Newspaper Page Text
"s : jfj-- Sfte fSfticfeita SaiXtjSasXe: twffaij omittscioer 17, 886. -- ; L ' J ; J?'-. -" s&w g&iXtfr C $ Advertisements in this column will be charged for at the rale of Five Cents per line per week. No ad-vcrUs-ements taken for less than 25 cents, and will not be iuM-rted until paid for. ,WA3TED. YV ANTED or Oklahoma, men to work on the Y extension on the Southern Kansas Railroad, running through the Oklahoma country. All win tor's Job. l'leasant climate. Wages $1-50 per day. Board $3.50 per week. Will ship Monday morning, Oct. IS. Call at my ofiice for passes by 7:30 o'clock. J. It. ICenwortuy, GOS Douglas Ave. 130 Ct XU"ANTED Carpenters, bricklayers, corn buskers, y farm hands, hotel help. All kinds of labor can find employmentby addressing with stamps or call ing on J. R. KenvTrthy, 503 Uou.lasAve. VM-bt "HrANTED-Sltuation by young man as salesman V in any kind of store except druns. Have had eight years' experience In different lines. J,J. ' '.T; Address with terms V. G. Baker. Uurden, Kan. M t "WTANTED-One large or two mnUumslzl im- V furnished rooms. In good locality. U'ir ten Ad. minute's walk from ! P. O., on grounu u ires H. I.T.. Eagle OHlce. 1S0GI TANTED-Scveral more young ladles ami gentle. tnoii to learn telegraphy, all kind; or station k incbulil. F "r nlhp address Southwest- w$ ern Ruslness College, Wichita, Kan. ANTED-Agoodglrl to do general housework We" nquireat J0I N. l-awrence. 130-Ct ivrrn-Tivn lioanltrs and lodgers in private "Wi fanillv, Gil N. Topeka. 1.-Gtt VTTANTEO Lillcs to know that Mrs. I. M. Kolvey .t Co.'s dressnnklng has been temporarily opened in the Now York Millinery store, 1W Main St. See advertisement in "Special" column. 1G0 U "rrTANTED At once, a strong woman to do plain cooking Apply at the W. C. T. U. rooms, on E. Douglas Ave. li Ul" WT ANTED A rlil to do general housewori En- T V julre at j."5T N. Fourth Ave. lt ct "WT ANTED Situation by an experienced book- t keeper. Will contract tor Mx months at S50 Tier month Good references gl. en. Addrtbs "Uook keeier." Wichita. 121a "TTTANTED Kmbroldering of all kinds. Work V neatlv and promptly done. Charges reasonable. Call at :J N. Market St. Vt Ct "TTrANTED SoamstrehS. Will find occupation bv calling on Madame DeLjons.Dressmakerll.N. Toieka, second floor, room VS. 12U-6t W, ANTED A live voung man to speak at the doors of the Rova"l Museum of Anatomy. Alio 1kv wanted. I'ostoilice building. U'J-)t -TTTAVTEI) A flr.t-cla dressmaker. None other need apply No. 11 1 Main St., up stairs, or .Mrs. E. N uiaott "TTANTE1 Eirry pcr.-on wishing a good Inyest V nn-nt in auv iart of the city or county, to call and examine our list of farms and city projicrty be fore purchasing. I'aruuin, Simms & Ucmve. 110 Main St. d 1& fit -rTTANTKI) A good girl In family of two persons. E:i Inquire at 4j3 W et Third St. d-12-i-Ct 1T7" ANTED- A gill to do general housework. Ap V ply at W. i:.Stanloj'.s, ',i North Topeka A-vc. d 12S fit -Trrrr.vvi rn Tu o men. V ill pay $75 to 5.10(1 per mouth to competent jiartio Address l'.aau i: (1-12S Ct 'Wi T"ANTi:i) A woman for general housewoik in mall family. Apply at 2.10 N. Main at. d-123 Ct "X7"ANTI"I) Ry Nov. 1st, nice liouc of four or five rooms located north of Douglas ae. and between 3I..rl:et ani l'outth ave. Will rent by the ear. Kclerencegivcii. Addicss, J. D ,P. O. box Ml. 126 Ci "TfANThD A few teamstie-!Ws Immediately at the Metripolitaii shirt inctory, 14 E Dougla-s room 4: also u small girl to aitend a baby. 12. tt Xr ANTED Good active man to take orders for V shirts. 4ir, Diugla.T ae. 127 fitt -tirXTED A voung lady would like mtiiip copy- ing to do; works o could take home: writes a good plain business hand. Addross G P. thl3 office. vrTANTED A irood coat maker can get work at t Caldwell, Khii. Enquire :it oueeuf J. C.Hjon, nierchiiutla lor at Caldwell, 12i Ct "lTANTED A young man w-ll jotrd in the real W estate and insurance business In till? city. Ad dress full name, reference and terms J ou worked on. K. It . this ofliee. 1-r-tt 1T-aNTEO A small house of 4 to 6 rooms, or a floor iua bus ncss ihock atieasouauieiaies. Rest city lofeitMUCs gien, and perinanoiit Address 126-rtt I. K. this ofliee. TT ANTED The name of the man that said i5 V gins had ()Osi poned his eartlniuake until after the 'ta'o election In tin Mate of Kansas, and that he had lire-dieted early mows in South America, as I wish tUMcr!aIn It It N piudcnt lor me t contiaot firloiiigfora:ivonellriiiin0.(p0jard3 of plattcring berore Cl.rlslinas. H. Willis. IVCi "TYT ANTED llv a voung lady a position In a private V faniilN tod'osewingbvihe day or week. In quire or lea e orders at 314 S Emporia ave. UO W WANTED S me one out of employment to ean vasH for a good article. Call on Drukker & Jlcvc, real estate agents, 131 Main st UObt IAT"ANTED An e-penenccd druggM wants a gen VV tlemau w Ith si.iin) or $1,200 In cash to engage as partner In a flisKlass drug business in this city. Kefercncr-gUcn and required. This is a good open ing lor the light nun. only tho-e who mean busl n.5 need answer. Addiess at once, lL, lock box 14 1, Wichita. l-trl lirANTED A jKfitIon bv seamstress to sew In liil.iUfumllv;idsoa lady loom mate by the of October. 1-" WAN TED Insurance or all classes. I cm give ou tin- best rales in the most rell ble com pan ie . Ashbcl Welch. Eagle block. 1-j-r.t XlANTEn To jdace loans on long time on farms orbuslnessblocKs'oroii short timo -r clmttel r real estate scenritv; rates low and lirompt nttcn Hon. yyshbel Welch, Eagle block. VJj-lJt -ir ANTED The Wichita Gardens aro loomlng. V and w o don't want j ou to get left. Ltiqulre of the p'lui'ipalical estate dealers or of Ashbcl "tdcls. Eagle Rlmk. r-'ut "l r ANTED We want ou to know that your own V Interest requires ou to Invest in tho Wichita Gardens before tho pries iOd up. Ashbel eleh. Eagle hloek. lliKl "tr ANTED Iuestors and speculators to Know aii y :.Inu:t the Icaita Gaixlens Enquire of Ashltel Welch. Lagle block. l.l 1L XI WANTED I have four children I wish to find homos f r bv ndoptlosi. 'all at eoatity building baiuriiayaliVniuoii. Joliu Stewart lot "YTAN1KD A few more roomers at 201 N. Topek.a Ae. Kcfereecea exchanged. 125t niTixrr.n'A position as clerk In creocry store. V iH-riiiaTieMt and pa lug position, by u H'rsou ol CArenciici A T" AN TED -Carpet sewing and laying. OU njs taken up. cleaned anu original -jmji.- jwuh-j.,madc over, turnlture roral.w aivi Old matiix.sses,ma ainishedoroillli.ishc.l. All kinds of's.e'-.i g it eastern prices Address. S. L'anli is .e otici hand stoTV. '.14 N. Mam St. i P-t "ITr.WTED-Ki-athcrs to renovate. Seed In Jinr bflsar..t"M eel to while the team machine fs in tow'n. jcam:ne the work I have done, 'iwo t0.s w ill make tK'-ee lil"sl7.v T.Vit: i IllowS will mako tieatt"r U'tig ioTjov.vte-l. it will add M 1 er cent, actual va.ue to the feather. Leave-orders at S. Daulels i-n nil Hand store, 2i: N. Main St. TY r ANTLI) -Everj-boily to know that C. M.GaTjso-i 1 11.1s 1u..t roceUedn flue Hun of fur and jiiush Ian robes, hcrsp blankets iuds of "oio clothing. IVJ West Douglas Av e. l't ' m'' WANTED Three pood taitois;one for coat, one for i.-in-.f. -i.u. ( .p- for vets, jmim dlntly. Mai ?. .i......t. i,.i- -M....-I.:,iil Tall. r. il' 1 site!., b. Llltd f flee. Garden lt.laa. '' s' I --r-r ANTED A giHil girl tor family of three, 142 V V EmiKiila ave. G. L. Pratt. 11.' it T Pittsburgh. Pa. .-7 vNTFP V g'rltocoiik Iua pr;att family, cfl' V at S Leer. LuwrciitiJ :uid lam stj. W. A. trnias; 1 rrwrrD ToJif.vstefkc.mleof allkiiuls. .1. A. V BrfiKc-. at Hci-sc afd M ule Marks:. dautf TV TANT' D-Tolor.nV.i'ioiihiJncss IW ! risj.di pot' tirort-ry. wiihln tno nuvn.'o. Cavs. Kansas bwn;i.l l..o.tjtieut ci'ii'Vaii; ...i 1 - 1T aNVEi- To lor.11 at owoi ratea, ItUCtOael'y Yt :.;m Tarn, invreity. Moaoi rcaoy are i: 5. W. C.- '-. ' ,. 7 iUxxii st. cIS) "tj"'T"..Mfelv -'" ksCiM.-rs and inrtmsj m(.n 10 kuoa trt.U thoNHicmal Aix-imr.U.ts' Bur, u offers- niMi-pisa u-intis nr lae itroeurerie!.t "f tirst-elass men end urmn " t jts!tl'as i' ! Utl'ri. an-1 af i:n..iits. lrL'-oy. niiti who vnnt cn'.cijnt nln. m .'Xj-ett !ni.vH.srU caligl'e tSrst-olrussr'c.vuo.s. :Uu w it s, -nations, wowkitto. well by adilrs'ir i.s. c-niiv- f r li.e etnt. of IO.tika at ihesx'.uihwcste-i-n ilnino&sCalH'i', Wlcliittv. Kan sas. dus-tr TOU BENT. TT'OR J15.NT A n!.o,y fcrjili front room for 5 v,tnfl-':-vi-)-s.l'Oexd at iciii-nal-b prices. Inoniiel at - N Toj-eka. iJi t; j TrWIi KENT Kurr !he I roo'.u br the oay or 'wt ' Inquire at !! 5 f3,l.s a- i-.rnin t. up ttat-s. . r at 113 W Loittajaxc. rotiiu i oic- Pt-k el t . fctcre. jIis. -i . j:. biaKet u ' TT'OR HENT A ireod stock and irraln fa m c 4m i JJ acres iH'ttom Ian i ndj ni'lcg I : tLa cio to r it l i cask. Addri'iss Iocs tK'X .!. ;iu:t TTOR RENT A Welllnston. Kan. brick store nom, JL cor. Seventh and Washington ae. rpjltc I'lul Hps house. This Lone .f the pilnclpal bu.ineti cor acrs In Wellington; two-torj" brick, plaie glatji front and a well lighted basement; suitable for any butl nes. Ku'iulro of W. U. fcUJMteca. WelUsirton. Kas., or &. Stone. Bt. Joteph. Ho. HT-tf -miTAN'TED-J-tdle''. local or traveling. A wo'kUt- V ful entirely new sjKvIalty for ladles on'j:S.'y no photo: no iwhitiitc ; pan' free. Mrs. r. s. Little, bo 4:aCliicago, 111. 12a -St FOB RENT. I7OP. RENT Three furnished rooms In r.rst-cia.3 ? order. Reference exchanged. Apply ", Market. 12J-b- FOR RENT Two newly papered and hanrtsomrfjr f urn ished front rooms with home comforts at m, corner Waco and Central Ave. 1-J "T ITOR RENT-Kurnlshed rooms by day or week, also J unfurnished rooms at 116 N Water St, lffl-Qf F FOR RENT-Npw G-rooni house on Oak St. street car line Price $2!.D0 per month. Call at fcteam's. the ticket broker, !G East Douglas Ave. d-Vii Gt 1-,OR RENT Two furnished rooms at 242 North j Lawrence Ave. d-12S-Gtt I7V3RREST A dwelling house on Topeka Ave. j Enquire alfll East Third St. d-12S-6tt I7OR RENT iianu'otneiy lurnisneu room, suitable 1 for two cent!, with or without board. A few llrst-clas boarders wanted it 15.6 South Water St. d l-3-ot ITOR RENT Furnished rooms at 135 North Topeka ? A.e. d-123-Ct IJIORRENT Store room on N Main fct, 25xE0, plate ' glass front. Enquire at Occidental grocery. lUtf J710K RENT Two large nicely furnished rooms suitable for two gentlemen,, or gentleman and wife: and one medium bized room; board f urnlshod; best locality, near to business. Enquire at 2o0 n Em lioria ave. l27-( t I7OU RENT OR SALE-A new hotel Just finished; a special bargain to right person; Ave trains stop dally for meals; centrally located. Address II Fry, Attica, Kan. 127 att IT'ORRET Two nicely furnished rooms at 812 . er month; buitable for 3or 4 gentlemen, Call at Oii n Topeka ave. 127 Ct TT'OR RENT Two furnished rooms each suitable JL' for one or two geutlemen, South Emporia 126-Bit J7KK KENT Nicely furnished room ' Enquire at 323 West 2nd bt. iih board. 12(rUt I701t RENT A nicely furnished room at 3IC South ? Emporia. l'-'f- ttt FOIi S. OK KENT Two desirable i urnUhed rooms at 320 South Main St. lK-6lt TOR RENT-Gcod furdished room at No. 116 S Tojicka- laiijott IJVR RENT In a flrsKlass private family, with or ' without board, three elegantly furnished rooms; one south room wijh ba window; hard and soft water in nous-; all the solid comforts of a refined and private home can be obtdned by addressing lock box 82 1. O.. orniipljliigat 131 Pattyae. lie tween Prince and Douglas ave, y block from East Doimlas ave.; street cars; refeience required. 126 6tt FOII SALE. IT'ORSALE One hundred and lif ty feet cor. Third fct. and Fourth Ave., at a uargain for thhty daJ. John Slew-art. 1 JO mi TT'OK SaLE A lady's fine saddle horse, neat and X stylish, showy color, young and w ell broken En- quire at Register or Deeds umce. 130-Ct TOR SALE No. 1013 N. Emporia Ave.. Cfi.l40 ft. J? New Cottage, with cellar, cistern, well pantry, large clo-ets veranda at front anil rear, mantel and grate ami tle large rooms. Enquire at the house or of J W. Tucker, at Citizens ISainc. UiS f.t iron sALE A good family pony, weight !M0 lbs. also a good Art Garland parlor stove, neai ly new, of large si7e. Would trade pony ror a good spring wagon. F. C. Wluant7, 113 Waco St. d-12S-Cl PORSALE A parlor suite, bedroom suite. 1 Rrus celsciirpet. 2 bedroom cariets, 1 psh bedstead, 2 stoves, two table-. 1 chair and other housekeeping furiiituic. All new. Addrcs- A. d-I2S-6- I7"OR SALE-One-half or whole interest In well es 1 tabli-hfil meat market, cenlrallv located on Douglas aenue. Rent moderate. Fur particulir-s addiessC. Z., Ihisolllce. j d-123-6t I7"ORSALE A cow and calf, at 413 E. Central Ae. Alii 6t IpOR SALE lul acres just east of the Wichita . dens, biiitablefo. plating in acre or 5 acre lot-. 1 he bf-X bargain any place adjoining the city. Spec ial price for a few-das. Faruum, SimiiM .tGeoige, Rcxiiii 1, No. 1IU Malu ht. d-12S lm JT'OK SALE 100x140 ft. on Emporia Ac.. corner, 1 only xlx blocks from Douglas Ae. Feuced, goud i)ioket lence. Faruum, Simms c Georjc, liO Main bt. d-12S Ct JTtOKSALE Weliae the most complete list of North Main an. I East Douglas Ac. property in the eft, and can offer some special l.iyjins for a tewdas. Faruum, biinms & George, 110 Main St. d-12s-U I70RSALE 2 or 10 acre lots in the Wichita Gar ; dens on Washington ave. north of the city, by the principal real estate dealers or Ashbel Welsh, Eagle block. 123-12t 17U)It SALE- Rare ehnnce. A restaurant und board J1 ing house feeding fiom 3! to 40 regular boarders at S3 per wcok lanie uoaru; j.jc trancieninieais. Sickness causo of selling. Enquire 301 Douglas Ave. 123 Ct iroit SALE The Wichita Gardens. The biggest A' iliiinriiow onered ill the market, i.mniiio of principle real estate dealers or of Ashbcl WelchEagle block. 125 12! 1iOR SALE Business lot in W st Wichita, Abar 1 gain for today at S3.1W. E, T. Brown ,i Co., 327 L Douglas Aw. , 1-'"' 6t TiT'ntiSAT.K The llnest land to be found, in 2! . X and lOacre lots on Washington :io. 'lhcie fs big monev block. in it If ou buy now. Askliel Welch, Eagle 123 12t fOR SALE Lot on Main st; $7,0u0. lliOft. on4tli 1 avenue 1101 th.31. ; :. These bargains. E. T. IP on 11 & C o., 32? i. Douglas Ave. 123 6t 17OR SALE The garden pot of the world, othcr 1 wise known as the Wichita Garden.. For infor mation applv to the principal real estate dealers or to Ashbcl Welch, Eagle block. 125 12t JT'OK SALE Gar.'ciiiiig lots of 5 and 10 acres :.t $150 1 pe r aero situated north of tow .1 near the dam on J tiie Little Arkansas river, west side. Enquire of principal land agents or 01 ji 1. .mciiols. "170K SALE Fine farm near Mt. Hope, improved. SO JL1 acres good plow land, U) acres goxt hay land, Hi acres good pasiuie. Will ghe long time on part and will t ake In trade horses or cattle. Inquire at prob-ite judge's ofliee. l3tf 171OR SALE-7'it acres northeast of 11th st. and 1 liiwiciice ave. mltable for subdividing. Also 5 acres north of Carey Park. W. .D. McCormick, 122 E. Douglas Ae. U6-H-1Q 17OU SALK-1 lie VA acres N. E. of 13th st. and 1 Lawrence ae. and adjoining Eagle addition on the east, has been pi iced in my hinds to sell at r. s.cri.lce. the ow ner bomg anxious to reulle. a pro 'It of several thousind dollars can be made by plat ing It. Ct.ll for particulars at roam S .lmmorly building. 122 E. Douglas ave. 1-i 1-t iriOR SALE I-ot 10Poug.asaenue East Wichita. JS Lot 3? Pougli aMiiue. English Add. Call on llr.nls .t Harris & Vermilion. 122 12 1 OORSALE-l lots N Wat--, south of 12th t. east iJ front $Mvr lot. i low N Water south of 12th st. xst front S'5f I e- 111. 5 lots X Mosle souln of 11th st. cast fiont 2;." oer lot. 2 lots on N Olilo south t H'th st cast front $.'- x r lot. 1 lot N Main s mtli of ?l st w est lroiit .t sfio I rick cusinrss blv-';. f tore ntira. 10 abovi with brick oon nnrcarciid oflot. l'ric $15,5). Terras to good lrtic.s 5 acres j'ast 1:01111 ol earey liiinr. j.....v. x- nor, utuum 0. .Noble agents, otBcocr J S N Zlam st. t: ""OK SALE A lair of you's?. w ell broke work oen . at "iiJ8 Sh.'rmsii avenue, cor. Central and Shcr- r man r.'i-r.n i'T'OllSVLE A special bargain 21 acr-i mile iiomCarc Parkin one or S ii"e low to.siut pun-hasr. Terms libera!. J liumnnrry oi 'a. lJ3g.e'llo."k. ....L! -rruK?ALi:-or..' 5 rjil't h.tiKno hundred tact froi.t w ith two 4 m nc ae;iu' i)ctwH'ii lt and 2d streets For torau call 011 J. E. Humphrey c on, tiaglc blook. 32I-tf lOK S.U.E 1 .sit thoroughbred BiThsliiro w, alio ! X 4 tiioroiiHhl'reil Mai shotts lanie ene'iigh for ser ice this fall. Fnqulp' :it 1W Dougla. ave-, or on tur ner of Tlilrd and W.-.shiugton sts. Joseph Stover. Mrjij- IC'U SALE-vech'l Uiralns; fine bulhllug lots .P $i:o.S'50. " acres for siilHliviJIug, $&j W J6.LX, 20 f.LVHi. 40 SHI.UH. Thes.acre ploc s are close to the city and very dc s'n.b'e as :ui Uiv.'stir.eut. tine to ji3d handsome pniHs; te-rnis eay. W. D. licCoimics, 1V2 K IVUf, ave. !; lm TTOR SALE Will rell with Icasoand fumlturo 10 X rooms at Fnioa bloi-ko.'tr Pjelace "oaibc-r sr.op. pply to Mrs, liandolfc, at Union block 97-'.f "IT'ORSALE Old roivrs a i: liT'tidrtsl. tthUofUro at 23 pent a 17tORS.VLE A fine brecxhnsr jAck, for the cum of ' 8K.s Inquire or write :oPii:fcFo;its. Sltf F OR SALE-S.0.WwilI bay loljltO ft with hoa. on 4th avenu", Jat soctr of WilMjuc ttrcst, siiins- I'leiorwnotess?!.' er agricultural ifiipierneut lirs house: a do U6"W c. n ik-put in ery ubeap. E. C d$-If and u 1- ex 'c. m tocTbs av. JTORSALE-nic-'i In !UlaKrers stld.tlo!;, Twfd I lotsrront on W-.;.ln)n aveau' m1 w.t uu Morfey ji'vnno. arc- icv.retJ with tine :.-alt an- s-iuult ! :ii'Os. ana wni: be sau oi-.easy tcrass. cid r. itun&oJ t Miireliousr. i'xll .V at Atitkoav. Kan.; will xii for eaalt ily. stock i.liyorlK-.A'dhor.KiJi. - ;-tf "3rrOn-t:AlJ.!r--',tow- 'oe In G-ae,Cirv; f.j.-cba ' i bar.s.r.- u 1ete! Usd aaUuJii;: Uk city. Cft'I i n eV-.iicirW's i J. . re. ki. trz-iic ngrct, e..-i; C'j. Kin. ss- rrliitlouac dref. A. N. Clar. licit. Van. 1 m XCUSAl.'-- ' rs.i'ca -c an-1 liJr.s. propcty JC In town oi C!oar.-.Ur; aUo n coo-l farm crar ixi.inty nat e f oci-ntxhi' county will trade fij Wjct lta city pro;c' .y. 1 ttjuire li! N i!.vet taisct. mil TT'OR S.I Kenuey hoasr. cor. Doulis am Kou-th hvm: furniture and fixture asd all that l.lo' thchoue. $UX(0. One of th bst lca itotu in U.e city; r. a lcits acttl tt Srt of May. Apply at 113 S Fourth ave'. IS Ct "70RAsALE wvl ihre rows, In tii civ i 1 of Kl- , l.-.rtt-r s;rtjnty. aj i.-jv ptvi,cri ( oinincclt. Tw.pxdilB-rooiJho--s'M!B A;t!o. iianer coiit'iv. Si torcf of e'aolce fcrtn laid 2 !. ..,. ti.. ,'t v 'c.f T.irci.!. Jr'r trrnJ' a. a flili V-; FOR BALE. FOR SALE At 429 S Emporia are. cheap: a cook ing stove, Ewing machine and, one or two arti cles of furniture. 127-St ITIOR SALE 160 acre farm In Union township. 2 " miles from station and watered by the Cowskln; house of 5 rooms, granary, 19 acres of timber, large peach and apple orchard and small fruit all bearing. This is one of the finest stock and agricultural farms in Sedgwick county, and will be sold at a bar gain If bold soon For terms and information call on Rochell & Khoads, 121 E Douglas avenue, Wichita, Kansas. l27-6tt FOR SALE t room house on Cleveland avenue, entlng for 812 per month. $1,101 Drukker & Hoge, 151 Main st, 126t I7W3R SALE A very choice bottom farm at a low . price for a few days only, 1 have many bargains In city and farm propertv; call and get prices. Ash bel Welch, Eagle block. 125-12t JTOR SALE Two lots, barn, cottage and nice shade ' trees, two blocks from both, old and new postof tlce, 225 West Williams St. also 50 ft, of land on Wichita St near cor. First St. Address W. E. Hutch inson, 225 W. Williams St. P.O. box 1147. 123-t TTOR SALE Call at once while the prices are low; X? no better bargains can be had than In the Wich ita gardens. Ashbel Welch. Eagle block. 123-12t LOST. I" OST A pony, mahogony bay mare pony, has a Saddle sore on back, and square cut tail; white stripe on face. Leave information at P. O. and get reward. C. S.Smith. 123-0tt 1" OST At the opera house Saturday evening, a JJ .small black silk shoulder wrap, embroidered in the comer and with fringe bordering. The finder will In; sultablv rewarded by leaving at Miss Sadie YcrkV, No. 3J0 N. Topeka Ave. ISO Ct FOR EXCHANGE. I710R EXCHANGE Half ection of land nearWich ' ita for land in central Illinois o southern Iowa. E. T. Brown & Co., 327 E. Douglas Ave. 123-6t 37OR EXCHANGE-I have 10 acres of exceptionally " fine ganlen laud near the city, to exchange for vacant lots or house property within 0 blocks of Douglas and Lawrence aves. Address. Owner. lock box TS3 city. 12:M2t 171 OR EXCHANGE For real estate teams, hames-s ' and wagons. Apply at Riverside Stables. liy-12t FOR TRADE. I7OR TRADE Nice cottage and. three GO ft. lots by ' 150 ft. deep, and some cash for small select stock of drugs and Iixtures'. Address W.. care P. M., Garr den l'laine. Kan. 130-Ctt I70R TRADE Two farms, 440 acres with good well . and impnuements, ICOncrea with running water 50 acres in cultivation, to exchange for merchandise, hardware prefei red. Address lock box 16 Crisfleld, Harper county, Kan. lOVlmt 17OR TRADE At a bargain Well improved fann . for a residence propeity. Eckardt & Scott, at Santa Fe bakery. 104 tf 1r"OR TRADE LUary stable and the entire outfit; " good business, good location; everything be longing to a first-class livery stable; situated in the cltj of Cleveland, Ohio; will trade for land in west ern Kansas. For particulars address lock box 139. Wichita, Kan. 141-tf STORAGE. O'i'OUAGE For household goods or merchandise, O loxed or loose; if jou ha e any goods to store bring them to the Wichita Storage Co., No. 116 Weal Douglas a", e. C6-tf FOUND. JTIOUND The place to winter horses, brood mares, 1 colts and roadsters, is at the fair grounds. Every horse will have a nice Iok stall andcxiierieneed men to give them attention. V'e h ive drlv ing horses and ponies, saddle ponivs, children's ponies, work horses. Mule, for sale. Fouta Bros., ollice 151 N. Market St. l.X'-12t Haryains ! Uartialii'.: 7 acres adjoining College Hill, -1 room house and small barn. So, 700. 10 acres y, miles north of Doug'as ave, SCOT per acre. 13 acres ons wqrof first sec east oi Fiuco Hights, Sljij K'raere. Above can be plattcl to advantage Immediately. Also several cheap farms In the maiket. Porter, Duttou jc Noble, olllce over 132 N Main st. 115-tf Uarirains iu Ileal Estate. A flue agricultural and stock farm, three and one half miles from city, about 125 acres broke, one quar ter section fenci-d for pature, plenty of water aula small house. Also 200 lots In city finely located and In good neighborhood. Siieclal terms to those wishing to make homes. Also suburban property. For further particulars so, Chris. T. Pearce, agent for Win. GreltTensteln. at city ofliee. dl76-tf DR. WILLIAM HALL, of Hall. t Bennett, Gives special attention ta Diseases of women. Blood and Skin Diseases and all troubles of tho Urinary Organs speedily cured In both sexes. OHlce over Woodman's Bank, North Main street. Consultation day or night Fkek. (Read Drs. Hall & Bennett's card in this paptr.) 121tf Plymell & Leighton's Stage Line. itcL $ fvanhoe 4Ma Center Fljrwli Spr'gflcltl Kj.. . Center "Farga Springs, ALL ABOARD Passengers for Mend Center, Ralnbelt, V."est Plains, Mcrtilla, Fargo Sprlngs.amlall jvolnts in South western Kansas, will sae tbne and money by going via LEIGHTON & PLYMELL'S 1ir,T.. Headquoi tr at Cimarron' and Garden City. Both day and night trains now stop at each of these points EAGLE COENICE WORKS. Just north of tho Occidental VBEDEJSTBUJaGH ' s J Jlasqiicrsde Costume and VTlg Emporium. Will open for the season November 1st with a full ard eo:iiple! line of Costumes. Wig, Masks, etc., to riniJ for VclU, Parties, Tableaux, etc. Our ;iatron.s will do well to make their dates and plifO'lKdmrlers early to ensure best attention. Cutil our rooms are completed, addrt-ss P. O. Boy S?. " L-hit 1, Kan. The People's Line. The G'rcti Free hut Reclining Chair Car Route. St. Louis, Ft. Scott k Wichita, in conc't'n wiih Mo. Pac. Ry. Is r.ow nmalng- rr.eT.Iii; acd evening trains .Icily, tncludlaj Suati.ty.j, to S!A!T!lsTiT LlOiUIHS WKhout Chanqe. 43 MILES The Shortest Route to St Louis. The Only Short, Direct Route to TEXAS AND SOUTHERN POINTS By which the piBf avoids xtra traTtl, depot transfer z.d veiatlCTii dtiivs. All Texas Points Local to this System ... jj.y.s. -pj. ,.,. ti 0 jjt W" Fowler 1 .oQ v CitV &ZrJkS' B J vVsT Carihag, I to fi x rteado C- l FINANCE AND COMMERCE MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. New York Mney Market. Nkw Yowq October 15. Money-On call active at 4 to 7 per cent, closing at 5 percent Prime Merchantile Paper 1013 per cent Sterling Exchange Quiet, but steady at tSI for 60 days bills and 41 for demand. Government Ronds tuli and steady. State Bonds Dull an heavy. The total sales of stocks today was 415,461 shares. 3-per-cents .- 10) 4-percents 12$ 4H-pernants niH 6-per-cents of '33 126 Missouri 6s M.H Chicago & Alton 1Kb. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy lSsH Lacawana 141 Erie S3H Lake Shore 9H Missouri Pacific "7W Northwestern 11 New York Central n-Sft Reading 365 Rook Island 125 Union Pacific H Wabash ia Western Union "hi AT & SF 1st Ts 14 DoRR &l New York Grain. New Yoek, October 10. Wheat Market closed firm. Ungraded red. closed at 45f. .. ,,., Oats Mixed western 31&37; white western, S5G40. Barley Steady. Butter Firm; western, 1012t. Cheese Firm, western. 1513.sf. Eggs Firm: western fresh. 205(521. Clilcaso Grain and Troducc. CttfCAOO. October 16. Corn No. 2, 3435. Oats No. 2, 24$. Rje No.2,4S. Barley No. 2. 42. Flax seetl 'JSJs. Timothy Seeel Prime, $1S Mess Pork-8W). Lard S5.735.S0. The following is tho range of prices on the regular board w Ith closing prices at 1 p. m: Wheat Opened. Range. closed October 71 7271 t 71i November 72K 73S'ir2?g "iii December 74! 75,74H 75.4 May SO- K!6aSy?i U'A Corn October 34 3431W 5Ji November 35j 3575 S5i Oats October 24 Vf 24?8a24Ja 24i November 25J S3!4i25 25.' December 26 26J':6 WHi May COJf OJte'sZiX CoJs Mess 1'ork October 0-"O 9C0 G.SX) J0 Noemlier S10 i00 fttW J0 January IQ4 11W QiWiK KB L:ird October .- 575 577 570 573 No ember 575 5S1 C4375 5T7H Januarr 533 WitiCfij'JS 597J-J Receipts. Shipments. Flour. 10,000 13.CH.ti Wheat 92,000 Com 211,MJ0 12I.U0 Oats 75,IXX lie 3,t0 Barley 7l,iuO . 51.CM) Kansas Cit v Grain and Produce. Kansas City. October IS. Flour Steady: quotations in car lots: xx, TSc: ixx, SSM.9."K.'jfaiiiIlj-, SI 0"'iil I"'! choice, $1 :i"rl 45: fancy, SI .Mil (jT:uatent. SI l'JV2 15; oellour. si 45Csl TO. Wheat Keceipts 1J.IOJ; shii'ments 20.1OJ-, in etore. lls-.Kri. Salcit ranged: No. 2 red cash. CI; Nov ember CHf; December, ay. bid: May, 71?;; No. a red, 51 bid, &.i asked; No. 3 sott. SS bid, to asked. Corn Kecelpts, A.iH shii)inent.s. C.CXO: In stoic 110.0W). Higher; Sales ranged: No, 2 cash, 2 Nov. 30$ bid; Dec. 3IJ4 '; May, S. 0:4s . 0.2 cash, 21 bid; cash and October, 21 bid; Ma. S9j$. ltye November, S3 bid. Mills.tutl-(..iiet. Corn Meal Green, 30, dried, S3. Corn Chop Bulk, TO; sacked, T3. Sli i pst u rf iygi2c. Bran Bulk, 4b: sacked, CT. Hay Farm fane . small baled, $T.C0; large, $fiJi0. Fftvx seed Quoted at fc3. Butter Steady; creamery fancy, 23; good, 25; dairy, 15. store lacked. 12; common. 3. Eggs Stead at lie. Cheese Full cream. 13; flat, 73S; Young America. ISy.; Kansas. CO". Poultry Steady; old hens, $2 23; old mixed. SI T.3; spring chicken', large, 2 10, small, l 50G1 73; tur- ke s, c sheep tv It.-,, firv. l!i-tfj. Wool Missouri, unwashed heavy fine. KkSIS; light, ISi'J2; medium combing, 2262-1; coarse. 2e21: low and carivct. 13VaiT: Kansas and Nebraska heavy tine, l.V&lij; .light, 10&11; medium, 20(3.23: tub washed choice, 3-K&J3; line, 34;vj; dingy and low, 2T2i. Broom corn Short. 4H'; green hurl, 5; seir working. 4'i4J4: lnm; coarse, !5S25s: crooked. VAG,iy,. l"ro islons Sugar cured hams 10,'-J,breakfast bacon, 9; dried beef, 10: dry salt clear rib sides, 4-0 Go, long clear. $0 50; shoulders. $0 00; short clear. $G b3; smoked clear rib sides. ST 10: long clear, ST 00; short clear, ST 33: mess iwrk, 9 30; shoulders, $5 23; beef $3 3i). I .ard-Cholce tierce, S6.W. Dried Ajiiiles. lJc; iwarhcs, 2-1J.c St. Louis Grain and Produce. Sr. Louis. October 1C. Flour Quiet, and steady: xxxS2 3SSJ3 43. family $2 HXS2 75; choice. SJ W0 20; fancy, $-1 10&3 50; extra fane v. S-? O0'3 bO; patent. $4 OOftl X5. Wheat No. 2 red. cash, 73-U&T4; Novemlier, 7Trf 715: December, rrK.7C?L closing 7-s.Tt: liay, Sy,(&&,. closing XU- Corn No. 2 mixed cash. 33H Nov. 3;; Dec. Sijj; Ziji. closing ?.i asked; May, ffe. Oats No. 2. cash.2Ta2eK; Oct 26; November 2CJ 2o; Dec. 2T; .May. .?);. Kye No. 2 cash, 47i ll-irley Very elutl; sales ranged 50cnc. la-ad Dull: refined. Si 23: chemically hard; S4 23. Butter Quiet; creamery. 34&2G; dairy, 125.22. Egg Firmer, lv,G.V3exi. Whlskey-Steady;Sl 13. Pork-Steady; $0 STJiJ. Lard Firm: S3 62JftS3 75. Kecelpts Flour. ; wheat. 2C.(W; corn, 3000! oats, IA,XQ; rve.&umO; barley. 31,iU Shipments-Flour. C.tMJ; wheat, 3,000; corn, 1M10; oats, 1,000; rye, :iM); barley, none. Kansas City Lire Stock. Kansas Citv. October in. Cattle Kecelpts. 2.433; shipments. 1.22; feeling weak except for mat quality; goed to choice 4 0KS 4 3i): common to medium, S3 30S3 50; stockers, S2 232 73; feeders. $2 !m:i lli; cows, SI 50&2 GO: grass Texas sleer. S2 23i 10. Hogs Be-ccipts. 600; shipments 2 OCX); lower, closing u en k; good to choice, St 5J4 30; ommon to nitdium, S-l'.'O! 23; grassersand )lgs;S3 73$-l 23. Sheep Iteceipt.s, 2U2, shlpraents. iione;iiulct;goxl to choice, 2 ofta uO; common to medium, SI 50&2 23. St. Louis Live Stock. St. Locia, October 16. Cattle Receipt?. 1.0V); shipments, CiO. market good and steady: fair to cnoice natives shlpiers, S12.V34 ?: butchers Ftecrs-, S-J-Vgl 10: Texan. $2 to Hogs Receipts. W; Fhlpments, '.Q; market mletl lowe-r: butcners and choice heavy. SiaVt4 j): jork ers:.M Kkci3); mKed packing, 81 .$' 3; grassers and pigs, $J(54 10. Sheep Receipts. 23TO-, shipn.ents, 2LO0; pon cleared at lower prices. Chlcaco J.ivo Stock. CincAOO. Ociobcr 1C. Cattle ReMlpts,70'jO-rshlpmeuts,lsni; market steady; hipping steers 3 UX5 J5. stocker. and feetlers S2 (O &"2s; ow. bulls and mixed, S! ?Jvh3i) bulk 2 23 (52 SO; through Texa cattle stead ; cows. S2 XS5; Inlf breeds. SS103t$4 03; unwlntered Texaii, 3 W & f 3 CO Hogs Receipts, HaXO; shipments. 1000; market lower: rough and mixed. $3 5va4 us. packing and shipnlng. 3 754 CO; Hghf, S33&S4 33; sklrs, S2 25&S3 75. Sheep Receipts. 3.0"0; shipments. IeVh market steady; natives. - 20; western. $3 5tvg3 SO; Texaas. $2 2W2 75; lambs, $4 COSr T3. New Tork Live Stock. New York. October 16. IleevM Recelptn. 10 our load: no trading in bevf cattle: drsssAed tef dull at tyiaSt for native Bidi-s and at &3ff, for Texa and Coforado. Sboep Recelpt.7A; market firm fcr good, dull and wmk for common: common to prune sheep. S3 !3 00-. lambs. S3 OU&i 25. Ho-Eecelpt5. 1J10 mcrket duU:StCOftS5CiX Ixjan Register. Philadelphia. July IS, 1SS0. TVichita "Wichita, Kansas. Gentlemen: We have soon onf of jour ilortgae loaa Rcpstfr3 at the ofliee of the PhilatieJrhia Mnrtcace an-1 Trust Co., this city, and shall le obbpnl if yoa will -nd thL? ccniiMiuy on similar in all respects at your earliest convenience, and remain Respectfully yours, THEODOltS FROTHrNGHAM, d55-tf &yretarv. CASWELL BCCELST. jKAcaracuircr or uairtuiues iron worcice, its, i Iron and Slat Pjoo&sx by crr;rtcpoisil workisen. re-' palrins. jrattertajr aad tpoatiag dose with Bestcria and dispatch. ( prfjKijuitt and iftlKot fsmkbed ctt abort notice Itt s. .Sn v ; Vt 3?'iv s. -rf ' s3 m. i.y ? j JJ? , -- jszj . Missouri Pacific Projects. Kansas Citt, Oct. 16. The morning papers will publish interviews with Mr. Jay Gould and Vice-President Hopkins, besides other information, going to show that important changes in the Missouri Pacific are coming. Mr. Gould says tliat the subject of the removal of the general ofliee to this city from St. Louis was agitated some time ago, but the matter was deferred on account of 3Ir. Hoxie's illness. While he does not say that the change will be made, the information is that it is alto together probable, though not yet decided upon. Oegotiations are m progress look ing to the purchase of ground near the city and the concentration here of the shops now located at Atchison and Parsons, Kan., and Pleasant Hill and Xevada, Mo. In that event the present shops would lie re tained at St. Louis and probably at Sedalia, as a junction point. The system is being rapidly extended throughout Kansas and north into Xebraska as well as south toward Texas, making tills the natural center. A lsne has "been completed 250 miles westward across lfansas; and contracls have been let for grading to the Colorado line. From thence the present objective point is Colorado Springs, Colo rado, the road extending midwaybetween the Kansas PaciGc and the Santa Fe lines. It is understood that the purchase of sixty acres of land near their old distillery in the east bottoms is being considered, upon which to place switch yards, round houses and machine shops if brought here. Mr. Gould stated that contracts had been let for the buildinirof another bridge across the Kaw in West Kansas City and that vi cinity might be decided upon as the loca tion for an enlarged plant of the company. The party will leave here tomorrow for Omaha but will return again later in the week. Mr. Gould spoke in glowing terms of the city's prosperity. He predicted that at at some future time it would be larger than Chicago, and that the packing interests of Chicago would ultimately come here. The I'aolu extension would be com pleted January 1 and would double the business now brought here bv the svstcin. The Storm on tho Great Lakes. Dhtroit, Oct. 10. Reports are slowly eoming in of the damage done by the storm. In most cases the damage 'is to fences, trees, etc. The gale blew up the river, and the water in Take St. Clair w:is raied to an unprecedented height, being seven feet six inches higher than ever be fore known. Heavy losaL's are reported all along the shores of the lake, particularly on the American side, between Fair Haven and .New .Baltimore. The v. liter extended u mile and a half upon the haul and lloated away much valuable timber and houses. The docks at Fair Haven and Schnoor's mill were damaged to the extent of S.VOOO. The tug .McRol had her upper works smashaP in and lost her anchors. The sloop-yacht Turk, of Detroit, was carried away by the water and finally lodged in an orchard V20 feet fiom the shore. Field. were generally iuudaled. The sloop-yacht Annie iS., of Detroit, broke her cable ou the eastern side of the lake and v. as landed high and dry a quarter of a mile from the water at Snewey Carte. Precautions Against the Striker-. Chicago, Oct. 10. Precautions for guarding the property of the packers at i'aekingtown have been greatly iucrea-.-ed. In the town hall are a score of cots on which regular police sleep. Telegraj h wires lead to each of the packing hous-es, and night and day an operator is on dut'. The watchmen at the packing houses re port by bignal to the telephone ollice every half hour and a patrol wagon is ready for duty at a moment's notice. Electric lights have been hung throughout all the alley waj-s and illumi nate every nook and corner, turning dark est night into brightest day. Lastly but by no means least, iu protection measures fs the Pinkerton force. Their barracks in Washington Butcher's Sons packing house, present the appearance of a military camp. The strikers have extended the boycott until it is now an absolute impossi bility for the Pinkerton men to purchase anything in the neighborhood. A Cowardly Deed. Chicago, Oct. 16. A special dispatch from Evansville, Intl., says: L-ind.-ey .Mclvinly, a drummer, of Henderson, Ky., a guest of the American hotel, shot and instantly killed John Martin, an Italian, another guest of the same hotel, last night. Tnc two quarreled Thursday night at the supper table, McKinly threatening JJartin's life. Yesterday he purchased a revolver and meeting Martin in the hotel lobby first shook hands with him and excused his vio lent actions of the night before and then five minutes later walked up to lusictiin and shot him dead. He then walked coolly away and was sauntering about the streets when arrested. He said he did not know why he did it. There is much excitement among the Italians of this city and an extra guard has beeu placed on duty at the jail. A .Republican Love Feast. Arii.kni:. Ivan., Oct. 16. The Republi cans of Dickinson county have enjoyed an old-fashioned party love feast here toda antt lonigut. ine ncpuuiicaii taut! met at the court houe and formed in line with 3,000 men and two bands of music, march ing from there to the depot where Judge Andrew S. V"iIson was to arrive on the evening train. On the Arrival of the judge he was escorted to the Henry house park where lie feelingly aeknuwl edged the grand reception tendered him. At night the opera house was crowdc I to , its utmost capacity to hear Judtce "Wilson, Hon. 'tV. A. Philfips and Hon. J. II. Jiur-1 mn. i nu uicuitu Lriiuiiis.ia.iii ji.e'vai im, and the best of order was preserved. Haline County Republicans. Sauna, Kan., Oct. 10. The Sain) county Republicans met today and at c i cc proceeded to nominate candidate for cougy offices, as follows: For county at torney. Joseph 3Ioore; for clerk of tic district cotirt. C J. Fredricksoi, for superintendent of public instruction, Ames J. Caruthers; fcr probate judg Win. II. Bishop, for repres.entjtli'.e, J. Wavne Ames; for commissioner of Fir district. A. L. Dodrre: commlioncr oi Third district, J. "W. Burke. All the can didates, with the single exception of repr- sentative, are pronounced Wilson men. j Ttailroad Manajrcrg. . Xkw YoitK, October 16. Tho Southern J railroad managers asd pawngcr TLzmU. hM mi iin?'"tMlrir. The CGUraiu-: xn ' passenger rates reported that h &ad -i'. . wt t rvintinnn !?t nltV .if rWmi irffl !." but a pecial contrart tirkct fiKKiid It. , adopted which would put a .4op to ir ; ale of tickets by "scalpers." The atn j tract tNiigced by all these present. It embodite the j-roposisioa of the rrKrt. : Twenty tboiiiand rniies of ntilrwa! w ! represented in the meeting. Moonlight i I-aroed, L-triNED, Kas., Oct. lG.-Co!ccl Tho. trnor, lion. Thoraas George, coraiaee fcr ConirresS for the -sC-ventirdLtric;. aad W. F. Peltiilon. nominee for Secretary of I State, were here to-day and addred the people. The Democrats turned out in fall force and were very enthusiastic. Still Shakiar. Charleston, S C. Oct. 18 Tliere was a svere earthquake at S o'clock to night at summerTiue. io carnage waj done. "Junction Town" Addition to Wichita ! This addition lies westlof tie city of Wichita, acd immediately adjoining the Fifth ward in said city. West TougJas avenue iues through the center of the addition, and in the future growth of Wichita the lots on West Douglas avenue must become BUSINESS LOTS ! This addition was pliiced on the market in February 1SS0, and out of 700 lots there are only 1-25 LOTS LEFT 125 SPECIAL ADVANTAGES Of this addition to which the attention of those seeking investments is directed : FIRST. The land is higher than any part of the City on the east side by at least 15 feet, and the entire drainage is to the Big Arkansas River. SECOND. Garfield University, the State Christian College a building which, when completed, will cost over $100,000 lies irimediatel.v south of the addition. THIRD. The Catholic societv are building a college im mediately west of this addition, the cost of which will be $100,000, and this plant is to be added to from year to year. FOURTH, The Missouri Pacific R. R. will in a ori time place shops on the addition, and a depot of W. & C. and Ft; Scott R. R, will be placed on this addition inside of 30 days FIFTH. The new Fifth Ward School building is completed, the cost of which is $15,000. SIXTH. The street cars reach this addition, making it only 10 minutes time from west side to corner of Main st. and Douglas ave. SEVENTH. The fair ground lies immediately north of the addition. LASTLY. The addition is booming itself, and the facts prove it. The west side of the river is on top. All other additions are being bolstered up by PURE WIND. "WINDY WIND." The investments on the west side are booming the addition. call on . F, G.SMYTH, SR. P. V. HEALY. KOS HARRIS. N. F. NIEDERLANDER. GARISON & HOBSON. ANGLO AMERICAN CO. HUSEY&KRCENERT, ( ESTA1ILISIIEI) IS 1S7'J. ) Wl!M'r z&$"A: 41lirSLP " , CL J )VL -W L0m MARKET. IMlTTXiJES, HORSES J&.25TJD O-A-TTXiS Bought and Sold on Commission. Liberal advancemoads inado on consignments. Everything guaranteed as represented. Auction sales daily. PAiiL-jomJfwtH-Mr!:rj8- ; ii ; Prescriptions i-r i 2 -,&:s z' Specialty. 222 Douglas Avenue. Wichita, Kan FARM LOANS ISeafc Mi m Mes. IHTE3EST PAID IH WHITA. ranraxOBCiTOf wjyot wnerxUJESTii Chattel & Personal Loans z Specialty G A HATFIELD & CO.. cw- Wichita. Kans, i ' &itr - i.ii- I fiRsSSJEfci,rc:'Zl':"';. . : t. . ni.-,. ,- ?...-;. 'S.ent .?s a WMfWM ' " :-'. BateJ. Hf ttPM i144-MAIN st?eet- nUlllul lPure Fruit Extraccs- 7-i Ei lm wa P lc vZ&&JtL. : iim SI BIS a mM-Tl 'It AV tt 7 H tY UUi z-v m m rm ww rz m rmr. ;m in i -mm m - v., . ItwwL 2LSt.lec.Mxilii&MrtoBt. E. H. DEVORE & CO. -'V ', 'j H, L. HILL, Proprietor. -VirJ J ij i tank tmU mm! Complete Abstracts of Tith OSTfOrerJJiJ JW,- Wichita, - Kan. SAWTA FE BAKERY Eatnbtlshod 1372. .Diss' nmmwiG cocds, rvtL rock ok lixzn. STEDMM4- & eRANJ General : kw : kab j ppr QQ0, UT AKO AGCtDEM. Largest Agsncy in the Vaitoy