Newspaper Page Text
3-rr-'-iTn r v -; - Rfi Ixe ugftxfrita gaili gcrgle: Jtolrtrtlay &0rtriu, gXsxicnite 6, VSS6. t. T 1 rft - jaHXii Adverti-'-ments 5a this column trill be charged for At the rat. r Fire Cents per line per 'week. 'o ad veniwmci.k tken for less than 2j cents, and will r.n tf '.ns-rtctl umi! pan! for. "WAITED. ANTFD Br youn? married mm, nice room. y fumbhelor unrnrnisliol. with boant. Private family preferel. Call or address iloalt-r Safe and, Locfc Co , 127 Main sr. HT Ct "TYr-aTED Cattle "We have romc Que land, no V Incumbrance, to trade for cattle. A half sec tion; One farm, to trade at ca.-h prk's- Jloseley & Jacqnes, room I.o.Sil E. Doubles ave. U-6t VCTANTED A pood too at the Nlcfcle Plate Ke- I I itiuiaiUf . tiuur,.'. ifcfti.. ..... - w In ' required. Jlo-Lley & Jacques, iwm No. SI l East uougus ave. 117-121 TVANTED-A pood skirt trimmer. !U pay a ctwi V price. Sirs. 1- J. :ol. a. Jlarket st. H-- -TTTATTED-A man acquaint! with ciy trIe In V retail procrj. Apply &W E. Pou,- Mt T7-AXTEI-To rent about i-npj collage m cnre MLboriMWd. AMTSr1,,f 15I?,!,,I?frSfi and full p-irticalare. Wm. F- Bollard. clt UtH .NrE -A vronian cuofc at once at 33 E. Douj -rr vNT1 T To loan, at low rate, money on famis and city pr pt-ny Money always ready. AL-o f rlacenn,ruttcela-and team botler Insurance. Vleia o- teparl. loan and Insurance agents, :! :.' ilaln ht, nwm 1 .'. Wichita, Kansas. 1 JS-St -r-TTAMED Employment by a ycutK? man 21 years V V old Have a lair knowfoige of the f uruUcre and uudertaters buMpesi. Have worked two jears at house and cairlare ptiiatln. and am redy to do aiv klad of worc at reaaonahle vrasen. Adlre O. SLU , i-Jte onice. llt- 'VP'ANTED To hire horse and liiht wagn for f delivering groceries to city trade. Apply -S Est DOUe-lof. U-Sf Wr VNTED To rent a farm wtth'-n tn fBHsof W "Wichita, cash or irraln rent. Addreu-. 1 c 4-1, Lou J jn, sinit;er cc unty. Ki&. 146- T7"A7TED Girl ffrieral hoe work: no wa-h-V li.smail.iiri.-at.jrainlly. Appiy, 4 Waco s.t. " 14C-St TTTa:TET A few more day boarders at 2 Vorth V Emporia 1i- W AM tL A plrl to work In family jf two: Cu.1! at 416 Vet lhlnl St. Jlfc-it r vVTED Unix CI rk A IMHnttetf In pharmacy 8p-AiklostrtjrniaiidesirusapoimJii. irHsgur, IXxiT, Florence. l-vf "V"r A'.TZD A few more boarder-' at 232 North Jfaln 'I V 3t . en -u.ri. Good aeconuaodatiouiaart pleas ant room-. 14ii-'tt- Vrr"AVTED verbodywho wanti to po to Fort Si.i.t.i. Arkankd with teaifah or wlthouc t. work oa rtilnwd ti come to my oKlce hy 5 oVl ck f-lxj uad gt'ta frre pj to the work. J. It. Ken worthy, l.iuglui. ave. li:ti' Trr ANTED A first c:&s pantaloon and coat mak- V inniuKlutev at K. W. WalshV. Aathou; Kan. The htgueaS vrlce Iiakl to a good matu i . UVt A'.al-I rTT-AN"i ED 3 grain-i at $3 ft day. 5 Dainwr at SI V day at Mi Douglas ae. J. It. Ken worthy. 1 IVfltr "vtt-aNTF.D Four men wanted at oace to s-U nur- v strv stock in 1 ratt eoanty. Exittso- ihi.I. Ca'l a. lixdyear hotl. llStr "A t ANTED Partner Li t-i K"K-ry I.i the eroc'rr iHtslnei-: t n mail capital rt-qutred; reference eschapgtl. . .. T t.". .'. ..ftmn 1X1 ,r l i"ANTED AKood girl for general housework; V isn jII family. Apply at 4it n W co m. 14 1 tt- -TTT-.VNTEO-Thelidlor WlchltA to know that V t'iev , an have the r drswes and bax -.-s ot - N A Un -.. mt, cutting Ml nttln) for lrs:c a-l t-. 11I at rra-i.udde price, lull ,r aJdrerf irs. ('. E.W. crdtr receie prompt attenti-m, ill-Ct" TVr"A-'"T,' D A CT.peient girl to do general hou- v. rk ju small ramily. Mr. H. L, IVck. UU7 aTi reka. lO-tt iJ a and wife without lnc-am- T h tren. e a situation in tne uy; wiuidic t- them !. usefui in any t-spii-Sty. Both have a bus k:es 4iialirv. u-: afrjid o. wurfc. Ad lrej Man and T.-: , till. ofhee. . 141 wt STKD A lflv fUTHssheil room by two voting i a near the ceater of the city. Ad lres . this 1 ic: I4J-MI TV i TV WTED a y urg girl to assist wtth llnht hou?e k . L.iig in f.'m.iy two aul hep take otrv f A,.plv j.t .'K at 522 N Tpka ave. l!t-.!i .Ii D 'drl f'ir ganeral hecsework. ,4t N t'p.k. L. C. WJbflii Cab P 144-i. "T vsi FD Two La!y roemmate; for further la V t rmatloii euqiiire at lit N Topeka, l-o would sw a go mI tcjf.tu Arpct if can make term to S3 r ii-Jvt nT ANTED-Partle wanting In ires f buv lot. 1. j:orttiWa'lnan,seWliion. T.w-c l l -n ixx c 1 11 cny. una .. "" "" ,e &. a tronta, Fi-r -ale by SlortOJi n ailmin A '-.'"i-t 111 tit "T 1 v . r. D 1 :nm'usit(l alea n..i to w;ll anr ry N f i. Ad lr;- u. K. BwOer. Belle 1 !:, Kan. "V i"MV.t i,e reader to ee ponJMS for livesUn-k ht 1-alr crtind.-. Welu.-Mtsy. Nov. II lai.-. tt ' , ven bv tr, farmers of bedxwick county. cr US ' v ton Mftf Pink or 1 rix i an t, 151 Malu trtet. jlli-HT -- f-ASTEIv-rarti looking for an op.-atax In dry 1 T ,-xt- cr hor.iadre buslaiaSS to call ar ."VI at S i,t,i lil3t TT. r VNTED A voung man In dry gtJds ore, one S esperl-n-.ti preferfrtl. at 151 North a.il4ffet, U.-:i.-8. CI43-t " - N i"ED a reu- art cla-; boarderN. at 242 North taTket street- lJ TT " VNTED Everybody In the dty to visit the A tea saLsry and get thi b-st: cabinet 10;. VS"- VTED Mrs. A. . Ktrd. Sii Soth Main t. V wi-ho the ladles of vrientoi t'v know taat she dx '-! uajle dre- aau cl-jok cnttUu: and nvk .-- ji .1 M(v. -rwv-uil attenUtm t. :e iltsi,ra or c- co-uiu t-&tunir. al4C6t- "Ti"-iN''Et oar com-.eMnt ba- T ine.i'arWy. at XuttsOH tt ''ii deptti-inieat."3 drev-lfc-t T T vSTED- fann aatid at W per month. J. R lt u uw.irtfcy. j Douglas ave. T' V,7 Ei - Position hr a yoen man of In any . i-i.....-.- kn.'iis luinuLnr oit.uie work, wit l.r. : 1 - anvtftuirf that wta lay an elr lt.Ai i, .... v.- - - ' V,. j. uic va iv-k and Kle best of reference. Address -'. H. Ea.leoCl. ' --. -r-. v-rT-n ..! T-tir trt tkA charge V, ; .baud new-BJtierr.nicc- Afdr -ith 1 roCJJi r.v.n !! . H. S. 3rn. KateteaJ. Kan. 142 - "IVAMl.' a ood gUl to do general housework. S iv a Xilu -t. ;t--t -ttj r ,ni-A nurse girl about 1 jest?? of ag. ill n ain --re- it T " vNTtr Jan and tf e. no children; Le awt in- a to-i co. Jc swt sot-i wotker. waws no ofc s.- - t - rl..t oarty; spfcadhl ttoowr; everytwug t& ttaX- us haPl . J. R. Kecwactny, SM bea&aJ -i " tT')-A ovi 'afemuta in gento furcMilsx 1 matioe apply M in principal rU e-tate dler. or TT t! HtltoAsUbeAvefch.Earfeblocc. WS-lit TIaSTS v-x-nrbia;: good p-wlttont on rail Y .tad cjl'1 at it a Sum. -i-TXsTFi-Mc YV o-xl eotentl Jdrl for genetnt w.'?r: I n nxtn ,T,Trp. "..i, nwn-utiiD and noun? witt- t. fcwaius; aeip to caM i 151 a Mate. U2- 1 TT 1 . 1 srr-r -rwi:-. I hare twopafcl will ,r.i tuAahi tx i aU- VI 1 15-H I " . . "j TZT7I v - ! aim iiryi- ---M' ---'--1 t .t i h fo t t-- . .-' iir. i Br-mrt. tC ioe cotKl: fte r"-1 :. n. a.eawi-thy. 5"lfoHlatoATe, iU j 1 I J vrT.tTni- a sjfMttoihr Rvnatt; tnait 21 year. rfujw-hMaiiHilekAucaUon.":Ss - vr'T rw .a a. crr irt reac- uk1 j f,.ist--rurara4 U tlw k,ad U. v.itk. ( .- .iartmiai. ijeKk, Kan. AdU'cw ii-( j ,-r . v rt-.wTh-w-rkx. -f a sperie: uurve .a b? ! by otUa l " ? 1 r.trUl f3tt!. HefCTTW" W--- ..t. -:. t.Tnj. Refcrwv tt.lrl ftr-w So ,-. ouXjwwb- Ho X-J. Ben- UT-T' r.. .blab) okUl-jm Tueitr w VNTt ttMk r. 'i B-C.i At" ASTrr-Toia3U!Pt. boa-oawl A t-, t ..-,. utlattnuiarM. Y Ikttof board at IX k J to- r . lYTurL.n.i.jr A.imMir sssbsjct will I t isV. iTt t-CTe xa4 -how ninrtc it fe- !o. A '- lii ' w tc w -we hoa; ffood pay. ' -- S t lur ..ajr. rff ar nliKt r-.a r. U--s , J tae cxk1 men wfco tI w hT'l t pcrcr.- Tr Ue.irtl. J. E. Hmphn?r & Sea. j Cora S. i H-?;s.larrorcaauMak-Joa. Atoew T. 1 JUrtP tKiSg. tS tf ! OaSa-c. Z. -th aiH. a. oi.ctlB? iifrtr . . -iT'-ANTTD S brhli rrnMcH. Xir-r dy; 1 nu- r1 vers. per Kso.-th mm Ikw 5 wa ! WV'i. J- ll- -.vrirm7. i-ompfc- . Wi-t T ?ATEI A aprl ia frail- , VI quins al i V. t Itint pSrvt. tx iwo. I-1 KI 1 ! "T t.-NTEl To pixf- loit . :? iliac oa fara j or b-:eWck or oa i-korr tia or cfeel oti otat-rri-: rntrs Vn tail iroui.:t Mtri- t: i. Va&l fB. tese oncx. lar-;K --r O Iar??jr ari OHcal:cr so Vacw u: 1 -I- ju' the rtTlei uarrtc,. liMtuu or tH ' esl" bl .-. LV it I A f ANTED Sitejwc i ana tra-. fcirtr ' inUA miib nf cmptptJ. tnojc TMTit'y. , v . nriifi..n tf ttr&idciKn Ktsfw ria-l. Wanlitoui-tjr-.rMlraodc-'iirrsctars. 41K-iiu i "W r A?.TEt1u Jjrad Uirw t the KViimi e tft n i-f TA.-.v, Ki.R-r rrlinm.-! AtvJ.- to J U. neiye-us- r-t!r-.l LHfn,)r. d 5T '- . - wee' .t,n a .n 1 ." iv(u'('tK i.lg liivKi.. t ;; "WAITED. TTTA"TED To bey stock cattle of all fclmw. j. a. V r Beiincr. at Hon and Jlule Market. d?" -TTTAXTEB-Borrowers for money; we place mo acy V at tne loww rates on all kmda of cnartelse- cunty loan.-, nnd also on Eccoml mortsares on fanns. Wichita Banking Co- Ko. t:5 West Douglas ave. 37-tr XTTANTED-ToIoanSWW onbnslne UcOs and V residence property, within tne next thirty davs. Kan.u Loan and Investment company 1-. tr rT vvr-D-To loan at ovrest rates. SM0,a 0 on city WffS fpW- lioney ready angtoy. S. V. Cooper. 137 Mam st. ai Trr vTEI-Bookkeeper and basinet men to VV VnowThaithe-Naiional Accountants' Bureau nrJ .uLViirna&VKl facilities for the procurement of SSutofroSwil women for positions as book-krtn"acl-,untantS. Bnrfnrs men who want fflcfenthelp. -ad expert bJkke-per who canrivc ?rsti-l3-s reference, and want situations, would do w?n1bradto5m. Office for the state of Kansas S taeiosiihuetercKuslnsssCoi:ese. Wichita. Kan sas. dlii-u TryANTED LadkH and sutlemen to know that students at the Southwetom business college are ia--tm'-ted private !y at their deks. thns avoiding all embr.rra.--meut. FVrons can attend the tLv or evening M-slons w ith eiual advanta5e3. i:K-tf "XT7" ANTED EveryLodv to know that the new up V V town oMce of the W chits Coal and Fuel Co. Is open evening. Order? left thsr? will be promptly tilled. Convenient u pestofnee. :io. 151 Xerth Main street. l'X-lm TP'ANTEB-A good strl for family of three; 142 K V Emporia ave. g. i. tratt. llitf "TTTANTED We vrunt you to know that your own V latere; requires you to Invest in the Wichita Gardens before the price goes up. Ashbel WeJi-h, EaIe block. 13S-1JS FOR P.E'T. "TOR REXT Two very plea'ant nnf urnl-hed rooms X or cne furnished room; Boutaea't and e?t ex posure. F"ur blwks from Occidental hoteL Terms reasonable to ri,-ht parties. References eschanp?L Address, Lock box iS. 1 i-fct- TTiOR RENT .V ell fitmlshed room. 4il South X: Lawrence. K1 TTiOR RENT N'ew house of li rooms ready for 1? .xntwncv December 1-1; prlcn -j?!--) per montn, ipancv L F. Stearj Call on as the ticket b-roter Hi E Donglx, 145-5 If avenue. 3 Emporia UVCf "17OR RENT A nicely f ttrr.Ihed room cheap. En X qoire at Hi n 3Uln. ll6t rOR KENT Furnished rooim Topeka 144-i -A larso two-story hoc --e of 7 roonts. TTOR RE-r r Onw ni'-e ftimi-he I room for two with J. board. Enu Ire at 4. Topeka ave. Ul-st T'i U ItKV r Two ilrst cla?s -tore rooms. X Hardy Solonio'i. 327 Douglas ave. Apply to di4:tf 77OR KENT A neat home, S.H North Market st. n t room., cellar, nice van! and convenient out buildings. Po3-estou given November 13. to a f amiiy v.ith:u small chiiilren. R. ILttthews, 123 Main st. dlli-Ut TTOR RENT One larg nicely furnlshetl front 100m, 1 with porch In front, bt window on south: is in lHt Ifvalltv, I--s tliin t.vo block from 1-uuclas ave. Inquire at C50 N Emporia ave-lloard furnished. tU3Jit " FOR RENT On nicely furnished room with bsth room attstched. Refcren-"es retrulred. Call at 216 Nortn Topcjcn avenue. dU3-t;t- FOU RENT An clexantly furnished r-j t.i two rl vimnir men with Driv!le.;i roim, c neap: also, an unrumitieu room iwiuu-dui m. Call at 131, North Main street u.:aii:. bed ro tll(4t ToR RENT Threo room house; 5 room hcu-e. and X a 4 room house. Miller i Sheppard, 7U1 Ea.-t eak street. dll3 6t 17OR RKNT Pleasant furntsue.l rooms to single X gentlemen, at 4.i South M-irket st. dlli-iit .''OR RENT Two furaNhed room.-, at uiO a Topeka J ave. Ijj'iulre on the premise. Is2-6t 7-OR RENT A nicely f urnlahsi room at 201 : reoceave. ! Law-112-ot- iOP. RENT One or two pl!aant furni-hod room' X1 f.jrreistallK.ldia.-e.notror. Douglas. 112 etr "J'lUlt RENT Nicelv furnt-hcl iiwm over bank of V Wicnlta hi iutJie "for S or 4 gentlemen; reabonabb ratos. At.piy at J1 Douhuave. 142-t 17"R RENT FuTiIhed ithmjih by the day or week. 1 Inquire at 61") East IoujrIa5 avenue, room I up i;3 West Doutflit-. room 1, ever lYtrfco clothing stor.-. Mrs. J. M. SlAcr. d;37-lm' FOR S-VLE. "iTiOR SAl A "White" sewing machine, as pnoil X! as new, t& -WJ. Call 41-1 Nortrt Emporia. 147-t -11IR ; vLE new ounfec'ioncrv. bakery awl re J't taurant, al ne-v. tti.e !-eatl--u la a ftae room acd dc-iayr a tiw4 buias. lYk iiKnIerat. Oood rea sons for selling. Rothenhoter Cc, Arkansas City. 147-8f 171'JR SALE Chvpet rami in Sedgwick county. A i half -et'uon, goxi tKipron'n.g.jil bnUdlasa-. two ells u farm, ail smooth tillaide land, about 2' ac ei under cultivatioM. larg1 bearing orchani, si'.nated between ..rwnwrch aad Henton. Price. r.uj too.1 trim!. Muselev : Jaciues, 311 s Doagln.-ave. 147 I2t 1 ' t R S LE OR TR.VDE Five thOUand cl5r Call X at No. 115 North Lawrence e. lli-t-' TOR SALE Twirod pool-; well bnfce to saddle i'' nnd hane-; coau or t) d tys time. T. 3. Runrer, First st. Park 1'iaee mid. irR Al.k The nxM d" BurWlag -lie on i CoIh hil'. llap- grove addition, on ntral ii. at!xl3)feet. sfcai and fruit trees; by illl!er& hueppnrd. TUi E Oak at. 1 77-OR SALE I ot in Jtorton Wf4lman s addition in X the north part of the citv. Term-. S"5 -ah. bal auo S5 a month. Tub. t a sptendi 1 o; portuulty for ik-oiiI- w itc lin.l:eil means to procure a nome For saif by A orma Walliuan Co., 1S3 N italn. 1 !4-t TTVlR SALE Four low in Ford's "second addition j at a sa. rtflee. Mas: je sold this week, tfooti lo cation, south and oaat front, street car-, within two ftlo.-k.-i v lwnata for tamebo-ly. Inruire at 14 North Main street. disot iOR SAIJG Ht-tanraBt ami landi room uolng a 1 tiavioi bn-rae-s; .vncral i.cnta. So. 2W E Doag h avenue wu: re-erre rrfrg--rator and -tova and sell at a bargain if -ohl before Monday night; real peW 21 days In advance. l.-ot- 1-ORS.Vl Good basinet for lady or gentlmaa X ulthfatWcaptt-J Ciuseof s-jUmj. dMth. Ad Oio O C. Humm. city. 142-wt iOR SALE On north Kaln. 2 lots be'ueen Tenih 1 ami rleventii; 3l,h part time; .1 snap. Taylor Taj lor. room 1. 2SJ Main st. 1 U-tf ; 7 'JR SALE-Speeiai uarpain restaurant aau ciiru JL lac aoS aoijig a sii3iii uuiutai-. i io.v- eu-iom aui a- itol prlots as any waere la the etty. tuou treat ii Duugios are. tdcineso ciue of il tog. IVvfitt ITSjR SALS 58 cue (.txa la the vidaHy of Gol . dard. hedgwlcfe 'unty. Kan. Prices ruatug from S15 to J.S acre. Couvyaacu free. y.wr u sathtvlauil. c-tate tuid loan agents. .;oldard. E.n. -t "j k sAtS-TV ar-u-a -Dot of too world. Othrr- X wt known as tue Wichita iJrdns. Fr tnfor TT'OR SALE 2S or 10 acres lot ia the W ichitn Gir i.' dns n ra.-amton avetra. aorta or a. ck . oy to prloelphl :-:ute distilera or Asttiei Wevfc, Kagie owes L"5Kt "TT'OR "-VIJ5 Call at once wHUa the P--SCM a.- Sow. i. n. better bargxla- can ce od tiiaa ia the 'A k-cit.t cjardeas. shbet .VeJcft. tuvgv bioc-. 1 WR S.I Kazaslv h-tiae. ra"r Docian and I X Fourth; tan tare and drtur and all 1 that belong fc t. hotie... 5& . Oat of a b- wx t t1"0 ia teUy, nli- a fc-- uatil lh tt cf Hay. iotJr at lUJ-outn KvKli-tJt.vBBe. ' 1.,'H saLE A gvnt family bore aad b?; pin X cash aad lasA-Umea.s. OU1 at 223 a Fourth ae. j tas-tr J OSS ALE- -A wn ftjtioel l&rjix cr tfc elt; 1 one Hundred aau uitT tcm, s&x-W buriis :7c'i 1 ft- days Cil mt liartty soJucmmi s retl ej:su C. SH1 DrmsitL" we. iriOR5-Vl-K-One ksadml aau City tctl cor Tfelrrt : .1 t. Ufcl F.iurti A' ?- ax x banssia for sfei. l Cxr. j i .oes i-w.T- tat-tm , 17"OR PJkLK . rre. iis-s uto(tte'l J.' tira, HM f -faiiaer In tir or & .-faCr-rt- ! i-xr? !.! : W fty . Si , US nrie f-T few !- Fuvaaa, ff.vTj 1 i ! So--ta 1. yo.l&Mmin . 2. 'A"sAtE-A. Co twiaar . cc tte :u J I j. r!- . -.- -. -. -r rn.-wv TT.XiR h.Vi fs rrm Mt Xi. apin, baprore-l L -rood p-nt te.vl. srNt y tna. twsiH : jnriifctf ! I twrr w! pKiKHft. V ul jfiTe lrac uae pe wtH tB !'i trj !. c cstdn. ItaaiK a: jai' s&v- JUae R SALE A icil btctcara -31 acr h su ImmCaref Mrt to oa ! L.K. t Ut , jOK SAtA uw bwiwi ire iroat im m 1 X1 rt h?-- w"w between -Mod t 1 'trwsfc. SV tena- call on J. E HacxnAn-y :. ; yrORSALK CHjw: UkiClce t35 rJC. a. :..i!"re.r2i- T-V?S.vLi-SuH IB Hc-r 4(aD. Ttw Vrftfrmrt OB .MSa SSC nswt rt r.. "iml m b M flBrt.y tnnv QvB tw Bs-I ' i at Aatbw.r. Kul tJe aw ilj. sHt wftl lvac roc fcin. 1 a; iKwatarav wqr ! mt. tie UBftKBw. "! t w2 sd c-fc.r. ! LB. Fjrf-. iBMr. a-. ,'tf j . I.'K rAi-ii ri. .k .-.-- '-j' --ir : -t-j. (H ST K (T-tK a nri tw 1. ,-irr.iJ Ik- f. P-- to K.i aa im. - ijia- i-s tty R&J U fcBO. CaS -9 s: t-inifCicta Htsi. wtil ICilaj a. 3r Haln t. .l -T-iJM'iAl Js -ClTiJeli? aI catAC IWUKJCi. 1 Snv HarW-.ltiTT taM.i: Nocill Biasrtit lri.u- Ti. u rival ran1 at srrt-el Xr a citfr7 .JK'Iil. vj ... - FOR SALE. TTOR SALE Choice comer lot inr airview&aajtion; 12 cheap. Apply- to The Acfjlo-Ainerlcaa Loan s. 1 Investment Co.. 117 East Douglas ave. ciiJ-ei FOK SALE Choice bnslnc-rs lot on ilaia street. A bargain for a few days. Apply to The Anylo Americaa Loan & Investment Co, 117 East Donzias avenue. dI4Mt EOK SALE Property In all porta of the city at all price. Apply to The Amrlo-Americon Loan Investment Co , 117 East Douglas avenue. dl43-St T7KJK SALS-Some cheap lots In West Wichita. JL? Apply to The Anglo-America Loan & Investment Co., 1I East Douglas avenue. dltSe TTTOR SALE Oak street uroDertr. Call and tee u JD before Investing-, ililler Ehppard, '01 Ea-t dlUt oak street. TT'OR SALE jOO town lots in Garden City; special barsaln?; alio deeded land adjoining the city. Call on cr address E. J. Pyle, real estate agent, Uarden City, Ean. 45-Tm 1TOR SALE. Good residence ana business property in town of Clearwater; also a (rood farm near county scat of Comanche county; will trade for Wich ita city propertv. Inquire 12J ilarfcet street, llitf TTiOR S.iE We own all of thia prorerty and will 1 sell anv of it on small payment down; balance In three or tlvn year. AH of it U In town and In no body's future great addition. 3 room h tc and two lot-. Wicnlta bt: 5 room hoa.-o and one lot. Water st, north; 3 room house and one lot, Watr st, north; 5 room house and one lot, W ater st, north: 4 room hou- and one lot. Market street, north; 4 single low. north Market street. 3J ft Iront each : lots No. 43, 95. 141. 106, 12)k US, 1-ti, ica. North Water t. each 30 ft front: lots No. $, 4, 46, 3. KJ.4i W, C2. 23, VJ. I?. 123. Wichita hi; lots No. 72. Ii. Waco ave; lots No. 1, 3 and 5, S3 ft front. Washington ave, Deam's add en corner; lots Nil. 2 and 4, Wabash ave. Ream's add, corner; lots No. II. 13, 15, Thiiteenth ?t. Hover's add: lot3 "'. 6, 5, 10 and 12. Fourth ave, Orme & Philips' aUd: lot No. io, Emporia ave, Orme & Phillip"' add. For full information a?olv to Lew Beam cr Harry Stewart. d!43-tf LOST. T nST-GoId spectacles. A liberal reward will Iw JUpald for their return to No. IC." Douglas ave. J. K. Lauck. 14Wf J' OST Overcoat aiid hat at tiiaU. A. Ti. hall on JFridav nirht. Oct 20th. The limler will be llber- allv rewarded br leaving the same at the Ikteton store. 142-Gt- FOR TRADE. TT'OR TRADE S20 acres, Kinmin county; 40 acre X in --n'tivjtlon, well and living water. buiid:ng worth .i.O. A eood Ixiv of land. Mortcase cf gl.'j can be assumed. Will trade for Wichita prop erty. Inquire of Geo. C. Strong. dHJ-lmo class hot-l near Wichita, hav rentinir for S-a t-t'r ooIs or unencum- block I3--12t 170?. TRADE At a bargain Well improvMi farm X? for a residence property. Eckardt ic Scott, at t-ant.1 Fe liaServ. l(U-tf T7V3R TRADE Ltvcrvatible and the entire cutlit, X; good bu-intss, g't location; everything be longing to a rtrst-cLc-s livery stable; itnatcd In th. city of Cleveland, Ohio: will trade for land in wc-t cm Kansas. For particulars address lock tor I.S. Wichita, Kan. KW STRAYED. STRAYED. From the Flaughtpr house of Grimes & Drake In West V'icMta. six fat cows two to live vears old. will weigh about one thousand pounds itveragp. Leae Information at City Meat xa ket, 5S1 Ea-.t DuJglas ave , and receive reward. M'r-t STORAGE. OT0R.VGE For household goods or merchandise, O boxed or loobe: If you have any goods to -ton bring them to the Wichita Storage Co., No. Hi West Dough:.? ave. W-If. Bargains in Real Estate. A fine agrlcnltnml and stock farm, three and one half miles rruin city, about 123 acres brokj, one quar ter nation fenced lor paturo, plenty of water and a small house. Also Jw lo'i la city finely located and In good nei-'hborh.yd. fcpeclal ti.rms to those wishing to make homes. Alr suburLan property. For further pertlculirs v ChrS. T. Fearcf, agsnt for War. Grelffecstein. at cltyoftlce. dKo-tf DR. WILLIAM HALL, of Hall & Ecnr-ett, Gives pocta! atlentlen to Diseases of women, Elood and Skin Di-'asc-s and all troubles of the Urinary Organs spee-illy cured in both M-ses. OClce over Woodman's Rani, North 31aln street. Consultation day or night Fuze. (Read Drs. Hall & Ik-nnctt's card In this pairrj 121tf FINANCE AMD COMMERCE aLRKETS BY TELEGRAPH. rew York Money laritct.. Nnvr Yoes. Noventter 5. Money -On call setivc st 4 to 7 per emit, eloslng at j Pt cent, Prlrfc aereh-intile Paper Jg3 par cent. Stc-rlln-- Exchanc" Lull b.:t ste-idy at 4?CH for ftidav-j bills and t-'-i for demand. Government lijuds Dull and eteaily. StAte Rjnd3 Dull ana steady. 3-perccua S54 i-per-cenW 12S 4H-j-'rcnL- H-Hto 5 per-cent of 'A li Missouri's h Stocks were more setive act! life was noticeable in usual leaders of spralathn. estk-etelly the Van derbilu and Grangers. Market eloaed steady to llrri clcso to best of day. The total sales of stocks today was 3ILe?S share. Chicago i Alton 144 Chhrago. Burlington .t yuincy iw.i Itsiwana ijike Shore Missouri Pact Uc Northwestern New York Central Ilcadlnx Kock Isbnd CnlonPaeiiic Wabash Western Union AT JtfcF lstTs DoRH Ill fe n:a :i 1125: svv. 127.; ... . 60, 19 " rs I44t ivanMaa City Oram and Traduce. jCCCsta.-" C:tt. N vember 3. Wheat Receipts 23.W); thlpmea: LtWfc in store. 4S2.t". srromccr. s-al-'s raogsi. No. 2 retl cash. !ji bid; Novemb.J KM bd: December. &H brtl; May. i No. 3 red soft, i-ii-s bid, Novetnber. 45 bid. S asKtrL C-m Receipts, SCCO; shlpmmtts, POrju; In iron ; 5,fl Oa!t, Sale1 ra,tei. 2,'o. 2 caxa. 29t, bH: Dc si-h btd: i'..iy. -Xfr btd. Oats "Vsa. 24, a-s-ted. ;.ov. ii.j bid. rtye No. 2 canit S. bid, special. Etrgn -Firm a. 1-c-,-. ua:kas !ccarlot. ix.7y,:3ccc S&SStc: f.Uftdy, 3i ami li; choice. SI 'dSl 4St fancy. 51 Mttl fO. witent. SI ti"g2 C5; rye Sour, Jl 451 '. Rvt Noveinber. JS bid. MltWn:? SvU:rf. Corn Kenl tJreon. 7i. dried. 0. Com t"h-p BuIk. 'A; racked, 75. SsBlVtun irs2c. Bran Ralk. 47. kicked. 52. Hay Hfelb'r. small baled, 212C; large, SUSO. FUx -es.l Rioted at S5. Butter Ste-ty; rr.mry f Ancy. 2S; good, 20; d&lry , U: -wire paijf e.1. 12; common, s. Eg? tVnerat 1-c Cb.-" Full i-rtsam- l-1; fiat, "ftjs; Youb? .merica. 13,; Kansas. 67. ppwltrv ateady; old h'ts 2 53; oJd mfce-d. 11 n Wr-ol Hhc-'on.unwa.-.Btl heavy Znr, '.'18; ItxhU W2is medlinxcrabi3g. 22yJ4. coarse. Jt2i, low at-, carpet. I.V51.- ICanHts and rs.ska heavy fin-. iii--. tfcrht :Ail Kuvliur.t- ai;.tab wTc-hsi coi)-34:Z- ut rtin-r r.s tnt. -?--. ?prfc-chjcfcen. Jarje, A2 10, smalL 51 "&1 75; tty- Cn - raliow 'o. t. 3Ur29: No. 2. 3. hfct. Drv fitet 'vl 1 ".3. No. 2-. S: buils anrt iis'. ' t.Tr uitt ni ! ut - ,--i &a:: .s : -t i 2. ;.- ir-n nacare.'. No. L 7. N ?-it.. dry. ni AC x. ; ok. tit; sep nH .-im SJxirt. 4V: crw: crtwa hnrl. fe vlt w-oriinr. ! -H''H K"s roar-. ., frtrvl-.oo ngar care! '? tofe: bs. I 5. ;rits iteo -l' ."TL,- :rf JUt Of- f' : kwK eir. ct-M ,fci. ?; : i.k d-j-. j; so; bVvt ir. 47 .B.n- p-k. 5 ok Sfilr.. i2 3 bt r. is x ljni-Tsi.'y. Here. 15.5. iirseo ,ipfMB. U4c; pca. Asarjc I ChJeas Grain a,ntl rrtrtacc. Caaura. itosz-cAar 5. Tbe M.'l: trs 11 dkjnmetettaai to-l- t7 ei- treme inBdew. Tfcere m -rarr Hitte data? fa wieai SBd wfcs vrttMc riose oCmd r.-a.- si ehwcrl . &ade luZJirr Aaa yw-tenfer- Tker? tittle asari)cafattatea(a.Mt a4- ir fcy-1 tesPc,oe apca-Hiete-eii At eirfe- evfaUcjaad demaadei Uia dbe acd the caiM fetvc ?- "t wiUaaii f&tBrefe. . with aia jtoi watn ibe woman rea?ei. ci prto- Mtotrc Vwa 2 peter aeC So. a N2rei. ;- K-So. i u. Fli rfrti-;No. 1. yVJ-Me- Pt-J 3 tL WfcMt? 1 : Lcddlns: faaCTOt racked a ;Bct er.i :. . tSf aj4 KovwrnlMr.. UeMBbtr . smu .... j jgj Cats 5otbs- r. . vu -. ... 0 a--Pwrl. lrJ -Oj Jii. Xmh. t asss tiKirs ieir-i ShlfinentJ. lLOfiO 7J1 122.0D 6iOO) aoo 21.W0 Flour. ... Wheat Corn Oats Rye Barley... St. Louis Grain and Prodcce. St. Lccts. Koveiaber 2. Flour Steady and unchanged; ttt $2 2Gi 45 family, 52 33xs2 ;(h choice. J cC4-5 15; tancy, 5 -w 3 Tin extra fancy. & TZZ SU; patent. 4 Ui54 S. Wheat Opened hlgner, bat reacted clo-lng at No.2 red cash "M, .November 72irt74is. dt-siaf 73; December, 7537EJ closlcs 16 bid; January. 77Jvi 7, closing 7.5s. "ay, s4jsis. closing M-i-?s- Com Higher, bat dell; No. 2 ntlxnl. c3h. S343i; r.ov.344nS453. closing 34?j: Dec. C4Tf.clc lng SJ. January, E4y-.XH, closing at SM;May,s33uji closing at CU. Oats Dull; N'o.2. mixed, cash. C3: November 25?. Dec.2t': May. SLlS.'?!. Rye Easv at 43 bid. Barley Quiet; 5ts3 Lead Firm; refined, e hemlcaUy hard. $4 10. Butter Easy; creamery. 2Js23r dairy, 12&2X Eggs Easier; IlJSlSJsc Whiskey Firm; l IX Provisions Generally firm. Pork-Strong and I2Ji cents higher; 55 S7-i. Lard Steady: 5 S-3 sa. Receipts Flour. 27,lcw; wheat. 24,); corn. ZSJXQ oats. 10MH; rye. O.tOO: barley. 1.U1. Shipments Hour. 7,aa; wheat. 2Ja; corn, ats, 42AJ; rye. none; barley, 5.iX"0.. 3,'MUl cats, Xevr York Grain. New Youx. November 5. Wheat Closed heavy- Ucgradeil red, Sl&S: No. 2 rel, sT-fs elevator. SIHsj aSuat, No. 2 red Nov.&J4'lM;l- o3 io!i'. Corn Ungraded 45 &?: No 2 4Stf4'?s elevator. 4s-4njf aSoat No. 2 Sorenwr. 4J to 43Js; December vaiLj .ictlve; mixed western 42M; white western. 3TA1. Butter Juie'; western, 12&S. Cheese Firm; witern HtsllfJ. Ejs In demand: 1 esteru fresh, 224J22H- IZansas City Live ijtcefc. Kassas Crrr. November 5. Cattle Receipts, OOTS; shipracntjs. Zb I; 'low; good to choice 4 Vi 8r. common to medium $3 UXj 4 ti; etockers, $2 252 u; f-ier, $2bua cd:cokv, 1 yid2 0); grass range stwrs, S2 2323 3J. Hogs RectlpLs, 10.4LC; cMpments; 31'; weak lower; gol to choice, S3 a'si Si, common to me dium, $ TSiQZ u. Sheep Reeeipts, JS J; shipments, none: teady:Rocl to choice, $2 3.$3 ur. common to medium, $1 &1&2 25. St. Louis Live Stock. St. Louis. November 5. Ctttle Receipt'. 30; shlpracrts, lli market active;quick cL-arscee at strong figures choice native teer, 4 3114 SO: butchers strrs, common to choice. 1 10ft4 15; reeding ster. fair to goixl, SI SX&3 lot IVsans and Indian, common to chjfce. $2 hk.1 7 : fair to meiliam htpf-ers. S3Z0 to SI C; stocicers. fair to good SI 7.v2 a. lic-gs Kc-Hpts. 4-iih shipments,aj'i; market opened -tron: choice heavy and butch-'r- selections, 5'vs4(B: piiCkers fair fo test, 3 6S..3S"; yorkeru. fAlr to ciiolce SJ TfJ Su; pigs, common to goon, S2S0.isr.rK Sheep Ff-celct?, 160: shipments. Sh rood mutton and fat lambs strong; common to medium slow; com mon to prime, J2 Crf4 1 '. New Y'ork Live Stock. New Yorjt, November 5. Beeves RerclpM, 2.20O; steadv: native stetrs $3 b5-5 3, Teians and Colorado. S .J! QS t3 fchtep Receipts. 3.W. market dnll; S3 U)ei4 20 for shrep; $5 iM-3 23 for lamb-s. Hcys Receipts, 57C0: weak: quoted 3J 70G5. Chicago Liive .stoclr. Ckicsoo. November 3. Cattle Receipts. 7.0.0; shipments, 5Xnr. market steady; shipping steers, S-" 4.'; lo, stockers anfl feeders 2 nSi5 25: cows, hulls and mixed, il OVs2 .a; bulk 81 75i;225. through Tesas cattle $233WH cows. 32 2532 7!h -teers S2 70S-1 23. western rangers dult natives and half -breeds, 33 axil ; win -ere. I Tt-xans. 2 25( $-3 2U; northern rangers. Montana. $2 .. (VHC; Wyoming and Tcxans, 3S13-3C;; Colorado $J20. ITor P-coinrs. SJ.C'iTt shlnment". USKH market steady and strong: rotiih aad mixed. S33k-?.i i packing and. shipping, S3 y2$ 'r light. 33 15,'il 15; Sbejp Rtceljt C'A1- "hlpments, 2,00: marker' si'iw; natives'. :i 7r'j Ml western. 5a wi3 .; Tesas, : COS W. Iimbs. ?2 75-i 40. OYEIl THE OCEAN. Enirland. London, Xov. o. A. remarkable storm cloud burst over the lake di-trict of Eng land. It was the heaviest ever known in that locality. Damage to property very large; many cattle lost. Shrewsburg cup, two miles, was won by thcDuke of Seauforts. Hussia. Ter"Ovlv, joy. .1. The Russian cap tain, sabokotl, leader cf Coup Detat in May Idft. at midnight Wednesday led a Iwnd of Montenegrins which attacked the prefecture at Bouagas and seized the pre fect antl otlier ollieers and proclaimed Rus sian ruie. The government has sent trsops to quell the revolt. The officer who es caped f "am Bourgas says the populace are awaiting the coming ef the troops to assist them ia'the attck upon the Russians. The "Will of Hehrietta Lenox. Xew York, Inov. 3. The will of the iate Henrietta Lenox was offered for pro bate to-dav. It disposed of propertv v:d uetl at $16,000,000. After giving a bulk of the fortune to rel atives she makes the following bequest: To the Lenox library, piece of land on 70th street and .$100,000; "to the board of foreign missions and the board of home minions of the Presbyterian church of the United States, oO.O'K) earh; American Bible so ciety, $23,000: Presbyterian home for aged women, Presbyterian board of relief for disabled ministers and widows and orphans of deceased minL-ter-, trustees of general assembly of the Presbyterian church rf the Uniled States, for ue of Presbjterian committee mi$ious for freedraen, V'm. ii. Paxtn, D. D , to be ued by him for the benstii of the oocr of the First Presbvter- ian church of V-w York, .$10,000 each, and to the .New York association for im proving condition of the poor, o,000. , iis"Leno.-: died July (kh and delay in oiTerins: the will for probate was done in hope or a contest. This failed aiMi protests have been entered b- m. IJ. Binks, James Lenox Banks aad Henry Lenox Banks. These three heirs content on the ground that ILss Lenox was not of sound mind when she wrote the codicils. Isabel Receipts. I-IXiO 14L0CO 23.ftl 140X0) 3,a) 47,'AO ADDITKJNALTELEGRAPHi -.rtawahV also objects to the codicil ! and there is an out lovk for aa ;ocrftl ac 1 27th, 1HS5. i tivitr ami prices generally xtil beta, B. iiattr.rthv of April ilissoiiri Crops. St. Locis, Nov. 3. Sir. J. 17. Sanborn, I eereJarv gi the st;ite boani of agriculture, furaisbes the Associated Press with the following oSScial information: Fall crop retura from Nov. give an average retnrn ol corn better taaa expected. Fur the staf the average is 28.S hnshels per acre. This makes ic an any of 632,03'J acres 149. 731,212 bushels; potatoes are 06 bttshete per acre, lobacen 7j6 pounds, sorghaci 53 galhas, apples 73 per cent, of full crop. V Ihsit i? now looeice venr tine and ..-.,-; - inn t .- f fnlT -,t n-wruv and the arer. u iacreased to 102 per cea of last Tear's arm. A drv October has cai , snort the leed of all pesttires sad jtocs is rQt .KnTiii-' -srfeen iwvt well f aad will i come to wietcr quarters thin in 9&A. A JJmt. j Chicago, Not Z. Mrs. Joha Jloston I lives Trith ber husbaad at 263, Washington street, oa the top door- She -'a- divomsl f rota ber fona-r htebsad. frtderict Rob erson, ioeje time zg and keeps their child. La- Bist Ruberain exiled st tier room 1 lie threw kerueese oil OTer hsr pernm aad his escoe. Tbe woaiaii ran to the floe belo. o. -VTherc ber atirbiaor aeocw-ilei! ia Uagutibisc the Sre vhich eaveopa1 her oarvoH, but not ;rma sbe bad been jearf aBr biiraed stout tbe srai, snd &od Her ii lire?ire ifcoegitt to ha izSaS. Roberst I has sot acta captured. naica is T2ica Kaas Crrr. 2for. 5. 4im CumniiBjr, -- ' ' - -r. n-, . tbecxprfe L .-!- ..,", - roooer r. raciec, .K.O., i? aor at Libertr. 3I. . hiving cose tb-re fnwa 1 bis ranch ia Mosnia. 3fale 5.a Asiniaen:. Xosassk. life.. Nov. 3. Tbooas E. T7nU vl.iwvvrofihKTiW,. rI. -t -,. t cJsnaeet u Juba H1IK prcrfdecr of e rir: Kaiiaal baitfe. Ii.-.fcilHks S.5C0 &J. a.-tta-r-towa-rwiiearc sa.l fana, -wiiich i: is s2,l ir- btavilv mongaged, 0NE,TW0,TBHEE0RDER The Mesican "Wife Mnrtierer Sliot to Deatii Three Days After By Order of the Court and "With the President's Sanc tion, the Order and Execution Beinjr in Accord ance "VTitii tlie Criminal Laws of Mt-'xico. The Atlantic Seaooard Again Exper ienced a Severe Shaking Up, the Vibrations Extending" Prom 1', abliinsrton Ciry lo 3IIddle Geortria and Lasting Twenty- of Five Second?! ao iona Damage. Ser- Au Extraordinary Execution. Laredo, Ter., Nov. 5. The most ex traordinary execution occurred at sun rise vestena' laorniuir in Xew Laredo, iiexico. The vicfiiTi was Pedro llosendez, a ilexi ctm. who as:iPsinated his aliened mistress, I Senora JiKcSa Gomez and her daughter. ia-t Sunday morning in a passenger coach of a national train as it enteral the station in New Laredo. Rosndcz was executed by the !oip:I authorities of Neuvo Leon, three day- .-.fter hi-s. crime, without any pretens"" tt" any hearing cr trial of any character. He was led from the jail about 6 o'clock by a squadron of six policemen. Ke asked them not to blindfold him but to permit hiai to smoke a cigurette. This privilege was granted The doomed man stood facing the rifles and deliberately rolled a cigarette, struck a match, took half a dozen whiffs, and then raised his right hand as a signal for the otlicers to proceed with their work. The guns bl.ized forth their contents, and kosendez fell pierced with four bullets. His brains were scattered all around the ppot a here he stood. The death warrant for his execution has been telegraphed from Guero, and was approved by President Diaz by telegraph. The executiou took place under the law that was passed by the federal congress last spring, which declared that any one caught in the act of interfer ing with railroad trains hou!d be shot to death at once. This is the ilrst execution under the new law. More Earthquake Shocks. Augusta, Gti., Nov. 5. At i2:8G this afternoon there was tlie se verest earthquake shock sincii August '2 i The shcH-1 Listed 2.1 seconds and tae o ple rushe-1 into the streets. No damage. WAsni;:aTo:;, D. C, Xyv. 5. -V t-Hght shock of earthquake was felt here about 12:'J.3 p. m. Chaklssto-n-, S. C..2tOV. o.X 1 light but marked shock of earthquake was felt in Charleston at 12:20 this afternoon This was the tir;t shock in a week and was liirhter than that of October 22. No lam age reported and ucf interruption of busi ness. Raleigh. N". C. No'. r,. A Elijrht earthquake shock, sho-.t in dnrat'o- b .t auite nerccntible. was felt here at 12:2o p. m. iLcos, Ga., -nv. 5. A slight earth quake shock was felt here at V2J?3 o'chyk this morning. No damage has been re ported. Richmond, Va., Nov. 3. Two slight shocks of earthquake were felt here at 12:30 p. m. Vibrations were felt sensibly in the upper stories of the houses. Savannah, Xov 5. A sharp hock of earthquake was felt hens just a the cmk-k- were striking 12 today. Tyliee isLtwl reports it the heaviest felt there since Amruvt 31, and was preceded by ludd rurnbiiug. It lasted thirty seconds and the people rushed out into the streets. 2o damage beyond cracking glsa. Ciiari.EbTON, Nov. 5. A severe thock of earthquake was felt at Chestertield, .S C.,at 12:20 p. m. The same shock was felt at Lawrens, X. C, and wa-s tlie heaviest eperienceil there since August 31. Braddtreet's Eulletin. New York, Nov. 5. Special telegrams to Bradst reel's record show more wide spread check ui the movement of general merchandise than heretofore noted, due in almost sJl intances to the combined iafiu ence of tlie election and continued iiniea honably wann weather. The odTv excep tions are Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Joe, where no special change is announced. Jlercantile coileclionn we wisier at St. Louij. fair at Burlington. In,. im1 St. Joe: at New Orleans more ditiicuk. at K:ujmui Ciy, falling off; at Cincinnati aatl Peoria, notably sl7w. The ilry cxxls tmis appears to feel" ths hair in buvrai: x much $ anr lite: ite at Boston are" less than for serer&l preceeding weeks; prices hold ftatay and ua some hran-ls of cottons, higher, ram wool quiet ritory ".tools notitssabiy wekr. The New York stock market howd an advancing tendency in the early part of the week with a decided disposition to renew manipulations and speculate i& on tae bull side; thh was, JwweTrr, checked by a K.rr. ATinr in ml f,r moa-r and t?ic deprcasioa on Aniericaa seeiriiies on tit Ijanioa market. Ikals were fakir ac f .: - -.11 - uth .. 1 t iwi but fairlj eairr again oa Frklaj at 3; ita- toftEL- firm at i: UtrvlR exemtazt; wean ana iepreeti rafter ofleringii botfe of cxpor: snil ,.tivfr tilht There is b likeiajood oi a near adra ia eaem ptg irta prices wwn : - nwiod warrema it; nrfk rery 8a; imer- icttn rad nuiJa Je afeeaclr eoattxacfeu ataa jr-r eq ial to ooe qoarter their eaftac rtv 'wu.! k- ?,-- kh aa HMeniatiTc !-!-, n!Wtfae iadwan ol Ae Iwarst ariive vwaic 8Doaes oc raroea. ik a I Earoneaa brio, too. fe eoadtieled s a' i , ,.iL..i-- Aa-I HmL. MHibtiiL ! a ?am4Aa a. - ! n - r- ' iLf2.!arV2rSSL SS - - tae UKAi aeas desnaa - j mb woefc. j tt, fr-rioiw AlAa?r. IxKTistoor.S-cttisrirtKrfect!0 fcd i m tm LVSfCI " !: 'WKl c w-.. - ; i t k . k -FPfc lr r t- fi f 'k rrut E-rrt Piakcrum. t&e deujeth. tisauad j & -rand jury roooi kt a verr rasieaa i suaw-r lfc ob tfeV. K defi - ! r.te- mfortaasuQ recardiot: lheVAfect f tbe rfcitcaa iottaKMrd. bm lbs il(a hja tbat tbe-eftber sseil tbe jurr io Jn - iCKtfoanfli3nMe Bnastes-je 5 jrecesti- rooiwd, cs- req: iae jasr w ? !C s fe-b Trarrant ltr bis srms. .- - -,r- ' . . .1 1 -f I iaeaorcs w pfwi.s t: iwnx- wi ik.i xma ' fnas titt cttotodj r tbe Kspre- fe, j 1 sd to prevent tbts & is ure-ued tbc Kx I Ir..o oiHeieSa took tit actios liter da! io - 5,- " Jiaroctl lo liClit, t TorzSA. Ka.v. Xov. . Trcafc. pAj&e.!8"lfcalf f r Prir-,.'l TbomM f ! z aLzxd aian, wfad intoiiraJe-i. .". in- ' a&i R. A. "'S jKrrH--!- ir.- ta a tarn at S3 Oiru-v strn sj -sas la ---; - - i- v ' - r i f -'Jty? uarri Uj u-ata i-f rt L- couii y-4 o t t bus - J a"1 MORRIS TYPE WRITER, The 'Sritcr UA bee tm-ve.! awl Is now smitten aad a DTncxical writer for 11 kinds of bastne- p).aa.i esjtMl tnanroihjr'writIi.psed rrfesy. tSf-AlJtLlS WUxliZLK A.GAIN f A Lud flote is Heard from Clothing TJneQualed 1111 PCiJI MSw S JPak; fe-1- ii tstar'-M tsria a rg??t ij tSii S?--5b a SySiy ft."2r?i 1 Ti 1ST ?2& fe ES5s teSSc! II fe? 4,-j Parsed Mens, Youth's,- Boys Fine Ready-Made Tou cannot oJpteing' pleaded with our Elegant Tailor-Mario Suits, Our Stylish TaJ!or-Made Pante, Our Handsome Pall Orercoata. Ail the new Fall and winter styles oiBoy'nA Chlldren'c Suits. Prices Io"w and range according to quality. If you are not disposed topnrchaae. accept a cordial ImrttJiaon to exajnlnethe most complete stock of line axKl medium clothing ever exhibited in Urts or any other ctty JKJ One Priee 2?o. 22&f Corner Douglas and La-wrence arenuoB, I. GROSS, Prop. ' Hyrnctise Seeimt? It. Spfcl Btepcw to the OaHr Uaq, Svrcc?b, Kan. ov. '. Ike 000- test for the lomtioa r,f the coifflty Kt for Hnmilton couafj SrariMe -won tlie prfee bj a majority 01 tw-atv-ioe rote. TtiE crrrcvfK) pacxbiw. Tftfteea JLIundre! M la rariona Hon&es oi,;retl Out. Ciucaoo. Xov. 5. A'nliBg to flatter Workman BiilW nrler. tttrx knmtetd beef kilk-r. exapinwed in Arowor! pckia hoottc. joined the 'striken alrwitlj oat, la iiemasxttaa: that their era pit rr leKSabefafe eight hour a ctiB g tsj. Ahuoi tw axuvini men rtatr.intd as work at Asructf- btef irprUBC0t. tettd that hm i killing bnt ir eattk. Tb pork: rncR arc ail at work m omul. It u lintel that a force of VbAectoa gaards srili arrirc at Uw vafd terfa the 1t. IntntHKitym front thV; jodc rap of a rabie caararter iwliratci Uttt aH porK tscs wiH be orted ''St bf Ute KiU2bai of Ijsbor, thtw xme-wvBX te rik t4 eij&t hnarf- ia all to fosrnwr prup'inioo. tto rw- mi (vtM znvAr ani rwtT-aTe ueou- mai mem ont t BoriBrt uwtsraiy w - . jr" of berf men at ArasW ffeced to iee W& iw r-. i pr wfyi m ) JJ" fcSTf hUT j - - t - - --- f r,Ilrt -t rt , w . oar. kacxmm. . . vunuoc i- tsrs rf tee ray wi aiiaoMt rwaytete re- ! tra Uw k rww Uaniett. decs.. ier sntx ta2 plmlj er && r mr-etar im'whi-o a ma awtg'ay w -9 -ws t i - j ry ." - rrssara erwi rrtarw torw ft fcwrft t3esai cowat wiii bi ytawrr. - -- , ". r J aLZT PMI MHBB W K IUWI.CU. H.WB W- I tors f ram Jaaa l$esito aii Saltsa eaaaa-1 J I We ?i ore Uta- si ? in-i Laic- retra j?v 3rt aai aecwal co-1 "fTf e rulJZJrt s fIfe,x?to ArI!0ycn,l1e 1 f0,Sf ?" JPV!?l f 751 liU ? liAi fi M" isl0" - f Cv.tir!o. DKrrnt. 2 'v. 5 V Saa r ap9H i : - . a- jiv AeTberr Jaaeob ti cferat to r.-an- 'r . T. D7f - titwitr r WK-9:W1 - WWWJ ' ' -- t 1 ? gr Hokl I'or a Ktttwa. t Tot.aar O. .V. - ta Slsca i uxifct! Gi-j. i s-tj asaaler. mm Xfcbi i ra! 7itef lo sa i Sk t tbe ifcsB i za.-i ft tr. A- W. MW. THB WONDER - OP TH3 AGE. up n?l ' artst3o t'a It I Oaplc. tfcrabl respotsdeaw ic H ranch Ctstcr taoa th Stvvad ja sceg" rnwwassa cs-ee. Jl Af 11" 1 C! rtcral Arectforth State of Kaa..". . X.,, caccKalnSt. Lok V&s, 35. WtcRlt.Kj AGAIN the Trombone of the Groat Leaders! Novelties In and Children's n uarmenis. 1 . Clothiers. Th I!ftaUffiJI SatiW." St. hsxw. Sot 5 A btVk 6w. hr first of tte wwua, fcil Umigkl but ntr. I rmimimM Mi. 'Iltti ltao-. Perfrfaa, Fniekel, B. Bk. Pootir .nl Sbamroc. A. SMITH, CONTRACTOR. CARPENTER -JJW JOCSTEB. j' 1HfM BB4 .1 WICHITA Conservatory of llosii Oteuctor. CATHERINE RUSSE o. s. iAcoes, REAL EST AT h UT T0 itlM hB muni, alfcT C Sick C? Ks ISRAEL BROS.. :t - J rr?lfrrrTof etnrl C nrna.rc I ii UglJU CUUU J1 ULUl O f Pirci BkrvV v.sfii ul ItakkI PftMA ! A t-S-a- Kl? & 3BO&0OUS IRcal -:- feiate -:- k ASD CIVIL E1S1SEE8S.' O' a p"l e zz