Newspaper Page Text
"g'tl.i-i'.Jl'J g!!"fu' Li" "UH-'CJ "i niVl.-1 a"? r q;ixc ictota gailjg "galc: ittiirtlay itomiing, IJoaenibcr 6, 1886. rvH3!ir2i13SF"t- svW- Mu i m A A B. 3S. time tables. EAST BOUSD TRAIN3. Train Icarcs Wichita r 9.33 a. in. ami 7 -Dp,-. Train arrives from tho coat... 3 10 a. m. and 7:20 p. in. WEST EOC5I. TrelnlcaTM S:30 a. m. and S p. m. Train arrives 3j03a- in. and 723 p. in. Wichita A Colorado. Train lea-rc for Hutch insoa. ..S 13 a.m. and 75) p ns. Train arrives from Htxo:i..4 a.m.and iffipa A., T. X S. r. It. ... Arrivca. 3olng North, PassenRcr . i7.5'S' Going Korth, Accommodation oJ?"2r Solng South. Passenger -'Si.T.Tn Going Souln, PasaenKcr..... ntTm Going South. Accommodation ji. Going North. Passenger J'S Going North, Accommodation "' s-am. Going soutn, 1-Ci8cnger Going South, Accommodation Going North. Passenger Going South, Passenger. 623 a.m. 2 .33 p. s ESa.m. 7 i J p. . AVIchita A "Western. Arrives. 3:20--m. . 713p.m. .1205 1'-ni. Leases. . S 15 a. m. . . 225 p.m. No. 2, Kail Wnl Exrrsss No. 4, Epreto. . VTa.7 Frc&ht... . - No. 1 Hail and Bxra No. s. Exnrs.. . - Way FrefgLt. .. St. ixiuW A San Francisco. leaves. 530 p. in. . ..12:10 p. m. .. .925 a.m. ... 93) p.m. .. 1020 p. m. ... 3-9) a. in. Goln? Wet. PaMongar Going Wost. KreisLt Going East, I'as-ngo. . Going Kat, P'.ser Golu,' East. Ktm5i Going East, Freight .. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAir. Z. A. HALLO V.'EIX, J . a. u L . . Late U 3. Attorney. HALLOWELL and HUME, LaTryi.. 112 North Main st . Wlc-It-. Kan. l.ltf J. 11. BALDERSON Attooiev3t-Laiv.V..hlta. e4ric ccuntr. Kan. Ofac-In Vnnnlatjocit. d!93tt J. R SITES Attorney at La-. Office 117 S Douglas avenue, with Auglo-AmerlLan Loan ?d In-KtmU Co. JONES & MONTAGUE. ttonievsatLaw. Offlre In the Eagle Block .over sy k. Co's Dry Goods store. uaki. Uo CAMPBELL & DYER, Attorneys at La". WIc-lta. Kan. tf SMYTH & BROOKS. .tCo-n.7 at-La". No. li N. Mam St.. opposite oatofllc Conanncbl coU.-ctioiu a pecilt. Will prt.ct!ce in May and 1 federal courts. VY A. MORRIS, Attorney -at-La", So- 1 - Do"?" twenw. A. T. CARPENTER. ttnmcv at-Law. Office. No. 121 N Slain, street, up stnlni. next to po-tol-lre. WlcMtft. Knn.os. dJr12tf a-c SLUSS& STANLEY. Attorney "t Lavr . Wichita. Kant-. J. F. LAUCK. Vttoruer nt La'r. Offlce first door north of U- S. Landmcc in Commercial Block. Wichita. i-U-oa.,. fflalouentiou given to all fcln.H of busing con nucfaMi vrlth the United Statci Lnua olce. HATTON & RUGGLES. Attorney nt-Ln". Eaglo Bl .elf. Wichita, Kar - -.-n. - I- II. ROYS. RUGGLES & ROYS Attorneys at Iiw. OWeoover :o. Ua ilaln street, Wichita. Harca. - . . JAMES. F. MAJOR. Attorney at-La-v. Will practleo In a" ourtn. Collections a Kpocl-iity. Ofllcc over Itover'e, D'VisVas avenue,, Kan. Smith & D. A. MITCHELL Attorney at Law-and c Election agn:. No. Ii2ialn stnx't. Wichita. iCtins-K. E. D. PARSONS. Atto-ney at Law and Real Estate Agon:. OAIco otipoalte lnuh-ittan hotel, room 9. H E. CORN. Atwrniy at Livv. OrJce over 12. Dougla- avenue. F P. MARTIN. Atto.-nxy at Law. Office over Hyde & Rumble's Iloo- store. Ill 31fJn street, up-atalrs. A Ichlui, Kan. J M HUMPHREY Attorney at-Law, Ialn street. Woodman's Bank bidldlug. 113 J. Y, . COI.NO. ItOBKRT 31. rATT. C0LL1NGS&PLATT. Attorneys at Law. Will practice in state r.nd f ed ortA courts. Offiee m Temple block. Main htret. fcc ond stairway nrth of iK)-t ofllcf. Wichita, Kaunas. Gno. vv. D Vi3. ' ADAMS & ADAMS, At'ornej oat-Law. Will pnutice In state rnl fed tral courts. Oflice in Eagic blocl.. ichita, Kansas. HARRIS. HARRIS & VERMILLION. Attorneys Cona.wrclal block, Wichita, Ccaw 0. D. KIRK Attornev at Ijiw. Iloo"i No. 3, U. b. Imd Office li-iiidlng. V.'iriilta. Kan v. Vttorac s.t Lrw. Kaxsa S. MORRIS. Ofilco in Tea.plc Uioct, Wichita, P A. sjt-kv. I. v. avMniKix. SAN KEY &. CAMPBELL Law-ers. V.'Ieblta. Kana. southwest cor i er Market street an I lugia a e. GEO. VV. CLEMENT, JR. Attomev-aMi.v. Ofiico ill Main street, KaufRS National Ilanfc Imildlag. A iclilta, Kan. nrvrsici-viN'S. ALLEN WALKER, M. D., Physk-lan au.1 Sunjeon Offiee 1?- N. Main St.. Qld' P. O. Uulldlnc. t.lvt-s M?cial attention to Diiease vf Women ntul Chil 1rcn a-ul llldw I'erv Dr. Walker bo'il- jwcial certitleale for Ivpltal practice In the tTnlw riy Hospital. Illtlmore, Md. E. E. HAMILTON, M D Specialties l)easo of fie Eye, Ear. N0-.0 and Throit. Catarrh pud mtirtg gUs'Ci. Cilice southvv ost comer Douglas and Market, up s'airs. ichitn, Hans. W. M.JOHNSON, Himo'o;wtLI?t. Gene-il iTaotk. cliwnfc disease-, and H,a of frnal. Tolehin No. M. ortcoandiesMlenee over i,ucl x :ia-s hardware store. 117 N 3Ih n street. W Ichita Ken. Office lioui. b to 10 a. ra to 4 . in-and t night. dJa-ti p."d7sTJoh n,ivTd Offit 217 Eat DougUii ave. ReeWcacc- th Main tret. G M BiBBEE, M. D ' Office and rft.JIence, 311 rwvagins avenw.sowth side, norues' USociv.over DerbyS Imp!.nwnt btortf, ichito. W. A. MINNICK, M. D. HoiiMViwthlst. Office with Dr. It. MaUew. Xn'n htrcet. Mwn! a.r .j rorth oC ivooflicv. K4 encn. W17 Nurth Fiiirth tn--t. near Union depot, Wichita, Kans-s. Telepho-e No. 1 II. DR. J J. STONER. IIomeojrathM. OGlo oppflV po,tce. ResI deuce, 6il North Maiu street, Wlcalt. Kaasas. Tele phone Hi DR. B. A. GUYTON &. SON PhvslcliCis and "'urseo -. Offivf IV-un block, opjkv sltc IXvidental hotel. Redone-. 737 Wa:er street, eorhcr Oak strrn t. DR. C. C. ALLEN. Fhj-'lelaa an.l Surgeor.. Office and T-tdnce DouilR- avenwe. New d eOccta-l t-ermit of heinorrholib. and diseases of i ouian a gpeclalty. DRS. McCOY & PURDY. Office U7 Main stret. over Kecht .t Sot-.' store. Wichita, Kun. Telephone at roidence. - E. B RENTS, M. D. Physician and Surge is. Office over Puller Son GroceQ. ( J. --I.TOS WELCH. . D T. E. -VVILCTt, . D DRS WELCH & WELCH. Offic l avi rw. Wicldta. ruas. where they iaaj le Iuih1 at il hour RUSSELL & JORDAN. P:W 'lacs and Surjjeoa?. Oalce on wot side of K --s'rset. urs: i-t .irway oath of ?nlc balldlng. Telephone r A. D. T. PALMER C. JAY. Phj lclan ?nd Stt-steon OfHceaiD G. TerrvV drug f tore. HIS Est rigi? avenue. I. H. MATTINGLY. l'hyslcton. Ofilce over Loudon Ttlors. No. 155 N 3lain street. DR. CHARLES A. W LSON. Physician and Surjeor-- Will conlinno W profe-s--ionlHAll lu bnrj-H-s- Consultation frets. Ortlo and r.idcnt a; 1S1 X iftiln s,over WoM-r i ild lrs paiat oS'.c. t ir.TTi -.-y rev v- as gap PUTSICIAS. L. S. 0RDVAY, M. D. Homocepatht. Office comer Dougla. aa.l Law rence av ciiues, roomi 1 and 5, telephone 1 j3. J. E. BENNETT, M. D. Of tho firm of "Hall &Bennett."dow a general practice, but gives special attention w the enroo. EPILEPSY cr falling fits, the OPIUM . CAT.VP.KH. PILES and private desj as i in both gesw Consultation free and confldentlal. Office U. North Mains- Telephone 33. (See display advertuemen. In thl3 paper. . i J.H. TILDEN, M. D. Special attention given to Surgery nj J' wliWotlhmutronog perform surgical operations'. DENTISTS. D.W. Smith. c.o.c-bu. SMITH & H0UGLAND, Dentist. Eagle ballJIng. Douglaa avenue WlciJta, Kanas. . . McKEE & PATTEN. Birreeon Dentists. Teeth extracted without pain. Best eet artificial teeth, 83. Office 217 Eat Douglas avenue. Wichita. Kan. DR J. C. DEAN. Dentist. Opposite the po-tofflce. Teeth extracted without pain. DRS VV. L DOYLE & WILSON. Dentists. Office over Barnes & Son's drug store. Centennial Block. Wi.hli 3IUSIC TEACHERS MRS. S T. HENDRICKS0N. Teacher of Piano. Organ and Theory, North Mar ket street. GEO. T. THOMPSON. Professional Pia-o TunT and P.epairer. P.efer encefe, CatLerine Knfll and Thomas Shaw Co. All pianos tunee bv the i.avo syatem the only method that will tunf our piano perfect and make It sound charming. Work, m ntcd. Lare .ordere with Thomas bnaw Co , :i.uc dealers. Main street. AP.C1HTECT3. cciirrncT scraiMSD7KT. G. A MASTERS, Vv- ,-! nf Tnn nnrl flhlfncm. lias ODPEO1 an office in the Opera House, corn-r of Market pnd Flret streeti". a. w. ncaa. j. a cn. RUSH &GILE Arcliltecls and upcrntenden. 0'.co In Ellott McNees building, rooiu 7. C. W. KELLOGG. Architect and fcuporlntendcnt. I'lans and specifica tions for ail cUtoes of buildings. Office over Hyde'a book store TERRY & DUMONT. Architects and Superinttndcnta. Office in Roys' block, Wichita. Kan. W . T. PCOCllFOOT. a. w. mno. PR0UDF00T& BIRD. Architects and Sapu -inteadents. Onlco in E glo block. MISCELLAKEOUS. Dr. D. T. SNOKE Veterinary Sursrcon; gradmto of Philadelphia Vet erinary Collcgo of '71. Proprietor or Hordes Home, opposfto O. A. II. building. t, St. Telephone 17 d9J R0DGERS, Tne Pliotographer. Pictures in all sizes and styles. He also carries tho finest :.sortnient of picture frames in the cit j . Give him a friendly call and ex amine Famples. B. S. GARRISON. Justice of tho Peace. Office with Woodcock Dorsey, in Dorcy buUdlng. SCIENTIFC SHORTHAND Suecessfull 132 lmf nighf bv n-M.. Address J. Y. PAltSONS. Tremont, Ohio. JOHN DAVIDSON, Pioneer -:- Lumber -:- Man OP SEDGW1CS COUNTY. BsTit,ollsecl in 1870. A Complete Stock of Pine Lumbe.r Shingles, Lath, Doors, Sash, etc., always on hand Office and vards on Market street betvvc-cn Douslaa avenue and tirst r:re X-J Roofing Paint. GRAVEL ROOFS AND PAVEMENTS Walks, Drives, Cellars and Cis terns, -ALSO AS AN- Application to Iron, Wood and Stone For Further I -rtfculars Aiply to RIZER Sl HUMPHREY, OFFICE Corner H-xrW Or address Loci x --, t and Willlan: Streets, ridiise. Kan. J. P. ALLEN, DKUGG1ST Everything Kept in a First-Glass Drugstore. Yicliita, Kan. Drs, M. and H. BRAN DOM, TvTin Brothers. r5nrl ?i r infirm r(f .-.? ciiicj ! I I I I 41 i v x35 Surgical Institute. "5fK-5-'' Forrly of DecatEr III. Vo. 3U East DoasUui areau?, Wichita. Ksa. CANCER 'CURED D-r IL Ttntadnm. one of t Twin B-cti. pay PcXiai atlentioa to the tre-tnveat of Ovrcw lu.vt: t-i tc a larcc number of chihm wttlt bItcss1 kjc cinj. I feel it niy duty to y to thv 5et; with the dread dlrfa--r Cancer, that I feel far- sfeat I can cn-e voa. If not tc far cvme. Call oefen. the eystem Income npr-satod with tho cno?rTlnw. No rixivnirednjilcancr removed nmiun Fune. Wicnit. Kau ; Arthur J. AWcr-aa. J nnt-, Ewton Whltrer. lioa. Katu: Adam Wnlf. Oatvtliv. Ku-; Kvrj Rfcl-W.-. OatMirf. Eap. JOM GODFREY SAXE. AM EMACIATED FORM, TOTTERING STEPS AND SHRUNKEN CHEEK. Tho Oitl Poet . ero Shadow of His Toimcr Self Ho rfeldom Goes Koyond the ConCnes of His I-ooras T-cads but Little. la a large and lu-iirioasly l'uraishcd apart ment in a four-story brown stone houso on State fctreet, m tho city- of Albany, and almost Tvthin a Etono's throvr of the great capitol, sits or wal3 cr reclines throughout the day a man of 70 years of ae. With hair that is alvery white, a fall beard that i gray white, a form that is bent and emaci ated, a step that is slow and tottering, and a cheek that is pallid and shrunken his bluo oyea, yet full and lustrous, alone indicate tho strength and pride of other days. This man is John Godfrey Saxe, the poet. The old poet is now much changed in form and feature, Leing merely a shadow of his former self. During tho first three years of his residenco in Albany he spent some hour each pleasant da' in strolling about tho beau tiful park near by, or tranquilly sitting there in a shady nrbor, watching tho children at their play. But during tho past two years no public eye has seen him, for in that long in terval he Las of Lis own choico been carefully secluded in his room. Ho neither rides nor walks abroad. Tho at-artment m which he 'spends melancholy days consists of tito of three rooms, located in tho rear end of the house, on tho third floor, and overlook- ins tho noblo Huacon to tae south. WATcni-.a the rjvrn crAir. Hero by the ivindow ho whiles av,aj- much of his time in watching tho busy liver craft and in contemplating tho picturesque land scape. Of street altiro ho no lender has a ntjintlressinggownandslipperb ho paces the Coort-ith slow and trembling steps, sel dom or -.ever going beyond th2 confines of his ov.n rooms. He prefers to have perfect quiet about him, and oftentimes dislikes to be disturb-" even by a member of his own family. It is a long tucc sincu he la-it tonseuKd to receive a stronger, or even a friend, or an ac quaintance of former days. 'I cannot bear,'' he said, rith pathos, ' to bs forcibly reminded of what I onco was of tho days of my hopo and strength, when tho world had charms that now are dead to me; bef oro sickness had deprived me of raj- health and death had robbed me of my loved ones." In 1SS1, on hi- first coming to Albany, tho eminent physicians v.nom lii3 family con sulted in his behalf preucrd that ho woidd not survivo t w o years longer. Ho goes to bed between tho hours of 9 and 10 o'clock in tho evening, and rises at about 6.00 in tho morning. Ho complains much of insomnia, and during tho day is often very restless, suffering from neuralgia in the head. "When not sitting in an easy chair or moving leisurely about his room, ho reclines upon a couch. IIo cats often but very sparingly, and partakes of tho plainest of food, indiges tion being one of his principal bodily ills. Of his valet, a middle-aged colored man (v, ho by rcason of prior Bcrvico with eminent people at IVashington and ether places is more than cnlinarily intellirg-ifc and entertaining), the poet Ls very fond, rfiatting with him now and again with a more than usual degree of in terest and animation. HEVDS COJU'AI.ATIV-LY LITTLE Until quite, recently ho devoted a good share of his time to a perusal of tho standard poels and the Itading magazines, those of tho latter to w hose- pages ho wa3 onco a val ued contributor being still sent him rcgulaily and unsolicited by tho publishers thereof, in kindly roniPinbranco of past services. For fcomo years ho has not read tho daily papers, and ovincrs little or no interest in current event?. ' It pains me," lio said, ' to meet with flio detail:; of so much crane and so many casual- Indeed, ho reads comparatively little of any l-indnow occasionally a pago or two, may be, of one of his favorite prose authon, that mainly coi'-st of Hawthorne, Dickens and Thackeray, judiciously selecting therefrom matter o.f cheerful tone and subject. V"hcii undisturbed he is much given to musing; but at time will converse willingly and fluentlj-, displaying thereby a power of memory that, in iew of his feeble physical condition, U quite unlocked for, iccently surprising his son not n little by reciting vcibitim on" of Charles Lambs longest essays His thoughts off n revert to his irreparable loss of v.iro and children, speaking of each tenderly and legictfully, and manifesting a keen interest in tho proper care of their graves ever dv.ellingcn tho domestic afflic tions i.hieh ha-ve broken his heart, and envel oped his onco bi illiaut intellect in a brooding and incuiable lucldiickch. Biool-lvn Iajm- Yoiinsj T.:uIie- m the l.i'iici:. Avay out on the TatiGe coaot a ooi, week men sought to disprove th- allegation tl'at v. omen b choice ahva5 sit do .mi on the iloor or giouml to put on or off shoes and stocldngs IIo plaeed some benches on thi Ijcacli. wlire a number of jounglames-woic in the habit of occasionally going to wade in the wat-r. They caino and gleefully tool: I'OsstSiion of the benches, but .beu they made up their mmds that they - anted to vrade down tiicy all .at on the groun 1 to uidace their ..hoes. Next day this poor, v. oak man had kis .servant 'prcatl brnken gkis, oyster sli-ll1?, otc , on tho beach and tlien wattol, only to see tha girb at wading tune ntdus triostsly clear away tho -.tufT until tliey had . com enough .o sit down. Then Ik- vrcnt awav and marv eleil. Chk ago IlernM. A licit oit the sage Uriisit in:ni. In the spring of 1S8:; tho laud department of tho Central I'acifie railroad decided to make a faithful c-jenment of wheat grow ing on 1 lie bage brush land of .vevada with otit irrigation. At fiftt the exjvcrim-,nt was a j rlml failnre. but '.his year ha? ittovc.1 a mo-t p-ntifyiug success, the land yielding fiftcvn bis.els to tho acre, and tbe-quality of wheat beinp good. The result of this experi ment would eem to indicate that the sag brush land of Nevada is woith cornet-tug after ail, m which cass the siate may become something more than a pocket horjaeii. New York Tribune. Cwttiii Into a drape Sliot. leathern -aw mills are occasionally catting into a grap i-hot imlicdded in trefc. during the late war, and a firm that makes saws piilh lithe as an advcrtzseicent a s-tatriacnt of a 5iiv mill owner that the iinely fciniiicreI sew ho bought of the said firm had rawed eleer through op o them, one and one-fourUi mche-i ui iaaitor. without hurting the saw, and that ho cut two more logs into lumber 1k: fore stopping, and then needed dy thirty five minutes for tiling before going on on good as new. Chicago Times. The Tiit Tcatlier Ampler, ilr. A. F. Tomenco, of Chester, Pa. . cJaims to have made tire first feather duster ;sel in theUi-itcri States. This is Idistnry: 'When I was 1" years oJd I was working wi th my step brother, (n?orge Sax4, on Pearl KCreet. New York, and one day I iatcnI some ostrich feather? on a stick and nswl the appliance for anstmcr. George watrasu las cpaiK, aau an idea .-track him. lie- at onco got to work, : and con had a pattern for a feather duster. lie had it .tatented. and then, entered into i the manittr and sale of the new ictw." Chi' -ago 1 hues. Tie Iioa.1 to Siage Succew There is hot ea way o gettis:.ij: hen- t csiiy on to stage. Ix is hy zzsssog yoat-df in2spcn3..-. and to do that rwr beih time and ofsacr-nity. The LrawroCtaKi never . '. comes. - is n .-- xvk sSi "-s-" mm Ft Lots in McCormicks addition are now "nsale. This property in first hands, lies near the street railway, and Is convenient to schools and churches. There is nothing better in the market. Four lots on North ToDeka avenue at 3100, less than market values. Twenty lots in Orme & Phillips aaition at a special bargain. Lots of almost every dimension on College Kill. The material is ordered for street railway to that suburb. This property will double in value. Acres in all directions, suitable for subdividing. House and lot on South Market street, rented for $10. Price $1,000, Business lot on North Main street, very cheap at $5,600. Lot centrally located on Douglas avenue, $12,500. Fifty ft on Lawrence near Douglas avenue, $12000, very cheap. Fine business lot on Main street between First and Second, old building rented at $50 per month. $12,500. Large lot and six new houses on South Emporia ave. all under rent; pays a good interest on the investment. $10,000. 112 1-2 feet on South Emporia ave. near Douglas. Two good houses, rented at $20 each, east front. Price $10,000. 8 lots in Orme & Philips' addliton, will sell for ten davs at $2500. 10 lots in Richland addition. $150 each, must'be sold this week. 19 lots in Chatauqua addition, $175 each. Lots in Maple Grove addition sening rapidly at popular prices. THE BEST OF" ALL. I have the exclusive sale of a sub-division of the Moser Home stead on College HilL These are certainly the best lots in the mar ket for parties intending to build. Prices range from S1600 to $2,000 each, part time. Call early and make a selection. FBRMS. Farms and vacant lands in all parts of the county. Abstracts of title furnished free of charge. N. F. NIEDERLANDER, Cor. Douglas and Topeka Aves. WICHITA - KANSA-S. Tl 1 . east of the city. These lots are ' The Oldest and Largest House in the City. ALDBICH & BBOWN, Wholesale and Retail Bri Nos. 138 and 140 Main street, J L JOnXSTOX". Johnston & ! 0 Real Estate and Investors:-'- of :-: Capital. Business Lots and Sub-Dividing Acre Property a Specialty. C TRAITGSRS visiting the city writli a vlow of Investing, -will find i to their interest to call at Room Ko. 1, 2Tob!o Block, Comer Dduglas and Topeita avenues, and see Dlats of tho Three Inside Additions, all of "vvhich are vrithin ten minutes walk: from the Business Center. I Sole Agents for Johnstoii& FOR Improved and Unimproved City Property on the best improved streets in the citv. Lots on the inside on street car lines and in outside additions. Suburban lots on the east side in Maple Grove addition.' Business lots and business blocks lor sale at special bargains. Several fine tracts near the city for sub-dividing and plating. Improved farms and grass lands in all parts of the county; also ranches in this and adjoining counties. All parties wishing to buy would do well to call and examine my list before buying elsewhere. W. A. THOMAS, The Oldest Real Estate Agency in Wichita. W. S. COP.BETT. President. A HESS. WICHITA Wholesale Groeer Company. Nos. 233 and 235 North Main St, WICHITA, KAN. HOTGHKINS STATE it IJJIJLIJ SOLE AGENTS FOB ROSENTHAL'S ADDITION. Thi Acdition is locatod in tho north part of the city, between Fairviaw and Arkaneas Avenuee and ia in the highest part of city. Wo offer Special Inducements for tho nest 30 dayu. Ko. 201, S-B CORHEE DOUGLAS AVENUE AND MARKET ST. OHIO I WESTERN MORTGAGE AND TRUST CO., CAPITAL, $J 00,000. Farm Mortgages, Interest at Low Rates, No Delay. act as TKon rK ronpoa.Tiox' , corutrsssaxnt, iwtatw ajto wikt'j. f INTEREST PAID OK DKPOS1T8. AVIPIMra0.Jf-. Iwi3 T J.. rjMo. .-JKERi CUWH " r t OFJTCS. 1S7 22IA.-T S ?-33T- j: c- t-rrzm&& 12S3!j?.S-?r5s" 5j?5. ?WjSS-55BEV?5:Sar wtwL.'-e." ' j. -. -- -. F.'v'i sa?' - T'i:r-lS?llK&3-!:5Ka 2'?, 5-25-5. s r.cygsaa-ff CASKETS, ROBES, B-a-v-. A p1- itVVty itrl ---. WJdtaA. XarM. "r-etpt jl'v-jk fc W rr&tr C . TArFOII. STAFFORD Real Estate and Loan Agents south side Douglas ave, 2d stairway v; of LaA-rencs I Ha. 3c armu. . J Will deliver ICE' to Order by mail or give orders 10 drivers of our rssoas. easts, WICHITA, KAN. GEO. U. BLACKWELDES. v Blaekwelder, these Additions. Blaekwelder. J. H nLACK. lcntarj anl Tr-ourtr Vice I'rwldrHi. & WHEELER, EXCHANGE BROKERS JoL W . KSXN DliliJ. FUirEBAL -:- DIKECTOK. -d Pmimr J- i-- pLtu-.ii..-,i;Drir-.i. "uuui 'tfM ., u.i.a. U6.w GLOVES, CRAPE, ETC. 1WVk. Cwy 3cr - '" Iff 7Uzrh?h. & CLBGG, any pan of the City SALE uUiiii nii I!