Newspaper Page Text
gtxe maictoiia gailij gagle : SatxxrcUuj gJXorrihig, gloMcmber 6, 1886. Sagxe SMITHSON & CO. ROBBED BY GUIDES. COURIERS WHO FLEECE AMERICAN8 TRAVELING ON THE CONTINENT. Confession or Ono Who Has Bono Slucli Stealing Uotr it Is Done Advico to Thrw Who to Make : Cheap Trip. A fevr clays ago I wo3 speaking on the sub ject o Americans on the continent to an ex perienced courier, from whom I glerinclscra3 information that mav have some interest for your readers. Ho had just eoaio hero from Paris, after having escorted a St. Louis fam ily through the chief terras and places of in terest in France, Germany, 6-svitzeriand end lly, and seemed very ell pleased -with tho financial results of the journey. "TTou make some money at this business cf yours, I presunw1? said I, vrith an air of af fected indifference. "I should think I do," aid the clever courier, twisting his features into an expres sion of diabolical cunning. "I have a good pile at the Credit Fouckr and in the Italian government stocks; and I do not care just rolling you that every cent in the j:ila is American. I do not like the English I hate and detest them! They are no good for us couriers. They are too sharp, and never let us bring them a long bill, as they settle their accounts sometimes ttriea in twenty-four hours and they never alio for divers or ex tras unless every item is specified. "Well, if you did not know before, you know now, that 'divers' and 'extras' are some of the best ' pickings a courier lias, and as I am not an idiot, I nver go -with the English. "We couriers turn our backs ou Milord Thi, and Milord That,if we see an American with his wife and daughters coming our -way. FIEECINO TUZ AilEKIC.VK. "Ah! the American is a good, brave, gener ous souL He seldom tots up tho couriers bill, and flings his jnoney about a drcito et n qaucho as mister the millionaire Ehould. I made, for instance, some 2,CX franca per month all "xpeniC3 cleared during my sli months' trip 'with the St. Louis family. How did I make it? you say. I suppose there is no harm in lolling you. You'll bo mum on"the matter J I knoryou will, although pressmen, as a rule, aro slippery as lamprey, and are very dangerous fellows for us couriers to ;n(V't: but my grammar tells m-3 there are cx- oeptisns to every rule. "Well, sir, the average pay of a good ccarier I mean his legitimate pay is a louis a day, or something like COO francs a month; pshaw, a mere nothing when you look at it as a gentleman should I It is the picking and not the salary that keeps the pot gloriously boiling! "Xow, I have hero" in my memorandum book a list of all my hotel ketpcrs on tho con tinent Thero is hardly a town, city or inter esting site in Italy, Austria, Germany, France, Belgium, Holland and Switzerland where I have not get my men. I alw ayj, of course, bring them my American families, and pockt 10 per cent, of tho proprietors' charges, naturally wltli the proprietors' knowledge and consent Then I 'tip'groom3, valets, waiters and general servants, and charge my patrons double the amount actually laid out. In every purchase made I secure a fair proflt. What between fans and blue binocles. and fruit and ices, and field glasses and photographic views, and bouquets and illus trated newspapers, and cau de col'-gne bot tles and pastry cake, and cabs and coaches, and handbags and cigars, I manago to have my i-tirse so full that I ask leave of absenco f - r an hour or to once a month and go to tho nearest agent do change, wliro I buy Sue, beautiful shares that swell my income." XOT S'"- pnoriTABLE "NOW "I'm mighty glad,"' he added, 'that I made r v hay while the sun was shining, for cur vr"f ss.on i") is not now near "so profitable- as it u 1 to be, because the number of American farr;h5 that employ couriers b growing less ml l:s3 cvsry year. Americans cf the-new generation know mora langua-;ts t".iri tht-ir latbors used t krow, and, therefore, they can paddle tLv.1 Awn canoes Letter when they ccrac over here. Besides, tho modem Iw Yorker and Boitonian ore no: so easily taken in as thos-? of the old school, and only a clovf r courier can squevze them as he would a iemon And as all couriers are not ciwr, sir, it fol lows that theman from Broadway and tho man from Now England sometimes gf-t the bttter of tho professionals they empZoy. Still, when a very clever courier gets hold of ero "pectablo American family he is certain to riaketh' d -liars dance as nevtr they danced before. "You ask me if I were an American tourit how I should travel? Well, tcra koving America I should pick up a fair knowledge of Frr-nch and a mere smattering of German and Italian say for a few hundred dollars and then I would travel over all Europe at just precisely one-fourth tho amount that it rorts an American to-day In thi firtt place, I'd never employ 11 courier. Couriers are lTohes, rogues and kr.aves, oltL-tugh 'tis n. courier that says so but never uuad, I can bo candid and sincere when I want to; and as for guides, I'd seldom tack them on to my coat toils; they aro in tho majority of cases quite unnecessary, when you have a Brad shaw or a Baedaker in your pocket" Such L the cubst-ance of tho remarks mede by this cour-'er a faithful record cf facts and opini' n, any comment on wLi:h teems to be utterly useless. lldan Cor. New York Moil and Express. A Postal Cnrio-iltj-. The postal muum in Berlin xrsa recentl y cnrirheti by a letter cover, sent as a cunctity bv Htrr ven Cargun. who had found it among the papors left by Lis great-g'-a-idfather, Lieut. Col. von I'resent In, deceased is. 1TS1 at Steruburg, Mecklenburg. IT.r ktter it hJd contained was dated from Philadelphia, and bcn tb postmark of that city, together with tizoe of London, Calais, Bruss?I, The Hague, Amsterdam and Hamburg, th it ac tive pobt du-- brir-g narkl in "!i instance, thereby f umn-bing a of conparing tho then rai . f ro-tagc Ith those of the present Its weieht. jndgiiig from th-sire of the cover, cannot "have exceeded that cf i modem sin "Ie" letter. f"r which the rtvipiont paid the rio-.-est sum of .1 thak'rs 12 sbilhnj. C-JU-.1 to IS marks 00 pfennig Geriuau money, prent value, or CL05 UnrttU States enrrenvy. Paris American Kegister. Vaiirii L"iTue -iroadrnul errhki whivb V. fc". Kimball of thw ty ptirchaspd at the Morgan taie ia New Ycrk. f now ni fall 1 1 in his or-?iiHl hos& in Broosoa a-, rnue. Mr. Morgan iie:dJ12o for it ia London. 1- r ill tfaertly lose its fiowrs ahd thof de wring to v it should do so oan. a it i the Sattte in America that thi- oreiiid has JlontveJ, aik! im on? ecu tell when it w3I do so again. ThJU plant was in bloom but once before m London, and then lad bet two spikes. TaL s the most remarkable phtr.t cf its kind !tv,-vt to fiorfsts. The Kr-t two llowerscn each spik? aro yeilow. wlik? all the other 3P a dar5- mnrevn: but there are three yc"-v intcad of two cii this, tcnethiBT before imhani of There are r2 spikes, cich about six fet long, with Iwenty fivo flouTrs cu ea. Hechcsuar Union. C i STJCCESSOES TO THE ANGLO-AMERICAN LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY, 117 East Douglas Avenue, Laad. Loos and IcKiracce Asents. ionej tuvfait, x. ck .u wa. . , g TWrrP mnbinc a loan on Yarm. City. Chattel cr Personal eeenntr. call ana tee cs- Come in or feaJ a i I ftSESSKtoa ofyS? rSSor City tropcrty. We handle larye ainocnu o both Euum end Fcrcljn Caplf or InrwSnfnt to Real E-tate, and we Uiun enabled to make rapid salc. J Corresponded Solicited. H. L. SKH3lbO. 3Sasiiser. ( EAGLE" j i 1 - i C o m d a n w- U U IS I U U . 1 1 V! f BANK OF WICHITA. Corner Douglas and Lawrence Avenues. own-Site J. M. ALLEN &.C0., Wholesale and Retail Grocers,! JZJT 112 Douglas Avenue. WICHITA, KAN,- Authorized Capital Paid-Hp Capital ;. C. FISH. Prei.lif . I v. r. ROKNSOS, orncERS. S. H. SLAT&B. Czthier. Directors. om v-er sees. r. vr. vtilsox. Stocknolders. $200,000 $76,000 oMTEn accE. vi rrrstartii. j G.nsn. ,7;3.CCK. xr.i; ROSK:: IO.D.BAK5RS. R. K.BOYS. KVLVT ROSS. A.IHOeCK, tVr.Ri t .OUVEKOUCS. JAKISO. FISH. K. VT. TT1L3. W-L-DOCK, J.M.iUijiK. . 21. UUCS. Correspondents. I ror era sxtioxxl bak. xw Ycrk. st. loci jt.vtiosai. a.vxir. st. ubi, x HXSKOFK5SSCTZT. Kaaiaty. Ha. L K. VTOODCOCE, Ei-County Tress'r. B. S. GAItEISOX. E. A. DOT1SSY. Es-Connty Cl't. WOODCOCK, DORSEY & CO.. Have for sale, on line ot 7IGBITA & COLOBAEO BA1LROAD j Genera! Banking Business Respectfully solicttt a share of your patronage i north-vest of Wichita, to"wn lots &t nev? "cvrns of REAL ESTA1, ABSTRACTS & LOMS Office, Eorser building, Opposite Court House, ' -WICIT-A., JSI.A. IsT. TD MAIZE, 9 Miles from W icHiTA.;Kansas National Bank. GOLWIOH, 14 " IANDALE, 20 WICHITA WICHITA. Comanehe.tComanehe County, Kansas. iMT HOPE, 28 HAYEIST, 331 ELM3R, 4:21 ITo. 134 Main Street. Capital Paid Up; - $100,000 Surplus, - S 10,00o Loans Money at Lowest Rates, Issues bight Drafts on all Parts of Europe, Buys and Sells Government and Municipal Bonds. Pays Interest on Time Deposits A new city on the Cimmarron, at its junction vrith Big Bluff and Cavalry creeps, offers more inducements to the investor than any other new town platted in Kansas this year. Only three miles from the great natural salt deposit; a fine water power at the foot or Cavalry Valley, with its hundreds of fine farms, many under culti vation. A chance to get in now on the ground floor. No lots given away. Many brick and frame buildings going up. Write for full particulars to the H. W. LEWIS, President, T. W. JOHNSTON, Cashier. G. E. FRANK. Assistant Cashier. COMANCHE TOWN COMPANY, New Kiowa, Kansas. Trains are now running regularly 02 Bailroad from Wichita to ! Hutchinson. T F. W. SWAB t6rCCHLSOP. TO F. STACKHAi'-) Merchant Tailor. Keeps on hand Fne Goods of the latest styles. The largest stock in the city Satisfaction guaranteed No trouble to show goods. Call and see me. F. VV. SWAB, 1st door N of County Building. hese towns are in the best portion of WICHITA NATION AL BANK. Successors to Wichita Bank, Organized 1872. -DIBECTOHS. j. l. DYEr, s.mob:, noccr. r.0HSRTE.ia.wiittiC8 H. vr.ixwis. t. ty. joaNsro.v. c. e. 1 ra'K. x a. jitd SOL H K0H". rt-B.'Jtt. A. V.OLJVFJ-. nc? rrctMent x. w xj:vv. 0litr X. F. MZDKRLANDEE. rrwident. A. V. OLIVtK, Vlce-PrecWent. . W. KIRx-rVOOD l-"icil F-innitacr. M. M. LEVV, Treasure J. C. l'.UTA". fecrctary aim Loan and Investieit Go,,G.r;::: Li Sedarwiek Oountv. Kansas. Maps of Towna and Prices can he had as hereinafter set forrh : j At Wichita, call on N. F. Niederlander or Zoa narrio; j At Maize, call on H. Lcndensleger. At Coiwicfc, call on Geo. W. Staenrod: At Andale, Csil cr. Bank of Andele. T. H. Baiidali and W. S. Mackie, for Sit. Hope lots. At Haven. Call on Ash 5: Cranes- on J. A. Meyer. F. G-. SMYTH & SONS, Wichita. KOS HAKPJS, Wichita. $125,000 S25,000 Paid-up Capital, Surplus, DIRECTOBS. a n. icoa.v. DO A GENERAL BANKING. GOLLECTIHG AND BROKERAGE BUSINESS. Easten and Foreign Exchange bought and sold U. S. Bonds of at de nominations bought and sold. County, Township and h'unictpa! Bond bought vr K.TCCKER. JOHK BAVIDSO.V. J. C. K5TTA.V. J. O. BXTIQ30S. rrw. C.A-TVAIJCZR. VJceFrei. ZOIIX C. DSaST, Cubtr N. F. NIEDEBLANDEB, P. V. HEALY, Capital, $100,000. ANGLO-AMEBICAN Loan OSce. O. MABTHTSON, f Resident on said A del tio Money Always on Hand to Loan on Farm and City Prouertj I Of ficelin "Wichita National Bank Building, Wichita, Kan. j S. D. PALLETT -DEALEP. IX- Northern 1 Southern Pine Lumber, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH, DOORS AND BUNDS. QFFICE and WHITE g$2g&-g?- VICH ITA, KAN. i CITIZENS BANK. j j Paid-up Capital, - - $200,000 Stockholders Liability, - - $400,000 Largest Paid-TJp Capital of any Bank: in the State or Kansas. ! DIRECTORS: t I n. a. illLLER, A.R.nrm'0. H.O.LEK. S.L.Di.TI&iv vr. e. ersixLsx, 3. o. d vtidsox jou:: t. CAiirEATzis. This addition Ues west of the city of Wichita, and immediately adjoining the Fifth ward in said city. West Douglas avenue runs jjq GrBNURAL BANEHSTG,. BTJSITTESS. rv.ronc-11 rhp npnter of the addition, and in the future growth of Wichita the lots on West Douglas avenue must cecome I .,,-,.. 4. mATTmnT,;rv n-ni TPn-ri 1 i United States, County, Townsnip ana Muni cipal Bonds Bougnt ana boia. "Junction Town" Addition to Wichita ! MONEY TO LOAN ON City Property, Chattel Mortgages! AND PERSONAL SECURITY. t.ow-p.rt - "RATES! NO -:- DELAYS!- L. B. BUNNELL & CO. New Dry Goods at Retail ! special advantages A ' 10 to 20 per cent, less than regular prices. I am now receiving a fine stocU: of Fall and w niter BUSINESS LOTS ! This addition was pLiced on the market in February 1888, and out of 700 lots there are only 125 LOTS LEFT 125 J. K AIXSX, Vlce-Frenlilent. LD SJOVVKR. CJst-r. w. n. uxttomus, a4u cvwo STATE NATIONAL BANK. (SUCCESSOR TO KAXHSS STATE B.V5KJ I Paid-up Capital, i Surplus, $100,000 $5,000 DfRECTORS:- n. rjiBARr. Jr, j. i. jaax c ouurr. kqs. riAKca. j. x. aujul L. D. SKTSyZH. I'ETZR CETTO. 7T. F. GKEK.. P. V. EXALT. zono3 E. SPALTO.X. j COTJCSTVNBEXTS- I ITION'AL B V.V-E O? TOT, REPCUUr. T. ork. 5ATKJKXL BA-'HC 07 AtfEWC. Gt , tIR3T SATIOKAI. OAXE. Eaiw City, EUICXSTO.'SX yATSOSAX. SAXZ. rrt. Of this addition to which the attention of those seeking investments is directed : E. L0121APJ), SiL. rrU-n:- ;XKS L. LOXZJL.RO. VJwlreict. ATennf ami First St. srt -- -v New Dry Goods, Notions, j FIRST. The land is higher than any part of the City on the T pjY) YQ prj y npf QpQ (yn I f Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc. east side by at least 15 feet, and the entire drainage is to LAJU1 J(hi U IflUl b Ch U j O. , To aort rJT lare E-i on hani vhlch I offr nt prlcesi- stated alyire. prfparatoiy to nthtix!r.a tneDig ArKa 3 i ,4vfev sr rtffiiC MiiHfifil? ton.. SFr.nNn.-Rjirfip.ld University, the State Christian Colleee ! Ijt fcABWU RlL &ftnK D-,L!,fiU JOHN G. AI,LEy.!a buiiding which, when completed, will cost over $100s0GO j Mo on t0 delay when security and lies immediately soum cm ma aoumon. : anc tie are roocL Kates as io?r as j THIRD. The Catholic society are building a college im- j trie lowest. mediately west of this addition, the cost of which will be: rCMJL AND QEEUS 3 $100,000, and this plant is to oe acoeu to rrom year w t year. a s king, Secf FOURTH.-The Missouri Pacific R. R. will in a chori time GLOBE IRON WORKS ! Founders and Machinists. Manufacturers of ! STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. I Iron and brass castings, pulleys and shafting and an kinds of ma ! chine-v House castings m anv design to order. Dean steam pumps and pumping machinery. All kinds of repairing done on short notice I and satisfaction guaranteed. I A. FLAGG, Proprietor. lOO OAPuS lOANON -:- CITY -:- COAL! I BATJG-EP. LTTM3SR CO., lEST DOUGIAS AVS. J C, O. DAVIDSOK. PresMen:' 'rn a. "K. GELilAi. VfcsPrcsL.Xil,a,5'.H V&XJbT. rVHSMiMS ,& atvimB. Cat? Wiu. f',itiA. Amiy ti . v . .. 11.,. . j--i. r u p. n r.A r .c.i place shops on tneaaaiuon, ana a aepos: oi y ut u. uw 1 1, . r,. . tt ii t 1 Scott R. R.wili be placed on this addition inside of 30 days f lfS; AFKailSaS Valley BaiM. FIFTH. The new Fifth Ward School building is coraplsted, tfte cost i .x --. tw. of which is SI 5,000. ! SIXTH. The street cars reach this addition, making it oafy 10 Ka S3 Mfctn Strsei. - Wichita, Zzoaas. f- 0 j O LI 3...,'.. . i! It- XJfiAm .HrMiA! minutes tnae ?rcm west side to corner of Main su a..d e6k:S a.c. rHpM4 y., . u. 7 c,.-d-m. cpYFKTH The fair irround lies irniTfuCsately norts ot tne addui&n. a-u.bjiteumizau&ntvt?.iz i LASTLY. The addition is heomiftg itself, and the facts prove it j, JL.co5r; w i. JOKri' COZINE & RIDDELL, One r Ik U-ttst'rt cZ U-. F4kr estate famous I j i'jo statco tt iiltrty should Lo tHfl Hallow, iki ih-'I" He qtKtes a:i nrtu lc frcm Th-J Hagizii.o cf Aaitsncan IIIs tnr. in saofort o bs cs:rtion. Tba -rrritor of the artirle sajs thut tbo Ucsdsr has I'xn perFtoctcd bocasw pabtie :itta3Uoa liss never lxn.i'e'l toil The jsloati takes its i;ame from Jfiiwe itetlfow. ns tlrt ores1. atJio dl'l in IC83. Chfeigo HerakL n. '; f ii. : : - - LU rAkar zAmt'mnfi arp kpi&or ! ins wesi siae oi ms urn is u tup. rm vmw ..,. & Tl T JnAv T snv PATYino-nTT hrJcford nn hv PHRF W1HH. "WIHDY VIK9." The iRvestniefits o I no JLJaviu&unuddio p FctsfP A rrpnfQ PATD-rP CAPITAIi, 860,000. cai. on IuCll Ej uUJ IvJ ilg UJi bO , Monev Always on Hand to Loan en Improved Farm and Gity Property, j F, G. SMYTH, SR. P- v- HEALY. muiie nma?o w r r ., .,.. ki cr Mincoi akihcd t r,v Pr: asd ra.-rm vst Ssk- -Heats CoHected And Jutes Pad. . . ., .. ..- K SHiKK IX. r. niLv-ritHr.i it, i --j ' j--j k i . ..a w kM k. -v k n rM r-ir t f-i rnw i iv im -- Have Loanea fiore muuc .. u...Ci.. .va.... i.. -... w-...r . - State WICHITA, KANSAS. GAR1S0N &. H0BS0N. HUSEY k KRCENERT, ANGLO AMERICAN CO. E. H. DEVORE & CO. 156 If. y.ATffST. Btntnesi Pmptiy Aiteadciizo WIOHEEA, ASAS.