OCR Interpretation

Wichita eagle. [volume] (Wichita, Kan.) 1886-1890, October 17, 1886, Image 8

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85032490/1886-10-17/ed-1/seq-8/

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M. M. MUItnOCICA BKO.. Proprietors.
The following aro the real estate transfers
ncorJcl in tha office of resistor of deeds yes-terdav:
L P Reynolds to P J Thistlewood, lots
14 aud 10, Fourth avc, Zimmerley's
secon I add.
C R Hilbarger to E J" Tiffany, lots 2, 4
and (5, Motley axe, Hilbarger's add..
L P Reynolds to J Poore, lots IS and
20, Fourth ave, Zimmerley's second
J McAfeo to N A Peers, lot 2, Wabash
ave, McAfee's add
J Ro.santhal to A Katz$ ne qr of see 25,
tp27, r 1 16000
G A Hatfield to J P Hanson, lots 1 1
and 12, Morris st, Hatiield's add .... COO
G A Un to S Curtice, lot 8, blk 5,
Mulvane : 400
A S ooiuiiion to R R Henrr, lot 1, U,
5, 7 and 9, Ash st, Pari: Place add. . . 2000
"WCWinauts to P C Beattie, lots 71,
73, 7, 77. Water st, Perin's add.. 1000
Rock Island Town Co to E If Ebert,
lots 2. rf'G, 17, 1!) Rock Island ave.
Rocklslandadd 7500
J In junior to A JM Wasa:n, oomaienc-
ing at s'.v cor of sw qr, i.27-le, thence
n 14! rod, e .S'J rods, se to a point
S2rods o of beginning, v b2 rods to bo
ginning F i Mia to J Rosenthal, n o qr 2o-27-le. .
J E Johnston to J" Rosenthal, n e qr 2o-27-le
J lioic to F Jioif, ne qr 25-27-le
R R Henry to J S Conine, lots 1, , 5,
7, 0, Ash st, Park place add
F C Borden to C J Scnultx, a strip of
ground .VJ it wide ami i-A It long oU.
s side lot 12 Zimmerty's add 500
C Rogers to R S Taylor, lots lots 2, 4,
(, b, Rogers and Cunuinguam tub
div G Richmond to G "W Meyer, lots 105,
107, lt, 111, Richmond ave, Rich
mond's add
G. Richmond to II F Wilde v, lots H2,
91. 101, 10:5, Richmond ave, Rich
mond's add
J VV VVuiteker to E M De Vore. 2.5 ft w
of lot !7, Chicago ave West Wichita.
William Mnthewson to L Richt, lot 1 1
Pennsylvania avc. Mathewsou's add
M R Mosor to W W Ihll.Iots 102, 101,
lOii, 10, 110, 112, 114. 110, 118, 120,
122, 121, 126 Second st Maple st add
M R Moser to S Franklin, lots 57, V.
(I. '), in, 07, llill-idu avc Maple
Grovoadd 1200
M It Mo-or to M II Anderson, lots S5,
87, k'J, ill. Butler & Fisher's apd 800
M K Moscr to W S White, lotOMoser's
subdiv 1G00
TV. B. Ransom to J. II. Shipley, lots
"JO, '"J, .sies'l ave. Hansom cc ivev's
add 550
J. lv. Sawyer to C. I. Ralsuli, lots 5:;,
55, 57, '.t, Market street, BayJey's
Subdivision 10U0
TV. II. Morris to F. Stori. lots :!, 41,
43, 45, Mead ave. IIo 1-ou's udd
J. C. Jones to J. liuv-ehnander. lots V,'J,
41, Oak st, Joiic.-,' add '.
H. M. Lawreuc; to R. S. Taylor, a part
ol low, iilic t. .Lawrences add. com
mencing at s o cor. thence w 150 ft, n
100 ft, o 150 ft, s 100 ft 1 150
J. W. Hamilton t IT. 31. McLaughlin,
lots U, 1 1 , Stephens st, Stephen's add, 250
Mr. T. C, Copclaud, of -the Latham Sig
nal, was in the city last evening.
Dr. Clippinger, of Harbor, Mich., brother-in-law
of Mr. H. K. Tuller, arrived in the
city j'Cjtcrday and will remain some days.
Mr. D. J. ChatQeld and family arrived
home safely this morning after a two weeks'
tour, having in their absence visited the St.
Louis and Chicago expositions and the
northern lake regions. On their return they
were overtaken by a severe gale on Lake
Michigan, late Wednesday night, which
lasted several hours.
Friends meeting and Sabbath school in
Women's Christian Temperance Union
rooni3at No. 220 Douglis avenue; Sabbath
school at 9:45 a. m. ; religious services 11 a.
m. All arc cordially invited.
Plymouth Congregational Services at 11
a. m. and at 7:30 p. m.
German M. E, Sunday school at 9:30 a.
m. ; preaching in the morning at 10:45 by
Rev. Steiumeyer; and in the evening at 7:30
by J. L. Sternberg; young people's meeting
on Tuesday evening at 7:30; prayer meeting
on Thursday at 7:30 p. m. AH aro cordially
invited to attend these meetings.
Rev. J. D. Botkin will preach in the Firat
M. E. church today at -10:30 a. in. Union
Temperance meeting at night in Memorial
First Baptist Church The pastor, Rev.
W.' F. Harper will preach today at 11 a. m.
and 7:30 p. in. Morning subject, "Our Duty
to tho Erring." Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.
Dodge Avenue Presbyterian Church Sab
bath school ut 3 p. m. Preaching by the
pastor Rev. E. J. Brown at 7:30; subject of
the sermon, "Sources of tho Soul's Victory
in Trial." Prayer meeting on Wednesday
evening. All are invited to these services.
"We will be pleased to have strangers and
citizens visit our office. "We have at all
times elegant teams to drive them to all
parts of tho city, and if not wishing to buy,
it will give us pleasure to show them our
live, thriving and beautiful city.
Haudy Solomon,
dl25-tf 327 Douglas Ave.
I make a specialty of selling Douglas ave.
and College Hill property. Bring in your
list if you wish to selL
Haiidt Solomon,
327 Douglas ave.
A scries of revival meetings will ba com
manccd at the United Brethren church on
the evening tho 27th under the ministerial
direction of Rev. J. W. Martin, of the First
Iowa conference, and Rev. B. II. Brookmil-ler.
Hydraulic Press Brick.
We have the agency for the above named
press brick aud can furnish them on short no
tice to any contractor or builder. The best
brick in the market for nice fronts of build
ings. Call on Hacker & Jackson, corner of
Fourth and Douglas avenues, or 117 Water
street. d35tf
Headache, bilious disorders and constipa
tion aro cured by St Patrick's Pills. They
are the most pleasant and most effectual phy
sic inuse. J. P. Allen and Aldrich & Brown
See premium of William & Nessley for the
best loaf of bread made from the popular O.
C. Udall flour. dl02tf
Buy 'o Tickets
This morning for the St. Louis Exposition
until you have first consulted tho agent of
the Frisco line, at 119 North Main street.
J dlOC-tf
Cheap Excursion Kates to St. Louis Exposition.
Persons desiring to attend tho St. Louis
Exposition should bear iu mind that the Fort
Scott route is fifty miles shorter than any
other line, and that rates by this popular
people's route are always as low as the low
est. For full particulars call on E. A.
Smith, at city ticket office, 109, 3Iaiu street.
C. P. Rector, Div. Pass. Agt.
A Regular Avalaneheg Goods
Our House is Too Small to Hold Our Immense Stocklof
Ladies' and Children's Cloaks,
Carpets, Ete.
We Will Make Cuts in Every Department
Until Stock is Reduced
Mrs. F. M. Falvn will occupy a portion of
the New York millinery store until her
rooms at 222 North Main st. are finished for
dressmaking. Mrs. F:u, ,- brings an accom
plished draper from ilw c: t, and can assure
her patrons of artisti" styk as well as good
work. A feature of her bu jness will bo that
ladies can have their drosses made for special
occasions on .-diort notice. Wo have a uum
bei' of very choice dress patterns in latest
novelties an! a handsome assortment of
trimmings, which you are invited to call and
oxaii.iui'. Open Friday, 15th. dloO-lf
Anthracite coal, any size. Call at Wichita
Coal and Fuel Co., Vfi North Main street or
CIS Ea .t Douglas avenu and leavo your or
d -l-s, or ring Ulc?i!sono 99. 130-lf
All kinds hard mil soft coal. Wichita
Coj.lntiJ Fml Co., 13S North Main street,
or ( 1 East Douglas ave. Telephone !'.'.
Liolc at Roger's latest iu show caso. 130-3!;
Briftingham, the finest oparalor west, is
v. ith Rogers. 130-Gt
St. John's church, Sunday school at 9:30 a.
in., Morning prayer and sermon, by tho rec
tor, on "Love and Selfishness,"' at 11 a. m.,
offertory solo, by Miss Miller, "In Verdure
Clad;" evening prayer and sermon, by the
rector, on "Pluck, Grit and Courage;" offertory-solo
by Miss Earl, with quarteete. The
evening sermon is tho last of a scries on
"Muscular Christianity." All invited es
pecially thoso who have heard the former
sermons of the scries.
Evangelical Lutheran Preaching at opera
house 10:30 a. m. Sunday school at opera
house at2:30 p. in. Paul H. Miller, pastor.
First Presbyterian Preaching by the
pastor morning and evening. Sunday school
at 9:30 a. m. Young people's meeting at 0:C0
p. in. ine seats aro iree. fttraugern are
A Bargain.
52,500 cash will buy city real estate which
is considered cheap at $3,941, if taken imme
diately. Address, S. M. Davis, lock box 927,
city. dl2S-4t
A. S. Nelson, of Leon, Butler county,
Kan., has traded a farm near Latham, Xar.,
for the stock of goods owned by Mrs. Ellis.
Mr. Nelson is a reliabio man to deal with,
aud has some choice Jaud to exchange 'for
goods. 130 It
The Itoyal Museum of Anatomy.
Tin Royal Museum of Anatomy now on
exhibition at the. postoiiice building has
the finest collection of anatomical models
that has ever been seen outside the seclusions
of the Royal college of surgeons. Open daily
from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. for gentlemen ; Fri
day from 1 to C exclusively for ladies. Ad,,
mission, 25c. 130-Gt
Tie firm of Combs & McCoy, has this daj
bom dissolved. Mr. C. W. McCoy, of the
firm of Combs & McCoy, has disposed of his
mttrjst to Mr. II. P. Roller, the now firm
will be styled Combs & Roller, and will as
sume and receive everything pertaining to
the old firm. " Combs & McCoy,
dl30-3fc II. P. RoLLint.
- M. KOHN & GO.,
Wichita, Oct. 10, 1SSC.
I this day notify all agents, that have my
property, it is not for sale.
dl30-2t A. M. Garrison.
For Sale.
AH buildings belonging to the G lobo Iron
Worla will bo for sale the next fifteen days.
For the benefit of our patron-? i have
opened an uptown otlice at Yi8 North ?Ja:n
st, in addition to our Douglas avenue oJlice.
All or lors promptly filled, Wichita Coal
and l-'ii'.l Co. 130-tf
Pusiness mun may ca'l and leavo their or
dcrs with the Wichita Coal and Fuel Co. at
KW North Main street, thus taring tho ne
cessity of ordering by telephone. 130-l
l'lH'traits in Oil.
Person-, desiring portiails in oil, of them
sMvc.or their children, painted from life
fiittingr, can secure satisfactory work on
reasonable terms by calling at the art studio
of MissNcttio Williaun at No. 115 North
Topeka avenue, in tho Davidson & Throck
morton building, upstairs. Any one who
has a distinct and life like photo of a deceased
friend or child which they desire reproduced
in oil and life tize, can have tho work done
on satisfactory terms.
A limited number of pupils will bo taken
uudtr instruction. d!2Ttf
Einpoiia Ave. M. E. Corner Emporia
ave and Morris streofc. Sunday school at
9:30 a. in. Preaching at 10:30 a. m., followed
by class meeting. No evening services, as
tho congregation will join in the uuion tem
perance meeting at G . A. R. hall. Prayer
meeting Thursday evening. All are most
cordialJj' invited.
Chiistian Corner Second and Market
streets. Preaching at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p.
m. by Elder Ilcudry. Sunday school at 9:30
a. m.
Christian" Corner Lincoln aud Lawrence
streets'. Preaching at 7:30 by Elder Payne.
Sunday school at 3 p. in.
Mr. A . L. Stone, a banker of Hodgeman,
Hodgeniau count;.-, was in the city yesterdaj'.
Mr. S. says the people of Hodgeman are
particularly anxiou 5 to have the Missouri
Pacific system extended from Wichita to and
through Hodgeman, desiring this road over
and above all other lines that reach Kansas.
There will he a caucus of tho voters of
Wiehiti township on Oct. 30, 1S33, at 2 p. m.
I)r. C. C. rorlcy.
Contiutucj in the regular practice of medicine
and surgeiy.
Ofiica in Furley building, opposite tho Man
hattan. Residence, 1034 North Lawrence avenue.
Telephone No. 110. d52-eod-2m
Of 25.50, 75c and$l Neckties
FOB ; 15 : CENTS !
108 Doz. Sold in Two Days.
T -wicmnor rn cprnrp enm
Parties, out of the city
of these handsome ties had best come
soon as it is doubtful il the remain
ing 92 doz. will last the week
MAN -:- OR -:- WOMAN
I Either who will not save a dollar when convincing proof is shown
x men, mai uuuai emu. iiictuy umers can oe saved.
Our Cloak Sale,
Like many of our other sales, has convinced us that the people of
Wichita and surroundings appreciate the bargains w are
constantly offering at our spacious store,
We will sen goods at bankrupt prices, and we will give you just
what we advertise.
But new goods, sweet and clean. We are going to spend no money
or flowers for an opening, but have an opening" on prices.
Go somewhere else and get the flowers and picture
cards. Come to us and get the bargains.
T"e have a largo list of property in all
parts of the city. Call anil exainiueour iisl.
Haudy Solomon,
dl25-lf 327 Louglas ave.
Tor Sale.
A good card cutler in first-claa order.
.""ill sell cheap. Enquire at this oftice. dJ'J-tf
702 E
1'otlco to Builder.
Vd kinds 01 buildinz stone constanllv on
Call on the Augusta Stone company,
lsL Douglas avenue. dlll-tf
lllnliland Addition
Istifcore th coming Aristocracy will live.
S!25 to !50 per lot. For sale by Drukker i
Hojo, 151 ilain St. 120-Gt
tra 1 f jr i.wdo residence or business uron-
Ey. Call on J. J". Humphrey Jr.. with
I have fomo acre lots that 1 would like
IjO'nbar.l Aiortgago Co. d!13-tf
The latest acquisition to tho New Yorl:
iJilhnry Store, 13S Main street, is tho ar
rival of Alics Cuioii, of Chicago, who is late
fnvaParK She is ouo of the mo.-t accom
plishc 1 milliners 01 Chicago, and will now
occupy tho position ol head milliner. The
linn has aK .vcured tho services of ilrs
Alico Owns, of this citv, acting as saleslady.
Wo havo a
stores for rent.
laa Ave.
largo iit,t of dwellings and
Hardv Solomon, 327 Doug-dl2o-tf
Closlns Out.
Having sold my house I am compelled to
close out my business. 1 -will sell nil my
joods and fixtures verv cheap.
dl34-tf " Joh.v Scnorr.
We have a special bargain 100 acres of
nne lanu m east part of city for platting pur
poseswo will offer for a few days. Hardy
Solomon. :K7 Douglas ave. dl2o-tf
We make a specialty of renting dwellings
and stores aud collecting rente. Place your
collections and houses with us, we will give
them prompt attention. Hardy Solomon,
327 Douglas Ave. dl2C-tf
Tho Young People's Literary society will
hold its first legular meeting at tho Ply
mouth Congregutional church iionday,
October IS, at S o'clock p. m. A bhort music
al and literary program will bo rendered,
and Prof. Wolf ha3 kindly consented to per
form ouo of his delightful solos upon the
All member:? aro requested to be present
and invite thei.t friends.
II ns. S. Wixcii, sec'y.
The fashionable event of the season is to
be the grand cloak and wrap opening at tho
Whito House of limes & Iloss, commencing
on Monday at 1 p. m., and continuing until
Tuesday evening. For this occasion thoy
will not only occupy their present largo
'loak room, but their immense carpet de
partment also, so as to give ample space to
exhibit their stock of New York and Paris
ian novelties brought on for this occasion.
The ladies will all bo welcome at tho White
Homn reception.
Cheap I'ncarMoii i:r.tc; to the St. Lonisi Esjiosi-tion-xia
JTriseo Line.
iiie lTioCOliuo now have on salerouuu
trip tickets to St. Louis at very low rates.
Please bear in mind that tho Frisco is tho on
ly line from Wichita that runs double daily
trains solid to St. Louis without change of
cars of any kind. Pullman palace cars on
trains leaving Union depot at i):2."i every
morning, and elegant frco reclining chair
cars on trains leaving hero at 0:20 every
evening. For further information call on
W. D. JIurdock, ticket agent, 119 North
Main street, and Union depot, or F. D. Pus
sell, general western agent, 327 Douglas ave
nue. dlOMf
Take the Trisco liina
For the St. Louis exposition. Double daily
trains rnn solid to St. Louis and the only lino
that cau offer this unsurpassed service.
Pullman sleeping cars on trains leaving union
dopot every morning at 0:23, and elegant
nev reclining chair cars on trains leaving
every evening at J:20. For tickets, etc., call
at Fris"o ticket oiKcc, 119 N. Main street, or
at union depot. ItOtf
Acre Lois.
Aero lots for sale in Stewart's subdivision
one aud a half miles west of Arkansas river
"bridge, near Gnriiold University, the cheapest
ana mot uet-irauie resutenco property 111
Sedgwick counts, terms easy. Enquire of
E. T. IJP.07. i P. 2LVUTIX. Attorney-at-Law.
"B. T. "B"E2,0W"lsr &s CO.,
-.lid Acre Property. Rooms 2 aivl I
Dealers in choice Uusiasss anil licslJecco Property. Farms, llanc
Car L Douglas Ave,
Knifing prices on Cloaks,
Sheriff's prices on Underwear,
Failure prices on Hosiery,
Bankrupt prices on Worsted Goods.
Panic prices in all Departments.
lac a B CLb I
Laugdon & Cos., Satin Enamuel Cream,
th- great comulexion beautifier 7.1 cents at
Aldrich & Brov.n. dl21-10t
Leave ali3tof your property if vou wish it
fold quick. Hardy Solomon, "i-'T Douglas
avenue. d!2o-tf
S10O ICcward.
Stolen from "Wichita, Sunday niornin",
September nth, l-ti, one light sorrel boras,
sixteen hands high, tevoral barbed wire cuts
on breast, bald faced, a littlo thick winded,
eight years old, shod all round. One licht
bay horsey eight years old, about sixteen
hands higu, star iu forehead, one white hind
foot, fistula mark. weighs about 1,100 pounds,
trote in harness and paces -under saddle, shod
all round. j-S.j dollars each for return of
horses, or ?100 for horses and thief. Address
City Marshal, "Wichita, Kansas. dDC-tf
Harper for Hj.
Hay at Harper in car lota. Qualitv
guaranteed. Write for price.
dl20-2m PvOGKits &750N, Harper, Kan.
Watch for it. Tho first symptom of true
croup is hoarseness, and if Chamberlain's
Cough lleni3dy is freely given at once and
tho doses frequently rejwatod the dread dis
caso may bo entirely prevented aud all dan
ger aud anxiety avoided. Sold by Aldrich
& Brown aud J. P. Allen. 120-tf
For sale. Some choice acre lots. Call on
J. E. Humphrey Jr., with Lombard Mort
gage Co. dll3-tf
Two car loads of choice Michigan apples
for sale by D. J. Chatiield cheap. Cull aud
see him at once. dl2t-(it
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that the firm of Mc
Coy & Alexander, railroad contractors, was
dissolved on tho 4th day of Oct. 1SS0, by
xnutual consent.
All debts -contracted after that date in
namo of said companv aro void.
"T. S. McCor,
S. M. Alkxasder.
dl2S-St Contractors,
JlruccLsts' Statements.
Druggists liquor statemeute can be pro
cured at this otlico at $1 per thousand, post"
age extra. dl5-tf
A new hotel iu this city, handsomely furn
ished, for sale: Hardy Solomon, C7 Douglas
avenue. dl25-tf
The ladies of Wichita will find a visit to
tho Now York Millinery, loS Main street,
well repaid with the sight of tho elegant and
immense stock of millinery now exhibited
there. The daily increasing business of this
establishment shows the great satisfaction
uieir gorxis are giving generally. No old
stock, all new and fashionable goods, which
aro sold at lowest figures; quick sales and
small profits being tho motto of the firm.
Tho traveling man's favorite medicine is
Chamberlain's Cjlic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. J. P. Allen and Aldrich & Brown.
The most convincing evidence of the great
value of Ciiainberlaiu's Cough Remedy is a
fair trial. J. P. Allen ai.d Aldrich & B'rown.
Lower Than
The Lowes
ORNING, OCT. 18th,
The Following Bargains to Continue Throughout the Week:
If 30:1 would not havo consumption, cure
your cough or cold whilo you cau. Cham
berlain's Couh Remedy will do it
Will sell milk at 4 cents per quart at the
milk deiot 307 East Douglas avenue. d5S-tf
Jloney to Loan at Sight.
I can close a good city loan at lowest rates
in three hours any dav in tho week. S. "W.
Cooper, 137 Main street d-SO-tf
To Township Officers.
The Eagle Printing house have in etock
all tho blanks that are used by them in their
business, also justice dockets, civil and
cirminal combined, at as low a igurc as any
establishment in the west.' w7-tf
"V c have forty acres of land on tho top of
College Hill which is offered at a bargain.
Hardy Solomon, b-JT Douglas Ave. dl2Ml
Before buying your winter clothing give
the Queen City Clothing House a call, exam
ine their goods and get prices. Corner Doug
las aud Topeka aves. Wichita, Kan. 109-tf
Highland Addition
Is where the comin-; Aristocracy will live,
$125 to $150 pel lot. For sale by Drukker &
Eoge, 151 Main St.
The Krtsco Line
Are selling very low round-trip tickets to
St. Louis. This is the only line from Wich
ita that runs its trains solid into the Union
depot at St Louis. For full partictdars call
at the Frisco ticket office, ll'J North Main
street dlOG-tf
Tho Eagle printing and blank book es
tablishment is prepared to do all kinds of
job printing and olaak book making, guar
anteeing their work to bo first-cUss in every
respect. All counter work, check, bonds,
perforated, numbered or loose at prices
equal to Kansas City or St Louis.
Tho Wichita Eagle printing house keeps
in stock a complete line of justxeo and legal
blanks and township blanks of all kinds.
A Good Fanner
On a good farm can borrow money cheaply
by writing to or calling on Ashbtl Welch,
100 dozen all -wool scarlet un
der shirts at 33c good value at 65c
75 dozen ladies' all wool scarlet
vests at 59c Price elsewhere
125 bed comforts at 59c worth
5 cases Canton Flannel at 4c
worth 8 l-3c
150 dozen men's all wool socks
12c worth 25c
100 dozen ladies' all wool knit .
hose 19c worth 35c.
500 dozen children's Jersey caps
at 2c cheap at 10c.
850 dozen plumes, all shades, at
24c, 39c, 54c, 73c and 98c. worth
50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00.
We throw on our counter 250
dozen linen Huck and Damask
Towels, -which aro usually sold f or
30c. 35c and 40c All these goods
shall -he placed together. Your
choice, 19c Towels on display
in the store during the week.
Just received, 500 dozen ladles'
embroidered hem-stitched col
ored bordered linen handker
chiefs, which wc are marking at
special prices.
350 packages Hamburg edge
and insertings that have been
purchased at 50 cents on the dol-
We give you the benefit this
week of 75 packages OilLsllk pluth
in all the latest colorings, never
before offered for less than $1.75,
ve offer this week at $ 1.03.
Short Wraos and Jackets
Eagle block, Wicbita. Try iU
Everything Kept in a First-Class
"Wichita, Kan.
For Ladies, Misses and Children.
The Largest Line in the City and at Prices that Make the Closest Shopper Purchase.
We are having an Immense trade in our DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT, which please
give attention to and ask for prices. While in the rear part of our store give
our SHOE LINE a thorough examination and if in want of Shoes or Boots we are confident
oi your patronage.
Having been wired by our Eastern Buyer to come on at once, our Mr. Cohn leaves this
morning for the East, where he intends purchasing many lines of goods at depressed
Ob Arrival tk will lie Advertised.

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