Newspaper Page Text
.r 'ghz WCmtiinnity i$U : gKvtxs&m $foxrxmQK ipxrjerofcer 4r, 1886. -a 8 -S8'4S l50jrs"JvS rrv &sSX5r .iWeJA j 31. . )H'J)Ol'K.V Bi:0.. I'foj.rli'toi-s.' RHAIi KSTATi: TRANSTSUS. The followm aro tli3 roal estate transfers recorded in tha oSbe of tho Register of Dctfdo yesterday: P Bailly to 11 Bailly' lot '.), Slalhe-.rson & Finfcliam's add r30:X) Sfc Jonesto jtLJ.i JJ.ivi:, io yj, oo, Pattio i: Hyde's add P E Dacy to It Rose, Jot 3 blfc: 4 N A EaglSi to I P Fran , lots 77, 70 DousI " ave, Englsh'.? add . , I Richmond to J .Sellers, lots 10, 12, Richmond avenue, Ridunoa l's add. J V7 Hin.ddlu to .T Lumhart, 120 acJca off s side of 5.r qr, tit, 2 15 w G. A. Hat Held to .. R. Daabcsu, lots 13, 14. Y, Morris st. Hatfield'.iadd... R. Hutchinson to G. VT. Churchill, lots 10, 12, 14, 1G, Fifth ave, Viola add... H. iinitzler to J. R. JDanhaii, Iot3;174, 174, 17'5, 17b, Wichita st, hv.'eUcr'd 17. V. Wise to E. Smith, lots 12-3, 130, lik S, Orms&PIiilim'i; add G. L. Soue to JL H. WooJrutf, lots 43, 45,47 bkG Win. brieiliiastf'ia to A. Ivats, lotsl'OU, 011, 01S i!5, Lewclleu ave, GreiGiu i.tein's add. Also lots J Oi 1 , 104 i, 1045, 1017, Bittms ave. Krciffinstdn's add, IT JJiuhuhi ly-to "J A Hull, loo 4 J, Zini nierl Vj add 13 Keleh tj E II Ilelir-Jilwi V, loti 1G7, W,), Ml, iio-lvax-e. 11 l.-h's.idd G C Manjio 17. S. Wiliiite, lots 12, 14, ). IS, 23, !!, 21, La-v.wics ave Hyde's add ."..... B Kdrh to 17 L Tuna d. lota 1 J7, i;, Hi, 111 JCIVooti.vor'li to lot-; 11, 13, 15, To peka ave,- lord's, add A It Sillier to JL 21 Johasoa, lot 20, llsit-ni ;ive, Kiutvi sub div W D Mc'Comiickto It A Holiaday, Jot3 14. Hi. IS. 20, 1'attio aveuua, ilcCor icick's udd. n ii vuiiipunl io M K Campbell, lots 74, 7ti, 7S, SO, V.a-.hin;to:i avenue. .. Oliver !v,lilackieldy lu G Brvjgs, 2300 fc29 20o 1125 633 200 1700 :!7o0 31000 55-1 1000 2CO0 1200 1500 i.i;o 20 300 2,000 1,100 3, OS'". evcu JJts ironi 2 to i', Ulivo.-S Illii-jk wvldy'd add A 3 Johiitoa to H H Ilerr, lofe72j,itl Waoo btreet. Llcvdlvn add J Water to C Crater, ua livided l-.i of n-wM tflMu- Kessly llro- to ll ary AI. Robinson, lot-t, Oa st, N!-. subdiv Hil tan a add .- Win H H Campbell to JSol D Rie-ol, lots2", 27, 2.1. :;i, Washington ave, Campbell's add John Crater to Levr. Crater. 1-:J n v.' "ll'- Geo G M Biudmer t O P Co;tw:ck, lot :;, bile 1, Rieldaud" . 2ad ad.l Froaeilck B Gehiin io A C I'Toider- lander, lots 2 and 4. Gro.'e ave, Park Pi-ice add J S Bo ley to P G!u;i-, let 1, bile 4, Frisco Heights add 1400 300 7u0 0000 S L Sippitt to J .I dhaekelCor.l, Jots 17, 10, 21, 2J, Edtilo, Lippltt & Al dnch's sulwliv OGD J Syncs to O S Drake, lot 10, Main st, ritzgeraU s add -. ."00 Wo have a fine latin near the city that vro offer ah a bargain. ,. Haiuj" Solmoox, iWiAl .'7 Dougla.. Ave. Either JiuJes ir lci!ilcmcn. TIkic is :i luagniiiceut field op"n to agents m handling si .si--te:n ilrtt everybody needs, that saves iho ladie-s lu.i.i f lollars, and is so cheap .13 t bj v.-ithia tin rjiih of tho oor est. You can nit ny .st;,lo garment from any fashion Iatj. Call anfl. have, a test lin ing cut FREE. Goodyear Haw, entranco on Emporia. dl4"-lt- Tho opsnLig of tha A-t Studio of "jIi's Emma Stiles will take placo Tuesday, ISov. D, at 3J.) Xorth Market s root. All interest ed in oil painting and china decoration are cordially invited. dl4i-4t Wichita, Ks . Xov. 1, ISSf.. Kotico is hereby given that tho firm of Taylor & Wc-t, contractors and builders, has this day been disolved by mutual con sent P. L. Wet will coutinuo in the busi nobsat Xo. 1011 Chicago avenue. All bills will bo collected and dbts of tho firm paid by him. J. II. Taylor. dll5 3t D. L. Wkst. We have some special bargains in 2 1-2 and 10 aero plats on College Hill. Hakdy Solomon, dlio-tf 327 Douglas Ave. Strayed. From the slaughter house o Grimes & Drako in West Wichita, sit fat cows t'.o to fiv years old, will weigh about one thousand pounds average. Leave information at City Meat mark-t .YJO East Douglas ave., ami rd coive reward. dl4 "Hit Wo have lor sale lor a lew tinj-s four new houses each on 50 feet of ground in 1 he cen tral pare of the city. They aro special bar gains and will bo Fold on easy teriu3 if ap plied for this week. Hardy Solomon-, dll3-tf 327 Douglas Ave. Notice t CoiitjnetOi-tf. Bids for tho contract of building tho wing of All-Hallow academy will bo leceived at P. Y. Healy't, ofil up to 2 ). in. uw, S. tur day, Xov. (. The connnittoa reserve the right to reject auv and all bid?. dl44-3t l.lociiou If you have lost or won a hit on tho clec riou tmy it of Goldblandt'.;, the hatter, 20-1 Do.ij;l;is avenue. dlI4-2t Tho lcst ilk Derby and soft Lats at Gold iandt.s, 20 1 L o jglas avenue. dl4 l-2t Danlip, l'uox;, Yonmau and Miller styles of Derby hat, at Goldbtaudt's, 201 Douglas avenue. dl41-it Dissolution Notice. Tho firm of J. R. Ilolliday & Co. is this day disolved by mutual consent, J. R. Holli day purchasing" tho interest of Galuslm Wil bur. Thanking the public for the liberal patronage given us in the past and hoping tor a continuance of it for J. 1L Hollidr.y wo are very rcspt., Kov.2, "cu5. J. R. Hoi.liday. d-1 14-3t G alush a Wi lbvr. UsS Luh: AfcCabe, of Topeka, toaclier of piano, orga.i and guitar. Will givo lessons atp the reMdenco ot pupils. Plcaso address or call it 357 Ixorth Fourtli tiveinio cor. Third stro?t. dliS-Gt"- -piilc: ApiiOi!! Rjcharilson. Simon & Co., are receiving weekly, applet, by the cai load, cabbage by the car load, potatoa by Ui? car load. 2ow is your time to lay in your winter supply. iluud picked applet 52.CG per barrel. .lucnietiu otaU' a jmc per uu. 3liehigan cabbage 1 .- per lb. Call at 2oS JSorlh A mm st. d!4S-Ct V?antCiS. On the Indian Territory extension, north of Red river, Texas, l,ihl"gc-od team, i-ock ineii and iv-pcnsibie sulwroutrnetors. Ap ply to Daniel Carey. Gains ville, or to Mor gan Jones, Fort Worth, Texas. dl4S-3w Ocr&ior for Sale or Koiit. Tho -alunblo property kuo n as Todd Ele vator, with 7." feet irontage on A., T. .t S. F. R. K., track, &cales,utc., will bo sold cheap on easy terms or rented, aft.-r December 1, 1S50. 1 13-tf H. TV. Lswis. Watch for it! Tho lirst symptom of true croun is hoarsened, and if ChambcrlaiuV Cough lleawdy is freely given at onco and Ihoiloscs freqnontly repeated tho dread dis c;ii3 mar be entirely p-ovento 1 and all dan ger and'anxietv avoided. Sold by AUlrieh S:Browu and J. P. Allen. 120-tf Iavn o list of your property if you wish it sold quick. Kardy Solomon, 327 Douglas uremic. " dl25-tf "T!io Frtsco" Is tho only lino from Wiciita that runs double trains solid to St Louis u ith out change'of cars of any kuid, making di rect connection for all iints t-ast and south east and north and northeast. Rat--s always as low as via. other lines. For particulars, maps, timo tables, etc, call on W. D. Mur dock, ticket agent, Fiisco line, llil North 3Iain street suid Umon depot, or F. D. Rns- "eneral western agvnt, S2 liAujrjns iTtmaOr dlQG-tf TO LOAPI I1JL- Weatliei T.cvorl-, W.vsirnOTo:c, D.,,0;Koy. 4; la. ni. Tlie following arc llib indications for 51is souri: F.iir v.-cailicr, slightly rarnzcr, T.-in;l3 generally southerly. For Kansas and 2rebras"id: Pair vreathcr, sliglitiy warmer, southwesterly winds. ' Wisconsin. SfrLWAUKtc, 1Vi., I'v'ov. 3. Governor Rusk's plurality will bu fiom 20,000 to 2"5, 00D. -Thj complexion of the Wisconsin congressional delegation will remain un changed; in the legislature it is estimated that liepublicans will iiave a majority of from 20 to 23, on joint ballot; ia ililwau-' kce county the labor ticket made a clean .sweep, electing the entiro county ticket and member of congress Milwaukee Though returns from isolated rural townships will continue to straggle in for several days yet, the general result is no longer in doubt. The Kepub licans have elected Governor Kusk by not less than 22,000 plurality over Woodward, (dem), and it is probable that it -will turn 2.1,000. Chairman Thayer of the "Repub lican State central committee, places it at 27,000. These iigercs are based on re turns from about live f-iKihsof the precinct's in the State. TJn3 plurality would be ad increase of nearly 9,000 over Husk's of two ; ears ago. The gains-.jirc principally in I-troifcd. democratic di-tricts. There are I'epiibiican 'gv& in all but a few counties of the fctate on governor. The republican plurality over tiie democratic vote has been incre'iswl in the Milwaukee district where the labor niove'ii"nt has been tiong cat. The legislature will have a majority on joint ballot of 20 over the democrats and labor representative; the pouaie blands 25 republicans, 7 democrat- and 1 people's, Jlart; :cer.ibly C7 lep.sblitaus, 30 demo cntts and 5 people's. The people's pai ty represcntativea will probable act with the democnits. . The republicans lose three assembly scats and gain a like number in scimtoiial districts; the congressional delega'ion will prob ably .'-land 7 ll"P3., one Democrat and one people's paity, though the list is in doubt. Iielurns are uo meagre that it is not possible to tell whether Ja. Doolitlle, Dem., has defeated Caswell, Rep. The Republicans have gained the 2d, Gen. Er.igg's old district, when' Delong is de feated by Gueiither by at lest 3,000. Gutnthcr ha". Iic-ictofoie icpiesented the Gth disliicl in congress, and is still a resi dent of the latter. The majority of Iludd, Dem., in the 5th, has been slightly reduc ed. Iuthc-ith, Milwaukee, district.which h:u been represented by a Republican, Henry Smith, people's paity danuidate.has (i.500 plurality. It Caswell is re-elected in the 1st, the Republicans gain one and loe one; the Demon ? lose one, and the peo ple's pai ty secures one congressman. Minnesota. Sr. Paul, Xov. 3. It looks very much this morning a-3 though the Democrats will elect three out of live congressmen in this state. It is not likely that the majority for governor will be Jess t'uau 10,000, as the most reliable of the Republican strong holds are yel to be heaul from. Specials from various points in Dakota indicate the re-election of Gilford, lep. as a delegate to congress by 3,000 majority. The Dispatch's special from Winona, Minn., srtys Wilson, dem, js elected in the 1st district by 2,400 majority; the Republi cans concede the claim. St. Paul The entire Republican &tate ticket has been elected in Minnesota by 10,000 to 12,000 majority. A. R. McGill, for governor, is running behind the rest of the ticket somewhat. Aj E. Rice, for lieutenant-governor will have about 25,000 majority. In tho 1st congressional district, Judge William Wilson, dem, is elected; in the 2nd district, John Likens, rep, is elected; in the 3d district. Judge J. L. McDonald, dem, is elected; In the 4th, it seems pretty certain that Major Edmund Rice, dem, is elected; in the Gth, Knate Nelson, rep, had no opposition and is elected. On joint ballot the Republicans will probably have a safe working majority in the State legislature, though it is possible that the farmers' aliance may hold the balance of power. The reduced vote of Republican party on State and congres sional tickets is quite as much due to the broils and dis-onsions of the party in the Stale ""convention as to the vigorous fight made by the Democnits. New Hampshire. Coxeoni), X. II., Nov. 3. There has been no election for Governor by the peo ple. Sawyer, Republican, anil" Cogswell, Democratic, for Governor- are miming re mark lbly close together, Wentworth's' pro hibilion strength is sufficient to defeat choice. Legislature will be Republican, insuring election of Republican U. S. Senator to succeed Senator Pike. Concord The Republican majoritj in the legislature insures the election of SaAV ycr as governor, and of a Republican United States senator. 2s"e-v Jersey. Tki:ntox, Xov. 3. In the 3rd congres sional district Kean, rep, is elected. Iu the legislature the Democrats have a majority on joint ballot. Xcw York The returns from Xcw Jer sey show that Robeit S. Green, dem, for governor lias between 0,000 and 10,000 ma"- jority. The Republicans elect live con gressmen, and the Democrats two. Ilidock :n tho4th district and McAdoo in the 7th. Massachusetts. Eostox, Mas., Xov. 3 Returns from all but two towns in the State, Ashly and Gesiiold, give the following vote for Gov ernor Ames, rep, 121, 7ul:" Andrews, dem, 112,300; Athrop, prohib, S.MS. The elec tion of Dovau, dem, in the Sth district over Allen. Top, was crreonous, Allen having a fair plurality. Correct returns from the lUh district "give Burnett, dem, a plurality. Russell is "elected in the 10th dirtrict. Michigan. Detkoit, Mich., Xov. 3 Xexl legisla ture will be Republican. Ticket in eloubt with chances in fiuor of fusion candidates. Republican majority on joint balot in legislature of 50 or GO. l)etroit Close returns on election in this State place republican plurality at 7,00. The new" senator will bo Republi can w ithout doubt. Is'orth Carolina. Raleigh, X. C, Xov. 3. Indications are that Democratic congressmen ere elected iu six districts, The barest returns from the 1st congressional district indicate tho the election of Latham, (dem.) The 2nd di-trict is still in doubt. Xichols, (ind rep), is elected, and in the 5th the Republicans and indipendeuts have made large gains in the State. Florida. Jackso'ILLE. Xot. 3. Fuller returns indicate the election of Doughterty, dem, in the 2nd district. In the 1st D'avic-on, dem, is ckcteeL The new constitution is ratified by about 1,000 majority. Alahama. Brron-cni.ur, Xov. 3. "Bankhcad. dem, a-Jpears to le elected to congress in the 0th d strict. - Geu. Joe Wheeler is elected in the Sth. ADDITIONAL - - Ohio. CiNcefXATfrOHio, Oct. 3 Tho--Times Star says: John G-. Carlisle, for congress man, in Kentucky, admits his defeat, latent return 5 iudicaf." the- defeat of Hill for congrssmm. The- Gth Ohio district r, turps claim EobinscnV plundity 'will reach 17,000 in Ohio. UnolHcial reurns from the 7lh Ohio eiistrlet give Ciunpbdl, dem, 81 plurality Cincinnati Atordiaj to the latest re turns leceived line there ai-e only tv.o con gressional dish k i ; in this state which may be classed as doubtful; These are the 7th and loth. In the 7th, Campbell, the dem ocratic nominee, has an unofficial majority of 81. In the loth Monroe county has not been heard from. The majority of Grose yenor, the Republican candidate, outside of ilonroe county,is 3,655. If Monroe county should give Warner a majority exceeding this he would bo elected, but it is not likely that the Democratic majority in this county will be above 3.000. j Brookman, rep, in the 20th district, has an unofficial majoritj' over Iiill of 1,342. Following is a list of successful candidates, riving Campbell, the 7th district, unci Grosvenor, the 15th: ' Republican. 1st ' Biitterworth, 2nd Brewer, 3rd Williams, 0th Bcekman, Sth Kennedy. 9th Cooper. 10th Romeis, 11th Thompson, 12th Pugley. 14th Wirkham, 15th Grosvenor. ITtlf -J, D. Layler, 18th M'Kinlev, 1'Jth E.ia Lavler, 20th Crease. Democrats. ixh YedcF, 5th Seney. ,7th Campbell, 13th O.ithmite, 16th Wiikins, 21st Fornn. Kennedy's 'itcofficul lnhjoriiyu 1,333, Pue;sIes148,.a;idCfcas'e:'s about -1.000. The Ohio delegation in the present con gicss includes lldemsnnd 10 reps, while the, above shoeing "girts 15 reps and G denls. The making 'of' estimates on the state ticket has practically ceased. Both headquartera'of the state commissfoncis at Columbus have, ceased.- -A cloe estimate of the republican majority places it at be tween 15,500 aud 17,000, not halo v.-15 or above 17. NelH'aska. Omaha, Nov. 3. Latest iclurcs today show that .Inc. A. McShnnc. dem, candi date for rnr.rrcs, in the lt district is elect od by o er 35000 majority over Church How it, rep. Scattering returns indicate tho election of the entire Republican ticket by 20,000 ma un it v. cxeentimr congressman for the First district. The Demociatic central commit tee claim large gains in tho legislature. Delaware. I Wii.mi:gto-, T)A., Xov. 3. Big-,'d, Democrat, for Governor, Ins a m ijority in the stato of over 5,090 over llefteckcr, pro liibitionist, The Republicans took but little part in the election. The Democrats eject everything, including u legislative ticket, which secures tho reelection of Geo. Gray to the U. S. Senate. , South Carolina. ' CiLViui:srox, Xov. 3. The Independ ent t'fkcis are def'-aied in Chesterliehl. and Eeik'ey, and Eliioti, dem, is apparently dleeted'in ths 7th district, giving South Carolina a solid Democratic delegation in tho nest congress. California. ' Sax Fn.v:cisco, Xov. 3. Latest count gives Swifts', lep, for governor, 12.0G0; Bartlett, dem, 11,443. Indications are that Republicans have carried all six congres sional districts, also legislature by bmall majority. Mississippi. Jactkso", Xov. 3. All parties concede the election of r. solid democratic delegation to congress from Mississippi. Kansas. Topeka The returns from this state come in very slow. The State Central Committee see no rerson to change the fig ures ?cnt out last night, that Martin's, Rep., plurality will be about 25,000. All the Republican members of congress are elected; by about the usual majorities, ex-' cept Wilson, of the 5th district, who is de feated by Anderson, the sitting member, who ran independent. There is a larger number of Democratic members of the legislature than oyer before, probably reaching 21 of the 125. Medicine Lodge Barber county gives George, Dem., 100 majority over Peters, Rep., for congress. Martin will have a small majority in the county for gover nor. Mcileal. Rep., elected to the legis lature by 125. One Democrat elected I on count- ticket, Jones for attorney. The Packers. Chicago, Nov. '3. Speaking to u repor ter about thestiike in his own and Morris' houses, G. F. Swift said last night: "Ihavc 200 men now at work and will have more tomorrow. I will hire anyone who comes; if strikers come hack, all right; if not, places won't be sin td for them. If lam intcrferreJ with, I depend upon the town of Lake to protect me." Packers aecoiding to the tlnec years agreement signed last month will stand together in this deal. Swift said also that the packers are prepar ing for a geneial strike. At Swift' packing house killing was re sumed today but not on a very extensive scale. It was difficult to ascertain where the butchers came from; the strikers said they were clerks from oflicc3. At Kelson jlorris' about 125 men were at work, but no killing was done. "Vc have all the beef on hand, said one of the firm, that we need; we don't want to kill any more just yet. "We can get all the men we want, too; we have applications from all over for work. Do vou espect your old men to come back? They can come if they want to, but we won't atk them. Have they made any formal demands on you yet? "What have they to demand? If you ask them what they want they can tell you, and, in fact three-four I lis of them would be back at work if thev were not afraid of the other fourth. The strikers were exer cising their influence to-day to induce Aimoursrnen to lorn ILem, In uie bi packing establishments visitors were not welcomed as they uuallv are. aud at the doors of the beef packing depirtmeuls guards, were stationed to keep every body except employes out. iherc wa no dis order, however, to-day. An 111-Fatcd Bark. New Yokk, Xov. '3. Tho fcchooner Anna 1. Hutchinson, which armed today from Chagres via Key IVc&t, report;; that on October 14, fifty miles fouth of Dry Tortugas, she picked up the captain, mate and four seamen of the Ixark Treasureros from Barcelona for Havana, upon a piece of the cabin house, thev having been five days in that condition without focd or water. The captain stated that the bark broke up and sank Oct. 10 during n aum cane. 1 he Valance of the crew, seven men, are supposed to have gone down with hcT. Threo iTcu Burned. Ixdiaxatolis lad.. Xov. 3. Special to Xews from Logotee. "MJartin county, Indi ana, savs at three o'cl ck this morning the Ackcnnsa hotel, a two-story frame bnild- ! ing, burned. Ihree men perished in the llsrues. Thev were foruUen in the ex citement until it was too late to save them. Two of these were John G. Gates and Michael Tracy, who were yesterday elected treasurer and "auditor respectively of Uar tin county, who. wore out by the excite ment of the day, they retired st a late hour and were not awakened until too late .to escape. The third victim was John Burch whose presence iu the building , was unknown. hi mnPmhia SffTPP Corner Douglas a, -k 1 J ' fi 111 ft I 1 1 r f g sw g Wm i Dry Goods, Boots and Sttoea: We sell no Shoddy Goods and our con stantly increasing patronage assures ;.- us that the methods we originally adopted is the only one -that is strictly just: between the buyer and seller. r : Our'Stock'-is. always the Largest in our several departments. - IE PRICE And that Always the Lowest All goods' are guaranteed to be - exactly as represented'. 4 In all eases where goods are-not satisfac tory, you are alloy ed to return 'them and the money is cheerfully refunded. If you want to do eome and see us. : A. KATZ. S. W Corner Douglas Ave. and Market St. OS i Honest Goods, Honest Prices. Sensible Communities have long since learned that -WE - DON'T- - SELL - TEASH." Which is only used by Competitors as a cloak to cover their high prices. WE ARE '-. ALWAYS IN "-. THE LEAD. Our buyer having jjst returned fiom the market, securing a great many lines of Goods at prices lower than ever heard of enables us to nlace on sale Monday JQ T? Q Q P O O" Q ' 75 P'ere' hall wool Cashmere r.t 9c. 60 pieces UXJiOQ UfUUUO."" double fold Uuiish Ca?li-aere every hide 15c. These goods aro prime nnd considered due v.ihie bv our competitors at 25c. Fancy Brocade and Diagonal half wool Cashmere 12 1-2, worth 20c. 30 pieces all wool Dress Flajmofin aii ih latest s-rude? 29g; sold nnivorrtally at -iOe. 35 pieces all wool Cashmere, aiwavs auld for fiac, all colors this week Uc. 60 pieoes 33 inch Tricots in all the latest shades 57 l-2c. 25 piuc6 Uil- bcrt'so-J inch suiting sold elsewhere at $1.25: our nrico this pieces black Gros Grain Silk at 9c; ood value at 51.50. Our I'm Cashmeres will defy competition. An iusiKctiou v. ill nrove a sale I3T A NTT r?TQ" l0-iwlute Wauki-t i.irc border, Si.lS: worth $1.5 UJUflLX lj 1 O.i0-i heavy white b'ankcis rlightly soiled SI 48; wor I Y2 00. 10-4 extra heavy white blanket $1 93; cheap at $2.75. 10-i white wool blankets $3.93, worth $5.00. 12 4 strictly all wool white blaukets sold every where for $7.50; our price-$4.03. .10-4 all vooled blankets $3.13. lt-4 all wool red blanket", extra fine qnalitv $5.28; sold everv where for $7.00 PA1rT?nT?TQ' Jul received 50 bales which "range at 63, 23, $1.13, uUiYir U A I O. "1.48 and $1.C9, tlio best value? ever oflercfl. WE PLACE ON SALE: Wednesday, November 3d. We throw on our counters the grandest bargain ever known lo the trade. 25 dozen Math ers Well Known Kid Gloves in all the latest shades, also black, for 49c. This is a genuine throw away, as there is not a pair in the lot that would not sell for $1.50. But we bought them cheap and give you the benefit. Anybody can sell goods at a loss, but the secret is to sell far below any competitor and make a profit. Our buyers are always on the lookout for bargains. READY CASH we use as a leverage, therefore always expect to hear of bargains at the BOSTON STORE. Ask to see our line of Boots and Shoes. &6Vfa r z andMsa'lSSWS? m 1 && -S AT4 C .&ss 3 Js 3s- iBtlffi business with u in U3 TON Morning, Tlie Following Bargains week S3e. 15 of black 0 h - s week u0 Uoucle Jackets in own and blua that were nevor WALLENSTEIN & COHM. I - Hill I lk vt. r ill i l &J JL m Doat you fai p Sw IS SI -:TODAY-- Porofalltae attractions that bavasarved to clrav tho thousand? - - - to oar sroi-e, attractions onshuiitlreclfoia more fascinating avIII be there today. THE "BNTHRPEISB ! . Will olfer today and all this weolr, Bargains Eclipsing Bargains. ; -t , Bargains that beat Bankrupts. Bargains overshadowing fire and water fakes. "We do not quote prices, as our prices are always iho lowest and our goods the "best. Nor do we ask you to come at 8 or 10 oTclock sharp, hut come any time of the day and you will find bargains and nothing but bargains all .over the store. GUE Are Selling Fast. We TEE -:- ENTERPRISE IS of Temple 1G9 EAST DOUGLAS AVENUE. ST November 1st, old lories than $5.00; thw wcok $2.39. 33 pieces Etriclly all wool scarlet Flannel at 12 i-2c per yd. 50 pieces apron Ginghams iu all the dcsirtblo checks, extra good quality G 1-2 c per yd. 75 picccn Table oil cloth all colors 23c per yd. 10 dr. boys plush cap? silk lined G9u worth $1.25. 15 doz boy-i A trican caps silk lined 48e: cheap at $1.00. 12 (loz ladie' ekirtH 38c. 25 doz child ren's rkirts, all si7.e3 23. 150 doz man' a wool eocks at 12c; wortji 30. 100 pieces "tripf'd and barred cash 3 l-2r- Mr TT7?p y . Thi? CcparUizcut ha been lately storked with all jjLlIl JliiA I ." the latest novelties in eassimero, cloth and felt hat. We resprrtfully solicit the ladies of Wichita to carefully lancet same. We have ( very design rnatmfcrtured and can plea'' (be mot t fattidfe'i, nnd fuliv 50 per ceut. rhtaner thsn anv competitor. Wc quote a few prices: Clack felt hats I.itl tjlos itfc; worth SO. Telt hots all the latest shape nd colars79c ; worth $1.25. French felt hats bound all colors, latest shapes 9 ; worth'$l 50. French felt trimmed iu jrroy coney fur and Atrirau, vary la';, $1.13: worth $2.00. Cloth and cas&imrc' bonnets trirnntcil in Atrlcan $l.W, worth $2 00 Cloth sad cassimerc bonnets especially new, trlmrnod In jet bead, a perfect beauty, usual nric6$'SJ50; our price $1.&9. L'lumci, Fcctben, Tirs, aud all the novel tic? at similar prices. I y a f"i I j I f to visit the FANCY' GOODS CLOAKS have the Best Styles. THE Economy. ORE " T , iAc.' s -jS t M 3 T 4-Wk ' .0 -- -3!- Q ?. ?&