Newspaper Page Text
Xfce 'aaiit&tfei Sails Haste : 6ursdtaj orntuft. gtraember 4, 1886. bTe. TFVrE TABLES. St. 17., Ft. S. i. W. K. E. EAST EOOT) TEAEfS. Trila leaves Wichita 9.33 a. in. and 7-4.1 n.m. Train arrives Izoza tho cast.... 8 10 a. m. and 72) p. re "vvest cotnro. Train leaves 3:30 a. m. arid 9 p. in. Train arrives 933 a. m. and 7:3) p. m. TVIclilta. &. Colorado. Train leaves for Hutchinson S 45 a.m. and 7:3) p m- xnun amvts ironi iintctlnson. .92i a.m. ana 71c p.rc A.. T. A S. F. E. K. Arrtvea. 3otngXorth, Passenger 7 Mp.m. tfoinsorui. Accommodation. u piud. 3olnz South. Passenger. 8-25 a. Going South. Passenger. .7 40 p. m. Going South. Accommodation 2:0) p. m. Going North. Passenger 7 40 p.m. Going North, Accommodation U 15 p. m. Going South, Panbenger Sana. Going South. Accommodation 230 p.m. Going North, Passenger BJSa.m- Golng South, Passenger 7 .J p.m. "Wichita JL "Western. No. 2. Mall and Express No. 4, Express Way Freight No. 1 Mall and Express No.3, Express WarFreUht .. . Arrives. . F0a.m . 7 15 p. m. .12liG p. ra. Leaves. . S -13 a. m. . 72) p. in. . 255 p.m. St. Ial-s Jt San Francisco. Going 7eft, Pas"nger Going VTt, P-Mbenger. Going W-,t. Freight .. Going East, Pa-Jen ser . Going East. Passenger Going East, treMni.. Leaves. fl)a.rn. 5.5) p.m. Uixip.m. 9:25 a.m. 9iXJp.m. ... itisajp.m Going East, Frelgnt S:UJ a.m. ATTO!i:ST2TS-AT-LAW. J. A. HALLOW-ELL, J. E. HTJIIE. Late U S. Attomr- HALLOVELL and HUME, Lawyers. li2 North ilaln st . Wichita, Kan. Ill tf J. M. BALDERSON. Attc-ny aj-Ls.w, "Wichita. Sedgwick coimty, Kan. Offlce In Centennial Blocfc. d!93:f J. R. SITES. Attorney at Law. OAlce 117 E Douglai arena", rlth Anglo-American Loan and Investment Co. JONES &. MONTAGUE. Aoraev3 at-law. OSlco In the Eagle Bloc, ojt Hovey & Co's Dry Goods etcm. TJ-JitT. vr. r. C tiFEEIX- J VS. I- DTXK. CAMPBELL &. DYER, Attorney at Law, V. icaita. Kan. lW-ti SMYTH & BROOKS Attorneys it L.W. Vo. iV N 3f3ln . opposite postoSkv. Comtne"" I fjllectlonj a specialty. Will praclct. umiv.ui vlera! court. w U.ORRIS, , --ist Douglai tvence. Attorn - ' stair-" .v. cNTER. UN Main street, up ijl, jvtm.-. uvj" 1. SLUSS & STANLEY.' t r ic -at Iaw. Wh'tn. Kna. J. F. LAUCK. Attorner-at-Law. Office Tr,t door no-th of U. S Land office In Commercial Bloeic, Wichita, &an&B. Bpeclal ottentloa given to all kini? of buoineo con nectM with th L nltol States Land ofllo. HATTON &. RUGGLES. Attornevw at-l-a-v. Eagle ElvA. Wichita. Hacwi. C. BUOGIXH. R.H.COlTi. RUGGLES & ROYS. Attomeva at Law. Office oer No. 123 Alain atiret, Wichita, Kansas. . JAMES. F. MAJOR. Attorney ct Law. Will practice In all Kansas coartb. Collection a pec!al: onlce over Smith s Stoker's, Douglas avenue, ictilta, Kan. D. A. MITCHELL Attorney ct Law ard collection agtnt. ;o llilain ttrt-et. V lhita. ana.. E. D. PARSONS. Attornv at-La v and Real I tata AsesS. OZU oppot-lt' Kanhattan hotel. n..m V. H. E. CORN Attorney at Law C'Hoe orpr 12 Doi-U" crncw1. F. P. MARTIN Attorner-at Law. OSlco 'o-e- Ky e r EuaM EooBtjre. Ill iiiia strt-et. un-stoai. v jtitJr a. J. A. HUMPHREY. Attorney at Law, Woodman" EanS building. IIS Hfdn otreet. oTw. COLLIV'i-'. Ilf--Jtr U. VLJ.TZ. COLLI NGS&. PLATT. Attomevsi T.-. v. WIil p-sjtlcj in state and f ed eralourt.-.. oa'.i'n a t xz. Miin street, fee ond btairwav i.r 11' 1 . Jce, 'Wichita, ijinsas. 8. V.. JiJUtj.- OEO. W.AUAiti. ADAMS & ADAMS. - Attoraf ys at Lv. Will pic'Ice in sta'e and fed era! courts. Omce In Eagle uloci V ichita, Kansas. HARRIS, HARRIS & VERMILLION. An -n ys at Law, Comrircitl block, Wichita, Kansas. 0 D. KIRK. An-zw nt-Lav. Room No. S, IT. S. Land OSlce bn J 'ing. Wichita, gan. W. S. MORRIS. Attorney at Law. OiHcti In Temple Block. Wichita. Ka-v . SAN KEY & CAMPBELL. LaT-yrs, W.rfiit, KanA-sfl. O3ioe souUiwe-t cor ner H iritet strvet and Douglas ave. GEO. W. CLEMENT, JR. Attorney at Law. Office 13t Main Etreot. Eansas National ban baddln. Wichita. Kaa. PHYSICIANS. ALLEN WALKER, M. D., l'hr!ci"ir. and Snrgissn. Onl-e 12 N Jlaln :t.. Old P. O. Huliduig G'es ?p.-s:Ial attention to Dt.aoe Kt Von ar.d C 1 l'drca antl llid- if ery. Dr. Walk-r hold 1 pciil ecrtincnto for hospital practice in the La ertlty Hc-pltaL Daltlmorc, iiiL E. E. HAMILTON, M. D. ?pclj''tl D(se--.i c" the Eve, Ear, No and Throat, t tarrh and Sitting gla-sei. Om.x- .)utliw et corner Donate, and Harket. up sdrs.. V ichita. Kan. VY. M.JOHNSON, Homr"opa!h!-T. General practice, ehron'c diseases, and lux xv of feraala.. TtVpooce N ?-. w OCet in J rvluence over St-ei (i Suns haruwsre 9tfre. 17N Main street. WJcMfc. K-ia. Oraco hour, s to 1u a. e loir n- aad at a vat. df-tf P D St JOHN, M D OSe 2.7 Ear Dougiaa avc. Vldencu- a Not th Jl-dn s"rx x. G. M BIBBEE, M. D ClHoe and residence, T,i D.Bnfls3 avtaae.conth side. Barnes block, over Droy's Implement store, Wichita. W. A MINNICK, M D. Hcmcere'h':. Orice wiA Dr. R. Hithw, aisin strct, M-.-ond t-tAinvay north of ro-toflee. Res! der.c- 1 '-iT"a iurH trt. ar Cnlon cepot, "Wichita, Kan&a. Telephone o. 1 tl. DR. J J. STONER Homecpathl-t. Office opp.-.!te po-toSk. den -e, CF ionh Jiain strcst. WUilta, Kansas. ih-no 113. Rrt-I Tele DR B. A, GUYTON&SON. PhWchu: and Surgeons. 031ce Dn bVk. oppo Ito Occidental ho'eL Residence. 7S7 Wavr str.t, co-ner Oak t.treet. DR. C. C. ALLEN FhyVciaa and SdrP-Oit. Oa.-e and rMcnce 0 Dongla. tvence. New and effectual treatmfnt of hemorrhoids, and tUseasee of woman a f pedalty. 'DRS McC0Y& PURDY. Offir- 7 Hati street, over Rcht & Sons' store, rv ichita. Kan. Tel"phon-t rtldence. E. B. RENTS. M. D. Phyilclan and Surgeon. Office over Feller Jt Son's Groc ry. J. JCLXOV WELCH. . D. r. s. wnai. K. D DRS. WELCH & WELCH. 0TceDot;lH. avrrsne. Wichl. r!-w, where they may be foual ft Ul hour. RUSSELL &. JORDAN. PhyfcWrx. ac'l srrtvia. OtSco on wet skle of Jm'Szrlro. first t!rway south of Jlasonlc building. Tel-ph -ne v A. D. T. PALMER C. JAY. PhyElc'an r-Bd Sanreca. OGce at D. G. store. 5 Fast DongUs avenue. rerry's drug I. H. MATTING LY PhrslcUn. OSce over London Tailor", No. 153 N llaln nrwrt. DR CHARLES A WILSON, Phy:c'cn rid Surgivjc wm oictlane hi profc5 .on in all iw branch.. ConsuliUon free. OQeo mad rfMne &c 1 N Xiln st, over Wel'cr & iUl ler 3 ii!ct cjco. y) PHYSICIANS. L S. ORDVAY, M. D. Homocepathlst. Office comer Douglas and Law rence avenues, rooms 1 and 5; telephone 153. J. E. BENNETT, M. D. Of the firm of "Hall & Bennett," does a genera practice, but cive speeial attention totnecureM Epilepsy or faiim? fits, the opium ha3It, CATARRH, PILE3 and private dcseas in both sexes. Consultation free and confidential. Of3ce If-"" Main st. Telephone S3. (See display advertl-tSMJt in this patwr. lz- J. H.TILDEN, M. D. Special attention riven to Surgery and GmkoI osyV Residence 4ij S. llartet. Oaco 22J N. Kala. Will visit any part of the state la consultation or to perform surgical operations. liXj-u DENTISTS. D.W. Smith. L.S.H0UX1AIK1. SMITH & HOUGLAND, Dentists Eagle building. Douglas avenue, Wichita, Kansas. McKEE &. PATTEN. Surgeon Dentists. Teeth extracted without pain. Bit t artiUcial teth, $30. Ofice i!7 Eat Douglas avenue, Wichita. Kan. DR J. C. Dentist. Opposite the postoCIce. without pain. DEAN, Teeth extracted DRS W. L. DOYLE & WILSON. Dentists. Office over Barnes & Son'a dm; store, Centennial BIock.Wlcnita. MUSIC TEACHERS. MRS. S T. HENDRICKS0N. Teacher of Piano. Organ and Theory, 422 North Kir ket street. GEO. T. THOMPSON. Professional Piano Tuner and Repairer. Refer enci-, Catherine Rusell and Thomas Shaw & Co. All planes tunfsi by the wave system the only method that will tune your piano perfect and make It sound charming. Work guarant-d. Leave orders with Thomas thaw & Co , music dealers. Main street. ARCHITECTS. Afccnrrzcr. scterettesestt. G. A- MASTERS, Formerly of Boston and Chicago, has orned an oftlco In the Opera House, corner of ilaret and Flr.t strrew. 27 2m a. w. actn. RUSH &.GILE. Archluc nnd Superintendents. Office In Ellott & ilcNees buildlnsr, room 7. C. W. KELLOGG. Architect and superintendent. Plans and spoclflca tions for all claen of buildings. OClco over Hyde s book store TERRY & DUM0NT. Architects and Superintendent!,. Office In Roys block, Wichita, Kan. V . T. I-nOUDFCOT. O. v . ElELD. PR0UDF00T&. BIRD. Archltecta and SuDerintendenta. Ofllc In Kac- ldock. MISCELLANEOUS. Dr D. T. SN0KE Veterinary Surgeon, graduate of Philadelphia Vet erinary College of 7t Proprietor of Horse Horn-, opposite u. .V. R. bud ling. iat, au Telephone 171. dSJ R0DGERS, r Ths Photographer. Pictures la a.! 'Ires and t tyie. He ajio carri th tlneot avir- ct of picture frames In th city. Give iiirr a fr - . caU and tx amino simrlef1 B. S. GARRISC . Jcstlc. o" the Pe.! Ofiloe wi-1 Dorse . In Doric j building. oodeck & SCIENTIFC SHORTHAND Sncitssfully tsuga- I 7 k-H . AMr-n li: lmt J T iPr .fe, -?rmczi, Ohio. GRAND OPENING OF S. H. Nelson's Bargain House NO. 222 NOETH MAIN STREET. Saturday, Oct. 30, '86 See Some of the Bargains Offered. Glassware. Large Goblets, Colored Tumblers, Large Fickle Dishes, 5 " Bancs Dishes, 5 " Buiter Dishes, 5 " Covered Dishes, 5 " Cream ''itchers. 5 " Sugar Bowls, 5 " Spoon-holders, 5 5 Cents Apieoo. 5 " " Tinware. o Cents Apiece. 5 " 10 Centa Apiece. IS " 10 " 10 ,: 15 " 16 " 25 " " 35 " 60 " 1.00 " 5 ' A Bok. 10 " 5 " DR- E. M. COMKLING, Cor. Kain and Second rei. Wichita, Kau-s. DISEASES O? TH3 HECTUM iBtl an C3:tO ;i? 7ZCi.S.J a Specialty. 8acflR?'-- to 7- niOftr'' -fl'tlt" - '.It '. J II r '-ervm In the ue of the r.r - r-.Vi:.LEsS bYSTEH. tne u c .scovered for the cure of --- Us tula la aco. itching pile it e. Ii.aur cautery or chloro .H31 business, greatly lmproveil ' 'rx. " uehou-sS to lli) a.mlto5and t c - ir Sanilav 1 2 to 4 n. m. Consultation and . r' ti-.i Write for full Infurmation. ;i, HAIX.1I. D. J. E. EENNETT. JL D Drs. Hall & Bennett OVER WOCDJLU.'S B 2HZ, 113 N M.VIN ST., DR. HALL Con'lnucH to successfully treat nil (Isfa?-!of women. He drM not di yen ml pratl'-e. r he plves hl entire time to hU sp- Uiue(. In tho two j eirs I has b-en in Wichita he has currd hurdrecl. of ladies in this city and adjoining tovrn, an of whom wi J r.peak in the Usui it term.-, of his met - ful cur pad gentle manly treatment whi'e unf' r his cart? If any r crson afflu fed w ith aaj of U'e folio diseases -v. ill con ult him first, time will ho gained, money 63ved and dlsaproirtment avtrtt-l: IXTLArlMATlON. ULCER VTION, JHSPL.VCEMENT, or Prolapse of tho Womb, and all UTERINE TROUBLTS, POLYPUS AND FI2R0D TUMORS, cau.!es too freatieat. painful and Irregular inenstra atlos, LEUCOr.RHCSA. eta. He a!so ucesf ally treats ml Sidney and bladder tro-ubie of male and female, tuch cj, P.tR.VL'IS. "EURALGIA. Korelsn. Bodies IntheBladicr vi Urethra, causing two frequent and rlnf ul urtnatlns, and all forms of PrJYATE, CHRONIC, and SEXUAL DEHASES, sch as Spernatorrhe-. Imrtrncy, and all the un pIlant results of such troubles. SYPHH.TC rc!tlv.Iy cured ar.d entirely eradicated from the bystem. GOVORRHCEA cured In from thrc to eight days or so pa. GLEET and STRICTURE currJ in rtlentd cf years standing. PILES and othr d!5ea03 of the BT.lto-urinry or pans quickly cured. He jrusrantM all cumb'e cases. If he cannot curs j on h will plalnlj wll yon so. DR. BEi.'NET devrtcs est-Ial arentlon to tt triatmenr of Epilepsy or Failing s it-. vv ha treith by the latent and most approved methods and In w blch he fraarante a rur- In fill caraMe cat-os. He alo gives special eve to the cu-eof thewe ptTvJc. who aiaatlkted with the outum or morphlnf habit. Ccde of connndmont attended romptly, canfully ard snet--fuily. Patii'ist !t ceneral praitice recolve ;romrt and careful attention. CONSULTATION sTSZu Rpaiomt-e- tha N -t 1 ' nld of3c a; 15 N "am strtxt. over Woclnin bano.. or -dd-i lock boi i!J Telephone . dw OLIVER BROS., Lnml)er Dealers Wichita, Kansas. "Wichita, MayTield. Weiilnctoii. iaarper, Attica, Garden Sain, Anthony. Arkansas City, An dale and Haven. 0. B. JACOBS, REAL ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN KD INSURANCE. Valley Centre, Sedgwick County, Kas J. KMXUJDCa KIP &. 5R0ADDUS, Real -:- Estate -:- Agents AHO CIVIL ES.GIKEERS.U OFFICE Sorthcast corner DocUs and Topcia ave, In KUas Furniture Cos bnicln. SANTA FE BAKERY Established 1S72, Is the Place to get Evcrytkiag Kept in c First-Class Eakerv. CKAF.DT i SCOTT, Props 1U MATM STR FKT J-41 Dippers, Cups, 2 Quart Pane. 5 " 3 Quart Pans, 5 Bread Pahs. 5 2 Qc. Covered Buckets 10 " " 6 Qt. Covered Buckets 10 Dinner Buckets, 25 " " I also carry a full line of larger sized goods at 10 cents apiece. Miscellaneons". Tof7el Racks, Hat Hacks, La-ge Screw Drivers, Boiling: Pine, Wooden Bowie, Kaife Boxes, Lamps, Lamps, Lamps, Larger Size, Lamp3, Extra Finished, Soap, 3 Cakes in a Bos, Soap, 3 Cakes in a Box, Three Child's Handkerchiefs for Ladies' Handkerchiefs 5 cents apiece. Ladies' Handkerchiefs 10 cents apiece. Grents' Handkerchiefa 10 cents apiece. Extra All.Linen Towels 10 cents apiece. Large Bath Towels 25 cents apiece. Fine Assortment of Baskets lOto 50 cents. Fine Assortment cf Vases 15 cents to $1.50- Ladies Gossimers, Extra Fine $1.00 Fine Aesortment of Albums 25 cents to $3.00. Fu! Assortment of Scrap Albums 10 csnts to $3. Decorated Sets, 44 pieces, $6 per set. A Large Washbowl and Pitcher for $ 1 . Coal Oil Stoves $1 Bach. Children's Trunks from 80 Cents to $1.25 Dolls, All Sizes from 5 cents to $2. Large Assortment of Decorated Cups andFsncers 35otol.60 Large Assortment of Decorated China ?iu?s 5c to 40o. Large Assortment of Ladies' comb and Brush Cases. Large Assortment of Ladies' "Work Boxed. Gents Fur-top Gloves. 50 Cents a Pair. '-ants' Seamless Half Hose 10 Cents a Pair. pkie Assortment of Pocket Knives. &ir, Cloth and Shoe Brushes. s ..2 Assortment of Agate Waro T' -scr'ment of "White Granite "Ware. O a r Ct-'Ij t I3very Description in Pioportion. I IiFiie sil to Call and -be Convined Drs. M. and H. BRANDOM. Twin Brothers. and Ear Infirmary Surgical Institute. Forasrrycf TcaSsr DL Jo. El at Pc5lJ ireaue, Wlohlta. The Lamar Nurseries Will mak9 their delivery of Nursery Stock in Wichita, on Friday, Nov. 12. DELIVSRING- GROUNDS near the east end of the Ar kansas river bridge, south side Douglas ave. We will have a fine lot of stock more than is ordered, which we will sell at Cheap rrlces. Come and see our stock. C. H FINK & SON. 115-13: Gentlemen ! When in need of the finest and best Shoe3 made, call at c, IT LEWIS & GO, no 1V1A.IM Street And make your selection from the following well known makers Genuine xiand-llade Shoes: The C. E. LEWIS & CO'S Shoe. The BUST & MS AN, Price $7.00 The L. BOTDEN & CO'S, Price S7.C0. The LTPPilAN & LE3SEP, Price S7.00. The JOS. L. JOYCE & CO., Price $9.00. The STACY, ADAilS & CO., Price 6,00. In all Styles and Widths, A to E. Our Line of 15 Slioes are MpefL Give us a call and we will give you honest values and lowest prices. jji rs & co. 110 Main Street. Headquarters for Good Goods at Low Prices 424 D ozen BLIZZARD BREAKERS. All Wool Caps for Men and Boys. worth 50 and 75 cents Each only 1 0 cents. "F a m o u S" S. GOLDSTEIN & CO., 422 East Douglas Avenua CANCER CURED. Dr. H. BraaiSosi. ea of ti Tlu Brsiisfrk ira rptciil att.-cU3a to tha troUraest of Otscvr. fcTlas tiat' a. fcurs anmtwr of case 1;!i aalvcU mm-e-a. I fwl It ray Ucty to aj to that tuTertff wtli tho dreati dbnsr Cxacer. that t fi aare Ulsi I a cure yoa. If not tto far pone. Call before th jMest tcoc:es tinpres3Al wiui tte canosrTira. moaer rrratroii until cancer U rf more!. I will rfer yoa 'o a tew caM trtl aafl csrvali Henaaa Faaie. WlchlUk Kan.; Arthur J. lUtoon Romp. Kan Kantoa WhlUPO. Roma. Kaa.:Xdam Wclf. OatrUie. gaji ; Eeary Kilf eji. Oal!U Kaa. Pure Fruit Extracts. :LiXCT.icrcRi et G. A. Blinn& Co. 2d. St. bet. Main fcMsxket. ??r Sale by Grocer Gerwrally IS aKsaaA. fr CX3-C7ZU. . DVCSZSX. Manafctur cf OalrasUtl Ircn Corrlcr. Tla. , Iron and Slat. Hoofing by pxwrlpocrd wotkmfB. r i rctlrtnz. ruitmrins aiui iDoatlns dotw with bMUM os1 ilirJch. UPEAiicis.l.- aad ilwlzns farauapd os sort nstx EAGIaS CORNICE WORKS. north ef eu OccUcl. ) . ami m m $1000 Tstfeit If tSs " COZm'5 CirSL" i nr a Cccuise Harasa Filler (-iir. i. CuiCf. Th "COIUPS GIKL" rir U now lutde T:h the NEW Crop Havias, ti it hii crcr beca. i -izlity than Lots in McCormicks addition are now nsale. This property in first hands. Iie3 near the street railway, and is convenient to schools and churches. There is nothing better in the market. Four lots on North Topeka avenue at $100, less than market valuea Twenty lots In Orme & Phillips audition at a special bargain. Lots of almost every dimension on College HUL The material is ordered for street railway to that suburb. This property will double in value. Acres in all directions, suitable for subdividing. House and lot on South Market street, rented for S10. 31,000, Price Business lot on North Main street, very cheap at 55,600. Lot centrally located on Douglas avenue, $12,500. Fifty ft on Lawrence near Douglas avenue, $12000, very cheap. Fine business lot on Main street between First and Second, old building rented at $50 per month. $12,500. Large lot and sis: new houses on South Emporia ave. all under rent; pays a good interest on the investment. $10,000. 112 1-2 feet on South Emporia ave. near Douglas. Two good houses, rented at $20 each, east front. Price $10,000. B-RSX "-Z ff V l: S lots in Orme & Philips' $2500. addiiton, will sell for ten days at 10 lots in Eichland addition, $150 each, muse be sold this week. 19 lots in Chatauqua addition, S175 each. Lots in Maple Grove addition east of the city. These lots are selling rapidly at popular prices. THE BEST OF ALL. I have the exclusive sale of a sub-division of the Moser Home stead on College EilL Tnesaare certainly the best lots in the mar ket for parties intending to build. Prices range from $1600 to $2,000 each, part time. Call early and make a selection. FaRMS. Farms and vacant lands in all parts of the connty. Abstracts of title furnished free of charge. N. F. NIEDERLANDER, Cor. Dongla? and Topeka Aves. WICHITA - KAHSA.S. mafB!I53AIIff&. Vith r.cxt cri . r 1 "-) Girls w-I f- Klr new tlrcn s.;rn. to 1? for hart; r, 'Van iign is eng-n.e 1 a ucc!, war's '"'t fcr three yx' u'l c arti: s.j ccr ferssshed to ti ira-Jc 33- COBGKT, JOBBER of OGARS, THEDSirBUaGH ' s sSr- i y- jSSBms trmmm toe immem Jfcsi-r tat wMb '"4 Oar aai um 8l & A v May tV liv- ta-: -jimri ftrlr t mmI ' " V ?-- s- K.tcfcJtt. Sju. WEST WICHITA. For Bargains Is Eeal Es tat Call on E. H, DEVORE a CO. r- v Gentlemen's Neckwear Stiff Hats, Latest Shape. Fornislier, Hatter and Shirtmaker. "ISRAEL BROS., Druggist and Grocers First Block west cf Trentost Hesse INOOS m Micr