe; but I fooad the same state of thing in existence on com ing to this country. The speaker referred atome length to'the condition of the labor ing classes in Chicago in which he drew a dismal picture. He said: There is more socialists, natives of this country, than there are foreigners. From these causes the capitalistic press screens the fact very carefully. Then'followed a disquisition upon the principles and theory ot socialism anu an The Richmond Convention Not Yet Ready for the Transaction of cannot sineiu meniseives wuu iimuoi t-.- ynutijua auu iuw; aw.. cuses, for thev themselves have fabricated archy. He concluded by disavowing all r .1.- ..T,-.,.... ..:,.i. .- e .. i-nAwialim rif tlif niin who threw the Th"- is important as there is a rage 11 tripe3velvets "this season. Theyj .-.' a very desirable trimmiujr for alii jlnds o! wool dress goods. They are, tii two, three aud four tones, aud 6. me of the fiue goods arc perfect! works of art. Trices from $1.20 to $7.50 per vard. An idea of our as sortment can be had from the factj IuT wc show sixty-eight dillereut ty!cs and combinations of colors. DRESS TRIMMINGS. Wc have shown handsome dressj trimmings before, but never did wej display anything to compare in elc-j trance to thoe we have opened vthis YARNS OF ALL KINDS. Saxony, Spanish. German, Shellaud Floss, Fairy Floss, Zephyrs. Wc arc opening new linos of Nov elties now. Wo show choice aud prctly Suit goods for the infants. Ciiicado, Jct. 7. At 0 o'clock this morning a few police paced back and forth in front of the criminal court building. This is sentence day, said many or. the streets as they hastened toward the spot in hopes of entering the presence 01 Jud Garv and witnessing the sensational scenes hut onlv one in ten could get by the guards at the outer door and by 10 o'clock the dis appointed ones formed quite an assemblage on the corners and in front of the court house building. Inside the court room the yellow curtains were down and the bright ness of the outer day shed a sombre light on the assemblage. At 10 o'clock the prisoners were in their scats. They were not stolid and indiffer ent as o often before. A change had come over some of them, and they also exhibited nwtnnw tn frnvirt 'K We were convicted by a jury picked to convict us. I charge the state's attorney and Eonnlield with a heinous conspiracy to commit murder. I will now state a little incident which will throw some light on this matter: On the evening of the Hay market meeting, I met a young man, Kel cckner by nanie. My brother was with me at the time and never left me on that evening until I jumped from the wagon a few seconds before the explosion occurred. Hq knew I had not seen Sehwab-i on that evening, and he knew that no such conversation ever took place between us as testitied to by Thompson. He knew I never struck a match and ig nited thi fnsj' in the Immb. He is not a -ocialkt. Why did we not bring him here and put him on the tand, you ask? Be cause thv? honorable representatives of Grinnei aud Bonilield spiritefi him avay. They knew hK testimony would prove the imriiirr nf Thnmnon :ind Gilmer. re ! Twill refer to the testimony given by a 0 . few of our witnesses. The wage workers es; betran to -ay a few things very objection- The Business that- Called Together Credentials Com mittee Not Reported. it Thrilling Experience of Seventy-Five Persons Caught in a Burn ing Buildinj-. DHESS GOODS. This season our Dress Gods stock could truthfully be called mammoth: with an endless variety ot plain fab ric;: with a:i endless variety of novel ties: with an endless variety of combi nation suits of the latest productions. We fairly eclipso all previous efiorts. JfilNSON & McMMARA. r Opposite Fostoffice. Philadelphia Store Corner Douglas ay. and Market St. SPECIAL -.- SALE THIS WEEK. 200 Pair all Wool Scarlet Blankets at $3.50 Per Pair.; Worth Fully $5. For This-Week Only. evidence of great concern. Judge Gary in delivering his dccLion re viewed at considerable length the evidence brought out at the trial and said, concern ing the instruction- to which exceptions were taken by tiie defence: On the auestious of tire instructions vt-iwitiior thr?- dnfaiuhinis. or auv one of them, did anticipate or expect the throw ing of the bomb on me mgut 01 mo iui nAl:iv. is not a uuestion of which I need to consider, because the instructions did not go upon that ground. The jury were not instructed to find them guilty if they believed that they participated in the throwing of the bomb or encouraged or ad-vL-cd the throwing of the bomb, or had knowledge that itw:is to be thrown, or any thing of that sort. The conviction has not one upon the ground that they did have anv actual participation in the act which caused the "death of Degan, but upon the unilpr instruction.?, that thev had generally, by speech and print, auvisea a nirre clas to commit murder and had left tluf occasion, time and place to the individ ual will, whim and caprice of the individ uals so advised, and that in consequencs of that advice and in pursuance of it and in- flnnnrWI Tur it SomelKKlv, not Known, uiu uiru m bomb that caned Degau's death. Xow, under these circumstances, in the inQ.imed ttrt of rml IF-- mind at the time, each of these orators at the llaymarket was still more inflaming the puouc mmu wneu sv advised the people to use force, and some man 1 do not sav uientiucu or umutim- lied some man in that crowd, when the police anproached, with a bomb of Lingg's manufacture, kills Degan. All who have advised such action are guilty of hU murder. If anvthing can be proven by circum stantial evidence, that is proved, that he threw the bomb, in consequence of the in fluence which these teachings, this advice bv speech, bv printmg, over a course of two vears. that the man who threw that hnmh had been educated nn to it by the teachings of these defendants. These, as I said before, are unprecedent ed: there is no example of any uch crime haying been committed; there is no prece dent of anv case like this having become the subject of judicial investigation. t.ut the principle of the same is" pretty well fixed. The court then passed to the objection urged against the form of sentence, and quoted from 109th Illinois on the point, and said there was nothing m the c.rcnm stauces showing anything less than mur der. The instructions in regard to man slaughter might have leen refused, 1 here was no reason for them at all. Passing to the alleged disqualification of the jury on account of having read accounts of the crime and having formed opinions thereon, he thought the Xcw York decis ions settled the case, and if verdicts are to be set aside for the reason- urged it would be the surest way to bring about anarchy, for there would be no way in which th.' government could be maintained and the Taw administered. He concluded by saying. I think upon the whole proof that no ease could be trietl of such magnitude as this with less in the wav of irregularity of proceeding in the trial, than was dont- in this case. The motion must be overrulal. Tiie court then addressed the prisoners as follows; Prisoners at the bar. for the tii-t time during this painful and protracted oKcinn it i. mv liutr tn siwak to vou and call on you individually and separately now to sav wncmer you uavc : juivuimg uj an whvseutence should not be passed on vou according to the verdict of the jury. I will first call upon Mr. Xeobc. Capt. Black Let me sugges; to your honor that I am advised thai the defend ants expect to speak in resjxmsc to this severally at considerable lengts. Would it not IfC better now to acTjcurn until 2 o'clock? The coart then adjourned to 2 p. m. AVlmn tfif j-rtnrt w:i- nwnpf! this a'ter- noon the defendant, Spies, at o. ce address-' cii tae court wiui manesenpe m aantt. i i said; Vour honor: In addressing this court ilik tc rfme of our particu lar friend-.. Thev thought eight hours of toil ought to constitute a day's work. Tim rol lln rcirrlit tn lii sUpnrwl :1tlfl it W:1S left to Boninehl to cansummate the wishes of the citizens' association. Honiheld, with avL-age.that only needs to be seen to be mistrusted, w.-l-. the man to do thi3 work. If I had thrown that bomb; if I knew the man who did throw it, I would not hesitate to own it. This, your honor, is no occca sion why -.eatence of death should not pass upon me in a court of justice, if tnnt term can be applied t this tribunal. I remember t!u the Chicago Tribune of "FVhmftrv G!'.. lSbo. contained a long ac count of dynamite bombs to be used against rebellious workingmen. Why wa? not the editor of the Tribune trial for opousing the doctrines of dynamiters, for that L all the Arbeiter Zeitung did? And why was noL the editor of the Daily Xews? In his paper there was a long account of the man uf.n'ture ot somas anu one ot uiem v.;i:, found in hl- possession. This is, your honor, another r.-ason why sentence of ?.. !m ulwitild not t.e nrnnonnced. -. I have leen a resident ot tins city tor as long a trine as Grinnei!, and as good a one, I know; I sbouid not like to be compared with him. lie has appealed to the patriot ism of the jury; but in answer to that I shall (mote Jrom an English statesman: 'nitnotism h uie las-i reson tu a scuim-; drel". The -ysem of wages is the root of ' the present social iniquities, iniquities o mon-trous as to cry to heaven. - Gr.nnell has informed us 'that anarchism was on tn-.i Anirfliijin IxOfinr-s to speculative phiiosophvand not a word was said about anarchism at the llaymarket. But if an archism is on triat I am, proud to say that I am an anarchist. You mav pronounce vour sentence on me, honorable judge, but let it b2 known that in th vear 1SSG. in the state of Illi nois, eight men nave ioi iiicir iau m human progrcs- II is tIu" oltl auestion. Look over these pages of the history of r.w inr" T?nmp. There vou will see the records of the self same struggle; the ruling f class deminating the poorer one. Honorable udge, the demons ot hen would join in tiie laughter that follows a Tl .!. .,::., rf rl.r. n-.m-r vour sentence is to become in this country bomb and protested that he meant to do no violence at the llaymarket. Schwab is short sighted and he read his speech from notes, which he held up close to his eyes, and delivered it in a monoto nous voice. His use of English was pecu liar. "Wlmi. f:!pnvin wlin liflS. tllft cheek tO tell us our doctrines will not prevail?" he asked. The question caused tke first smile that was seen in the court room all day. Oscar Neebe, the next speaker, had no sooner taken the floor than he burst into violent abuse, calling States Attorney Grin nei a cur, his assistants, Messrs. Walker ec Furthman, scoundrels, saying there was only one gentleman in the crowd and that -ivns v- Inimim. The police were assailed. .- . s-.-. , . : i.. r and in short -Neebes speecn was a urauuui abuse, villifving the police and authorities. He abandoned himself to a wild appeal for the judge to hang him with the others. 1 ie cried: It would be more honorable to be all strangled by the neck than to die by inches. Mv wife and children will then be at ease some time, but they can never get over it if thir iinsbiina anu iaiaer is sent 10 rfim Conditions Unchanged in the Cattle Plague The la Mascottc Disaster. WHOIiE NO. 748. Tke La Mascotte Disaster. St. Louts", Oct. 7. A spcciailto Ae "P.-wt.Ti.TvtfT fmm f?ne Girardeau savs: "There are no new particular in regard to the burning of La MascoUe. The coroner is holding an inquest on the bodies ot tnosc who lost their lives in the disaster. Tho captain and pilot of the Eagte were berorc .-. ,-ir,l..- Thox- tstified that thttV did all in their power'to rescue the passen gers and crew on xnc Duming wu -.-captain testified that he could not ran his boat near the La Mascottc. for his own vessel would surely have taken fire. Cap tain Ebaucb. denounces the crew of the La Mascotte for cowardice and selfishness in looking to their own safety ami not at tempting to rescue the d-owmng ami burn- Yir.ti?r Tlinmnsnn nf thi La MaSCOtte says "the Eagle could easily, and without any daDgcr to hcrselt, nave pusuea uie burning boat ashore. The tcstimonv of passengers who were iiiscuctl coincHles with that of the officers of the LaMascotto K'IGIIT5 OP LABOR. Another Day Spent in Wranjrlinsr Over Contesting Delegations. Hang me, vour honor, with my conira ie? ing me, your honor, wun ray comra ies T.-lnii T.-icr-lwrV turn cjime next and h Vi-as on the point of admitting his connec tion with the --revenge" circular when Salmon, mindful of the bearing it icigh" have before the supreme court, trial to check him. It wsis useless. Fischer said : " our honor i ou ask me to sav why sentence of death should not be paed'upou me. I will not talk much. I protest against being sentenced to death because I have committed no crime. I was tried in this jury room for murder, and I was convicted for anarchy. I do not denv that I was one of the party who summoned the meeting in tiie Hay market, but I know no more about the throwing of the bomb than 3lr. Gnnnell docs. Perhaps it's a fact, and I do not denv " I fere -Mr. Sal in. .n roe and going over to VUfMipr whi-nered something in his ear. Fischer turning round, said sharply: Don't interrupt me: I know what I am talking ahout. Salmon retired and Fischer continued: I do not deny that I got up the circular and I had a line put in calling the workingmen to come armed. I bad my reasons. I am not convicted because I am a murderer. I am convicted because I am an anarchist. I have never been a murderer, but I know a man who is on the way and is becoming a mur ,i.rr nn1 rim. i"Strt,V.s Attornev (irinncll: because he placed men here on the stand he knew would swear falsely in a cae where eight lives were at slake. An an archist loves his principles better than hi life, and I am prepared to die for the prin ciples, on account of holding which I feel I am to be sentenced to death. That is all J, have to sav. The defendant, Lingg, began making his speech after Xeebe and Schwab had con cluded, and before he had concluded, at 5:1") p. m., the court adjourned to 10 o'clock tomorrow without formally pa ; ing sentence. CAPITAL 1$U1ET. Richmond, Va., Oct. 7. The delegates of the K. of L. convention msjtat li:L m Armorv hall. As to details f work, the four walls of the armory barred out the outer world. At the close of the morning sc-sina mat ters were exactly m the-same position a thev were last iiight. Discu-stun of -the Morrison case was resumai directly after the opening of the session and was contin ued until session adjournment for dinner. When the afternoon session lgan the Morrison case was once more taken up,and it was expected that it would be disposal of within an hour and that the case of the St. Louis delegation would then Ik- proceeded wit'i. Contlltion Unchanged. Chicago. Oct. 7. Thf condition of affairs about the quarantined eaUlsshc&J L still unchangat. -While there was. a smaller percentage of deaths among the animals yesterday, there was a slight in crease in" the number of cases reporial and anxietv among stockmen was greater than on the previous day. Dr. De Wolf paid a visit to the iafectetl district late in the y On his. retnrn he held a consultation with f'itv Mtnrnfv Washburn relatie to the promulgation of an onler prohihitiag Uu le of disejvsal milk onion was con.plctrl ami will go into effect toduy. A ratrlclile. Buffalo. :s Y.. Oct. 7. A special u tiie Commercial from Warsaw, X. sivs: Tne town of C.-tik Wyoming countr, Is greatly exrifcrd over a murder committal there fast night by Robert Van Brunt, an Englishman an. I member of th- Salvation Armv. Van Ikunt boarcal with The afternoon session-the discussion of jtbcmily of Simon Roy. -J the report of the commit on credflnuats - - - - - Ymj u , , m the case ot tuo ueiegaston rrowi iisntii - - --- --- - , - , , Assemblv No. 12G, of New iork, heaiteil ,-.Tolin'Morrisiin. was contiuual. and it Wa 3IILITAIIV OKDERS. HIXGTO.l. D. ( .. Oct. ..A sren- ftrril evrder h;iS been prensral at the war de . XL mi: uyiuiuu vi .w wu,u ---- . ,,iM,111rtf.r. f t,, law, then there is no per-on , l"tt. rCsi7 who could not be law- uepainiL-iu, I'luawna ..-i - .-.-,, was tfnallr deeideii to admit the delegate from that'district, with tiie exception of Morrison, who w:is rejected, and his alter nate sub-tituted for him. This result was reachal a'oout -i o'cloek As the committee on credentials desired further time for considemtion of the ene of contesting delegates from St. Louis, the rules were suspended :uid the convention proceedal to discrs the question oi giving the influence of the order to the locked-out cotton workers of Augusta, Gs.. the cur riers and tanners of Pealwdy and Salem, .Mass.. and the journeymen plumber of New York. There are30,000 men in each of the first-named bodies and about 1.-100 in the last. It was decided to support them. It was .1:30 when this business wsis con cluded and a recess taken to 7:5$, it being decided' to hold an evening session to cou--ider the report of the eoaircittce on ere dentials, which it wu? xj)ected would 1 readv at tiiat hour. At 7:30 p. m. the committee on creden tials not being ready to report U was d--cidal not to hold an evening session. The i convention will meet at 9 o'clock tumor-row. COXSTITmOXAI.. AMENDMENTS. Monti:eai.. Ont., Oct. G. The coutitu tion of the Knights of Labor has been re vival bv members of the clergy in this city andnmdernhc'auspice'rof Archbishop Fa )CT with the object of expunging the pro visions contrarv to the rules of the llomnn Catholic church. Mr. Powder ly, when here. promlal the archbl-hop to support the passage of the amendment lxfore the annual convention. Two delegates of the Knights of L-ilior have left to att.-nd th convention in Richmond and have taken the icvised constitution with them. It is stiital that the archbishop delayed action until the present time because of the as sembling of the Richmond convention. T..n In .r,- tf ltfV? "1IH? sllft rilftlSHlL 1 IC tOCU drew a revolver. Ami at young Roy, nms causing a fatal wound in tho head. Th. numlerer was overpowcrctl by a brother uf Rov and handed over to 'thatown eonsta bv. Vsui Brunt is. very excitable and vrry tjuick tempered. Take D ue Kottcc, i:tc. Chicaoo, Oct. 7. Notice were Uw morning postal in all the stock yard tnl ruidang houses to Uw ciTect that on mid after next Monday hours of work will It-' tea instead of eight, as is now th ml l'h notices were signwl by .nineteen firm. comprising all tho paiJtr8 of cW-fm in Chicago. Although no definite Information .. been given out br the ixickers'i of arfangoments," It is currently report d that employes will l foruwlly nothVin Satimiay of the intention to return to th ten hours a dnv plan on Monday, and h thev fail to return to work on the te w mU th hnt; will be locked. Tbn woiHd tbw 25,0i0 mtn wit of work I say that . upon FIRE RECORD. fnllv hun". l say mai . uuou -'"---- t-" -" -- - . . f., T tint law emv person in this country could nn l.liea hiuarters of the division of the Pa be convicted fo? conspiracy, or as the cae I c tic from the Presidio o California to San mav be. for murder. Evcrv member of , Francisco on the. -ame date. tho'trofles uninn TCiiii'hts of Labor or anv . COL. DA"IEL LAMOXT such organization ean'be convicted of con- returne(- to (jie ctv to-day. He state that spiracyr If you cam that nding into J secrL.taiy Manning seems to be entirely re effect," vou will le responsible for the blood coveri, und the onlv sign of his late Hints that will h-2 shal, and the blood of the in- y hj.. snlit lameness, lie states that he U uoceiit will come upon you. ' (lesirous'of returning to the trc-isury de Seven policemen have died, said Grinnei. partmcnt iUUi resuming his duties there, or You want life for life an... have convicted . at je;l:5t 0f ma-cin!r an elTort to do m. an equal number of men. of whom it can- i - "- not be truthfully said that they had any-! The Grand Reunion at Emporia, thinn--whatever to do with the killing of; p,.ni!it K"nn Oct. 7. The crowd in Donifieid's victim-. i attendance at the sildiers reunion was m- Theverv ame principles of jurispru creaso(i todr.v bv delegations from all deuce can be found among various savage t j;recton-! and iVtc v.-as at oae time on the x;ople and'tribes. v Ifwc arc to be hangai ; pounds a crow J c.'imaied at not less than imnn thft-e nrineinles then be it known Hn oun lot tho world know wlut a civilized aud . bnv F;iirrhild. ommander-in chief of Christian couutrv is this in which the Van-1 tl,e q j arrive-1 -hortly after noon by derbilts and the'.lay Goulds and the rest ; he -ouri Pacific and was received by possess the resources of law and liberty. j!e 5t.lte .m- c;tr (jinitarin and military If vour bono thinks by the execution of j an(i esrted to the 'camp grounds whert this veniict v-u can stamp out the labor jie a;i,irssal the-immense concourse. inr.vr.Trifi-'.f -Vn'i do not comprehend the ' a crrm .li-nMv of fireworks wa-s givoa uower of that mighty movement from ,nthc eveuin; by the Flambeau club. The whirh the downtroiidcn ond miserable chil- -itr i, r, hetti ..'reccntfon at Masonic Itali dren of toil hope for relief: you know not -.fci. was attendai by Gov. 3Lir.m, Sana where the blaze will next bread out; the ; UjT ?iunh and other notable. Spetehe ground is on fire on which you stand. i mu,:v recitations, etc., ealivene-.i tb? oc a -"fin,, of mv r!rir.-men friends, shortly . h,ifnr. m-nrnst. said: " You are orguniz-. the shftm bAttk tkc-s nlact' ing a revolution. ' Ths3 is my reply: A ( an :n ti,e evening Col. Tom MoMiligit revolution cannot lie organized, cannot be j. Uj .-ae veterans. Emporia has lv n created. Is is not any more the work of j -,-g,-T conipHtacnte 1 by prominent G. A. men than eartliqaakes or cyclones. We i n jn their spe4u4 tciny oa th- mag are ."implv preparing the condition of the 1 uigejeai manaer in which she has cbsrrve-i revolution. Does that icsk as if I contem-1 thc lities devolving upoo her ia LViiug ni-iied that iolcncu be coir.miltci on 31 ay I - fte M r jtj, tmnibcr of ?te. and v4. as ha? been chargecti' In o- eUo on toe beaat I eteanre --f h-r U to l found thc doctrine of co- jccwa:soas. operation. It teaches tint lai-or-snving m..h n.irr i; t:io nrftwrn ol iue uu-io siti1 - .itiuii rfuw mv .x..ix". tii- r.f!i"mi rrns'rpf of thc stfite. and ' Vr-v Vn iictihcv 7. The Ac-Lor societv will eventually come to this ami de- j jjn .'ea-n-hip An--horia had not hera binl mand" it, rights though you erect a gaHowt ' .-n,m lip :o a j- fcr &; night. Sfce on everv street corner. Concerning mv associates 1 will say .his: I never saw Lingg but twice before iny ar rest. I have nor been on speaking terras -.1- T-1 1 C - .. .. ,m. njl -fCllOT- wiin .ugi;i 4jc utci . .w , ii-i - "j"-'i i aiKi uisier orwjiiiv. . ---mv HtutcnanT, went about making speeches j depended upon to wcsllter any ordi ajrninst irn.-. ( gale of wiail. Her engine and boiler - If voci tumx vou can eru-u-uiesc mc-s, ryrrfattis in oafi conaiuon. zuu : . ''nn Htr- wmi tIS ,r " JLJL. wiidly for tf-'. I sa0i from Grcittawfn Septeiater ltb, landifto-dartwentv-one day? .Hit. es i . . . . i.H .wi sets amvmg rrpor; nea wifuur. - TheAnch6nais.a good, staunch vc--L ami under ordiaarv circaraaiaaas can oc to wcsllter any oraiaary Her engine and trailer vere h-3 oeen r-jlare sme ihai tfc. - or. f-msi for fear ftb-jt ' v lsft-tv Clock Factory Hurncd. New York. Oct. 7 Fire broke out this morning in the four-story factory building, Xos. 03 to 07, Bayrad street, oc cunied bv Tavlor's cloak manufactory and ei'-ht other firms, f u three cloak manufac tories of Samuel Paul, Joseph W finer nml Nathan Frial, on the fourth tloor, he tween fiftv smd seventy-live men, women and children were at work when the fir occurred. Samuel Paul's employe, e capal bv the ea.t stairway, which was un ob'tnictal, to the street. The employes of the other establishment. could not escape bthc west stairway, their progress Iwing blockal by tiaraes and dt-inc smoke, to fnce which meant death. Fire was below them in Hollender's quilt factory. The frightened employes then road' for the roof of the builriingr The last reachal the fiat roof with clotlies ahre and uau iTwiiliprl. Alrcadv thc iu-t desertetl rooms were on fire, an1 to stay on the roof was 'O perish, bee-i-vte llamas w-re nrois inir througn J he setUe. TIu adjoining factory wa & two story house, with peak ,r..of To kay to it wa. jKriloiw. but to remain was rertaiii tleath. The employes sliriokal" in di-pair, ami a kirge crowd gatheral in thc street l(kr-v With shrieks of terror that were echoed in a loud wail fmm the stre, roen od wonwTi llanir UieniFrfrs off, . Minnie Rogaaskv, uyucnwomaa lintig at &i Bavanl street, fell fn Ue ttrwt oa her head and was mortally hart, her akaU l ing cnahed In. Poifce went ap oo the rjof of tfta tn ten-mect. Iv. 71. aai ihrttr rope ilown to th2 fartory eaijitoyes &M left oa the roof of the boraiag IxKfae and 'bey were reacuaL OUjem wre wwra row vac - -dows from the -xstfeed roofe-l honc All .i.:, .,- K.,i ft w&aazes, aad th-t- the r-olice nd iiresiea were o nir of fa j ;T..ntu - 1-1CJ .UT-B t .Hi: iMJW . room so-w Jwd that nobnaj naU Jeo bcraa! u Kata. um oa wiwbj-s cOBteats. lO.wJ'.J. Nothin-r to Juatlfy tho Report. Wasui.n-oton. I). C. Oct. 7. Th. lVt this morning publishes the foJlowhu- It cannot 1 "tliscoveral that anvthing uv Ixxn -raid ofilciallv at the war dejirtnit tit to justifv the report that Gen. Miles dis obeved onltrv and made terms with Geroii imo", but it is iid that certain oflldaLs fn tho department, white not positively giving out the reports, encourage the piillf -iin of these strictures on Gen. 3liles in crh r to favor Gen. Crook, who ocnw to nu t with spcial consideration from omr q rr ter. becauK he was a West Point v. ' ate, while Miles i" a v,.hutUer soWfar. Ituilror.d Krakemon,d Strtk-. Ct.KVJiL.v-tP. f'bi". Oct. 7. It ation on the Yownrtotvn Hvif : V.w Vnrlt IVnvivanfet niwl Ohi r. ! road reniftiiw -MiUrtanthtlly the iam as - terdav. The men tu deteraaiaed to nn air 'out until an advatw iu wacmfcuH "' There are now only two crjw- mi n. division and iJ is expectctl that wlien thM tniias reach the city the bmkemi-n will i-.m Uic mnks of the striker. No tronbU- anticinatetl as the inntinseiijeHt tlerflmtn anv desire to forry an issue, preferring t give Uie men time to reco-idr thfir tion. 3tormon ("onforcuce, Oooe;,'. Utah, Oct. 7.Tlte Jlftr -v mi-unniial conferenre of tlw M.-.n.f r cJiuarh convenwl yifitenlay at ConlvdN- i strndl isolatctl settlement in9nmn.trniit. Attendance, four hnndrwl. on of ti reorganietl leaders are pref'-nt '-.ix'pt Apostle Hiciinnln, who openod Ihmcf ing. He exhorted the nint3 to -staml firj awi never surrender the divine rightn n r vealed to them by th pronheti-. An rjr tl. fmm f h llrat riffvnroaldent. John 1 a lor, was H'tHil irom uw uiujog jiKw-r. 3.- vdll 1m. read lforo the conferwice Fr!i before its clow. Two Kx-OnicInLs JmlSctei!. CoLt-jtm?, Ohk. On 7 Th Frank lin coooty grtrnd Wry whlrh hat ifn ' vtetlgnting ailcgt-d eiteg by ofik-inU u' dcr the former rnfinUtratfcn at the Obt- punitentJary inane a report IhU mort-," bat ottftd oolv two jiHlietawsitr-. on - " acafort B H.'MarrfcU, ee-ie:ity wir-U' cfirgtfi wkli brfiery, and one aAi-t lw ex-periateo'it of ulala Jep. j t, for erobezxkaaeat. aaacrs ! Scfciusubel fairlv siirieked; T 4hil nie nrootllv. denaatlv. lor me : reoa.. uci. "' ."" I ...:.. t.-. , i - o iwi... v. ., -",. T-TVir c-.--. ,i. . .. . ,ustili.s- n-ltT Pwrfess I T nci woww. r. I speak as the represenUitive ot one es i caac oi ja-iKc inure is cuctmw, ---. oi itx i-jiJ'JF.-cji. . .. j. Coal iraalceriT Stnlie. .wisrs. i-eaa.. Oct. . m Water Works Collap.'U. SHJKKISHit.t Bat. I. L. Oet. 7 water wsnrfcs hcr9 ca!tepi 1 31 1 w-Ub a rriS rcii. ITmp water went down. 'all ami Kit. " Ct.VCUf..VTI. Oct 7. SltiSOpMtMt.' Cbtei-twett. 4. Si. Itte 5L Lo; I-brfadelphiaif. I. TOuMfSettt W " ' 14W1. IS; Ksxam C, - I5tB CItk a fg- liomns. 4. TTtmm--i'Kor.' llkWmote, 1 Furniture lfone Hurced- GKAa U vFift. iic!i-, Oci. 7. The Sre ) in Cnioa Foraitere mnpmfs stoW1?- ,"-!l u meat was getkai umicr eoatrot aftar 2 this &r. Lon. Ott. .-- r -i- ' moraine Total !o eaUmsiei at iO.OM, J rsc v& - ,fc TT "" i 'r j people rtcr nmmmbt a a rae r ' Two Children Barned. UjIbi tmmtrf. r-Tr. n.. 7 Two rfjfidrea. a Iw. t jotn.r- L ' tn ,'t-, 1-" Wfa fai-.r thrw tk Fkr. nt-GmH9Q Oak, & ,Lt'4I. 1J A4 ,-L. iA4f " j.P . - . --- . - - rf KATZ S. W Corner Douglas Ave. and Market St. nio "J . ,'H-Hmo- vnn-w HI fiitL " - i--.-. j . i Afc . - i -iiTPSi iLf liari. .kJkl mjo anw - - -. t . :, Then fiwirishing his arm wiidly - ;,.,. f.r,.-" vrn lnsrKl to desUi w tfedr i iliok-M txm attev- f bed-.v 1SS Warnxn aveoe. by t"1c i 9tmker. . . . l wnieh uroxe ok awwst -- - , . sjwwi l peaK 3S IMC niUrKSEUUlttVL OI OllC CRTS- Cau-f Ui jj.-u-.T u:uc i v-..i.r, ".- addre-sing the reprcHenutive of another. is Galileo, ther? fa Giordano Ilraae. there t .-th i..-Sr! --"th th. -rt.rY-t mLitkcm) 5iin f c Orki' WJjv um atimljer oaanrt be es- - w ..I -, .-J f . J"! 1. , . Jll .a. ll .1 urc n'rv nn nwtr tnfSKin i iinintet; ql uic wuo u&w i.-w:usi sa uktv bv the Venetian doge who, I pailt?. and wc are -ready to follow them ..ij :n..tU. .:.'. "lr- .tafdnni ?trlMr.? Uv.-nr tTv Tr-?r the floor is your accusation. tho cauie of myallegwl in a -entr,rlaa voice legaa: 'it is not ; m. -e fnan ewde rfiwfiera Sort to Ctr iWa0-- on-re is your tiwtory. 1 have fen m- puc i aave i ssy, anu i w, .y K4 Wia,inictlTe Trairu- Firea. i iare the dtiHfl. lie oJ we "iw; t g.u imuut. - dieted on a charge of munler.aJ an acco- ing at aU -lia I not think jrW J C A lTcrftlr de- cPJ- -Sl!lHv ' pliceoraocesiorj. Upon Oil- indictment 1 ' look like cowanBr approval of what ha? . ifjrirBG.Haa., "- er- fn . ,i! rTmA m. Lvelr-xnomrictol. 'Tlwre was no evi-, been c.W hrrc I am condemn to die rm fJJtSJSS A Jdr Jtoteu. MaS .. even indicate th.ti had any knowledge of Tfacat then went on t.i:ifv ottacmanwao tlirew tnal Domn or xnat i luiesc art-it ov giving mwxr m uzi, -"-. , 7 ZZirZn 1 lio-H-nM-t uiav Prefer-jacss, l-.syj. myself had anything to do with it. Xot - the renl or imagmary eviL of tne accuroa- tock. On laay x? reported fatally bamttL f a.igamee. uy n i the botftfeof ir2 Usn. ? ta-- lyac-g.- i;;.-.,.,. s:s, ""sss rzzzrsi i!L "rssxsrs rs sSv. IiBdBr.Mdraralintei.iiibdaal H"J. T'"Z ' ' tttmi ao-taU lr- f .. . it .1 LZ..U -hb tli Ifvt 1 Ui iii"- - 1's --"- j . . r u. Ct if j.!, ; aw --. - AJrn I The mother ef the efcaJia a "- - ca vmman .- .. nu i i'wt-w;: miiii j. ii v. i.u imju t."v -w 1 . ., . - jnsw jutok,... -- Tu-SilfiM, t Y Z4 Z'Jk