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xt cittota gailij kqIc: tur&gg 9orixiii0, f&otferolrer 6, 1886. 2 3IUBDOCK, Editor. SATURDAY MORNING, NOV. G, 1886. THE HEW POOLING TOINT. Wichita Must, Inevitably, 1'ecomc the r-V Southwest Polar. The readers of the Eagle will very dis tinctly remember that some two years and a half ago when this paper first opened up its Yigorouq war on the railway policy of the western trunl lines which compelled all Kansas to pay a local rate from and to Kansas City s a general pooling poini on nl clasFes of freight and without regard to tuc distance 01 iau uaui tnuu .-. 31. 31. City, that we then said that the logic of old slave states, we learn with amazement ' t &Sh A-A. Tal events the development of the southwest, that she furnished a larger number of so!- ' ral manaser, and James Smith, more particularly, would force a new pool- re particularly, woum lorce a x.u uux- ms point anu mat uuu pumi nuu.u Wichita, because of her leading position and from the fact that all the trunk lines -. i travemmr the state would touch at mis point. Wc advocated the idea, in factheld to it as a self-evident truth, that all tha was necessary to break up the systcniized outrage which compelled the whole of the Arkansas valley to dance to the tunc of Kansas City by paying a two bundled and fifty to a four hundred mile local, was to induce the extension cf any one of the single trunk lines, terminating on tnc Mis souri river, out into the interior of Kansas, as far as Wichita, which already had their independent trunk lines, two of which were able to largely dodge the Missouri river pool rate. The Rock Island wa3 the road to make the Mart. The others will follow. If Wichita docs not get a pool rate of her own she will get what is better, at least batter than a Kansas City pool rate. It will be a trunkline competition rate. In thh connection wc call attention to an account of the late St. Louis conference, called at the instance of the- board of trade of Kansas City, -n ho are simply making a fight on Wichita's cut rate. It will be seen that the matter was referred to Commissioner Midgley and three other. Two of the three are Wichita's friends, and are at the bottom of Kansas City's rate-woe.. It wilt be seen further that a pool farther west than Kansas City i-1 suggested. So far as the Eagle is concerned it cares not what the St. Louis conference con cludes or docs not conclude, for the simple reason that nothing short of a pool at a .Missouri rate at Wichita can hold the Mis souri Pacific, the Frisco and the Rock Island, all of which roads will reach Wich ita and this territory independent of Kan pas City's pool or combination, which is now breaking of its own might. With the three great trunk lines of the west already here and the Rock Island coming Wichita does not particularly desire a pool, even at a Missouri river rate. What Wich ita will waut is that UiCbC lines as they pass beyond us will continue to throw out numerous branches the rates and goods will be found at Wichita, satisfactory as to limits as well as to supply. The tidal wave, o to speak, that swept over the country hist Tuesday, while it did not change the political completion al together of the next congress, it so reduced the Democratic majority in the house as to render it comparatively helpless to accomp lish obnoxious and harmful legislation. Nor is this all. Should the next presiden tial election be thrown into the house the Republicans will have a majority of states, by delegations, giving them Colorado, with a tie in two states, West Virginia and New Hampshire. It, therefore, that we are much nearer a complete return to Re publican conti ol of the legislative and ex ecutive department, aside from the present apparent certainty of success in the next presidential election, than wc have been for sixteen years. The states which return a majorit' of Republicans to the Fiftieth congress arc: California, Illinois, Ion a, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland. Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jcr?ey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode T-land, Virginia, Vermont w Wiscon sin. The Sultan of tuikey must have lost his head, it it be true that he i3 supporting the Czar in his efforts to put to an end to Bul garian independence. England's motive in endeavoring to sustain Bulgaria h to raise a barrier between Turkey and Russian aggression. Yet Turkey uceras determined to oppose- the policy of England and to as sist Russia. If she prists in this policy, her fate is scaled, and, perhaps, the sooner the better. The extinction of Turkish power, even if it involves the extonsiou of Russian tyranuv", may be auecessary step toward the ultimate freedom of miny races. Whenever Bussia La3j nothing else to distract her attentiou, bhe will doubtless come into direct collision with Austria and Germany, and jnust either conquer or be conquered, In either caw, peace would doubtless be followed by internal revoln tion, and the collapse of the great empire, so pereveringly and successfully built up by the Romanoffs and their predecessors. Whatever be the fate of Bulgaria, her pre sent courageous struggle for independence j wi'l raise her-people very greatly in the ! estimation of all lover of liberty. 3Ir. Edmunds was duly t looted Uuited State eiutorf rem Vermont. On the in formal ballot the day before only eight anti-Edmunds votes were cast. Probably one of these was thrown by Mr. Edwin FMier, who had Hie poor judgment to write to Mr. Edmunds for "assurance of your (his) support for the nominee of the Republican National convention for president of the Uniftd States in 1SSS." Mr. Edmunds answered in substance that if Mr. Fisher had any doubt as to "his fidelity to our par ty, or to its great principles and purposes." he had better not vote for him. In other words, Mr. Edmunds refuses to ixcant or make any pledges for the future. The only soreness over the result of Tuesday's election that is apparent in the stflte is confined to a fevr individuals in the Fifth congressional district. The slight ahrasion up there "will soon heal over, it is Loped, aud our body politic present iti wanted comely aspect. SOMEBODY TELfi HIM. To Editor of the "Wichita Eagle- Please inform rac through tho columns of your paper the name of the American counsel or minister at Melbourne, Austra lia. Bj doing so you will oblige and old subscriber. R. H. THE BOUfiFlXTilE-UNION AKMV. Som Jntorcwtlnjr Statistics I'crnlshul by a Southerner. According to Felix A. Reeve, a corres pondent of tho November number of the North American'Rcview, the southern and border slave states furnished over 350,000 white volunteer soldiers for the union army ic thpvar of the rebellion, and nearly 100, ftfifl rnlorr.d trootw for the 3;ime service. -,"-.---. .-- - "Turning first to Delaware, among the lu-u... -- --. -. fliVrs fnr tlio. union armv. in proportion - --- ..,. tha'uan7 other state of f I . , nnt;onai union! in igoy this heroic little state had only about 18,000 white males between the ages of 18 and 45, yet dm KPnt 1:? R70 men into the union armv ; , -, ,., .r. or o per cent, oi ner avauauiubiiuugui. ttnvr rrnrrmshirn rnntrihuteri 54 ncr cent. : t Vermont and Massachusetts 53 each; Maine 59; Rhode Island GG; Illinois and Ohio u'J; Kansas 72, and Indiana 74. The other border states did almost as creditably. Maryland furnished the union cause 49 per cent; Kentucky 41; Missouri 47, West Vir ginia 48, and Tennessee, one of the seced ing states, furnished the union cause over 35,000 white soldiers. Mr. Reeves thinks that without the con servative Union element of the southern and border slave states the dismemberment of the Federal Union would have been in evitable; and had it not Lcen for the con servative stand taken by the Union Demo crats of East Tennessee and other portions of the south at the close of the war, the condition of tho ex-Confederates would have been miserable beyond measure. Dis franchise,!, their property taken, and they themselves pursued as political outlaws and traitor?, thousands of those who had but latelv been arrayed against them in deadly conflict stood J ike a break-water between them and utter and unutterable ruin, and this, too, without any hope or expectation or reward from any source. Tims h win i;c seen mut these loyal friends of the national govern ment were as generous in peace as they had been brave in battle. The country, there fore, owes much to the union sentiment at the south and cs-confcderatcs are under an infinite obligation to the brave and unselfish unionists, who, unable to endorse the pre scriptive policy of the dominant majority, met their "enemy in the gates, and placing themselves in a hopeless minority, advo cated their civil and political rights at a time when they were deprived of both." The American Short-horn Breeders' as sociation holds its meeting at the Grand Pacific hotel, Chicago, beginning at 8 o'clock p. m. Wednesday, November 17th. At the same hotel, in the forenoon of that day, there is to be a meeting of committees from the Short-horn associations of those states that havo such organizations, notab lr. Kansas. Missouri, Ohio, Indiana, Illi nois, Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa, for the purpose of endeavoring to agree upon a scale of point's and urge its adoption by the American association for general use. Each state association Las been invited to bend four delegates to this meeting, and if not already appointed they should be forthwith and urged to attend. The Kansas association has appointed as il3 committee Gen. J. C. Stone, of Leaven worth, W. A. Harris, of Lhiwood, E. M. Shelton, of Manhattan, and F. D. Coburn, of Wyandotte. Having already adopted and tested satisfactorily a scale of points and standard of excellence the Kansas boy will have no objection to seeing it adopted by the National Association. We have no doubt if a standard is agreed upon there it will not be greatly diileicnt from the pres ent Kansas standard, and if, as has been done in at least one other instance, some chap from another state presents it as his own invention, some man from the Jay hawker region should rie up and remind him thai lie needs salt, badly. It is reported fiom Atlanta, Georgia, that since prohibition became a settled fact in that city those of its inhabitants who feel that they cannot live without liquor arc in the habit of getting their supplies by ex press from the surrounding towns, and this "jug trade" is said to have grown yery large. Even some of those who worked for prohibition arc said to bo getting liquor in this way. The druggists, too, are be sieged bv persons who must have alcohol, and are willing to resort to any trick to get it. These facts show what a fearful power this evil spirit has over its victims. They show too, the disadvantages against which local option laws have to contend. Ihc larger the area covered by piohibitiou the more easily it can le made effective. After all is said and done, however, prohibition is a great Messing to any town or state, even when only partially enforced. Wc should like to ask sympathizers with the labor inovemeut, as represented by Mr. George, to tell us at v. hat point pro perty bscomes theft. A man begins life as a farm-laborer or mechanic, and by indus try, frugality, integrity, and ability rises from one step to another. First, he be comes his own employer. Second, he em ploys some one to ait him, and ultimate ly he ri-es to be the head of a large estab lishment w ith miny employe. Doe lu change from bving an honest workmgman to being a dishonest and bloated capitalist as soon a he is able to own hh lumt and shop, or when by the growth of his b.isi ness he becomes so engrossed with care and anxiety that he can hardly think of anything else night or day? "It is not all gold that glitters." So it teems that Iht- importation of distin guished statesmen aud orators into u doubt ful district to bolster up the cnue of au accomplish the end desired, as witness the I Somc sill-r So'J''e editor says the white j cojeofDr. I-hiliips in the Kansas Citv, i Jvmgbs of Labor of theXorth are trying. Ho., district. Senator Joe Biackbnru, of " organize hell" in the South by bringing j Kentucky is an oratorical giant, bat lmluI a nero q-esiica The bulk of the j labored effort for his friend, the Doctor, j Southern press, however, joins in rebuking availed him little. Perhaps if the Doctor j thm s3'1 a3ving ;hem-ihis is the snr had dismissed the services of life local bo-. I of ths rebuke to go r.ud soak their Corrigan, his imported assistant might have served him better. Fact is the intel ligent people of ihU country don't iwd political bosses, nor yet special impleading as to what they want and need in the mat ter of representatives aud laws. On the average they are able to decide for themselves. THE KAJLROADS. 1'tslnjj Differentials on Kansas Uuslm-s. From the Globe-Democrat. At a meeting of the Southwestern Asso ciation lines interested in Kansas business, held at the Southern yesterday, there were present T. J. Potter, vice president; n. B. Stone, general manager, and E. P. Pipley, general freight agent, of the Burlington; R. P. Cable, president, and W. M. Sage, general freight agent, of the Rock Island; C. II. Chappell, gen eral manager; II. H. Courtright, general freight agent, and F. A. Warne, division freight agent, of the Alton; J. F. Goddard, assistant general manager, and S. B. Haynes, general freight agent, represent ing the Atchison and the Southern Kansas; Thomas L. Kimball, traffic manager, and J. S. Tibbetts, assistant general freight agent, of the Union Pacific; George H. ij:i;m, i iuv- u"'uu . v., v-i.v. -. Neltleton, general manager, and M. L ------- -. . . ... - - t. Tr traffic manager, of the Yaba"li; II. 1. Morrill, general manager" ana u. N. Cale. ceneral freight agent, of the Frisco; YV. II. Xewman, general traffic minnow nnd Oacar G. Murrav. freight traffic'manager, of the Missouii Pacific, and J. W. Midgley, commissioner of the Southwestern association. The Kansas City board of trade was represented by .luusaia. i win, 11 iuuu auu xiiiiuxtui, uxiu. St. Louis merchants by E. C. Simmons, Dwight Tredway and R. II. Whitelay. The Kansa3 City and St. Louis merchants' committees met the members of the associ ation informally. The object of the meet ing is to adjust differentials on what is known as Kansas City and St. Louis south ern Kansas territory business. A com mittee was appointed to pre pare a report upon the subject, but failed to agree, and in the .'ifternoon a second committee was appointed, con sisting of H. L. Morrill, of the Frisco; J. F. Goddard of the Atchisen; W. n. New man, of the Missouri Pacific, and Commis soner .Midgley, and this committee will re port at 10:530 this morning. The contest i3 virtually between the Atchison and Mis souri Pacific, tho former having open ed the battle by demanding that the basing rate by the sum of locals via Kansas in vno-np. nrior to the vast amount of building accomplished in xhe past nine months and still in progress. The Missouri Pacific is compelled, in sheer self-nrotection. to combat this uo- sition, and if any compromise is reached it will not be upon tue proposition 01 me Atchison, unless it is modified to a consid erable extent. The question also involves the extension of the pool beyond the Mis souri river so as to take in Jxansas territory, and it is more than prob able that a temporary compromise will be effected until such time as the new lines entering that territory have taken definite position. The claims of the western and northwestern lines for recognition are fully conceded as just and equable, but the de mand that the original idea of Kansa3 City as the center instead of St. Louis can not be acceded to. The result of the recent meeting will decide the future of the southwestern pool. THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION. The following is President Cleveland's proclamation designating Thursday, No vember 25, ns a day of thanksgiving and prayer: A Proclamation by the Piesidcnt of the United States: It has long been the custom of the peo ple of the United States, on a day in each year especially set apart for that purpose by their chief executive, to acknowledge the goodness and mercy of God, and to in voke his continued care and protection. In observation of such custom, I, Gro ver Cleveland, president of the United States, do hereby designate and set apart Thursday, November '25, tobeob,erved and kept as a day of thanksgiving and prayer. On that day let all our people forego their accus tomed employments and assemble in their usual place of worship to give thanks to the Ruler of tho Universe for our con tinued enjoyment of the blessings of a free government, for a renewal of business prosperity throughout our land, for the re turn -which has rewaidcd the labor of those who till the soil, and for our progress as a people, in all that makes a nation great. And while we contemplate tho infinite power of God in earthquake, flood and storm, let the srrateful hearts of those who have been shielded from harm through divine mercy be turned in sympathy and kindness toward those who have sunerca tnrougu 1113 visi tations. Let us also in tho midst cf our thanksgiving remember the poor and needy with cheerful gifts and alms, so that our services may, by deeds of charity, be made acceptable in the sight of the Lord. In wituess whereof I havo hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this first day of November, inthej-earof our Lord," one thousand, eight hundred and eighty-six, and of the independence of the United States of America and one hundred and eleventh. Bv the President: Gkovkh Clevklajjd. "T. F. Bayard, Secretary of State. KANSAS KINKS. Tho Christian church of Kan?us h:is a membership of 30,000. The Seven-Day Adventisti are holding forth at Fort Scott. The registration of voters this fall in the counties of Kansas shows a marked in crease. There are now 2G0 telephones in opera tion in Atchinson, and orders for several more have twsn received. The A. JT. C. A. State convention held at Ottawa this -week, "will bo the largest evor held in the state. Senator Ingnlls seems to be rensonabry pruspcrous. 1 he bricklayers are at wonc on his double tenement house on North Fourth street. Atchison. According to the report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, the value of farm imp! mcnts in 1SS5 was -;i32.697, while for H5S6 it was only $sr,!ya. The Atchison Glohe say: The Topcka notion that that town will have ilis&ouri river rates after the completion of the Rock Island extension, is a great absurdity, and generally la'ighed at by railroad men. Assessor's return for ilarch, 1SSG, shows that Kuisas had then 072,000 hor-e?:$3.G00 mules, and asses, 672.000 milkcow, l.-JOC,-000 other cattle, 032,000 sheep and l,6-v C-00 swine. The increase over the preious. earvras in cattle about 112.0C0 head, ami m horses about 00,000. In sheep and I swine there was a large decrease. j heeds. List Sundry's K&nsa3 Citv Times con tained a longnccount of the life and ,ork of il. 31. Murdock, of the Wichita Evglk, by "Kicking Bird." It shovs what a mn oi" energy, brains and piuck can nccompli-h and Msrh Murdock has all these essential qualifications. Peabody Graphic, Thank, Brother Simpon. LAST Preparatory to Oiip Old 132 Main Street, We Will Make Fof the Next Ten Days, On the Remainder CLOAKS, Flannels, Yarns, Ete. LAR Third door South of GHAND OPENING OF Nelson's u. NO. 222 NORTH aturday, See Some of the Bargains Offered. Glassware. Largs Goblefcs, Colored Tumblers, Largo Pickle Dishes, ", " Butter Dishes, " Covered Dishes, " Cream Pitchers. ' Sugar Bowls, " Spoon-holders, Tinware. Dippers, Ouns. 2 Quart Pans, 5 " 3 Quart Pans, 5 " Broad Pans. 5 2 Qt. Covered Buckets 10 " 6 Qt. Covered Buckets 10 " Dinner Buckets, 25 " I al3o carry a full line of larger sized goods at 10 cents apiece. Miscellaneous. Towel Backs, Hat Backa, Large Screv Drivers, Rollingr Fina, Wooden Bowls, Knife Boxse, Lamps, Lamps, Lamps, Larger Size, Lamps, Extra Finislied, Soap, 3 Cakes in a Bos, Rn.Ti. ft Cakas in a Boz. Three Child's Handkerchiefs Ladies Handkerchiefs 5 cents apiece. Ladies' Handkerchiefs 10 cents apiece. Gents' Handkerchief 10 cents apiece. Extra All.Linen Towels 10 cents -piece. Larg-o Bath Towels 25 cents apiece. Fine As3ortai3nt of Baskets 10 to 50 cente. Fine Assortment of Vases 15 cents to $1.50. Ladies Gossimers, Extra Fine Si. OO Fine Assortment of Albums 25 cents to $3.00- Full Assortment of Scrap Albums 10 cents to $2. Decorated Sets, 44 pieces, $6,per set. A Large Washbowl and Pitcher for ? 1 . Coal Oil Stoves $1 Bach. Children's Trunks from 80 Cents to 5-1.25 Dolls. All Sines from 5 cents to $2. Large Assortment of Decorated Cups and Saucers 35ctol .50 Large Assortment of Decorated China.Mugt5 5c to 40c. Large Assortment of Ladies' comb aud Brcsh Cases. Large Assortment of Ladies' Work Boxes. Gents' Fur-top Gloves. 50 Cents a Pair. . Rnn' .ctanmlfvPR "Half Hosa 10 Cents a Pair. Fine Assortment of Pocket Knives. Eair, Cloth and Shoe Brushes. Fine Assortment of At? ate Ware Fine Assortment of White Granite Ware, Other Goods of Every Description m Proportion. I Invite all to Call and be Convined CALL. Moving Back, to Stand Very Low Prices of our Stock of First Street, on Main. Bargain ouse MAIN STREET. Oct. 30, '86 5 Cents Apiece. 5 " " 5 ' 5 " 6 5 " 5 " 5 " 5 " 6 Cents Apiece. 5 " 10 Cents Apiece. 15 " 10 " 10 ' 15 " 15 " 25 " 35 " 50 " 1.00 5 10 A Box. for o & 4P if T 4" ' TINS0N 424 Dozen ! BLIZZARD All Wool Caps for Men and Boys, worth 50 and 75 eents Eaeh only 1 0 eents. "FA M O U S,; S. GOLDSTEIN & CO., 422 Bast Douglas Avenue. The Lamar Nurseries Will make their delivery of Nursery Stock in Wichita, on Friday, Nov. 12. DELIVERING- GROUNDS near the east end of tho 'Ar kansas river bridge, south side Douglas ave. "We will havo a fine lot of stock more than is ordered, which we will sen at. Cheap prices. Come and see our stock. C. H FINK & SON. H5-13C E. T. BHOWX. E. T. BIR-O'WIT & CO.. REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKERS. Dealers In choice Business and RreMcsco Property. Karnn, Ranciw. and Acre I'roporty. Uoom 2 an! t C3T K. Doogliu Ae. WICHITA, Kansas Furniture Co. Carpets! Moquets, Rrassels, Cll PATTERNS, 20c to 100,000 Yards will Monday At prices that defy competition. Having Bought at 50e on the $1, We can and will place a carpet within the reach of everybody in the City of Wichita. This is by far the largest and finest stock of carpets ever seen in- the west. Come and See us Monday. Kansas WEST WICHITA For Bargalne in Eeal Estate! Call on E. H. DEVORE b. CO. iiii s ira'car Stif-k Hatst Latest Shape. Farnisher, Hatter and Shirtmaker. J Noble Bice', 402 Douglas Ate. fi i III BREAKERS. F. 1. MAKTIK. Attorney nt-Lnw KANSAS. Carpets! :. Velvets, v Tapestry, M SHADINGS, I $1.75. be placed on Sale Morning Furniture Co. VREDENBUItG H ' S JUuy:rrS CrJs- '"te Bjmprtt. m nsm. '.or Of r i"AT tM U' f 1 Krtr jaM w",: " Xlbrtr k4 T3J '" '' ''rj'' - f Jvx ST. JetJiA. M ""MONEY At Lowest Rates zsri Ready for Borrowers AT 0SrCE: S. W. COOPER, vncsunx. txy. S3 1