Newspaper Page Text
',f ghz WLichitei fails gagls: SEmrsfcg learning, gotrttttfrjer 4, 1886 s$t4 bUqU WINGED SCAVENGERS OFTHE SOUTH Fundamental racls as to tho Itatnro and Utility of tlio Turkey Buzzard. The so-called turkey buzzard Is not o buzzard, but a Tulturc. By Insisting upon this distinction the buzzard tribe could Improve its reputation for cleanli ness. It i3 against the law in almost every southern stato to shoot a turkey buzzard. There are two excellent reasons for this prohibition; the buzzards are the scavengers of the south, and there is no telling" what sort of a pestilence a dead turkey buzzard would bring on if anybody should kill one. The turkey buzzard is a knowing bird. He knows he is not good to be eaten though his knowing this does not imply that lie lias superior knowledge and he is not shy of mankind. Ho hovero over the market places in tho southern cities, wait ing for business to close; and when tho crowd of purchasers has departed tho buz zard descends and feast3 upon the odds and ends that have fallen from tho butchers' and the fishmongers' knives. The scarcity of hash, mince pie and fish chowder in the southern states is some thing for which tho buzzard should have credit. In Charleston there is a big pub lic market down by tho water, and the buzzcrds always clean up after business hours. The wisdom of the turkey buzzard is known also by one of his expedients for getting rid of work, which is fatiguing in the southern states. Ho goes to tho mouths of rivers, whero the conflicting forces of current and tide deposit on tlio bank3 a considerable proportion of the carrion and other unwholesome things that arc Iwrnc toward the sea on tho river's flood, and tlicro ho accommodates his not very fastidious appetite to tho movement of the tides. All animals that perish inland arc found by the buzzards. It is even said that flecks of these birds will hover for day3 and nights over a horso or cow that is on its last legs. A northerner was driven out of bouthern Georgia last winter by somo ono telling him th?t the buzzards wero beginning to );r2T? n rya 0u him. Last summer tho sheriff of a county in Florida disappeared in the woods after having loaded up a big revolver, and told his wife lie was going to shoot himself. Somo little effort was made to learn whether ho had kept his promise, but after a day of searching in JLo cyprcsri swamps the tearchers sat "'. 'u t'io shado of their houses and . .:u tL.y i.uuld wait threo days, when tho buzzards would find liim, and then j'.y -would1 find the buzzards. ine turkey buzzard, despite his formid i.clc I xk, is a harmless bird. Not only 1-ruj jo never strike a crcaturo till it is dovn utlie hardly ever strikes it till ic L d. --i Georgia Cor. Xcw York Sun. C-rloni Ixperhnent la Gtiornsej-. jl' hlit'- r y of Gucniseyfurnishc3 a cu i'Iovl and jxjrhapi instructive instance of "Jae Und of use3 that paper money may : erve. It was determined to build a meat -aarkct, and -1,000 were dovoied to pay tho ccr,t. Note, were issued by tho au thorities for that ijn.-aiii, and wero guar sz tccd en the "wkolu of the properly of tho island, vikl to be worth four millions." Ths'j not-cj were worthless outside vJL Gu' rase j, ard uo they wero never export ed. Tat y i xre one pound notes, and wci e numlx v 1 frcn 1 up to 4,000. "With them the tc -i r ' " v.-"s paid, he paid his work men in ih bano money, and thoso that fcupplied Lun with materials. Tradesmen took thtm fur ..v-J, laaalordii for rent and tho ;v.i..oi.. i for lX3. "In dm sensor.,"' to quote from Jona than Dunran, "the market was complete. Tho butcher.,' ctalls, with somo publis rooms constructed over them, were let for an annual rent of 100. At tho first year of tsnancy the states called in the first batch of notes, numbered from 1 to -100, and with the 100 of real money received for rent redeemed the 100 of representa tive money expressed by the meat market notes. At the end of ten yeara nil Iho notes were r drcTcd through the applica tion of ten years' rental; and since that period tho i. eat market has returned a clear annu-tl revenue to the states and con tinues to afford accommodation without out having cost a farthing in taxes to any inhabitant. CaisdTs Family Magazine. 21tm!tlcus htocus ami III Club root. Talking recently with a relative of Thaddcus Stevens, I learned of an act in his youth which resjmbled tho stoical hcriosni that vrw taught to tho youths of ancient Greco?. Ho was born with a club foot, which was not 0111' malforaacd but was twislul on ono side. His brother, who afterward sat on tho bench in Ver mont, was similarly disfigured in both l.Jj feet. Tbaddcus was lame and sickly up to Iris sixteenth or seventeenth year. His twisted foot waj always a great eyesore to him, and ono day while tho family was living in Peacham, Caledonia county, Where lie was born, his mother heard him groaning and talking to liim ,elf just ont eido the door of the house. Going out sho found that he had taken hi3 clubfoot in his lap, and with his penknife had deliber ately severed tho tendon3 and was forcing the. foot straight, where ho bound it with splints on the fide, tying them on with liis handkerchief which ho had tern into shreds, saying meanwhile to himself: "I'll fix you rtraight if I havo to cut you clean elf." "When liis foot healed tho limb had been somewhat straightened, but tho club foot remained as a deformity up to his death. X. Y. Tribune. ExtensUc limitless l:i Drying Tomatoes. In Italy an extensive business is carried on in drjlng tomatoes. They arc dried in preference to being canned. Tlio tomatoes aro alloM cd to remain on the vines until they are quite ripe, when they aro picked and pressed into bags made of coarse clot 11, which allows the pulp to press through while tho seeds and skins aro retained. The pain is then spread out tlunly on cloth, boards or shallow dishes, and ex posed to the sun to dry. "When it lias be come quito dry it is broken up fine or ground and put into boxes or bags and sent to market. It is largely used in soups, but much of it is employed as wo do tomatoes preserved in tins or other cans. "When used, it is soaked for a few hours in warm water, and then cooked in tho ordinary manner. Exchange. Iluuiiin Across lit Threo Say. London engineers say that, aa a matter cf theory it is possible to make steamers to run forty knots an hour and cross the Atlantic in three days. lut the vessel could only carry passengers. Hxchauce. Americans nt tho 1'rcncli Capital. T ATany Americans arc living here be cause tliey find they can arrange tlio life, they like to letter in Paris than in New Yoil: or Boston or Philadel phia. Living is dearer than it was, in Home ways it is dearer even than it is in America; hut tho halnt3 of the Preach are frugal beyond the conception of a New England housekeeper, and there ij no de mand fcr idle display. And the unit of currency is small, and this means mucli. Tho silver unit, iho franc, 13 hut twenty cents, a fourth less than the English shil ling or t,,n American quarter, and tho gold unit, tfce louis, is ?-l only, while- in Great BriU'ii and tlio United States it is ?.1 Of course, there is tho dMiger, on tho opposite side, that one may get a con tempt for the petty, liny franc, and take to bpending it too freely. Erander Mathews1 Paris Letter. W. L. McBEE Sedgwick Oounty Abstractor. ' y'VffiKQ Estate AGENT- I am prepared to offer to Investors some Rare Bargains in Wick itaReal Estate. Now is the time to invest; if you hold off for lower prices you will be woefully disappointed. Prices are still daily advancing and will continue to do so. Below is a Partial List of our Bargains and Sure to make Big Money For the Investor. 75 f ofc front ontho corner of Tenth st. and "Wabash Ave. 50 feet front on tvlain st. in Fairview addition. 1 aero in Perry j addition; good location and a Bargain. 75 feet front on corner or Emporia and Kellogg sts. 100 feet front on the corner of Emporia and Lewis st. 5ofeet front on Fourth ave. 4 blocks south of Douglas ave. 10 acres in Tarleton's 3d add, very cheap; suitable Xorfsub dlviding. 37 feet front on Market St.; new house, 4 rooms. "We liave some very fine Business Property tliat we can sell at Great Bargains. 0. BU6BEE-:-LIVERY. I havo oponc-U n flri Jlasi ZAvtry StViM on St it'j W.itor strMJ. nsvt to tho Doujcla? Aveuuj IIjlcl. iviitro w ill bo fouud Hi it clavs Turn out Xer Ciurrlasoa ulco Driving Horse?. vertliiugne.v ami lint claw. Give mo a call. O. BUGBEE. ftsfosasgsgsissgiiq immemmiamm-- y fju?rJ"fTo'iTv -M.jr vimin. ji;ftms r. r.i-? w.- . r.. tltv.i -r .'jti't. m . ix-riri 1 W. N. DEAK. DEAN I MAXWELL, Real Estate Dealers. Wo have property In everr detrab!o locality In Via dtp: our oOloe pou can get our prlcts oad fTTlCR-V.OOii 4 EAOLK BLOCK. KJ Flrt sutrway cast of Wichita Katloaal j. n. nor.T.mAT. J. R. H0LLIDAY I CO., Wicliita Grocery, BticccRSOrj to MAJOR & HOT.T.IDAT, Daalcrs la STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. No. 227 E. Douglas Ave., Wichita, Kan. ZIMMERLY'S ADDITION. Now is the time to buy lots in this addition while they are cheap. ONE MILE SOUTH ON LAWRENCE AVE. Street cars and large brick School house in connection. For further in formation call at 611 S Market st. MONEY TO LOAN On Chattel Mortgages and City Property, IN SMALL OR URGE AMOUNTS. SHORT TIME AT THE LOWEST RATES, Wicliita Banking Oo. 110 WEST DOUG Loan G-ANDOLFO CAPS. Finest : Restaurant : in : Kansas. Wi: MAICE A FI'ECLU.TY OFTHOPICAL FUUITs AND RAKi: COXFrCTIONS. COR.F1 - an-1 XAIX Street. UAKDOIr'O & I'.OSSI, Froprictc Ct-aouii no.ue, Xew Ktovra, Kan. J- C:-X. n.-OrJers for ICi: CUEAll In nay flavor rack ed lu Xloulii. or Hulk, promptly Ullctt. A. H. IIAXTTELL. li'oUuy PatUo. also n larso list ot Farm rroporty. Ey calling seo our property treo oZ charge. Bank. UQMIN Ot IYIMAVV C. ll. O. WTLBU - L&S AVENUE. The Oldest and Largest House in the City. ALDRICH & BROWN, Wholesale and Nos. 138 and 140 Main street, J L. JOHNSTON. Johnston & Blaekwelder, Real Estate and Investors :-: of:-' Capital. Business Lots and Property a Specialty. CTRANGERS visiting the city with a view of investing, will find it to their interest to call at Room IsTo. 1, Noble Block, Corner Douglas and Topeka avenues, and see plats of the Three Inside Additions, all of which are within ten minutes walk from the Business Center. Sole Agents for these Additions. Johnston & Blaekwelder. FOR SALE. Improved and Unimproved City Property on the best improved streets in the city. Lots on the inside on street car lines and in outside additions. Suburban lots on the east side in Maple Grove addition. Business lots and business blocks for sale at special bargains. Several fine tracts near the city for sub-dividing and plating. Improved farms and grass lands in all parts of the county; also ranches in this and adjoining counties. All parties wishing to buy would do well to call and examine my list before buying elsewhere. W. A. THOMAS, Tho Oldest Real Estate Agency in Wicliita. W. 8. COHBETT. ITosldent. A. HESS. VJco WICHITA Wholesale Grocer Company Nos. 233 and 235 North Main St., WICHITA, KAN. HOTGHKINS MIL ESTATE & SOLE AGENTS FOR ROSENTHAL'S ADDITION. This Addition ig located in the north part of tho city, between Fairview and Arkansas Avenues and is in tho highest part of city. We Gffer Special. Inducements for tho noxt 30 dsj3. No. 201, B-B COENEH DOUGLAS AVENUE AND MABXET ST. 01 & WESTERN MORTGAGE AND TRUST CO., CAPITAL,, $100,000. Farm Mortgages, Interest at Low Rates, No Delay, ACT AS TRUSTEES OR CORPORATIONS. CO PARTNERSHIPS. ESTATES AND INDIVIDUALS. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS- DAVID ROS130N. STL, PREsransr. Toledo, OMo. . JAiES J. R03I30N. Sjxt-ztazt. OPPICE, 127 EJLlSr S,ZS,SE,Z, ggfeSSgl CASKETS, ROBES, GLOVES, CRAPE, FTC. Have two Cae hro A private telephone direct to "Wichita Cemetery. OSlce al wai cpa ca DccjUa nveace, Wichita, Kfxwis. rompt attention to orders by Telsrsph. C. A. STAFFORD. STAFFORD Real Estate and Loan Agents Office south side Douglas ave, 2d stairway w of Lawrence. henry scmsxnxR. wc Will deliver ICE to any pan of the City Order by mail or give orders to drivers of onr wagons. Retail Druggists, WICHITA, KAN. GEO. H. BLACIvWELDEB. Sub-Dividing Aere J. IL BLACK, Boeretary aad Tre&urer rrcsidcut. & WHEELER, EXCHANGE BROKER H. W. KEJItfDLE, FUNERAL -:- DIRECTOH. -And Dealer !; Wood, Cloth and Metalic Burial Cases T. T. CLEO & CLEGG, CHAS. HOFF. ft Ut UUlVirHsili ARegular Avalanehe Goods Our Housa Is Too Small to Hold Our Immense Stocklof DRY GOODS, Ladies' and Children's Cloaks Carpets, Etc We Will Alake Cuts in Every- Department Until Stock is Reduced NEW YOEK STOEE, . KOHN & OO., BUY LOTS IN -:- t -:- Ik's These Lots are close to the City Limits, and are lying between Central Ave. and Second Street, east of town. These lots are for sale on cheap and easy terms. No college, Union depot or machine shops are to be built on them. For terms apply at BUTLER & FISHERS 110 DOUGLAS AYE. VIELE & SHEPARD, City and Farm Loans and Insurance. Money always on Hand for Good Loans, FIRE, PLATE GLASS, AND STEAM BOILER INSURANCE. 250 North Main Street, Koom 12. - "Wichita. .Kansas 0133-lra WICHITA CRACKER COMPANY UANUFACTUunnn ot FISTS OBACKBRS and PURE CANDIES. 418 and 420 EAST DOUGLAS AVBNXTR WicMta City Rote Mills ami Elevator. E5TAULIBHED l!7fc INCORTOH TK :TX- ITaattfACturo th Following OIcbrate-1 Draai3 IMPERIAL, Roller Patont; WHITE ROSE, Extra Fancy; X. L. C. R., Fancy. The branrti have bn on tho mrJcit et, wt, north aol onth for ton jrnt, nr.t tiiy kvrn Ttn kn Cnrlab!art;utrt!on wherever Jntfoducei. To try U to tisj wttli tlteta. 7o tiro-.Iwaj'j lu lUi lu.irirt utcil at klihut coli prloo. OLIVER, IiTEODEIT & CO. FRANCIS TIERNAN & CO., CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS OF Water and Gas Works PARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVES TO CITIES IN KANSAS. OF7ICS K-W COR. 5TH m4 StAREET BT8, BT. LOUIS. W ! T H I TA K L N Correspondence Solicited. ( liSTAP.LTSirrcn in ihto. i s& m- f r. ' -o- t " r?mik ZL-fWiLX-rrz &. j fanisL. Bought and Sold on Commission. Liberal adv&ncemonfls made on consignments. Every thing guaranteed as represented. Auction sales dally. H. L HILL, Proprietor. 0. B. STOCKER, -SEALER !-- c E 27 T E P I E C E S 2antels, E I Fire Clay, 4 Grates, H S FlreBricX rATm;ir: DUST, " "WHTTE 8AND,- LATH LSme, Ealr, tl(nr York: and IHichiean FLostcr. Louisville and Portland Cement. -:- HARDWARE STC RE l HENRY V. SHKPAIIP. Attorney nt Law jfcwkrWkiL rt K- tx&A .tv aiiu. MARKET ,,.. . -. " ..iff iiiiiriti" wif mi . '1 D&TT