-- i
v"?, '
S& $9ticftxta gailu vlqz : Smttfaij Ifortttti0, jct0fcje 17, 1886
8. D ALLOT, KotMyPabUc.
W. L. McBEE,
The Oldest and Largest House in the Cit.
C. E. JONES. Notary l"uMic.
Allen, Graham & Jones
il Druggists,
Sedgwick County Abstractor.
,T&-'yi$C'f;x. XJ-
M--i ,p -
Wholesale and Reta
A Kan'a Character bhotva hj tfio ITay
He Carries His Umbrella Tiic Obnox
ious and IJauj;crotn "Jablicr'' Swell,
Grander cud Tat Man.
A man often sliows Lis character by the
way ho can icr. his umbrella. If he is absciit
mimLnl ho will las l by tJic toP of tl:o ksndlc,
carclccs ot v,hcthcrib folded or flapping,
mid indiiTcrcnt if it trail? behind him upon
tho pavement. IIo may bo bustling, hurry
ing, i:i high spirits, and if eo Lo frequently
in n L his umbrella in circles from tho wrist
as he rpins do;ni thciticet. If hoi3fat ho
uses Lis umbirllaasacaneor parasol; if ho
is a clergyman ho carries it limply lx:foro
Lim; if he is angry ho grabs it by tho liandlo
as if it weio a club; and if ho is a dudo ho
pokes tho (erute in front of him until it
Etiikc3 tho pavement, and as he passes on
twitches it forward again.
One of tho most familiar of tho umbrella
carrying spocics is tho 'jabber 'or "shovcr."
He lugs his parachute under his arm, with
the f crulo straight out behind and tho handle
rigid in front. IIo pokes ole more hats, in
dents moi est omachs, gouges more libs and
jabs mora q)ines as ho walks along than ono
could shake a s,tick at in a weelu IIo never
et-opslosco who ho has punched. Net he.
"With his lips compressed as tightly as the lid
of an iron chest, ho goes ou, f 1 o ning, bump
ing into pacsirs-by, and with an air that
Boemstossy: "If 3011 don't get out of tho
way you'll bo hurt." He is generally old and
thin, but sometimes ho hub not reached mid-
dlo nge. Tho public abhors him, and ho is a
nuisanco that Ko-Ivo most inexcusably
omitted rrom ite famous list.
Tho heavy military s v. el I is another inter
esting umbi clla carrier. His chest sticks out
liko a pouter pigeon's, his new plug hat
glistens liko Day iz Martin's blacking. His
pantaloons aro tho newest, his f rock coat tho
tightest, lib mustacho tho waxiest and his
glaro the mo -t fei o?;ous seen on tho prome
nade. IIo cai ries the umbi clla by his sido a
good deal as if it wero a swo:d, sticking
cloccly to his portly liguro. It is a soldierly
net. Even his traducer-. couldn't deny that.
Behold him, with his dand parasol at an
anglo of f orty-fivo degrees, close to his 1 iLs,
ns he strides :dong in truo military step, tho
admiration and envy of every helmctcd
policeman on tho beat and tho butt for
vulgar jokes f 10m every barefooted pascing
Then there is tho countryman fiom way
back, who lugs his vcneiabb rain-distrilmtor
with him v. hen he goes over to llidgeway
park. Sco him on tho boat! His back is
toward ub, and his ancient, faded, bluo para
chute is outlined bsside him. IIo can ie3 it
liko a hoe, and a hoe that he doesn't caro much
about. Its creases are worn by weather, its
Landlo was painted, but tho pamt has worn
off. Hj is an emblem o the hayseed re
gions, mid so is his parasol, which he clings to
w ith a gi ip liko tho gi ip of destiny. IIo may
aotlughk umbielU with much grace, but
when ho get? to Ridgcway paik it will bo
thcro with him; mid, no matter how many
times he "saves Jus life'' with tho inland beer,
ho will hang on to his lain protector, and go
back w ith it to his homo among tho com
patches and wheat fields.
It fcxtraro thing for tho cry 'at man to
uso his umbrella except as a parasol. It wards
off the stria ; orching rammer 1 ays from lib
round and niph ing countenance. "With his
pudgy hand he grasps tho handle and carries
tho parachute over las exown, whilo lib sum
mer est flaps to and fro, and tho entire area
of hb pcrso.i b courted by little rills that ran
Into his thoo-j He enjoys hb umbrella moro
than most people. As a general thine: hb
mouth b open, his biow b mobt, hb feet
come down on tho trembling earth hko
pilediivers aa lw moves on with majesticstep,
and hb manner of breathing resembles that
of thoporpo;.o when that lish comes to tha
top of the briny billows to bio .v.
Tk' Norfolk-jacketed young man from tho
cities, who can ies hb umbrella with him on
t,ho Sr-a'-Iiore, is a noticeable ppocimen of the
genus tf umbi clla carriers. The lim of hb
ttraw h-l i j as stilT as the bow of a 1 Idi man
toapocr rol.ition, and hb attire is faultless,
for 1 , li - not a '-gilded" youth! Hb black silk
urn! u'hh wrappl so small and so tightly
that it looln 1 ko a Cambridge walking htiek.
IIo cirri -1 it daintily and negligently in front
of hi;1!, a ha "auntors by tho sad sea waves,
wat ii..rr th w itching gambols of th? maidens
hitb" 1:1 T. II b harmless; so is hb para
chute N hVr of them aio intended for use,
and 1 ith m.Ao a combination that docvi't
look at vvt out of place on tho golden band , of
the suiu.dinjMiorc, when August's sun tr -j
ambuuily. ririiadcfylria. Iors.
Intro lucinu a ICcvr Uiarul.
11m win-' jobbers .onio$imoj revolt to a
nclionn that puts money in their pockets but
Loops that o' their customers long tied up m
collars. Tor esampl", a new brand of wino
corns intotlw market Tho fut consider
nti mi of the jobbr b how to get a 1 un on it.
Tho cu t jiUary advertising methods arc brmh
cd a ii'.o aj inadequato and Mow, for ydn
thrulil know that w ino must go with a, fizz!
ban" ! boom 1 elso it w ill be a losing speculation.
Throa gool Iroking, w11 di-cfixl gentlemen
walkiuto a leading hotel, register as from
dbtant and different cities mid order a sump
tuous dinner: Tho head w aiter b askcvl to pro
duce tho w ino lbt of tho houso. They scan it
carefully and begin to growL '"Xsver aw a
first-cla.3 hotel with so meager and baek
numl)trl h a wine lbt. Haven't joa tlio
ITarco 1'saib wins hero?"'
Tho w u'tcr politely rep! io-3 that it b not in
the hoirc if they do not find it on tha lbt.
''f Lcn sand out for it," is tho command.
''Wrysoiry, gentlemen, but I am not
uuthoi ized to do that."
Tho threo Uarco Hozarb drinkers oratori
cally enlarge v-im the scxnd-clasi chsraclcr of
n hotrl tliat doe not. keep tlu iKst wina that
over w.is brought hit o 2ew York," being care
ful tomako their oratory and the t.-t tlicreof
underwood by all tho guests in tin room. Af
ter dinner they saunter up 1.0 tho cilice and
nsk tho propi ietor w hy they can't get Marco
Bozarb w hu ai hb tables, expatiate generally
on it supcilor qualities, ;uid cleverly, though
bobtorously, mamgo to loavo an impression
nil over tho hou that life i3of httlo worth
without Mai co Kozarb.
The nest day tho new brand is a Mod to tha
beleaguered hotels wino list. The other day
I counted iho lbt nt dinner and fo:ri I that my
hotel was carrying IwenV-two brands of
champagne, fcr not above a lix'f a dozen of
which is thwc : c.Ul once in thive months.
Then I mads inquiries cf the stoward, who
told mo tlu tnia :.tory of the threo oratorical
ailvoca' of Marco Bozarb. 2V.v York Cor.
Detroit Troo Tress.
Tlip Ta tr.it Tiling in TTRtcrmcloas.
Tho latest thing in melons is tho -scaly
bar."' Tab is the second arascn for thb
nicon, and it b ortra lino. It is a dark green
eclor, with irregular patches of a scaly ap
pearance. Itb will to Inj a most reliable
variety, and an cxcellcut-artic'o for riilpinng,
on .account of its keeping qualities. 2ov
York Evening Tost.
Yliv Ho ToM: Two.
Tho story is told of a Scotch wife, shortly
after tho nuptial knot had K-en tied, mililly
cxiKXrtdntuig w th her hiiaband for indulging
in two tumVleraof whikytodJy just before
going to lx?d. "My dear Agnes, a glass o'
whisky todily mikoi anith;.- man o' me."
"But, my dear "William, ycu take tiro." '-Ay,
Agnes, that gongs to the ither aiaa."
h Estate i-and-i
I am prepared to offer to Investors some Rare Bargain in Wick
ita Real Estate. Now is tae time to invest; if you hold off I or
lower prices you will be woefully disaooointed. Prices are still
daily advancing and will continue'to do so.
Below is a Partial List of our Bargains and Sure to .make Big Money
For the Investor.
75 fet front on tha corner of
50 feet front on Main st. in Fair view addition.
1 acre in Perry j addition; good location and a Bargain.
75 feet front on corner of Emporia and Kellogg sta
100 feet front on the corner of Emporia and Lewis st.
5ofeet front on Fourth ave. 4 blocks south of Douglas ave.
10 acres in Tarleton's 3d add, very cheap; suitable for sub
dividing. 37 feet front on Market St.; new house, 4 room3.
We have some very fine Business Property
that we can sell at Great Bargains.
Iliaeojcaidanr3t Jla&iLIverStiliV n s infi iVite- s'wM, nat to thaDjalai Avcuua HitL w
w il! be found flrt claii Tura ouU,
Kcw Carriages nU-oDrliins Uoft'i. Evcrthhcne.vnaa Urit class. GlrcmaacaU.
wSaBBiv f m
rr.. 'm--"v.rriA. ctp aw. B?WL-adr?AfiTtril FO ft Mui
Real Estate Dealers.
'VTo hxre property In orcrr desirable locality In the dtp; nlso a laro list of Farm Property. By caUinx
our offloo pou can get our prices and boo our property free of charge.
First talrwoj east of Wlclilta
Wicliita Grocery,
neecraors to SIAJ0U & nOLIJDAT, Dealers hi
No. 227 E. Douglas Ave., WIcMta, Kan.
Now is the time to buy lots in this addition
while they are cheap.
Street cars and large brick
School house in connection. . For further in
formation call at 6 1 1 S Market st.
On Chattel Mortgages and City Property,
Wichita Banking Co.
! Dro
Tenth st. and Wabash Ave.
- : - LIVERY.
Finest : Restaurant : in : Kansas.
uii'l MAIX Streets,
uazmjolj-o & KOSSI, lToprlctors.
i Bi-ancn House, New Kiowa, Kan.
rfTK. Ii-Ordur? for len CFA3t In any flavor pac
eJ in ilouldb or Bulk, iiromptl liliwl.
. H. MAXWTEIX. Notary Tu'elic.
Nos. 138 and 140 Main street,
Real Estate and
Investor :- of :-' Capital.
Business Lots and Sub-Dividing Aere
Property a Specialty.
CTRANGSlRS visiting the citywitli a vie-w of Investing, will find
it to their interest to call at Room No. 1, Noble Block, Corner
Douglas and Topeka avenues, and see plats of the Three Inside
Additions, all of -which are within ten minutes walk from the
Business Center.
Sole Agent for these Additions.
Improved and Unimproved City Property
on the best improved streets in the city.
Lots on the inside on street car lines and in
outside additions. Suburban lots on the east
side in Maple Grove addition.
Business lots and business blocks for sale
at special bargains. Several fine tracts near
the city for sub-dividing and plating.
Improved farms and grass lands in all
parts of the county; also ranches in this and
adjoining counties. '
All parties wishing to buy would do well
to call and examine- my list before buying
Tho Oldest Real Estate Agency in Wichita.
W. S. CuJ'.BETT. President. J. H. BLACK. Secretary and Treaurer
A. HESS. VIco President.
Wholesale Groeer Company
Nos. 233 and 235 North Main St., WICHITA, KAN.
Spring .:. Work .:. at .:. Cost.
"Wevnll offer for next thirty days our very large stock of Spring
work, consisting oi one very fme "Vis-a-Vis, one 12-Passenger
Hack, a, number of fine Carriages of different styles, also Surrys,
Phastons, Buggies, and Spring wagons in great variety,
AtlCost in Our Repository.
This is no advertising scheme, bnt a notice to the people, made in
good faith, m order to dispose of a very large stock before the close
of the season "We will, to accommodate persons who are not quite
ready to huy, take a small payment down and hold goods for a few
days. Will also take good notes on reasonable time.
Now is Your Chanee
To get a good vehicle at cost. Come early while there is a large
stock to select from. Remember the place,
CAPITAL, $100,000.
Farm Mortgages, Interest at Low Rates, No Delay,
DATD r.OBSGy. JP... PnocnssT. Toledo. Ohio. JAilES J. P.0BI50K. Secsctast.
?'- 5r3f tjv
bisc Se II. H. T3StIe.Co3ii!ci
t.urtp.Kin Ho:
.!, l ucjis rt.a
Real Estate and Loan Agents
Office south side Douglas ave, 2d stairway w of Lawrence.
Wte nen !nvci!sEtc tl kctp hand In hand wlia
progrt. "Why no: hare a rrft Trashor a -svcll as
cthr nichla-y? I dc'r rjiy esp?rt to fault tho com
blnatlon The aboxe cut sao ajctlonal rierof the
coiatdnatloa. Tki o&rhlne combict Uirtrc actions
tiiher cf trhich will cleiuis cio:h!nf. At the O. K. Latin
Czj, U2 J.. Lawrecee ave, (whre the mahlce can be
tzca t wcrlc anydaT? I 'atb"! I2i whJW" jtUx In thirty
raiaut, turnlnjlLe wlwyl only ctj njlcctr cf the
time, an! not & plce hod to bo ratted, and ci wre
cxcer31ns;ly dirty iihlrti. Pnoe Lanndry xaAchlc 'with
heater, $S3jOO. My fanilyiuiehlc 1 about onc-thirl the
eopidty. Priop. I'alasUi Hoiz. Tin VTS-1 aal Cott
JiOiO. GalraaUl BoDer. TThI td CoTer. $'2J$.
xauo-t todra-K--iti-rtJUt'ertra. "WeRCiraatt-ctse csa
chias3t:d most jdmptedaraifc tad r.rt to Xvf?
circa ta th Tiark'-U A ciU! 1 tc jean old ca tnra oat
a waAhl? as f iit .' Il mohrr cts x1a acd bass oa the
Unpacd lhitt1thoat the --i5tt3.-d. tsd that dAbf
will bti2c -xti'.e: thia by ny otter way uf wahJn
Arcat rratl &J1 pt cr thr -tU ;?-il ml to a?it
Uon fxlnUil ua each ruitis". ! '' aiCrot s tA
' w " "T "
Make Loans on Farm
Office 414 Douglas ve.Eoom
The fo'jowlneis a telectTon from ocr larve lUt of Improved aad nislmproved farms, for
F.Ie! ua.i'n terms tu Milt purchiuer-. We !si hftvrlarj; ttork r inched la this and al
ining counties sit erj luw prices. Grazing lands from 92 to Slower acre.
12 400 in In cultivation. hnu and alibi?,
good orrlinrd. fcn.-rd inton aoil fcOacre
fie ia with wa'er r ni.l-g thiottgti and
t.onverd intorry 40 acre tract. 0:nf
the tinest grain and best armngt-d utock
farm lu r. (tii!-M9. one-half mile o-chiMil,
two ami a half mil?- to gxd railroad
town, 11 ml ts t Wichltn; $12 (!0, oue
thud cash, balance tuaultpuichaeer.
22 lO. IM) lu cnltivitlon, SO acr8 tarce grim,
10acrstliitbtra koo(1 house and sttble,
fenced; Id acres in hog lota nod carraU,
goodwill, puiupund wind mill, good or
chnrd. good i-iring. 1 mile to school
threo ami a haUmllrs to Derby, on ruil
roid. line farm. $'J.40J, on good terms.
3J ICO. 00 In cultivation, house a'able, cilb 20
In iiature, fencd; 2 wells ami crt-tk gootl
orchard, 6 rod to rcnool. 7' n.Heb to
Wichltn; sM.iu), caEh.
373i 1G0 151 In cultivation, hoae, tahle nnd
crib, nice young on bird lecced well,
pump and windmill; lf miles to Valley
Cen'er, cholco bttum f.trm; &0,0lO.
ioK 1W. OOInrultlvatlon, hnnsa. hnrn, crlba
ami grlierj,4-tontoi,k i-cale.nieeyonng
uituaiu, uuunaioi utW. wims'
62 JCO, Mln inltlvatlon, Email hons nnd ftn-
ble, crib Hint gTalnerv, on.e "Jrutt; I nine
toBchO'l. .txndlrpto rallrojd towti, 10
miles to U'ict.iia; J.0OO.
75-lSl 200 In cultivation. 3.1 acr3 pasture,
lenctd; good houe, barn aMl shed ,2 miles
to rallr nd town, 11 miles to Wichita;
812,0j0,Jf cisli.
06 320, UOIn cullivation, CO ytx e. fenced;
nice jong orciiard. 2 viells. cUtern; H
mile to hool. 3to on and 4 mile tt an
other rallrotd town, H miles to lchita,
very cheup; D,000, X cash.
S6 320, 210 In cullivation, house, stable and
grainerv.Kood well and creek, 1 mile to
eihool.'ll miles to Wichita; good corn
farm; $7,500, terms.
103 iro, 80 In cultivation, houso and stable,
fnu t End loret iree.r, fenced; 20acresiia
ture lented.-SJ miles to railioad town;
127-1C0, llOln cultivation, T5 acre3 paaturo,
leiiieii; hmue ami lrn. Hog and cattle
lots len ed; borne rridt: 5 intles to Wl- b
lta, fine vie. v or the city ; Sd.COO, terms.
lKy-li"; lu cultivation, 2 Bcres timber, gool
lion-c atd bum. fenced; wells, orchard,
r, miles t. u.tlroad tou, U mil;s to
Wn-hita; SC.tiO.
ILi 1C0. 1U) In cultiv.illon. house, Lira and
crib, fenced ami crot-8 fenced; 40 a re ps
tur. goodorrharl. 1 nulo to tehwd, 54
mlleB to rullroad town; s,aw, terms.
203 ICO. 110 In cul Ivatlon, house, stiblo and
crib, well, some milt; os nines to s rail
road towns, 12 miles U tVitluta; l.l.M,
II lrCMIn cultivntlon, houo, grulnery.eta-
bleand crib, fenced anil cros renceit, .3)
ac ej hog ilsht; 3 pood uIIn wnd nice
creek, tine orchard; 7, mllps 10 railroad
town, 2i miles to l.u.elllllj S3.500, part
221 SO. SO in cnltlvalloa, hoiiFe, unoVe houie,
stable, grainerj, crib and fenced, well,
goodorclilrd; one and a Tourth mi ea t
cliunii.2 mile-, to '. O , Smiles to rail
road town; $2, MM); $1,000 on time.
270 1C0, 70 in cultivation, houee, stable, erlbn
aiid2carrnl. fied loti and fenced; good
oichanl; 5; miles to rallioid town;
ii,WJ, teniu.
2721,521, 200 In cultivation, well Improved, til
lenced and all wnrercl, tine craln and
stock farm; 3f miles to railroad town,
two-thirdoof itbottom; $2J,0u0, terms.
274118. U.O in cultivation, fenced nnd cros
fenrtd: good houfie, Stable and ribs,
plenty of good fruit, good v.ell; $o,0t),
276 1C0. &01n cnltlvfltlon. good lionee and barn,
joung orchard, Smiles to Godilaid,$5.fX0.
231 1C0, 00 In cultivation, . "-room hotifio. stable,
pasture lew d; 2irUltM to lcJlroal ton,
$4,.CO, terms.
2S2 ioi, Fultiblo for FubdlvMIng, threo miles
Irom Mcnita; price nd tern.s on appli
cation. 321, Win cullivation, hoine and stable.210
lenced for pasture. Kood well; it miles
from Wkhlta., special birgaln; S7,(AO, K
ca h.
2S8 1C0, 1C0 in cultivation, honsc, stable, crlbi
etc. pasture, fenced; bearing ei chard,
llist-rla s b itom I.-.nd, ;mlHto tchtol
2 miles to lalltoal town; $7,txx).
2980.40 iu cult'vation. 2-roorn houBB.?K'jarre
paxtitru fenc-d; orchard, well and Mn
netcah river bottom; $1,000.
201100. 1CT cultlv&tpd, fenrpd; ?mall hou'e.
stable and crib, g od orchard well, pump
and wind mill: t miles to railroad town,
GO rods tofcehool; $1,200, urrna.
202 0, 70Inrultlvalion, hou'e, stAbl. cribe.
etc., fenced Into 4fl.lfl. ood young or
clmrd, S mil3 to Wichita, 40 rods to
school; SS.3C0.
0C2 ICO 100 incullSvMlon, good Croom hons,
good harn, gralnery lor ,if) bit. pastor ,
fenceI; 2go('l weilf, and creek, urchard,
; mile toarhool, 4 mlits to Goddard nud
Garden Plains; special btrgsln; $1,2VW,
$l,2o0 4yrsC perct.
303 100, 110 in cultivation, hon?e. stab!" and
crib, hedgd Into 40 acre fields. brlng
orch.inl; 1 mlt to echool, G miles to rail
road town; 63,V(.
-C20, 2.V)In cultivation, small h'f, ITnn
hrsrablo, pittnre, ffacl; fine orchard,
. 1 mllo loSchooI 4 mile1 to Lterby, very
CncJaim; tO.000, terra'.
We do not make special efforts to
localise "we have
and "Ere desire to give our
Choosing - Their
In irnichto buy. We taSregrcsat pleasure in shovring property, bota
city and farm.
and sell
and Chattel Security,
Wichita, TTn
346 S3, SO in cnltiTatlon, honse and Uble,crlb
anc gracerv hedged all around, 9 sere
or good Iruit. S gayd Wells, SJ rods to
school; $J,t(K
357 ISO. 25' in cultivation, 2 good houses, good
barn, f-n-el all Rtourd, pHi-ture- fenced,
got ixhtinl. 1 mile to m-J'ooI. 7mil to
Wichltt. ver flue tarai and very chcip;
$12,100, tlmeou part.
303 ICO.l.OlncuItlvtIoa. homo andstable,6,
iw. vwincuitivtioa, homo and slab
rod, of g. od hedge, well, eood (rc!
?mlle totobool; 9,500. $1,500 dua
lss-J, 9 perct.
oC-l&i 90 la cnliiration, hone and stable,
well, vi rods to school, 3 mi.es to rail
road town; s( eclal barg-lu and Mccial
terms; $j,2t)o.
357 HO. 120 In cultivation, honf ami stsbln,
gtainery. friiced into to acre tleld:2 wella
K"Ol0Ti'hnrd or all kinds ur fruit, cood
laim; 84,1X4), part t mo b
372 lfi, 90 in cultivation, houne, utable and
gralner, well and nprtng. nom.- ore nrd,
2M u.Ues to rn.lrond town; J ,:), terms.
374 22K houso. barn, bug. y Shetland grMnry,
all fa.vi1, good cirraU and rod lota
fenrel; 2 miles to school, 1 mile to
church; J3.U0.
SSI 10) 70 In cultivation. honeand barn, 13
acres pastre. emes I; H ndlo to school,
3 miles to Andoer on Frisco road;J,30
$UW 4 yra, 8 perct.
53 560. 320 In cultivation, good hnne. Mm
nnd grnlnery, renceil and rross fenced,
leed iota and carrnls fem d, 1 uniting
water und thr. e god well, tine orchard,
fi ndles to Amesliy, 3 to Kdgtcoliib;
J53S 100 tOin raltlTRtlon, good ginnery. S
mine lorauroau inun.vtry Uuclai.d.ll
miles to Wichita; $4,000.
403 lu), 120 In cultivation, hoti-'o stable, cr'b.
gratnery und o rrals. iei.cd ami crora
lenced.2 wells pumpnml wl' d mill, tlna
amlltrge "nhnrdof all kinds of Irutt; .
ndlo to school. ,H mile to Andoer on
1'rlcco railroad; $5,000, art time.
424 ICO, 110 cultlTnted, new 3-ro m hous
pantny nnd cellar, einok limire. fenced
and crosx fenced good I10-' lot 2 K"od
wells, li.'oynmg orchard, Si rods to
Erhool. AS miles to Derbv, Uuse- Hill 4
mile Sl.too
425 1C0. IfO in cultivation. honBe, stabln and
crib. MJinc lenre. Mell.t nek, 31, iiillr-,;o
(.InrAen Plains, 40 rodt totciiool. $I,il0.
427 160, 60 in rn'tivntlon, good houre, bsrn
und crib, 2 Wells, oichnrd; 1 mile to
f-choolgij miles toChmey ou lallroad:
$l,t00, tetUJi.
42S 700, V-0 in cultivation, houe. barn.graln
ery, 10 ncres fenced u ih .'t wire., liS
acres hog tleht 7 wires wells, spilug
nnd rler; 2J jcr a of chf lc lrit. bot
tumlaud; &2J,bO", 13,t0 cash, baUuca
at 7 ier ct.
4,'2-li), K0 In cultivation, Mnnll hntw, India
to school, :i. miles to railroad towni '
$2,5.) .
liO 320 aiTfs 175 In cultivation, good hou4.
largn barn, fenced; 2goil Metis, 1 wind
mill, 45 acre orchard; 4 m lento rnilnmd
town. H miles to Wichita: $J,OW, very
goud terms
443 i). unimproved, ecrit spring, 4, miles to
railroad ton 11; $3,000.
If. lto, 7' in rnltlvatlT, 2-tory 7-room
hou-e good bin), alo other utabllnK, 40
aca4 p:isinre, fe: red: weili, fine young
orchard, ft miles to railroiid town, 4 to
Wichita, $J,Mi); fcl.ft'Uc.uh, balance on
417 1W), V) In cultivation, 2bouse. 2 springs,
Ji 11.il cs tu railroad statlou; $2,Uu,tertus
MS 0. GOln cultivation, 1J fttory houoe, sta
ble, well fenced ,211 bcreti lmiture. lencd,
some iruit, 11 miles to Uichitn; $2,400;
fomc time.
150 iO, 18 In cultivation, stiipll bouse. w!l,
1 each trees, 2yi lortttres. 3 mllta to
rallir.d town; f I.50O, part tlmo.
151 310. 23.'. In rid tl vat Ion. good i ttlnrj h use.
birii20)i'ct, hj forfc ami derrici., 1
gool woilb, ctftr, 2lt arrs fener for
laosil'O. yuwi Hearing or iinro, u iiuiea 10
. IlIiUh, S HillH t MliOJl; Tiu.o'jo.
171110 CO In rnltlrMloa, unnll hou', r.car
rtiiioad tt.'itlon, ,HM SVWou liuis
172100. 90 in cullivr.tlon. good houo ncd barn
jvh irun vrrea, wi iu;v: irees; o-,cwj
SOon time.
173 1C), OH In cultivation, hoafe and tsblek
joins th town f ilurdock, JIIcmimi
Co,; t5,W,Xctnh,
174 1V), Win eultivatlon, bo lmjrovcraer.tst
$1,600; Xcatlt.
175 1'V) 7" in cultivation, home end tAbIt
Sl.lrKI; sI.O.OjU time.
476 100 unlmprovtd; tI,200rSt00os thn?
477 S20, H) in cultivation, good bout nnd l
ole, to acrts fsnced.Queetock isriu; tt.WCO
Vi cish.
17S 100, ll'.lncultlvttlon, hoo snd rtaMs.
40 acres pnstr.re, feneed, 2 or 1 (vein In
orchard; 2'x0; jarttirr.r
47I K, rYHn cultlvatloc, good Improve me -tt
f.ne farra la good location; .10,GO&, eo-i
ISO 100, 110 In cultivation. r-Qn, barn,
fenced, well, Wiollej to rsilroad UiMn.
7 mlo tofcWIcMU. b&rgfin; 5.iCO;
$1.2t0on limu
pecStl bargtlr.i! ia city nnd tubcrban pro-
( hef Sare lots f n Collfge Kill.
Kiv-asii tn scr tracts euitaU fjr flsttln
aqd srardrnlcg, vr7 low u lno to tcit
llualBMt Ijli oa Main and I'cc.-.lttA aT'cce
sell in any particular locality,
special bargrlns
custorners tho privilege or
- Own - Locality