Newspaper Page Text
feasaagaffisaftaSBaaaguJftfl i&''- Sj&c 'SSticftila gails giwflc: Saiu-stta iJXorttittfl, gotrcmljei; 4 bSis. gaJJfegXe Advertisements In this column will bo charged for nt tliera'e of Five Cents per line per week. 2o &i vprtlsi'menU taUcn for loss than 25 cent?, end will not be Inscrtcil until paid for. WA3TTED. rJTAVTm-Pvprvhndv who wants to CO to Fort V Smith. Arkansas with team-? or without to work oa railroad to come to my olllceby 6 ociock tjvln-rmil fpt. it frrn lines to tho WCrll. J. 1- Ken- worthy, DCS DousUis avc. KS-Ct "W7"ANTi:i 2 cash bovs.t shoe balesman. 1 clotlilus Y salesman. 2 cood JoofcK. 1 laundry boy. 6 girl for pccral lioiMwork, 1 washwoman. Appil, ' North Main bt up stairs. r ANTED A EeanT.tres3 by aiame ". ""' VV room 11 Throckmorton ii DavJd.son biccfc, Ao. 117 N Topeka nve. H3-t "W; Kan Walth, -TTTANTEU-S Krainers at S3 per day. 3 ,Pa'?,cI7" VSi.K)Fcrdayt503 Dulaii ao. - 1- fcn vrorthy. Hi-ttt Call at Ooodi car hotel. . -T-rVTrD-lMrtner in tho grocery business: rFmaUpltSr "required; reference cxchaeJ. Address A. U. T-a Ie '; 1lu- wiall rri)-A good chl for Kcu-ral housework: 11 family. Apply at 0 n Waco st. UlCtt r" VNTCD The ladle? of "Wichita to know that V thev can have their dresses ana oa-'i'jcs muuu at j0 H Jlin street; cutting and mtln? for large and unsll at reasonable prices. Call or. address .sirs. C. K.W. Ordtr rtcelve prompt attentiDn, 14-t.t TXTANTK1) A competent girl to do general l'Otice work in a msii lamuy. ii Topeka. Hrs. II. U Tcck. I'M i llltitt --. rrAUTED Hy n, man and wife without Incuni V brani-c.arUnationinthocltj; willing to urate Uiemselv-ji useful In any capacity. Hoth have a bu-"-liicss jualltv; not afraid of work. Address Man and wife, this olilce. -M bu furnished room by two rrnvTcn .!roli V V ouns men near the center of the city. AdJjc-s ttiw inici. v n. i- &.. thw onicf . TTTANTEU-A vouns RlrU assist with 1 feht hou'o V keeping in family ..f Kvo ami help take care baby. Apply at once at Sii N Topeka avc. 141 Gt. Ar.Tll Rlrl for Kenoral houscworl: Call at TVTAr.Tl 1 Olrlfor Kenoral 1 VV 21-5 XTi-pka '' u- Vi.oa TTTANTni) Two lady roommates; for mrther in- VV formation enquire at 13J.V Topeka. nNo would .vjwrroraifJJ.llnsrali carpet if can maUo r-l TT ivi r.l I'.irtlCR wantln; lionirc to buy lots in WjIortouWallmanV addition. 'Ih.'-o otV' ,n the north part oi the cit . Tei mi 23 cash; n-il.tncc iwvablo S3 a month. l,r sale by Morton Wallman & C: VM Alain Ft. . ui4"' "Wstocli dilute JD-Iimnedlatuly. salesmen to sell nuiery . Ad UvbJ o. iU Uutler, Hollo i'lalne. Kan. TiTAN TEU-The rea-Ier to i-cj iKistirn for live i.toek V wilo at l'air ground-). Wc.iiieda.vf I-ov 10. 1U.. to be f,lv en by the farmers of .Sedgwick coanty. i or Information sco 1'lak or J l lx l'aats. 11 ilain street. dUtt -TTrrVNTnD-l'arties lookl'is for an openlnp in dry i;ods or l.ardv.are buslatss to call at 71)1 Oa TTTANTED-A voting man In dry KOOtls More, one V with experi.nw preferr.l. Call at IMNwtli Main btroet. ujtalrn. "1-ut "TrrASTKO - Market fit "VfrANTEr) Kvorvbody in tho city to l-'X the V Wliea gallery and yet tho be.-.t C-i cabinet J""' In the city. . n'M "rANTEI-:irs. A. M. Kord. ff.M South Main ht, .to.Ius:if ladles or Wichita to know that hhe dwj.ra.shloiiaidedie-'i and cloak ctittiru and mak ing, .fid gives special attention to tlio design of ims coming continues. .I-6t -v-s r i :;rr.l- our competent basqun makers. Im-Win-dlailv. t Miussosi-a JicSamiua'a dre-s-making dtpaitmi'iit. -rx"l ED", farm lumds at $13 per uontn. V Leu u ortliy. 5ti 1 louH'ias ave. J. It. UMjt -f-tr-AVTKO-l'o-itloiibya joung man of Coiiiaiiy V oilicc or btu.sne'-i house, or outhliie ffHK; wll llngtoiloauvt!ii.ik'that will piv living oipoiwcs. Can k-cp b ks :i:ul give bet of referoiiuo. -V,'7? 3. i:.ljiklcoiII.?. "'"' -Tt- xrni A good printer to take charge Jl V smilljol.and Leuireroniec. Address wUn rwinraoadatlons. 11. E. S-.vaa. Halstwd, lufi. 1- ft -VATAN'TE' a good girl to do general housework. W 151 ii Main ht. liu "t-KTANTEn A nurse girl about 1G year of age. I'd V n Main street. "' TXT VTi;D-Ma:i and wife, no children; w ife mut l,e.a got d cook and good worker; wage uo ob- any J.l T7A37T5D. V?7"AXTED To buy stock cotUe of all kinds. J. A; Boimer. at Dorse and Mule Market. " TVA"TEI-BorowerH for money; we place money V at tho lowest rates on all lands or chattel&c euritv loans, and also on becoad mortgages onjcim. Wichita Uankliig Co.. Ko. 116 vcst DouglM a e. ST tr TrrA:TED ToloanS31.ftO onbusIneM blocks and W pro-rty. within Uie next tilrtv days. Kaniias Loan and Investment company ltr at owest rate?. SUO.0.0 on city 5. W. Cooper. 1ST Main st. W&.jSS.M'jgr. -T-r-rWTFn-Bookkcepers and business men to nSSAmi first-class men L.i ,r,n.nn for Dositlonii as book- E4 Miid acetiuntants. Business men wno want e? i.l 'lnml expert bookkeepers who canghe SkJfcwnand want situations, would do ?lM.v mWrSSng fc. Ofllce for the Btate of Kansas otthSni Business College. Wichita. Km as. " TTTANTED To insure ix-rsons In all classes of life VV acalnst accidents, our plan gives a large week ly 'indemnity to persons meeting with accident from nnyeaii-e. Hubbard k. Ileywood, room 3 up btalrs, llJJIamht. " 15WS TTANTEI) Ladies and gentlemen to know that V Mudei.ts.M the South. vcMern bn.lnes college arc InFtrneted privately at their desks, thus avoiding all embarrassment. Frons can attend the day or evening FC-t-Ions with equal adi .images. 13o-tf rrASTED Evcrj body to know that the new up- V tortiiofilceof thoWehlta Coal and Fuel Co. Is open evenings. Orders left there will be promptly tilled. Convenient to postoCico. street. 151 XorthMala Kim XTTANTED A gcwl girl for family cf three; 1J3N V Esnjxirla ave. C. L. Tratt. 112 tf VOJl RENT. Trvm pfat-5iw hotic of six rooms ready for 1 occupancy Becf.raber 1st; price $'UM i per month. Calloni'.iittvrns tha ticket broker ri E UoiigM, avenue. lij " TTOR KENT rurnlsked rooms at C23 S Emporia i Avenue. '-Cl 7011 RUST A nicely furnished room cheap. En 2 uulro bt SIS n Main. 1 ' JLj cjulro TTOIt RENT KurcislwJ rooms at 133 V Topeka J acnuc. !" IVH RENT A largo twojitory house of 7 rooms. No. h'i)S Topeka ae; good cellar, barn and coal lioue. Price U3 per month. Call oa J. L. Huni-jihr-y &. Son. Eagie block, AVlchita. 1.1U I7OK REN r One nice furnished room for two with ? boani. Enquire at i3 S Topeka avo. Hl- ? OU RENT T o Ilrit class btore rooms. Apply to 22 Hardy Soiomou. OT Doiigia.-. ave. dl--tr T7"ORI'KNT A ne:.t home, fcio North Market Ft. M room?, cellar, nico yard and convenient out buildings. R. Matthew ,VX Main ht. dlio-Ctt ',rr0R RI'NT One Iargj nicely furnished front room, L' with porch In front, bav wlutluw on .south; is in best locaiitv. less than to blocks from Uuugla.' ave. Inquire at -j'J N EuiHrla ave. ClI'vltT Board furnished. -t OR RENT One nicely furnished room with bath t room attncheil. ltetcreKCW requirca, iilG North Toiwka avenue. Call nt UHlf "IT'OR RENT An elegantly furnished room to rent J' to two (0 youns- men with prlvllego of bath room, chean; also, an unfurnlsned room for office or bed loom. Call at 131. North Main .street upbtaira. dliS-U- TOR RENT Three room house; 3 room House, nnil J a -1 room housi. Miller & fcjheppard, 701 Ea?t t-ak T70R RENT ricawnl furnished rooms to Ingle X! gentlemen, at 1M South Market st. d.'i-Ot T.AOR RENT Two furnUlied looms at WO n To;el:a j a-.c. Enquire on tho prorate. 1 T.OR T ENT -A nicely f urn'-hed roara at j2 3Ij.w- V iencea.c: f?OIl REN r One or two pleasant f iini'slied room j j for i cnt at 11C Ida ave. near cor. D,)U,'!as. 1 1 bit r7"OR RENT Nicely furnished room over bank of t Wichita suitable foriior-l gentlemen; rcabonablo rates. Appivat JJ1 Bougiasa.e. ll--ctt S70Ii RENT-A furntihed room In pleai&nr am dc 1? Mrable part of city. Will be vacant October JJth. 'tenns reasonable, ltefereuco nsjaired. 0i. A)rth mOR RENT ru-idshul rooms, by tho day or week, M i -.. ..! :i-. !1imi-'Im. :iienue. loom 1 UI :.".( ,'.mf. llrt Doual-ib. room 1. otr Retries' elotiilug store. Mr. J. M. -lager. loom lup d 127-1 iur IrOR RENT To one or two gentlemen. I would say ' 1 have some very pleasant and nicely furxilskou rooms that I will rent at leasyt.ablo "te.n. ?ip nhoarewlihlug rooms may call at 10J1 n lm' avc. TT'OR RENT-A WcRlngton. Kan. brick store room. 1 cor. Seventh and Vv ashlngton ave. opposite 1 hll ilps house. '1 his lbono of tho pi ireipal biLsineJ-j cor tiers in Wellington; two-story brick, plate front and a well lighted basement; snitablo for any busi-MCS-. Enquire of W. II. stnlTelbach. Wellington, i'au.. or N. Mone St. Joseph. Mo. lli-tf iwt t tii. rl-hl nariv: si.lendld home; every tiling to nml-foiiehs':. J.V..Kenwoithy. Wj Douglas av e. 1TOB SAL13. -i--,OR SAI.T3 Two good ponies well broke to Kaddle, X; and hurne"s; casn or w uaj a nine, POH SAtEr -rnORSALE-Flne farm -ear Mt.Hoive, Improve-j. eO Jb acres gootl plow land. 40 acres good hay land, o SUrest-wvu: pasture. Will give long time on part and will take in trade horse or cattle. Inquire at probate Judge's onioe. fllLatI FOR SALE A special largain 21 acres U mile from Carey's Park in one or 5 ace lots to suit ourcnaser. Eagle block. Terms liberal. J. E. llumphrey &Son, i2i-ir ITIOR S.VIE Ono hundrel feet front with two 4 room houses, on Wnco a. cnuo between 1st and Ud streets. For terms call oa J. ii. liuinpurey swra, Eagle block. "'" FOR SALEOid papers at this oface at 23 cenU a hundred. TTTOR SALE 30 lots in Hlliargers addition. These J low front on Washington avenue and west on Moslcy nvenue. aro covered with line fruit and shade trees, and will be sold on easy terms. Call on Bunnell & Morehouse. " 170R SALE Mr stock of groceries and queensware 1 at Anthony. Kan.: will tell for cash only: stock will Invoice for $',500. I will rent to the parties buy ing, the building, which is VX3 fet with good cellar. I. II. Forbe. Antnony, Kan. ti-tf "I7"OR SALE Cheap. A first cl&se Southern Kansas railroad tic- et, good to Klov a nnd Lack to Kan-s-as Citv and all branches. Call soon at Commercial Hotel, west Doujlaiaivc. near Main st. lileoti T7"OR SALE- Clydesdale and Norman stallions, at J2 Mercer & Bayiess' livery Ft;ible. 11C North Emporia avenue. The undersigned have just arrived from Ohio with 12 head of highbred Clj de and Norman colts from G to 18 month old. and arenow offered Tor sale at the abovo named ttablf. Faulkner & Fcrkins illii' 17OR SALE Choice-corner lot in Fairvlcw addition; ' chiap. Apply to The Anglo-Amerl.-an Loan & estment Co., 11 1 East ixsugias ave. " In TTOR SALE Choice buslnecs lot on Main btreet. A v for n, lew lI.IVS. AmllV tO The AUglo- Americaa Loan & Investment Cj . 117 East Bonalas avenue. "l4-1 ITtOR SALE Somo of the most deslrablo residence ' lot.s on Topeka avenue. Apply to The Aitslo American Loan ft Iiue-tnicnt Co., 117 East Dcuzlas avenue. illM.t 710R SALE FroiKTtv iu all parts of the city at all 1 .i.,. Anniv t TTirt A ii !lrv. A nierienii IjCail & luv cbtment Co , 117 East Douglas avenue. dlMt ITiOU SALE Some cheap lots In West Wichita. Jj Appl v to Tho Anglo-American Loan & Investment Co., 1 1 1 East Douglas avenue. dl '0-fct IT'OR SALE Oak street property. Call and see us before Investing. Miller ft bheppard, '.01 East Oak btroet. dlct T7OR SALE WJ town lots In Garden Clt; special Jj bargains; also deeded land adjoining the cltv. Call on or address E. J. Fyle. real estato agent, tjanlen City. Kan. sm ITOR SALE. Good residence and business property ' in town of Clearwater; also it good farm near -ounty seat of Comauciie eountv; will trade for .. leh 1U cltv properly. Inquiro lit N Jlarktt street, llotf 17"OR A.' it a r.r tVii own all of this nrorcrty and will ell any of it on binall payment iiov7iv. balance In three or live vcar-. ah oi ii w iu ii"n mm m ny lwdy's future great addition. 2 room hoa-e and two lo's. Wichita H; a riKm house and one lot, u attr st, north; :: room house and one lot. Water st. north; r. room house ami one lot, Water bt. north; 4 room i ,..,... -.,,i -... ir.f Tir irln-r. street, north: 4 nliutle lots. mirth 5Inrket street. St ft front each ; lots No. 43, ill. 111. 10'. I-!, isa, i:C. IBS. North Water fit. each it front: lots No. 2 . 4 J. 40, !. Si. ii. M. C2. !a 49. S3. 12i. Wichita ft; lots No. 7.'. lis, Waco arc: lots No. 1, . and 5. t3 ft front, Washington ave. ueanvs auii ;ou i-unu-i; losNo.2and 4. Wabash ave. Ream's add, comer; lots No. 11. 13. 13, Thltteeuth st. Hover's add: lots No. 0,8, 10 and l.. Fourth ave, ormo & I'liUlipa' add: lot v i.-, i-ii.Tu.riii niv. Ornin.tPhllllns' add. 1 or full inTw.rln ; Information apply to Lew Beam or Harry Stewart. UH'i-tr LOST. T' OST Overcoat and hat at the u. a. k. na i on -Friday nlKht. Oct Mth. The tinder will bo liber- ilv rewarded br leaving tho bamo r.t tae 110-..0.1 ttore. ill fit T" OST A gold horse shoo Iil.t. ihcopcia hotve iSundav nlaht or between op' ra huue and ihird H.-Kinder picabo return to .. e. j.uhh Bros. or I-iael liiott T- OST A memorandum book containing a lot of Jbllh. The Under will please leave it nt 24J North Main st. and claim their reward. M. U..HI11. IHHt. S; dry salt. No, 1,10, No. 2, S;jrroc salt. No. I. 8. Ko. 2. 7: green uncured. No. 1.7. No. 3, 6;calf,7G9; sheep pelts, dry, 10 12. Wool MLssotir!, unwashed heavy flne. 1&1E; light. 1SS2J; medium combing, 22il: coarse. a31; low and carpet. 1517: Kansas and Nebraska heavy fine. 15 IS; li-rht. 1521; medtum, 2023:tub washed choice, 5135; fine. S3; dingy and low. 27&S. Broom corn Short, ii: green hurl, 5; pelf working, 4a4.: long coarse. S-H: crookeii. 1J2.W. Provisions Sugar cured hams, 10J;breakfast bacon, 9; dried beef, 10; dry salt clear rib sides, 86 GU; long clear. $5 Kk shoulders. $S 00; short clear, $6 S3: smoked clear rib Fides, $7 10; long clear, 87 On short clear, $7 S3; mess pork, $9 50; shoulder. $6 25: beef $8 50. Lard Choice tierce. SS.CO. Dried Apples. KsSc; peaches, 235JiJc, Cliicazo Grain and Produce. Chicago, Nouenber 3. Ths wheat ntarket opened dull with a- tendency toward lower prices; New York reports were not particularly encoura;ing; prie-s broko o l, ralllod oa good export purchases, but sank back and eloed la the latest trading at insldo prices and closed J lower than Monday. Cash prices as follows: Wheat No 2 .-prlnj 7S.: No. 3 sjirkig. C3Sf-3 No2red.74J. , Corn No. A S0C3CK- Oata-No. 2,-26-aW- Rye No. 2. 1. Barley No. 2, 53. F!a-sed-No. 1. OiJ-. Timothy Seed-rime,31'K5- Mess Pork-tO 23 per bbk lird $3-3-3 Wiii-key 1 13 Leading futures ranged aj folo: Wheat November December January May Corn November December January May Oats November December May..... Mess Fork November December January Lnrd- November December January Opened. ......SJ4 ....7-i '.V.".S3 ...J3'S ....37?fi ....r.-i ....42- ....2i. '.'.'3in .... 107H ....917H .... WW .... 500 .... EM .... cai Range. 7.ts.72J. 734375 70yi;5i K4.JS1J4 S?iG33 S3 war?;; 31.07 9i:(S5(,7Vi WU 9U', closed. ? 75?f a 5-i siv, 26 lttKj.aitiiw 5Ki 390 Gs.v) 0V3 ao g.G.v) Receipt. Flour, H.Wfl Wheat...i AXJ.WX) Corn 131.1) J Oatit ,-. li.fM Rye. UOJ llarley Ci.WJ. There will bo no session of tho boani of trado to morrow, election day. W7J, VJ27i Ipments. 21,C0rj 51.U.W 407.IW) lli.tai 2.C00 CTa'o VOYAGE TO OUR ARCTIC LAND. FOUKD. TT'OUND Taken up by tiu ttnder.slgnl three .-j ear JL1 old colts at tho lorncr of central av e. r.nd Mill st. R. F. V. Ilumpluey. m-ct FOll T1IADE. TTIOR TRADE SJlacres, Kingman county; 40 acres vvaier. iiuiiuiui TPOIt TRADE A good now carriage to trade for JL team, D. T. Dunbar. 142 -tr 11 tt All A llrst class hotel near Wichita, bav- 1 lag a good busluess and now renting for S I'er ontn, to trado for a stock of goods or uiHUcum icd land. Ashtel Welch, Eagle block 1.V- 12t K mont be 1 irst st. I'ark Place add. T. R. Hunter i43-et -T-TANTED-A go.).! slcmar. In gontrf furnishing giiods store. 151 11 Main. 1- bI TTrvNTED-Mon wishing good ponitloiLS on rail - V road call at 151 11 Main. - '' -rsrVNTEl)-A'-oil colored glil for general w;rk. V 131 11 Main.' ANTED-Mcrchants. contra.-tors and house wlfes wishing help to call at 151 11 Main, lttt I have two ponies I will IV JI1IO lr.'t w -i- -T T. r.-ltit, V let 80:110 golma-ibavo for 6 mouths. JJlitf -r-s,x,D -25 teams nnd drivers to ship to Fort V :,rolh for railro-id work. AVnges good; free paw to tho work. J. R, Konworthy. r Iougtas ave, M XrAVTD-Abltuatloaby a young man Jl years of gi; lia-s a sool education, pyji haoJtfl. etc; Is readv v.lta the r U1 carries good le.erence.-. nr.d Isliotivirticularasto tho kind of work. Address Chas. Hammond. Le-rn, Kan. "- u' -.-rr s.-Tj d The service? ofrn experlencod nurso V i-an bt-becua"l by calling attMi s Markets', or oddVIn loot l.ox 17. O an icier to fct lli?lclai!3 il I i-t clas, famUIOJ, Keieienee ln-uucii uaknowii. jirs. oi. j, Jieuiuii. .. . Ia-t -, --s-rTi'. !,). tn i.iRhlo t- Oklahoma Tursdaj V morninc. K d water, wngos. warm vv inter quartern: free pasa to tho wnK worihy. Uri Doiigia.1 avtuue. R. Ken 112 Ot TANTIT-oci:iutogoto hous-e and do '.u l... i-nTI r? "I -. V :i!ITSl. -.--.. Boarders. Rotofboird at "VV -TIT VNTED-: A Wu' -"-tTANTID-Fourlady canva'-er; inansjer will cill at I 01-1 and jdiovv work f bo doiK. Also ladles to taK.-work hoine;good pJ. AudrcSb a. a. Ilardliih. Hellarbluek. room .. 1J---IT n7"OR SALE Tro most dtslrable Rulldlng Flto on JL- College hill. Mtpi-i grovd addition, on ntr,l ave.. liixYJ) feet, bhade and fruit tree; by llJ?r&. Sheppard. 701 E Oak st. J ct 1710R SALE Lots in Morton Wollman's addition in "th" north part of the cltv. Terms S'i ca-h. bid auceS3amonth. This is a splendid opportuuitj for rvoily wlthlimitcd means to procuro a home. or bale by Morton Wallman ft Co., ISS N -ualn. 11 l-t 17OR SALE Four lot.? in Ford's Second addition ' ataMtrrltice.- Must be sold this week. Oood lo cation, south and east ftont. Ftreet cars within two blocks. A bargain for somebody. Inquire at HI North Main street. "" otT sill at a bargain If bold beforo Monday night; rent paid 21 days iu advance. h-wt X 7"OR SALE Good bu'inefis for lady or gentleman with SUO capital. Caiiseor selling, death. Ad dress O. C. Ilniiim. city. 1 i.-ou -71OU SALT A porta'-'.o boiler and englno of ton horse power In good running order, i-.n quire 0, ri-hlta Vinegar works, cor. ToiK-ka and Li Sfif Tft" v; tt-oR S I:-JJa north Main. 2 lots between Tenth iA and elev with: ?l.'--; part-time; a Euap. .a lo- .v 1 u lor. room 1. ua jwaia t T7"01l 1 RAPE At a bargain Well Improved faim X' for a residence rrojriy. hanta l'o bakery. Eckardt ft Scott, at witr 1710R TRADE Livery stable and the entire outilt; good busincKS, gootl location: everything be longing to a llrst class livery stable: situated in the cltyof Cleveland, Ohio; will irano lorianu 111 wwi crn Kansas. For isMrtlculars addret lock box PJ. Vichita, Ivan. Httf BTRA.TED. STRAYED OR STOLEN From the premises of J. G. Bridges, two cows, ono lour-yeja-old, the other 2 vcars. The cow was braniksl with a low on right hand side, Fiwtted, horns broko off. the party leav ing Information at S E cor. Lincoln and Paul ave. will receive a reward of $10. l c STORAGE. roods or merchandise, fo hoved or loose: if you hav o any gotnU to Ftoro brhtg them to tho Wichita Storage Co., No. 115 Wes. OTORAGE lor householu Douglas ave Bargains iu Heal Estate. TTT i"TF.D- Joiw' ri"k1 wn 'v'' wHl work hanl V at soliciting; btilarj-Tconnl-lou. Addrosjj 1. &. M. city. '"r TrTviXD bridge canienters. S2.M r day; 6 V mule.JrIvers.tJ2.. per month and boi-ri;5 men t I work on pllodrlvers to SWfoitth: free jia-J to the work. J. Ii. lvcavv orthv . HS Douglas ave. 1Kb. -r v -tfd-A ilrst class shoemaker; solvr man: AV uout3i 14 apply. rcNaushtcn -MiJwulW w Dou.f las ave. -TTTANTEli-SItnatloa as tint cook In a good hoKl SV or iv.tsurani. Encjuin' at wt-ct end lf ai . e. or eeua JurcM throw-h 1'. O. baron E. Millar . vTTANTED-ConiiHjtentgtrl for general houscworl, V Eu.iuiroat Dr. Furley's resldenco 1014 niai.v- re-iee rive. blocks, north of Oak si. J rr ANTED- A ilrst-elas' cook at ltG N. Water st 1' I-rvIT TrOlfsAIX-ChoIce Co!le;o Hill 2 acre lot ata bargain for a fovv days oidy nt rA Adjoining iota Tclliol inoro than double. Do not m Iss to ; securo such an elegant home, b J.Kaufr.ian. at Dabev I.ros. ft Co.. UCN Market st. Ot 3 VI.1 Special bargain rosMurant and loard M injj fiouso comg a splendid busfne". Jlrst class custom and as good pnes as any vvhee in tht city. Inquire at 20l Douglas av e. bicKness eate 1.1 tell lng, 14l"-t'' u rCR S MX Dai ber shop and bath roonu. J. J. McFfcec, Jiunnowci:, iviui. Inquire l!J-tk --OR S.J.E PHIanl lull' whf.lo or half interest i?onb one ii- tore of l,tO inhi.bitr.nt-. Will bell eaeap If tikcn so-.n. R'.ison for bulling, going west. J L.W. Wood. Clearwater. Ivan. HO-Ot T7-.-.R SAIX-M fine farms in tho vicinity of t.od- card. redgw ick flinty. Kin. Prices ranting from S15 to s:C. iur acre. Conwyauco free, roster -V. Sutherlaud. rcl eswto aud loan agents. Ooddard. Kan. FOR S VLE Tho ganlec spot of the world, cther wK'taown as tho Wlculta Gardens, ror infor mation appl) to the principal real estate doalcrj, or to Ashbcl Welcli. Eagle bloc. lut S,AsoiMotsln city finely located and In good neighborhood. Special terms to thoio winning to '"'Also bubur'ban property. For further particulars ceo Chris. T. J'earce, agent for Win. O1eIatto.11. at cityoisice. iu.t-tr St. Louis Gralxi and l'roduce. BT. Louis. November 3. Flour Steady and unchanged; x i 02 43 fnmii v , $i axiJ tO; fcu Wa- -5: limey. 3 4y Qfl Hr, rami fancy. SJ 3&o SH; patent, ft UM4 53. Wheat Active; cloilng. higher than Monday. No. 3 red c.tji 7VV: No tr-r 7 W ..' , closing .:,. December, -.CG.'Xli. closing 7-H57iri: January. ;' 7L-X, clobimi 78; iay. 839RM)?i. closing fef v. Corn Fairly actlv 0 and btrong; o. 2 mixed, cash. 3i' 5 : . Nov. j,',i!i$S;e,osiug .. u . . v.i ing 33; January, .'".:&, closing at IZ; 31ay, 33v J. closing at SJZfr . ,, Oats Dull; No. 2. mlscd. cash, 2-j; November ,.r Dee. -;: aiay.Sl-Sl".. Rye Easy at 4S. bid. Uarle" Quiet; 53J(65 JahuI tirm; renned. chemically hard, $4 10. Butter Easv; creamry, 21 23; dairy, 12020- Eggs Easier; 14j,S13c. Wh-fkcy KIiin;Sl 13. Provisions Generally firm. Pork Strong and 12! ceut3 higher; 53 W. Iird Steady; S3 SU-3 t5. ,r Receipts Flour. 4,tJ0; wheat, 2i.lX; corn. i.CX. oats, S7,tM); rj c. 4,'jW;; barley. 27,U.'0. Shipments 1- lour, a.utx); V),Jh eorn. ,VX; oats, 4.1W; rye, l.CVO.; bailoy, none. New York Gr-ln. New Yoiu;. N'OTcmber 2. Whcat-CIo'cl steady. Upgraded red. hGISj; No. 2 ixni. 7)J elevator. 71K-71W aflcat. No. 2 ilM Nov. tl'f(s-.;f;D.c. S.).' tt-!,. . , Corn- Ungraded 4.-J('s!''K; No24C--h elevator. ;r'. 47 afloat No.2 November, 43to'G; December, 47(i4.lf. Ojii i Active: mlsctt western fe&I; whlto western. L-'i. s". P.uitcr Quiet; western, 12R23. ClieesP Firm; western llCcllH. Eggs In demand: vv estcru fi ch, 22 .22. Kansa-i City Jdvu Stock. 1ssaji Cur, November 2. Cattle Receipt. 4.53c; shipments, 1K3; blow; gootl to choice 4 ID .44 CO; commoa to medium $.1 ;,M 4 on; stockew. 8-J 23ci2 75; f feeders, $2 WS J W-.covvs. 1 9i2 CO; grass range steers, $2 25C4.1 20. Hogs Receipts, i2S2; ' shipment 91; opened stronger; good to cholco, $3 83c,4 ; common lome liium, $U (jjCs'J S!. , bheep Receipt-. CC3; shipments, 4W: steady: good to choice. 2 5tr3 Ou; common to medium, 1 10(.22j. Bt. Louis IJve Stock. St. Loci.. November 3. Cattlo Recelpts,2 lt'; shipments. Htw: market firm; binootn gnides In domaud; ctioico luinv.j bteers. l.ri0&:l ); butchew steers, coian.ou tochrice, SJ lufil 10; feeding steers, fair to good, 2 axii 2o; i'exan- nnd Indian, common tockolea. $2 Ui-'j iu; fair to medium shippers, 83 30 to f.1 a; btockers, fuir to good SI 75(2 5'J. Hogs-lteccipu. 3tU); JilpmonM,I200; market opened strong: choice heavy and butchent selections, $(43Ct4'W.pi.ckersfaIr to bcRt, 3 75:sK: yorkere. fair to ctioico 3 TOCiJ SC.; Pfes. common to good. 2EOOS-1hO. Sheep Receipts. 1S0O: uhlpment. S); gol mutton ami fat Iambs strong; common to modluui slow;com mon to prln.e, $2 U:4 W. New York Xro Stock. New Yoek, November 3. Ileevcs-Rocelptu. 230) head; flrmcn native steers 3 P0 3 23; Texans and Colorados, Zt (41 bhcep-itiy.-elpt.s. C-KW. market dull; S3 (3&1 2t) for sheep; S4 7i-5 5ij for lamb.. -Hogs-ReeeIpU,21Co. weak; quoted $1 20O4. Clilcaao Jjive Btock. Cmcoo, November 3. Cattle Receipts, 7.0CO; shipmi-nts, 2.0X1: market lower: bhlpplrig bteei-s, $8 33.1), stockcra ami f,i..n ai Tf.'.in"-eov4s. bulls and mix. d. slyiffliU; buU S2 uX-tf 33; through Teia? catllo S2 10-3 U3; cow s. ! lftB.1 , steers a 7lV3.5 23. wcs:rn rangcrn dull; natives and half-breeds, T V1 fc; wintereil T( ans?. P. 23,'J $3 i; northern range-. Montana. $2 7 j ;CC; Wyoming, and Toxans, $313-3 SJ; Colorado, iiogs-Rccciptx, 3).W; shipment. W.fCO: market steady aud .strong; roagli and mixed, $1403 m. packing and. shipping. 33 73i-$4 IW; light, $3 40t IW; bkips.$123.a;5-23. . Sheep Rcctipf..vM: nhlprcentn. 1.0)0: market 'low; natives. 51 73-j-'5 75: western.. ?J fX3 2-; Texas, $2 U 3 l. L-uubi, 02 75-4 .'. DR. WILLIAM HALL, cf nalLt Dennett, Gives special attention to D"soaea of women, Elcod aud Skin Diseases and all troubles of tho Urinary Organs speedily curod Jr. both sexes. Oflice ov.r Wcodman's Bank, North -Tain street. Consultation day or night FrxH. (Read Dn. Hall Sz Ucnuett'E card In this paiver.) l2Jtf FINANCE AND COMMERCE &IA1U-STS BY TELEGItAPH. Ncvf York Monty Market. Nsw Yeas. November 3. Money-On call active at 3 to 15 per cent, clcrtng at C per cent. ITime Mercliantllc Paper 4(5 per cent. Sterling EAchangtt-Dull but steady at 4as for 03 daj-s btlls and I3t for ilemand. Oove-inient liod Dull and steady. State Rom duu anil steauy. T -j -r 7- NTS1J Tw.v r three good lusnranco boiieltois V ato:ie. A good thing for the right men. In rirtofubbai.cneyvot.i,roor.i 3 up stairs No. 1.1 jlaia st. - IW4't -rrrAVm Every Iwtly to go to C C. MUiara tor V TV,.i ..n or tiilliis. Will takn large or s-msll W rTnt -vilior iiiUus. V.'lil takn large or s-msu contocu for Al'ing ami Kntdius in the city. liOSt- l-irtVTK: Agoodmliclicow. Call at 13 J"a!c Jno.S. CPti w"st sr-rr ITI-D To lease a room about 25x70. Must V.' vo rrood drainage. Ono now ready to occupy -I,- .-4 hutvoMld wait a restTnabIe time lor It to -BAdJ M. Henderson, room 1. MJJUtti etrcct. 11 ii- -VsTANTED-AKirlinaai;y t.f two po-ons. Ii V iiUeatIS Wogt Tlitrti .street. 11-t OR SALE Coll atoacowhUythip-iccs are low. no lwtter bargains can be had than in ths Wl-'h.ia rdeaa. Ashlxu 'vVelcli. lgie block. li-l.t EOR SALE-Kecnedy 5c use. corner Dougla anu Fourth avenue?; furniture and tixturos and all that belongs to tie housrf. .': . One of tho be: loca tions In the city. al. a lease until ths 1-t of ay. Apply at 113 South Fourth avenue. d it. tf V V r.y at cee io 5i2 E. iUn at. IVH"- XiTANTED-To place loans oa S.,ltoe&J?.f WorbirsinessUlocJ-cron short !bWM o'real cstabccarity. rate low ad proinpt - a tion. Aihbcl Wc!. KjiIo b.ock. l- '' V abat the wicitita Gardens, lucjuiro as",11 Wclclu Eaglo bh. JJS-..t "W; ANTED-Two or three good insia-atN: solicitors Cttiro U 4 Main st. uto-irr. A gol thing for tic right mess. D oriiubbard & EcywooJ. room S -up -tcir ;" !!: 1' nT.D Screrer Ucidcrs rxd tcanvstors, tiUrty W ir.Jles-80Uta cr ciiinp tuppiy. -us-an cij . on KIowa cxtcntion of thn Southern Kansas railroa.t. Ward & Courtccv-, ritllroad'conrractors. U137 ini -t-tr-ANTED Hro insurauce. We ry seven re V V hi.sranee coni anl-v. and aro prepared to carry la or smnll Lnes, of insurance at low rite. Our .w'.r,.ntr- icnreiat an agt-egatoo'blx millions of i as. h CMHtai, nuuiaai ; iicyvvooa, n uni o ,?rt1lMrS un Btairs. 114 Main bt inr 5- M i vfivi H -.1-,. i-ki nv.i 11 s nvim twostorv houses, clcsVts. ctllars. walks, fences, gas. on Emporia, bc tw .en Pise aud Oak its, price $3.10 rch- STW feet on I awronce ave. front, wed improved, will sell 2. 37iv. M or S7i tcet, price $-) ier front f,Kt. . room house on TojH-xr ai-c. No. Rt-'. bet ween F.Im nnd Pine sts. good cellar. ol3ef, watrr and pas, liousc, f onccs anil walks, price a wV. A six room ho'-soonTopetaavc. Ivctwccnriin and inae, -'O. G2C. cellnr. bath rovun. clo?ot& water and pis, all isev price 4.i iV. A tlve room nou., coiifcr. ci.fkX unu room, water, cas, femes aid walks. No. fiw. Topeka ave. between tlia a;:d Pine sts. price fSO). .a lots oaliuftluave.RIvon.lde add, ca't rrnts. betWf.n FrankUnand Andrews avt, ictce $3-pcr lor. house. 4 close: , small barn. No. 72 east On- . JK) ...12s. ...lili ...1.5 ...lul For Sale. Restaurant and lunch room, tloinr: a rwiy ing; btisiues-, central location, No. -10 East Douglas avenue. "Will resarve refrigerator and stovo and soli at a bargain if sold bufoi-e Alonday night. Rent is paid twenty-one days in advance 1 '& Vnr novelties in art trootL. fancv coods or ntatsriai.- for fancy art net-die ,worfc, artiits' mnterials, stndie In oil, or v,-atr colons and tube paints, go to jfrs. A. Kranier's. dl41-.")t If yon would not htivo consuiuptiou, cure vour cough or cold while you etin. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy vill do it jlllk. "Will sell milk at 4 cents per ''uart nuT: depot .T East Douglas avenue. at thu dSStf 3-per-cents i-Vr-centa i'.-lHsr-ceutH "-per -cents of Sluisourlfe Ihe stock fiiarlnt ww mojs active and higher than onHaadaj; there was some heslta-cy, especially among the loreiga aouits nuaa'aii;i.n w nr--tha effect cf elections urou the market; they soon became recured hov.-ever and bought frce'y iater. Rtccs.To real!cto-s in tie afternoon coupled with the maslp-latlon of atoney up to 13 rr cent cac-sd material reaction throus'-out tlie fiatlrell-t. The total sal-s cf stocia today was 3C3.5C7 3hs.rcs. Chicago .t Alton , Chicago, HurMaffSoa & Culcy ijr'-i o"S frH 11 IVt terms n.ul information call or. A. Smith, corner M.dn end T.i.rd t. IX-m JtOw SALE Lofl", f-UTBitare and ftxrarc. of a r:c-, 1 dtui&bd hold. In a live gvr.v.-ing Town, w-th 2 -rllroads. will be o!d at a!rtise; Ts?t of reasons or telling. Adorcss Ivx V7 Kinsley. Kan. Ij5-t vrrold take on ' 6V, EiDorado. Koa. TAOU SAIJE A gcuUe faiu"y I.).- aad baggy, part J carh and lastadnicats. t.ll at lit Forth are. --tOF SALE-Atargaln- Sixteen lot on Yaco. " Lf twfin Eleventh and Twelfth sts. Ta.Oor &. Tay lor. -3s- Naaln st. lWt r-iOH a.VIX-A well ff.-n near tisecitr; I"1 one huratrssd aad Mxtr acres-a srxvlal brsiJr ouuuwis -..,.,,. snlftm.,n imI wtati fir a lew . - - -t,Cct sr Votigias r.Tft llrie. lake Shore MiourllaclKc 'orth western Nevv York Central.. ItUn.- nockLsisnd Union Pacific Wabssh Western Dnlon AT SSPlrtTd.... PoKF. A-: Cs 11 yi 13 7in, UiH .... ..Kfc Call at llrdy Solomon's real -state i-ii -1 -rn5.Tii j-IIroad la'wsrcrs on the Kiowa rwc t it is,on of 1.10 Sfintkem Kansas raliroa-L Apvly to 'J. H. liararnon, railroad contractor. dl37 im ( r-Ol: S VL7-Oce hundred ami lit y feet corThird JM st.rtndFourthAo-atab-irn for SM-tTtos. Joha Jstewart. TVANTFD Tho Wichita Garden' are booming, and V we don't want you to get left. Inquire of the prlncliial r.i. cstato dealers or of Ashbcl welch, taglablooi. 1Ss1 Eaglj block. rr-OH SALE-103 acre? .ust cast of th WlehltA Gr r 1 dcnXsuUblefo.-pl-tlns tnarr or S-acre lota. The be.ubMtn any plac adjolnlcs tho d. Spcc ialprTcefoTufewdV Faraum. cbu i,;-. 1 -Wn fiflMitnit. -. ltoom 1, No. 110 Hila at. TTicnSALE-A fine fcrcollru Jack; for th (woi X? S1CV. Ictjcire or write to Flak fouai. ti llansas Cltv Oram said rroducc. : Crrr, N&vemiisr ?. Wheat Btfceipts lS.stt'; ijiipiaaa3 ll.vtC; ! atoro. lit JRQ. -Saortger. .,,..-- Sat&. rancea: No. - re ci'li. ! ow; Novcnu-cr cy.ii: rc-sn-t-. $ bklr Sfay. i- , . i?o. S rxd MJlt. 5t bid, C-H ae-. Otiers ua CC?rc-Kcccipt. AX3; 10X0; tn .to-e 4X,yi S-.sricr: fcto hincvsJ. No. 2 cash. 2f5 WrtT Rw. KUI: ay.Es)rtiI. ot4 Vay, a ba . : i kf 1 y-A e Vo. cvh bii. s.paL Fgs i'ia asTTe Flbur steidy; ocotilioa incorotJ- xr, .jcj-sx. -srfatj . :Vjl irt clioJ.t S5SI flc air. 55 -ri f-njr-tar.t. i tASi(ry flour. Si 3t. .. Oats:o.2tsA,:l'a;csa aad Ocwr. .4 bid ilay, 3-t. Ityr NoTTmiv-,S3 bid. T-tnt ttrn C-nif. Cora :?al-CTC--n, S2; ilricd. SV. Cera Ctop Itck, 7!; facked, 73, l,pt:r tij2c. n tn Ttnlk. 47, sacked. S2. nsy Kicter. K-aii Ic-,: large, X0- 11x ifsM QcoKsi at , Sutter Stdy: creamery facer, CS; good, 23; u-lry, 13, torj ret-l. IS; effinmnn. S. FSrgi Flmerat 13c Cbcae Fail cream, 13, t, 7SS' Tou- A-icri, .'-; Kasa, v7. i oall-y Stsod-; old hecs. 82 ZZ: cul alievL t. 72; jpriv chlckeas. lai?c, J2 "U, !. : &;$ : tur ksvs. 6 T.lo- No. I. SVSiSit 5- Hide- Dry at. No. i. liH; No. ;10; b-lis ad itiss. Parisian millinery. 24U 'orth Maui ttroot. Latest stvles, bonnets and hats. Prices to suit a!L "New gotJs weeklv received. d-ltW-lmo. ' "otlce to Investors. On. and after November loth ull lots sot 1 sold in Carey Fart -will be aavanctu v.veniy -Qvoiiorcunt. Pap.k L.vnt Co. E. C. & L. R. Cole, dl40-lm ;?2Q Douglas avc I hsva some aero lots that I -.rould like to rm,o fnr irj-ido rtside-ca or business prop- crtT. Call on J. E. Humpfcrey Jr., with Lombard Mortgago Co. dl lv-tf Tho TTichita Eagle printing house keeps in stock, a comploto line of justice and leg-U blanks and township bhuiks of all kinds. Anthracite coal, anv sLn. Call at TVi'-hita Cord anil Fuel Co., 151 North Main street or CIS East Daugla3 aVCuu? and l6stve y ur or ders, or ring telephone CO. 130-tf All kind; hard end ?ofS coal. TTicbitft Coal and Fuel Co.. Ill North Main ssrt-et, or CIS East Douglas ave. T.jIpot W. II-t t'ir Hay. I&iy n J-a-pcr in car lots. Quality griran:d. "Write for priiw. dl0-2ni P.fK,E3i & Son. Harper, va Off for Alaska Anon; tho Islands of a. 2v"orthen Sea Scenes of Weird Beauty. This is slow nnd easy sailing a sort of Jog-trot over tho smoothest possible sea, witli tho paddles nndibly working every foot of the way. "NVe run down among the San Jnnn islands, where the passages are so narrow and so intricate they make a kind of watery monogram, among the fir-lined shores. A dense smoke still ob Ecures the sun a rich haze that softens the distance and lends a pictnresqneness that is perhaps net wholly natural to the locality, though tho San Juan islands aro unquestionably beautiful. The Gulf of Georgia, the Strait3 of Fuca and Queen Charlotte sound are tho words upon the lips of everybody. Shades of my school boy days! How much sweeter they taste here than in the old geography class. Be fore us a wilderness of wild islands, mostly uninhabited, stretches even into tho sunless winter and the shadowless Bummer of Eehring sea. There are delightful people en board many of them and not a few others; bnt bear in mind there arc bevies of girls all young, all rrctty, --'d -"" or nczti? si" bubbling over with hearty and wholesomo laughter. Now, inasmuch as every tiling is new to us, we can easily content our selves for hours by lounging in tho easy chairs and looking oil upon the placid sea and at the perennial verdure that springs out of it and mantles a lovely but lonely land. Only think cf it for a moment. Here on the northwest coast thero are islands sown so thicldy that many of the sea pass ages, though deep enough for a three decker to swim iu are so narrow that ono might earily skim his hat across them. There are thousands of these islands yea, tenj cf thousands I don't know just how many, aud perhaps no man does. They arc rll shapes and sizes, nnd the ma jority of them are handsomely wooded. The somber green cf the woods, stretching between the somber bine-green of tho water and tho opaline sheen of the sky, forms a picture a momentary picture the cliief features of which change almost as suddenly and quite as completely as tho transformations in a kaleidoscope. We are forever turning corners, and uo sooner are we safely around one corner than three other. elbow us jiu l ahcid; now, toward winch of the three are we bound, Mid will our ship run to larboard or starboard This is a turn ono might bet ou all day long and lose nearly every time. "What a bewildering cruise! Vastly finer rver sailing is this Alaskan ex pedition. Here is a whole tangle of rivers full of stranTc tide3, mysterious cm-rents and sweet surprises. .Moreover, we can get lose if we want to no one can get lost In a river. Vfe can rash in where pilots fear to tre:vl, strike sunken recks, tos3 --. ,.-.-" iicm-.i olili"fi ftr nliuirro into wkirl- -nnbi. "We can rake overhanging lioughs with our yardarms if we want io, but we don't want to. In 1S75 the United States eteamer Saranac went down m bcymour narrows and her fate was sudden death. Tho United States steamer Suv.anee met with a like misfortune at tho entrance to Queen Charlotte sound. It is i:her jolly to think of theo thing-;, and to realize that we are in More or less danger, though the shores are as Gileut as the grave, the sea sleeps like a mill pond, aud thu sun E0t3With a great dignity and precision, nightly bathing the lonely north in sensu ous splendor. Charles "Warren iiot'-'ard Aboard an Alaska Steamer. 3Irs. 3Ircl-:iy initl tho SIcU Artist. A young woman from California had gone to Paris to take lessons in painting. She had great capacity, boundless ambi tion and great hope. She was poor, but her people gave her up to art, and looked forward with pride and expectation when sho would return to honor and delight them. Hut alas! and alas! death is in the world. Her doctor told her that there was but one thing she could do to nave her life return to California. "Keturn to Cali fornia? Why, I have not a dollar, left. All my people have already spent all they had to help me to get on here." Tho doctor said no move, but took his hat and went away, promising to call the next afternoon. I The poor California invalid met him at the door and caught his hand in both of hers, while tears of delight rau down her fnoft nml fell on his hand. "Doctor! doetcr! I can go home. I will see California again. And I Imow I fchall then get well. Come sit down and I will tell you all about my good luck. "Why, it is just liko a fairy tale. Yes, it is. You see, you had not bern gone an hour when in stepped a modes t, sweet little ladv nnd said she was making up a sketchbook of California drawing:; ami wanted to buy all I had. And sho lKUight them bought all I had. I wanted 100 for them, and look here; hero is the check. It is for 51,000! And the name on tho bottom of' the check is Mrs. John "W. Mackay!' Joaquin Miller's California Letter. Glail tlio Pulsir-r Wti-i "o Los?. ThUi storv is told of Mr. Mac , a well-known humorist residing at Kork liffe, Canada, on tho Ottawa, who com bines the duties uf stttion agent and post master. Having acted for some time as -master of mails at that place to the antis faciion of the community, but without pav, the member of parliament for the district procured his appointment as post master, and the Lead of tho department wrote him that ho laid much pleasure in confirming his position uthc salary to be the same as heretofore." This pleased Mac immensely, ami i:e E. T. BROWX. ' SIAIvnX. Attorr-aMw. E. 0?. -BECvVT- & CO., REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BIOEERS. Dealers la choice Business ad Ecfliecce Frer-erfy. Farms. Rsehw. ai Acre Vroperty. Itoou2il err v no-fit At. WICHITA, KANSAS. AGAIN f A.GAIN ! A Lcud Note is Heard from the Trombone of the Great Clothing Leaders! Unequaled IToveltlcs In Men's, Youth's, Boys and Children's Fine Ready-Made Garments. You cannot be d being pleased with our Elegant Tailor-Mad o Suite, Our Stylish lailor-Mado Pants, Our Handsome. Fall Overcoats. All tho new Fall and winter styles or Boy's and Children's Suits. Prices low and range according to quality. If you are not disposed to purchase, accept a cordial invitation to examine the most complete stock of fine and medium clothing ever exliihited in this or any other city, Gold en Eagle One Price Clothiers, ITo. 228, Corner Douglas and Lawrenco avenues, I. GROSS, Prop. Wo will lo pleased to havo strangers and citi:cea.s visit our ofiice. "VVe have at all times elegant teams to drivo them to all iKirw of ui- city, nnd if not wishing to buy, it will give us pleasure to riiow thorn our live, thriving caul beautiful city. Kaudy Solomo.-, :-J7 Douglas Avc. For tho lcuellt of our patrons wo hsvo opened an uptown olilce at 151 Xorth ilain st, in addition to mtr Douplaa avenue otlice. Ml orders promptly filled, Wichit-i Coel nnd Fuel Co 130-t Business men may ca'l and leave thoir or drs with tlio AVichita Coal autl Fuel Co. at 151 2Torth Idain street, thus paving tho ne cessity oforderin;- by telephone. -ll-r The rris-i Havo elegant dining can; atUichl o alt tnifiLS pajing through Wichita, winch aro Aero I0U1. Acre lota for ualo (n Stwart subdirbfon ono and a lialf nnlw vrcal of Arknnsna river bridge, near UarilfMUnlvcnity.therhtajtiiit and ma,t desirable nwiilenru priTty in Setlswick county, tcnlu eauy. Ennulro of A. T. Owen, at llatton & Huki;1w, olllio over Wichita Xatianal link, or Bay ley, Brc. & Co., 11G North Market street dCO-tf I make a nyvlalty of 3lliu'r DourUw ave. and College Hill ptoiwrly. Bring in your list if you wtsh to re dlli'- tf llAnnr, 35J7 loughu are. We have u largo Hat of proi-rly In all pirta of the city. Call and examine our list. J12-tf 37 Dongku ari e 1'or hair. Azoodcard outtor In flrstrclaM orT. ut ttu oOk". a,'Jii tinder tersoaat flnperviiou vi uu ..-' iui. -ii-jii .ii cugai). hnmiiro nnin-r. nnd aro sunnlieil at all tunos wittt . every Iturury the market r-tfonls. Try ba J J0 Township Frisco dining enra. "!-" Thn Eaolb 1-rintin- Th traveling naxn' fnvor.te iacine M Charnlerlin,H Colt, CiKIra and Diarrhoa lletredv J. 1- Allen and Aldrirh & Krown. Tlie n;o?t xniucing evidf-j'w of th gnstt valuo of ChambsrlnmV Couzh By w fair trial. J. I. Allen and AMrkrts & jfrotvn. dlSOtf Omccra. bou4 havo in flock f.ll tbo blRitk? that re uwd by tlwm m tb- Jr businesi, uto justice docket, ctvd tuid cirtninal coinbiwsd, Rt ws low a gura rs trj cittibibhinoat ia.the ?et. -wT-tf Notice of Condemnation. KotiooTl up-town ollks of th V,'ieiiita Xrt!w U btnhj rn . r place to order your coal. In going to -M iSIrtn of idVwN-k -. -. from your busme-w up in and s our ini- ' m :J) &XH ,Uy vt s-jvtmher A :i fi ..!. ".. 1.J "Znrtt Ttn?n strWt CltV Or. . .... r-,,' to tivr. fi.r Tl'C ,:;;"'i - ts, fS2tf V rVrr-1 utfTrAl.TKr,KtiR VJ'H .OMI'AHr. (ICiS 4ViJWJ "-' honor. "I just v?rotc hlin." lie rzvs, "that I felt honored, as ia duty bound, by tii3 conflnnr-tion ol my appointment, and was glad to Jcuovr the salary -was to 1 the sayie as horclofore, namely, nothing a vearr for, savs I, I'd h-h-liato like f-f-f-fury' to laivc to p-p-May oaythiiigl" Harper .h Magazine. A Victim of tlio Viano Tlssac. A German eavant, vrho bsd iorg been snifering from, the everlasting pianoiono pLiyin- rrt h?ir. twv devised the A41otv-in- Titi-otl r J Putting a stop to It at pleasure: A;t 4lf nc ,battery tvv con Ttl riih -Kverf-l electro-magnet Wnencvcr a" cv.rrent of electricity ic3 turacilonUi t.Ttt ccnltl easily w fel- Crcr I'art I.oix. Wo are ,-;IHng lots in Carey Park at S225, :nd iCT. ta- jatier tor raw.' w- wrote to the .'chief :tcl:powleUgtng ice I '- Alt on-half of Carey Park ha been soW. v" hbtdl oon odvaw tlie prices on all thw lota Vou should bur r.t once before tho ndwncs u lsade. Eememtw ,tretcrs ran the entire lsugth of Corey Farkand overy lot J '.72f Douglas ave. dHO-lm rcclnz ::- for Sale. Two hundred hd of Zjwr-oVl grad short-horn 4r. P- A ; will weinh c!e ta huadrvl or inore. Awlrra Geo. K. Rbf.-de, Actbony, Kan. dTswlstf :i.nj"to Iyi at iHKbl. . I c- clo-- a gyl csty loan atlowwt rat !r. thr. hjcrs any da? in tie -sveek. W. f Cooper, 137 Main -4rfa-t. d-W-U l'nr't- In Oil rIoov' th o of th- prv-J J':'r tN " Jocitd thrvosh ! coontr f -jrwKk. ttut- ofKnixiM. a r-ci J'r ---"- i'i - onxb!ilo oreaMch jo'e t-Ur ft'ntm.-, Tvireid . olhr t-r Vxxyt fcr tnan-tc teWeir-i b. rA Xn mk ttuh cJtrit of J&ca'Jw of any ! t nt .!! Hn u ijyrn tins to tlmj- l:n.t iirt-Marr, '1 - r1raif cc tn rAtret raU , ar- wSra rrrtnl. Uvin t!i te tin n ro J b? t al J. jrp'nir tbf ani e. -lee,? th tiae of tb Aes.V a. Tope an-1 8-cfi F liatlnl 0ar'r. " th i . UaovJoc-tl 3i rar-rtl. r1 apa the Un4 lnimllfctl7 -JJ ilnln tl-e Ml 1 llsr of r-lrd on Uih iU thi"f. t "7 ra,srllnettM-jrat-'-sr of U riirota fompi-y, whetbr t tm 1 osl 7 trt-t: p3 laUiozhmuf W -' tr brxBToorjwritioa.'srbrih roiclfel r srj UistatheS cf Uw Cemvy -i" ' 1 evenly. vOiM 1 hirr'it r? tT- to lor rrtir crtxfcty; '-n I " ""' w.ilr i.rrr J ftsr-foily ssosftsdn the tfU7 J cf- 1 .... . ,.. - ..?. ' t..- ..- Trfirrntint in ou. 01 kuwj- ' mi mn 11 iMiu-i. j-j dwh w - - -- ItaWKfa ihe wU ly ':l.uZar-r&&lTt-K lintel frtm llo rfncit T,rtio-ef -a -nurW f. T f fctrln-s in the pi-iio. which was 1 ins -satl. ir T Vr factory work on Urtof Ua4. -jV '-VT , c r:.,,f 1,,-U WfieneTer the. dtrla Huul,!T' ..n ' . -d -r t.Sfl rten ve li: "-rtla.fct r1, KT,2J. often as Ul viciistqC -tbe piano plao ; ToIre?. m H.DftrS & IL-rok- SSfn l " "VZLlJ .'- -t MxsfJ toe oaeiii-ji i'--j w- naaawa"i "r-'f"' 1?' '" '.'"T , i' ' . V "r-.-i".. irs tJ isr. For sale. Som-j choice aero lots. Call 6n J. K. Kamshrey Jr.. with Jnbard Mort- - SAT'tf g-ige '--j. &11Z IWbre buviih. vonr wititer "dcth-'ng give toe Quo C-yCl-tui-tg Hoo- a .all. exam iae thf ir rtxvin and getpricta. Corner Iknig- :as nad Tc.if-la a.ei W iciiita, K.12. V- Heatlachp, bSioas di-ord'irs ami constipc tion arj cured by St. Patrick " FQk. Tlsy re.the icosi vkasant and irweac-aalp3iy-ac in-ic. J.'P. Alloa aai AiL-ich & 3rrwn dlCtf Rr. C. C. Fsrl??-. Coatiaraes ia the riIarpraciieof medicine atl SiimirV. -.-,. .. V. . L-.r.i! -. v -r- U"uce in j: z7iey Hiuoiag, opJtiui4i- ."ini h3Aan. Reside-ce. 1014 Korit Lawrence averae. Telsphcuoiro. lit c52-od-2ra A new hotel in this city, haadsomelr furn ished, for -ale. Hardy Soloaioa, ixi iJour-is I 1. 'N!rt-' . 2 aTKuii. play. rlxciaase- nil- Solid Cs: U0-1 io AsM Ca ma mainifactiire of oScl carbonic c cas ha3 ieccrse a jct3a4 inBstry ir Ber lin. J& pntTip in h-aH 'cyiindc-5. arl it Icest und-sr pr-xe-.viILl2t!-e une that is a cylladcr cne aad one-feclf inches in'tLa-tstcr asd tevO iacfce? Iflteg tviii five hoors to & m, -a C-idrcati Co-nnjenaal Gcsctt a-My ii;to e. Kott-? f JtttliCtFf. Anvrwrf Italia? to& KaUy oa .wad, Cai-baAg3ta9te7r' F-rw?rl-5iar-rS. tlli-U 1 sw.sLaTssssss rv5:urtu - 4 ..r' - -iti f----w - A IlaJWeil HKa-B-. Iifu '" "'? aier in-tractioa. " -"- -r. n. ii-t--mw T. t. -ie. A. Jl. iHraaJKl'. Otssnlutcscr W5I :; Iya Uesirtrr- yTnrMtunA, Jcly S3, cr- Z5roi3ciap tho TIb?r ror uc.jcv Gat!-a: V. Ist -- ' Jr. ,- itr!,nM-a!k "has cHersd the ' Vortra-e Vxa Vj f Bifw- .T1 for tlrt ptiTlJ oi drelg Uss Hber lor , g -fe ail wrt ;r t. .-nrfeat ptatnts. edss cad other ca- cotppyw-- J- , I ttorJfies of trhich tho river of ti Eternal - - ppcrsfslly y&crs, ensruioiia s TTrro&OKE rJMTJiii-v.- tee cp- j C-tf Srcretary. ' Citv is cappostd to concc-1 an enx accbr-bxtio-- Bet the commltt d!25-tf STEDf AH CRAKE, : Iww : knfe rented to consider tee rv5cc r-Kin o 1 ,- --- o' I lie mud of t-rrary-dx cct-rie5.-Ccr. Si)o1m are. dlSt f FIRE, TGHKAOO, LIFE AHDAGGIDEHT. - orncz as www -.Trsus. (5? V.irJ Laret Aocy a t,e V6 Chicago Timas.