Newspaper Page Text
She Wlxchm Sailtj gggle: Friday fomtus, ttob&c 8, 1886. SSMfcfc gjtiwagte M. M. 3IUJJDOCK, Kditor. FRIDAY MORNING. OCT. 8, 1886. REPUBLICAN TICKET. There is a new paper started in Pratt called the Register. The editor, in his salutatory, declares that the Democratic party is the party of progress. "We aie now prepared to hear the boss of shcol delare that his legions never fell, and that for tnie happiness one must seek his dominions. MEADE CENTER BOOHS. STATH TICKET. ?or Awoolat Justice D. M. VALEMTXE, Franklin countj. For GoTernor JOHJf A.MABTIX, Atchison county, (tor Lieutenant Oorernor A. P. HIDDLE, Ottawa oounty. for Secretary of State B.B.ALLB2X, M . , Sedgwick county Kor State Treftsmrirr . JAMES W. HAMU.TOX, Samner county. For Auditor of State TDfOTHT McCABTHY. Pavrnee county. For Attorney General ' S. B. BRADFORD. Osage county. For Superbitendent of Public Instruction J.H.LAWUEAD, Bourbon county. FOR CONGRESSMEN. Klnrt Dtatrlct- HON. E. X. MORRILL. Brown county. Second District HON. E. H. FtTNSTON, Allen county. Third District HON. B. W. PERKINS, Neosba county, fourth District HON. TIIOMAS RYAN. Shawnee county. Fifth Dlstrlct- HON. A. S. WILSON, Washington county. Sixth District nON.E. J. TURNER. Sheridan county. Seventh District HON. S. R. PETERS, Harrey county. JUDICIATi-18th DISTRICT. For Judge HON. T. B. WALL. Sedgwick County. COUNTY TICKET. for Probate Judge E. B. JnWETT. For Clerk c" District Court A. B. WRIGHT. For County Attorney O. W. C. JONES. For County Superintendent D. S. PENCE. For Commissioner Third District T. H. RANDALL. For Representative S2d District- RODOLPH HATFIELD For Representative S2Z District R. E. LAWRENCE. For Representative &th District A. 1L CARPENTER. The Fort Scott Daily Monitor appears in ! a materially enlarged form, being now a nine-column folio. Fort Scott is undoubt edly improving in a very substantial and gratifying manner. Ft. Scott will be the Pittsburg of Kansas, no city possessing so many advantages for successful manu facturing. Of course the Monitor is flour ishing accordingly. The contract for completing the Indian Territory extension of the Santa Fe rail road from Red liver to the Canadian river. a distance of 113 miles, was Monday awarded to Morgan Jones, he guaranteeing completion by May 1, 1S87. 3Ir. Jones is president of the Fort "Worth & Denver road, and is the partner of Mr. Burns in the construction of the Santa Fe, from Gainesville to Red river. R!:iTMiICA MEETINGS. Tho St.ito Central copimlttcc liao made tho fol lonIurapiKIntme:its for outhncst Kuisas uji to ato: Governor John A. Mjriln, Lieutenant GotrnorA. P. Kiddle, ami W. 1'. Cloud, of tlii-olu S( tond Kau s-tsuau'lrj. will address tin- people at the follow Ins Units and places to-lf Marion, hatunlaj . 2, lRfi, S p m. Hutchinson, M'mtl iv. Cctoln-i -J. lsG, s p. m. Sterling. I October 5. lr,, g . m. Judge N. C JIcFarliml, of Toel:a, Judge Hiram Stoven". .uld otlu rs v ill :iddr- the people on the Is fcuisuf O'imI.i s.1 tin- follow lnif time and il.ites: Paolo. Monday. Octolier-I. ISHfi. at 7.CJ p. m. Ott.iua. Ttic-alav, Oetolx r5. IS,,, at T: JJ p. 111. Ilurlltigton, Wednesday. Octobers, 7.3) p.m, Kurck.'. 1 liursd.iv. Ot tober 7. ls, at 7-!0 p. m. El Dorado. Kril.i . Octolx-r K 1SM5. .it 7-.XI i. m, Wichita. Satnrd.ij . Oetohi r 9. 13-0, at 7.T) p. m. Kinsman. 31oihI.iv, Octoliei 11, lSs,P, at7Vl p. 1 1. Wellington. Ttiesd iv. Oclobt i 1.'. l'-sO. at 7 J p. m. dldntll, W cdiiLbdav. October MS;fl,:it7 V p.m. Antiioiij. T,iM--day. Octolx.r IS. lSJ-, at 7-)) p. in. Jledlciiie lAidge, 1 nduj, Oct. 15, ISM), at 7.CV) p. m. fci-nitor John J. Iin;.ill jnil tUon will address the public on the iKiiitlcal Much of tho the fol low lug time., and plan -: Fredoni.i, Saturday. October 3, 1SS.J, at 7- p. in. Antliony. WViIiiewlay. October V), ISM, at 7-5) p. in. SeiiHtor l'lumt) and dtlitn will addrci-s the people on the )H)liticsl issues of tho day at Mcl'lierson, Monday, Sept, 27. at 7 V p. in. Inut conmiittees are iefi:(sted to make all neces sari arrjiigementh for all tlieso nietlings. Posters furu)s!iel by tills coiwmlttee. Ity or.lcr if tl o central committee, P. 1. I10NEHUAKK, 1IEMIY BUANDLEY. Ciulnnan. Secretary. Xewton Republiciin: Senator Plumb vrtLS a caller at this oflice this morning. He spoke at Cottonwood Falls yesterday aud at our fair thK afternoon. To reach Cot tonwood Falls he diove across the country from Clay Center, an een hundred miles, in twelve and a half hour, or eight miles an hour, starting at half past four o'clock Wednesday; evening. They changed horses at JuuctioifCily, White City and Council Grove. The Senator found he could not keep his appointment by rail, and took the old plan. He is feeling first rate, not at all life worse of wear on account of his hard ride. HlU'UlSMCAN 3IEKTINGS Tor the fseventh Ciiiitfri'sslonal District. Syracuse, Hamilton county, 1 rlday. Oct. 8, at 7 TO Jt. ill. !sea'.:ci4.S. It. Peter, A. W. Multli and W. R. Jrown. Dodw City, Kord county, Saturday, Oct. ?, at 7 "J p, mr Siealven. .S. it. Piters, J. A. Murray and 11. WllitKHidcl. Sterling. Rico eouaty, Saturday, Oct. , at 7SZ) i m. Speakers. G. W. Clement, A. W. .Sinitli and W. E. Ijithy. Kliislev, Edwards count , Monday. Oit. 11, at 7 V) p. in. hK'jkei, J, ll. I eters, J.l.t.reenleeand lleii- ry l!.)tli ami lim iletartj. Ijirned, Pan nou county. Tuewloy. October 12, at -M p. in. Sjie ikers, S. R. Peters, M. W. Sutton, J.F. Oreenleu atd J. W. Hamilton. (reat H-nd, Ilarton totinty. Wednelav, October 1 ! at7..M p. in. .spoakeis, S. H. Peteii. G. W. Clement, R. Hattleld and J. W. Hamilton. Garden City, l'liino county, Tmirsday, Oct. 14, at 2 and 7. ) p. in. Speakers, S. it. Peters, J. C. Strang, W. Lathy. H. 15 Kelley anillhiM. J. Jackson. Mount Hope, edwlik county, Friday, Oct. 13, at J ii. in. SHk rs, J. R. HaUovrell. T. T. Taj lor and , a. Murrav at 7-JO p. m. The Democratic county convention of Cowley county declares that they know Tom Moonlight to be a. sound The Democrats of Cowley aie no doubt a knowing ict but uhen it comes to the politics of Tom Moonlight they are sadly off. Politically Tom Moonlight was never anything but a would-be leader of the biead and butter brigade. As long as there was anything in sight for Tom Moonlight he was just as rampant. a Republican as he is a today. lie is probably abusing the Republican party now but he can't do o moie vehemently than he has abused and vilified the Democratic paity in the past. Tom Moonlight runs to abuse and always did. CHESTNUTS. "Wichita, do you hear this? The Topeka Democrat says: "There are more beautiful houses being erected in Topeka this fall than in all the cities of Kansas combined. Kansas City Star. Yes, we hear. It makes the boa ding house metropolis feel good and don't hurt us. Wichita has had more money put into fine residences upon a single street this year than has the entire city of To peka. But speaking of Topeka, what does Kan sas City think of the Rock Island's propo sition to give Topeka Kansas City rates on through freights? To the Editor of the Eagle. Our flourishing city is on a building boom such as is seldom to be witnessed in a town without a railroad. 3Ir. Heber, the president of the Meade County bank, is having under way a very fine eight room residence, to be finished in great style and beauty. One of the Funk Bro3. is also building a nice home. Dr. Adams, our register of deeds, is repairing and beauti fying a home for his family. F. E. Butler has just finished a comf-rtablc house. F. P. Scott, of the firm of the same name, is altering and finishinga dwelling for a home. J. T. Palmer has repainted and added blinds and porches to his residence. Mrs. Skinner has just completed a neat barn. All of these buildings are in the north part of the city. Residence lots can still be ob tained there. Last week the politicians greatly enjoyed themselves. On Tuesday evening a crowd assembled t the hall to hear Hon. Tom George of Wellington, the nominee of the Democrats for congress from this district. The gentleman's speech made a favorable impression. The grand event of the week was the Republican rally ou Friday night. The hall was densely packed with eager humauitv, who listened with breathless attention and frequent applause to Judge Peters, non. George's opponent in the race for cougresss. This gentleman's speech on the present position of the two great parties, the subject of the tariff, and the labor question will long be remembered by Meade Centre as a combination of happy pleasantry, good natured ridicule and sound logic. That genial and affable gen tleman, Secretary of State Allen, captured us all with some amusing anecdotes and appropriate and pleasing allusions. R. M. Painter, Republican nominee for represen tative, and 3Ir. Price, of Ashland, also made some interesting remarks. The Fowler City and Meade Center bands dis coursed sweet music, and the whole even ing was a Tcry enjoyable one to all. If some of the individuals who think this new town a rough place could have been here and seen the many ladies present and the order and propriety, observed, they would have given Meade Centre the ciedit she deserves in having for a majority of her citizens a refined and cultivated people. Rev. Schoficld, a Presbyterian evangelist, has been holding revival meetings here for the past week and will continue for the week to come. Some of the so-called druggists of our city received a severe fright last week and the matter docs not end here. They will be taught the great risk they run in defy ing the law. Our schools, under the management of Mr. Houston aud Misses Wightman and Louks, are progressing favorably. The time will not be long when teachers and pupils will have better accommodations. The MoflH Bros., will erect a line build ing of corrugated iion. Strangers are coming in eveiy day to in vest and locate with us. All are pleased with the iissured prosperity and brilliant prospects of our beautiful aud growing town. , Twenty Lots Will tie offered at an Unusual Bargain for a few days at Bar tholomew's Office. Speculators and investors will find it to their interest to see for themselves. G-. W. BARTHOLOMEW. v. THE l'AOJLA LINK AND WICIIITA. the kkign or the saloon. and A. W. Lyons. Rioe count t, 1'rlilaj, Oct. 13, i Speakers, a. It. Peten., O. V. Clomout Smith. Saratoga, Pratt county. Thursday. Oct. 14. at !M ii. m. Speakers. J. It. llalluvrell. Prank Gillette and 1. H. Pinch. lrntt. Pratt county, rrlday, Oct. IT, at 7-" p. in. Speakers. J. R. Hallowull. frank Gillette and C. S. Mnch. McPiierpon, MePl.cison eoiinty, Saturday, Oct. lfi. at 2 p. m. and 7-11) p. in. Speak r, S. R. Peters. G. W Clement. W. K. Stanley, It. Hatfield. W. K. Lathi. J. W. White. K. II. Alien. Alt lei. Harper county. Monday, Oct. IS, at 7..T0 p. in. Speakers, s. K. Peters, W.S llorrls, J. W. Haughy and E. 11. Allen. J Uar'r, Harper count, TiieMlav, Oct. l'l, at 7X)p. m. Sim akers, S. R. Putors, T. A. SleN'cal, It. HatJlelit and J. W. Hamilton. Medicine Lodt;e. Ruber county. Wednesday, Oct. 31, p. in. Speakers, H. R. Peters. J. A. ltay, G. R. SnellliiK and Tim McCarty. Wellington. Sumner count v, Thursday. Octoler 21. at 7-'W ii. m. SiHjakers, S. H. IV ters. G. W. Clements. A. W. Smith. W. K. btanle. Tim aicCirty and E. 15. Allen. Wichita. Sedjw Ick county, Krldav. Oct. 'ii, at 7i) p. in. Speakirs, S. R. Pelers, J. R. Hallowell. Frank Gillette. U. W.Cleimmt, J. W. Hamilton and Tim McCarty. Caldwell, Sumner county, Saturdn, Oct. 23, at 7,10 jmu. hpMikers,S R. IVtors, J, It. Hallow ell aud T. A JleVvU. Walnut City. Rush countv. Monday, Oct. 3fi, at 7 9) iv. m. SiHsiktsrs. S. R. Piters, O. W. "Mmocks. S. A. bay and Tim WrCirty. La CriMse, Rush county. Tuesday, Oct. 2f, at 7.T0 m. oiH-aKers, n. n. i-( urs, . jt. isrown, E ehannuli nriil Tim V.furf w NIckerson, Reno countv. Tuesday, Oct. 3, at 7.30 5). in. Speakers, Frank Gillette, Geo. D. Orner and i. V Whlt St John, .Stafford count. Tku rsday, Oct. 28, at 7 3) p. in. Shakers. M. It. Peters; H. O l)a ldson and K. L. Chapman. Iuka. Pratt countv. Frld.iv, Oct. S1, at 7-W p. in Sjieakor. s H Peters, 11. o. DavIiU-on, Frank GII lttttoand It. Hatueld. 3Illuood. llartou county, Friday, Oct. ?., at 7J0 Ji. m. rpeakers, j. ii. liniwwpu. ii. wiuioidc aud lenry ltooth. Lakin. Finney county. Friday, Oct. 29. at 7- p. m. Speakers. H. 11. Kelley. W.R. Urotvn and J. W.Runli. Kiinmian, Kingman county. Saturday. Oct.JV, at TJWl) m. Hjieakers. S. . Peters. 1. O. Da ldson, T. T. Taylor. 11. Hatlk'ld and J. W. HaiiRhey. Cimarron. Ford conntr. Satunlav, Oet. A), at J0 p. m. Speaker. H. 11. Kelley. W. It. Itrown. Henrv llooth and J. W. Rush Newton. Harrpy eouuty, Slondav, Nor. 1. at 7.3) p. tu. Peterx. G. W." Clement. James LawrenxsT. T. laylor. H. Whlleldmand W. K. Stanley. A full attendance Ih rrtiiie.is1 nt nil ihu, m 1bb. Tho Issum of the hour will be abb aud thor- E: ooitUly (IbcusiusJ. W. E. ITHV. hccivLiry. K. L. CIIAPX.VN. Chr'm. Kx. Com. The brightest, tho happiest, the most nourishing city of the first class in Kansas, Li Wichita. The people of Wichita know it. and everybody else lelicves that there is no doubt about it. Tho Wellington Press expresses the opinion that Wichita lies lost some of her best men. True, she has; but for every good man who goes a thousand good ones come to take their places. Tho Scott City Sentinel asks tho people of Kansas if they want a tariff which will shut off from this stste the machinery man ufactured in Illinois and other Eastern states? It is needless to remark that the Sentinel is a Democratic paper and that its editor reallr believes that he is talkin? sense. The Ilutchiuson Xews trie to poke fun at Wichita's preachers and Sunday school superintendents for playing base lall for charity's sake. The effort of the Xews is a dismal failure. Even if there was no mouey for tho poor and unfortunate in the harmless, yet manly, game the physical good that the game affords ought to induce professional men generally to take a hand, and regularly. j When such papers as the Xow York Sun, New York Tribune, St. Louis Globe Dcmociat and Chicago Inter Ocean, daily, and more boldly whh each succeeding day, are declaring that the saloon interests dom inate and control the politics of the cities named to that extent that the only road to political preferment is through the saloon, and that the people are getting very tired of the sway of whisky, we think wc see a cloud a prohibition cloud. It may not be bigger than a man's hand, but coming from representative papers of the very hot beds of whisky inilucnce in America, there is no mistaking tholsentimcnt back of that little cloud. It is portentious. It has be come a byword and a reproach that no party cau win in any of our great cities except by catering to and securing the sa loon inilucnce. In truth, no oflicial or ad ministration dare make any move without firsi by purchase securing this all-powerful and corrupting inilucnce. The people of these cities are getting tired of the reign of the saloon, and the papers named arc being forced to voice a growing sentiment which holds that America shall no longer be ruled by such an interest. Tracklaying' is progressing at a rapid rate on the Paola link, and the grading has been completed to within six miles j)f the city. Trains have alreadr been placed on those sections, and they will be completed by December 1, and the road running by tho first of next vcar. The Fort Scott sugar works arc com pleted and in operation, with most satis factory results. This is the largest and most complete sorghum factory ever built, the next largest being in New Jersey. The e&timated capacity of the works is 300 tons of cane ncr dav. vieldimr 20.000 nounds of sugar and 4,000 gallons of syrup daily. Monitor. AN APPHAL. Marsh Murdock threatens the Times with dire vengeance because wc remarked that "the Eagle wjas a fair-sized gas-bag, sind that every citizen down there was a gas factory within himself." The Times beiug the great aud only religious daily in Kansas, is cognizant of the fact that it must at all times tell the truth, and felt it a duty to re fer to the enormous "surface indications" of gas at our sister city. Leavenworth Times. THE RAW 1.1 Fn. Uefounded on a KocK. To the Bdltor of the Kaftlo. We, the colored people, voters and tax payers of Sedgwick county, wit.Ii to ask through the columns of the Eagle, why it is that we arc excluded or denied the privilege of holding positions of honor and trust in the community which wo are mem bers. Wc arc not represented upon the police forcc,in the postofiice or in the coun cil, in fact nowhere except as common la borers. Is it that we are incompetent, or what? Not a bit of it; wc have men among us thoroughly qualified to hold any of the above places mentioned. Give as a show, especially in the postolhce if nowhere else, gentlemen. You who have the jwwer to make these appointments see to it. Very Kesp'y Subscriber, 524 North Water street. And all that, permit us to kindly sug gest, will amount to nothing. It is ability capacity that secures such places and po sitions as are alluded, and '-ability" and "capacity" do not havo to go a begging for places. They command places and generally fix the compensation. If our eolsred people possessed the ability to run this town they would do it, and Jn the al sence of any appeal or demand. The trouble with people who appeal is with themselves and not with those to whom the appeal is made. FAT CAI.VKS A IKUG. When, in the CMiipaign of 1SS4, Repub licans were importuning the Mugwumps to return, x.uiory oiorrs .sam "Too inviting the boy Prodigal his propertv have always thought the ixatrhnony of the rrouigai son were grtatly exarerateti. lie only got a mess of veal. They killed the fatted calf for him. That was no sacrifice. Why. at that time fatted calve were a perfect drug on the market in Judea." From the Kansis City Star. In these days of defaulting cashiers ab sconding, it naturally was a source of alarm to policy holders in the Kaw Life ttssociation, when its president and secre tary were a short time ago reported as hav ing abandoned their posts. It was forgot ten that in this insurance company assess ments are only made as fast as claims arise in consequence of deaths, and that there is at no time any but the most trifling amount of cash in the hands of even its treasurer, and that it is therefore impossible for one or mrc officials to wreck the in stitution, were they ever so bent on plunder- The policy holders in auy case are amply secured by the bond of $100,000 given to the state by the trus tees of the company. Ilowever, the tem porary upset has resulted ia the placing of thoroughly competent and reliable men in charge of the "Kaw Life," and so is veri fied that old adage that "out of evil com eth good." Mx. Charles Wilson, of the prominent real estate firm of Wilson it Head, and president of tho Savings Bank of Kansas, was at the recent reorganization of tho Association, appointed its president, and Mr. W. II. Ryus, of Wyandotte, whose name is associated with every important enterprise in that thriving city, as secre tary. In the names and assured financial positions of both these thoroughly business men, the policy holders, old aud new, hve a handsome guarantee that tho business of the Kaw Life will, in tho futuro. be ablv and honestly conducted. There Is not only nothing to conceal from the public or the policy holders in the af fairs of this companybut the new board have actually by resolution invited the state superintendent of insurance in Kansas to make a thorough invetirration in order mat me members may be reliably informed as to the true condition of the association. A stronger list of officers or board of di rectors could scarcely have been chosen to transact the busincssof this important life GOLDEN EAGLE Has For Your Inspection One of the Most Complete Lines of Spring and Fall Light "Weight HflDKRI OVERCOATS J In Light or Dark Colored Meltons, Kerseys, Cheviots and Worsted. "With usual activity it has secured the goods at a good deal of trouble at prices tosuit all. Light weightjOvercoatshavefceenan article which was very difficult to secure outside merchant tail oring houses; where the prices range so high that many do not feel able to secure one, but we have them in prices ranging f $9, $10, $12, $15, $18, $20. MADE UP IN ELEGANT STYLE AND SHAPE. F. W. SWAB, (SUCCELSOR TO K. STACKJL.V) Merchant Tailor. Keeps on hand Fne Goods of the latest styles The largest stock in the city. Satisfaction guaranteed. No trouble to show goods. Call and see rne F. W. SWAB, 1st door N of County Building. ". F. MniiERLANnKR, I'rwMent. A. W. OLIVER, Vice 1'n.blilt'nt. . . W. KIRICWOOD. Lam! Excmtncr. M. W I.KVV, Trwiurfl J C iaTA.V.(MrrlM Kansas Un and Investment Co. Capital, $100,000. Money Always on Hand to Loan on Farm and City Property Office in Wichita National Bank Building, Wichita, Kan. OUE LINE OP- FASHIONABLE PEA JACKETS ! In Astrachon, "Nigger Head," and Chinchillas are Simply Immense Our Btys Department is Refilled all tfie Latest Patteros Our trade in childrens Jersey Suits is simply immense and to secure your sizes for the little ones you must call early. HOTGHKINS & WHEELER, REAL ESTAT) H EXCHANGE BRIER S SOLB AGENTS FOB HATS! HATS! ROSENTHAL'S ADDITION. This Addition Is located in the north part of the city, between Fairview and Ark&aaas Avenues and ia in the highest p,rt of city. W offer Special Inducements for the next 30 daye. No. 201, 8-H GORNBR DOUQLA9 AVBIfUH AND MARKET 3T. The Dunlap, Yeoman, Miller Blocks are Constantly on Hand. iuzur?mi"i' H-inrmnnn mnn ti tiirx-n-i.-. much tiw.s should not be laid on Charles Wilson, president: W. II. Rto the Xi.?wumps home. I standby secretary; F. T. Studlcy. treasurer lli who staid at home .is asrainst th rwnr. i? xr c.,:. ZXll ' -Tr son.. We are nowhere' told that A. mierKnl &J.'tt ttTthhw' "i rights were ever disturbed. T K V. Tvutf v.s;K-,L ir.. . . . w-v., AA.AUOV3 VU, ff"', Anarchy has no place in this country, and tho sooner its patrons come to realize the fact the better for them and for the country. The fate of the Chicago leaders OUKUt to SUthcc their 51b With every two dollars rortli of goods purchased from us r entitle you to a ticket to the drawing of those beautiful Oil Paintings now on exhibition in our windows. With every Childs or Boys suit an elegant watch chain and eharm. A call at our spacious room j at the corner of Douglas and Lawreaca aves.,wili be greatly appre ciated by your obedient servant. GOLDEN EAGLE One Priee Clothier, 228 Douglas Ave. A N N E S S (A New Town), Located on the Leroy & "Western Ballroad. an extension or the Atchison, To oeka &Tanta Fe Ballroad, In Erie township, Sedgwick county, Kansas, owned by the Ar kansas Valley Town Company. PRICES LOW AND TERMS EAST. TWELVE MILES FROM ANY Jhailroad Town, in a well settled and improving f?mlng community, Insuring good support from the start. C 11 m or write me at once and secure choice of lots G. A. HATFIELD, Genera! Agent, Wichita, Kan. S. D. PALLETT, -&JUUEK L"- Northern 1 Southern Pine Lumber, LATH, SHIK6LES, SASH, DOORS ANB BUNDS. WICHITA, KAN. Orrscs m4 wvant rrx takd va & ummim .. TSUJOW mm TAIUxarTwtwabrw.