Newspaper Page Text
apaawif!liaKSggss u.wMaW i ,ratn i.. -... 'g..'-,- Jsf - """ S&e 'S&ixfetla gailtj gajafte : gfcnrsdatj i&jrttiitg, IpffjemfceE 4, 1886. .jfLJe-AW- 3.A-V .WSSC gJiAj , 1;YY1 or)' THE CKUEL MACHETE, A STORY OF THE LAST REVOLUTION IN CUBA. Terrible 1'ato Which Overtook a Uand or JXoblo Spanish ChivaIry-OIislvo Trom u liravo Chlcasoaa Shadows rf a Starless Sight. "Bat the machcto means something to the Cuban," said the old don. "It isn't merely a rusty old relic It has drunk much "blood. Whenever it is dravm, either against tho soldiery or in riot, omebody dies. Do you want a little tale of the machete one that is true and ehowa -what avful havoc may be done with it? "Well, at the outbreak of our last re bellion here tho Spanish forces in the island made no headway against tho brave work of tho insurgents under the noble Cesnldcs, who, in October, lSZ, with but lifty other stoat hcart3 about him, raised the standard of independence on his plantation at Demajagus, and by December liad an organized army of 12,000 men tho nucleus of the effort for liberty which flamed through Cuba for eight bloody years, costing Spain untold millions in monoy and the lives of 130,003 men, half cf whom saw the swift gleam of the tkibhmg machete before their last prayers to the Virgin. i'They were impatient In Spain because thi3 little affair was not promptly sup pressed, i. inally, at court and in social life, tho whole matter became such an ir ritating joke that the chivalous youth of the best families in Spain banded "together to take a little jaunt to Cuba and put down these cane chewing rebels some line af tcrnccn between breakfast and dinner, or between dinner and the Havana even ing bdl. SHAVE ArD GAT AD K03LE. "TI ey were an even o,000. Brave and gay and noble wore they. They Lcld the be t blood, ""he highest hope of Spain. JLnJ what a grand departure from Barce lona and arm al at Havana they made! They rnl-n-Inl follows, and it 13 said they represented .:00, 000,000. Havana cocicly'was wild with delight. Every man was j, rich family 's or a titled family's con. .Nearly everj man had his own vslet. Thlr uniforms and accoutrements fur nished at their own cost were dazzling in goll and lace. A month of the wildest Eocial debauchery followed their arrival. Fetes, baUs, receptions, bullfights, carni val?, welcomed them on every hand. At last they came out here over beyond the calzada there, near the Guinea railway and went into camp. Instantly this cal aada, all the way back to Havana, was tranrformed into another Pasco do Tacon, thronged with tho equipages of the aris tocracy roiling to und from the brilliant am p. Tho magnificence of the city's so cial paretics was simply transferred there. "O-ie uiglit a great fete had been given at the encampment, more brilliant and gorgocus thi-a anything that had preceded it. Just licfore midnight, when the fes tivities wero at their height, the com mander of the resplendent troop, rn re pair" 4 to Ins headquarters te-it, found tli" f Jowing note pinned upon a diminu tive in urgent flag surmounting a gor gcius iwramid of flowers, tho gift that dry c f :o:ne beautiful Habanas: " 'Afi.r your other guests arc gono we will visit you. Co us the honor to receive us rending: Washington Kyax.' "Tills was the hero from Chicago who gavs his life for Cuba, whose real great n3 "is people tip there never recognize, and fir whoso memory they have only made one daub of a portrait. 'Iie mirive created the greatest mirth and hilarity. The camp and its guests were wild with mirth and. delight over the grim wit of the crazy writer and his pre tentious message. They drank toasts to him; sung mock praises of his valor; tho ban is blared ferociously in his honor untd the email hours had conio and ail tho city U2t3 liad gone. I VDOW3 OP A STAKLESS aGIIT. "Then a hush came upon the splendid camp, and wiie and sleep wrought silence unl.r the shrdows of a starless night. "It might have been the restless wind aoughing through the dark canyons, but the commander could not sleep. He read an 1 re-rad the daring message until the lit U insurgent flag grew ,und glamoured into an awful menace. Surely tnere must be a great storm coming on. Surely it mu-tle sweep Jig out of the night upon the cmp frrm c erywfcere. Sarely "But the storm was there! and it was wir -e 1 death. "' 2 trumpeters had no more than time t3 " r.liy bummon tho heavily sleeping cv -no its feet when God only knows hw u.iy horsemen were upon them blrck, 1 A - a. j ellow, whito bet all men men wiih atul i.urpose. ' l.'-iats had received these devils ef tli n ght 'standing.' No cry went up frr ri that camp, save a3 each of these ile-er cf the chivalry cf Spain, saw swlfcdiath. in one ligh-.t-ing stroke de scc nJIia r. Every tinio a machete gleamed in the elarj of the tiickesring camp lire it sen red a Spanish head fnm it Ixxly and strode through to the heart of some no! to woman in old Castile. "A half hour and all was over. The stcrm wji3 gone. These awful spirits of tho night swept away into the night again, leairti but one moving thing a mon strous insurgent flag benring the?? words: "They we-e roal hosts. They re ceived us. standing. ' "Tho morning came, briiiging the most perfect peace that ever fell on soldier's camp. The Cuban machete had wrccght it. Our Havaacje broucht two car loads of g"ll laced ca into the city that day. The -j 'r;re tent back to Spain in place of tho o,C00 who had left it. So, my friend, you uuy- now well remember the machete cf Cu1!" Edgar Tj. AVakeman's Cuba Letter in Cmcao ITew3. SMITHS0N & CO, 5 SUCCESSORS TO THE ANGLO-AMERICAN LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY, 117 East Douglas Avenue, Lax. Lean wrflnsisaace Agents. Money always on hand. Interest acta. -rates. KO DELAY. Before maJJns a loan on Farm. City. Chattel or Ionnl ferartj. aad . Come to orsmd a full ck-rlptton of your Fara or yv&&; "tEirS t "" . nnlf.-.I for Intment In lieai iswi.e. u-" " "" - r Capital for Investment In Eeal Esta Correspondence Solicited. H. L. SiimiSOK. ITf.r-Tger. J. M. ALLEN & CO., Wholesale and Retail Grocers, 112 Douglas Avenue. L. . WOODCOCK, Ex-Countr Treae'r. li. S. GAUUI50X, E. A. DORSET. Ex-County Cl'k. WOODCOCK, DORSEY & CO., HE ESM. ABSTRACTS & M B C Q EAGLE ) Town-Site Company .A.T WICHITA, KAN., Have for eale, on line ot WIOEITA & COLORADO P.A3UIOAD north-"wrest of "Wichita, town lots at nevr to-wxe of MAIZE, 9 MHes from WICHITA. COLWICH, 14 " WICHITA Office, Dorsey CBnlldlng, Opposite Court House, wichita, :s:.A.:fcT. jANDALE. 20 WICHITA. Comanche.'Comanehe County, Kansas. MT HOPE, 26 HAYEN, 331 A new city on the Cimmarron, at its junction vrith Big Bluff and Cavalry creeks, offers more inducements to the investor than any other new town platted in Kansas this year. Only three miles from the great natural salt deposit; a fine water power at the foot of Cavalry Valley, with its hundreds of fine farms, many under culti vation. A chance to get in now on the ground floor. 2Jo lots given away. Many brick and frame buildings going up. Write for full particulars to the COIiLANCHE TOW1T COMPANT, New Elowa, Kansas. BANK OF WICHITA. Corner Douglas and Lawrence Avenues. Authorized Capital Paid-IJp Capital J. O. F25H. Presides:. tt. p. noiHxsoy, 05TICEBS. J. H. SLATZK, Cwikr. Directors. CUT22ECCK, r.T.TVTLEOS. Stockholders. $200,000 . $76,000 OUTSS DCCS. Vloe-rrsriJeet. j. m. ran. vr.X-Tizes. O. D.BXHXTES; aU11 ROTS, FTSXAT ROSS. A. 1UKOCCJC. W. V. HOniXSOX. OUTSJIDCCK. JXKZSG.TiSB, F.W.-K-ILSON. TIM. V OCX. J.E.HATEE. H-SLDUCK. Correspondenta- TQTT2.T& XATIOSAL EiXK. .w York. ST. I.OC1S JTATlOyAI. 3.NK. St. LoaX Xo B.I.VK O? KAK3JLS CTTT. Kansas Cll j. Ho. General Banking Business Respectfully soltciit a share of your patronage ELMZR, 4:21 F. VsT. SlAA.B iSUCCEL&DP. 70 F. STACKiLCi ) Merchant Tailor. Keeps on hand Fne Goods of the latest styles. The largest stock in the city. Satisfaction guaranteed. No trouble to show goods. Call and see me. F. W. SWAB, 1st door N of County Building. A. "W . OLIVEI. ice-l'Tiwdeut. VT. W. KIRim OOD. lad iam! 31. V.. LFTY. Treasure J. C. KL1AN. N.-.retorj Kansas Loan ail Investment k Capital, $100,000. Money Always on Hand to Loan on Farm and City Property Of f ice'in Wichita National Bank Building, Wichita, Kan. Trains are now runnins- regularly on Eailroad from Wichita to Hutchinson. These towns are in the best portion of Sedgwick County ? Kansas. Hap3 of Towns and Prices can be had as hereinafter set forth : At Wichita, call on N. P. Niederlander or Koa Harris; At Llaize, call en H. LondenGleg-er: At Oolwich, call on Geo. W. Steenrcd; At Andale, Call on Bank of Andsitr. T. H. Randall and W. S. Mackie, for ait. Hope loi-3. At Kaven, Call on Ash Cnrrws- At Elmer, call on J. A. Meyer. P. G. SMYTH & SONS, Wichita. KOS HARRIS, Wichita. N. P. NIEDERLANDER, " P. V. HEALT, ANGLO-AMERICAN Loan Office. O. MARTINSON, Resident on said Addition S. D. PALLETT, -DFALISl VS- Northern 1 Southern Pine Lumber, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS. Cv FKICE astl WHITF. PI-S T r.P TCst Fu.i ot Vionao. W 1 P, H 'T A K A Nl MONEY TO LOAN ON City Property, Chattel Mortgages AND PERSONAL SECURITY. LOWSJST -:- RATES! V HO -:- DELAYS! L. B. BUNNELL & CO. New Dry Goods at Retail ! 10 to 20 per cent, less than regular prices. I am uott receiving a fine stock: of Fall and "Winter New Dry Goods, Notions, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc. To ajrt a-jr large stoci on hand, which I oCer nr prlct as staCeI sIiot pr;paratory to rctirfcyj from btutsiM?, anil respectfully solic:: tfce attention of purchasers seneraliT. JOHN" G. AUJES. "Junction Town" Addition to Wichita ! This addition lies west of the city of Wichita, and immediately adjoining the Fifth vrard in said city. West Douglas avenue runs through the center of the addition, and in the future grofrth of Wichita the lots on West Douglas avenue must become BUSINESS LOTS'! This addition was placed on the market in February 1886, and out of 700 lots there are only 125 LOTS LEFT 125 IN ilali St. between Douglas A cnue and Firs; Sr. To the Internal CMijiu,!; Cronnus 'A ioli fcrfcruie of the old soldiers cf tLc Uiik2 r.rruy enroll oE to tho etcraal camping grounds every year.'' This civ"? it, tr. ?.a ex-ofScia.1 of the pension d r t. -i 't-. .-a? it vm3 crJlfrl rnt lv the rc- i tLr.t sicce the vrar 10 rroniincnt; c : , cC tho old Ana? of tfo lenncssse f - . -at tho rite c 3,CvO cr 4,1X30 a 1 v. . tnd I estiirate tfeat crcry twa r?eks i r . i.i ci'-spary i; Kxustercd lor tae las r lc da-id thst e-ery three months a f . J. i- laacnt goes over tl line. Four rr 'rr. ..ts a year, forty regiments in ten y - , r srtr: i stmij corps o nearly 1GCH l n'ui twEaty'yorrsai tlia rate tho br.,3 .dl soon he -sono.5" luter-Occan 'L'ur1iv3a Craycns.'" GLOBE IKON WORKS I Founders and Machinists. Manufacturers of STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. Iron and crass castings, pulleys and shafting and all kinds of ma- chmi WliiS r'oria-al' HIn Has Uonr. Iv r. Luis. c Pcrtad, hs done some tL'ni beside ruiiag c country. He T v mastered hsdf a dozen lauraages vn.1 translated Cxq cf Sbr.c -xarc's iIr.ys into Porttisuese. Inter-Ccoc-i. y.r York and Brrc'dya consumo 1 per czr.t. of the msi.. II icor cf the uuion. and satisfaction guaranteed. A. FLAGG, Proprietor. lOO O-A-KrS CANON -:- CITY -:- GOAL! BADGZS, LTJMBZ5. CO., WSST DOUGLAS ATS. C, O. DAYDSQN. rre5lierii, R. 5. CATTS. T.xim'nar. O. W. fiTiV, "vnca-Pre Xin, ". H Irish Iott3?oos llaieU in Cuba. It is said that Cnba can prodnco as Sne Irish potatoes as nra icon in the north, cud an pspert brliores that tho tinio -vill come -.vhea that island, instead of irnport ii: potatoes -vrill export them. Es-chanso. The Davidson Loan Company I PAXD-UP CAPITA! 860,000. Monev Always on Hand to Loan on Improved Farm and Gity Property. Have Leaned More Money in Southern Kansas than any Company in the State SPECIAL ADVANTAGES Of this addition to which the attention of those seeking investments Is directed : FIRST, -The land is higher than any part of the City on the east side by at least 15 feet, and the entire drainage is to the Big Arkansas River. SECGND.-Garfield University, the State Christian College a building which, when completed, will cost over $100,000 lies immediately south ot the addition. TH;RD.--The Catholic society are building a college im mediately west of this addition, the cost of which will be $100,000, and this plant is to be added to from year to year. FOURTH, The Missouri Pacific R. R, will in a shor-: time place shops on the addition, and a depot of W. & C. and Ft. Scott R. R. will be placed on this addition inside of 30 days FIFTH. -The new Fifth Ward School building is completed, the csd of which is $15,000. SIXTH.-1 he street cars reach this addition, raakisg it oaiy )0 minutes time from west side to corner of Main si. and Boagtes ave. SEVENTH.-The fair ground lies immediately north ef ihe addition. LASTLY. The addition is booming itself, and tae facts prsve it. The west side of the river is on too. All other zamims ae betas bolstered up by PURE VIHD. "WIHDY YIHD." The iayestnests on the west side are booming the addition. CA.UL on F, G. SMYTH, SR. KOS HARRIS. GARIS0N & KOBSON. Kansas National Bank. No. 134 Main Street. Capital Paid Tip, - $ 1 00,000 Surplus, - $10,00o Loans Money at Lowest Rates, Issues Sight Drafts on all Parts of Europe, Buys and Sells Government and Municipal Bonds. Pays Interest on Time Deposits. H. VV. LEWIS, President, T. VV. JOHNSTON, Cashier. G. E. FRANK, Assistant Gashier. -DIRECTORS. J. U DTIS, SAXUKt. HOCCK. , vr. JOOAsrox, a k. nuse, a a. nms: SOL U KOIIX. irMlleat. X. TT. OLIVEir, Vlcr-liUlem. s. w. r.mY. cAiar ICHITA NATIONAL BANK. Successors to Wichita Bank, Organized 1872. Paid-up Capital, Surplus, $125,000 $25,000 -DIRECTOKS.- s.e.i:oh:. x.r: olitpr. r.Tv.urrr. f.T.TUiTLF, .rF.NiafiU.V9!i. vr r-TCCKEH. joiis lixnosos. j. c. kcta::. DO A GENERAL BANKING. COLLECTING AND BROKERAGE BUSINESS. Eastern and Foreign Exchange bought and sold U. S. Bonds ef all de nominations bought and sold. County, Township and Municipal Bond bought J. O. DAYIDSOS. Pw. C.A.17ALKER, VIcaProi. SOWS C. OEKST. dxliitr CITIZENS BANK. Paid-up Capital, Stockholders Liability, 4)200,000 $400,000 Largest Paid-Up Capital of any Bank In the State or Kansaa DIRECTORS: . p. Mm-., i.r-Errnso. h.o.lez. a. l. david30k. W. B. STAXLET. J. O. DATIDSO JOIDf T. CJUUTNTEIC DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United- States, County, Townsliip and Muni cipal Bonds Bought and Sold. It. LOMBARD. Jit, Pre!iiit. J. P. AT.rj.X. Ylix-PratdeBt. V.". 1L UVISC8TOK, AiwUtar.t CasiJ STATE NATIONAL BANK. SUCCESSOR TO CJO0US STATE ZJA3KJ Paid-up Capital, Surplus, $100,000 $5,000 DIRECTORS:- O. LOniAKD. Jr., J. I. AUSf. flWX 3. CJLS.ZT. KOK. IUIUUS. 3. 1&. XZ2JSX. L. D. S53SXZTL. J'ETKr. CETTO, TST. T. OtMBW. . V. HZAJLY. GBORCn E. El'ATOST. COKBSXtVVrmZtT. xatiosai. ba:.e or Tin: kepuelic. kw rri. ztxrto&txj. mask o? xxtaocx. cutx. rasaT atio::al bamc e:ii ci-. BUlCErO.S'K XITXOYAL XIAXZ. ftK C. IX)JIBAItD, E3U Prtaiieau SXXZS L. LfjUfUXD. 79rvPrMw. L ombard Mortgage Co., Iff KAfcSAS SI ATE aAfiK 5uiLif6. Money on liancL No delay wheal security and and title are good, jftatee as low as the lowe3t. -CALL AND SEE US. S. S KING, Sccrstaty. T. C. TFcofrT. VXtmMnut. V & Ycamtut, CMttar. w.i . xmnC&Lr First Arkansas Valley Bank. nC4fM Xamwr UuOtu'Jtm trntkrAjrimmm VaSrjgi 17o. 83 Main Street. Wtefetu, Haasaa. So a Geaerd Banking Eesisess is ail is Movers Fusctbas. Xery3L. tit cfcsitei M-J r&niiivt &m terrwrjr ts.hWv rmmms if it -fr. U i.-- br tk.:t: &a& iifi ttwcti'ww ta ib -tiA toof Burnt vU -pitMtymi Itwsmpama port T.a. or.fe, Qrrmim, Lij4 rCautu 4 Ll3- JOE5 . OOZI3TZ. D al COZINE & RIDDELL, Cstate Agents, LvDCbL JUj P.V. HEALY. N. F. NIEDERLANDER. CityProyerty and FarBs$iorSale-.-3aolxColecuad and Taxes raid. ANGLO AMERICAN CO. Correspondence Scfccited. Busiacs-, Ptosnplty Atiedcdio WICHITA, KANSAS. ! HUSEY & KRCENERT, E. H. DEVORE k CO. 156 IT. liATN" ST. WIUdil'A, ZA2SA&