Newspaper Page Text
15 v ?iW -MW 31XliJP 2HdlI II 4UtT 05T-. . . i.srrrn M. M. HUJIOOCK, Editor. SUNDAY MORNING. OCT. 24. ISScT REPUBLICAN TICKET. STATE TICKET. For Associate Jamie D.M.VALEMIKB. ariBrr-wrooasi3piirut7 ora0liwe: 241867 .93Bis3'3jy?sgS38 ,;..,.. TO PKESTON B. PLUMB. flor Governor Franklin comity. I JOHN A. 1IARTIX. AtcHJson county. OK&rra coustr. Itor Ueateaant Governor A. P. KIDDLE, foe Secretary of Stafc E. B. ALLEN, ,.. Sedgwick countjr For State Trtnsn-r JAMES W. HAMILTON', Bumut-r county. Wr Auditor of Stnte r timothy McCarthy. l'avrnee county. For Attorney General S. B. BRADFORD, Oku& county. Fr Superintendent of Public Instruction J. IL LAWHEAD, Bourbon county. TOK CONGRESSMEN. Ftart Distrlot- HON. E. N. MORIULL, Rrowncowity. Second District HON. E. n. FUXSTOJf, . . . . Allen county. Third Dtiirlct HON. B. W. PERKINS, . . , ... . Neosha county. Fourth District HON. THOMAS RYAN. KM. DWrl- Shawnee county. Hon. a. s. wilson. Sixth District- Washington county. HON.E. J. TCIiNER, Baroth District- - - HON. S. P.'. PETERS i Hcrrer county. JUl)ICL.Vly-18th DISTRICT. forjudge HON. T. B. WALT i Scdgv let County. COUNTY TICKET. For Probato Judge E. E. JEWETJ. or Clerk of District Courfr--. . . A. B. WEIGHT. For County Attorney . O.W.C. JONES. ur tuuaij iupenntenaent . D. 8. PENCE. For Commissioner Third District T. H. K.VNDAIX. For Representative E3U District ItODOLPH HATFIELD For Representative 634 District It. E. LAWRENCE. Hot Representative 6Hh District A. n. CARPENTER. From the Abilene Gazette. You have been asked by the state central committee to come into this district and work for the Republican state, con gressional and county tickets. You have ignored or refused their request. You have teen repeatedly urged by friends through the pre3. by letter and bv ner- .sonal appeal, to come litre where the dantier is the greatest, where the fight is the hottest. It has been shown to von Hint the congressional fight is endangering our local and state ticket, lou now observe that a Republican county central commit tee in tills count', has passed a resolution to oppose a nominee chosen by the unani mous voice of the county convention, and also you may see the oiilv Anderson newspaper that has anv influence hi this county openly nttackins the entire Republican Mate Cu-kit Tlio are but instances showing the condition of the party throughout the entire district, let although appealed to time and again for help, Mill vou stay away. Still you play the coward. Xow. if vnn linlimv. with .Purccll, Joe Hudson, and the other employees of the Santa Fe railroad, that Anderson is the Republican nomine mul is intitled to the support of Republicans come right up here and say so. The Re publicans who aie supporting Judge "Wil son would think a great deal more of vou m that case than tliev do now. On "tlie other hand, if you believe Judge "Wilson is the Republican nominee, it is vou r duty to come here and lend your great influence me nuiuenee given you by the Republican iianjr iuaru nis election. The spirit of the foregoing is outrageous, its expressicns indefensible. There are a number of scheming malcontents and poli tical traders up in the Fifth district who seem to think that when whole woild must dance. allj belong unless he desired to defeat that I people of Kansas what Senator Walls party. Is anything plainer? Not content rfn ? i,. . .. ..-. ?. . COY. MARTIN'S Al'POIXTJIKNTJs. Governor Martin u ill address the people at the fol lowing times and places. bcln;;uileincntary ap P il.itinciils. r. Governor Thomas A. Csborn -.vlll Lc with 1.1m at each or the appointments: Girm it Monday, October T, O ttnw.i l ucdn v. Oc tobor 20. October 27. county j:i-:i'uhlica:' meetings. Under Da- auspices of the &cdgnlck county central committee: Greenwich. Monday, Oct. S3'Ji. Speakers. J. D. CUlilut-H and other?. Waco tortflhliip. Monday., Speaker.", C. Reed, Leo.,, .-nl W. S. Morrw. Hcrby. luesday, Oct. :.VJi. W S.MorrKctcI. Hrlo township. Tucbdaj, Oct. X-Cth. Speakers. J. I Campbell, et al. Uypmun tounalilp. Wcjncday, Oct. 27th. Spcs'-ras C. Hot d and A. O. Armstrong. loli tovnhIp, Wednesda T. P. Cdinpbell. ft al. Oct. 27!h. Bpeakor -"eney . ii)ir,doynitlit Oct. C3th. Speakers. Hon. -.. HattlelU, Col J. It, H,.!!o'.rcli and J. I'. Compb"'I. Esq. Vnllpvr Ont.-r.IM !.iv ' ' iki, !i-n (-i t . AUIifiCil, Il()il they fiddle the that -when thev quarrel the Republican iiarty of the state mint engage in a free fight. To make good their political calculations thev would wreck the Republican party of the state; to place their crowd to the front, they would defame the purest characters and destroy the results of the most conscientious work. The quaircl in the Fifth district's purely a local one for which the local politicians of that district arc wholly and alone m- sponsiblc. However much Republicans throughout the state may have deplored me lact, no Rcpuiihcan outside of the personal enemies and pergonal friends of John A. Anderson were inter ested in the fight farther than it miirht af- j feet the Republican party. As the row ex ists to day neither side have any grounds for demanding any action, work or sym pathy Ironi the patty at large in the slate, and notwithstanding the fact that they have enli&tcd the two morning papers at the capital in their fight. As for Senator Plumb, Senator Ingalis, Governor ;r.-irtin and many other ffontlpmrn r.f nniiiJnni XXtVcXi tandinS 110W cSaSed in the caiiTass, they will li In attendance; n in UIACUS.S U1C li-UCS. W. L. iTcUns, Secretary. alo our befct local speakers H. L. Tatlos, Chalnnan. ii i :im; h li can mketixgs. TheStatoOntial committed h.-.c inadotho fol Iowlncapiolf5aenH for soullivrcjt Kansas up to date: Senator Plumb and oIIicia yvIII adJrcss tlw rcoplc on Uie political Issues or the dtiyat llcl'hirhon, Monday, Sept. 27," at 7 CO p. in, I)eal couunitu es arc MHjuiticd to make ail iiecce ary rrraim-tments for all thesu l.icetlrrs. Poototi furnlbhcd li this committee. llyordo of the central committee, P. l.BOMnitAlCK. HUMtY EKANDLEY. Chinuan. Secretary. nnPUIILlCAN MIIKTINGS J!: for tlio Seventh,lonatI)lstUct. Walnut C Ity, Knsh county, Jloinlar. Oct. 21, at 7.20 y. in. hHMkers, S. It. Peter. U. W. 'Miuockx, S. A. D.iyaiid Tim AlcCV.rty. i-ilropse, Kiih comity, Tneinr, Oct.26, at 7.30 i. fipc.iKers, .-. u. j'Plers, W. It. ntoTJ, E. i.iiiiiimi iiiiu i iiji ,iici any. Klckenon, Utno, Tuesd.ij-, Oct 2(", at7:'X p.m. npeabcn,, rranK uiiictte, Oio. D. Ornar and J. W. "nlte. St. John, MAtford countv. Tiiti nday, Oct. 2S a' t-Si) P.- ' si't"!-'Ts. h. P.. ivten.: H. O. Da-.ldson and 1- I.. CI npman. Irka. Pr.ittciimty, Prlday, Oct. 2?, at 750 p.m. hiMMk-n,. h. It. Pi tors. E. O. D.iIdsoii,IVauk Ci!l lottou'idll lkifflild. l.IIInwoKt!. Itnrton connlv. !!il:i, Oct. 23 at 7-'0 p. in. hjtaUis, J. It. IL'iloneii, l"i. i hltoido .-! Iieniy Iliutli. likln, Miciej count, I"iMay, Ott. 2' at 7-SOp SH.ikiis, H. II. Kolky, nimvn and J. W.Hu Kinsman. Kinsman crunty, :-:.uiidav. Oct. :, -i .-) ). n Sp.ukcr S 1UIVMS, Ji. O. L.iids r T. 1 Ta(.r. It. Ifatlh Id and J. W. Haupl-ev. CI narrr n, Kord c oimi r, bulurdav, Oct. .X),"at 7 30 1 ' in. Sifakci-s. II. 15. Keliey. W. It, liro.-n, Hoar P.) th.inl.l. w p.iii(. NcUon IIaii' county, Momlav, Nov. l.nt7"Jn. ri Spuki rs, S.15. lVtcft., O. W CleiiK'nt, Jauiid 1 .wioii .,'!. T.lajlor, II. WlilU!d'v! si.'l W. E tl ilev. A full attendance all tl ree lncetr-lnj7- 'Hie iFhiict ol tke l.tur Mill 1 c ablaud tkor Oil lily discusKisl. W. E. 1 THY. E. 1.. CIUP2LNN. Secretary. Chr'm. 3.. Com. Olathe Stai: Tlie Star oflico was honored last, 31 omlay by the presence of two very di,tiuguishc. I printer's, Gov. John A. 31arlin and Senator P-e.ton J). Plumb. Roth of Iheto celebrated "typos" took a stick, and the way the typo rattled into line Jiowcd tiiat their hands had for. gotten none of their cunning. Judge Peters, in his speech hist night ex plained that when the pre empiion law is repealed all public lands, no matter whether rcserv.itious, tnut lands or what i known as rcguhr government land will all have to come under the homestead hw. At least that is the present fooling, though it may change before final action is taken. nave been .speaking at very many points throughout the stale and in every con gressional district, for the Republican party, for its doctrines and principles. In no district have these men made appeals for any man. I heir watchw ord litis been the party, its principles and its nominees. In the Fifth district the politicians not the people nor the people composing the body of the Republican party have through unreemly strifes and spites, have through pergonal ambitions and aspirations, succeeded in bringing about a slate of affairs which Senator Plumb not only, but which every Republi can in .no state deplores, but for which he nor they are in any way responsible. That I muddle is not only a miserable one, uuuimmsjiov.croi llUUICIlCO Ot :m one or any combination of Republican, iucludiug tlie stale central committee, to settle or compose. Such being the case tiie Republicans of Kansas, the great body of its level headed thinking men which compose the party, do ;i"t expect, in fact do not desire that cither Senators in- Us oi Plumb or Governor Martin shall ;o up theie and make bad matters worse by tak ing sides in a family quaircl, for which the family is not so much to blame as are a few of its unruly and discontented and r.n dtscijdincd members. Had tlie Republi cans of that uistnet asked the nomination of "Wilson, or even thought of it as among the possibilities, or had Anderson been a bolter in the common acception of that term, there might ha-.c bten some excuse for asking the party at large or its state representatives to take &iilcj, but even a re fusal in auch au event would not have war i;inted the abuse and unification that has been indulged in by the principals to that fight against men w hese high standing in the Republican party of Kansps is unquestioned. with trying to drive away this large body ofvotera, the Leavenworth Times is daily abusing the membere of the International Typographical Union calls them violators of the law, etc., and bids them go to the Democracy. But the union printers of Kansas are not to be so easily fooled. They know Mr. Anthony and the Leavenworth Times. They know Governor 3Iartin too and will vote for him almost to a man. I want to say before I go farther, that I have the honor of being a member of the Knights of Labor. I believe in the organ ization, and have been associated with the order for three years. It is a good organ i. ztition when condutted properly. It is not made up of violators of the law, and is not controlled by a vicious element. I have the honor, also, of being a member of the In ternational Typographical Union. I nave uecn a memoer or tins organization for thirteen years. Eight of these years have been spent in Kansas. I know, there fore, what I am talking about when Isay that Governor Jlartin has been the best practical friend the Knight of Labor and Typographical Union have ever had in Kansas. Let .me cite a few facts to substantiate this statement. Governor "Martin lmc never employed am- printers except mem bers of the Typographic;;! Union. Tlie Atchison Champion has always been a union office, and Governor Martin has never had any trouble in that office. "When the "plates" first came out Governor 3Iar tin ordered a box. The union printers in the Champion office remonstrated. That box of plates can be found lying under the imposing stone in that office, unused. The Champion has never had an inch of "plates" in its columns. This is Governor 3Iartin's office this his record. Union printers can appreciate it, and they do. Aow, how do the Republican papers stand in relation to organized labor? Governor 3rartin's Atchison Champion is strictly a union office, and the men arc mostly Knights of Labor. The Kansas State Publish. ing House, which employs the largest number of nrinlors of miv linnet in Kansas, is a strictly union office, most of the men arc Knights of Labor; also T. D. Thatcher, tlie stale printer, is a Repub lican. Geo. W. Crane, of Topeka, is chairman of the Republican county central commit tee of Shawnee county. He employs the next largest number of printers of any house in Kansas. Knights of Labor and union printers are largely in the majority in this house? Mr. Crane litis twice, with in a year, voluntarily reduced the hours of labor in his establishment, but has never decreased the wages. The Topeka Daily Capital h a strictly union office. 3Lij J. K. Iludson, its editor, would have nonn ntlirr Ti.r. printers in the Capital office almost to a man, belong to the Knights of Labor. The Fort Scott Daily 3Ionitor, Republi can, employs union printers and Knights of Labor. The Topeka Commonwealth recently went into the Knights of Labor in a body, to I understand, and the columns of that paper have been lavish in praising the Knights of Labor organization, and in protecting the interests of trades unions, do in the way of entertainment and instruc tion m a political speech. There was but one regret which was expressed on all sides, and that was that the departure of his train gave the speaker only two hours and a quarter in which to finish his speech. With enthusiasm renewed and reawakened this afternoon thn. Tfon-ihtinona nf !,;. county will now go to work in earnest. Politics begins to. boom here now and the fight is becoming red-hot. The Demo crats are concentrating their forces where they will be most effectiAc and are leaving the stone unturned. But the Republicans have confidence that November 3 will see the whole ticket victorious. Tomorrow evening we will be enter tained by Susan B. Anthony on woman suffrage. This is the third week of the district court. "When under the able guidance of Judjre Herriek. thn pntPnt nnsc.Wn amount of justice is regularly administered in the very shortest possible time. The docket will soon be less crooked. . Several "Wichita attorneys are now in the city on business. Among others, I may mention I. P. Campbell and Judce Harris. Anthony is now duplicating the history of other and older cities in the matter of gas. A meeting was called the other evening to protest against tlie action of council in contracting to pay at least twenty-five hundred dollars a year for twenty-one years for gas. A resolution to that effect was passed. Here the matter will probably drop until it is renewed, possibly in the courts. 3Iuch dissatisfaction is felt here on ac count of the railroad authorities in running from here only to "Wichits. This inakes Aninony nothing but a wa' station ami people going etist have to change cars at Wichita. Some explanation is due the people here after all they have done for the railroad. ft". The editor of the Kingman Courier is shocked over the Eagle's expression "has went," and the use of a plural pronoun for a singular nominative, and we can't say i. ..t i... : . i.i .. 1...1 .. , nun. iiu is iu uuime, out some one aid "o out of his or her way and we made our noint. The People's Line. Tie Great Free Pahra Eectti! Chair Car lioale. CLOAKS CLOAKS! St. lOuis, Ft, Scott I Wichita, In conc't'n with Mo. Pac. Ry. 13 now running morn Ins and CTenlns trains dally laciuditii Sundays, to siAiiiwr iiioiuiiis Without Change. DRESS GOODS I i. Pulnun PaUco Sleeping Car on Ewaog Ttbb 48 MILES The Shortest Route to St. Louis. The Only Short, Direct Route to TEXAS AND SOUTHERN POINTS IRES GOODS V? which the pawensx-r avoids eitra travel. isferand -vexaUous debjs. deiot transf All Texas Points Local to this System VKEDENBUEGH KOCIv ISLAND KXTEXSIO.V 'S SW - )J'"?j rir -M.isqneiT.dt! Costume and Wi; Emporium. E. H. hut c-l't t3le Typographical union, although ..... . union printers are not barred from workimr in the cflice. The Wichita Daily Eagle, the pride of the seventh congressional district, employs union printers and Knights of Lahor. Its editor is a stal wart Republican, than whom there i3 no nobler. And so I might continue. Nearly evcrr Pw: .-....,... , . .. Hmi,'.i'.iui j ;;i;ji ju um Sl.llC ClipiOS UOtll union printers and Knight 5 of Lahor. "Will the members of these two organi zations obey the edicts of tlie Leavenworth Time3. the only paper in the slate that has been guilty of slandering them? "Will they forget their best friends and vote to defeat thcin, because their worst enemy, 1). R. Authouy, tells them to do eo? T think imt I certainly hope not. The wav to defeat and put to night this "eld crank" is to vole for the men and measures that he advises you again3t. Youn for the light, justice, the noble order of K. of L. and the International Typographic.! union. TltADES U.NIOMST Sr-ecial Dispatch to the Globe Democrat. St. Joseph, Mo., Oct. 120. Work on the Rock Island extension northwest and southwest of St. Josenh is nroirressinir rapidly, and by January the company ex pects to have trains running from" St. Joseph to Topeka and a southwestern line, and from St Joseph to Kelson, Nuckolls county, Neb., and eighty miles from St. Joseph on the northwest line. Tlie grad ing is done tis far as Topeka, and a steam track-layer will start to work from that place coming toward St. Joseph to morrow. The grading is done between St. Joseph and Nelson, except in two ! points of about a mile each, where there arc heavy cuts. One steam track-layer is working west of St. Joseph and has the lino completed to Troy, the count' seat of Doniphan county, Kan. Two other steam track layers are working east and west from Fairburv, which will be the end of the lirst division for the noithwest line. Fourteen hundred car loads of material are stored at that place on the line, and its yards, round house, repair shops, etc., are already built there. Today R. R. Cable, president and general manager; A. Kim ball, general superintendent; A. 1?. Swift, treneial supe-intendent of telegraph, and T. B. Twomblev. urneral master median i. all with headquarters at Chicago; George F. Walker, division superintendent, and R. O. Carecaddcn, division master me chanic of the southwestern division, with heildnn.'irfprs nl. Trcntm inr iUn fll-,,-;.. ! Chicago, Kansas & Nebraska official '. ttrym 1 ton. Ji. A. Low, president; Col. C. W. FwllfT frmwir-ll mtunn-n-!-. TT A T1 I y. chief engineer, and Geo. J. Ilovev, secre- Wlil open Tor tho ccason Xovpmbcr 1st with a full ami complete line of CoNtunu-s. Wigs. Masks, etc.. to rent Tor lialls, I'.irtlo. Tnulciuv, etc. Our patrons ulli do well to make their dates and place their orders early to ensure bt-t attention. uuiu our rooms are completed, r.ddrosj V. O. Kox oi, vt lcuiui, nan. WEST WICHITA. For Bargains in Eeal Estate Gallon DEVORE & CO. J. ER0AJ3DC3- Plain and Fancy Velvets in good condition all to be sold in DO XJXJll at much less than their actual value. F9 PL nt Days ST' T ADTMT7D i-jijLviiyiijj i u. A & STINSON KIP & BROADDUS. -:- Estate -:-1 AND CIVIL ENGINEERS. t) Third door South of First Street, on Main, OFFICE Southeast cornor Douglas and Toptia r. es, in Ka:isj. Kurr iture Co'a bnid.n. PAUL - JONES, - Dniirgist v Prescriptions Kansas Furniture Co. i mmAm, tary, left for u trip o er the new road on an . .SJcTW inspection tour, xnev went out to the end or ine trade, which was one-half mile cast of Troy, after which thev returned to St. Joseph and left immcdiatelv for Ilortou via Atchison. Ilorton is a new town forty nnles west of St. Joseph, where the junc tion of the northwest and southwest linc- are to be. Here also tho main machine .shops, car shops, round houses, etc. will be located, and the object of the nboe party in going there was to approve of the plans for tlie same so that work on the building might be commenced at once. n j i VjQiL Ukjvbl A KKITHLICAN PAKTV AND KNIGHTS Or TjAROU. MEDICINE LODGI AT CA1.IJWKM,. To tlio Editor of the Kaple. ihc discovery of what apparently ap-i x.-, t 1 1....1.1. ? , iv.o iu uu i i:iy :uutuc s-uver mine na5 ' m receutly been madj public here. The ex tent and richness of the liud, however, 1ms not us yet been fully demonstrated; but Mr. Angus iloClaiu, a piomiuent bu-inc3S man of Caldwell and a gentleman of many yca-M successful mining oporatioin in the wcit, says that the rock already taken out show up well, r.nd compare-, favcrab'.y with some of the richest silver ore in the rocky mountains. The discovery was made cu the Mitchell farm about eight miles from city, and as the rock is but ys feet from the top of the ground and practically inexhaustible it may possi bly prove to be a veritable IvAusasbonnuza. ojkx-uui'us oi ine o:i jor me purpo?e oi testiug it 3 value, have b-con sen; to Denver, St. Louis and Philadelphia. Yo lr correspondent, -while vititiug S. II. Horner, the popular druggist litre, that gentleman asked us to look at one of his pets -which he kept in tho siore, and bring ing out a long box from under the counter he opened it ard tool, out a big spotted ad der rive feet lrng, and began to fondle hU suakeship with as much unconcern :.s if it were a kitten. Mr. llcover c&ptured this monster in tho Territory during one of his hunting excursions, and although it has bit him once in the hand, which caused him -considerable trouble, yet he now handles it To the Editor or ths Eagle. The Republicans of this place and vicin ity -were favored last evening with sound Republican doctrine delivered bv Hon. S. R. Peters, congressman from this district, and others. Judge Peter.- delivered a voc able speech, which was well received by hh hearers. That the judge is a fine speaker none can denv, and those veiling felt amply repaid attend for 'o To the Editor of thr Eiar.r, I have noticed of late, that Hon. D. 11. Anthony, of the Leavenworth Times is making a vigorous effort to drive votes away from Hon. John A. Martin. This proposition may seem absurd, at first .sight, but a little investigation will bear xne'out mi aseenion mat JUr. Antlinm- -i t?. mir la u e publican editor of a Republican daily doing. newspaper, is doing all in his power to de- Vilh three candidatei for representative ic::nne rc-cicction ot uovemor Martin. " ouiu seem thi.t the most fastidious Of all the traitors bcRcath the sun, dc coul(1 lmve l"eir desires satisfied. Tlie can liver me from that traitor who, under the didate on the Knight of Labor, Greenback, I guise oi lneniisnip knifes the members of imicPenuent. Auti-Monop, etc., Mr. Jcrrv his own household. This is the charr.cter Simpson is at present doing tlie count". oi u. ij. Anthcnv lie pretends to be sup- UUl on -ov- -"", the county will do him, porting Governor Martin, and one would Kr uim Hie shelf so to speak. Mr. think his Rcpublicanijin is of suchastal- Hoover, the Democratic nominee, wa- liy- wart character that would cause him to in around this place yesterday, but with hunt his hole in case Governor Martin aI1 ll3 we expect and feel certain of re should happen to be defeated. turning our present faithful representative, Now. if it were really true that Mr. Hon. Thos. McNcal. An'hony was so very anxious to secure the Tl:c surveying corps of the Wicliitn and, um-saay :ne man suppose that it-mmau i. i., are running a survey Mr. Anthony would daily attempt to drive through town today. Let the good work votes away from the Republican state continue until the cars are running, then ticket? For example, there arc probablv re WJJ1 ff that our cup of joy is full. 2G.GG0 members of tlie Knights of Labor ' Ret. ..., uuu is ; Hrtiiie 10 suppose I tlir.l norlv Iilf of i-n m-n ti...v; " "" 'iK M"iiicaus. Totf.eIl!:orcr:hslij;l:. -ir. vniuo:iy. u ins Leavenworth 3iOONiaGIIT NOT STJIONO. Frori tto ZmiorU Globs or Oot. 20. It is a very noticeable fact that, in the present campaign in Kansas, none of the leaamg democratic orators arc on the stump for Moonlight. Why? Because nearly every prominent Democratic orator in the state believes and savs that the very worst element of the Democratic nartv nnntnM.l . T . .. " v-uuuuntu nit; wivcnworui convention dictated the platform, and non mated the candidates, and hence the more reputable members of the party arc unwilling to aid in electing lu i.ivi;i. iiuui.u:ucu at icavcnwortn. The best men iu the Democratic party, all over tho state, regard Moonlight as utterly unfit for the discharge of the duties of wemnr They say that he represents the worst ele ment of the party the element in favor of reinstating the saloons in every town and they will not consent to support him. 3rany of the best Democrats in the state make no secret cf their btu'ef that the onlv waj to reform the party, and give its best elerrents supremacy, is to beat the ticket nominated at Leavenwortk, and cspeciallv the head of that ticket, Tom Moonlight Specialty. 222 Douglas Avenue, Wichita, Kan BACKER & JACKSON Wholesale and lU-tnil DmIhh In 0:0:A:L- Colorado & Pennsylvania Anthracite And all kinds of Canon City, Trinidad and Osage City, Blossbtirp-, Pa.: Piedmont, W. Va. McAllister, Fort Scott, Cherokee, Rich Hill and Pittsburg Coal. also Lime, Plaster, Cement, Brick, Side walk and Buiiding Stone. o(i nets. Rrussel tappets! Velvets, ri X rapes try, did PATTERNS, Rltll ' MN K V K 20c to 8 )1.75. OmCE6.-E!;r nl Gorde. do I5cuc1a.i atp, M: 1.4 Water strc-t, Ur. tcuKtTe end I'l.-si WIS t i DII IOO.OOO "Yards will ho 'nlsiAd r.n olr- J - - .. -.- . , litw-Vi i IwlCUV Monday -;- Morning t :..0 lor ))IU m i rfl HULL, Famislisr, Salter and Shirfcinaker. Nobie Block, 402 Doug'as Ave. WICHITA, KANSAS. At prices that defy competition. IXGAlTJ? AT AVrHONY. sQ KS. Times, Tlie rink was crowded this afternoon bv that Mr. Anthony is a sane man. and no s freely as if it were Uie most harmless of sane man would try to drive voters away P519- E. L. j from a political party to which they natur- ISRAEL BRO Druggist and Grocers &1.V3 that to these EnfeliU of Labor that i a large audience to listen to a masterlr FlfSt Slock W6St of ifefnont Hoii Uie hcpuMican party docsal ant tlidr prcseutatfon of some of the politic! quci- iic denounces the ortlcr and he de- tions bv Senator John J. Inealfc Al- i p A, , rrM every kidiudval member of i. though the weather was vory usfavorabh J J AL-LtN, DEUGGIST First-Class votes. uouaccs n iiy .' bimply rnicau-e he desires the defeat people crowded into our citv from all over f of Governor Martin. There is no question 'die surroundinc countrv throh tho nin I in mv mind about this matter. I concede to Imr ;. -... "n t...ij..I r xlt u . -, w-. .w. i.uuuiow-VpmnnT ipnT !H 2 oti ir iir raiA ta - A Classical and Scientific School for Both Sexes. wnx o?kx rop. thx school vzap. MoQgay, Sgeite 6tii,-1886 Having Bought at 50e on the $1, We can and will nlace a enrnci within the reach of everybody in die City Wichita. This is by far the largest hnest stock of carpets ever seen the west. an of in FOR PAKTJCCLAHE OR CATStOGVx. ABDnZKT: Prof. J. were entertained by all, and it is sfc to say tnat ia all that throng not one was cisap- j ( routed- No one. however, need tell Uie 1 Drugstore. Wichita, Kan. M. Naylor, razjrciPAU Come and See ns Monday. Rev. J. D. Hewitt, MZTZ3-vrr. Kansas Furniture Co.