Newspaper Page Text
g hc ac&icltita gailtj iglc: Jfridaij pCoruiiXQ, gXoxTcmbjer 5, 1886. i ZZglZfrcgSF f Tlir, XATIOXAI, On-VJIPIONS. Hailsjl SftTsa-fYl's ,?HR'S-3"VW'V V- y J.SL3IraDoar, 1 B. P. uexjock. Editor. Busings JJansser. 3L M. JIUP.DOCX & BKO., Publishers and Proprietors. FRIDAY 2JORKIXG. 2JOV. 5. lfeSfi. Alii haiuci Iwinlil hit aflflrl other comrauuications to the editor. The only Dally Paper In bouthwpt Ksnt.'- or the Atkwwas Valley reccMns; both the day and night Associated Press reports ia. i iui. TKICMS Or SUHSCKITTIOSW. DAILY BY WAIL, rOSTAGU TOUEAID. One copy, one car.. one copy. PlxKtontlH One coi'V, toree rp i-l" . 2tt) One copy, oao mo .lit By carrier, per 3 car. .-. '"" Bj' carrier, tnreo montiJt v""i t TWtsatj-eeats per -wei.fc delivered by carriers mtu city. VKHKLT. One cepv, one j esr. in tie Slate. Ose copy, hix months 51 ta TO ADVXHTISES9. Our rat"? for advcrtUIng .hall be -s low as those of arjy other rajwr oi equal alue a3 an acrvirtuuig me All transle:.t advertisements must to iw for In advance. Enttrc.l In tlic postofflceat TVlcclla as second-class natter, and entered for transmission tcroudh the ranlls as met E. E. Carter of Lynchburg-, Va., is in the city. J. C. Smith, of Foifc Worth, is in tho city on hubines?. C. 13. Davit, of Elkhart. Intl.. anivedin the city yc&tcrday. Tiio btcam legisters for tho Bitting Bros, building have arrived. F. J. Bet ry came down from Moiton to look at tiis inetiojjoliA. J. V. Crenshaw and -nifo came up from Wellington yesterday. Mr. II J. Hcaiy has "been sick for .'omo dayi v. ith malarial fever. Johnson & Blackw elder yesterday sold the Globe iron works for $34X00. C. J. Liurhnus has accepted a position as shipping clerk at tho Spice Mills. Sin?. Ilcnry Giilcu is visiting her mother, Mrs. Woollard, of 2iorth Fourth avenue. Mr. A. W. Westfnll, of Cricoid, came into the city yesteiday en route to Butler county. Foster Brook "Kith L. C. Strong has re turned from a very pleasant trip to Chicago. Marriage licensor as issued yesterday to Orai M. Baker and TIattie Smith,of Greeley, Iowa. J. E. Caldtt oil, of Emporia, ran down to tho city yesterday to look at some of his pro perty mtcicsts, II. M. King, wholesale dealer in fruit and vegetables, Springfield, Mo., was in tho city yesterday on business. Eraiuard Allison of .it. Louis, chief of the advertising department of tho Missouri Pa cific system is hi the city. A fine horse belonging to tho Hydraulic -Mill company, was found dead yesterday morning in the stablo. Soma ouo stole 11 pair of boots that were hung out for display beforo Lock & Findoiss' storo "Wednesday evening. Tho walls for tho batement and first story of tho Carey hotel have been completed and tho work is progressing lapidly. Mr. Hovilott, of Xow York, ha? been look lag over the metropolis for tho past few days and is much. pleased with its growth. MLs Laura Woodcock left lat u cuing for Kingman to visit her brother, Henry Wood code, conductor on tho "Wichita & Western. The "Woman's Relief Corps will hold thoir lirsticgular meeting of this month ou Fri day, X.Vcmber " nfc -:yo V- m" cfc -)ti c" low's Hull. F. A. Iorth left last c en'uig for Torring ton, Conn., having just received a telegram announcing the tad intelligence of tho dan gerous illness of his. sister. Major Ilaag, of Norwich, was in the city ycterday and called at the Eagli: office, leaving an order for a complete set of books, blanks, etc., fur the city. Owar McCune, lato with P. V. Hcaly, "Wichita, died at his home four miles north of Scott, a 1 o'clock last Sunday. His friends in this city learn of this aid event with deep sorrow . imrst mid biu"rv were standing in front of Law reuee's drug stot e last evening. The horso became frightened and started up Douglas avenue IIo was finally eaptuted at the corner of Market street. Col. 11. C. Cole commenced work yester- 1.-i v on his 1 reidencc at Carev P.irk. It will 1h a two-story frame, costing near $2,300. He proposes to ntsh the iork sis fast as pos sible and hae it ready for occupancy in a few weeks. The follow iuz railroad las?cnjrer agents were in the city yesteulay: B. L. McLean, of tho Chicago & Alton: "W. F. Snyder, of tho "Bee Line;" Cutis. C. Conklin, of th Vaudalia: and James Gnrvev, of the Lako Erij & "Western. Burslars last evening tried to effect an eu- trauce into tho rcaideneo of Mrs. Garrett aud R. E. Green, on West Cential avenue, but being unsuccessful made a third attempt at th house of Mr. Strong. He raised the win low aud frightened them away. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Leaven, ?v3 Iorth Markot stivet have sold then- property to Dr. K. Mathews. The old people have been here nine years, and w ill soon return to ike homo of their childhood in Reading. Pa., to spend the remainder of thoir days. G. W. Larimer left via the Friseo for Kcw York to supply the llrni of Larimer & Stcusoa with an entire new stock of dry goods-, etc, for their old stand, which they have hal thoroughly renoiated, so bo ou the lookout for no cities in the near future. Mr. A. Wagner brought to this office yes terday some clustors-of half-grown pears, the j2coul croptliis year, off a tree on his prem ises oa South Main street. If the fruit could Lav1 a month to sin weeks of o:en, pleasant woather it would mature and ripan into per fection. Julgo Glenn yesterday secured for Geo. W. Builey, .300 hack pay as First Lieuten ant. Tho amount was received in accord ance with a recent provision of Congress al lowing pay to T;ommissionl officers from the dnte of thtir commission instead of from the data of muster. Jaip "Kenworthv. of West Ulkton. Pratt v , . couutv, Ohio, father of J. R. Keuwcrthy, of our citv, is in the city on bmuicss and pleas- ure combined. Ho has malo soin purchases of real estate. Mr. Iv. was in our oty clev- LTCar? ago ana marus me great ueveiop - Br After Yean, of Monkeyln;:, Kctlleman and ftlfason "vlili Test 'J heir hpced To-day at the Pair Grounds. Intense Interest Manifested. The great foot laco between Kettlercanu and Gibson will come oil to-day at the "West Wichita fair grounds, between two and five o'clocl:. To say that there is great interest iu the affair is putting it mildly. It is safe to say that more money-will change hands at the close of the race than ever did in this city in one day befote. For-some davs sporting men have been arriving from Chicago. St. Louis and Cincinnati. NovYork and Philadelphia is also represented while San Francisco comes in with not less than a round 'dozen. The Anfcaony delega tion arrived last evening with $30,000 for Kctlleman. It would be dincult to tell who has the sti ongest backers or who is tho favorite. Money is being up dollar for dollar and al most in any crowd interested in the race, a man is taken up when he offers to bet on either of tho contestants. One can scarcely form an estimate how much money is already wagered much less to predict the amount that v. ill be. One can fo.-mno idea of the interest manifest without having passed some time in the betting crowds. At a lato hour last night it was estimated that already there was at least $100,000 awaiting the result of tho race. This seems a largo sum but thoe most acquainted with the affair aro confident that such is true. It is believed that tho amount will be doubled b;. the time the 1 ace is called. There seems to be no city favorites. Men from Chicago aio supporting both of them. The-same is truo of the St. Louis, Cincinnati, Sau Francisco and Kansas City n:oii. Everything seems- to bo mixed up the brother lifted against the brother. This seems to be translated bj- all a favorable for a fair race. Another thing that assists in making the belief that ih?y will work for blood i the appearance 01 all wuo have a money inteiot in the result. Neither iide shows composuie when by and labor at times con siderably to show confidence when m the presence of each other. At a lato hour last night w hen a lcpoi ter was investigating the matter he met a jren tleinau who had mado a largo aim on Ket tleman at a 1 aco in Kansas City. He aid he was inclined to think that ho ought to sup port tho samo man again '-by rights," but he believed Gibson would bo winner and hence ho had several thousand up on him. In talk ing to another gentleman he said ho had but on Gibson at a former ia?o and had gained his money, but ho was now suppoi ting Ket tlcinan. The race seemed to Ikj tho solo topic of conversation last mgur, noui ou xue streets and in tho hotels; Iho arrival o tho sporting men led the citizens into tLd discusison and to say that there was au ex citement is putting it mildly. Thia bciug case it is safe to predict that au immense crowd will w itness tho race. VISITOK. Mr. P. Sullivan aud family of De Haines, Texas, arrived in the city Tuesday. Mr. Sullivan was in tho city a number of years- ago aud says' tliat it was tho leading town of tho southwest at that time. In speaking to a gentleman yesterday ho said ho remember ed that it was tho opinion of some that Wich ita w ould never grow to such a siza as to bo of an' commercial importance but he always thought It would aud don't want to bo a "I told you so."' either. He maintains that tho conclusion admitting a future greatness to tho city was but a natural lcsult of the sur rounding cii cumstancc. While he claim; to have continually argued for the town ho admits that ho did not think that this year would find so wonderful a growth. Heai ing favoiablc reports of the city for six years had Jet! him to believe that there was oomotown beio. part of tho business pai t of the city yesterday and expresses himself as much surprised to sec the business aspect. He is not slow to admit that the step of an aieiage Wichita business man is quite an improvement over tho aver age Lone Star gentleman. lie seems to be wvll pleased with the city and will leraaiu some days. lost i,i:tti:i:s. Yesterday morning as a prominent busi ness gentleman of this city was going to his place of business ou East Douglas avenue, he found two opened letter? lying on tho side walk. He gavo them a place in his pocket, and on rcachintr his establishment had the audacity to read them. Tho were addressed to h lady w ho has boon visiting in this city for soui" time, but who lives in a town not a thousand miles from Wichita. She occupied a high position iu society circles. One of the letters had evidently boon w rit ten by her husband, who for convenience will be called Frank. Ho complained of her pio longing her visit. The second letter was written bj- a traveling man, and it doas not indicate that she will leave on her return trip until Monday or Tuesday. NOT GUIITY?? The trial of Dr. 1. S. It. Kirklaud was resumed in Judge Walker's court yestorday morniug. Near thirty witnesses gave testi mony and that part of the proceedings was not finished until near 4 o'clock. The case was given to the jury without any attorney oratorv. aud shortlv after 0 o clock rendered a verdict of "not guilty of the charge pre ferred." The verdict seemed to be quite a surprise to a number who had tortured themselves to hear the shameful evidence. A juryman, speaking of the matter aftr the verdict was reudored, said that it was evident to him that tho defendant was a bad man, but that the ovidcaco prod uced was not sufficient to prove the charge. ANOTKEK DUl'U sTOKE. ?.-o,. tl,u 1nMtc -- 1TV V- A Tl 1 i..i. . "" -a." "" "--v. - iij.ei - keld, of Louisville, Kentucky, came to this city for tho purpose of examining the favor able poiut in this city for starting a first class drug store. He was favorably im pressed after he had gained a know ledge of the town. At the same time Mr. T. E. Muu son, of Mutism & Co.. of Kansas City, was in the citv aud Uw two -gentlemen decided to join in the drag business in tho city. The conclusion arrived at busines-a -a ti next thing in order. A room va. one of the brick buildings on North Main street between Sec - ond and Third streets -was secured and a stock purchased. The new cotapuay will have everything reedy in a few days. HACK S2t.SHKD. Wednesday niht about 9 o'clock there w-ns a hack smash-np at the cornerof Thinl street and Waco avenue William xarr vvns driv - ing a hack ami was racing with a gentleman in a carriage. Hebysom mans left the J street and ran int a d: h br-akingup . uiings generally, meua . oe.uawi nooi THn FIKEMEN'S BAI.I. Tho Firemen's ball lost evening at tne G. A. R. hall was ono of the greatest cveuts of tho season. Over :Yrt tickets had been sold, and tho hall was crowded to its utmost. When the grand march at 9 o'clock took placo fully sixty couples participated. The dancing then continued until about 10:.10,' when tho dancers wei o asked to take seats, as there would bo a slight variation in the programme. After order had been restored, Mr. Silas Robinson, editor of the Resident, stepped to the front of the rostrum, carryingin his hand an elegant silver speaking trumpet, and said "Mr. Walden please step here a few miuutes. There is in store for you n surprise, and I 5:now an agreeable one. It is, too. an honor, such as we as American citizens can receive and bestow. When a:i individual conducts himrelf as to gain tho respect of the county at large, and thoco with whom he is associ ated ti ehief of the tiro company, his ser vices will be recognized. I therefore have the Tileau:e of presenting to you this tram pet. It i-, a present by Hook and Ladder company No. 1 and Hoso company No. I, as a tokn of their regard and esteem not only as a gentleman but as chief of tho C10 department. May it prove as a talisman to guide 'you and a means in case of lire to call to your aid the valiant fire boys. Uso it through life and when Gabriel blows his trumped at tho end answer ouo back for the fire laddies of Wichita.1' Mr. Walden replied: ''Mr. Chairman and members of the fire department. This is the second time that I have been the recipient of kindne&3 from you and I feel proud of this not from its value but as a token of your friendship. I shall try to use it well ami when I am using it I think of you. Again gentlemen I .thank 3-011."' Tho members of the fiie companies who wero, during the speeches, drawn up inline in front of tho rostrum gave a hearty cheer which was tak en up by the" audience and the hall fairly rung. It was a complete surprise to Mr. Walden. Ho was detained from tho hall by business during tho eaily pai t of the evening, and might not have gone to tho hall at all had not somo ono insisted upon his accompanying them thcre. The trumpet is a very fine one, made fioin silver and richly caivcd, the interior plated with gold, and bears tho inscription: "Pie seutcd to A. G. Walden, Chief of Wichita Firo Department, Nov. -J, ISM)."' After tho speeches tho daucing was- re sumed and kept up until a late hour, w ith only a short intermission for supper at 1 o'clock. The affair went off without anything to mar its pleasure, aud tho members of the fire department may woll congratulate them selves upon the success that attended their efforts. Tho names of tho committee are as follows: Commiteo on invitation Scott Gornsoy, Al. .Biownewell, Geo. Thompkins, W. W. To-, J. Hardacro, P. Wr. Foster. Committee ou arrangements W. W. Fur row, Al. Brownewell, Geo. E. Thimpkins. Floor n-d reception committee P. W. Foster, P.. Hnhn, L. Clark, D. F. Riley, Scott Gurnsey, Al. Brownowcll, F. B. Redor, Willis Wadlay, II. L. Davis, J. Hardacro, W. McKay, G. E. Tompkins. A PLEASANT AFKAIK. Last evening Miss Birdine Davidson enter tained a number of her friends at the pleas ant home of her father, S. L. Davidson, cor ner of Topekr. and Second. The evening was most delightfully spent with cards, music, conversation and refresh ments. Among thosa present were Misses Bessie Carver, Sarah Biikman. Carrie and Emma McGee. Emma Frye, AUio Ellis. Belle Kohn, Mamie Mead, Gail Caldwell, Stella Russell, Messrs. Garnet,'OakDavidson, Sam Woolard. Harry L. Smithsou, Tom Fitch, Mill Merrell. Jerome Smith, G. W. Clement, jr.. J. Bwu-baeh'-r, Bunuie Mead. Ocar DeLong. POLITICAL DISH, Yesterday a couple of gentlemen at one of the boarding houses in the city decided to have a side dish of politics served down. They commenced to manipulate the animal and soon both wero iu contortions. One of them kicked nroun't so lively that he set oil! a keg of dynamite under tho table. As a result tho table and its contents wrro going in the air with tho exception of a few vinegar castors that had a spite at the other gentle man. They lodged around him with a cer tanty, for a time until the force of the ex plosion w.-us over. Finally order was re stored, but of course tho ladies were not ex cited. IV THE PKOILVTE COURT. An inquest of lunacy was held yesterday upon the person of William Sloan. The following gentlemen comprised the jury: W. A. Jo.-dou, S. Ii. Barrett, W. Y. Good rich. William Tuders, W. Peters, W. S. Mc-Bl-e. After a consideration of the case ho was adjudged insane and will be removed to the asylum. Mr. Sloan was one of tho early settlers of this part of Kansas, but moved a few years ago to Texas, and afterwards came back to Sedgwick county. Loss of property and sickness are sunnosed to be the cause of his insanity. O. C. McCUNE. The funeral services of Oscar McCune took place yesterday forenoon at 10 o'clock from the First Baptist church, and was conducted by Rev. Harper. Resides the large number of the deceased's friends in the city there were present his mother and brothers from Ohio. The remains were taken to the city cemc tery and there iutored. IMPROVEMENT. The building for the addition to the Hydraulic Miils has been completed. It is fortv feet long and thirtv feet wide and ' three stories high. Twelve mill wrights are "" li"'"b " iH.iur mi; in.-- v... - . 1 k.t.. .. ?..... . -k.l.-wi 4lrv iat- nitrr i , , .... , ,. . . - ,1, 1 ne atiottioaaj mnctnatiry t-uusistu ut iv. cleaners, purifyors liomeay machines, which cost near $15.W. Evervthing will 1 reedy for use by 'he first of December. CITY COUNCIL.. The city ixjuncil will canvass the city vote tonight. It is not probable thafe any other business wi'd be attoaded to. but It is poerfbi ! that the Wichita & "WinSeW railroad ques tion will be taken up under a call meeting:. . If it is there are some other questaoas titat will put ia an appearance, as they were given 1 to committees who were instructed to report j at the call meeting if oueshould occitr. I'OLICK COCItT. 1 John Doe and Richard Ilcw. inotlier words. two well knoi n jouns men of this city. "were ! np lofore hi? honor yesterday morntas charged with carrving unconcealed weapons Tay w re fined $5 ta-h, which they paid and were dismissed. nenry atnjia ior i toiaxmg tne uquu; i- M.1RICIED. Judge Jewett Wednesday evening married Dr. W. L. Doyle and Mrs. Mary Falkenstein at tho residence of the brido, 003 North ?dar ket street. The carpenter work on tho Fifth ward school building will b3 finished today. Tho painting and other w ork will bo completed at on early date. Tho buildiag is said to be ona of toe best w. the city and one of which the Fifth ward is proud. Tlio protracted meeting at tho Christian church is being well attended. Elder Mc Brido favors his audiences" with able sermons each evening. There will be immersion at this evening's services. Mr. E. T. Brown will commence a "$i,500 residence at the corner of Eighteenth street and Arkansas avenue next week. It will bo a two story frame, and when completed will bo one of the oozy residences of the city. Mrs. Forbes who camo hero soma weeks ago from Manitoba, is having a residenco built on Arkansas avenuo. It will bo com pleted in a few days. Mrs. A. L. Pitts, of Nevada, Mo., who has been visiting fi iends hero for somo weeks, left yesterday morning ou her return trip. Dr. Jones says Mrs. J. M. Boyd, 417 North Main street, who has been so lon seriously ill. is now getting better. . Mr. Goldbery, bill clerk at the Ft. Scott, leaves in tho morning for Hannibal, Mo., to bo absent a few days. Mr. S. II. Reynold, of GTU!n township, was in tho city yesterday attending to busi ness matters. Mr. I. Henderson, of Rockford township, weic in the city yesterday taking in tho election news. Godfrey & Belcher vs. J. D. Caldwell, oc. cupi'd the attention of District Court yester day. Gandolfoieceived last night another huge turtlo from the ctdf cf Mexico. Mr. W. C. Craig lias commenced to build a $5,000 residence in Carey park. GET THE BEST, FOR THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST IN THE END. For Style, Fit and Weak, this vell.khowm make of wen's shoe3 IS UNEXCELLED. OUR STOCK OF Is now Complete from the oest manufacturers, and they will suit you in Price, Style ami Durability. Do not forget to give us a call, as we will guarantee satisfaction. Yours Besp. John Braitsoh, 120 E. Douglas Ave. "tFAll Goods Wan-anted. l.T-tf JOHN DAVIDSON, Pioneer -:- Lumber -:- OK SEDGWICK COUNTV. M an Estd-Dlisued in 1S70. A Complete Stock of Pine Lumbe.r Shingles, Lath, Doors,' Sash, etc., alvvays on hand. CiRce CM.-1 vard on Jicritet nrcct bctwc'n DcagUs ovjau ar.ii l-'irst sm-fi' ASPHALTDM RooJBng Paint. GRAVEL ROOFS AKD PAVEMEHTS Walks. Drives, Cellars and Cis-j terns, iUSO AS A " Application to Iron, Wood and Stone For Fcniier Particulars Apply to RIZER & HUMPHREY, orncxJ-oerrte.M4Tratesott. J. R. ALLEN, DFtTTGaiST: Everything Kept in a First-Ciass Drugstore. Wichita, Kan. Drs. M. and H. BRANDOM. Twin Brothers. v and Ear Infirmary JS& "JIKp 'Surgical institute. sSrUfSS?- formerly of Decatur IB. "o. S13 East Douglas acnr.e, Wichita. Kansas. CANCER CURED. Dr. H. liramloin. one of the Twin Brothers, pays special attention to tho treatment of Cancer, barwx treatce a larce number of eases with universal suc cess. I fel it my duty to sny to those sunVriw; i Ith the dread dUeasr Cancer, that I feel euro that I can cure you. If not too far gone. Call beforo the ystem becomes impregnated witn tho canter virus. Jo moncv required until cancer is removed. I will refer ou to a few cases treated an I cured Herni.ui Funk'e. Wichita. Kan.; Arthur J., AMcrjou. Rome, Kan.; Easton Whltten. Rome. kanaAoani Woir. O.itvllie, Kan.; Eeury Khicns, OatviUe. knn. dD3 Pure Fruit Extracts. JtASUI'ACmtED BY G. A. BUnn& Co. 2d. St. "bet. Main & Market. For Sale by Grocers Generally. "W CASWTELT. & EOCITLEY. Manufacturer of Galvanized Iron Cornices Tin, Iron and Slate i:oonnroyoipirieiiu?u itnrcnwu, re pairing, Kutterlns and spoutlu dono with neatness ptf'Estiiuates and designs f urnhW-d on short notice EAG-UE COENICB WOEKS. Just north of the Occidental. $1000 Forfeit if ths " COHS'S CIR1." is not a Genuine Havana Filler Cigar. B. COHN. The "COHN'S GIRL" cigar is now made wnth the Crop Havana, and is finer in quality than it has ever been. With next or ler f r 1000 (Jilis will furnish a ccstlv new' .hcim y -'n, ;rdy for hanging. This ?i"jjn n c -cttk d in steel, wutranttd for three vts, a- d is t'li m st a-.i:3c sirn cct farrished to the trade. B. OOH3J, JOBBER of CIGARS, 125 W. Dcuglts A72., WICHITA, LA'i. DR- E. M. CONKLING, Cor. 5ltn nn.l Secomt street. Wlchlw, iiwita. DISEASES OF THE RECTUM and at! CTfltOVIC IHSE-VSES a Specialty. butxestor toDr.J. sr IWtrTn In OtjHjoof th colchratci IHUniRHOKP JAI-NIXsS bTSTI.31. Ue aiMt sufo-5'ul ry-wm w JbJ.verwl for h cure or nfls. rrt.-al ukvr, ftssmrf Sstala lanno.tuMat; r' Iolyr. etc. N iknifr. H?tur. caatry Arcttloro Wm. nlrntrn fmrn htwi .: greatly Isnprovwi instruments OrtK-pb'ur9 UulJi a-BUilo-Mrf S3 tr f i. m. Panriay t t.t 4 n. tn. ConsultatJoc aac exaoinati'W f-t Writ ftr tnll infurmatkn- SANTA FE BAKERY Established 1S72, Is th Place to get Everything Kept in 2 First-Class Bakery. ECKAJIDT & SCOTT, Vr.ors., 144 MAIN STREET OLIVER BROS., Lmnber Dealers Wichita. Kansas.. -TAKDS a- lrr?rTnit:n iitzrfPsit . " ftiHnctnri. Harper, .ajsuca, lysraen jrsiia, dale and Kaven. 3. K. BROWN, Furniture Jewelry. : .DOUGLAS AYEHUE, VIGHITA, KANS., HEW WHITE HOUSE CUE1 Innes & Ross. Monster igantie Slaughter -ON- IBM MINK, latinRibbon-PeeotEdge LOT NO. i. Numbers 5, 6, 7, for 5 cents a yard. LOT Numbers 9, 12, 16, These ribbons are sold all over the country for -15 to 25 cents per yard. This is a grand opportunity to procure your Christmas Ribbons for fancy work. 500 pieces only. They won't last long. Come Early. It Pays to Trade We Will Positively Save You MARFl ilAlliJ .-:-" :ON:- Clothing, Hats AiiD Porpishings. We are crowded for room. New Goods Crowding us every day. Come and get bargains while you may. BITTING BBOS., Temporary Quarters 216 Douglas Avenue. Gentlemen ! When in need oftbe finest and best Shoes made, call at C. E. LEWIS & CO., no jVIain Street, And'ma&e your selection from tha foUovring vrato known mafcdrs Genuine Hand-Mail SIxmc: . Tbe O. 3. KSWIS & CO'S Shoe. The BUST & MS AK. Price $7.00 The H 30TBEK & GO'S. Price .37.00. The LXPPKA27 & LESSEB, Price S7-00. -Hie JOS. -L. JOYC3 & CO. Price 96.00. Trie STACY. AB.aJiS & CO., Price SC.GS In ail Styles and Widths, A to B. Oor Line of 15 Shoes are Dnequalcc . Q-e ns a c&R aod we "wrill give yoa honest valnes and lovest prices. tti t .nvYRTTcs Q-r r'r m v - -1 J-1 T T J-K- v-v v v . 1 1 Main street- s pi f i t i i t Headquarters for Good ion Sale ! ! lliffi Is I), NO. 2. for 10 cents a yard. at the lite House INNES & ROSS. DOLLAR r it -s- i x ft Goods al Low Prices. n-mee taid ?2.