Newspaper Page Text
tOtchtte fdale VOL. V. KO. 134. WICHITA, KANSAS. FPtlDAY MOENINa, OCTOBER 22, 1S86. WHOIiE XO. 760. MUNSOf ft MoNAMARA. 123 and 125 Main Street. This will be a Great Week with Us. Greatest emn THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. The Treasury Statement of Rev enue Receipts for the Month Shows an Increase of over a Mil lion Dollars Ahove Expenditures. Interesting: Communication Prom Gor. Zenliclc. of Arizona, Con cerning tlie Apache Indians and Their Ilescrva tions in That Territory Time ly Suggestions Relative to the Disposition of the Hos tile Captives anil Touching the Apache Lands There. A Pessertatiou From Commissioner Sparks Upon Timher Depreda tions in Montana. -OF- Fine Wraps! Our Styles and Shapes are Entirely Differ ent from Anv Others, and Exclusively Ours. Ingalls at Anthony. Special Dpateh thelfciilv- Eatfc A'Tno"Y, Elan., Oct. 21. Accordin announcement Senator Iniralls met the citi zens of Harper county in this city today, and talked to them in his happy vein of matchless eloquence for more then an hour. UU address was necessarily abbre viated in order to enable liim to catch the train that should bear him to another ap pointment.) Despite the threatening weather a great multitude of people turned out to greet the senator and hear him speak. His address was a statesmanly ef fort and was received "with tumultuous ap plause. Republicans at Saratoga. Special Dispatch to tha Calty EaIc Satcatogv, Kan., Oct. 21. Hon. .J. L. Spcer addressed a huge meeting at Travis' hall last night, His speech vras an able and convincing effort on behalf of Kepub- lican principles, and brought forth round after round of applause from the audience. Every Republican who heard it left the hall feeling proud of their old party :md its grand record. If the writer is correct in his estimate Pratt county will give to Gov. Martin and Ike whole state ticket (Tim McCarty not excepted) a larger majority than it did for Blaine in 1SS4, -which vras GREAT SALE OP BLA "F! T R ! JJJ BEGINNING Monday Morning. MDNSON Weather Report TVashlvotox, D. C, Oct. 2?, 1 a. m The following are the indications For Kansas: Local rains; scuthcrn winds, becoming -satiable, nearly staiiona ry temperature. For .Missouri: Fair weather in tern portion; local rains in the portion; southerly winds. the eas-ivc-tern CAriTAL BUDGET. Philadelphia Store Corner Douglas av. and Market St. PECIAL v SALE THIS WEEK, 200 Pair all Wool Scarlet Blankets at f3.50 Per Pair. Worth Fully $5. OFF KOIt UICI11IOM). Washington. Oct. 21. The president, accompanied by Secretary Bayard and En dicott, Postmaster General Vilas, and pri vate secretary Lanirnt left here at 8 o'clock this morning" on a special train for Rich mond. Xa., to attend the fair of the Vir ginia Agricultural association. The "president returned tonight well pleased with his welcome in Virginia. J'UISOXEKS OF WAlt. Today it is learned that" the district at torney of Arizona recently represented to the attorney general that suilicient evidence was obtainable to convict Geronimo and his braves of murder before a civil tribunal, and that in view of thai fact Go.'. Zeullick, of Arizona, had requested the president to day to cause the military oilicen? to sur render the hostiles to the civil authorities of the 'ivrritory for trial. .Notwithstanding this request the action of the president in ordering the contlnement of the Indians at Ft. Pickens. Forida, is accepted at the war department as conclusive evidence ot the intention of the government to treat them us prisoners of v. ar. ami not as ordinary marauders, amenable to chil jurisdiction. GOV. ZECLICK AND THE AIV.UIES. lion. C. Meyer Ztulick, Governor of Arizona, in his annual report to the secre tary- of the interior refers briefly to the ter mination of the Apache troubles m that territory, and says with the' removal of these renegades she welcomes the dawn of a new day! her rapid development will now go on without check or drawback. The governor, referring to the San Carlos Indian reservation, sas: It contains G930 square miles, or 2,. "328 -000 acres of land, well watered and well timbered, the most of which is as good as anv agricultural land in this territory. L'non'this tract are cathered together of young Lonto and White Mountain Apaches "about 3,300 souls, so that each Indian, male and female, vonn. and old, holds over TOO acres of land. Thee In dians, I am told, are nearly self support ing. It would be well tor congress to parcel out the land, rivinr to each head of a family 040 acres or if this is deemed pre mature" then congress should take meas u res to reduce the reservation to at lea.-1 half its present limits. The rovernor reoue-ts that congress be asked" to demonstrate by a scientific survey and practical test the feasibility of arterial wells lor giving the needed uppiy of water and adds: Around Denver a well irrigates from forty to fifty acres. If half as good re sults could" be obtained in Arizona we could produce wine, raisins, fruits, nuts ! and olives enough to, support in affluence a population of 1.2UU.UU0 people. The governor, in conclusion, predicts that -with the Apaches removed, the terri tory will double iu population and re-our-c-"witliiu the ue.t two years. THE FINANCIAL sITVATlON, The revenues o fir tbi- month have av eraged over $1,000,000 a day, and are now about $12,000,000 in excess of the expendi tures during same period. The financial siumtion i refr.irdf.-d at the treasury de- j partment as favorable for another call for y per cent, bonus, and it is probable thai one will be issued in a few day.. TIjrBEK lEPKED.VTTON. Commissioner Sparks ha made a report to the secretary of the interior upon in formation received at the general land of fice, to the effect that the Montana Im provement company is making extensive depredations upon public timber on untir veyed lands along the line of the Northern Pacific railroad, under an agreement with the railroad company, and that private sur veys are being made by the timber com pany with a view of claiming that the lauds depredated upon are odd sections ti& .J CORONER'S UK Official Inquiry into tfce Killing of Bagiey by Pinkerton's Detectives. Witnesses Unanimous That; the Shooting Was Done With out Provocation. Tnc President and Cabinet Visit Richmand, Ta., and attend the State Fair. Fixing- the responsibility. Ciiicaoo, Oct. 21. Several statements from diilerent eye witnesses are unfavor able to the Pinkerton guards who did the shooting as they were leaving the stock yards Tuesday. Captain Mafkey, of tlie town of Lake police, says the shooting was utterly unjustifiable and there are seventy witnesses to prove it. When the train pulled out of the yards near Allerton's, the Pinkerton men raised the windows and called the switchmen and others in the vicinity all the vile names they could think of. I have the names of fifty police who can identify a large number of them as dis reputable character. At the meeting of District Assembly Xo. 24, Knights of Labor, held last night, the following resolutions were passed: "" Whereas, A baud of mercenary men, known a? Pinkerton detectives, have again died innocent blood, therefore be it llesoived, That District Assembly Xo. 24, Knights of Labor, condemns in un measured terms any city, county or state officials who n III quietly sit down and al I'jw this band of hired aains to murder innocent ciliz -:is, and Resolved, That we, :i law abiding eiti zens.'make request of the proper authori ties to bring all parties to the foul con spirjoy to trial that justice may be meted out to them in accordance with law. Episcopal Convention. Chicago, Oct. 21. When the conven tion of the Protectant Episcopal church was called t. order President Dix sub mitted two communication? from the na tional council of the Congregational church recently in session in tin's city relating to Mormunism, and on the subject of family and divorce. They were referred. The house directed thesecretary to acknowledge receipt of the communications and advise the officer- of the council of the action of the house. The house resumed discussion of the proposition to drop the wouls "Protestant Episcopal" from the title page of the prayer book. T'r . was apparently" regarded by a number of delegates as a renewal in another form of the proposition of Judd defeated earlier in the session, which contemplated expunging the words from all books and laws of the church. After considerable dicu-iou a motion was made to lay on the table. A vote on the proposition was culled for by the dioceses. The motion was lost and discussion renewed. Dr. Dafrell moved as a substitute that it was inexpedient to consider any change in the title of the prayer-booh at the pres ent session. Lost on a risimr vote, 13 1 to 129. The amendment olfered by Dr. Gray was withdrawn. The amendment of Dr. Huntington was defeated. The vote then recurred upon the resolution of Dr. Edirar and was lost by a narrow majority. The vote in detail was as follows: "Clerical delegate, 40; diocese vote, 00 aye, 13 no, 0 divided. Lay delegates. 44; 15 aye. 20 no, and 9 divided. Address of Welcome by Gov. and TJrief Response by the President. Lee Two Men Lose Their Lives While Fir ing Salutes in Ilonor of the Presidential Part v. crowd standing at went in? asked the about 1,000 people threatemmr tresticu- Coroner a Inquiry. Chicago, Oct. 21. The inquest on the body of Terrence Eagley, who was killed Tuesday by Pinkerton men was begun to day at the 22d street police station. State's Attorney Grinnel and his assistants were present on behalf of the state. Capt. Mar kev. of the town of Luke, police, testifietr that he was on the train that carried the Pinkerton men. He rode as far as 39lh street, when he got off and returned to the station. There he first learned of the shoot ing. He attributed his not hearing the sound of the shooting to the noise of the the train. Did you notice any Fourth street as you coroner. I did. There were there, boys and men. Did thev make anv lations? They did not: if they had I would have seen them and got oil." Did they throw any stones or missiles of any kind? .Not one. The other witnesses to tlie shooting con tended that no missiles were thrown or shots fired at the train. The witnesses were confused as to the identity of the men who did the shooting, one of the witnesses pointing out an attorney for the prisoners as one of the men who hot at the crowd. I desire to make a demand on Mr. Pink erton to produce the 12.3 guards who were on the train on Tuesday. He mut have them here by 10 o'clock tomorrow, said the coroner t the conclusion of the day session. Mr. Pinkerton is not here, and he could not have ail these men here any way, be cause he ha? discharged most of them, Col. Murui, counsel" for the Pinkerton agency replied. "We'll. 1 must either have your promise to have these men all here or else you must furnish me a list at my office so I can subpoena them early in the morning. Adjourned till tomorrow. The coroner said he expected the inquest would be com pleted in two da. s. Goinj: Back to Work. Chicago, Oct 21. Coopers at the stock yards who have shown an inclination to stick for cighrhour, held a meeting his; night and resolved to go back to work on the ten-hour system accepting the wage offered $3 per day. Pinkerton's force is rapidly being reduced in numbers, and to day will probablv witness the departure of the last rifleman." Employes of the. Union Stock Yard- company's blacksmith have resumed work at ten-hour system, while scctioti hands have aKo gone back being satisfied that thev could not win Evangelistic Lutherans. Chicago. Oct. 21. The national coun- j cii of the Evangelistic Lutheran church be- ran its sessions today. Like the other re ligious conclave, this one spent its first day almost entirely in formal devotional exercises. The foreign missions soeietv met in the 0' TO IUCU3IOI. The President and Cabinet at Rich mond Welcome and Response. Richmond. Va., Oct. 21. The presi dential party arrived at Elba station, West Broad street, shortly before noon, where they were met by the governor and recep tion committee with proper escort and con veyance?. A few minutes' drive brought tlie party to the fair ground ami as the head of the line filed into the main entrance a presidential salute of twenty one- guns was fired by the Richmond Howitzers. In side the gates, drawn np in line, were the military, consisting of a regiment of Vir- of those things which meet the necessities and desires of mankind. But the full ad vantage of that which may bo yielded to a state by the toil and ingenuity of her peo ple is not measured alone by money value of products. 33y efforts and struggles her fanners and her artisans not onlv create new values in the field of agriculture and in arts-and manufactures, but at the same time produce rugged, self-reliant, in dependent men. and cultivate that product which, more than all others, ennobles p. state, patriotic, American citizenship. This will flourish in every part of the Aa:rican domain: neither death nor rain can injure it, for it takes root in true hearts enriched bv love of country. "There are no new varieties in this produc tion; it must be the same wherever seen and its quality is neither sound nor genu ine unless it grows to deck and beautify an entire and united nation, nor unless it sup ports and sustains institutions of govern ment founded to protect American liberty and happiness. Thi TYrpzpnt administration of the srov- ernment is pledged to return for such bus- j lunilrf Tirif nnlv ntnmias hilt ncltia! I tenders of fairness, and justify with Ciiual protection and full gratification in national achievements. If in the past we have bewi estranged and tlie cultivation of American ctizeiTahip been interrupted,yourenthu-ias-t:c welcome today demonstrates there is an and to such estrangement and in time suspi cion of feiris succcededjby an era of faith and confidence. In such kindly atmosphere and beneath such cheering skies I greet the iwople of Virginia as co-iaborcrsin tlie field where grows the love of our united country. God i;rant in years to come Virtuiti, the Old Dominion, mother of presidents, she who looked on the nation at its liirth, iuav not only increase her trophies in biff growth in agriculture and manufactures, but ma she be amonc the first of all these states in the cultivation of true American cllizcu ship. The president was fn-quently interrupted by hearty applause, and when ho conclud ed the immense concourse of people joined in a perfect ovation of cheers. Col. Rev eriy then introduced in the order named Secretaries Bayard ami Endicott, Post master General" Vilas and Commissioner of Agricultural Colman, each of whom was rreeted with cheers, which they simply ac knowledged by bowing to "the people Among the ladies on the portico from which the speaking took place were ilrs Lee, the governor's wife, and MNs Winnie IXnis, daughter of ex-President Jell Davis, to whom President Cleveland was intro duced and with whom he spent a few mo ments in pleasant conversation. The party were then escorted to th head quarters of the president of the swi etv in another building where they iit nesHl a review of troops, white :ind ol ored. After the review the president had a public reception for over an hoar and shook hands with thousands. After a sumptuous time the party were driven to the Confederate soldiers home where they were received with a salute of artillery by the veterans. A stop of only a few min utes was male, during which the presi dent was presented v. ith a beautiful sou-vi-ncr of his visit in the shape of a beautiful basket of flowers and he shook haroU with all the veto The drive was then continued to nnd around the reservoir grounds and through the principal .-.treets of the city, and finally to the gul-trnatorial mansion where the party alighted and a general introduction to the ladies took place, and Kline time was spent in a social talt-, Miss Winnie Duv was a prominent figure on the ground ttnd very affable, in her manner. At 6 30 p. in. adieus were spokt'ii, and the president and party w re driven biick to Elba station where they re-embarked at G:1U, homewaid bound. 'Everything parsed off most pleasantly till late this evening When the prjsidtntinl party were leaving the Confederate home the vets resumed cannon firing and tne sun prematurely ex ploded, blowing one of a nan's nmn o& and breaking the other, and severely injur ing another man. A Fatal Salute. Fkedbic Ksncnc, Va., Oct. 21. Presi dent Cleveland passed through thw city this morning on his way to Richmond, awl was cordially received by a Jae crowd of people. While firing a salute in honor of the president the cannon was premntun'ljr discharged and .Tas. Wheeler wlio waj ram ming the charge was terribly burned and mutilated iiwi fa expected to'die of hi injuries. FLASHES. The Frencii and Turks Protest Against English Occupa tion of Egppt Russia Preparing to Extend Seuz- rainty East and South into Bokhara." The Recent Strain iu Diplomatic Re lations Between France and Hussia ItelaxetL Tho Discovery of Alluvial Gold In South Australia Caused a Uea-ira of Men Thereto. Papal rs'nhclos Officially Advised to Cultivate Friendly- Relations With Political Powers. OVEK TL1C OClsA". 'jff.rriorir! ;ni1 rjxw-rvl fh rotinrtc tt apt-. ! eral minor committees. The following of- ?iDia volunteers, Richmond light infantry hcer: of Ohio record diana; corresponomg secretary. A. ;.IcLui, dbinet passed the military remained at of Ohio: auditor. J. i . right, of Ohio, i "pa-nt arms." Welcoming shouts of the The convention will close tomorrow. inany thou-ands greeted th? presi dent along tlie route to onp of the buildings '.there the party wa to e recetveu. e cucsis Husland. Loxikj, Ott, 21. Tlie St. James Ga zstte says that 31. Wnddiagton, French ambassador to London, acting uadcr in s ractions from hw government, protested in behnlf of France agninat British occu pation of Egypt. The jmpcr eiH that France and Turkey are in complvtc ac cord iu their opposition uoccupAtin. and Russia supports them. A traveler from Bokhnnt who has reached Peusucvant on the Afghan frontier near Khyber pass, reports that Kuviani have completed the 3Ierv ami Ov.wrail way to within the .tagvs of Saraka. he also givrs tfce following tnfonnn ion Tlu governor of Tashkend has summoned hv end Mohammedan officers for political pur poes. The Russians intend to establish military cantonment for thirty thousand men at Shirabad near Bokhara. Russian otuVers disguised as L'sberk merchants are actively engaged in I3adakhr.n inspecting the citadel" and passages to India. Tlie traveler also reports that the czar U ds pleased at the ameer of Bokhara for refus mg to enlist Russians amrnur his tramps "Lord Randolph Ch'mhfli has returned to England. There have been 150 suicides in lh Grr man army in eight months past. Rumors urc current that a terrible fitato of confusion ami alarm exists in tho czar'a household owimg to halliirjnaitoo of ur am'tmry dangers to witch the czar i sil ject. "it is said on set lag an adja-ant wuikicff rapidly toward him reccwtlv tio car ceiled a revolver and alio tin- tvlj i taatdead. Other accounts far the a.iju tant made an attempt t-. k. It f otaer firjtl id self defetue Italy. ROJIK. Oct. 21. Cnrd n .1 papal secretary of stn: I pope's i:atructioi, lias at putxd linaeioa abrowl. dir.i f lemkm to the pnncioal ?-! i clesiastknl qietp-t of tlv J thim to cuImt it1 r ! i i different oti nii:,.nt v ml the situation of i-' fh-ir !i !. vorbl. India., OaL 91. Int.-Ii! -received that theJehnrer or-! lieen put into prniHice. In i htge in Roogal two human , fiewt, the object being to n buerbar aeasnu'or. The mimly afcemled tlie fnaemlpvn sui-l d aith'bntTeiy. Their charred 1" ,-wU " after wards earrtel by Um rtJu ." t deyjxjre. rulnnd. Dmu.N, Oct. 21. PfeherV .t.-'cr Ilnyee reports the toe of ves"- akinj; tins Wicklow oonit by the reccttt aUnM aegf gnttng iu value 200.000. ami rts thai un ItB rdief to affonlrti there wttf 6e m a h dblrew Uiffrtiguout that region. nnl .1 r . 1 1 .i, !r Nine IV r . Jt. '.! ."1 'hvir ,d 'i and i :. a' 1 utz '; . . witfi 1 ' irr -t , r 'bi.' J . ha- n .. 'iu 'Ci a - u r- - r iitte 1 X iw . l l J'.utla, PETCBm -IG, th (; A statement Contradicted. Ciiatt-Utoooa, Tena., Oct. 21 II James U. Rhitne, ia hi $twech at lu-'SHirg yottrday, referred to Caattan'Mgo n .i point in the 5oath where cni'rfw" TaVr r- arcpaul 50 aad T?) cent per day. Daily Times, in commentiar fi speech, sars: Caretul inrntiiratioe t 'ir j 4 1 , uk-- n t'.icea reveal's ine fact trial tla? lowest wage rwJ t j pt-rn at ' i w-r-,.- mtr r.'u'n rrirv Ikes sttturn'm'd Gen rnv.ff1nflr rif it - f ti rrtu n .U,U.OT. , ,..- . p'rial pabt .'' I sir .;ob- jrcjir i -ry t 'r . K.i Hr a I! t laa u,Hi' r V, i'jpuia. itaiire. Put O. t V.1 Tl- i 1 fi I trajjemtrnt tx !wm- i Pra'" thit 'nni-d. U'0rai Ji d 'Ink Jh were eiecieu: x-reswem, isaac x.reu, .mues, ami imra i.-wKpaii;o oi numgw to colorwi Iabor in nar mdutrv H o 31 h o; vice president. T. W. Worcester; dicry, also a battalion of colored troop?. cent pr day, and this rate cows cnl . a iug secrctan-. S. 31. Jefferson, of In- As the carriage bcarittz the nr&identand few at the South Tredenr mm work- 1 Pennsylvania Presbyterians. PiTT-nrno, Oct. 21. The annual con- For This Week Only. raiearar The greater number of colored mfii at j i",ui. ? these works receive wag running from : tlt- Vireaa pr 2 to S per day, with a brge numttT at j M' raJ army U the intermediate rates of .$1.25 t 51 H j P""s " ll,' r ' What w sav of .ttattaooaa in Ihw rrari i" r.s.n h.ooxrslle aa . i'raiwia. . -Th , 1 . Ir (IV' (; al. of h. the oiUc-e of ie gucste were j applies to Dirmingliam, J the president of ' other places. Some ctntoried teen mak- a i ocietv. w here member of ! ihf rivoruirtn eommhteo and a ff-w other West Virginia, was opened here tonight distinsuiJied diizeas were formally intro- witn a ermon by .Moderator I) Lunnmg- ,f,irwi irif nD hou" later, the nresii'r-nt ' fnr iu. m oT Oni! mit ..rk arm of Governor Lee, made his ' inc in : high a? 4 per dny as puddkm awl f ti.-i dry men. in th section. We may say pm si -it) ham, of Wheeling, W. Va. ! taking the i way, h-.'ered by liw houts of ten thousand ! I voice, to the veraalA of tlie building and .faced the welcoming multitude. "The efnllv tltat tlie eaie rans fitwi $1 r greater ma&s of colore soolhcra maiBifaciorlcs. i :ralw f h r -frriJi.t !1 - If Via w .'Ban t . IThJ - ! i' The Southwest Passenger I'ool. - voice, to the veranda of the buudim? and Humored Election Schemed. Cuica50. Oct. 21. At the general meet-: faced the welcoming multitude. The j rxw VoitK, Oct. 21. The Tfmw tb ing of the south we? tern Paeneer Assoeia-, huzzas having ceased. Colonel Roles! ; aiornini: sbvs A raawr wa drcclated tion. held here todav. the ?t. LouLs & San i Beverly, president of the agriculture! so-1 reiteniaT that all sorfnfe and b'Taied Francisco road v-as" not represented and it I ciety. stepped forward ami introduced roatis In U cttv woald be tied up on ek was understood that it refused to enter into j Governor Lee, who m a bnel speech ex-. a,m fa aad ajo of tie shoe nl fartor- anv orgouization to pool the pastncer bu- I tended a we!co:ne for the commonwealth , cioed ia order Uiai JaJborin aea might ineiS on tlie tronosed basis. The w Frisco of Virginia to the presfelfent of the nation. 1 Gvr ;ieir power. It w&s sjd tliat :aea can sive tiie association lines considerable nc prcsKient was men raironnceu y j jw u.k Uie rtay on -oaj Bute pr- f I-A 'th ! j An i:n1r,Jor JJaira'4 uusj)' m vm rutittiv tmrr "Bit i t.t louginst to the railroad company and not to trouble, as it is in position to demoralize all ! Colonel Beverly, who in behalf of the j &, 0f the paHs earfv ic tJie i&orttiag al TmvMmrj. the United States. The commissioner, in business from St. Louis to Kansas and C-ol-, farmer- of Vireinia. wefeomod him to their . ook! cither jatimidate voters wJw wcrt . Bratfky w his report, urges a vigorous prosecution agtiinst both companiesr He says that the public lands in portions of 3Fontana. Idaho and Washington territories, are being rapidly denuded of all their valuable tim ber, and unless the full force of the OTvem meut is exerted to put an immediate stop to these operations, much of the public limber land in said territories will oea be nothing but a Isarren waste. exmtfMir. wm lodged hi tft Uib) roDraiog. At VJ1 tht ' wa5 armgnjri beUm JimUtc f ' ebarge of eMbecrJenwnt. H affliction. It la oJerfl crifsfoal coftrt wBl take afar . ' j aad by Sotnly lie 'will fc ! ' ' t z was talus Irtlore J ( oradopomt- However, it was agreed to state. Deafenm? and proion?ei rneera j nol ;a faror of Henry George or raauag e aK rloc " fraw uatl f iroonaDAl perfect the pool, meeting the mtl wiki wavingof liat- ami handkerchiefs j to fcoep ifam nJj4ffe the pottiog r S- TheosI tssprwi ' r competition of outside roads in the lst greeted him. ,!a3ifl tbe?r petwn as exksma&l rf j wV io U st to JrtM ob. a h " manner possible. The major portion of In a clear voice kind enough to be heard j tfc,y were compelled to go away to their j ca ISt tmt 38ata J? T ,f the agreement was voted on and adopted. ' upon the borders of tlie great rauUiPiuc j pfeccs of bedce-! withoo: ratios rtiaae '" rer ' o4 JiH""c- J j hc spoke as follows: of tlte leaders of tfce Gewre monnaeat CoIMas acr! Mm to r tmu ' ' - of Mrsmia: While 1 , no-hooed tae minor as ri&ctilom and ! pemKtmUmxy J ' K ' " , incerely foryir5cuIre-1K.joK,a;foundaliOQi Urt U was admitted pr,$ xn" "firr-i mir : r. i in tiM-rtir.r-4: ti .i.. ..t-i ... :.! t 2 i a. ii.i ! KrnAU'r ?u. :iLi 'i JtHi'l if ' O " """" - ""- i iHik onsiiiray ii uie ninti szui aara. UKnu t ..-- - - Gonld a: iremphis. Eemvuis, Tena.. Oct. 21. Jav Goukl. spok Throttle Manipulator:. . Fellow-dtizfins Xkw York. Oct. 21. The Brotherhood , thank vou most s of Locomotive Engineer? continued their ! ception and recognize s5Kn tooav wsth closed loors. ! coromiuees ami committee on were annoiatfd Ibii ihoir nsia? made ixtblic. Two seion1: a day will be ' welconse t- tendered not to an uniTwnai y aB,j jjg 1. ....l r i . . . -t .. . . . itandinsr I liospitanry ior wmen ikv jw,c "i -, aooot several day3 ago. it was iUM crcilentiafe ci have always leea ltiagi-hai. I si r antberitv that two or Owe day wrs not . iiillv aware that vour clemoastratjaa ot f,.w ri,,-, c.wW rr!H and , Woman tiyxa-tn'xi Ii-t' K ft - I" Ue the mother sons f "If",; 1 who i on a tour of in-pectioa of hU rail- h'ld hv Uj dclcsates. The wives and ' but an locamL-sct of the olai .?"'rc ' coB&paoie to wetke ssxh tmvatsemeau Uwt J .tj ,irai(M. , S ..S 1.... f. ..... mi.tli.ita.f iTiwaA t1.i 1 i.K,.H. vf .k& .1.3. ... . . XX: i Mv.-v.n- .l&9. tttr-rfxmmfmt ft! i.S i CTlW'f? .1.. Zl.. 1. . -S' tIL 1 i. K an t wMn iv iiucs ii urc ;uit, .unim uirnMa,uia.' vs. uic UKltszs Ci (I. lvliJ- ui"a' " ,i... -- -- - uir itKzn we auc tU OT m IE inornin i appeared j Memphis wouki be soon ooe of the tcr j minal points of his railroad system. Mr. GouM returned to St. Louis at op. va. by I special train. lhies in the southwest, arrived flits j daughters of tlse'delegate went driving j cnwa-5 the goveratnent of tl ine from St. Louis. At 8 o'clock he this afternoon in Central park. , States. Th slate of Virginia, ti tred on change where he statexi lhat of prfNiieot, seven of rhot i A. KATZ. S. W Comer Douglas Ave. and Market St. sxs3isz?L The Xoyal Legion. Piiii.voEi.rinA, Oct. 21. -The annual session of the Lecioa wa formal intallin t.I,w:rf ll... I).-,!...- . . ! A . Jt m-m tt KdjAmt -"'""' j"'i"" "t j kixioa. ine aien racc. wjii jwk c i.a oxtrjEe and wocld irr w preem ae mot. joq a ivaxsas V.1TT, uct. -1. 1 Be sraod wtio wt s ari umc aw wgwu u- rjg. name to the ooil. ixxurt ue cw- . l-.u ,k ge, Knishis of Prthias. of Mi3?oari. on Virsatts's sot!. I eoogr4i!ae nryetf naafa-wf - t emxt the nams thr aen i .,-II? - Mxay i ne ioifeswins: omccrs ' uua my sri jmreoBnwn w in " t wSI tie up sad las we our ott. it wa tk ta-nhU Zj etected fast srand ebancelior. JL H. , nremia c-cerri a s mac wnca iney are v AtME HI tfc-l-i 1 Br 4 trt. iod, ftjcijouriied were Alien. Sedslia: rrand vice-chanceilor. J. iiuford, Kansas Citv. CTaad prelate news and prownty of tnelr state. -. j i rtnAjmtl hv in Ufini nf lH TrniiHi' v, aat- w;u in iui: yjuiix vi. v.VvitiUAintux-i-tni ceepe at St. Louis was referred. rm i.a. bei tetbur annus wux . t, A-- - , r . aatiii flvK irafirf.-.i f "n Z tialcaev. to ixrmrrFlm aafttusr: i. hw h rmp thtrir-." tht Amv .: it !i hern a?r . -i , J . -" .. ,-.......,- ,. i -aai jCTont imxiq j- oiien ' tnl ikm W mnntMiH Wive nofMMd to r .h-..., . .. ., .. .j. . -rr - - ISHHVn iari-M .- rnumrst jt Ji i Hbsrr f u. Lt seid tint bras woriwrs woafcl ai ; xm- HwuirHMl A Arhtxt ' tbedayofl -Mrrfe?e3aid &vkt."' bf &r ifalne's Lienor I-aK. n Urn. 3fe.. Oct. 21 -Tkekwrotsr. 'TT7Z L t. .- .vau-Jiurscisi' .xsb"-v. Kjjm& Cm. Ut SL A T5h f - nnanfcaotti dcci4on that limt SJate V -i-ij-v. . t - - . .1 . t v.- i -clx.,l ,v fH. ulri of ijcral uiei m, uainca, ci. anjis: crsau mazier si cjHRBiwiJiwj. i w.- v - - -- - -- - , tn.- . 2-. -. -i . li 1 T I.. j -. "-... I r Z. ,. V-- I r , ....-.1.. ;UJ... iKI..u ni lh vtlli!' UlTfi DO XiaOiil JIO. . IBC5&3 HW msi mm n- aau uen. cuerman. cx-presiuen. iiavs mm arin?, .4. ivnwies. uannare; scpremei in ou iawanwu wi ik ivmt, . wui& ww - -- - - .tli j Jt.tJ - rt ft -ratl! H nfhnr nmrntnt t- ,i n,rr nrf S WW rrr.rT,.,t,V TT, t fl-d I r,H mi! rTTimsndinnLl ntlllt b rained iri-i!UJen TST HK3 laUffdol lOT tel ttisl MtX&XSmB UX& U1J al 3 .. v..u. ...uu4.,uvu ....., ,.1, .. - .M .. w .t,.x.AM.. a ti.- x. -i. .v !" -. -cr :s - -i . .. .- -t .i.:a r .,.! .- innii, t . -j -.o.. .: j .;... : ,v ?... . -- -? it . .., -,-iii, ), m. v i ih a-ni ' win rnvnTMBk iae iitci.nin ai larre nmai';.- -& -- t--auijk aim uaw oiucers wuo auciiuw ,v icjiuiioa io no:u ujc annust ?e;5ioc ami .cji u. ii; wuijiwuniiiim uiuii; .m.- - - t, .-, . ,- , . i-.-,T- i I-.!- n? irt?iinr. htr"rili7jnji r-s.a bofa.! . tb mumttz&t Dri a.1 1 (KTiJaoa, -crc c.ct.ii w , -. - j -. , t O.'&T Ihc tguviag yes? AWn 0?rr