Newspaper Page Text
s. "$&c imistotte gailtj gacffef Stoqairtoxiiis, fjoxremter 4, 1886. i ,..; $& - - z&t8rM, :j0mmi3$z &&cwZ. -juhjz zi:M-,t 3;st3 fss3$SHI4 vCy a y-r J PS 5.4 Vt Jr9 i H! T'Y'tV I ? 3 - -' rv a.-,!. :E-nocK. R. P. jictuocs:. i.G!tor. 31. 31. MUBDOCK &BSO., Publialiers and Proprietors. THURSDAY MOUSING. KQV. 4,-lSSG. AH letters rvertalnln; to the business of the printing hottseoVbinalrr.or lor Information cf advertising Cher oommuulcatloiis to the editor. Valley receiving ijotU tho day ana ni-,re awcJted Prta reports mfaU. TBRMS OK SUBSCUU.TIONS. Bixcv-jrr mju rosrGZ toepxid. nu orvr n vT... ........- ........... ; necouy.slxinontliv. , .Ouscoyr, tiireeirj .r - an CHKtn)I.ominu.n - city. WEX.Y. Oa copy, one year. In tc btatc O&eoo;y, fclz uiontiis ...81 I .... Ol TO ADVERTISERS. Onr rat-5 for cdvertlslng shall be low m t!ioe oE auyoti:rj3i.Tor eqoal valutas an aUTcrttoli. nie- AIltranMeiit Ycrtlempntfl inst 1 paid lor In advance. Entered la the postofflcc at Wichita M jccond-clteii mawr. and entered for tra-sin-slou throusn the tnalls as t'.icl Tho Maplo street bridge naara complotion. P.. E. Harris, of Pilot Giovo, Ho., is In tho city. Major Bear ia very rick with malarial fever. . Thosl Hunt was up from. Conway Springs yesterday. . J. C. 'Barclay, of 03wco, cams to tho city yesterday. Mrs. T. Brown, of Hutchinson, ia' at tho Manhattan. Robert Powell coma to thy metropolis from Emporia yesterday. C. 1L Bay and W. If. Child, of Hiugmau, tool: in tho city yesterday. A.SEvcrctfc, ofWiufield, stopped over ia tho city on his way to Colorado. Mr. J. W. Bear of North Mai Let street is very biei, and ij unable to tend to hia duties. IL J. Hocnscheidt, o tho Herald, started on a bubiucss trip to Kansas City la!t night. Tho city council will hold a meeting Fri day night to canvass tho voto polled in the city. Tho family of E. G. Dacoy on Korth Main has Leon increased by tho ai rival of a baby boy. A car ofT tho tock 111 the yards of Fort Scott oslcrd7iy afternoon attracted quilo a ci-owd. -f 4 Mr. T. Ij. UyziJ, who lives on Aikansaa avenue, and who has been .-ick for some days, i rcpoi tei veiy much ,iproveJ. L. V. Bloelan m anJ his daughter Miss Laura, of Clear .vatar, stopped in tho city hist nijht on their way to Hansa. City. Mr, liirou Elliott has moved from tho Elliott block to Ids iUeuce ou Lawrence nvcnuD, between Douglas tncnuo and First Btrcet. Miss Piper Is accompanitd by tome of ier Hlinois friends who como to look our town and country over with a view to making somo invostmonts. So far tho report of tho election from many of the townships nro incomploto and it Is not probablo that tho official count, willlie mado until tomorrow". Dr. John Wood of Wellington, passed through tho city yestorday en routo to Scott City, where he will spend tomo weck3attend Ing to busines matters. Tho hop to havo been given Friday even ing by Prof. Mahler has been postponed un tif ono day noxt week. A. vcrj' elegant alTair ma b oxpoetod. Tho legular meeting of the Woman's Guild w ill bo held this afternoon, nt tho resi dence of Mrs. S- E. Jocelyn, Noith Topeka avenue near the corner of Third street. Mibs Maud Piper who has spent several months with friends and lelativos in St. Louis, Mo., and at Pittslield, 111., is again at liomc moro in lovo with Wichita -than. ever. Four new street cars were recched by the street car company 3 est ci day aftcmcon fiom tho Brownell & Wright Car Co. of St. Louis, an I immediately put upon the track." Penf o's maioritv in the city is 1.131, hi lnnjority in tho oonnty, as far as heaid frpm. iucluding tho tity, now stands 2,i5 w ith 12 towiisliiiw to iioar fi-osn which w ill swell Us majority to 3,000 or over. J. C. R-a-ccl, tho gcni:d i-epicsentntlyo of Car.oii, PIrif, Scott el Co., oC Chicago, w: in the tity yesterday. Mr. Ru'-fcl hasmado 01110 very successful investments in "U ichita real estate and has tomo to take a look at the metropolis. Marshal McMahon detected a pickpocket in tha act of grabbing a purso 10111 the hands ot i ,ioirau justalightcil. at thr. depot, from tho eic-hig train ou the Foit Scott, yesterday. When ho taw the olacer was after him ho disappeared in the crowd. Y. It. C. A. Tho regular monthly reception to member.-, and friends will bo hold in tho rooms next Monday o oning. A choico imulcal and lit erary ontertaiuniont w ill bo given. ad rc yovte of the stato convoutiou will bo given bj delegates. Y. M. C. A. Al'MWAUY. The regular monthly meeting of tho Ladies Auxiliary will bj held this after noon in tk-i Y. M. C. A. rooms at 1 o'-cioefc. Tho meeting wdl bo one of -peval interest, and a full-atteii lanco is earnestly desired. T-ii: hoat ci.un. Tho Wichita Club will hold n meet ing to-night at the Auditors odicc. Th meeting is a very ia:iorlaut ono, and it desired (hat all bo prcsedt. Tiio bids for buildhsg th boat house will be oiwueii and Iho contract let "VVANTCD TO UPSET. Mr. Mercer, the real cat-to rustler, was driving fust yostorday aad in turning from Do Jglas avenue into Lawreco ave;u nt a lively speed his cirriago came noar upset-tin-. It piobably would -havo succeeded in changing sides if it had not bt-eu taught by a getltinan who happened to be near. KOKBBD. Charlia Sing's laundry on Eat Douglas avaiAio was robbed Tuesday evening, Ths proprietor does not know how the thiaf or thioves efTected an onlranco to his cstb-Irdi-nont, but he is, no', kthclcss, aware that hi, moi-ey box with all of its contents has disappeared, leaving behind no cluo to its whereabouts. V V rS LUIS -sAg -fcLxGL I rj, s) ? I 0. nr ncs. ::. nAGSTf. nr. i. Vfrlttra for Uic EJ.CLS. For Iho Savior i tho light From life's cares thou'st passed away To tho blessed homo above, There to dwell in endless day Through HLs never failing love. Thou hat wifely passed the vale Aud art hid from mortal eyo, Thou has'c safely crossed tht tido To thy ''better homo on high." Thou didst "fight the fight of faith' In this world of doubt and Bin, But thv battle now is oVr, Ho hath called thee unto Him, Nov thy trials nil aro past. God knew what was best for thee. And through His unbounded lovo Thou livest in Eternity. rou bii-VEii o;:h. Messrs. Dr. Keudrai and O. C. Daiscy will leavo this morning for Caldwell to cz- ainino the silver oro that is reported to e-ut in that region. They are both old and c perienced miners and have an cyo to busi ness if tho oro proves valuable. NO I'KKJIITH. Tire Marshal "W'aldeu says that yesterday while driving m tho northern part of tho city ho noticed five houses in cqurao of construc tion for which no permits had been issued. Ho thinks that persons who intend build- in? had better obtain tho necessary Tiermir, as troublo might Tesulfc from a violation of this city ordinance. - F1KE. Firo w$lasoi3 -way iguitsd upon a ..-vacant lot on thooiorlh bido of Park street and between Market and Main. Ten or fifteen men foucht tho flro bravely for somo tizno and at last tho hca cart was sent up to assist iiirmttinsoufcthe blazo. Iso great (Lima go wns dono. but at oan timo it was feared tliat tho flames wo!d"Spread and causo a disas troii3 conflagra'tidn. BKrjrnvcs in "vicjhta. On Vh:io to-dav Mr. SlayTeshhsimer in- tioduced hi3 cousin, Mr. Chas. S. 'Fech- heimer. of Wichita, Ea. Ho was formerly a Cincinnati '003', but for thirty-fivo years he hxs lived in San Francisco and west, wnero ho has accumulated a goodly portion of this vorld'3 goods. "Wicliitaisa-crreabplacc,'' ho said: "wo have jubt about doubled in the lat year, and ,-..-n r-nftiiTii-itn'fTirt rnr.l work.'' L'incin- u Timcs.stan imsi-mct coairv. Yesterday W. W. vs. Arthur E. Allen vasftriedby jury and a judgment 1 en Icvci. ior defendant. Hank of Wichita vs. J.M. Daughcrty et ol. was tried by tho court and 11 judgment ic turned for $G00. Bello Hamilton vs. Chailcs F. Hamilton was trie-1 the court;' ha plaintal was granted a divorco.pAtbo groundsof abandon mcr.t nud'glveirtliD cutoly of child. IaahecaaofC. Bloom Co. vs. Ham mond & Wiugerfc, a jury was impanuellcd and thoaconuivpiijxd. mlIiIXINO JLKM1TS. The following bliildingpermits woreis-uod yesterdaj": W. A. HuiT, dwelling hoitso in Zimmerly addition, S2.C00. ' Albert Whitman, frimo dwelling house on lots 27 and 21) West Emporia, $2,(1D. Addition to Eugh) building, $2,030. . F. C. Borden, frame dwelling on lot 42 Fourth avenue, .l,20a S. S. Pratsmau, dwelling, lot 9 Moado avenue, 500. CORN CD. For somo timo tlis conductors of passenger liains on tho Fori Scott railroad havo been much annoyed by persons in tho - iciuity of Burton throwing mUaol' of difToront kiudtat pacing trains. MarJial McMahon yesterday arrested a boy about 13 yeai 3 of ago named Clarence Hall, whom ho detected throwing ears of corn at Iho morning train and then doJging behind u hedge feu.e. Ho was taken boforo tho justice com t an 1 gavo a an oxcusa for his act that he wanted to see tho corn roll off the car 1 eoK Ho was ussa-sed a maximum fino and released after a good lecluro. TXIC KIKKI.AM) TKIAIj. - ,. The ctv-e of sir. IS. Pk. Kirkland was calicil ycvstercley near o'clock in Justice Walker's court. Tho state was repi evented by At.orney Bslderson and tlio defence by Dale & Reed. Tho f ol'ow mg jurrors lmpau nelod: J. B. Culvc. J. Walt., M. J. Mile-., G. Fxcemun, H. JI. An-hew, J. W. Bell, C. Mo.bbaeker, John Fisher, AY". E. IIutchLon and D. M. Ford. A number of witnesses v. oro summoned imd a few were absent and it was iminialed that tiny had been given a vacation out of tho e-ity until tho storm blowcd over. All the evidence was not in at C o'clock nn 1 tho case was continued until 9 o'clock this morning. V. it. C. A. COYSNTION. Ths first convoation of the Young Men's Christian As-odations of the state of Kan sas convenes at Ottawa to night aud remains in session until Sgbbath ovtaiing. A large dekgation from tho Wichita, association will be present, among whom are J. C. Rutan, A. A. Hy.lo, R. E. LawTence. Alex Eaton. Bert MiilLon, Sam L. V.'oolard. C. P. Mueller, F. W. Swevi, A. Baird, J. Y. 3Iontagu3. Rov. A. E. Garrison. J. E. Coulter, R. W. Lut- trell, John B. York, Bertram Shuman. F. E. A. Smith. A. D. Phelps Upon the ir ieturn Monday evaning th y will couut direct from the train to the rooms of ta. association and report briedy wliat xopics of special interest to tl3i wo.-o I'd-cussed. Th3 reg-aiar monthly i-acept:on next H-ndr.y mght pro vides a favorable opportunity to vent their impressions. THE DAY" Al i:iJ. Tlu. court houEo wa; bf siott all day yes- I tenUv by a large and enthusiastic"' crowd w-nitiner rwt;etiY tor.tue returns, uompar- ativcly litUo interest was manifested over j oasMru politics bat the ioeal ticket was iht t-uso ol the escitttneat. The counBg of the trusts e. w- cv.i.-w- 0 - vote in theKirt wnra was not completely cone un'u "era-noon. This dtUiy vas tho source of ccnia-cr-'ble unhioss. . . m ?.-,,.. -.-k i-nmnijifn is cstanated that tho county is Republican by live lumdred. The county R-publicsn ticke1 camo out victorious with pcstibly the cxcp- tion of Mr. Jewstt. Tho fight between him an 1 Thomas h conceded by all to I close. ..... fin. , ,.,.,n.-.-, ::,- trict between Mr. Arthur Carpenter, and Hi. Jobii 3. Carer wa3 rcrj cioee. -.u was townships in the district havo beer, beard from and di- rercr-.d idt givw Carpcn- vsr a ut;'ority of f c,rty-tro?. SAOEiin TO THE HEMOItY OIT O. HcCUNK. LATD KETUSNS. Wichita township Jewett ... 107 ... S3 .!. 133 ... 79 ... 12S ... Ill ... 217 ... 1 ... 103 ... 113 Thomas Wright Guyer -Trmrm . Ccnly . . V. V. Pence I Mrs. Lease Carey Carpeuter Parker township, north: Jewett Thomas Wright. Guyer. Jones. Coaly Pence Mrs. Lease Paiker township, south: Jewett Thomas Wright. Guyer Jones Conly Peuco Mrs. Lease Gypsum township; ... 41 ... 4 ... 03 ... 22 ... G3 .., 2.1 ... 731 ... lo ! ... 3L ... 2J ... K) ... 29 Jewett... m 73 i;i 70 GO 7d CO G3 73 75 03 GS 01 05 156 0 70 IS CO 65 C4 Thomas Wright Guyer. Jones 1 Conly Carpenter Caroy Roekford township: Jowett Thomas. o Wright...., V Guyur ., Jones Conly Peuco.... Mrs. Leaso Carpenter. . . Carey...; . Randall Wingert Lawience Steairod, Salem township. Jowett Thomas' Wright Guyer .. Jouos.... ... S,...1.. r euiuy .............. - Pence : .' i Mrs. Leaso...,. .-.-...J. '" Minneha. Jewott H Thomas r.--. ' Wright fU Qnyer ' Jones ..v. I. Conly f- Ptnco JA Mrs. Leas Carpenter Carey Illinois township: Jewett,..':, Xhaans....: -".- WrighCT. G'uver Jones Conly ;.. PinRfl .' ... Mi's. Loase t Randall '.... Winger fc Lawrence Stcni od Waco township. Jewett :. ... Thomas .- -. Ninnescah tonnship. Jowett ". 117 l5 l.W S 131 Si 'I nomas Wright Guj or Jones Conlv .'. 201 Leao - J Uuwliill 135 Wingert S J Iviwreiico 1,!S Steemod " 3 i Viola tow nship Jewett "! Thomas 1 "A Wright Ginor 2. Jonc-i v "H ConL-y - K andill 35 Wm ger b - , 7 - Kechi township Jowett SI Thomas Wright '-" Guyer 'J Joma HI Conly 4fi Penbe 321) Mrs. Leaw 33 Carpenter. . Cann- Parker . . . . 91 Union township. Jewett ..'..:' ,68 Thomas 1 Wright '" Guyer : lj Jones " i Ccnlv 2S Pence Mi-s. Leari -. - ..-!l(i Randall Wmgcrt Lawronce Stei'nrod Grant township. Jewott Thomas Jouns Conly Carpentar C'ai ey Parker Rockford precinct: Jowett Thomns AVright Guyer. Joiies Conlv 106 nr 2.1 100 41 Pen ca. Mrs. Lease. Carptntor. . . Caiev POX.TCK COCliT. W. W. Chenault, John Hnynes and Sam Jones were up for being dinnk yest-crday morning. They were all lined 3 and coat?, w hich they rid and departed John Boo and Richard Roe for a slight disturbance the morning before, paid $0 each. J. W. Connor was charged with petit lar ceny but wa' acquitted. It appsars that ho had been guilty of taking his own blanket and betiding. TUECOJUNGFAJIt. 2et Monday night the greas. CaUiolicfair will begin anl continue throughout the w9j- There will bo more beautiful and costly articles disposed of at this fair than at i any former one evor Utia m zss ssiue. .m nAlitwMi to the ol 1 vnvzch to be voted for with P. V. Healy and Ben Keisch contesting , for tho priaa. tko followuig vaic ty will le drawn by tickets: A valuabks proper- A valuable lot , ..- - aw. " f ia the Academy aaetiUon, worii y?w, a w .bed room rot; an elegant tei at: a raperb ! silk crazy pateli quilt, together with a large ' -.-.V.r!n-!-i nf "rlicl; tat Will CltnT DO j drawn or sohl at auction to the hih. bsl- dor. j The ladies of the congregation arc hasp," as l never before to get overytmg m re-aaio ' ana to dress ths? booth and adorn the opera i i .- ,...mi Vrt'thor labor EOr j coat will i fpareJ to mains this the graedtet t mxz t? uo t- - Taslairwiii ene.u m euv- --- uct in the- basement of the church as bo.oro I stated. IT H- --rrrs rr c. r H ? L" et. ' - ' - -STATE T10KKlVcr - " -For ASiOdalo 3nstlcj ga'-. W.H.ViteUw . - V.P. Paytoa For Governor JohnA. JIartiu 1 ..:"?.,,. Thrw. JloonlUht ... - ...w C. n. Bracsconib" Tor Lieutenant Govcnwc A. P. Riddle ,;.....;. -; TW7. Houston..... ..." --i f; s"' Tor Secretary of State k, E.P,.Allen W.F.Pctlllon - ' N.B.KIace ,"; .""' For Treasurer of State J. W. Haratlton ' "" A S. Dcvenney r"" WlllUm Crosby -..;- Tor A.ndltor of State. r Timothy McCfrthj - VTin D. Kelly - C. H. Langstoa Tor Attorney General s. 13 Bradford .".: " I V. Btrehlleld - ' For Superintendent of PabVlo'lnst ruction J II.Lawhead v AV. J. A, Montsomerr -A'""" WiL'tVir Tor Kcprescntatlvc ia Conjjress, 7tli Conjj. District Thomas OeoTCc. . . -y-fcl'ii ' JJis t rict T Tt Vlll -.r. COUNTY TICKI.T For Probate Judge V. Jewett W. V. Thomas B n-FIs3ier--" -yc--y--f jJiSVc'conr A.B. Wr!Sh: Chss Guver , i...., W7m. H. liauon Cha3. . htreetcr . For Coanty Attorney . G. V7. C. Jones v.ii.joiins6n "."."...'. ....Y.""..r. Tor County Scparlnteudcnt. D. S. Peace ; ' re" " ' " For ComiiVlfeSjoner Tlilitl DKtrlct Randall.... W. W7. Dornmu ; J. K. Wirigert . j .. . . . --j-; g2J-pVstri'ct Rodolph Hatfield J.W. "oate3 ;.'"!!.'.'! JI. A. Pratt . . . . jj-t-titte &W District.' v.. B. Graham ---, li. K. Lawrence '"'- G. W. Stecnrod ; -iV.Y'ViilVKi For Kcprescntatlvc tftth District A. H. Parkf-r ' A. H. Carpjntcr J.B.Carey " For tl-e Jmllcffl Amcmhner.t to thr Ctltutlon. .... .galnst ihf Judicial ATncndmeiit to th Constitution ICETTliliSr.VN. A rnnvter last eveninir met' Mr. Elettle- man, the runner who is to compete with Gibson at the Fair grounds 1- nday. Ho had just arrived in the city from his homo at Harper and taken rooms at the Mnnhattan. When asked regarding , tho forthcoming laco ho said it was a square contest and forblool. "lam now m good condi tion,'' ho said, "never in better and have no excuse to offer, but will go iu to win. My funds, too, aro in tho hanik; of my backers. This promises to bo 0110 of tno baiaest Taccslever run. My distance is 100 yards and I had to agreo-to loO m order to get the race. Gibson is caid to bo a great long distance luuner and to havo beaten all with whom ho hs' compoted. I have ne er ;.et been boateu. I 11m George H. Smith, of Pittsburg, Jan. l., lbo, at Woodstock, Ontario, for the championship o Imerica. and had two races with 11. M. Johnson, tho first at New Orleans, theaocond at Pittsbut g. Tho race will bo run in tights-. I oxueoL rav sister and many of any friends from Harper to be up to witness' it." a young man of fino per sonal annearanco tall and "1 athcr slender, but athletic has fair complexion and'di esse:: in good taste. YOUNG PEOPKK'd ASSOCIATION. Tho Young People's Association met at tho Congregational church lat evening. The organization of tho society was com pleted and tho enrollment largely increased. A very interesting-program f exercises was rendered: ,, t. .. 3Ira. Winch. Piano Duett -( Mfc Maiiucl4 Readiug .Mr. Montague. Piano Solo . T ' .Mis Clark. Reading Miss Smith. ( Mrs. Parker. Vocal Trio .-. . . . . Mrs. Brooks. I Zdrs. Holbi 00k, Recitation Mr. Smith. Violin Solo Prof. Wolf. Violin Solo Prof.Thompson Violm Solo. , ..". . -Prof. Wolf. GET THE BEST, FOR THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST IN THE END. ros Style, Fit and VVear, THIS WELL. KNOWN MAKE OF MEN'S SHOES IS " UNEXCELLED.' " OUB STOCK OF IL lens Fine Boots audShoes il Is now Complete from tho hest- manufacturers, and -they will Seiit you in Price. Sivle and Dorility. Do not forget to give us a call, as we will guarantee satisf action. Yours Hesp. John Braitscii, - ' . 120 2. Douglas Ave. Ly-iUl Goods Warranted. 133-tff MONEY At Lowest Rates and Ready for Borrowers :AT OTGE S. W. COOPER, r? v t tv rtji-rrr. TTICinTA. SXK. (b urt) jS-f it ,'' -- .n M S V r.iv'Af 3 "fmBg 31SJ:6yiPiillT VO0?S OFiSEpG-WICKXX)UNTY. i . . -a A 1 "! :r . i w. !! S4' 153 21s n:::: SBi2C 373 5 16il35a9' 2wia... a 1R9 S3 1! IftJ 21C ,.J 1071. . w MCffi i JACKSON -wjiolcrate nnd Pc:a!l Dealers lc- 0:0:A:I Colorado & Pennsylvania Anthracite And rll kinds of Canon City, Trinidad and - Osage City, Blossburcr, Pa., Piedmont, rW. Va. McAllister, Fort Scott, Cherokee, Rich Hill and Pittsburg Coal. also Lime, Plaster, Cement, Brick, Side walk and Building Stone. Ovncnu-BtgRM Scale, f.ODonsflss are. S jh'e: , . 177 w r.ter r.ti tut. bet. boi:Ka e raid r lrst J. P. ALLEN, DP.TTGGIST: Everything Kept in a First-Class Drugstore. Wichita, Kan. JOHN DAVIDSON, Pioneer -:- Lumber -:- Man OF b7.EGnciCiqOLiNTY- EsittDlisiied in 4870. - A Cornplete Stock of Pine Llirhbe.r Shing!es,-Lath, Doors, Sash, etc., ahzays on rfand. on ftml ,r&rrls on Uartet itrwt bctvoen Do;l3 arerioo and x'irit Jtrfw ASPHALTOM Roofing Paint. GRAVEL ROOFS AKD PAVEMENTS -por iVValk Drives; Cettars and Cb- ims. -a3 AK Application to Iron, Weed and Stoae Par rortfcer 5rlsrt AppJr to J RIZER & HUMPHREY, ""JC-s-Osf-er Kart : 1 r3M : irsc. Or sdrti Ici E-xz Z. T. JcKA. . The printing tsd blsi bcok. es tablii:ct is vzepsrhi tc dc ill load e job printing end !& booi xoskuy:. guar-ateuig-tbir work to be Srst-clsfs i eTry j pcor:4&, ccaib.jre ot Iooc at pnoeu . jy;--l V r.i Chy or St. Louis. c c 010 - k 2 a S2 Si? - .is "g ? : : : r z. z z : E"?: : i"i . JLLL ijLLll3LLJL.LL . t "J l H 'A"X. ?Tnk A -?- t. sh. i&ucc - j?frsC 23 t-1 iB -$& J 'lSn'4 SB rp. "WHITE 0ET- Innes iganiie Ribbon -ON- HA! Ml SatinRibbon-PeeotEdge LOT NO. i. Numbers, 6, 7, for 5 cents a yard. LOT Numbers 9, 12, 16, These ribbons are sold all over the country for 15 to 25 cents per yard. This is a grand opportunity to procure youv Christmas Ribbons for fancy work. 500 pieces only. They won't last long. Come Early. I Pays to. Trade We Will Positively Save You HARD .-:- -:ON:- Clothing, ats We arc crowded for room. Crowding us every day. get bargains while you BITTING BROS., Temporary Quarters 216 Douglas Avenue. t886;:T 5 cj E. S. 1. g P : Q : 3 z . ? -..thMj. a JX: ..... Tw4 aw in. --: -rV 4T ssslt HOUSE & Ross. U I 2 Slaughter 1111 1st NO. 2. for 10 cents a yard. at to lite ft m OUi INNES & ROSS. DOLLA: FiiraisMnffs. Lo New Goods Come and : mav. RS w 3 i